June 2006, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 283-307 A new solution to the problem of adjudicating conflicting claims
by Diego Dominguez & William Thomson - 309-329 Regularity of pure strategy equilibrium points in a class of bargaining games
by Tasos Kalandrakis - 331-355 Ascending auctions for multiple objects: the case for the Japanese design
by Gian Albano & Fabrizio Germano & Stefano Lovo - 357-372 Non-commitment and savings in dynamic risk-sharing contracts
by Karine Gobert & Michel Poitevin - 373-398 A class of solvable stochastic dividend optimization problems: on the general impact of flexibility on valuation
by Luis Alvarez & Jukka Virtanen - 399-424 The effects of information on strategic investment and welfare
by Jacco Thijssen & Kuno Huisman & Peter Kort - 425-448 Irreversible investment in alternative projects
by Jean-Paul Décamps & Thomas Mariotti & Stéphane Villeneuve - 449-452 A short proof of the Bulow-Klemperer auctions vs. negotiations result
by René Kirkegaard - 453-460 Nash implementing non-monotonic social choice rules by awards
by M. Sanver - 461-473 Debt contracts with ex-ante and ex-post asymmetric information: an example
by G. Carlier & L. Renou - 475-479 Message spaces for perfect correlated equilibria
by Shurojit Chatterji & Srihari Govindan
May 2006, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-23 Optimal exploitation of renewable resources under uncertainty and the extinction of species
by Tapan Mitra & Santanu Roy - 25-49 Growth and income inequality: a canonical model
by Cecilia García-Peñalosa & Stephen Turnovsky - 51-72 Stochastic growth with a likelihood-increasing estimation process
by Nobusumi Sagara - 73-83 On perfect equilibria in stochastic models of growth with intergenerational altruism
by Andrzej Nowak - 85-94 Multidimensional inequality with variable population size
by Ernesto Savaglio - 95-124 Campaign spending regulation in a model of redistributive politics
by Nicolas Sahuguet & Nicola Persico - 125-143 Binary games with many players
by Flavio Menezes & Rohan Pitchford - 145-172 Collusion in one-shot second-price auctions
by Chien-Liang Chen & Yair Tauman - 173-196 Portfolio delegation under short-selling constraints
by Juan-Pedro Gómez & Tridib Sharma - 197-211 Liquidity provision vs. deposit insurance: preventing bank panics without moral hazard
by Antoine Martin - 213-219 Two polar cases of dynamic stability: voluntary exchange and income redistribution
by Haim Abraham - 221-226 Harmonic sequence paradox
by Pavlo Blavatskyy - 227-233 Some remarks on lower hemicontinuity of convex multivalued mappings
by Piotr Maćkowiak - 235-243 Relative performance evaluation in a multi-plant firm
by Annalisa Luporini
April 2006, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 493-512 Computing equilibria in finance economies with incomplete markets and transaction costs
by P. Herings & Karl Schmedders - 513-522 Options can induce risk taking for arbitrary preferences
by Luis Braido & Daniel Ferreira - 523-535 Managerial risk reduction, incentives and firm value
by Saltuk Ozerturk - 537-563 Asset price bubbles and crashes with near-zero-intelligence traders
by John Duffy & M. Ünver - 565-581 Information and crowding externalities
by C. Clark & Mattias Polborn - 583-596 When and why not to auction
by Colin Campbell & Dan Levin - 597-613 The role of varying risk attitudes in an auction with a buyout option
by Timothy Mathews & Brett Katzman - 615-641 Mistaken self-perception and equilibrium
by Francesco Squintani - 643-656 Subbalanced games and bargaining sets
by Chih Chang & Peng-An Chen - 657-677 Candidate stability and probabilistic voting procedures
by Carmelo Rodríguez-Álvarez - 679-690 Competitive equilibrium when preferences change over time
by Erzo Luttmer & Thomas Mariotti - 691-703 Quasi-equilibria in Banach spaces with lower semi-continuous preferences
by Ning Sun - 705-718 Regulating a monopolist with limited funds
by Axel Gautier & Manipushpak Mitra - 719-727 Equilibria in rent-seeking contests with homogeneous success functions
by David Malueg & Andrew Yates - 729-736 Two-sided altruism, Lindahl equilibrium, and Pareto optimality in overlapping generations models
by Lakshmi Raut
January 2006, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 277-304 Exclusive contracts and the institution of bankruptcy
by Alberto Bisin & Adriano Rampini - 305-320 What is an ‘endogenous state space’?
by Jacob Sagi - 321-332 The folk theorem revisited
by James Bergin - 333-340 An axiomatic approach to $\boldsymbol{\varepsilon}$ -contamination
by Kiyohiko Nishimura & Hiroyuki Ozaki - 341-357 Why banks should keep secrets
by Todd Kaplan - 359-373 Union games: technological unemployment
by Gonzalo Fernández-de-Córdoba & Emma Moreno-García - 375-391 Strength of preference and cardinal utility
by Veronika Köbberling - 393-410 The micro-foundations of intertemporal price discrimination
by Winston Koh - 411-430 Non-manipulable domains for the Borda count
by Martin Barbie & Clemens Puppe & Attila Tasnádi - 431-447 Procedurally fair and stable matching
by Bettina Klaus & Flip Klijn - 449-468 Evolutionary stable stock markets
by Igor Evstigneev & Thorsten Hens & Klaus Schenk-Hoppé - 469-474 Population uncertainty in contests
by Roger Myerson & Karl Wärneryd - 475-482 Strategic market games quantal response equilibria
by Dimitrios Voliotis - 483-491 Factor price equalization beyond a “cubic” world
by Avik Chakrabarti
January 2006, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-23 Theory and practice of monetary policy
by Gaetano Bloise & Herakles Polemarchakis - 25-38 Policy-making in EMU: strategies, rules and discretion
by Lucas Papademos - 39-58 The value of money in a dynamic equilibrium model
by Manuel Santos - 59-77 A note on the existence of a monetary equilibrium over an infinite horizon
by Gaetano Bloise - 79-106 Determinacy with nominal assets and outside money
by Pradeep Dubey & John Geanakoplos - 107-142 A model to analyse financial fragility
by Charles Goodhart & Pojanart Sunirand & Dimitrios Tsomocos - 143-162 Interest rate rules, inflation and the Taylor principle: an analytical exploration
by Jean-Pascal Bénassy - 163-177 Monetary policy with sticky prices and segmented markets
by Tomoyuki Nakajima - 179-211 Debt, liquidity and dynamics
by Céline Rochon & Herakles Polemarchakis - 213-241 Imperfect common knowledge and the information value of prices
by Jeffery Amato & Hyun Shin - 243-270 Monetary policy and the financial decisions of firms
by Thomas Cooley & Vincenzo Quadrini - 271-275 Inflation indexed bonds and monetary theory
by Laurence Weiss
November 2005, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 741-764 Efficient markets and Bayes’ rule
by Alvaro Sandroni - 765-791 Non-implementation of rational expectations as a perfect Bayesian equilibrium
by Dionysius Glycopantis & Allan Muir & Nicholas Yannelis - 793-812 On the continuity of equilibrium and core correspondences in economies with differential information
by Ezra Einy & Ori Haimanko & Diego Moreno & Benyamin Shitovitz - 813-837 Stock options and managerial optimal contracts
by Jorge Aseff & Manuel Santos - 839-866 Continuity of the equilibrium price density and its uses in peak-load pricing
by Anthony Horsley & Andrew Wrobel - 867-885 Optimal contracts in a dynamic costly state verification model
by Cyril Monnet & Erwan Quintin - 887-906 Voting in assemblies of shareholders and incomplete markets
by Mich Tvede & Hervé Crés - 907-921 Stable cartels revisited
by Effrosyni Diamantoudi - 923-946 Asymmetric contests with general technologies
by Richard Cornes & Roger Hartley - 947-971 Infinite inequality systems and cardinal revelations
by Marcel Richter & Kam-Chau Wong - 973-982 Monotone continuous multiple priors
by Alain Chateauneuf & Fabio Maccheroni & Massimo Marinacci & Jean-Marc Tallon - 983-987 Asymptotic prices in uniform-price multi-unit auctions
by Indranil Chakraborty & Richard Engelbrecht-Wiggans - 989-994 The impact of prudence on optimal prevention
by Louis Eeckhoudt & Christian Gollier - 995-1006 Ambiguity, measurability and multiple priors
by Massimiliano Amarante - 1007-1012 Fixed endpoint optimal control
by Frank Caliendo & Saket Pande
October 2005, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 471-496 Multidimensional generalized Gini indices
by Thibault Gajdos & John Weymark - 497-516 The evolutionary stability of perfectly competitive behavior
by Carlos Alós-Ferrer & Ana Ania - 517-536 Herd behaviour as an incentive scheme
by Nicolas Melissas - 537-557 Procyclicality and the new Basel Accord - banks’ choice of loan rating system
by Eva Catarineu-Rabell & Patricia Jackson & Dimitrios Tsomocos - 559-587 Excess price volatility and financial innovation
by Alessandro Citanna & Karl Schmedders - 589-606 Augmented serial rules for an excludable public good
by Shinji Ohseto - 607-617 Winning probabilities in a pairwise lottery system with three alternatives
by Frederick Chen & Jac Heckelman - 619-628 Approval voting reconsidered
by Eyal Baharad & Shmuel Nitzan - 629-649 Endogenous fluctuations in unionized economies with productive externalities
by Rui Coimbra & Teresa Lloyd-Braga & Leonor Modesto - 651-675 What do information frictions do?
by Joydeep Bhattacharya & Shankha Chakraborty - 677-699 An experimental test of observational learning under imperfect information
by Boğaçhan Çelen & Shachar Kariv - 701-716 The Zilcha criterion for dynamic inefficiency
by Peter Rangazas & Steven Russell - 717-724 The fuzzy core and the $(\Pi, \beta)$ -balanced core
by Arkadi Predtetchinski - 725-728 Temporal and thermodynamic irreversibility in production theory
by Stefan Baumgärtner - 729-740 Designer path independent choice functions
by Mark Johnson & Richard Dean
August 2005, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 243-244 Foreword to ‘Rationality and Equilibrium’ - A Symposium in honor of Marcel K. Richter
by Charalambos Aliprantis & Rosa Matzkin & Daniel McFadden & James Moore & Nicholas Yannelis - 245-264 Revealed stochastic preference: a synthesis
by Daniel McFadden - 265-299 Communication in dynastic repeated games: ‘Whitewashes’ and ‘coverups’
by Luca Anderlini & Roger Lagunoff - 301-308 The structure of the Nash equilibrium sets of standard 2-player games
by Lin Zhou - 309-332 Nash equilibrium in games with incomplete preferences
by Sophie Bade - 333-344 Remarks concerning concave utility functions on finite sets
by Yakar Kannai - 345-359 Walrasian versus quasi-competitive equilibrium and the core of a production economy
by James Moore - 361-381 Characterization and incentive compatibility of Walrasian expectations equilibrium in infinite dimensional commodity spaces
by Carlos Hervés-Beloso & Emma Moreno-García & Nicholas Yannelis - 383-396 Laws of scarcity for a finite game - exact bounds on estimations
by Alexander Kovalenkov & Myrna Wooders - 397-421 Existence of equilibria for economies with externalities and a measure space of consumers
by Bernard Cornet & Mihaela Topuzu - 423-443 Identification of consumers’ preferences when their choices are unobservable
by Rosa Matzkin - 445-469 Log-concave probability and its applications
by Mark Bagnoli & Ted Bergstrom
July 2005, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-62 ‘Expected utility / subjective probability’ analysis without the sure-thing principle or probabilistic sophistication
by Mark Machina - 63-83 Satisficing behavior, Brouwer’s Fixed Point Theorem and Nash Equilibrium
by Robert Becker & Subir Chakrabarti - 85-101 General equilibrium with endogenous securities and moral hazard
by Luis Braido - 103-114 Bankruptcy games and the Ibn Ezra’s proposal
by José Alcalde & María Marco & José Silva - 115-128 An efficiency characterization of plurality social choice on simple preference domains
by Biung-Ghi Ju - 129-139 Type space on a purely measurable parameter space
by Miklós Pintér - 141-166 New financial markets: who gains and who loses
by Paul Willen - 167-175 Consistent firm choice and the theory of supply
by Indraneel Dasgupta - 177-201 Economic progress and skill obsolescence with network effects
by Peter Kennedy & Ian King - 203-209 Eliciting the core of a supermodular capacity
by Robert Chambers & Tigran Melkonyan - 211-215 Three brief proofs of Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem
by John Geanakoplos - 217-225 On the characterization of excess demand functions
by Marwan Aloqeili - 227-235 The separability principle in bargaining
by Youngsub Chun - 237-241 Large games with transformed summary statistics
by Haomiao Yu & Wei Zhu
June 2005, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 763-798 Trees and decisions
by Carlos Alós-Ferrer & Klaus Ritzberger - 799-818 Location-then-price competition with uncertain consumer tastes
by Kieron Meagher & Klaus Zauner - 819-829 An algebraic theory of multi-product decisions
by David Hennessy & Harvey Lapan - 831-854 Repeated moral hazard with persistence
by Toshihiko Mukoyama & Ayşegül Şahin - 855-870 Revealed preference and differentiable demand
by Peter Lee & Kam-Chau Wong - 871-885 Bounded rationality: static versus dynamic approaches
by Suren Basov - 887-916 Dynamic costly state verification
by Cheng Wang - 917-932 Financial price fluctuations in a stock market model with many interacting agents
by Ulrich Horst - 933-956 Intertemporal substitution, risk aversion and ambiguity aversion
by Takashi Hayashi - 957-982 A stress test of fairness measures in models of social utility
by Gary Bolton & Axel Ockenfels - 983-997 Giffen goods and market making
by Giovanni Cespa - 999-1005 Theoretical conditions under which monetary policies are effective and practical obstacles to their verification
by P. Swamy & George Tavlas - 1007-1012 Comparative statics of properness in two-moment decision models
by Thomas Eichner
April 2005, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 513-551 Strategic freedom, constraint, and symmetry in one-period markets with cash and credit payment
by Eric Smith & Martin Shubik - 553-574 Bounded rationality in laboratory bargaining with asymmetric information
by Timothy Cason & Stanley Reynolds - 575-597 Long horizon versus short horizon planning in dynamic optimization problems with incomplete information
by Herbert Dawid - 599-628 Waiting times and equilibrium selection
by Alan Beggs - 629-648 The structure of authority, federalism, commitment and economic growth
by Ronald Edwards - 649-667 More pessimism than greediness: a characterization of monotone risk aversion in the rank-dependent expected utility model
by Alain Chateauneuf & Michéle Cohen & Isaac Meilijson - 669-677 Playing Cournot although they shouldn’t
by Miguel Fonseca & Steffen Huck & Hans-Theo Normann - 679-701 A bargaining approach to the Owen value and the Nash solution with coalition structure
by Juan Vidal-Puga - 703-710 Imperfect recall and the relationships between solution concepts in extensive games
by Jeffrey Kline - 711-719 The core of an economy with satiation
by Alexander Konovalov - 721-743 Non-dictatorial extensive social choice
by Erwin Ooghe & Luc Lauwers - 745-749 The Copeland rule and Condorcet’s principle
by Christian Klamler - 751-762 Endogenous growth cycles in an overlapping generations model with investment gestation lags
by Akiomi Kitagawa & Akihisa Shibata
February 2005, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 265-285 Market clearing, utility functions, and securities prices
by Roberto Raimondo - 287-315 Creditworthiness and thresholds in a credit market model with multiple equilibria
by Lars Grüne & Willi Semmler & Malte Sieveking - 317-332 Costly switching and investment volatility
by Tackseung Jun - 333-351 The extent of the market and optimal specialization
by Shouyong Shi - 353-379 Asymmetric information and survival in financial markets
by Emanuela Sciubba - 381-400 Transitional dynamics and the distribution of assets
by Francesc Obiols-Homs & Carlos Urrutia - 401-419 Existence and specific characters of rentiers: a savers-spenders theory approach
by Emmanuel Thibault - 421-454 Selective penalization of polluters: an inf-convolution approach
by Ngo Long & Antoine Soubeyran - 455-475 Collusion through mediated communication in repeated games with imperfect private monitoring
by Masaki Aoyagi - 477-486 On the generic strategic stability of Nash equilibria if voting is costly
by Francesco Sinopoli & Giovanna Iannantuoni - 487-495 Distributional aspects of the divisibility of money: an example
by Gabriele Camera - 497-504 A costly state verification model with diversity of opinions
by Guillaume Carlier & Ludovic Renou - 505-511 Saving under rank-dependent utility
by Han Bleichrodt & Louis Eeckhoudt
January 2005, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-2 Symposium in honor of Birgit Grodal (1943-2004)
by Karl Vind - 3-20 On the definition of differentiated products in the real world
by Beth Allen - 21-34 Market clearing and derivative pricing
by Robert Anderson & Roberto Raimondo - 35-50 Adaptive contracting: the trial-and-error approach to outsourcing
by Morten Bennedsen & Christian Schultz - 51-74 Monetary equilibria over an infinite horizon
by Gaetano Bloise & Jacques Dréze & Herakles Polemarchakis - 75-87 Are incomplete markets able to achieve minimal efficiency?
by Egbert Dierker & Hildegard Dierker & Birgit Grodal - 89-103 A competitive model of economic geography
by Bryan Ellickson & William Zame - 105-121 When inefficiency begets efficiency
by Hans Gersbach & Hans Haller - 123-134 Equilibrium with arbitrary market structure
by Birgit Grodal & Karl Vind - 135-154 Pareto improving price regulation when the asset market is incomplete
by P. Herings & Herakles Polemarchakis - 155-169 On behavioral heterogeneity
by Werner Hildenbrand & Alois Kneip - 171-185 The evolution of conventions under incomplete information
by Mogens Jensen & Birgitte Sloth & Hans Whitta-Jacobsen - 187-201 Stable partitions in a model with group-dependent feasible sets
by Michel Breton & Shlomo Weber - 203-215 Monotone risk aversion
by Lars Nielsen - 217-234 Will democracy engender equality?
by John Roemer - 235-253 Consumption externalities, rental markets and purchase clubs
by Suzanne Scotchmer - 255-263 Core-equivalence for the Nash bargaining solution
by Walter Trockel
November 2004, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 727-732 Recent developments on money and finance: an introduction
by Gabriele Camera - 733-739 Comments on Bruce Smith’s work
by David Levine & Arthur Rolnick & Karl Shell - 741-767 Deposit insurance and bank regulation in a monetary economy: a general equilibrium exposition
by John Boyd & Chun Chang & Bruce Smith - 769-788 A monetary mechanism for sharing capital: Diamond and Dybvig meet Kiyotaki and Wright
by Ricardo O. Cavalcanti - 789-809 Aggregate risk sharing and equivalent financial mechanisms in an endowment economy of incomplete participation
by Pamela Labadie - 811-837 Domestic financial market frictions, unrestricted international capital flows, and crises in small open economies
by Gaetano Antinolfi & Elisabeth Huybens - 839-856 Inflation, growth and exchange rate regimes in small open economies
by Paula Hernandez-Verme - 857-875 Limited participation, private money, and credit in a spatial model of money
by Stephen Williamson - 877-885 A simple search model of money with heterogeneous agents and partial acceptability
by Andrei Shevchenko & Randall Wright - 887-906 The distribution of money and prices in an equilibrium with lotteries
by Aleksander Berentsen & Gabriele Camera & Christopher Waller - 907-932 Money, price dispersion and welfare
by Brian Peterson & Shouyong Shi - 933-951 Decentralized credit and monetary exchange without public record keeping
by Dean Corbae & Joseph Ritter
October 2004, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 465-468 General equilibrium, incomplete markets and sunspots: A symposium in honor of David Cass
by Alessandro Citanna & John Donaldson & Herakles Polemarchakis & Paolo Siconolfi & Stephen Spear - 469-492 Equilibria in reflexive Banach lattices with a continuum of agents
by Aloisio Araujo & V. Martins-da-Rocha & Paulo Monteiro - 493-501 The equilibrium manifold keeps the memory of individual demand functions
by Yves Balasko - 503-530 Monopoly power and the firm’s valuation: a dynamic analysis of short versus long-term policies
by Suleyman Basak & Anna Pavlova - 531-547 Volatility in the knowledge economy
by Graciela Chichilnisky & Olga Gorbachev - 549-560 Pooling and endogenous market incompleteness
by Alessandro Citanna & Antonio Villanacci - 561-581 Economic implications of better information in a dynamic framework
by Bernhard Eckwert & Itzhak Zilcha - 583-602 Sunspot equilibria and the transfer paradox
by Thorsten Hens & Beate Pilgrim