1995, Volume 2, Issue 12
- 473-477 A note on tobacco product prices in the Australian CPI
by Terry Maxwell Alchin - 478-481 An alternative approach to testing uncovered interest parity
by Razzaque Bhatti & Imad Moosa - 482-483 The supply side effects of inflation in the United States: evidence from multifactor productivity
by David Smyth - 484-486 On the relationship between the debt ratio and debt maturity
by Jakob De Haan & Bernd Jan Sikken & Andrew Hilder - 487-490 Quasi-real bonds: inflation-indexing that retains the government's hedge against aggregate-supply shocks
by David Eagle & Dale Domian - 491-494 History versus expectations: test of new growth theory
by Jati Sengupta & Kumiko Okamura
1995, Volume 2, Issue 11
- 415-418 Asymmetry in the variance of economic activity: evidence for long-run UK GDP
by David Peel & Alan Speight - 419-421 Aggregate health care expenditure in the United States: new results
by N. R. Vasudeva Murthy & Victor Ukpolo - 422-427 Nonlinearities in business cycle: SETAR models and G7 industrial production data
by Mauro Gallegati & Domenico Mignacca - 428-431 A measure of persistence in daily pound exchange rates
by Christopher Brooks - 432-436 The relationship between real long-short interest spread differentials and real exchange rates
by Kofi Amoateng - 437-439 Are devaluations effective in inducing real depreciations in sub-Saharan Africa?
by W. A. Razzak - 440-443 Equilibrium models of asset pricing with progressive taxation and tax evasion
by Xuejun Wang - 444-448 Velocity and the variability of anticipated and unanticipated money growth: a cross-country comparison
by Gerald Lynch & Bradley Ewing - 449-456 Market reactions to several popular trend-chasing technical signals
by Michael Wong - 457-459 Relative price dispersion and inflation: evidence from Taiwan's hyperinflation
by Jin-Tan Liu - 460-462 Inflation uncertainty and real economic activities
by Kiseok Lee & Shawn Ni
1995, Volume 2, Issue 10
- 321-322 Optimal time-phasing of investment: a consolidated spurious model
by Joan Pasqual & Jose Antonio Tarrio - 323-326 Autocorrelations, returns and Australian financial futures
by Robert Brooks & Paul Michaelides - 327-330 A note on forecasting the CAC 40 and DAX stock index futures
by Andrew Clare & Joelle Miffre - 331-334 Returns and firm size: A note on the UK experience 1970-1991
by Patricia Fraser - 335-338 Information shares in Canadian agricultural cash and futures markets
by Paul Brockman & Yiuman Tse - 339-342 A time-varying parameter consumption model for the UK
by Haiyan Song - 343-346 Satellite broadcasting and match attendance: the case of rugby league
by Mark Baimbridge & Samuel Cameron & Peter Dawson - 347-350 Testing long-run neutrality of money: evidence from the UK
by Dimitrios Malliaropulos - 351-354 A note on benefit differentials of black and white female workers
by Albert Ade Okunade - 355-358 Capacity utilization in the USA and inflation: testing for cointegration and Granger causality
by Muhammad Mustafa & Matiur Rahman - 359-362 Measuring the effects of regulation: an event study of the English and Welsh water industry
by John Sawkins - 363-366 Dynamic Farrell efficiency: a time series application
by Jati Sengupta - 367-371 Graduated work incentives and how they affect marital stability: the Canadian evidence
by Saud Choudhry & Derek Hum - 372-374 Omitted variables, dynamic specification and tests for homogeneity
by David Madden - 375-379 The choice of functional form and estimation of banking inefficiency
by Suzhen Zhu & Paul Ellinger & C. Richard Shumway - 380-382 Heteroscedasticity and other misspecification issues in the market model
by G. Karathanassis & C. Patsos - 383-387 An empirical note on the impact of college athletics on tuition revenues
by Franklin Mixon & Rand Ressler - 388-390 Differentiating use and non-use values with the properties of the variation function
by John Whitehead - 391-393 The predictability of Finnish stock index futures and cash returns by derivatives volume
by Ralf Ostermark & Teppo Martikainen & Jaana Aaltonen - 394-396 Evidence on volatility spillovers in the interwar floating exchange rate period based on high/low prices
by J. D. Byers & D. A. Peel - 397-399 Unit roots cointegration and the demand for money in India
by B. Bhaskara Rao - 400-402 A pilot test of using the veil of ignorance approach to estimate a social welfare function for income
by Magnus Johannesson & Ulf-G Gerdtham - 403-405 Time aggregation and causality tests: results from a monte carlo experiment
by S. Cunningham & J. Vilasuso - 406-408 The treatment of Z factors in price cap plans
by Mark Newton Lowry & Lawrence Kaufmann - 409-411 The use of spline functions for forecasting in the presence of structural changes: a cautionary tale
by J. M. Steeley - 412-414 Seigniorage versus inflation tax: a comment
by Philip Sachinides
1995, Volume 2, Issue 9
- 291-294 Changes in volatility of the sterling-Deutschmark exchange rate: the effect of ERM membership
by David Chappell & Joanne Padmore - 295-297 Children and the economics of Christmas gift-giving
by Carol Horton Tremblay & Victor Tremblay - 298-301 Political empowerment: earnings in the presence of African-American mayors
by Michael Greene & Emily Hoffnar - 302-304 Kaldor's technical progress function revisited
by Erkin Bairam - 305-307 Structural change in the relationship between presidential popularity and inflation and unemployment: the Nixon and Ford presidencies
by David Smyth & Pami Dua & Susan Washburn Taylor - 308-310 The Finnish demand for money revisited: an application of Box-Tiao cointegration analysis and bootstrap tests
by Stefano Fachin - 311-315 The foreign exchange market efficiency hypothesis revisited
by Swarna Dutt & Dipak Ghosh - 316-320 Purchasing power parity doctrine: weak and strong form tests
by Swarna Dutt & Dipak Ghosh
1995, Volume 2, Issue 8
- 245-247 Union joining: an empirical test of the social custom model
by Mike Ingham - 248-254 Expectations-augmented Phillips curve: further evidence from state economies
by James Payne - 255-257 Estimating the returns to college: a longitudinal analysis
by Paul Gabriel - 258-262 Alternative transformations in a class of limited dependent variable models: alcohol consumption by US women
by Steven Yen - 263-265 The implications of cointegration in financial markets
by Peijie Wang - 266-270 Unions and the rise in wage inequality in Britain
by Derek Leslie & Yonghao Pu - 271-277 Cointegration and market efficiency: a time series analysis of the Greek drachma
by Panayiotis Diamandis & Georgios Kouretas - 278-279 Suicide, homicide and unemployment
by Bijou Yang & David Lester - 280-283 The winner/loser hypothesis: some preliminary Australian evidence on the impact of changing risk
by D. E. Allen & Robert Prince - 284-287 Test of variable output and scale elasticities for 20 US manufacturing industries
by Wen-Jen Hsieh - 288-290 Moment condition failure in high frequency financial data: evidence from the S&P 500
by A. Abhyankar & L. S. Copeland & W. Wong
1995, Volume 2, Issue 7
- 203-207 The sizes and powers of some proposed I(1) and I(0) tests for a typical macro-economic time series
by Mikael Linden - 208-210 The pricing of small firm bank finance: evidence from the UK
by Kevin Keasey & Robert Watson - 211-214 Does layoff risk explain the firm-size wage differential?
by Rudolf Winter-Ebmer - 215-219 Bilinear quadratic ARCH and volatility spillovers in inter-war exchange rates
by J. D. Byers & D. A. Peel - 220-222 English league transfer prices: is there a racial dimension?
by Barry Reilly & Robert Witt - 223-226 Factor price equalization: revisited
by K. Doroodian & Chulho Jung - 227-230 A comment on some recent estimates of economies of scale in higher education
by Paul Cormack - 231-235 Intertemporal solvency and breaks in the US deficit process: a maximum-likelihood cointegration approach
by Peter Liu & Evan Tanner - 236-238 Interpreting adjustment cost effects under asymmetry: a note
by Donald Dutkowsky - 239-243 Measuring inter-national differences in income: a distributional approach
by F. R. Oliver & K. L. Q. Read
1995, Volume 2, Issue 6
- 169-173 An almost ideal demand system with autoregressive disturbances for dairy products in Greece
by Anastasios Xepapadeas & Hassini Habib - 174-176 An option pricing theory explanation of the increase in the divorce rate
by Majed Muhtaseb - 177-179 Export-led growth hypothesis: some empirical testing
by Satya Paul & Kabir Chowdhury - 180-183 Resource prices, supply shocks and output fluctuations
by Roy Boyd & Tony Caporale - 184-187 Changes in the extent of financial integration within the European Community between the 1970s and 1980s
by Eric Pentecost & Mark Holmes - 188-190 Optimal lag length in estimating Dickey-Fuller statistics: an empirical note
by Daniel Gordon - 191-195 A choice-theoretic and information-oriented approach to the short-run characteristics of real and nominal interest rates
by Umit Erol & Erol Balkan - 196-198 Exchange rate market efficiency: further evidence from cointegration tests
by Victor Ukpolo - 199-202 Long-run and short-run money demand: which price deflator to use? Some evidence using New Zealand data
by Pierre Siklos
1995, Volume 2, Issue 5
- 135-138 A proposed framework for monetary policy
by Anthony Garratt & Stephen Hall - 139-143 Day of the week effects: new evidence from an emerging stock market
by Ercan Balaban - 144-147 Does trading volume have a unit root?
by Salim Darbar & Partha Deb - 148-150 Does generalizing density functions better explain urban commuting? Some evidence from the Los Angeles region
by Shunfeng Song - 151-155 A note on market integration before and after the stock crash in October 1987
by Gordon Tang & Billy Mak - 156-158 An empirical test of the effect of the return interval on conditional volatility
by Timothy Brailsford - 159-162 Property crime and unemployment: a new perspective
by Bijou Yang Lester - 163-165 Misspecification of the market model: the implications for event studies
by J. Andrew Coutts & Terence Mills & Jennifer Roberts - 166-167 The human development index and per capita GDP
by Sadequl Islam
1995, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 86-90 Estimating efficiency by cost frontiers: a comparison of parametric and nonparametric methods
by Jati Sengupta - 91-94 An explanation of the slowdown in US economic growth
by H. Sonmez Atesoglu - 95-97 The demand for broad money in the United Kingdom and in West Germany: a comparative dynamic short-run study
by P. Arestis & I. Biefang-Frisancho Mariscal & P. G. A. Howells & H. -M. Trautwein - 98-102 Is it real? The relationship between real deficits and real growth: new evidence using long-run data
by Jakob De Haan & Jan Egbert Sturm - 103-106 A note on board directors
by Donald Fraser & Hao Zhang - 107-109 Age and inter-county net migration in Great Britain
by Jim Millington - 110-112 New evidence regarding the statistical properties of the FTA500 UK stock market index
by David Brookfield - 113-114 IGARCH and variance change in the US long-run interest rate
by Philip Hans Franses - 115-117 Economies of scale in state lotteries: an update and statistical test
by Steven Caudill & Sandra Johnson & Franklin Mixon - 118-121 Is money more productive in a developing economy?
by Abdur Chowdhury & Yingqui Liu - 122-125 Lifetime income distribution: households versus individuals
by J. H. M. Nelissen - 126-129 Does profit-sharing work in a centrally-planned economy? Evidence from the Chinese state industries
by Shujie Yao - 130-133 Co-integrating relationship between terms of trade and current account deficit: the Australian evidence
by Asraul Hoque
1995, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 49-50 Tests of covered interest parity: a comment
by Lloyd Blenman - 51-55 Monetary policy, output and inflation in Bangladesh: a dynamic analysis
by Abdur Chowdhury & Minh Dao & Abu Wahid - 56-59 Ex ante hedge ratios and the hedging effectiveness of the FTSE-100 stock index futures contract
by Phil Holmes - 60-63 The impact of international trade on the 'in-house' transaction sector: evidence from the United States, 1985-89
by Hans-Jurgen Engelbrecht - 64-66 A behavioural approach to sovereign debt reschedulings
by B. C. Lee & John Powell - 67-71 The fractal structure in multinational stock returns
by Bwo-Nung Huang & Chin Yang - 72-75 The effect of race on earnings in the United States
by Javed Ashraf - 76-79 Exponential smoothing and spurious correlation: a note
by Keith Blackburn & Felipe Orduna & Martin Sola - 80-82 An analysis of the structural change in the exchange market pressure: Korea, 1980-89
by Jai Sheen Mah
1995, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 27-30 Asset reallocation with interest rate swaps
by Zhenmin Fang & Richard Yan-Ki Ho - 31-33 The second J-curve and trade account dynamics
by Mark Roberts - 34-37 A decomposition method for analysing inter-group income differences with an application to Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland
by Vani Borooah & Patricia McKee & Michael Smyth - 38-41 Money, output and prices in Turkey
by H. Sonmez Atesoglu & Donald Dutkowsky - 42-44 A test for rational expectations when some variables are I(2)
by P. Michael & A. R. Nobay & D. A. Peel - 45-47 Interest rate linkages within the European Monetary System: an alternative interpretation
by Guglielmo Maria Caporale & Nikitas Pittis
1995, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-6 How sensitive are trends to data definitions? Results for East Asian and G5 countries
by Yin-Wong Cheung & Menzie David Chinn & Tuan Tran - 7-11 Scale and technical efficiency in the production of economic research
by Geraint Johnes - 12-15 Analysing the property-gilts yield differential
by Chris Gardiner & John Henneberry - 16-18 Preliminary findings on the economic effects of Greek military expenditure
by Christos Kollias - 19-22 The causal relationship between taxes and expenditures in the G7 countries: cointegration and error-correction models
by Oluwole Owoye - 23-25 Externality effect of the USA total, federal and state government expenditures on private investment, 1960-91
by Erkin Bairam
1994, Volume 1, Issue 12
- 215-218 Market volatility and skewness persistence
by Jati Sengupta & Raymond Sfeir - 219-222 The behaviour of closed-end country fund prices in the Asian NIEs
by Abdur Chowdhury - 223-226 The social impact of unemployment
by Bijou Yang & David Lester - 227-229 Cointegration analysis of agriculture and non-agricultural sectors in the Chinese economy 1952-92
by Shujie Yao - 230-232 Purchasing power parity and market frictions: a neutral band analysis
by Phillip Lawler & Neil Manning - 233-235 A duration analysis approach to the examination of the lengths of periods of price stability in the UK retail petrol industry
by Mark Bailey & Clive Collis - 236-240 Cointegration, risk aversion and real asset prices
by Dimitris Kirikos
1994, Volume 1, Issue 11
- 183-186 Portfolio mix and net charge offs at large United States commercial banks
by Stephen Miller & Athanasios Noulas - 187-189 Interpretation of negative sample selection effects in wage offer equations
by John Ermisch & Robert Wright - 190-193 Wealth transfers and the initial pricing of PERCS
by S. Swidler & P. Ahmed - 194-199 Another look at the evidence on foreign aid led economic growth
by Judith Giles - 200-203 Determinants of the level and methods of charitable giving in the 1990 Family Expenditure Survey
by Andrew Jones & Richard Marriott - 204-206 Cointegration, causality and the government budget-inflation relationship in Greece
by George Hondroyiannis & Evangelia Papapetrou - 207-209 A note on the tests of Granger-causality between exports and economic growth
by Erdal Atukeren - 210-213 A note regarding ARCH and threshold processes: results from a Monte Carlo study
by Gregory Goering & Michael Pippenger
1994, Volume 1, Issue 10
- 161-163 Foreign aid and economic growth in Cameroon: evidence from cointegration tests
by Vasudeva Murthy & Victor Ukpolo & John Mbaku - 164-166 Sampling errors and the substitution between white-collar and blue-collar workers
by W. H. J. Hassink & R. D. Huigen & Z. Zeelenberg - 167-171 Purchasing power parity: a cointegration analysis of the Australian, New Zealand and Singaporean currencies
by John Cooper - 172-174 Accuracy of the translog function
by David Stern - 175-177 The effects of inflation on economic growth in industrial and developing countries: is there a difference?
by Richard Burdekin & Thomas Goodwin & Suyono Salamun & Thomas Willett - 178-181 Motivations that underlie the subscription prices in common stocks rights offerings: industrial firms
by Majed Muhtaseb
1994, Volume 1, Issue 9
- 139-141 A reappraisal of parity reversion for UK real exchange rates
by Nuno Crato & Philip Rothman - 142-144 Measurement error and the returns to excess schooling
by John Robst - 145-147 Velocity and money growth variability: evidence from Japan
by Dennis McCornac - 148-151 A new approach to testing ex ante purchasing power parity
by Razzaque Bhatti & Imad Moosa - 152-157 The stability of velocity: a test for seasonal cointegration
by R. Stuart McDougall - 158-160 Hysteresis in the earnings function: an analysis by occupation
by Simon Parker & Timothy Dewhurst
1994, Volume 1, Issue 8
- 123-126 Cost structure in college and university student health centres
by Maryann Brady & Djeto Assane & Lewis Karstensson - 127-131 Residential location and the earnings of white and Hispanic men
by Michael Greene & Emily Hoffnar - 132-133 Segmented trends and the stochastic properties of UK output
by Terence Mills - 134-137 The elasticity of scale in large New York Stock Exchange companies and corporations, 1975-92
by Erkin Bairam
1994, Volume 1, Issue 7
- 103-106 The demand for test match cricket
by Michael Hynds & Ian Smith - 107-110 Investment data and the empirical relationship between exporters, government and economic growth
by Paul Hansen - 111-113 Kuznets's inverted-U hypothesis revisited
by Yu Hsing & David Smyth - 114-118 The effect of unemployment insurance on unemployment rate and average duration: evidence from pooled cross-sectional time-series data
by Phanindra Wunnava & Syed Ali Raza Mehdi - 119-121 A model of dynamic efficiency measurement
by Jati Sengupta
1994, Volume 1, Issue 6
- 89-91 Balance of payments determined growth in Germany
by H. Sonmez Atesoglu - 92-95 Forecasts of inflation with price expectations
by Jakob Brochner Madsen - 96-98 A diffusion model of right-to-work law history in the United States
by Franklin Mixon - 99-101 Long-run purchasing power parity: the case of Greece 1980-1992
by Everton Dockery & Yannis Georgellis
1994, Volume 1, Issue 5
- 69-73 Impact of trade on purchasing power parity in black market and official exchange rates
by Cuddalore Sundar - 74-76 The investment-output ratio in growth regressions
by W. Robert & J. Alexander - 77-80 Cross country evidence on nonlinearity in industrial production between the wars
by J. D. Byers & D. A. Peel - 81-83 January or April? Tests of the turn-of-the-year effect in the New Zealand stock market
by Mahendra Raj & David Thurston - 84-87 A comparative analysis of the causes of discrimination between rental and owner-occupied housing units
by Canopy Roychoudhury
1994, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 55-57 Foreign aid and economic growth in Cameroon: a reply
by John Mukum Mbaku - 58-62 Factors determining the income velocity of money in a developing economy
by Abdur Chowdhury - 63-65 Chaotic volatility in market portfolios
by Jati Sengupta & Yijuan Zheng - 66-68 Takeover activity and share returns in Australia: a note
by Stephen Easton
1994, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 35-38 Government wage differentials for women: do city dwellers earn more?
by Sharmila Choudhury - 39-40 Structural change and unit root testing: British industrial production 1700-1913
by David Greasley & Les Oxley - 41-43 Testing nonlinearities in purchasing power parity
by Imad Moosa - 44-48 An empirical investigation of the export growth-economic growth relationship
by Swarna Dutt & Dipak Ghosh - 49-53 The unbiasedness of the forward exchange rate: evidence from the 1920s
by Salim Darbar
1994, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 25-28 Price instability and inflation: empirical evidence from the People's Republic of China
by Qiang Du - 29-31 Property tax effects on intrametropolitan firm location: further evidence
by Miles Finney - 32-33 How not to find the relationship between foreign aid and economic growth
by Johan Bring
1994, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-3 Pricing options on short-term interest rates using discrete arbitrage-free models
by Mahendra Raj - 8-11 Duopsony models with consistent conjectural variations
by Yang-Ming Chang & Victor Tremblay - 12-13 Capital punishment and deterrence: a comment on Cloninger's paper
by Bijou Yang & David Lester - 14-18 Consistency under exponential forecasting
by Swarna Dutt - 19-23 How do UK regional commercial rents move?
by Peijie Wang & George Matysiak
1987, Volume 2, Issue 4
- 83-85 Foreign direct investments bias the net external asset position
by Christian Bellak