2011, Volume 32, Issue 8
- 1437-1454 Care, Disability and HIV in Africa: diverging or interconnected concepts and practices?
by Ruth Evans & Agnes Atim - 1455-1474 Geodisability Knowledge Production and International Norms: a Sri Lankan case study
by Fiona Campbell - 1475-1491 The Lived Experience of Families Living with Spinal Cord Disability inNortheast Thailand
by Julie King & Mark King - 1493-1513 Disability and Poverty: the need for a more nuanced understanding of implications for development policy and practice
by Nora Groce & Maria Kett & Raymond Lang & Jean-Francois Trani - 1515-1525 Including Deaf Children in Primary Schools in Bushenyi, Uganda: a community-based initiative
by Susie Miles & Lorraine Wapling & Julia Beart - 1527-1536 Disability and Humanitarianism in Refugee Camps: the case for a travelling supranational disability praxis
by Mansha Mirza - 1537-1540 Poverty and Disability in the Global South
by Janaka Biyanwila
2011, Volume 32, Issue 7
- 1183-1198 Post-Development, Developmental State and Genealogy: condemned to develop?
by Samer Frangie - 1199-1215 Cracks in the Firmament of Burma's Military Government: from unity through coercion to buying support
by David Williams - 1217-1232 Liberia: security challenges, development fundamentals
by Andreu Solà-Martín - 1233-1253 South African ‘Imperialism’ in a Region Lacking Regionalism: a critique
by Ian Taylor - 1255-1271 Constituting Liberty, Healing the Nation: revolutionary identity creation in the Arab world's delayed 1989
by Abdelwahab El-Affendi - 1273-1289 Co-Producing with FBOs: lessons from state–madrasa engagement in the Middle East and South Asia
by Masooda Bano - 1291-1306 Instrumental, Narrow, Normative? Reviewing recent work on religion and development
by Ben Jones & Marie Petersen - 1307-1329 How Neopatrimonialism Affects Tax Administration: a comparative study of three world regions
by Christian Von Soest & Karsten Bechle & Nina Korte - 1331-1346 Marketing Development: celebrity politics and the ‘new’ development advocacy
by April Biccum - 1347-1368 A Tale of Two Egypts: contrasting state-reported macro-trends with micro-voices of the poor
by Solava Ibrahim
2011, Volume 32, Issue 6
- 997-1014 Cloud Computing in the Global South: drivers, effects and policy measures
by Nir Kshetri - 1015-1037 Click to Donate: visual images, constructing victims and imagining the female refugee
by Heather Johnson - 1039-1056 The New Biopower: Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers and the obfuscation of international collective responsibility
by Celine Tan - 1057-1072 Legitimacy, Identity and Climate Change: moving from international to world society?
by Thomas Weiss & Martin Burke - 1073-1087 Hyper-reality and Statebuilding: Baudrillard and the unwillingness of international administrations to cede control
by Aidan Hehir - 1089-1105 Islamism and Democracy in the Modern Maghreb
by JNC Hill - 1107-1125 Fighting Tax Evasion in Latin America: the contrasting strategies of Chile and Argentina
by Omar Sanchez - 1127-1145 Reframing Development in the Age of Vulnerability: from case studies of the Philippines and Trinidad to new measures of rootedness
by Robin Broad & John Cavanagh - 1147-1163 Washington's Growth and Opportunity Act or Beijing's ‘Overarching Brilliance’: will African governments choose neither?
by Joanne Davies - 1165-1181 Africa's prospects and South Africa's leadership potential in the emerging markets century
by Stefan Andreasson
2011, Volume 32, Issue 5
- 801-806 Invoking Political Civility in the Middle East
by Frédéric Volpi - 807-825 Civility: Between Disciplined Interaction and Local/Translocal Connectedness
by Armando Salvatore - 827-843 Framing Civility in the Middle East: alternative perspectives on the state and civil society
by Frédéric Volpi - 845-862 Authoritarian Government, Neoliberalism and Everyday Civilities in Egypt
by Salwa Ismail - 863-881 An Uncivil Partnership: Egypt's Jama'a Islamiyya and the state after the
by Ewan Stein - 883-904 Transitional African Spaces in Comparative Analysis: inclusion, exclusion and informality in Morocco and Cape Verde
by Pedro Marcelino & Hermon Farahi - 905-924 Fascism, Civility and the Crisis of the Turkish State
by Tim Jacoby - 925-942 Hizbullah in the Civilising Process: anarchy, self-restraint and violence
by Adham Saouli - 943-958 Official Islam and the Limits of Communicative Action: the paradox of the Amman Message
by Michaelle Browers - 959-980 The Arab State and (Absent) Civility in New Communicative Spaces
by Emma Murphy - 981-987 Dis-Orienting Clusters of Civility
by S Sayyid - 989-995 Civilities, Subjectivities and Collective Action: preliminary reflections in light of the Egyptian Revolution
by Salwa Ismail
2011, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 611-627 The Poverty of the Doha Round and the Least Developed Countries
by James Scott & Rorden Wilkinson - 629-652 Globalisation with Growth and Equity: can we really have it all?
by Lloyd Gruber - 653-672 Postcolonialism: interdisciplinary or interdiscursive?
by Malreddy kumar - 673-688 Budget Support and Democracy: a twist in the conditionality tale
by Rachel Hayman - 689-706 Radical Democracy in Global Perspective: notes from the pluriverse
by Janet Conway & Jakeet Singh - 707-724 Power, Interests and Coalitions: the political economy of mass privatisation in Turkey
by Ziya Önis - 725-742 Horror and Hope: (re)presenting militarised children in global North–South relations
by Katrina Lee-Koo - 743-764 Reintegrating Young Combatants: do child-centred approaches leave children—and adults—behind?
by Jaremey McMullin - 765-786 Dominant Discourses, Debates and Silences on Child Labour in Africa and Asia
by Tatek Abebe & Sharon Bessell - 787-797 Development and the Limits of Amartya Sen's
by Séverine Deneulin
2011, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 367-378 Mainstreaming Sport into International Development Studies
by Simon Darnell & David Black - 379-394 Sport, the Military and Peacemaking: history and possibilities
by Richard Giulianotti & Gary Armstrong - 395-415 Football and Post-War Reintegration: exploring the role of sport in DDR processes in Sierra Leone
by Christopher Dyck - 417-433 Punching above its Weight: Cuba's use of sport for South–South co-operation
by Robert Huish - 435-452 Preventive HIV/AIDS Education through Physical Education: reflections from Zambia
by Donald Njelesani - 453-475 A Political Ecology of Development in the Boteti River Region of Botswana: locating a place for sport
by Larry Swatuk & Moseki Motsholapheko & Dominic Mazvimavi - 477-502 ‘A Secret Instinct of Social Preservation’: legitimacy and the dynamic (re)constitution of Olympic conceptions of the ‘good’
by Byron Peacock - 503-529 More than a Sporting Chance? Appraising the sport for development legacy of the 2010 FIFA World Cup
by Scarlett Cornelissen - 531-549 Corporatising Sport, Gender and Development: postcolonial IR feminisms, transnational private governance and global corporate social engagement
by Lyndsay Hayhurst - 551-569 The Paucity of, and Dilemma in, Evaluating Corporate Social Responsibility for Development through Sport
by Roger Levermore - 571-587 Global Subjects or Objects of Globalisation? The promotion of global citizenship in organisations offering sport for development and/or peace programmes
by Rebecca Tiessen - 589-601 Sport for Development and Peace: a public sociology perspective
by Peter Donnelly & Michael Atkinson & Sarah Boyle & Courtney Szto - 603-609 Cautions, Questions and Opportunities in Sport for Development and Peace
by Bruce Kidd
2011, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 199-216 Transcending the Great Foreign Aid Debate: managerialism, radicalism and the search for aid effectiveness
by Nilima Gulrajani - 217-236 Cosmopolitan or Colonial? The World Social Forum as ‘contact zone’
by Janet Conway - 261-277 War Minus the Shooting? The politics of sport in Lebanon as a unique case in comparative politics
by Danyel Reiche - 279-293 The World Cup, Vuvuzelas, Flag-Waving Patriots and the Burden of Building South Africa
by Sabelo Ndlovu-Gatsheni - 295-313 Africa's Fear of Itself: the ideology of in South Africa
by David Mario Matsinhe - 315-331 ‘Race’, Gender and Neoliberalism: changing visual representations in development
by Kalpana Wilson - 333-348 The Mixed Metaphor of ‘Third World Woman’: gendered representations by international development s
by Nandita Dogra - 349-365 The White Woman's Burden: from colonial to Third World
by Jawad Syed & Faiza Ali
2011, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-2 Foreword
by Ban Ki-Moon - 3-8 The Millennium Development Goals: challenges, prospects and opportunities
by Nana Poku & Jim Whitman - 9-25 If not the Millennium Development Goals, then what?
by Jan Vandemoortele - 27-43 The Millennium Development Goals: back to the future?
by Aram Ziai - 45-63 Achieving the s and Ensuring Debt Sustainability
by Bernhard Gunter - 65-89 Millennium Development Goal 1: poverty, hunger and decent work in Southeast Asia
by Neil Renwick - 91-117 The ‘Other Diseases’ of the Millennium Development Goals: rhetoric and reality of free drug distribution to cure the poor's parasites
by Tim Allen & Melissa Parker - 119-139 Food Security Politics and the Millennium Development Goals
by Philip McMichael & Mindi Schneider - 141-163 The ‘ and s’ Approach: what is it, why does it matter, and how do we take it forward?
by Julia Kim & Brian Lutz & Mandeep Dhaliwal & Jeffrey O'Malley - 165-180 The Idea of Partnership within the Millennium Development Goals: context, instrumentality and the normative demands of partnership
by Amy Barnes & Garrett Brown - 181-198 The Millennium Development Goals and Development after 2015
by Nana Poku & Jim Whitman
2010, Volume 31, Issue 8
- 1223-1235 From War on Terror to War onWeather? Rethinking humanitarianism in a new era of chronic emergencies
by Barry Munslow & Tim O'Dempsey - 1237-1250 Humanitarian Early Warning Systems: myth and reality
by Jonathan Whittall - 1251-1269 Between Aid and Politics: diagnosing the challenge of humanitarian advocacy in politically complex environments—the case of Darfur, Sudan
by KM Bridges - 1271-1295 Chronic Crises in the Arc of Insecurity: a case study of Karamoja
by Mark O'Keefe - 1297-1320 The Disasters of War in Darfur, 1950–2004
by Stephen Reyna - 1321-1338 East Africa's Pastoralist Emergency: is climate change the straw that breaks the camel's back?
by PJ Blackwell - 1339-1356 Globalisation and Climate Change in Asia: the urban health impact
by Barry Munslow & Tim O'Dempsey - 1357-1375 Child Participation in Disaster Risk Reduction: the case of flood-affected children in Bangladesh
by Mary-Laure Martin - 1377-1394 The Dialectics of Piracy in Somalia: the rich versus the poor
by Abdi Samatar & Mark Lindberg & Basil Mahayni - 1395-1412 Colonial Imaginaries and Postcolonial Transformations: exiles, bases, beaches
by Uma Kothari & Rorden Wilkinson - 1413-1433 Reconstituting the Neostructuralist State: the political economy of continuity and change in Chilean mining policy
by Jewellord Nem Singh
2010, Volume 31, Issue 7
- 1041-1056 Torture, Sex and Military Orientalism
by Patricia Owens - 1057-1079 Diffusion and Effects of Cyber-Crime in Developing Economies
by Nir Kshetri - 1081-1090 Microfinancing the Developing World: how small loans empower local economies and catalyse neoliberalism's endgame
by Gregor Campbell - 1091-1105 Small State Discourses in the International Political Economy
by Donna Lee & Nicola Smith - 1107-1124 Reconstruction ‘From Below’: a new magic bullet or shooting from the hip?
by Dorothea Hilhorst & Ian Christoplos & Gemma Van Der Haar - 1125-1143 The Violence of Aid? Giving, power and active subjects in One World Conservatism
by Joanne Sharp & Patricia Campbell & Emma Laurie - 1145-1160 Neo-Orientalism? The relationship between the West and Islam in our globalised world
by Mohammad Samiei - 1161-1179 Corruption in the Courts: the Achilles' heel of Nigeria's regulatory framework?
by JNC Hill - 1181-1203 The Evolution of the Foreign Direct Investment Regime in the Americas
by Paul Haslam - 1205-1222 Subnational Economic Nationalism? The contradictory effects of decentralization in Peru
by Kent Eaton
2010, Volume 31, Issue 6
- 833-850 The Unhappy Marriage of Religion and Politics: problems and pitfalls for gender equality
by Shahra Razavi & Anne Jenichen - 851-867 Contested Identities: gendered politics, gendered religion in Pakistan
by Farida Shaheed - 868-868 Asian Journal of Political Science
by The Editors - 869-884 Religion, Politics and Gender Equality in Turkey: implications of a democratic paradox?
by Yeşim Arat - 885-903 Islamic Politics and Women's Quest for Gender Equality in Iran
by Homa Hoodfar & Shadi Sadr - 904-904 Asian Ethnicity
by The Editors - 905-920 Between Universal Feminism and Particular Nationalism: politics, religion and gender (in)equality in Israel
by Ruth Halperin-Kaddari & Yaacov Yadgar - 921-937 On the Bodies of Women: the common ground between Islam and Christianity in Nigeria
by Charmaine Pereira & Jibrin Ibrahim - 938-938 Journal of Contemporary Asia
by The Editors - 939-954 Gender, Religion and Democratic Politics in India
by Zoya Hasan - 955-970 Religion, Politics and Gender in the Context of Nation-State Formation: the case of Serbia
by Rada Drezgić - 971-988 Democracy in the Country but not in the Home? Religion, politics and women's rights in Chile
by Virginia Guzmán & Ute Seibert & Silke Staab - 989-1005 Politics, Religion and Gender Equality in Contemporary Mexico: women's sexuality and reproductive rights in a contested secular state
by Ana Amuchástegui & Guadalupe Cruz & Evelyn Aldaz & María Mejía - 1006-1006 Author Services
by The Editors - 1007-1021 Reproductive Rights in Poland: when politicians fear the wrath of the Church
by Jacqueline Heinen & Stéphane Portet - 1022-1022 Author Services
by The Editors - 1023-1039 Sex, Secularism and Religious Influence in US Politics
by Elizabeth Bernstein & Janet Jakobsen
2010, Volume 31, Issue 5
- 675-692 Towards a Post-Structuralist Development Ethics? Alterity or the same?
by Trevor Parfitt - 693-707 Governments vs States: decoding dual governance in the developing world
by Ersel Aydinli - 708-708 Asian Ethnicity
by The Editors - 709-720 The Geography of Participation
by Benedikt Korf - 721-737 The State Elite, s and Policy Implementation in Aid-dependent Ghana
by Lindsay Whitfield - 738-738 Journal of Contemporary Asia
by The Editors - 739-754 Peacekeeping, Regime Security and ‘African Solutions to African Problems’: exploring motivations for Rwanda's involvement in Darfur
by Danielle Beswick - 755-771 Cacophonies of Aid, Failed State Building and s in Haiti: setting the stage for disaster, envisioning the future
by Laura Zanotti - 772-772 Asian Journal of Political Science
by The Editors - 773-790 Participation Denied: the Global Environment Facility, its universal blueprint, and the Mexico–Mesoamerican Biological Corridor in Chiapas
by Kate Ervine - 791-802 The Role of International Clientelism in the National Factionalism of Palestine
by Dag Tuastad - 803-815 Hezbollah and the Axis of Refusal: Hamas, Iran and Syria
by Rola El Husseini - 816-816 The Pacific Review
by The Editors - 817-828 Looking for ‘the International’ beyond the West
by Pinar Bilgin - 829-832 The Bitterness of the Islamic Hero in Three Recent Western Works of Fiction
by Stephen Chan
2010, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 501-522 Introduction: relocating culture in development and development in culture
by Dia Da Costa - 523-540 The Politics of Representation and Financial Fetishism: the case of the G20 summits
by Susanne Soederberg - 541-559 Books vs Bombs? Humanitarian development and the narrative of terror in Northern Pakistan
by Nosheen Ali - 561-579 Conscripts of Competitiveness: culture, institutions and capital in contemporary development
by Marcus Taylor - 581-597 The Hollow Within: anxiety and performing postcolonial financial policies
by Maureen Sioh - 599-616 A Million Dollar Exit from the Anarchic Slum-world: 's hollow idioms of social justice
by Mitu Sengupta - 617-635 Subjects of Struggle: theatre as space of political economy
by Dia Da Costa - 637-654 Contested Credit Landscapes: microcredit, self-help and self-determination in rural Bangladesh
by Jason Cons & Kasia Paprocki - 655-674 Afro-Brazilian : critical perspectives on knowledge and development
by Alexandre Emboaba Da Costa
2010, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 347-363 Towards an Emancipatory International Law: the Bolivarian reconstruction
by Mohsen Al Attar & Rosalie Miller - 365-384 World Turned Upside Down? Rise of the global South and the contemporary global financial turbulence
by Ravi Palat - 385-399 The Geography of Warscape
by Benedikt Korf & Michelle Engeler & Tobias Hagmann - 401-413 Resources and Rent Seeking in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
by Stephanie Matti - 415-430 Poor Practices: contestations around ‘Below Poverty Line’ status in India
by Bina Fernandez - 431-447 What is Fair Trade?
by Andrew Walton - 449-467 Empowering Women through Fair Trade? Lessons from Asia
by Anna Hutchens - 469-483 The Tools of Whose Trade? How international accounting guidelines are failing governments in the global South
by Gabriella Carolini - 485-499 The ‘Neo-Taliban’ and Counterinsurgency in Afghanistan
by Shehzad Qazi
2010, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 169-184 Going South: capitalist crisis, systemic crisis, civilisational crisis
by Barry Gills - 185-206 Rethinking the Imperial Difference: towards an understanding of US–Latin American encounters
by David Slater - 207-222 Informality and Collective Organising: identities, alliances and transnational activism in Africa
by Ilda Lindell - 223-241 for Development Through Sport: examining its potential and limitations
by Roger Levermore - 243-258 Corruption, s, and Development in Nigeria
by Daniel Jordan Smith - 259-276 Derivative Nature: interrogating the value of conservation in ‘Boundless Southern Africa’
by Bram Büscher - 277-293 One Worldwide Patent System: what's in it for developing countries?
by Morten Walløe Tvedt - 295-314 The ‘Poverty’ of Political Society: Partha Chatterjee and the People's Plan Campaign in Kerala, India
by Nissim Mannathukkaren - 315-332 Jazz in the Time of Globalisation: the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America
by Ken Cole - 333-346 Comparative Commonwealths: an overlooked feature of global governance?
by Timothy M Shaw
2010, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-12 Governance and Development: changing EU policies
by Wil Hout - 13-29 The European Union, Good Governance and Aid Co-ordination
by Maurizio Carbone - 31-49 Is the EU's Governance ‘Good’? An assessment of EU governance in its partnership with states
by Nikki Slocum-Bradley & Andrew Bradley - 51-67 Governance and Relations between the European Union and Africa: the case of
by Ian Taylor - 69-85 The EU and Southeastern Europe: the rise of post-liberal governance
by David Chandler - 87-103 The EU in Central Asia: successful good governance promotion?
by Katharina Hoffmann - 105-121 Investigating the Two Faces of Governance: the case of the Euro-Mediterranean Development Bank
by Karim Knio - 123-139 Global Europe, Guilty! Contesting EU neoliberal governance for Latin America and the Caribbean
by Rosalba Icaza - 141-157 Between Development and Security: the European Union, governance and fragile states
by Wil Hout - 159-168 Understanding EU Development Policy: history, global context and self-interest?
by Stephen Hurt
2009, Volume 30, Issue 8
- 1395-1409 Resisting ‘Global Justice’: disrupting the colonial ‘emancipatory’ logic of the West
by Andrew Robinson & Simon Tormey - 1411-1426 The Developer's Self: a non-deterministic Foucauldian frame
by Morgan Brigg - 1427-1448 The Poverty of Statistics and the Statistics of Poverty
by Alan Freeman - 1449-1464 The Discourse of Development: has it reached maturity?
by Dhammika Herath - 1465-1481 Behind an Offshore Mask: sovereignty games in the global political economy
by William Vlcek - 1483-1501 Leaving Security in Safe Hands: identity, legitimacy and cohesion in the new Afghan and Iraqi armies
by Sven Simonsen - 1503-1528 Kashmir: ripe for resolution?
by Moeed Yusuf & Adil Najam - 1529-1547 Governance and Hyper-corruption in Resource-rich African Countries
by Hazel McFerson - 1549-1564 Policy Coalitions, Economic Reform and Military Power in Ecuador and Venezuela
by William Avilés
2009, Volume 30, Issue 7
- 1237-1258 Mobile Phones and Financial Services in Developing Countries: a review of concepts, methods, issues, evidence and future research directions
by Richard Duncombe & Richard Boateng - 1259-1277 Incoherence between Tax and Development Policies: the case of the Netherlands
by Francis Weyzig & Michiel van Dijk - 1279-1296 Changing Donor Policy and Practice in Civil Society in the Post-9/11 Aid Context
by Jude Howell & Jeremy Lind - 1297-1316 The Future of Preventive Wars: the case of Iraq
by Onder Bakircioglu - 1317-1328 The (Neglected) Statist Bias and the Developmental State: the case of Singapore and Vietnam
by Martin Gainsborough - 1329-1341 Making Plans for Liberia—a Trusteeship Approach to Good Governance?
by Morten Bøås - 1343-1361 Developing Countries and the Struggle on the Access to Medicines Front: victories won and lost
by Valbona Muzaka - 1363-1377 Post-Accra: is there space for country ownership in global health?
by Devi Sridhar - 1379-1394 Overcoming Constraints of State Sovereignty: global health governance in Asia
by Michael Stevenson & Andrew Cooper
2009, Volume 30, Issue 6
- 1069-1086 The Evolution of Post-conflict Recovery
by Sultan Barakat & Steven Zyck - 1087-1102 The Changing North–South and South–South Political Economy of Biofuels
by Peter Dauvergne & Kate Neville - 1103-1121 The Rise of Postcolonial States as Donors: a challenge to the development paradigm?
by Clemens Six - 1123-1138 Getting Armed Groups to the Table: peace processes, the political economy of conflict and the mediated state
by Achim Wennmann - 1139-1158 Making Sense of Mugabeism in Local and Global Politics: ‘So Blair, keep your England and let me keep my Zimbabwe’
by Sabelo Ndlovu-Gatsheni - 1159-1182 Anatomy of the Global Food Crisis
by Pedro Conceição & Ronald Mendoza - 1183-1196 Food Price Volatility and Vulnerability in the Global South: considering the global economic context
by Jennifer Clapp - 1197-1213 The Implications of India's Amended Patent Regime: sping away food security and farmers' rights?
by Jagjit Plahe