2002, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 849-860 Price equilibrium in address models of product differentiation: unit-elastic demand
by Martin Peitz
2002, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 435-453 Continuity of the first price auction Nash equilibrium correspondence
by Bernard Lebrun - 455-481 Bancruptcy in a model of unsecured claims
by Mário R. Páscoa & Aloisio P. Araujo - 483-502 Strategy-proof and nonbossy allocation of indivisible goods and money
by Lars-Gunnar Svensson & Bo Larsson - 503-537 Boiteux's solution to the shifting-peak problem and the equilibrium price density in continuous time
by Anthony Horsley & Andrew J. Wrobel - 539-553 Randomization, revelation, and redistribution in a Lerner world
by Uri Possen & Pierre Pestieau & Steven Slutsky - 555-577 Bertrand vs. Cournot equilibrium with risk averse firms and cost uncertainty
by Harrison Cheng - 579-601 Cycles and multiple equilibria in the market for durable lemons
by Maarten C. W. Janssen & Vladimir A. Karamychev - 603-621 When vagueness induces indirect competition: strategic incompleteness of contracts
by Jaideep Roy & Konstantinos Serfes - 623-627 Preference profiles sustaining Arrow's theorem
by Antonio Quesada - 629-636 Derived factor demand under monopoly
by Thorsten Bayindir-Upmann - 637-644 Risk aversion, moral hazard, and the principal's loss
by Hector Chade & Virginia N. Vera de Serio
2002, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 217-235 Indeterminacy and cycles in two-sector discrete-time model
by Kazuo Nishimura & Jess Benhabib & Alain Venditti - 237-257 Government financing in an endogenous growth model with financial market restrictions
by Marco A. Espinosa-Vega & Chong K. Yip - 259-269 Discrete time dynamics in a random matching monetary model
by Hector Lomeli & Ted Temzelides - 271-294 Strategic pricing of equity issues
by Klaus Ritzberger & Frank Milne - 295-320 Equilibrium in a reinsurance market with short sale constraints
by Guillaume Bernis - 321-339 Stochastic strategy adjustment in coordination games
by Michael Kosfeld - 341-355 How many voters are needed for paradoxes?
by James S. Weber - 357-372 A comparison of Dodgson's method and the Borda count
by Thomas C. Ratliff - 373-386 Majority cycles in a multi-dimensional setting
by Laurent Vidu - 387-399 Functioning, capability and the standard of living - an axiomatic approach
by Yongsheng Xu - 401-412 Multilateral bargaining: conditional and unconditional offers
by Chen-Ying Huang - 413-425 Discrepancies between ex ante and ex post efficiency under identical subjective probabilities
by Joaquim Silvestre - 427-433 A simple proof of the necessity of the transversality condition
by Takashi Kamihigashi
2002, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-27 On optimality in intergenerational risk sharing
by Gabrielle Demange - 29-45 Bank's capital structure under non-diversifiable risk
by Masaya Sakuragawa - 47-65 What do uncertainty-averse decision-makers believe?
by Matthew J. Ryan - 67-82 Incomplete markets: transverse financial structures
by Jean-Marc Bottazzi - 83-92 Revisiting Savage in a conditional world
by Paolo Ghirardato - 93-112 Macroeconomic coordination failure under oligempory
by Paul Madden & Esma Gaygisiz - 113-131 Resource-monotonic allocation when preferences are single-peaked
by Lars Ehlers - 133-158 The discrete time version of the Romer model
by Lisa Morhaim & Charles-Henri Dimaria & Cuong Le Van - 159-181 Subjective ambiguity, expected utility and Choquet expected utility
by Jiankang Zhang - 183-188 A new look for Stackelberg-Cournot equilibria in oligopolistic markets
by Jacqueline Morgan & Lina Mallozzi & Sjur D. Flåm - 189-198 Valuation in infinite-horizon sequential markets with portfolio constraints
by Kevin X.D. Huang - 199-205 Can market power sustain endogenous growth in overlapping-generations economies?
by Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira & Teresa Lloyd-Braga - 207-216 A note on representability of consumer's behavior
by C. Rodríguez-Palmero & J.C. R.Alcantud
2002, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 649-672 Global convergence of adaptive learning in models of pure exchange
by Jan Wenzelburger - 673-705 Auctioning divisible goods
by Jaime F. Zender & James J.D. Wang - 707-736 Product diffusion and pricing with market frictions
by Theodore Palivos & Derek Laing & Ping Wang - 737-746 A class of multipartner matching markets with a strong lattice structure
by Ahmet Alkan - 747-772 Symmetry and order in the portfolio allocation problem
by Harvey E. Lapan & David A. Hennessy - 773-790 A family of supermodular Nash mechanisms implementing Lindahl allocations
by Yan Chen - 791-810 Multiple reserve requirements in a monetary growth model
by Pere Gomis-Porqueras - 811-822 Limit-pricing as Bertrand equilibrium
by Prabal Roy Chowdhury - 823-831 Maxmin under risk
by Fabio Maccheroni - 833-838 On a covering theorem
by Adam Idzik & Tatsuro Ichiishi - 839-852 Optimal collective dichotomous choice under quota constraints
by Ruth Ben-Yashar & Sarit Kraus - 853-859 Human-capital investment and the wage gap
by Jürgen Meckl & Stefan Zink
2002, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 435-457 A simple model of coalitional bidding
by Rajiv Vohra & In-Koo Cho & Kevin Jewell - 459-476 Sensitivity analysis for applied general equilibrium models in the presence of multiple Walrasian equilibria
by Marcus Berliant & Sami Dakhlia - 477-492 Business cycles in a two-sector model of endogenous growth
by Erik Canton - 493-507 Rationing rule, imperfect information and equilibrium
by Roger Waldeck - 509-523 Diversification, convex preferences and non-empty core in the Choquet expected utility model
by Jean-Marc Tallon & Alain Chateauneuf - 525-548 Capacity constrained firms in (labor) markets with adverse selection
by Achim Wambach & Roman Inderst - 549-570 The simple analytics of information and experimentation in dynamic agency
by Leonard J. Mirman & Thomas D. Jeitschko & Egas Salgueiro - 571-598 The role of lender behavior in international project finance
by Sumru Altug & Sule Ozler & Murat Usman - 599-622 Competitive search markets for durable goods
by Holger M. Müller & Roman Inderst - 623-636 A simple random assignment problem with a unique solution
by Hervé Moulin & Anna Bogomolnaia - 637-648 On forward induction in money-burning games
by Makoto Shimoji
2002, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 223-242 Equilibrium valuation of illiquid assets
by John Krainer & Stephen F. LeRoy - 243-269 Determining damages from the operation of bidding rings: An analysis of the post-auction `knockout' sale
by George Deltas - 271-282 Winner-take-all price competition
by John Morgan & Michael R. Baye - 283-309 Auctions of licences and market structure
by Gustavo E. Rodriguez - 311-331 Information and experimentation in short-term contracting
by Leonard J. Mirman & Thomas D. Jeitschko - 333-353 Pricing, learning, and strategic behavior in a single-sale model
by Virginia Vera de Serio & Hector Chade - 355-378 Rationalizable variable-population choice functions
by Charles Blackorby & Walter Bossert & David Donaldson - 379-405 Stochastic evolution with slow learning
by Alan Beggs - 407-416 Characterization of the existence of maximal elements of acyclic relations
by J.C. R. Alcantud - 417-427 Homothetic functions revisited
by P.O. Lindberg & E. Anders Eriksson & Lars-Göran Mattsson
2002, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 7-62 Epistemic logics and their game theoretic applications: Introduction
by Mamoru Kaneko - 63-103 Bounded interpersonal inferences and decision making
by Nobu-Yuki Suzuki & Mamoru Kaneko - 105-144 Minimal belief change, Pareto-optimality and logical consequence
by Oliver Schulte - 145-156 A note on the wise girls puzzle
by Mariko Yasugi & Sobei H. Oda - 157-186 Common knowledge and quantification
by Holger Sturm & Frank Wolter & Michael Zakharyaschev - 187-201 A strategic market game with seigniorage costs of Fiat money
by Dimitrios P. Tsomocos & Martin Shubik
2001, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 511-533 Strategyproof sharing of submodular costs:budget balance versus efficiency
by Hervé Moulin & Scott Shenker - 535-553 Common priors under incomplete information: a unification
by Klaus Nehring - 555-575 Moral hazard and general equilibrium in large economies
by Marcos B. Lisboa - 577-603 Heterogeneous beliefs, price dispersion, and welfare-improving price controls
by Michael T. Rauh - 605-620 Stochastically independent randomization and uncertainty aversion
by Peter Klibanoff - 621-633 Equilibria in infinite dimensional commodity spaces revisited
by Valeri M. Marakulin - 635-648 The relative interior of the base polyhedron and the core
by Jingang Zhao - 649-659 The set of sunspot equilibria in economies with incomplete financial markets: variable asset prices
by Tito Pietra - 661-681 Secret information acquisition in Cournot markets
by Esther Hauk & Sjaak Hurkens - 683-700 Informational efficiency: ranking markets
by Frederic Palomino - 701-710 On the efficiency of markets for managers
by Ján Zábojnik - 711-744 Contests where there is variation in the marginal productivity of effort
by Nirvikar Singh & Donald Wittman - 745-752 Preservation and exogenous uncertain future preferences
by Alain Ayong Le Kama - 753-760 On competition and endogenous firm efficiency
by Pravin Krishna
2001, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 275-291 An alternative proof of the nonemptiness of the private core
by Isabelle Lefebvre - 293-319 An extensive form interpretation of the private core
by Allan Muir & Nicholas C. Yannelis & Dionysius Glycopantis - 321-332 Competitive and core allocations in large economies with differential information
by Ezra Einy & Diego Moreno & Benyamin Shitovitz - 333-348 Non-myopic learning in differential information economies: the core
by Konstantinos Serfes - 349-365 Incentive compatible core and competitive equilibria in differential information economies
by Aviad Heifetz & Françoise Forges & Enrico Minelli - 367-389 On coalitional stability of anonymous interim mechanisms
by Gabrielle Demange & Roger Guesnerie - 391-414 symposium articles: Signaling in markets with two-sided adverse selection
by Douglas Gale - 415-438 symposium articles: Risk aversion and incentive compatibility with ex post information asymmetry
by Martin F. Hellwig - 439-450 Ex ante contracting with endogenously determined communication plans
by Jülide Yazar - 451-471 Core concepts in economies where information is almost complete
by Stefan Krasa & Wayne Shafer - 473-484 The bargaining set of a large economy with differential information
by Ezra Einy & Diego Moreno & Benyamin Shitovitz - 485-509 Coalitional Bayesian Nash implementation in differential information economies
by Nicholas C. Yannelis & Guangsug Hahn
2001, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 7-35 Contractual restrictions on insider trading: a welfare analysis
by Antonio E. Bernardo - 37-72 Monopolistic security design in finance economies
by Karl Schmedders - 73-96 Computable general equilibrium with financial markets
by Felix Kubler - 97-126 Money non-neutrality in a Rational Belief Equilibrium with financial assets
by Maurizio Motolese - 127-157 Asymptotic methods for asset market equilibrium analysis
by Sy-Ming Guu & Kenneth L. Judd - 159-185 symposium articles: A differentiable homotopy to compute Nash equilibria of n -person games
by P. Jean-Jacques Herings & Ronald J.A.P. Peeters - 187-205 Comparing competition and collusion: a numerical approach
by Patrick Bajari - 207-235 Dynamic labor contracts with temporary layoffs and permanent separations
by Sevin Yeltekin & Christopher Sleet - 237-261 Numerical solution of dynamic oligopoly games with capital investment
by Dmitry V. Vedenov & Mario J. Miranda
2001, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 247-276 Coping with ignorance: unforeseen contingencies and non-additive uncertainty
by Paolo Ghirardato - 277-305 Mechanism design in queueing problems
by Manipushpak Mitra - 307-323 Indeterminacy of intertemporal equilibria under imperfect competition
by Leo Kaas - 325-344 On the computation of stable sets and strictly perfect equilibria
by Mathijs Jansen & Dries Vermeulen - 345-369 Technology transfer with commitment
by Arijit Mukherjee - 371-397 Markov perfect equilibria in industries with complementarities
by Christopher Sleet - 399-418 A model of intergenerational transfers
by Chengze Simon Fan - 419-445 Preemptive entry in differentiated product markets
by Simon P. Anderson & Maxim Engers - 447-466 The analytics of search with posted prices
by Michael A. Arnold & Steven A. Lippman - 467-480 A method of calculating the spectral radius of a nonnegative matrix and its applications
by Marat Ibragimov - 481-488 Dying of selfishness
by Bruno Decreuse - 489-496 Ranking of information systems in agency models: an integral condition
by Claude Fluet & Dominique Demougin
2001, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-24 Inequalities and fluctuations in a dynamic general equilibrium model
by Christian Ghiglino & Marielle Olszak-Duquenne - 25-51 Peer group effects in applied general equilibrium
by Elizabeth M. Caucutt - 53-80 Scoring run-off paradoxes for variable electorates
by Dominique Lepelley & Vincent Merlin - 81-99 Counter intuitive results in a simple model of wage negotiations
by Harold Houba & Gijsbert van Lomwel - 101-120 Conformism and diversity under social learning
by Venkatesh Bala & Sanjeev Goyal - 121-139 Equilibria in infinite-dimensional production economies with convexified coalitions
by Maria Gabriella Graziano - 141-162 Evolutionary dynamics on infinite strategy spaces
by JÃrg Oechssler & Frank Riedel - 163-180 On the difficulty of combining actual and potential criteria for an increase in social welfare
by Nicolas Gravel - 181-195 Factors substitutability, heterogeneity and endogenous fluctuations in a finance constrained economy
by Jean-Paul Barinci - 197-208 Growth and equilibrium indeterminacy: the role of capital mobility
by Amartya Lahiri - 209-221 Neoclassical life-cycle consumption: a textbook example
by Monika BØtler - 223-231 On games with identical equilibrium payoffs
by Indrajit Ray - 233-238 Utility and entropy
by Juan R. De Miguel & Ghanshyam B. Mehta & Esteban Induráin & Juan C. Candeal - 239-245 A note on decomposing the Malmquist productivity index by means of subvector homotheticity
by Kathy Hayes & Rolf Färe & Shawna Grosskopf & Finn R. Førsund & Almas Heshmati
2000, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 511-528 Concurrent trading in two experimental markets with demand interdependence
by Arlington W. Williams & John O. Ledyard & Steven Gjerstad & Vernon L. Smith - 529-544 Some factors affecting demand withholding in posted-offer markets
by Bradley J. Ruffle - 545-565 Firm-specific cost savings and market power
by Douglas D. Davis & Bart J. Wilson - 567-583 Dividend timing and behavior in laboratory asset markets
by Mark van Boening & Vernon L. Smith & Charissa P. Wellford - 585-611 Bidding up, buying out and cooling-off: an examination of auctions with withdrawal rights
by John Asker - 613-637 Intertemporal pricing in laboratory posted offer markets with differential information
by Aldo Rustichini & Anne P. Villamil - 661-687 An experimental study of coordination and learning in iterated two-market entry games
by Eyal Winter & Amnon Rapoport & Darryl A. Seale - 689-718 Experience-weighted attraction learning in sender-receiver signaling games
by Christopher M. Anderson & Colin F. Camerer - 719-734 Theoretically robust but empirically invalid? An experimental investigation into tax equivalence
by Rudolf Kerschbamer & Georg Kirchsteiger - 735-749 An experimental comparison of two search models
by Martin Sefton & Abdullah Yavas & Eric Abrams
2000, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 245-258 The impossibility of compromise: some uniqueness properties of expected utility preferences
by Paolo Ghirardato & Massimo Marinacci - 259-275 Monopolistically competitive equilibria with differentiated commodities
by Takashi Suzuki - 277-294 Implementations of the Nash solution based on its Walrasian characterization
by Walter Trockel - 295-312 Choice under complete uncertainty: axiomatic characterizations of some decision rules
by Prasanta K. Pattanaik & Yongsheng Xu & Walter Bossert - 313-321 The measurement of structural differences between economies: An axiomatic characterization
by Yew-Kwang Ng & Guang-Zhen Sun - 323-332 Informational efficiency properties of rational expectations equilibria in non-convex economies
by Giulio Seccia - 333-353 Real and financial effects of insider trading with correlated signals
by Leonard J. Mirman & Neelam Jain - 355-362 The stand-alone test and decreasing serial cost sharing
by Jens Leth Hougaard & Lars Thorlund-Petersen - 363-377 A new class of deprivation-based generalized Gini indices
by You-qiang Wang & Kai-yuen Tsui - 379-399 Adverse selection under ignorance
by Javier M. LÕpez-Cunat - 401-419 Large time and small noise asymptotic results for mean reverting diffusion processes with applications
by Jeffrey Callen & Lin Xu & Suresh Govindaraj - 421-455 Bank structure, capital accumulation and growth: a simple macroeconomic model
by Mark G. Guzman - 465-469 Comparative statics of monopoly pricing
by Tim Baldenius & Stefan Reichelstein - 471-476 The LeChatelier principle: the long and the short of it
by Wing Suen & Paul Tseng & Eugene Silberberg - 477-481 Allais' trading process and the dynamic evolution of a market economy
by Jean-Marc Tallon & Jean-Michel Courtault
September 2000, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 457-463 Collective choice functions on non-convex problems
by Marco Mariotti - 483-487 Lagrangean conditions for consumers with nonrepresentable preferences
by José Manuel Gutiérrez & Carmen Herrero - 489-502 Upper and lower bounds for expected utility
by Marco LiCalzi
2000, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-22 A reconsideration of the problem of social cost: Free riders and monopolists
by V.V. Chari & Larry E. Jones - 23-42 Income and wealth distribution in a simple model of growth
by Gerhard Sorger - 43-62 A dynamic analysis of an endogenous growth model with leisure
by Salvador Ortigueira - 63-75 Learning with noiseless information and payoff-relevant signals
by Edward E. Schlee & Manjira Datta & Leonard J. Mirman - 77-105 Corporate insurance with optimal financial contracting
by Bruno Jullien & Georges Dionne & Bernard Caillaud - 107-134 How helpful is a long memory on financial markets?
by Sandra GØth & Sven Ludwig - 135-161 Local martingales, arbitrage, and viability
by Mark Loewenstein & Gregory A. Willard - 163-180 Demand bargaining in legislatures
by Daniel Cardona-Coll & Francisco M. Mancera - 181-198 The core in an oligopoly market with indivisibility
by Jingang Zhao - 199-208 Existence and local indeterminacy of periodic equilibrium paths in infinite horizon models with external effects
by Tetsuya Shimokawa - 209-218 Finite-dimensional utilities
by Yutaka Nakamura - 219-226 Endogenous technological change: a note on stability
by Lutz G. Arnold - 227-237 Signaling bargaining power: Strategic delay versus restricted offers
by Mehmet Bac - 239-244 Continuity of the payoff functions
by Allan Muir & Dionysius Glycopantis
2000, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 501-530 Capacity precommitment as a barrier to entry: A Bertrand-Edgeworth approach
by Dan Kovenock & Raymond Deneckere & Tom Faith & Beth Allen - 531-550 Equilibrium prices in a random exchange economy with dependent agents
by Vladimir Rotar & Mukul Majumdar - 551-564 Saving behavior in stationary equilibrium with random discounting
by Edi Karni & Itzhak Zilcha - 565-584 Global asymptotic stability of a competitive equilibrium with recursive preferences
by Hyun Park - 585-598 Indivisible labor implies chaos
by Takashi Kamihigashi - 599-630 Destabilizing effects of a successful stabilization: a forward-looking explanation of the second Hungarian hyperinflation
by Beatrix Paal - 631-661 Devaluation of fixed exchange rates: optimal strategy in the presence of speculation
by Ivan Pastine - 663-676 Outsiders' threat and consecutive offers
by Ling Qiu & Quan Wen - 677-687 The equivalence of the Dekel-Fudenberg iterative procedure and weakly perfect rationalizability
by Vincent J. Vannetelbosch & P. Jean-Jacques Herings - 689-700 A simple characterization of majority rule
by Jerry S. Kelly & Donald E. Campbell - 701-707 More on phantom bidding
by Ruqu Wang & Emin Murat Dinlersoz & Parimal Kanti Bag - 709-715 Existence of equilibrium in an OLG model with production and altruistic preferences
by Emmanuel Thibault - 717-725 Convergence for difference equations with vanishing time-dependence, with applications to adaptive learning
by George W. Evans & Seppo Honkapohja - 727-733 Rationalizability and the savage axioms
by Kin Chung Lo - 735-745 Money, banks and endogenous volatility
by Pere Gomis-Porqueras
2000, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 253-278 Asset price bubbles in Arrow-Debreu and sequential equilibrium
by Kevin X.D. Huang & Jan Werner - 297-317 Sequencing R&D decisions in a two-period duopoly with spillovers
by Jim Jin & Rabah Amir & Madjid Amir - 319-337 Existence and efficiency of equilibrium in infinite economies with finite aggregate wealth
by Yasar N. Barut