March 2014, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 11-35 Ordering sellers in sequential auctions
by Qiang Gong & Xu Tan & Yiqing Xing - 37-71 Workup
by Romans Pancs - 73-82 An equivalence of secure implementability and full implementability in truthful strategies in pure exchange economies with Leontief utility functions
by Katsuhiko Nishizaki
December 2013, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 249-271 Stable and efficient coalitional networks
by Jean-François Caulier & Ana Mauleon & Jose Sempere-Monerris & Vincent Vannetelbosch - 273-305 Multiple and last-minute bidding in competing internet auctions
by Marta Stryszowska - 307-321 Keyword auctions with budget-constrained bidders
by Youngwoo Koh - 323-333 Strategy-proofness on restricted separable domains
by Ricardo Martínez & Bernardo Moreno
September 2013, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 165-181 Relaxing IIA and the effect on individual power
by Donald Campbell & Jerry Kelly - 183-203 Information concentration in common value environments
by Vlad Mares & Mikhael Shor - 205-238 The structure of decision schemes with cardinal preferences
by Shasikanta Nandeibam - 239-248 On the structure of voting systems between two alternatives
by Bonifacio Llamazares
June 2013, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 83-94 Maximally representative allocations for guaranteed delivery advertising campaigns
by R. McAfee & Kishore Papineni & Sergei Vassilvitskii - 95-128 The Gates Hillman prediction market
by Abraham Othman & Tuomas Sandholm - 129-150 The “probability of a fit choice”
by Norman Schofield - 151-164 Partnership-enhancement and stability in matching problems
by Koichi Tadenuma
March 2013, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-16 Sealed bid auctions versus ascending bid auctions: an experimental study
by Christer Andersson & Ola Andersson & Tommy Andersson - 17-26 An equity characterization of second price auctions when preferences may not be quasilinear
by Toyotaka Sakai - 27-41 Arbitrage, strategic inefficiency and self-regulation
by Dimitris Voliotis - 43-62 Nash-implementation of competitive equilibria via a bounded mechanism
by Gael Giraud & Hubert Stahn - 63-81 The organization of expertise in the presence of communication
by Flavia Roldán
December 2012, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 269-282 Nash bargaining in ordinal environments
by Özgür Kıbrıs - 283-296 Competing mechanism games of moral hazard: communication and robustness
by Andrea Attar & Eloisa Campioni & Gwenaël Piaser & Uday Rajan - 297-309 Nash implementation via simple stochastic mechanisms: strategy space reduction
by Michele Lombardi - 311-321 Conditions for incentive compatibility in models with multidimensional allocation functions and one-dimensional types
by X. Ruiz del Portal - 323-330 The public release of information in first-price sealed-bid auctions
by François Maréchal & Pierre-Henri Morand
September 2012, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 89-91 Introduction to a festschrift for Andrew Schotter
by Boğaçhan Çelen & Erkut Özbay - 93-118 Network architecture, cooperation and punishment in public good experiments
by Jeffrey Carpenter & Shachar Kariv & Andrew Schotter - 119-134 Fear of losing in a clock auction
by Peter Cramton & Emel Filiz-Ozbay & Erkut Ozbay & Pacharasut Sujarittanonta - 135-157 Social learning in networks: a Quantal Response Equilibrium analysis of experimental data
by Syngjoo Choi & Douglas Gale & Shachar Kariv - 159-173 Behavioral mechanism design: evidence from the modified first-price auctions
by Yusufcan Masatlioglu & Sarah Taylor & Neslihan Uler - 175-191 A Bayesian approach to experimental analysis: trading in a laboratory financial market
by Marco Cipriani & Riccardo Costantini & Antonio Guarino - 193-213 Heterogeneous ambiguity attitudes: a field experiment among small-scale stock investors in China
by Elizabeth Potamites & Bei Zhang - 215-250 A cognitive hierarchy model of learning in networks
by Syngjoo Choi - 251-268 An experiment of social learning with endogenous timing
by Boğaçhan Çelen & Kyle Hyndman
March 2012, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-13 Random aggregation without the Pareto principle
by Jérémy Picot - 15-40 Information complexity, punishment, and stability in two Nash efficient Lindahl mechanisms
by Matt Van Essen - 41-69 The decentralization tradeoff for complementary spillovers
by Martin Gregor & Lenka Stastna - 71-87 Under-connected and over-connected networks: the role of externalities in strategic network formation
by Berno Buechel & Tim Hellmann
December 2011, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 257-291 Consistency and its converse: an introduction
by William Thomson - 293-316 Agreement toward stability in matching markets
by David Cantala - 317-336 A dynamic analysis of collusive networks
by Yasunori Okumura - 337-342 A note on strategy-proofness from the doctor side in matching with contracts
by Toyotaka Sakai
September 2011, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 177-211 Bidder collusion at first-price auctions
by Giuseppe Lopomo & Leslie Marx & Peng Sun - 213-243 Optimal allocation mechanisms with single-dimensional private information
by Nicolás Figueroa & Vasiliki Skreta - 245-256 Selling goods of unknown quality: forward versus spot auctions
by Isa Hafalir & Hadi Yektaş
June 2011, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 91-120 Countervailing power? Collusion in markets with decentralized trade
by Nadia Burani & Clara Ponsati - 121-145 Buyer–seller networks with demand shocks and intermediation
by Hemant Patil - 147-162 The n-person Kalai-Smorodinsky bargaining solution under pre-donations
by S. Akin & Brennan Platt & Murat Sertel - 163-175 Lender learning and entry under general demand uncertainty
by Neelam Jain & Leonard Mirman
March 2011, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-36 On the informed seller problem: optimal information disclosure
by Vasiliki Skreta - 37-58 Franchise bidding, regulation and investment costs
by Michel Mougeot & Florence Naegelen - 59-89 Firms, queues, and coffee breaks: a flow model of corporate activity with delays
by Benjamin Golub & R. McAfee
September 2010, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 243-249 A mechanism for thawing the credit markets
by Edi Karni - 251-269 On optimal regulation of price and R&D with asymmetric information
by Jean-Christophe Poudou & Lionel Thomas - 271-289 Indescribability and its irrelevance for contractual incompleteness
by Takashi Kunimoto - 291-309 Forgive or buy back: an experimental study of debt relief
by Vivian Lei & Steven Tucker & Filip Vesely - 311-329 Multibidding game under uncertainty
by Róbert Veszteg - 331-342 Circular domains
by Shin Sato
March 2010, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-15 Implementation of solutions to the problem of fair division when preferences are single-peaked
by William Thomson - 17-25 On Maskin monotonicity of solution based social choice rules
by Claus-Jochen Haake & Walter Trockel - 27-50 Equilibrium participation in public goods allocations
by Paul Healy - 51-73 Fundamental impossibility theorems on voluntary participation in the provision of non-excludable public goods
by Tatsuyoshi Saijo & Takehiko Yamato - 75-93 Optimal information transmission in organizations: search and congestion
by Àlex Arenas & Antonio Cabrales & Leon Danon & Albert Díaz-Guilera & Roger Guimerà & Fernando Vega-Redondo - 95-129 On aggregation and welfare analysis
by James Moore - 131-162 Cores of many-player games; nonemptiness and equal treatment
by Myrna Wooders - 163-184 Implementation of marginal cost pricing equilibrium allocations with transfers in economies with increasing returns to scale
by Guoqiang Tian - 185-192 Random iterates of monotone maps
by Rabi Bhattacharya & Mukul Majumdar - 193-201 The global LeChatelier Principle and multimarket equilibria
by George Lady & James Quirk - 203-219 The current non-status of general equilibrium theory
by Donald Katzner - 221-242 Regional business development policy in Central and Eastern Europe: a mechanism design perspective
by Roswitha King
December 2009, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 305-317 Can the majority lose the election?
by Bryan McCannon - 319-334 Efficient trading with restriction
by Hu Lu & Yuntong Wang - 335-344 Optimal auctions and information disclosure
by Alex Gershkov - 345-360 How does interest rate policy affect inflation? A simple general equilibrium model with the interest rate as the policy instrument
by Richard Watt - 361-376 A noncooperative view on two airport cost sharing rules
by J. Arin & E. Inarra & P. Luquin - 377-377 The human side of mechanism design: a tribute to Leo Hurwicz and Jean-Jacques Laffont (Publisher’s Erratum)
by Daniel McFadden
September 2009, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 167-170 Institutional design and conflict: an introduction
by Massimo Morelli - 171-193 Power and efficiency in production pillage games
by J. Jordan - 195-203 Alliances and negotiations: an incomplete information example
by Paola Manzini & Marco Mariotti - 205-232 A model of strategic delegation in contests between groups
by Stefan Brandauer & Florian Englmaier - 233-250 Mechanism design goes to war: peaceful outcomes with interdependent and correlated types
by Mark Fey & Kristopher Ramsay - 251-278 Sanctions as revelation regimes
by Daniel Verdier - 279-303 Arbitration systems and negotiations
by María Mercedes Adamuz & Clara Ponsatí
April 2009, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-1 Introduction to the issues in honor of Leonid Hurwicz
by John Ledyard - 3-6 Two topics in Leo Hurwicz’s research
by Stanley Reiter - 7-43 Inefficiency and complementarity in sharing games
by Dennis Courtney & Thomas Marschak - 45-57 Strategic analysis of petty corruption with an intermediary
by Ariane Lambert-Mogiliansky & Mukul Majumdar & Roy Radner - 59-75 Fundamental theory of institutions: a lecture in honor of Leo Hurwicz
by Roger Myerson - 77-100 The human side of mechanism design: a tribute to Leo Hurwicz and Jean-Jacque Laffont
by Daniel McFadden - 101-114 Discrete implementation of the Groves–Ledyard mechanism
by J. Swarthout & Mark Walker - 115-135 Communication complexity and stability of equilibria in economies and games
by J. Jordan - 137-145 Non-existence of equilibrium in Vickrey, second-price, and English auctions
by Matthew Jackson - 147-165 The endowment game when n=2
by Lu Hong
December 2008, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 229-244 Informed principal and information gathering agent
by Dongsoo Shin & Sungho Yun - 245-257 Optimal auctions for asymmetrically budget constrained bidders
by Alexey Malakhov & Rakesh Vohra - 259-277 Opportunity analysis of newborn screening programs
by Carmen Herrero & Juan Moreno-Ternero - 279-291 Differentiable strategy-proof mechanisms for private and public goods in domains that are not necessarily large or quasi-linear
by Luis Corchón & José Rueda-Llano - 293-313 Coordinating under incomplete information
by Geir Asheim & Seung Yoo
September 2008, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 155-163 Optimal fees in internet auctions
by Alexander Matros & Andriy Zapechelnyuk - 165-187 Price experimentation with strategic buyers
by Oksana Loginova & Curtis Taylor - 189-208 Innovation contests with temporary and endogenous monopoly rents
by Frederik Schmidt - 209-227 On the optimality of nonmaximal fines in the presence of corruptible law enforcers
by Gorkem Celik & Serdar Sayan
June 2008, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 75-117 Matching, search and intermediation with two-sided heterogeneity
by Nadia Burani - 119-127 Labour market recruiting with intermediaries
by Paul Schweinzer - 129-154 Optimal procurement mechanisms for divisible goods with capacitated suppliers
by Garud Iyengar & Anuj Kumar
April 2008, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-19 Good neighbors are hard to find: computational complexity of network formation
by Richard Baron & Jacques Durieu & Hans Haller & Rahul Savani & Philippe Solal - 21-32 Price asymptotics
by Kislaya Prasad - 33-44 A coalitional game-theoretic model of stable government forms with umpires
by Stefano Vannucci - 45-74 Optimal speculative trade among large traders
by Kfir Eliaz & Ran Spiegler
February 2008, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 253-270 Mechanism design for a solution to the tragedy of commons
by Akira Yamada & Naoki Yoshihara - 271-293 Repeated implementation and complexity considerations
by Hannu Vartiainen - 295-319 Bargaining: separately or together?
by Alp Atakan - 321-338 Weakly fair allocations and strategy-proofness
by Tommy Andersson & Lars-Gunnar Svensson - 339-359 In search of efficient network structures: the needle in the haystack
by Nicolas Carayol & Pascale Roux & Murat Yıldızoğlu
November 2007, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 175-184 Some things couples always wanted to know about stable matchings (but were afraid to ask)
by Bettina Klaus & Flip Klijn & Jordi Massó - 185-198 Envy-freeness and implementation in large economies
by Matthew Jackson & Ilan Kremer - 199-216 The effect of spillovers on the provision of local public goods
by Francis Bloch & Unal Zenginobuz - 217-224 On complexity of lobbying in multiple referenda
by Robin Christian & Mike Fellows & Frances Rosamond & Arkadii Slinko - 225-251 On the existence of consistent rules to adjudicate conflicting claims: a constructive geometric approach
by William Thomson
September 2007, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 69-100 The theory of contests: a survey
by Luis Corchón - 101-124 Tullock and Hirshleifer: a meeting of the minds
by José Alcalde & Matthias Dahm - 125-137 Contingent payments in selection contests
by Derek Clark & Christian Riis - 139-163 Endogenous coalition formation in contests
by Santiago Sánchez-Pagés - 165-174 The generalized Stackelberg equilibrium of the all-pay auction with complete information
by Kai Konrad & Wolfgang Leininger
June 2007, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-11 On the generalized principal-agent problem: a comment
by Sandrine Ollier - 13-52 Network potentials
by Subhadip Chakrabarti & Robert Gilles - 53-68 Bargaining and exclusivity in a borrower–lender relationship
by Levent Koçkesen & Saltuk Ozerturk
March 2007, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 273-284 Optimal mechanisms for siting noxious facilities
by Denis Lescop - 285-304 Cardinality-based equality of opportunities
by Jorge Alcalde-Unzu & Ricardo Arlegi & Jorge Nieto - 305-326 Network design in games with spillovers
by Sergio Currarini - 327-339 Core and equilibria in an assembled product industry
by Somdeb Lahiri - 341-361 On the value of information in the presence of moral hazard
by G. Rodriguez
December 2006, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 165-166 Special Issue in Memory of Murat R. Sertel
by Semih Koray & Muhamet Yıldız - 167-181 Binary effectivity rules
by Hans Keiding & Bezalel Peleg - 183-203 Equilibria in the spatial stochastic model of voting with party activists
by Norman Schofield - 205-232 The conservative equal costs rule, the serial cost sharing rule and the pivotal mechanism: asymptotic welfare loss comparisons for the case of an excludable public project
by Rajat Deb & Laura Razzolini & Tae Seo - 233-248 Workers’ enterprises are not perverse: differential oligopoly games with sticky price
by Roberto Cellini & Luca Lambertini - 249-271 Pareto improving interventions in a general equilibrium model with private provision of public goods
by Antonio Villanacci & Ünal Zenginobuz
August 2006, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 73-84 New characterizations of a classical bankruptcy rule
by Juan Moreno-Ternero & Antonio Villar - 85-112 Selling shares to retail investors: auction vs. fixed price
by Jürgen Bierbaum & Veronika Grimm - 113-142 Incomplete regulation, market competition and collusion
by Cécile Aubert & Jérôme Pouyet - 143-164 Seniority bias in a tournament
by Junichiro Ishida
April 2006, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-8 Retaliatory Equilibria in a Japanese Ascending Auction for Multiple Objects
by Gian Albano & Fabrizio Germano & Stefano Lovo - 9-29 Implementation of competitive nonlinear pricing: tariffs with inclusive consumption
by Sissel Jensen - 31-51 First-price auctions where one of the bidders’ valuations is common knowledge
by Irene Martínez-Pardina - 53-61 On the Sub-optimality of Entry Fees in Auctions With Entry
by Ángel Hernando-Veciana - 63-71 On the existence of an increasing symmetric equilibrium in (k + 1)-st price common value auctions
by Ilia Tsetlin & Aleksandar Pekeč
December 2005, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 307-316 Equilibrium allocations of endowment-pretension games in public good economies
by M. Sanver - 317-336 Probabilities of election outcomes with two parameters: The relative impact of unifying and polarizing candidates
by William Gehrlein - 337-362 Voluntary internalisations facing the threat of a pollution tax
by Franz Wirl & Claus Huber - 363-376 Public goods provision: Unit-by-unit cost-sharing rules and the core
by Yan Yu - 377-396 Strategic delegation in oligopolistic tournaments
by Matthias Kräkel
August 2005, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 191-202 Risky allocations from a risk-neutral informed principal
by Michela Cella - 203-225 Entry deterrence under financial intermediation with private information and hidden contracts
by Neelam Jain & Thomas Jeitschko & Leonard Mirman - 227-269 Externalities do not necessarily require larger message spaces for realizing pareto-efficient allocations
by Hiroaki Osana - 271-287 Nash implementation with an infinite-dimensional trade space
by Guillaume Bernis & Gaël Giraud - 289-305 Manipulation of the Walrasian mechanism in production economies with unbounded short-selling
by Laurence Kranich
April 2005, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 73-90 The condominium problem; auctions for substitutes
by Roberto Burguet - 91-108 Optimal money growth in a limited participation model with heterogeneous agents
by Erdem Başçí & Ismail Saglam - 109-125 Manipulation of the Walrasian mechanism in production economies with unbounded short-selling
by Laurence Kranich - 127-143 Implementation of the revenue-maximizing auction by an ignorant seller
by Bernard Caillaud & Jacques Robert - 145-166 The Pazner-Schmeidler social ordering: A defense
by Marc Fleurbaey - 167-190 Strategy-proofness, core, and sequential trade
by Lars-Gunnar Svensson & Bo Larsson
December 2004, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-10 Up-front payment under RD rule
by Ho-Chyuan Chen - 11-30 To merge or not to merge: That is the question
by Luis Corchón & Ramon Fauli-Oller - 31-41 Tax implementability of fair allocations
by Yukihiro Nishimura - 43-57 Implementation and orderings of public information
by Colin Campbell - 59-71 On how size and composition of customer bases affect equilibrium in a duopoly with switching costs
by Tommy Gabrielsen & Steinar Vagstad
April 2004, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 359-372 Link bidding in laboratory networks
by Cary Deck & Cathleen Johnson - 373-382 Efficiency and truthfulness with Leontief preferences. A note on two-agent, two-good economies
by Antonio Nicoló - 383-411 Organizations and overlapping generations games: Memory, communication, and altruism
by Roger Lagunoff & Akihiko Matsui - 413-447 Efficient provision of public goods with endogenous redistribution
by Luca Anderlini & Paolo Siconolfi - 449-464 Bargaining power in stationary parallelogram games
by Bart Taub & Özgür Kibris - 465-477 Mechanisms for dividing labor and sharing revenue in joint ventures
by Keith Waehrer
October 2003, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 241-248 Obituary
by Semih Koray - 249-268 Probabilistic assignments of identical indivisible objects and uniform probabilistic rules
by Lars Ehlers & Bettina Klaus - 269-292 Optimal design of trade institutions
by Robert Gilles & Dimitrios Diamantaras & Pieter Ruys - 293-299 A reexamination of additivity of power in randomized social preference
by Shasikanta Nandeibam - 301-318 SMEs and public procurement policy
by Pierre-Henri Morand - 319-328 An alternative direct proof of Gibbard’s random dictatorship theorem
by Yasuhito Tanaka - 329-333 Who consults investment analysts?
by Jacob Paroush - 335-346 An empirical analysis of transitivity with four scaled preferential judgment modalities
by José García-Lapresta & Luis Meneses - 347-358 Dictatorial voting operators
by Antonio Quesada
October 2003, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 121-141 Efficiency and information aggregation in auctions with costly information
by Matthew Jackson - 143-164 Optimal two-object auctions with synergies
by Domenico Menicucci - 165-184 Nash-equilibria in a heterogeneous oligopoly with fuzzy information
by Nils Hauenschild & Peter Stahlecker - 185-204 Strategy-proof allocation of fixed costs
by James Dearden & Karl Einolf - 205-215 Manipulation via merging and splitting in claims problems
by Biung-Ghi Ju - 217-239 Solomon's Dilemma: An experimental study on dynamic implementation
by Giovanni Ponti & Anita Gantner & Dunia López-Pintado & Robert Montgomery
August 2003, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-38 Contracting under ex post moral hazard and non-commitment
by M. Boyer - 39-62 The endogenous formation of cartels
by Joachim Rosenmüller - 63-83 Elections and strategic positioning games
by Frank Page Jr & Myrna Wooders - 85-98 Synergies and price trends in sequential auctions
by Flavio Menezes & Paulo Monteiro - 99-119 He who must not be named
by Philippe Février
April 2002, Volume 81, Issue 2
- 139-155 Social and institutional factors as determinants of economic growth: Evidence from the United States counties
by Anil Rupasingha & Stephan J. Goetz & David Freshwater - 157-175 Education, cost of living and regional wage inequality in Brazil
by Carlos R. Azzoni & Luciana M.S. Servo - 177-196 Has the increase in world-wide openness to trade worsened global income inequality?
by Saurav Dev Bhatta - 197-221 Constructing the divide: Spatial disparities in broadband access
by Tony H. Grubesic & Alan T. Murray