January 2008, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 157-180 Learning competitive equilibrium in laboratory exchange economies
by Sean Crockett - 181-187 On the Mean of Squared Deprivation Gaps
by Achin Chakraborty & Prasanta Pattanaik & Yongsheng Xu - 189-206 Market power, survival and accuracy of predictions in financial markets
by Patrick Leoni
December 2007, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 413-435 Out-of-equilibrium price dynamics
by Yves Balasko - 437-456 Communication in financial markets with several informed traders
by Tilman Klumpp - 457-474 An ordinal characterization of the linear opinion pool
by Christopher Chambers - 475-491 Risky arbitrage, asset prices, and externalities
by Cuong Van & Frank Page & Myrna Wooders - 493-507 A general equilibrium investigation of handguns, cops and robbers
by John Boyd & Abu Jalal & Jin Kim - 509-530 Education and growth with endogenous debt constraints
by David Croix & Philippe Michel - 531-548 Finiteness property with vertical and horizontal differentiation: does it really matter?
by Rim Lahmandi-Ayed - 549-577 Unemployment dynamics in an OLG economy with public pensions
by Tetsuo Ono - 579-589 The marginal pricing rule revisited
by Jean-Marc Bonnisseau & Bernard Cornet & Marc-Olivier Czarnecki - 591-599 Circularity of the Malmquist productivity index
by Jesús Pastor & C. Lovell - 601-601 Banks, relative performance, and sequential contagion
by Sudipto Bhattacharya & Charles Goodhart & Pojanart Sunirand & Dimitrios Tsomocos
November 2007, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 225-242 A new approach to modeling decision-making under uncertainty
by Edi Karni - 243-261 The dynamics of wealth distribution with asymmetric incentives and endogenous matching
by Alessandro Citanna - 263-269 Passive learning: a critique by example
by Godfrey Keller - 271-283 The structure of optimal tariff rates in a large country with market power
by Yoshitomo Ogawa - 285-309 Citizen-candidates, lobbies, and strategic campaigning
by Christopher Chambers - 311-331 Sunspot Fluctuations in Two-sector Economies with Heterogeneous Agents
by Stefano Bosi & Francesco Magris & Alain Venditti - 333-348 Parametric continuity of stationary distributions
by Cuong Van & John Stachurski - 349-364 Component efficient solutions in line-graph games with applications
by René Brink & Gerard Laan & Valeri Vasil’ev - 365-368 Price normalization under imperfect competition
by Klaus Ritzberger - 369-379 A note on the value of public information in monopoly
by Alexander Saak - 381-391 Recursive utility with unbounded aggregators
by Juan Rincón-Zapatero & Carlos Rodríguez-Palmero - 393-406 Characterizing the Vickrey combinatorial auction by induction
by Soo Chew & Shigehiro Serizawa - 407-412 Asymptotical behavior of finite and possible discontinuous economies
by Jacqueline Morgan & Vincenzo Scalzo
October 2007, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 1-10 An introduction to the symposium on behavioral game theory
by David Cooper - 11-27 Recommended play and correlated equilibria: an experimental study
by Timothy Cason & Tridib Sharma - 29-51 Learning and equilibrium as useful approximations: Accuracy of prediction on randomly selected constant sum games
by Ido Erev & Alvin Roth & Robert Slonim & Greg Barron - 53-65 Selection dynamics and adaptive behavior without much information
by John Huyck & Raymond Battalio & Frederick Rankin - 67-80 Exploiting moral wiggle room: experiments demonstrating an illusory preference for fairness
by Jason Dana & Roberto Weber & Jason Kuang - 81-101 Regret in auctions: theory and evidence
by Richard Engelbrecht-Wiggans & Elena Katok - 103-119 Survival auctions
by John Kagel & Svetlana Pevnitskaya & Lixin Ye - 121-143 Congestion allocation for distributed networks: an experimental study
by Yan Chen & Laura Razzolini & Theodore Turocy - 145-167 Punishment, counterpunishment and sanction enforcement in a social dilemma experiment
by Laurent Denant-Boemont & David Masclet & Charles Noussair - 169-182 Leading-by-example and signaling in voluntary contribution games: an experimental study
by Jan Potters & Martin Sefton & Lise Vesterlund - 183-209 Forward induction and entry deterrence: an experiment
by Jordi Brandts & Antonio Cabrales & Gary Charness - 211-224 Price floors and competition
by Martin Dufwenberg & Uri Gneezy & Jacob Goeree & Rosemarie Nagel
September 2007, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 425-446 Asset market equilibrium with short-selling and differential information
by Wassim Daher & V. Martins-da-Rocha & Yiannis Vailakis - 447-460 Existence of Equilibria in Matching Models of Money: A New Technique
by Kazuya Kamiya & Takashi Shimizu - 461-475 The determinacy of equilibrium in economies of overlapping generations
by S. Demichelis & H. Polemarchakis - 477-496 A theory of capital gains taxation and business turnover
by Ricardo O. Cavalcanti & Andrés Erosa - 497-509 Optimal Control in Infinite Horizon Problems: A Sobolev Space Approach
by Cuong Van & Raouf Boucekkine & Cagri Saglam - 511-522 From sure to strong diversification
by Alain Chateauneuf & Ghizlane Lakhnati - 523-549 Policy Discrimination with and without Interpersonal Comparisons of Utility
by Michael Mandler - 551-574 Auctions with Financial Externalities
by Emiel Maasland & Sander Onderstal - 575-578 Existence of Sparsely Supported Correlated Equilibria
by Fabrizio Germano & Gábor Lugosi - 579-587 Market Demand Elasticity and Income Inequality
by Marat Ibragimov & Rustam Ibragimov - 589-594 Extreme inequality aversion without separability
by Kristof Bosmans
August 2007, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 251-286 The Dynamic Evolution of Preferences
by Aviad Heifetz & Chris Shannon & Yossi Spiegel - 287-307 The Effect of Better Information on Income Inequality
by Bernhard Eckwert & Itzhak Zilcha - 309-332 Rent Protection as a Barrier to Innovation and Growth
by Elias Dinopoulos & Constantinos Syropoulos - 333-352 Simultaneous inter- and intra-group conflicts
by Johannes Münster - 353-380 Two-sided Markets, Competitive Bottlenecks and Exclusive Contracts
by Mark Armstrong & Julian Wright - 381-398 Banks, relative performance, and sequential contagion
by Dimitrios Tsomocos & Sudipto Bhattacharya & Charles Goodhart & Pojanart Sunirand - 399-410 Ex-post full surplus extraction, straightforwardly
by Vlad Mares & Ronald Harstad - 411-416 Corrigendum to “On randomized matching mechanisms” [Economic Theory 8(1996)377–381]
by Bettina Klaus & Flip Klijn - 417-424 Precautionary saving in the presence of other risks
by Christophe Courbage & Béatrice Rey
July 2007, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 1-5 Edward C. Prescott’s contributions to economics: guest editors’ introduction
by Stephen Parente & Anne Villamil - 7-11 Remarks on the influence of Edward Prescott
by Robert Lucas - 13-41 Is dynamic general equilibrium a theory of everything?
by Costas Azariadis & Leo Kaas - 43-58 Why have business cycle fluctuations become less volatile?
by Andres Arias & Gary Hansen & Lee Ohanian - 59-85 Taxation and market work: is Scandinavia an outlier?
by Richard Rogerson - 87-104 The Japanese saving rate between 1960 and 2000: productivity, policy changes, and demographics
by Kaiji Chen & Ayşe İmrohoroğlu & Selahattin İmrohoroğlu - 105-123 Religion in macroeconomics: a quantitative analysis of Weber’s thesis
by Tiago Cavalcanti & Stephen Parente & Rui Zhao - 125-155 Junior is rich: bequests as consumption
by George Constantinides & John Donaldson & Rajnish Mehra - 157-177 Intangible capital, corporate valuation and asset pricing
by Jean-Pierre Danthine & Xiangrong Jin - 179-221 Sources of TFP growth: occupational choice and financial deepening
by Hyeok Jeong & Robert Townsend - 223-250 Deregulation with consensus
by Sandro Brusco & Hugo Hopenhayn
June 2007, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 401-425 Local Sunspot Equilibria Reconsidered
by Julio Dávila & Piero Gottardi & Atsushi Kajii - 427-445 The Formateurs’ Role in Government Formation
by Daniel Seidmann & Eyal Winter & Elan Pavlov - 447-471 Dividends in the theory of derivative securities pricing
by Lars Nielsen - 473-488 Mechanism Design with Interdependent Valuations: Surplus Extraction
by Claudio Mezzetti - 489-499 Beyond the Linearity Critique: The Knife-edge Assumption of Steady-state Growth
by Jakub Growiec - 501-521 Children Crying at Birthday Parties. Why?
by William Thomson - 523-538 Learning Dynamics with Private and Public Signals
by Adam Copeland - 539-552 Unobservable Contracts as Precommitments
by Levent Koçkesen - 553-572 Liquidity and Liquidation
by David Kelly & Stephen LeRoy - 573-585 Bertrand Games and Sharing Rules
by Steffen Hoernig - 587-596 Socially Subjective Equilibrium in Strategic Form Games
by Oishi Hidetsugu - 597-604 (Non-)existence and Scope of Nash Networks
by Hans Haller & Jurjen Kamphorst & Sudipta Sarangi
May 2007, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 205-212 On the Non-Existence of Redundant Options
by Alexandre Baptista - 213-223 On the Characterization of Efficient Production Vectors
by Jean-Marc Bonnisseau & Bertrand Crettez - 225-254 The Commons with Capital Markets
by Colin Rowat & Jayasri Dutta - 255-269 No-arbitrage Equilibria with Differential Information: An Existence Proof
by Lionel Boisdeffre - 271-291 Inflation in Open Economies with Complete Markets
by Marco Celentani & J. Conde-Ruiz & Klaus Desmet - 293-306 The New Keynesian Phillips Curve and Inflation Expectations: Re-Specification and Interpretation
by P. Swamy & George Tavlas - 307-326 On Efficient Child Making
by Philippe Michel & Bertrand Wigniolle - 327-342 Market Games in Large Economies with a Finite Number of Types
by Yaron Azrieli & Ehud Lehrer - 343-366 When will a Dictator be Good?
by Ling Shen - 367-370 Simple Utility Functions with Giffen Demand
by Peter Sørensen - 371-386 On Rothschild–Stiglitz as Competitive Pooling
by Alberto Martin - 387-392 Equilibrium in a Market Game
by Yan-An Hwang & Mau-Hsiang Shih - 393-400 Effects of Securities Transaction Taxes on Depth and Bid-Ask Spread
by Dominique Dupont & Gabriel Lee
April 2007, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-17 Exclusive Versus Non-exclusive Dealing in Auctions with Resale
by Subir Bose & George Deltas - 19-33 Human Capital and Growth Cycles
by Leo Kaas & Stefan Zink - 35-50 ‘Regular’ choice and the weak axiom of stochastic revealed preference
by Indraneel Dasgupta & Prasanta Pattanaik - 51-68 Welfare Reducing Polls
by Jacob Goeree & Jens Großer - 69-84 The Costs of Implementing the Majority Principle: The Golden Voting Rule
by Eyal Baharad & Shmuel Nitzan - 85-112 Allocating Government Education Expenditures Across K-12 and College Education
by William Blankenau & Steven Cassou & Beth Ingram - 113-142 Unit-Consistent Poverty Indices
by Buhong Zheng - 143-166 Blowing the Whistle
by Jose Apesteguia & Martin Dufwenberg & Reinhard Selten - 167-181 Reduced Form Auctions Revisited
by Kim Border - 183-188 The Nonparametric Approach to Applied Welfare Analysis
by Donald Brown & Caterina Calsamiglia - 189-203 Comparative Statics for the Consumer Problem
by Elena Antoniadou
March 2007, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 395-407 Private Information: Similarity as Compatibility
by João Correia-da-Silva & Carlos Hervés-Beloso - 409-414 Ambiguity and the Value of Information: An Almost-objective Events Analysis
by John Quiggin - 415-430 The stability threshold and two facets of polarization
by Ori Haimanko & Michel Breton & Shlomo Weber - 431-452 A Model of Financial Markets with Endogenously Correlated Rational Beliefs
by Hiroyuki Nakata - 453-472 Evolutionary choice of markets
by Anke Gerber & Marc Bettzüge - 473-491 The Manipulability of Matching Rules via Segmentation
by Murat Sertel & İpek Özkal-Sanver - 493-513 On learning equilibria
by Jan Tuinstra & Florian Wagener - 515-538 The (S,s) Policy is an Optimal Trading Strategy in a Class of Commodity Price Speculation Problems
by George Hall & John Rust - 539-560 On ‘Informationally Robust Equilibria’ for Bimatrix Games
by Hans Reijnierse & Peter Borm & Mark Voorneveld - 561-574 Consistent House Allocation
by Lars Ehlers & Bettina Klaus - 575-586 Excess Entry in the Absence of Scale Economies
by Arghya Ghosh & Souresh Saha - 587-597 Structure, Clearinghouses and Symmetry
by Martin Shubik & Eric Smith
February 2007, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 195-221 Contests to become CEO: incentives, selection and handicaps
by Theofanis Tsoulouhas & Charles Knoeber & Anup Agrawal - 223-241 Type interaction models and the rule of six
by Scott Page - 243-263 Price discrimination and efficient matching
by Ettore Damiano & Hao Li - 265-287 Ranking committees, income streams or multisets
by Murat Sertel & Arkadii Slinko - 289-289 Ranking Committees, Income Streams or Multisets
by Murat Sertel & Arkadii Slinko - 291-311 Screening Ethics when Honest Agents Keep their Word
by Ingela Alger & Régis Renault - 313-336 Overconfidence and Market Efficiency with Heterogeneous Agents
by Diego García & Francesco Sangiorgi & Branko Urošević - 337-362 A contribution to duality theory, applied to the measurement of risk aversion
by Juan Martínez-Legaz & John Quah - 363-372 Aggregation under homogeneous ambiguity: a two-fund separation result
by Katsutoshi Wakai - 373-384 Revision of conjectures about the opponent’s utilities in signaling games
by Tim Schulteis & Andres Perea & Hans Peters & Dries Vermeulen - 385-394 Existence of a Universal Comparative Statics Matrix for Differentiable Optimization Problems
by M. Partovi & Michael Caputo
January 2007, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 1-19 Increasing returns, entrepreneurship and imperfect competition
by Jean Gabszewicz & Didier Laussel - 21-48 The price of size and financial market allocations
by Zhixiong Zeng - 49-87 Subjective recursive expected utility
by Peter Klibanoff & Emre Ozdenoren - 89-105 Social norms, cooperation and inequality
by Pedro Bó - 107-118 The private value single item bisection auction
by Elena Grigorieva & P. Herings & Rudolf Müller & Dries Vermeulen - 119-134 The structure of information networks
by Rajgopal Kannan & Lydia Ray & Sudipta Sarangi - 135-149 The Shapley Value of a Patent Licensing Game: the Asymptotic Equivalence to Non-cooperative Results
by Yair Tauman & Naoki Watanabe - 151-169 Screening risk-averse agents under moral hazard: single-crossing and the CARA case
by Bruno Jullien & Bernard Salanié & François Salanié - 171-180 On the long-run evolution of technological knowledge
by Hendrik Hakenes & Andreas Irmen - 181-186 Balanced cycles in an OLG model with a continuum of finitely-lived individuals
by Hippolyte d’Albis & Emmanuelle Augeraud-Véron - 187-190 Scoring rules: an alternative parameterization
by Eyal Baharad & Shmuel Nitzan - 191-193 Dynamic versus one-period completeness in event-tree security markets
by Anna Battauz & Fulvio Ortu
November 2006, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 489-504 Testable Implications of Pareto Efficiency and Individualrationality
by Ruediger Bachmann - 505-523 Recursive equilibrium in endogenous growth models with incomplete markets
by Tom Krebs - 525-548 Production, interest, and saving in deterministic economies with additive endowments
by I. Karatzas & M. Shubik & W. Sudderth - 549-564 Supporting weakly Pareto optimal allocations in infinite dimensional nonconvex economies
by Monique Florenzano & Pascal Gourdel & Alejandro Jofré - 565-589 Externalities, monopoly and the objective function of the firm
by David Kelsey & Frank Milne - 591-619 Time-inconsistent preferences in a general equilibrium model
by P. Herings & Kirsten Rohde - 621-648 Network externalities and long-run market shares
by Matthew Mitchell & Andrzej Skrzypacz - 649-675 Financial liberalization and short-run housing price dynamics
by Basant Kapur - 677-699 Weak axiomatic demand theory
by John Quah - 701-711 Repetitive risk aversion
by Parkash Chander - 713-719 Fending off one means fending off all: evolutionary stability in quasi-submodular aggregative games
by Wolfgang Leininger - 721-726 Immediate demand reduction in simultaneous ascending-bid auctions: a uniqueness result
by Frank Riedel & Elmar Wolfstetter
October 2006, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 249-250 Foreword to the Symposium
by Charalambos Aliprantis & Tapan Mitra & Kazuo Nishimura & Roy Radner - 251-270 Population growth and technological change in a global warming model
by Prajit Dutta & Roy Radner - 271-290 The political economy of redistribution under democracy
by Jess Benhabib & Adam Przeworski - 291-306 On the dynamics of inequality
by Debraj Ray - 307-324 Indeterminacy in a dynamic two-country model
by Kazuo Nishimura & Koji Shimomura - 325-340 Dynamic optimization with a nonsmooth, nonconvex technology: the case of a linear objective function
by Takashi Kamihigashi & Santanu Roy - 341-362 Undiscounted optimal growth in the two-sector Robinson-Solow-Srinivasan model: a synthesis of the value-loss approach and dynamic programming
by M. Khan & Tapan Mitra - 363-378 When does Strategic Debt-service Matter?
by Viral Acharya & Jing-zhi Huang & Marti Subrahmanyam & Rangarajan Sundaram - 379-394 Information, trade and incomplete markets
by Lawrence Blume & Tarek Coury & David Easley - 395-414 A price competition game under free entry
by Makoto Yano - 415-432 Matching and anonymity
by Charalambos Aliprantis & Gabriele Camera & Daniela Puzzello - 433-452 On the informational content of advice: a theoretical and experimental study
by Yaw Nyarko & Andrew Schotter & Barry Sopher - 453-464 Continuity properties of the private core
by Erik Balder & Nicholas Yannelis - 465-487 Market games with asymmetric information: the core
by Beth Allen
September 2006, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-24 The Colonel Blotto game
by Brian Roberson - 25-48 Existence of optimal strategies in linear multisector models
by Giuseppe Freni & Fausto Gozzi & Neri Salvadori - 49-70 Endogenous time preference and optimal growth
by Michael Stern - 71-88 Cooperation in the commons
by Stephen Polasky & Nori Tarui & Gregory Ellis & Charles Mason - 89-94 Banning Bidders from All-pay Auctions
by Domenico Menicucci - 95-110 Labor adjustment costs and complex eigenvalues
by Xavier Fairise & Patrick Fève - 111-121 Characterizations of strategy-proof and fair mechanisms for allocating indivisible goods
by Shinji Ohseto - 123-150 The evolution of portfolio rules and the capital asset pricing model
by Emanuela Sciubba - 151-162 No-envy in queueing problems
by Youngsub Chun - 163-179 One-way flow networks: the role of heterogeneity
by Andrea Galeotti - 181-195 Competitive equilibrium hyperinflation under rational expectations
by Fernando Barbosa & Alexandre Cunha & Elvia Sallum - 197-211 Characterization of equilibrium in pay-as-bid auctions for multiple units
by Indranil Chakraborty - 213-217 Another proof that assignment games have singleton cores only if multiple optimal matchings exist
by Jun Wako - 219-229 Coalition-proof supply function equilibria under capacity constraints
by Juan Delgado - 231-237 Almost sure convergence to zero in stochastic growth models
by Takashi Kamihigashi - 239-247 Directional duality theory Directional duality theory
by Rolf Fare & Daniel Primont
August 2006, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 481-512 The inflationary bias of real uncertainty and the harmonic Fisher equation
by Ioannis Karatzas & Martin Shubik & William Sudderth & John Geanakoplos - 513-529 Insecure property rights and growth: the role of appropriation costs, wealth effects, and heterogeneity
by Ngo Long & Gerhard Sorger - 531-557 Equilibria in a dynamic global game: the role of cohort effects
by Paul Heidhues & Nicolas Melissas - 559-584 Topologies of social interactions
by Yannis Ioannides - 585-602 Optimal auctions with asymmetrically informed bidders
by Moez Bennouri & Sonia Falconieri - 603-632 Inferring repeated-game strategies from actions: evidence from trust game experiments
by Jim Engle-Warnick & Robert Slonim - 633-649 Indeterminacy with almost constant returns to scale: capital-labor substitution matters
by Patrick Pintus - 651-664 The instantaneous capital market line
by Lars Nielsen & Maria Vassalou - 665-679 Cumulative prospect theory and the St. Petersburg paradox
by Marc Rieger & Mei Wang - 681-692 Axiomatic reference-dependence in behavior toward others and toward risk
by William Neilson - 693-708 High equity premia and crash fears - Rational foundations
by Massimo Guidolin - 709-719 Associated consistency and equal allocation of nonseparable costs
by Yan-An Hwang - 721-726 Equilibrium uniqueness with perfect complements
by Eilon Solan & Nicolas Vieille
June 2006, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 245-264 Social learning with private and common values
by Jacob Goeree & Thomas Palfrey & Brian Rogers - 265-281 Negative externalities and Sen’s liberalism theorem
by Donald Saari & Anne Petron