October 2009, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 163-174 Competitive trade models and real world features
by Ronald Jones & Sugata Marjit
September 2009, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 349-371 Gains from manipulating social choice rules
by Donald Campbell & Jerry Kelly - 373-388 Optimal formation rules for patent pools
by Steffen Brenner - 389-403 The affectionate society: does competition for partners promote friendliness?
by Hans Gersbach & Hans Haller - 405-426 Preference for flexibility in the absence of learning: the risk attitude effect
by Stefano Ficco & Vladimir Karamychev - 427-455 A theory of reference-dependent behavior
by Jose Apesteguia & Miguel Ballester - 457-471 Non-convex aggregate technology and optimal economic growth
by N. Hung & C. Le Van & P. Michel - 473-496 Non-stationary, stable Markov processes on a continuous state space
by Carsten Nielsen - 497-507 Abstract types and distributions in independent private value auctions
by Paulo Monteiro - 509-528 Optimal auction with resale—a characterization of the conditions
by Tymofiy Mylovanov & Thomas Tröger
August 2009, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 173-183 Profit maximization and supermodular technology
by Christopher Chambers & Federico Echenique - 185-201 On the foundation of stability
by Xiao Luo - 203-226 A multi-agent bilateral bargaining model with endogenous protocol
by Sang-Chul Suh & Quan Wen - 227-245 Coalitional strategy-proofness and fairness
by Lars-Gunnar Svensson - 247-274 Queue-rationed equilibria with fixed costs of waiting
by Brennan Platt - 275-300 When does a developing country use new technologies?
by Olivier Bruno & Cuong Van & Benoît Masquin - 301-332 The inefficiency of price quantity bargaining
by Jonas Björnerstedt & Andreas Westermark - 333-338 The asymptotic shapley value for a simple market game
by Thomas Liggett & Steven Lippman & Richard Rumelt - 339-348 The Zilcha criteria for dynamic inefficiency reconsidered
by Martin Barbie & Ashok Kaul
July 2009, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 1-25 Changes in the firms behavior after the opening of markets of allowances
by Antoine Mandel - 27-45 Efficient egalitarian equivalent allocations over a single good
by Marco LiCalzi & Antonio Nicolò - 47-56 On the impossibility of representing infinite utility streams
by Juan Crespo & Carmelo Nuñez & Juan Rincón-Zapatero - 57-90 The environmental Kuznets curve in a world of irreversibility
by Fabien Prieur - 91-112 Mutually acceptable courses of action
by Joseph Greenberg & Sudheer Gupta & Xiao Luo - 113-138 The optimal harvesting problem with a land market: a characterization of the asymptotic convergence
by Adriana Piazza - 139-149 Generalized contest success functions
by Birendra Rai & Rajiv Sarin - 151-171 Strategic complementarity in multi-stage games
by Xavier Vives
June 2009, Volume 39, Issue 3
- 355-376 Evolution in games with a continuous action space
by Matthijs Veelen & Peter Spreij - 377-398 Ramsey fiscal policy and endogenous growth
by Hyun Park - 399-424 Theory of negative consumption externalities with applications to the economics of happiness
by Guoqiang Tian & Liyan Yang - 425-441 Rewarding effort
by Alexander Cappelen & Bertil Tungodden - 443-460 Competitive sprawl
by Steven Heubeck - 461-471 Strategy-proofness of the plurality rule over restricted domains
by M. Sanver - 473-476 Precautionary saving in the presence of other risks: a comment
by Mario Menegatti - 477-489 A note on budget balance under interim participation constraints: the case of independent types
by Tilman Börgers & Peter Norman - 491-494 A remark on the measurability of large games
by Guilherme Carmona - 495-503 Conditional ordering extensions
by José Alcantud - 505-512 Choosing wisely: the natural multi-bidding mechanism
by Lars Ehlers - 513-526 Multiple solutions under quasi-exponential discounting
by Nicolas Vieille & Jörgen Weibull
May 2009, Volume 39, Issue 2
- 177-194 State prices, liquidity, and default
by Raphaël Espinoza & Charles. Goodhart & Dimitrios Tsomocos - 195-216 Some benefits of cyclical monetary policy
by Ricardo Cavalcanti & Ed Nosal - 217-229 Market crashes, speculation and learning in financial markets
by Patrick Leoni - 231-258 Asset trading volume in a production economy
by Emilio Espino & Thomas Hintermaier - 259-268 Make a guess: a robust mechanism for King Solomon’s dilemma
by Cheng-Zhong Qin & Chun-Lei Yang - 269-289 Status-seeking behavior, the evolution of income inequality, and growth
by Koichi Kawamoto - 291-306 Existence and efficiency of a stationary subgame-perfect equilibrium in coalitional bargaining models with nonsuperadditive payoffs
by Toshiji Miyakawa - 307-330 Implementing cooperative solution concepts: a generalized bidding approach
by Yuan Ju & David Wettstein - 331-352 Oligopoly with a large number of competitors: asymmetric limit result
by Hiroaki Ino & Tomohiko Kawamori - 353-353 Oligopoly with a large number of competitors: asymmetric limit result
by Hiroaki Ino & Tomohiko Kawamori
April 2009, Volume 39, Issue 1
- 1-41 The probability approach to general equilibrium with production
by Michael Magill & Martine Quinzii - 43-64 An extension of the multi-output state-contingent production model
by Walter Briec & Laurent Cavaignac - 65-66 An extension of the multi-output state-contingent production model
by Walter Briec & Laurent Cavaignac - 67-92 Prudent expectations equilibrium in economies with uncertain delivery
by João Correia-da-Silva & Carlos Hervés-Beloso - 93-112 Growth and distribution in an AK-model with endogenous impatience
by Kirill Borissov & Stéphane Lambrecht - 113-128 An optimal auction for capacity constrained bidders: a network perspective
by Alexey Malakhov & Rakesh Vohra - 129-155 The geometry of optimal taxation: a primal approach
by Martin Barbie & Claudia Hermeling - 157-176 A new integral for capacities
by Ehud Lehrer
March 2009, Volume 38, Issue 3
- 433-436 Symposium on organization, heterogeneity and trade
by Giovanni Facchini & Thierry Verdier - 437-464 Power in the multinational corporation in industry equilibrium
by Dalia Marin & Thierry Verdier - 465-484 Cultural differences, insecure property rights and the mode of entry decision
by Jiahua Che & Giovanni Facchini - 485-515 Outsourcing of innovation
by Edwin Lai & Raymond Riezman & Ping Wang - 517-532 Offshoring and product innovation
by Alireza Naghavi & Gianmarco Ottaviano - 533-559 Firm heterogeneity and Ricardian comparative advantage within and across sectors
by Toshihiro Okubo - 561-592 Are the antiglobalists right? Gains-from-trade without a Walrasian auctioneer
by Hector Calvo-Pardo
February 2009, Volume 38, Issue 2
- 217-219 Symposium on: equilibria with asymmetric information
by Dionysius Glycopantis & Carlos Hervés-Beloso & Konrad Podczeck - 221-262 Equilibria in incomplete assets economies with infinite dimensional spot markets
by Charalambos Aliprantis & Rabee Tourky - 263-286 Large economies with differential information and without free disposal
by Laura Angeloni & V. Martins-da-Rocha - 287-293 Elimination of arbitrage states in asymmetric information models
by Bernard Cornet & Lionel Boisdeffre - 295-320 Equilibrium theory with asymmetric information and infinitely many states
by Carlos Hervés-Beloso & V. Martins-da-Rocha & Paulo Monteiro - 321-330 A market game approach to differential information economies
by Guadalupe Fugarolas-Alvarez-Ude & Carlos Hervés-Beloso & Emma Moreno-García & Juan Torres-Martínez - 331-350 The measure of blocking coalitions in differential information economies
by Giovanna Bimonte & Maria Graziano - 351-369 On non-revealing rational expectations equilibrium
by Dionysius Glycopantis & Allan Muir & Nicholas Yannelis - 371-383 Existence of Edgeworth equilibria for economies with asymmetric information
by Claudia Meo - 385-397 Bayesian–Walrasian equilibria: beyond the rational expectations equilibrium
by Erik Balder & Nicholas Yannelis - 399-418 On purification of measure-valued maps
by Konrad Podczeck - 419-432 Debreu’s social equilibrium theorem with asymmetric information and a continuum of agents
by Nicholas Yannelis
January 2009, Volume 38, Issue 1
- 1-7 Introduction to the Symposium
by George Deltas - 9-39 Auctions with a buy price
by Stanley Reynolds & John Wooders - 41-72 Auctions with costly information acquisition
by Jacques Crémer & Yossi Spiegel & Charles Zheng - 73-103 Auction design with opportunity cost
by Jingfeng Lu - 105-124 Simultaneous ascending auctions with complementarities and known budget constraints
by Sandro Brusco & Giuseppe Lopomo - 125-135 Revealing information in auctions: the allocation effect
by Simon Board - 137-168 Optimal sale across venues and auctions with a buy-now option
by Subir Bose & Arup Daripa - 169-185 Biased procurement auctions
by Leonardo Rezende - 187-216 Commitment in sequential auctioning: advance listings and threshold prices
by Robert Zeithammer
December 2008, Volume 37, Issue 3
- 357-394 A “Super” Folk Theorem for dynastic repeated games
by Luca Anderlini & Dino Gerardi & Roger Lagunoff - 395-416 Contract enforcement and the size of the informal economy
by Erwan Quintin - 417-437 On the nonexistence of recursive equilibrium in stochastic OLG economies
by Alessandro Citanna & Paolo Siconolfi - 439-467 Consumption externalities: a representative consumer model when agents are heterogeneous
by Cecilia García-Peñalosa & Stephen Turnovsky - 469-490 Ex-post implementation and preference aggregation via potentials
by Philippe Jehiel & Moritz Meyer-ter-Vehn & Benny Moldovanu - 491-507 Existence of Nash networks in one-way flow models
by Pascal Billand & Christophe Bravard & Sudipta Sarangi - 509-519 On striking for a bargain between two completely informed agents
by Harold Houba & Quan Wen - 521-532 Mixed-strategy equilibria and strong purification for games with private and public information
by Haifeng Fu - 533-542 A characterization of social choice correspondences that implement the core of simple games
by Bertrand Tchantcho & Lawrence Diffo Lambo
November 2008, Volume 37, Issue 2
- 171-201 On the completeness of complete markets
by P. Herings & Kirsten Rohde - 203-241 Monopoly pricing in the binary herding model
by Subir Bose & Gerhard Orosel & Marco Ottaviani & Lise Vesterlund - 243-265 On the welfare effects of allowing unlimited renegotiation in agency relationships
by Frank Gigler & Thomas Hemmer - 267-280 Petty corruption
by Seung Yoo - 281-306 An ascending double auction
by Michael Peters & Sergei Severinov - 307-320 Task scheduling and moral hazard
by Tymofiy Mylovanov & Patrick Schmitz - 321-333 Existence of solutions in continuous-time optimal growth models
by Hippolyte d’Albis & Pascal Gourdel & Cuong Le Van - 335-345 Stability and equilibrium selection in a link formation game
by Rodrigo Harrison & Roberto Muñoz - 347-356 Second price auctions on general preference domains: two characterizations
by Toyotaka Sakai
October 2008, Volume 37, Issue 1
- 1-29 General equilibrium in economies with adverse selection
by Aldo Rustichini & Paolo Siconolfi - 31-49 Optimal balanced growth in a general multi-sector endogenous growth model with constant returns
by Harutaka Takahashi - 51-80 Private provision of a discrete public good: efficient equilibria in the private-information contribution game
by Stefano Barbieri & David Malueg - 81-98 von Neumann–Morgenstern stable sets of income tax rates in public good economies
by Toshiyuki Hirai - 99-118 The objective of a privately owned firm under imperfect competition
by Camelia Bejan - 119-146 Preferences over location-scale family
by Wing-Keung Wong & Chenghu Ma - 147-159 Nash equilibria with Knightian uncertainty; the case of capacities
by Dionysius Glycopantis & Allan Muir - 161-169 On the (non-)lattice structure of the equilibrium set in games with strategic substitutes
by Sunanda Roy & Tarun Sabarwal
September 2008, Volume 36, Issue 3
- 337-351 Agency theory: choice-based foundations of the parametrized distribution formulation
by Edi Karni - 353-377 Strategic saving decisions in the infinite-horizon model
by Gerhard Sorger - 379-405 The price of anarchy of serial, average and incremental cost sharing
by Hervé Moulin - 407-433 Multi-lender coalitions in costly state verification models
by Ludovic Renou - 435-452 Human capital accumulation and output growth in a stochastic environment
by Keith Blackburn & Dimitrios Varvarigos - 453-469 Controlling a biological invasion: a non-classical dynamic economic model
by Lars Olson & Santanu Roy - 471-502 Wealth transfers and the role of collateral when lifetimes are uncertain
by Abdelkrim Seghir & Juan Torres-Martínez - 503-513 Note on the non-existence of sunspot equilibrium
by Takeshi Momi
August 2008, Volume 36, Issue 2
- 165-187 Utility of gambling II: risk, paradoxes, and data
by R. Luce & C. Ng & A. Marley & János Aczél - 189-223 Two-persons efficient risk-sharing and equilibria for concave law-invariant utilities
by G. Carlier & R. Dana - 225-238 Preference densities and social choices
by Marcel Richter & Kam-Chau Wong - 239-266 Bankruptcy and firm finance
by Stefan Krasa & Tridib Sharma & Anne Villamil - 267-282 Manipulation of endowments and sunspot equilibria
by Aditya Goenka & Stefano Matta - 283-302 Minimum quality standards and consumers’ information
by Paolo Garella & Emmanuel Petrakis - 303-325 Monte Carlo simulation of macroeconomic risk with a continuum of agents: the general case
by Peter Hammond & Yeneng Sun - 327-336 Differentiating ambiguity: an expository note
by Jürgen Eichberger & Simon Grant & David Kelsey
July 2008, Volume 36, Issue 1
- 1-33 Utility of gambling I: entropy modified linear weighted utility
by R. Luce & C. Ng & A. Marley & János Aczél - 35-55 Ex ante efficiency implies incentive compatibility
by Yeneng Sun & Nicholas Yannelis - 57-80 A choice of auction format in seller cheating: a signaling game analysis
by Takahiro Watanabe & Takehiko Yamato - 81-108 Living with ambiguity: prices and survival when investors have heterogeneous preferences for ambiguity
by Scott Condie - 109-128 Costly enforcement of property rights and the Coase theorem
by Alex Robson & Stergios Skaperdas - 129-146 Weighted approval voting
by Jordi Massó & Marc Vorsatz - 147-158 Expected utility inequalities: theory and applications
by Eduardo Zambrano - 159-164 Preferences over characteristics and utility functions over commodities
by Aldo Rustichini & Paolo Siconolfi
June 2008, Volume 35, Issue 3
- 407-440 Non-monotoniticies and the all-pay auction tie-breaking rule
by Aloisio Araujo & Luciano Castro & Humberto Moreira - 441-467 Collateral restrictions and liquidity under-supply: a simple model
by Ana Fostel & John Geanakoplos - 469-496 On Shapley–Shubik equilibria with financial markets
by Gaël Giraud & Hubert Stahn - 497-521 Price competition in markets with customer testing: the captive customer effect
by Heidrun Hoppe & Ulrich Lehmann-Grube - 523-538 A characterization of optimistic weighted Shapley rules in minimum cost spanning tree problems
by Gustavo Bergantiños & Silvia Lorenzo-Freire - 539-553 Conditions for equivalence between sequentiality and subgame perfection
by Carlos Pimienta & Cristian Litan - 555-574 Cooperation, stability and social welfare under majority rule
by Roland Pongou & Lawrence Diffo Lambo & Bertrand Tchantcho - 575-592 On the existence of expected multi-utility representations
by Özgür Evren - 593-597 Using volume to prove Sperner’s Lemma
by Andrew McLennan & Rabee Tourky - 599-605 Dynamics of a two-sector endogenous growth model with intersectoral knowledge spillovers
by Takumi Naito & Ryoji Ohdoi - 607-611 A generalization of Condorcet’s Jury Theorem to weighted voting games with many small voters
by Ines Lindner
May 2008, Volume 35, Issue 2
- 201-215 A new class of measures of the standard of living based on functionings
by Wulf Gaertner & Yongsheng Xu - 217-231 Production and financial policies under asymmetric information
by Jacques Drèze & Enrico Minelli & Mario Tirelli - 233-240 On the fundamental theorems of general equilibrium
by Eric Maskin & Kevin Roberts - 241-266 Globalization and profitability of cross-border mergers and acquisitions
by Pehr-Johan Norbäck & Lars Persson - 267-291 The optimality of the Friedman rule when some distorting taxes are exogenous
by Alexandre Cunha - 293-319 Equilibrium asset pricing with systemic risk
by Jón Daníelsson & Jean-Pierre Zigrand - 321-331 Nash equilibria for games in capacities
by Roman Kozhan & Michael Zarichnyi - 333-342 Variability is beneficial in marked stopping problems
by Steven Lippman & Sheldon Ross - 343-366 Compatibility of expected utility and μ/σ approaches to risk for a class of non location–scale distributions
by Gerry Boyle & Denis Conniffe - 367-379 The role of externalities and information aggregation in market collapse
by Hikmet Gunay - 381-389 Stochastic better-reply dynamics in finite games
by Jens Josephson - 391-401 Vickrey allocation rule with income effect
by Hiroki Saitoh & Shigehiro Serizawa - 403-406 What kind of preference maximization does the weak axiom of revealed preference characterize?
by Marco Mariotti
April 2008, Volume 35, Issue 1
- 1-17 Competitive prices for a stochastic input–output model with infinite time horizon
by Stephen Clark - 19-36 Evolution, bargaining, and time preferences
by Jack Robles - 37-56 Industry concentration in common value auctions: theory and evidence
by Vlad Mares & Mikhael Shor - 57-71 Fixed-prize tournaments versus first-price auctions in innovation contests
by Anja Schöttner - 73-97 The good, the bad and the ugly: agent behavior and efficiency in open and closed organizations
by Duncan Holthausen & Theofanis Tsoulouhas - 99-116 Random matching in the college admissions problem
by Joana Pais - 117-145 Learning, diversification and the nature of risk
by Nidhiya Menon & Narayanan Subramanian - 147-154 Ranking opportunity sets in a simple intertemporal framework
by Alan Krause - 155-174 Tax schemes in a class of differential games
by Ken-Ichi Akao - 175-186 Competitive versus collective incentive pay: does workers’ mutual concern matter?
by Ottorino Chillemi - 187-190 Exact relations between Luenberger productivity indicators and Malmquist productivity indexes
by Bert Balk & Rolf Färe & Shawna Grosskopf & Dimitris Margaritis - 191-199 Sunspot-like equilibria in an overlapping generations economy with strategic interactions
by Sonia Giannatale
March 2008, Volume 34, Issue 3
- 401-414 Utility functions of equivalent form and the effect of parameter changes on optimum decision making
by Harald Battermann & Udo Broll & Jack Wahl - 415-439 Learning and transfer in signaling games
by David Cooper & John Kagel - 441-471 Effects of changes in outputs and in prices on the economic system: an input–output analysis using the spectral theory of nonnegative matrices
by Lisheng Zeng - 473-501 Option exercise with temptation
by Jianjun Miao - 503-524 Catalog competition and Nash equilibrium in nonlinear pricing games
by Paulo Monteiro & Frank Page - 525-543 Stability of jurisdiction structures under the equal share and median rules
by Anna Bogomolnaia & Michel Breton & Alexei Savvateev & Shlomo Weber - 545-574 Temporary stabilization with capital controls
by Rajesh Singh & Chetan Subramanian - 575-583 An efficiency characterization of plurality rule in collective choice problems
by Chun-Hsien Yeh - 585-590 A note on welfare-improving ignorance about quality
by Anthony Creane - 591-602 A class of multiattribute utility functions
by András Prékopa & Gergely Mádi-Nagy
February 2008, Volume 34, Issue 2
- 207-234 On non-ergodic asset prices
by Ulrich Horst & Jan Wenzelburger - 235-259 Responsive pricing
by Pascal Courty & Mario Pagliero - 261-296 On the determinants of optimal border enforcement
by Mark Guzman & Joseph Haslag & Pia Orrenius - 297-308 On choosing which game to play when ignorant of the rules
by Murali Agastya - 309-329 Stability, sequential rationality, and subgame consistency
by Sheng-Chieh Huang & Xiao Luo - 331-358 Pareto violations of parliamentary voting systems
by Boniface Mbih & Issofa Moyouwou & Jérémy Picot - 359-382 Lotteries, inequality, and market imperfection: Galor and Zeira go gambling
by Thomas Gall - 383-387 Unanimous subjective probabilities
by Kim Border & Paolo Ghirardato & Uzi Segal - 389-393 Arbitrage opportunities in frictionless markets with sophisticated investors
by Kirsten Rohde - 395-399 Topological upper limits of mixed Nash equilibria
by N. Sofronidis
January 2008, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 1-23 Equilibrium dynamics in discrete-time endogenous growth models with social constant returns
by Kazuo Mino & Kazuo Nishimura & Koji Shimomura & Ping Wang - 25-45 Fair social orderings
by M. Fleurbaey & F. Maniquet - 47-67 Second chance offers versus sequential auctions: theory and behavior
by Timothy Salmon & Bart Wilson - 69-84 The worst absolute surplus loss in the problem of commons: random priority versus average cost
by Ruben Juarez - 85-106 A Model of Commodity Differentiation with Indivisibilities and Production
by Marco Castaneda & James Marton - 107-125 Mixed up? that’s good for motivation
by Alexander Koch & Eloïc Peyrache - 127-155 Expected consumer’s surplus as an approximate welfare measure
by Edward Schlee