2006, Volume 13, Issue 7
- 409-415 Measuring cost of children using equivalence scale on Japanese panel data
by Masako Oyama - 417-422 Modelling the structural break in volatility
by Konstantin Kholodilin & Vincent Wenxiong Yao - 423-426 The impact of local taxes on public school performance: the case of Pennsylvania
by Tin-Chun Lin & Shakil Quayes - 427-429 The Coase problem: a transformation of the usual utility function
by Paulo Macas Nunes - 431-434 The distribution of income over life: an empirical approach
by Marta Pascual - 435-443 Do board characteristics affect corporate performance? Firm-level evidence for India
by Saibal Ghosh - 445-448 Testing for parameter stability: the Spanish consumption function
by M. Matilla-Garcia & P. Perez & B. Sanz - 449-455 Seasonal behaviour of the consumer price index of Turkey
by Evren Erdoğan Cosar - 457-461 Long-run validity of Purchasing Power Parity and cointegration analysis for Central Asian countries
by Murat Doğanlar - 463-470 Efficiency of the Philippine stock market
by Rodolfo Aquino
2006, Volume 13, Issue 6
- 333-336 Measuring efficiency in allocating inputs among outputs with DEA
by Darold Barnum & John Gleason - 337-340 Some notes on informational coalition in a vertical market structure
by Takaaki Aoki - 341-345 Crime and community heterogeneity: race, ethnicity, and religion
by Michelle Trawick & Roy Howsen - 347-349 Exports, foreign direct investment, and productivity: evidence from German firm level data
by Joachim Wagner - 351-354 Estimates of learning by watching and endogenous technical progress in six OECD countries
by Lawrence Brunner & Michael Shields - 355-357 Adapting a nonparametric pooling test for use in panel cointegration models
by Ashok Mishra & Charles Moss - 359-364 Does contract enforcement matter for international lending?
by Wasseem Mina - 365-368 A note on commodity price aggregation bias without separability
by Camilo Sarmiento & Richard Just - 369-374 Detecting neglected parameter heterogeneity with Chow tests
by Joachim Zietz - 385-390 Does distance matter for determining regional income in the European Union? An approach through the market potential concept
by Jesus Lopez-Rodriguez & J. Andres Faina - 391-393 Price and output risk: empirical analysis
by Moawia Alghalith - 395-398 Testing the representative agent assumption: the distribution of parameters in a large-scale model of the EU 1972-1998
by Terry Barker & Sebastian de-Ramon
2006, Volume 13, Issue 5
- 265-267 The power of single equation tests for cointegration
by Steven Cook - 269-271 An alternative way of determining the range of Averch and Johnson's Lagrange multiplier: a note
by Jorg Borrmann & Jorg Finsinger - 273-277 The demand for medical care in Japan: initial findings from a Japanese natural experiment
by Mari Kan & Wataru Suzuki - 279-286 The evolution of the Swedish wage structure: new evidence for 1992-2001
by Magnus Gustavsson - 287-292 A new approach to examining the sustainability of external imbalances: the case of Japan
by Tuck Cheong Tang - 293-299 Calculating the optimal hedge ratio: constant, time varying and the Kalman Filter approach
by Abdulnasser Hatemi-J & Eduardo Roca - 301-305 On the validity of conventional statistical tests given evidence of non-synchronous trading and non-linear dynamics in returns generating process
by Samir Saadi & Devinder Gandhi & Khaled Elmawazini - 307-311 Is there a long-run relationship between trade balance and terms of trade? The case of Malaysia
by Wong Hock Tsen - 313-318 Valuation of patent - a real options perspective
by Ming-Cheng Wu & Chun-Yao Tseng - 319-324 Export-led growth hypothesis: evidence for Chile
by Boriss Siliverstovs & Dierk Herzer - 325-331 A flexible nonlinear inference to Okun's relationship
by Ho-Chuan Huang & Shu-Chin Lin
2006, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 201-203 Is it really the Fisher effect?
by Paul Johnson - 205-210 The unequal distribution of the public-private sector wage gap in Greece: evidence from quantile regression
by Evangelia Papapetrou - 211-216 Convergence of fiscal policies in EMU: a unit-root tests analysis with structural break
by Christophe Blot & Francisco Serranito - 217-222 A game theoretic analysis of tariffs, dynamic inconsistency, resource conservation, and trade
by Amitrajeet Batabyal - 223-228 Effect of cross correlations in error terms on the model selection criteria for the stationary VAR process
by Nezir Kose & Nuri Ucar - 229-233 Practical illustrations of the two recent contributions to stochastic frontier models
by Yoshihiko Tsukuda & Tatsuyoshi Miyakoshi - 235-240 Testing for inflation convergence between the Euro Zone and its CEE partners
by Imed Drine & Christophe Rault - 241-245 Quality bias in price elasticity
by Chanjin Chung - 247-250 The smooth-saving-retention-coefficient with country-size
by Tsungwu Ho & Ho-Chuan Huang - 251-256 Much ado about nothing: conditional logit vs. random coefficient models for estimating labour supply elasticities
by Peter Haan - 257-263 An example of intermittency in nonlinear economic cycles
by A. C. -L. Chian & E. L. Rempel & F. A. Borotto & C. Rogers
2006, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 135-139 Does labour respond to cyclical fluctuations? The case of Italy
by Davide Furceri - 141-146 A citation analysis of ARC Discovery and Linkage grant investigators in economics and finance
by Robert Brooks & John Byrne - 147-152 Portfolio decomposition and intrahousehold environments: evidence from Bangladesh
by Connie Bayudan - 153-157 On the ratio of gamma and levy random variable
by Saralees Nadarajah & Samuel Kotz - 159-162 Short-term modified Phillips curves for the accession countries
by Mariam Camarero & Josep Lluis Carrion-i-Silvestre & Cecilio Tamarit - 163-169 Demand systems for agricultural products in OECD countries
by Erkan Erdil - 171-175 The 2002 Farm Bill commodity programs: a tool for improving rotation crop profitability and reducing risk in potato cropping systems
by John Halloran - 177-182 A forecast based NAIRU measure of the US
by Hyeon-Seung Huh - 183-187 The 'price puzzle', once more
by Jerome Creel - 189-193 The wealth effect of housing on aggregate consumption
by Kam-Ki Tang - 195-199 Episodic nonlinearity in Latin American stock market indices
by Claudio Bonilla & Rafael Romero-Meza & Melvin Hinich
2006, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 67-72 An experimental analysis of impacts of uncertainty and irreversibility on willingness-to-pay
by Murat Isik - 73-76 ITC decisions on antidumping duties under the WTO
by Jai Mah - 77-80 A comparison of two common approaches for estimating marginal effects in binary choice models
by Jeremy Verlinda - 81-87 Japan's balancing item: do timing errors matter?
by Tuck Cheong Tang - 89-92 Samuelson's multiplier-accelerator model revisited
by Frank Westerhoff - 93-95 Horizontal merger in bilaterally duopolistic industries with differentiated products
by Zouhaier M'Chirgui & Walid Hichri - 97-100 Expert opinion and brand reputation: an analysis from a French Cuban cigars guidebook
by Florine Livat & Nicolas Vaillant - 101-105 Software piracy and income inequality
by Antonio Rodriguez Andres - 107-111 The determinants of residential water demand: empirical evidence for a panel of Italian municipalities
by Massimiliano Mazzanti & Anna Montini - 113-116 On multi-decomposition of the aggregate Luenberger productivity index
by Stephane Mussard & Nicolas Peypoch - 117-121 Comparative analysis of the effective income tax function: empirical evidence using LIS data
by Byung In Lim & Jin Kwon Hyun - 123-126 Are trading rules based on genetic algorithms profitable?
by Mariano Matilla-Garcia - 127-130 Entry deterrence in the Schmalensee-Salop model
by Michael Geisler & Harald Wiese - 131-133 The long-range dependence phenomena in asset returns: the Chinese case
by Daniel Cajueiro & Benjamin Tabak
2006, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-5 Strategic union delegation and incentives for merger
by Ana Mauleon & Vincent Vannetelbosch - 7-10 The influences of economic openness on Japan's balancing item: an empirical note
by Tuck Cheong Tang - 11-15 Do governments lead or lag in fighting crime?
by Paresh Kumar Narayan & Russell Smyth - 17-20 Measuring performance heterogeneity within groups - a two-dimensional approach
by Michael Fritsch & Andreas Stephan - 21-27 Implications of alternative stochastic processes for investment in agricultural technologies
by Murat Isik - 29-33 Earnings convergence in UK counties: a distribution dynamics approach
by Paul Bishop & Peter Gripaios - 35-39 What a difference a source makes! An analysis of export data
by Sheila Amin Gutierrez de Pineres - 41-45 Bootstrapping prediction intervals on stochastic volatility models
by Yun-Huan Lee & Tsai-Hung Fan - 47-50 Competition and R&D in retail banking under expense preference behaviour
by Luis Granero & Juan Carlos Reboredo - 51-56 Scale of variance, unit of data and the power of unit root tests under structural changes - a strategy for analysing Nelson-Plosser data
by Meng-Shiuh Chang & Teng-Yuan Hu - 57-62 Private label price rigidity during holiday periods
by Georg Muller & Mark Bergen & Shantanu Dutta & Daniel Levy - 63-66 Effects of trade liberalization on firm profits and social welfare: the role of technology
by G. Badri Narayanan
2005, Volume 12, Issue 15
- 913-918 Does leverage influence banks' non-performing loans? Evidence from India
by Saibal Ghosh - 919-922 Exchange rate variability, pressures and optimum currency area criteria: some empirical evidence from the 1990s
by Roman Horvath - 923-927 Forecasting economic time series with measurement error
by Kosei Fukuda - 929-932 Change in unconditional foreign exchange rate volatility: an analysis of the GBP and USD price of the Euro from 2002 to 2003
by Richard Heaney & Kerry Pattenden - 933-936 Monetary policy rules and the information content of the term structure of interest rates
by Ralf Fendel & Michael Frenkel - 937-940 Evidencing European regional convergence clubs with optimal grouping criteria
by Toni Mora - 941-947 A three components subgroup decomposition of the Hirschman-Herfindahl index and household's income inequalities in Cameroon
by C. Chameni Nembua - 949-951 The separation rate cannot be exogenous
by Ben-David Nissim - 953-956 Luck and giving
by Julio Videras - 957-962 Fiscal policy sustainability: test of intertemporal borrowing constraints
by Huseyin Kalyoncu - 963-966 Decentralization and health care expenditure: the Spanish case
by David Cantarero
2005, Volume 12, Issue 14
- 849-858 Export-led growth and the Japanese economy: evidence from VAR and directed acyclic graphs
by Titus Awokuse - 859-863 Is dread of Genetically Modified food associated with the consumers' demand for information?
by Joan Costa-Font & Elias Mossialos - 865-869 Cross-country analysis of high employment-generating industries
by Abbas Valadkhani - 871-879 The adjustments of stock prices to information about inflation: evidence from MENA countries
by Samer Al-Rjoub - 881-886 An empirical note on testing hysteresis in unemployment for ten European countries: panel SURADF approach
by Tsangyao Chang & Kuei-Chiu Lee & Chien-Chung Nieh & Ching-Chun Wei - 887-891 Suicide and business cycles: new empirical evidence
by Matti Viren - 893-898 Testing for persistence in aggregate and sectoral Canadian unemployment
by Ossama Mikhail & Curtis Eberwein & Jagdish Handa - 899-905 Cross-sectional and serial correlation in a small-sample homogeneous panel data unit root test
by Kristian Jonsson - 907-911 An empirical investigation of capital expenditure announcements
by Nikos Vafeas & Catherine Shenoy
2005, Volume 12, Issue 13
- 785-788 Technical efficiency bias caused by intra-input aggregation in data envelopment analysis
by Darold Barnum & John Gleason - 789-794 When do smokers 'underestimate' smoking related mortality risks?
by Joan Costa-Font & Joan Rovira - 795-799 On style momentum strategies
by Ferdi Aarts & Thorsten Lehnert - 801-804 An investment strategy based on gearing ratio
by Gulnur Muradoglu & Morten Bakke & Gyrid Kvernes - 805-810 Specialization and openness to foreign trade in the European Union
by Elisa Alvarez Lopez & Rafael Myro Sanchez - 811-815 A nonparametric analysis of the black/white wage gap
by Shawn Ulrick - 817-821 Allowing options in experimental auctions
by Matthew Rousu & Katherine Kosa - 823-828 Bilateral intra-industry trade flows and intellectual property rights protection: first empirical evidence
by Nasser Al-Mawali - 829-834 Detecting mutual fund timing ability using the threshold model
by Ping-Huang Chou & Huimin Chung & Erh-Yin Sun - 835-840 Analytics for geometric average trigger reset options
by Tian-Shyr Dai & Yuh-Yuan Fang & Yuh-Dauh Lyuu - 841-844 Finite sample effects of additive outliers on the Granger-causality test with an application to money growth and inflation in Peru
by Thierno Balde & Gabriel Rodriguez - 845-848 The approximate slopes and the power of the GMM overidentifying restrictions test
by Sheng-Kai Chang
2005, Volume 12, Issue 12
- 719-722 Sinful indulgences, soft substitutes, and self-control
by Hugo Mialon & Sue Mialon - 723-728 Price substitutes: the case of entrance to Greek universities
by George Gerasimou - 729-734 Incorporating decision makers' risk preferences into real options models
by Murat Isik - 735-740 Stock market political cycles in a small, two-party democracy
by Jared Cahan & Christopher Malone & John Powell & Udomsak Wong Choti - 741-744 Logit models: smallest versus largest extreme value error distributions
by Wuyang Hu - 745-748 Detecting outliers and influential observations with heteroscedasticity-corrected models
by David Martin & Vikram Kumar - 749-753 Unstable periodic orbits embedded in a chaotic economic dynamics model
by Ken-ichi Ishiyama & Yoshitaka Saiki - 755-758 An application of the residual deviance analysis in testing input separability restrictions
by Morteza Haghiri & Alireza Simchi - 759-762 International income polarization: a note
by Juan Antonio Duro - 763-767 Is there convergence in income inequality levels among the European regions?
by Roberto Ezcurra & Pedro Pascual - 769-773 Cigarette smuggling mitigates the public health benefits of cigarette taxes
by R.Andrew Luccasen & R. Morris Coats & G. Karahan - 775-780 A cautionary note on the detection of multifractal scaling in finance and economics
by Sergio Bianchi - 781-784 Changes in occupational segregation by race and ethnicity in the USA
by Herve Queneau
2005, Volume 12, Issue 11
- 653-655 Partial privatization and screening
by Hongbin Li & Qian Wang - 657-661 An investigation of the relationship between bond market volatility and trading activities: Korea treasury bond futures market
by Joocheol Kim - 663-667 Military spending as another cause of the failure of the PPP
by Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee & Gour Gobinda Goswami - 669-672 Exploiting information from path dependency in Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition procedures
by Martin Fournier - 673-677 Political elections and foreign investor trading in South Korea's financial markets
by Chien-Liang Chiu & Chun-Da Chen & Wan-Wei Tang - 679-685 The Taylor rule and real-time data - a critical appraisal
by Par Osterholm - 687-691 Evidence of affiliation of values in a repeated trial auction experiment
by John Bernard - 693-696 Exports, economic growth and causality in Korea
by Titus Awokuse - 697-700 Provincial convergence in Spain: a spatial econometric approach
by Jose Villaverde - 701-704 Non-linear mean reversion of real exchange rates and purchasing power parity: some evidence from Turkey
by Joseph Alba & Donghyun Park - 705-709 Sources of gender difference in rural to urban migration in Kenya: does human capital matter?
by Richard Agesa & Jacqueline Agesa - 711-717 The information content of M0 in the United Kingdom
by Mohammad Hasan
2005, Volume 12, Issue 10
- 589-595 Bidding behaviour in the multi-unit Vickrey and uniform price auctions
by John Bernard & William Schulze & Timothy Mount - 597-601 A semiparametric hedonic model for valuing wetlands
by Okmyung Bin - 603-611 Stock returns and volatility: empirical evidence from fourteen countries
by Ercan Balaban & Aslı Bayar - 613-617 The scope test revisited
by Samiran Banerjee & James Murphy - 619-623 Demand stochastics, supply adaptation, and the distribution of film earnings
by W. D. Walls - 625-631 R&D spillovers and productivity growth: evidence from Italian manufacturing microdata
by Francesco Aiello & Paola Cardamone - 633-637 Consumers' attitude towards hormone-free milk: what have we learned?
by Kalyan Chakraborty - 639-641 Estimating the value of leisure time in Korea
by Kwangsuck Lee & In-Moo Kim - 643-648 Persistent wage differential and its implications on the Balassa-Samuelson hypothesis
by Jeong-Joon Lee - 649-652 Do loyal subordinates get higher wages? Experience from China
by Hon-Kwong Lui & Yui-Tim Wong
2005, Volume 12, Issue 9
- 525-528 Can real exchange rate devaluation improve the trade balance? The 1990-1998 Brazilian case
by Fabio Augusto Reis Gomes & Lourenco Senne Paz - 529-532 Bank efficiency ratios in Latin America
by Jeremy Forster & Sherrill Shaffer - 533-536 On the property of diffusion in the spatial error model
by Julie Le Gallo & Catherine Baumont & Sandy Dall'erba & Cem Ertur - 537-543 Evidence on the seasonality of stock market prices of firms traded on organized markets
by Jeffrey Jarrett & Eric Kyper - 545-548 Direct and indirect effects of new business formation on regional employment
by Michael Fritsch & Pamela Mueller & Antje Weyh - 549-551 No cure, be paid: super-contingent fee contracts
by Lambert Schoonbeek & Peter Kooreman - 553-556 Effects of multicollinearity on the definition of mutual funds' strategic style: the Spanish case
by Luis Ferruz Agudo & Luis A. Vicente Gimeno - 557-560 Macroeconomic and institutional determinants of current account deficits
by Erdal Ozmen - 561-565 Completely predictable and fully anticipated? Step ups in warrant exercise prices
by Luis Garcia-Feijoo & John Howe & Tie Su - 567-571 Changing export status and firm performance: evidence from UK small firms
by Francisco Requena Silvente - 573-576 A note on return distribution of UK stock indices
by Ercan Balaban & Jamal Ouenniche & Danae Politou - 577-581 Capital mobility: evidence from four South Asian economies
by Arusha Cooray - 583-587 The role of human capital in economic growth
by Vladimir Teles
2005, Volume 12, Issue 8
- 457-461 An empirical study on risk-taking in tournaments
by Christian Grund & Oliver Gurtler - 463-466 German dominance in the European Monetary System: a reprise using robust Wald tests
by G. Geoffrey Booth & Cetin Ciner - 467-471 Impacts of macroeconomic policies on the Latvian output and policy implications
by Yu Hsing - 473-478 Why some US nonmetropolitan counties moved out of persistent high-poverty status in the 1990s
by Mark Partridge & Dan Rickman - 479-483 Does equality reduce growth? Some empirical evidence
by Marta Bengoa & Blanca Sanchez-Robles - 485-488 Applications of a more for less result to labour markets and to auctions
by Michael Ryan - 489-492 Extreme risk in futures contracts
by John Cotter - 493-497 Why explore for oil when it is cheaper to buy?
by Les Coleman - 499-504 Is the tourism-led growth hypothesis valid for Turkey?
by Lokman Gunduz & Abdulnasser Hatemi-J - 505-511 Low pay, higher pay and job quality: empirical evidence for Portugal
by Jose Cabral Vieira & Antonio Menezes & Patricia Gabriel - 513-520 The performance of the Markov-switching model on business cycle identification revisited
by Ming-Yuan Leon Li & Hsiou-Wei William Lin & Rau Hsiu-hua - 521-524 The effects of income and children on marital happiness — evidence from middle- and old-aged couples
by Hung-Lin Tao
2005, Volume 12, Issue 7
- 391-393 Do higher tipped minimum wages boost server pay?
by John Anderson & Orn Bodvarsson - 395-398 Worker turnover and productivity growth
by Pekka Ilmakunnas & Mika Maliranta & Jari Vainiomaki - 399-402 A three-regime business cycle model for an emerging economy
by Moritz Cruz - 403-409 A study of the initial returns and the aftermarket performance of initial public offerings of demutualized building societies in the UK
by Radha Shiwakoti & Robert Hudson & Helen Short - 411-417 A test for multivariate ARCH effects
by R. Scott Hacker & Abdulnasser Hatemi-J - 419-423 Monetary policy implications of electronic currency: an empirical analysis
by Ann Owen & Christopher Fogelstrom - 425-429 Can Japan avert any future banking crisis?
by Monzur Hossain - 431-435 Convergence hypothesis of regional income in Korea
by Ji Kim - 437-441 Economies of scale and cost efficiency in the postal services: empirical evidence from Switzerland
by Massimo Filippini & Marika Zola - 443-446 Agricultural productivity convergence across Europe and the United States of America
by Anthony Rezitis - 447-452 Does complexity reduce coordination?
by Gregory Parkhurst & Jason Shogren - 453-455 Quality choice, the Coase problem, and a fixed cost function of quality: a note
by Tsuyoshi Toshimitsu
2005, Volume 12, Issue 6
- 327-333 A technical analysis approach to tourism demand forecasting
by C. Petropoulos & K. Nikolopoulos & A. Patelis & V. Assimakopoulos - 335-338 Collusion and price dispersion
by John Connor - 339-344 The determinants of solvency in the United Kingdom life insurance market
by Yung-Ming Shiu - 345-346 Restaurant tips and service quality: a reply to Lynn
by Őrn Bodvarsson - 347-350 Proposed modified probit model incorporating non-parametric density estimation: how to measure asymmetric information in the health insurance market?
by Takaaki Aoki - 351-354 Finite-sample quantiles of the Jarque-Bera test
by Steve Lawford - 355-359 A mean squared error estimator of market size in hedonic price analysis
by Camilo Sarmiento - 361-364 Export-led growth in Bangladesh: a time series analysis
by K. A. Al Mamun & H. K. Nath - 365-368 The number of working hours a salary earner is willing to reduce for leisure activities
by Seung-Hoon Yoo - 369-373 Did the bubble burst cause structural breaks in the Japanese economy? Evidence from 84 manufacturing industries
by Kosei Fukuda - 375-378 Are exports and imports cointegrated? Evidence from 22 least developed countries
by Paresh Kumar Narayan & Seema Narayan - 379-382 Patents and the faster introduction of new drugs in developing countries
by Joan-Ramon Borrell - 383-389 Bridging the gap between the measurement of poverty and of deprivation
by Vani Borooah