November 2004, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 303-318 May 2003 Disaster in Sri Lanka and Cyclone 01-B in the Bay of Bengal
by Lareef Zubair - 319-363 Seismic Hazard Assessment for the Taiwan Region on the Basis of Recent Strong-Motion Data and Prognostic Zonation of Future Earthquakes
by Vladimir Sokolov & Arkady Ovcharenko & Chin-Hsiung Loh & Kuo-Liang Wen - 365-378 Spectral Amplification Effects at Sellano, Central Italy, for the 1997–98 Umbria Seismic Sequence
by Concettina Nunziata & Maddalena Natale - 379-393 Management of Historical Seismic Data Using GIS: The Island of Ischia (Southern Italy)
by E. Cubellis & S. Carlino & S. Carlino & S. Carlino & E. Cubellis - 395-404 Mountain Protection Forests against Natural Hazards and Risks: New French Developments by Integrating Forests in Risk Zoning
by F. Berger & F. Rey - 405-425 Proposal of a National Mitigation Strategy Against Earthquakes in Turkey
by P.G. Bakir - 427-438 Hierarchy of Factors of Seismic Danger in Four Towns in Colima State, México
by Vyacheslav Zobin & J. Ventura-Ramírez - 439-465 The New Catalogue of Italian Tsunamis
by Stefano Tinti & Alessandra Maramai & Laura Graziani
October 2004, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 161-189 Risk from Lahars in the Northern Valleys of Cotopaxi Volcano (Ecuador)
by E. Aguilera & M. Pareschi & M. Rosi & G. Zanchetta - 191-208 Beyond Modelling: Linking Models with GIS for Flood Risk Management
by Andre Zerger & Stephen Wealands - 209-221 Pyroclastic Flow Hazard at Volcán Citlaltépetl
by Michael Sheridan & Bernard Hubbard & Gerardo Carrasco-núñez & Claus Siebe - 223-245 Volcanic Eruption Induced Floods. A Rainfall-Runoff Model Applied to the Vesuvian Region (Italy)
by Micol Todesco - 247-264 Coastal Inundation due to Sea Level Rise in the Pearl River Delta, China
by Zhenguo Huang & Yongqiang Zong & Weiqiang Zhang - 265-282 GIS-Based Probabilistic Mapping of Landslide Hazard Using a Three-Dimensional Deterministic Model
by Mowen Xie & Tetsuro Esaki & Guoyun Zhou - 283-301 Application of Remote Sensing in Flood Management with Special Reference to Monsoon Asia: A Review
by Joy Sanyal & X. Lu
September 2004, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-21 An Operational Agricultural Drought Risk Assessment Model for Nebraska, USA
by Hong Wu & Donald Wilhite - 23-46 Effective Emergency Transportation for Saving Human Lives
by Yasuko Kuwata & Shiro Takada - 47-76 Towards Operational Repeat-Pass SAR Interferometry at Active Volcanoes
by N. Stevens & G. Wadge - 77-103 Analyzing Hazard Potential of Typhoon Damage by Applying Grey Analytic Hierarchy Process
by Szu-Ping Cheng & Ru-Yih Wang - 105-136 Maximising Multi-Stakeholder Participation in Government and Community Volcanic Hazard Management Programs; A Case Study from Savo, Solomon Islands
by Shane Cronin & Mike Petterson & Paul Taylor & Randall Biliki - 137-159 Drought Monitoring Using Data Mining Techniques: A Case Study for Nebraska, USA
by Tsegaye Tadesse & Donald Wilhite & Sherri Harms & Michael Hayes & Steve Goddard
July 2004, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 277-312 Extreme Earthquake and Earthquake Perceptibility Study in Greece and its Surrounding Area
by Paul Burton & Changyuan Qin & G.-Akis Tselentis & Ethimios Sokos - 313-343 Longwave Measurements for the Coast of British Columbia and Improvements to the Tsunami Warning Capability
by Alexander Rabinovich & Fred Stephenson - 345-355 A Logistic Regression Model Applied to Evaluate the Influence of Operating Time of AgI Ground Acetonic Generators on the Size and Hardness of Hail
by Sebastián Balasch & Rafael Romero & Alberto Ferrer - 357-373 Relationships between Strong Ground Motion Peak Values and Seismic Loss during the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan Earthquake
by Yih-Min Wu & Nai-Chi Hsiao & Ta-Liang Teng - 375-393 Scenarios of Seismic Risk in the United Arab Emirates, an Approximate Estimate
by Max Wyss & Azm Al-Homoud - 395-412 Reliability-Based Delineation of Debris-Flow Deposition Areas
by Gwo-Fong Lin & Lu-Hsien Chen & Jun-Nan Lai
June 2004, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 177-190 Storm Surges from Extra-Tropical Cyclones
by M. Danard & S. Dube & G. Gönnert & Adam Munroe & T. Murty & P. Chittibabu & A. Rao & P. Sinha - 191-209 Seasonal Variability of Cyclone Heat Potential in the Bay of Bengal
by Y. Sadhuram & B. Rao & D. Rao & P. Shastri & M. Subrahmanyam - 211-218 Maximum Storm Surge Curve Due to Global Warming for the European North Sea Region During the 20th–21st Century
by Gabriele Gönnert - 219-237 Numerical Study of the Circulation and Sediment Transport in the Mahanadi Estuary
by A. Rao & Sujata Dash & S. Babu - 239-255 A Breadth Averaged Numerical Model for Suspended Sediment Transport in Hooghly Estuary, East Coast of India
by P. Sinha & Pragya Guliani & G. Jena & A. Rao & S. Dube & A. Chatterjee & Tad Murty - 257-275 A Study on Soil Erosion in Pasighat Town (Arunachal Pradesh) India
by Prakash Tewari
May 2004, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-23 Landslide Susceptibility Zoning North of Yenice (NW Turkey) by Multivariate Statistical Techniques
by M. Ercanoglu & C. Gokceoglu & Th. Van Asch - 25-36 Effects of solar activity on myocardial infarction deaths in low geomagnetic latitude regions
by Blanca Mendoza & Rosa Diaz-Sandoval - 37-58 Modelling Geophysical Precursors to the Prehistoric c. AD1305 Kaharoa Rhyolite Eruption of Tarawera Volcano, New Zealand
by S. Sherburn & I. Nairn - 59-88 1998 Adana-Ceyhan (Turkey) Earthquake and a Preliminary Microzonation Based on Liquefaction Potential for Ceyhan Town
by Resat Ulusay & Turgay Kuru - 89-110 Poverty and Disasters in the United States: A Review of Recent Sociological Findings
by Alice Fothergill & Lori Peek - 111-134 A Methodology for Assessing Landslide Hazard Using Deterministic Stability Models
by Vicki Moon & Hugh Blackstock - 135-154 Prediction of Displacements in Unstable Areas Using a Neural Model
by E. Binaghi & M. Boschetti & P.A. Brivio & I. Gallo & F. Pergalani & A. Rampini - 155-159 Comment on the paper “Earthquake Hazard Assessment in the Oran Region (Northwest Algeria)” by Youcef Bouhadad and Nasser Laouami
by José Peléez Montilla & Mohamed Hamdache - 161-165 Reply to Comment on the paper “Earthquake Hazard Assessment in the Oran Region (Northwest Algeria)” by José A. Pelaez Montilla and Mohamed Hamdache
by Youcef Bouhadad & Nasser Laouami - 167-169 Vyacheslav M. Zobin: Introduction to Volcanic Seismology
by C. Lomnitz - 171-173 Enzo Boschi and Emanuela Guidoboni (eds): I terremoti a Bologna e nel suo territorio dal XII al XX secolo
by C. Lomnitz
March 2004, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 587-601 Some Morphological Aspects and Hydrological Characterization of the Tagus Floods in the Santarém Region, Portugal
by T. Azevêdo & E. Nunes & C. Ramos - 603-611 Influence of Stage Discharge Relationship on the Annual Maximum Discharge Statistics
by Ulderica Parodi & Luca Ferraris - 613-622 Stationarity of Monthly Rainfall Series, Since the Middle of the XIXth Century. Application to the Case of Peninsular Spain
by María-Carmen Llasat & Luis Quintas - 623-643 Use of Systematic, Palaeoflood and Historical Data for the Improvement of Flood Risk Estimation. Review of Scientific Methods
by Gerardo Benito & Michel Lang & Mariano Barriendos & M. Llasat & Felix Francés & Taha Ouarda & Varyl Thorndycraft & Yehouda Enzel & Andras Bardossy & Denis Coeur & Bernard Bobée - 645-662 Radiocarbon Data on Lateglacial and Holocene Landslides in the Northern Apennines
by Giovanni Bertolini & Nicola Casagli & Leonardo Ermini & Claudio Malaguti - 663-679 Using Historical Documents for Landslide, Debris Flow and Stream Flood Prevention. Applications in Northern Italy
by Domenico Tropeano & Laura Turconi
February 2004, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 317-317 Editorial
by S.K. Dube & U.C. Mohanty - 319-342 Seismic Hazard Mapping and Microzonation in the Sikkim Himalaya through GIS Integration of Site Effects and Strong Ground Motion Attributes
by Sankar Kumar Nath - 343-356 Disaster Mitigation vis-á-vis Time of Occurrence and Magnitude of Earthquakes in India
by H. Srivastava & G. Gupta - 357-371 Prevention and Mitigation of Avalanche Disasters in Western Himalayan Region
by A. Ganju & A. Dimri - 373-390 Simulation of Orissa Super Cyclone (1999) using PSU/NCAR Mesoscale Model
by U. Mohanty & M. Mandal & S. Raman - 391-414 A Study on the Impact of Parameterization of Physical Processes on Prediction of Tropical Cyclones over the Bay of Bengal With NCAR/PSU Mesoscale Model
by M. Mandal & U. Mohanty & S. Raman - 415-435 Impact of a Tropical Cyclone on Coastal Upwelling Processes
by A. Rao & S. Babu & S. Dube - 437-453 Numerical Modelling of Storm Surge in the Head Bay of Bengal Using Location Specific Model
by S. Dube & P. Chittibabu & P. Sinha & A. Rao & T. Murty - 455-485 Mitigation of Flooding and Cyclone Hazard in Orissa, India
by P. Chittibabu & S. Dube & J. Macnabb & T. Murty & A. Rao & U. Mohanty & P. Sinha - 487-497 Meteorological Office, Pune-411 005
by U. De & Medha Khole & M. Dandekar - 499-519 Simulation of Heavy Precipitation Associated with an Intense Western Disturbance over Western Himalayas
by A. Dimri & Mohanty & Mandal - 523-536 A Numerical Study on Coastal Defence at Chennai and Related Management Strategies
by J. Mani - 537-548 Sea State Hindcast with ECMWF Data Using a Spectral Wave Model for Typical Monsoon Months
by B. Kumar & Ruchi Kalra & S. Dube & P. Sinha & A. Rao - 549-560 Seasonal and Interannual Sea Surface Temperature Variability in the Coastal Cities of Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal
by Tariq Khan & Dewan Quadir & Tad Murty & Majajul Sarker - 561-584 Variations of Surface Air Temperature Over the Land Areas in and Around the Bay of Bengal
by Dewan Quadir & Madan Shrestha & Tariq Khan & Nazlee Ferdousi & Mizanur Rahman & Abdul Mannan
January 2004, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-19 On the Relevance of the Spatial Distribution of Events for Seismic Hazard Evaluation
by M. Holschneider & A. Teramo & A. Bottari & D. Termini - 21-37 On the Composition of Airborne Particles Influenced by Emissions of the Volcano Popocatépetl in Mexico
by J. Jiménez & G. Raga & D. Baumgardner & T. Castro & I. Rosas & A. Báez & O. Morton - 39-61 Macroseismic Surveys in Theory and Practice
by Ina Cecić & Roger Musson - 63-83 Developing an Erosion Risk Map Using Soft Computing Methods (Case Study at Sifnos Island)
by TH. Gournellos & N. Evelpidou & A. Vassilopoulos - 85-109 Lahar-Triggering Mechanisms and Hazard at Ruapehu Volcano, New Zealand
by Jerome Lecointre & Katy Hodgson & Vincent Neall & Shane Cronin - 111-128 Floods in the IPCC TAR Perspective
by Z. Kundzewicz & H.-J. Schellnhuber - 129-142 The Local Tsunami Alert System [``SLAT'']: A Computational Tool for the Integral Management of a Tsunami Emergency
by F. Ramirez & P. Perez - 143-156 Study of the Interaction between Biological Cells of Different Shapes and Sizes and Electromagnetic Fields Produced by Natural Phenomena
by Rosa Diaz-Sandoval & Blanca Mendoza - 157-175 Comparison of Two Empirical Models for Gully-Specific Debris Flow Hazard Assessment in Xiaojiang Valley of Southwestern China
by Xilin Liu & Dan Zhang - 177-190 Climate Change and Extreme Weather: A Basis for Action
by Gordon McBean - 191-207 Models of Ground Deformation and Eruption Magnitude from a Deep Source at Popocatepetl Volcano, Central Mexico
by Juan Espíndola & Maria De Lourdes Godinez & Victor Espindola - 209-232 Damage Evaluation of Agro-meteorological Hazards in the Maize-Growing Region of Songliao Plain, China: Case Study of Lishu County of Jilin Province
by Jiquan Zhang & Norio Okada & Hirokazu Tatano & Seiji Hayakawa - 233-252 Regional Considerations of Coastline Change, Tsunami Damage and Recovery along the Southern Coast of the Bay of Izmit (The Kocaeli (Turkey) Earthquake of 17 August 1999)
by Richard Rothaus & Eduard Reinhardt & Jay Noller - 253-276 GIS Modelling of Sea-Level Rise Induced Shoreline Changes Inside Coastal Re-Rntrants – Two Examples from Southeastern Australia
by Werner Hennecke - 277-287 Landslide and Tsunami 21 November 2000 in Paatuut, West Greenland
by Trine Dahl-Jensen & Lotte Larsen & Stig Pedersen & Jerrik Pedersen & Hans Jepsen & Gunver Pedersen & Tove Nielsen & Asger Pedersen & Frants Von Platen-Hallermund & Willy Weng - 289-290 Santosh Kumar Guha: Induced Earthquakes
by Cinna Lomnitz - 289-304 Regional Assessment of the Effects of Land-Use Change on Landslide Hazard By Means of Physically Based Modelling
by L.P.H. Van Beek & Th.W.J Van Asch - 291-293 José Lugo and Moshe Inbar, editors: Desastres Naturales en América Latina
by Virginia García Acosta
November 2003, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 263-264 Presentation
by José Chacón & Jordi Corominas - 267-279 Landslide Susceptibility Models Utilising Spatial Data Analysis Techniques. A Case Study from the Lower Deba Valley, Guipuzcoa (Spain)
by Juan Remondo & Alberto González-Díez & José De Terán & Antonio Cendrero - 281-295 A GIS-Based Multivariate Statistical Analysis for Shallow Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in La Pobla de Lillet Area (Eastern Pyrenees, Spain)
by Núria Santacana & Baeza Baeza & Jordi Corominas & Ana De Paz & Jordi Marturiá - 297-308 Methodology for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping by Means of a GIS. Application to the Contraviesa Area (Granada, Spain)
by T. Fernández & C. Irigaray & R. El Hamdouni & J. Chacón - 309-324 Preliminary Rock-Slope-Susceptibility Assessment Using GIS and the SMR Classification
by C. Irigaray & T. Fernández & J. Chacón - 325-340 Large Scale Rockfall Reach Susceptibility Maps in La Cabrera Sierra (Madrid) performed with GIS and Dynamic Analysis at 1:5,000
by Francisco Ayala-Carcedo & Silvia Cubillo-Nielsen & Ana Alvarez & María Domínguez & Luis Laín & Ricardo Laín & Guillermo Ortiz - 341-360 Predictive GIS-Based Model of Rockfall Activity in Mountain Cliffs
by J. Marquínez & R. Menéndez Duarte & P. Farias & M. JiméNez Sánchez - 361-381 Hazard Zoning for Landslides Connected to Torrential Floods in the Jerte Valley (Spain) by using GIS Techniques
by R.M. Carrasco & J. Pedraza & J.F. Martin-Duque & M. Mattera & M.A. Sanz & J.M. Bodoque - 383-398 Artificial Neural Networks and Grey Systems for the Prediction of Slope Stability
by P. Lu & M. Rosenbaum - 399-419 Use of Geomorphological Information in Indirect Landslide Susceptibility Assessment
by C. van Westen & N. Rengers & R. Soeters - 421-435 Integrated Landslide Susceptibility Analysis and Hazard Assessment in the Principality of Andorra
by Jordi Corominas & Ramon Copons & Joan Vilaplana & Joan Altimir & Jordi Amigó - 437-449 Validation of Landslide Susceptibility Maps; Examples and Applications from a Case Study in Northern Spain
by Juan Remondo & Alberto González & José De Terán & Antonio Cendrero & Andrea Fabbri & Chang-Jo Chung - 451-472 Validation of Spatial Prediction Models for Landslide Hazard Mapping
by Chang-Jo Chung & Andrea Fabbri - 473-485 Stability analysis of the Vallcebre translational slide, Eastern Pyrenees (Spain) by means of a GIS
by Jordi Corominas & Núria Santacana - 487-503 Is Prediction of Future Landslides Possible with a GIS?
by Andrea Fabbri & Chang-Jo Chung & Antonio Cendrero & Juan Remondo
October 2003, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 109-128 Editorial
by Ken Granger - 129-153 The Tropical Cyclone Risk in Cairns
by Jeff Callaghan - 155-164 The Flood Risk in Cairns
by Peter Baddiley - 165-185 Quantifying Storm Tide Risk in Cairns
by Ken Granger - 187-207 Impact of Sea-level Rise and Storm Surges on a Coastal Community
by K. Mcinnes & K. Walsh & G. Hubbert & T. Beer - 209-232 Community Vulnerability to Tropical Cyclones: Cairns, 1996–2000
by Linda Anderson-Berry - 233-249 Regional landslide risk to the Cairns community
by Marion Michael-Leiba & Fred Baynes & Greg Scott & Ken Granger - 251-261 Treating the Risks in Cairns
by Ken Durham
September 2003, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 1-23 A New Damage Index
by Russell Blong - 25-41 Seismic Hazard and Risk Assessment for Tulbagh, South Africa: Part II – Assessment of Seismic Risk
by A. Kijko & S. Retief & G. Graham - 43-58 The Importance of Prehistoric Data and Variability of Hazard Regimes in Natural Hazard Risk Assessment – Examples from Australia
by J. Nott - 59-78 Appraisal of Seismic Hazard Parameters for the Seismic Regions of the East Circum-Pacific Belt Inferred from a Bayesian Approach
by Theodoros Tsapanos - 79-106 The Aeroelastic Study of the Messina Straits Bridge
by G. Diana & M. Falco & F. Cheli & A. Cigada
July 2003, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 309-324 The Impact of `Greater Dhaka Flood Protection Project' (GDFPP) on Local Living Environment – The Attitude of the Floodplain Residents
by Md. Chowdhury - 325-340 Study on a Simplified Method of Tsunami Risk Assessment
by Hiroaki Sato & Hitoshi Murakami & Yasunori Kozuki & Naoaki Yamamoto - 341-370 Process of Housing Damage Assessment: The 1995 Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Disaster Case
by Kei Horie & Norio Maki & Masayuki Kohiyama & Hengjian Lu & Satoshi Tanaka & Shin Hashitera & Kishie Shigekawa & Haruo Hayashi - 371-385 A New Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis for the Vrancea (Romania) Seismogenic Zone
by P. Mäntyniemi & V. Mârza & A. Kijko & P. Retief - 387-403 Building Damage and Casualties after an Earthquake
by Lu Hengjian & Masayuki Kohiyama & Kei Horie & Norio Maki & Haruo Hayashi & Satoshi Tanaka - 405-421 Patterns of Coping and Adaptation Among Erosion-Induced Displacees in Bangladesh: Implications for Hazard Analysis and Mitigation
by David Hutton & C. Haque - 425-436 Far-Field Tsunami Potential and a Real-Time Forecast System for the Pacific Using the Inversion Method
by Nobuaki Koike & Yoshiaki Kawata & Fumihiko Imamura - 437-464 Tsunami Hazard in the Eastern Mediterranean: Strong Earthquakes and Tsunamis in the Corinth Gulf, Central Greece
by Gerassimos Papadopoulos - 465-483 Perspectives of Natural Disasters in East and South Asia, and the Pacific Island States: Socio-economic Correlates and Needs Assessment
by C. Haque - 485-500 Causes of the Unusual Coastal Flooding Generated by Typhoon Winnie on the West Coast of Korea
by I.-J. Moon & I. Oh & T. Murty & Y.-H. Youn - 501-522 Expansion of the Nishinomiya Built Environment Database
by Masayuki Kohiyama & Norihiko Yamashita & Tadanobu Sato & Lu Hengjian & Norio Maki & Satoshi Tanaka & Haruo Hayashi - 523-542 Soil Condition and Seismic Characteristics in Shiga Prefecture, Japan
by Teizo Fujiwara & Kazumasa Fukumoto & Koji Matsunami & Takeshi Morii - 543-552 Comparison of Hail Characteristics in NW Croatia for Two Periods
by Damir Počakal - 553-566 First-Aid Transportation by Hovercraft in a Disaster
by Syozo Kubo & Hiromichi Akimoto & Takumi Moriwake - 567-585 Life Recovery of 1995 Kobe Earthquake Survivors in Nishinomiya City: A Total-Quality-Management-Based Assessment of Disadvantaged Populations
by Joe Takeda & Keiko Tamura & Shigeo Tatsuki - 587-602 A Human Damage Prediction Method for Tsunami Disasters Incorporating Evacuation Activities
by T. Sugimoto & H. Murakami & Y. Kozuki & K. Nishikawa & T. Shimada
June 2003, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 101-101 Guest Editorial
by Madhav Khandekar & Tad Murty - 103-112 Compilation and Discussion of Trends in Severe Storms in the United States: Popular Perception v. Climate Reality
by Robert Balling & Randall Cerveny - 113-122 Agriculture and Tornadoes on the Canadian Prairies: potential impact of increasing atmospheric CO 2 on Summer Severe Weather
by R. Raddatz - 123-138 Trends in Blizzards at Selected Locations on the Canadian Prairies
by Bevan Lawson - 139-154 Rainfall Variability and Changes in Southern Africa during the 20th Century in the Global Warming Context
by N. Fauchereau & S. Trzaska & M. Rouault & Y. Richard - 155-172 Atmospheric Circulation and Inland Flooding in Twentieth Century North Carolina, USA: Implications for Climate Change Impacts?
by Peter Robinson - 173-188 An Assessment of Changes in Winter Cold and Warm Spells over Canada
by Amir Shabbar & Barrie Bonsal - 189-206 Indian Monsoon Variability in a Global Warming Scenario
by R. Kripalani & Ashwini Kulkarni & S. Sabade & M. Khandekar - 207-228 On Destructive Canadian Prairie Windstorms and Severe Winters
by K. Hage - 229-254 Changes in Global Monsoon Circulations Since 1950
by T. Chase & J. Knaff & R. Pielke & E. Kalnay - 255-271 Recent Precipitation Trends in Hungary in the Context of Larger Scale Climatic Changes
by Peter Domonkos - 273-290 Shifting Economic Impacts from Weather Extremes in the United States: A Result of Societal Changes, Not Global Warming
by Stanley Changnon - 291-305 North American Trends in Extreme Precipitation
by Kenneth Kunkel
May 2003, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-11 Schumann Resonance and Sunspot Relations to Human Health Effects in Thailand
by Neil Cherry - 13-36 A Historical Record of Coastal Floods in Britain: Frequencies and Associated Storm Tracks
by Yongqiang Zong & Michael Tooley - 37-56 Evaluation of Strong Motion Acceleration for Embankment Dam Design Considering Local Seismotectonics
by Azm Al-Homoud - 57-76 A Review of Damage Intensity Scales
by Russell Blong - 77-95 The Role of Data Processing and Uncertainty Management in Seismic Hazard Evaluations: Insights from Estimates in the Garfagnana–Lunigiana Area (Northern Italy)
by Vera D'amico & Dario Albarello - 97-98 Gerald T. Hebenstreit ed., 2001, Tsunami Research at the End of a Critical Decade
by C. Lomnitz - 99-100 Bill McGuire, Ian Mason and Christopher Kilburn: Natural Hazards and Environmental Change
by C. Lomnitz
March 2003, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 211-228 Disaster Management and Community Planning, and Public Participation: How to Achieve Sustainable Hazard Mitigation
by Laurie Pearce - 229-247 The Contribution of Philosophy to Hazards Assessment and Decision Making
by Ingrid Stefanovic - 249-269 Forecasting the Conditional Probabilities of Natural Disasters in Canada as a Guide for Disaster Preparedness
by Mohammed Dore - 271-290 Hazards Risk Assessment Methodology for Emergency Managers: A Standardized Framework for Application
by Norman Ferrier & C. Haque - 291-304 The Determinants of Disaster Vulnerability: Achieving Sustainable Mitigation through Population Health
by John Lindsay - 305-317 A General Framework for Mitigation-oriented Planning Assessments of Mobile Telecommunications Lifelines (MTL)
by Peter Anderson & Gordon Gow - 319-343 Weather as a Chronic Hazard for Road Transportation in Canadian Cities
by Jean Andrey & Brian Mills & Mike Leahy & Jeff Suggett - 345-365 Flooding in the Red River Basin – Lessons from Post Flood Activities
by Slobodan Simonovic & Richard Carson - 367-385 The Effectiveness of Flood Damage Reduction Measures in the Montreal Region
by Benoît Robert & Simon Forget & Jean Rousselle - 387-405 Flood Damage Reduction Program (FDRP) in Québec: Case Study of the Chaudiére River
by Esther Roy & Jean Rousselle & Jacinthe Lacroix - 407-434 Storm Surge Hazard in Canada
by Maurice Danard & Adam Munro & Tad Murty - 435-463 Tsunami Hazard and Risk in Canada
by John Clague & Adam Munro & Tad Murty - 465-486 Heat Wave Hazards: An Overview of Heat Wave Impacts in Canada
by Karen Smoyer-Tomic & Robyn Kuhn & Alana Hudson - 487-515 Snow Avalanche Hazard in Canada – a Review
by Chris Stethem & Bruce Jamieson & Peter Schaerer & David Liverman & Daniel Germain & Simon Walker - 517-536 Seismic Hazard Mitigation for Buildings
by Simon Foo & Alan Davenport - 537-561 Geomagnetic Hazards to Conducting Networks
by D. Boteler - 563-589 The Vulnerability of Canada to Volcanic Hazards
by Mark Stasiuk & Catherine Hickson & Taimi Mulder
January 2003, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-1 Special issue on Flood Problems and Management in South Asia: Preface
by M. Monirul Qader Mirza & Ajaya Dixit & Ainun Nishat - 1-33 Hydrometeorological Aspects of Floods in India
by O. Dhar & Shobha Nandargi - 35-64 Three Recent Extreme Floods in Bangladesh: A Hydro-Meteorological Analysis
by M. Monirul Qader Mirza - 65-84 Geomorphic Effects of Monsoon Floods on Indian Rivers
by Vishwas Kale - 85-99 The Disastrous Flood of 1998 and Long Term Mitigation Strategies for Dhaka City
by I. Faisal & M. Kabir & A. Nishat - 101-129 Floodplain Residents' Preferences for Water Level Management Options in Flood Control Projects in Bangladesh
by Harun Rasid & Wolfgang Haider - 131-143 Flood Management in India
by P. Mohapatra & R. Singh - 145-154 Glacial Lake Outburst Floods in the Nepal Himalaya: A Manageable Hazard?
by Richard Kattelmann - 155-179 Floods and Vulnerability: Need to Rethink Flood Management
by Ajaya Dixit - 191-198 Regional Cooperation in Flood Management in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Region: Bangladesh Perspective
by Q. Ahmad - 199-210 Economics of Flood Protection in India
by Sujata Gupta & Akram Javed & Divya Datt
November 2002, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 201-230 Temporal Trend and Spatial Distribution of Avalanche Activity during the Last 50 Years in Switzerland
by Martin Laternser & Martin Schneebeli - 231-255 Fire Danger Monitoring Using ERS-1 SAR Images in the Case of Northern Boreal Forests
by Brigitte Leblon & Eric Kasischke & Marty Alexander & Mark Doyle & Melissa Abbott - 257-287 Natural Gas Hazard (CO 2, 222 Rn) within a Quiescent Volcanic Region and Its Relations with Tectonics: The Case of the Ciampino-Marino Area, Alban Hills Volcano, Italy
by L. Pizzino & G. Galli & C. Mancini & F. Quattrocchi & P. Scarlato
October 2002, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-14 3-D Crustal Velocity Structure from Inversion of Local Earthquake Data in Attiki (Central Greece) Region
by G. Drakatos & N. Melis & D. Papanastassiou & V. Karastathis & G.A. Papadopoulos & G. Stavrakakis - 15-33 The M w =6.0, 7 September 1999 Athens Earthquake
by P. Papadimitriou & N. Voulgaris & I. Kassaras & G. Kaviris & N. Delibasis & K. Makropoulos - 35-45 The Source Mechanism of the Athens Earthquake, September 7, 1999, Estimated from P Seismograms Recorded at Long Range
by S.L. Sargeant & P.W. Burton & A. Douglas & J.R. Evans - 47-60 Seismic Source Parameters for the M L =5.4 Athens Earthquake (7 September 1999) from a New Telemetric Broad Band Seismological Network in Greece
by G.N. Stavrakakis & G. Chouliaras & G. Panopoulou - 61-84 The Fault that Caused the Athens September 1999 Ms=5.9 Earthquake: Field Observations
by S.B. Pavlides & G. Papadopoulos & A. Ganas - 85-103 Did the 7/9/1999 M5.9 Athens Earthquake Come with a Warning?
by Andreas Tzanis & Konstantinos Makropoulos - 105-131 Site-Specific Analysis of Strong Motion Data from the September 7, 1999 Athens, Greece Earthquake
by G.D. Bouckovalas & G.P. Kouretzis & I.S. Kalogeras - 133-169 Topography and Soil Effects in the M S 5.9 Parnitha (Athens) Earthquake: The Case of Adámes
by G. Gazetas & P. Kallou & P. Psarropoulos - 171-199 The Mount Parnitha (Athens) Earthquake of September 7, 1999: A Disaster Management Perspective
by Antonios Pomonis
July 2002, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 203-225 Climate Change and Hazard Zonation in the Circum-Arctic Permafrost Regions
by F. Nelson & O. Anisimov & N. Shiklomanov - 227-243 Earthquake Hazard Assessment in the Oran Region (Northwest Algeria)
by Youcef Bouhadad & Nasser Laouami - 245-263 A Systematic Test on Precursory Seismic Quiescence in Armenia
by G. Zöller & S. Hainzl & J. Kurths & J. Zschau - 265-277 A Strong Motion Database in Greece
by Ioannis Kalogeras - 279-331 Schumann Resonances, a plausible biophysical mechanism for the human health effects of Solar
by Neil Cherry
June 2002, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 111-129 The Elements of Applied Avalanche Forecasting, Part I: The Human Issues
by D. McClung - 131-146 The Elements of Applied Avalanche Forecasting, Part II: The Physical Issues and the Rules of Applied Avalanche Forecasting
by D. McClung - 147-174 Volcanic Hazard in New Zealand: Scaling and Attenuation Relations for Tephra fall deposits from Taupo Volcano
by D. Rhoades & D. Dowrick & C. Wilson - 175-201 Seismic Hazard and Risk Assessment for Tulbagh, South Africa: Part I – Assessment of Seismic Hazard
by A. Kijko & S. Retief & G. Graham
May 2002, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-6 Introduction
by Réjean Couture & Stephen Evans & Jacques Locat - 7-33 The Earthquake Threat in Southwestern British Columbia: A Geologic Perspective
by John Clague