April 1994, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 537-539 Book Review: Hovels to High Rise: State Housing in Europe since 1850
by Jim Kemeny - 539-540 Book Review: The Reform of Housing in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union
by David Clapham - 540-542 Book Review: The Enterprise Culture and the Inner City
by Barbara Smith - 542-544 Book Review: Urban Transportation Economics
by Graham Crampton - 544-546 Book Review: Society, Action and Space: An Alternative Human Geography
by David Ley - 546-548 Book Review: Towns for People: Transforming Urban Life
by Ali Madani-Pour - 548-550 Book Review: Urban Regeneration: Property Investment and Development
by Sarah Monk - 550-552 Book Review: The Cultural Meaning of Urban Space
by Fassil Demissie - 553-555 Book Notes
by N/A - 557-559 Books Received
by N/A - 561-564 List of Referees, 1993
by N/A
March 1994, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 181-199 Negative Equity and British Housing in the 1990s: Cause and Effect
by Christopher Gentle & Daniel Dorling & James Comford - 201-218 Suburban Employment Centres: The Case of Chicago
by John F. McDonald & Paul J. Prather - 219-232 The Effects of Exchange Rate and Relative Productivity Changes on US Industrial Output at the State Level
by Gerald Carlino & Richard Voith & Brian Cody - 233-246 Determining the Impact of Economic Factors on Local Government Growth Policy: Using Time-series Analysis and Transfer Function Models
by Harry McGinnis - 247-265 Urban Conservation in Singapore: A Survey of State Policies and Popular Attitudes
by Lily Kong & Brenda S. A. Yeoh - 267-285 Land Prices and Housing in Manila
by W. Paul Strassmann & Alistair Blunt & Raul Tomas - 287-308 Economic Restructuring and the Realignment of the Urban Planning System: The Case of Dublin
by Pauline McGuirk - 309-328 Assessing Urban Planning Schemes by means of Multi-criteria Evaluation Techniques: The Case of Pedestrianisation
by Jim Whelan - 329-330 Book Review: Peasants versus City-dwellers: Taxation and the Burden of Economic Development
by W. Paul Strassmann - 330-332 Book Review: Housing Policy in the 1990s
by Moira Munro - 333-334 Book Review: Urban Landscape Dynamics: A Multi-level Innovation Process
by Karl Kropf - 335-336 Book Review: City Images: Perspectives from Literature, Philosophy and Film
by Tim Hall - 336-337 Book Review: Managing Fast-growing Cities: New Approaches to Urban Planning and Management in the Developing World
by Roger Bristow - 337-339 Book Review: Rethinking the Latin American City RICHARD M. MORSE and JORGE E. HARDOY (Eds.), 1993 Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press 231 pp., hardback, n.p. ISBN 0 943875 43 9
by Stella Lowder - 339-340 Book Review: Cities in the 1990s: The Challenge for Developing Countries
by C.L. Choguill - 341-342 Book Review: Sustainable Development and Urban Form: European Research in Regional Science Vol. 2
by John R. Gold - 343-344 Book Notes
by N/A - 345-346 Books Received
by N/A
February 1994, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 5-27 Housing Prices and Geographical Scale: Australian Cities in the 1980s
by Chris Maher - 29-46 Producer Services Trade in City Systems: Evidence from Chicago
by Adrian Esparza & Andrew J. Krmenec - 47-57 The Location of High-technology Manufacturing in Great Britain: Changes in the Late 1980s
by Bernard Fingleton - 59-77 Political Parties and District Council Economic Policies, 1978-90
by Keith Hoggart - 79-97 Concentration of Trade and its Urban Impact under Capitalism and Socialism: Former West Germany (Hassfurt) and East Germany (Hildburghausen) Compared
by Norbert Dannhaeuser - 99-121 Estimating Potential Capital Losses from Large Earthquakes
by Peter N. Nemetz & Kelvin Dushnisky - 123-135 Application of the Co-plot Method in the Study of Socio-economic Differences between Cities: A Basis for a Differential Development Policy
by Gabriel Lipshitz & Adi Raveh - 137-154 Tenure Changes in the Context of Micro-level Family and Macro-level Economic Shifts
by W.A.V. Clark & M.C. Deurloo & F.M. Dieleman - 155-157 Book Review: Whatever Happened to Local Government
by Chris Moore - 157-159 Book Review: Environmental Aesthetics—Theory, Research and Applications
by Qiuli Xue - 160-161 Book Review: Cities, Capital and Development: African Cities in the World Economy
by Anthony Lemon - 161-162 Book Review: Population Matters: The Local Dimension
by Huw Jones - 162-163 Book Review: Implementing Housing Policy
by Alan Murie - 163-166 Book Review: Urban Development in Nigeria
by F.J. Jegede - 166-167 Book Review: The Making of the Urban Landscape
by George Gordon - 167-168 Book Review: New Town, Home Town
by Ray Thomas - 169-170 Book Notes
by N/A - 171-172 Books Received
by N/A
December 1993, Volume 30, Issue 10
- 1629-1652 The Competitiveness of Business Services and Regional Development: Evidence from Scotland and the South East of England
by P.N. O'Farrell & D.M. Hitchens & L.A.R. Moffat - 1653-1668 The Local Income and Employment Impact of Lancaster University
by Harvey W. Armstrong - 1669-1681 'What Big Teeth You Have!': Identifying the Motivations for Exclusionary Zoning
by William T. Bogart - 1683-1690 Disamenity Influences of Edge Cities on Exurban Land Values: A Theory with Empirical Evidence and Policy Implications
by Arthur C. Nelson - 1691-1709 The Location of Multinational Firms in the European Urban System
by Celine Rozenblat & Denise Pumain - 1711-1729 The Changing Commute: A Case-study of the Jobs-Housing Relationship over Time
by Martin Wachs & Brian D. Taylor & Ned Levine & Paul Ong - 1731-1744 The Rent Gap Debunked
by Steven C. Bourassa - 1745-1761 Tinbergen-Bos Metricised Systems: Some Further Results
by F.J. Kuiper & J.H. Kuiper & J.H.P. Paelinck - 1763-1773 Forecasting Provincial Business Indicator Variables and Forecast Evaluation
by Prem P. Talwar & Edward J. Chambers - 1775-1777 Book Review: Urban Politics and Policy HAROLD WOLMAN and MICHAEL GOLDSMITH, 1992 Oxford: Blackwell Publishers 256 pp., £12.95 paperback ISBN: 1 55786 239 7 Fractured Cities: Capitalism, Community and Empowerment in Britain and America BRIAN D. JACOBS, 1992 London and New York: Routledge 302 pp., £12.99 paperback ISBN: 0 415 07853 9
by G. Stoker - 1777-1779 Book Review: Comparing Housing Systems: Housing Performance in the United States and Britain
by Moira Munro - 1780-1780 Book Review: Third World Cities: Problems, Policies and Prospects JOHN D. KASARDA and ALLAN M. PARNELL (Eds), 1993 London: Sage 310 pp., £19.50 hardback ISBN: 0 8039 44855 and 0 8039 4485-3 (pbk)
by Alan Gilbert - 1780-1780 Book Review: Third World Cities: Problems, Policies and Prospects JOHN D. KASARDA and ALLAN M. PARNELL (Eds), 1993 London: Sage 310 pp., £19.50 hardback ISBN: 0 8039 44855 and 0 8039 4485-3 (pbk)
by Alan Gilbert - 1782-1783 Book Review: The Crisis of London
by Paul Bull - 1783-1785 Book Review: In Search of a Home: Rental and Shared Housing in Latin America
by Stella Lowder - 1785-1786 Book Review: The Urban-Rural Interface in Africa-Expansion and Adaptation JONATHAN BAKER and POUL OVE PEDERSEN, 1992 Stockholm: Scandinavian Institute of African Studies 320 pp., £28.00 hardback ISBN: 91 7106 329 3
by Robert B. Potter - 1786-1787 Book Review: Urban Ecology and Health in the Third World
by T.G. McGee - 1789-1790 Book Notes
by N/A - 1791-1792 Books Received
by N/A - 1793-1796 Index for Volume 30 (1993) by Subject and Author
by N/A - 1797-1797 Author Index
by N/A
November 1993, Volume 30, Issue 9
- 1469-1483 The Changing Nature of US Urban Policy Evaluation: The Case of the Urban Development Action Grant
by Timothy Barnekov & Douglas Hart - 1485-1500 Is the Journey to Work Explained by Urban Structure?
by Genevieve Giuliano & Kenneth A. Small - 1501-1519 Immigration and the Management of Australian Cities: The Case of Sydney
by Peter A. Murphy - 1521-1542 Residential Land Price Changes in Mexican Cities and the Affordability of Land for Low-income Groups
by Peter Ward & Edith Jimenez & Gareth Jones - 1543-1559 The Distribution of Housing Tax-expenditures and Subsidies in an Urban Area
by Bruce Walker & Alex Marsh - 1561-1576 House Extensions and Housing Market Adjustment: A Case-study of Wokingham
by James A. Gosling & Geoffrey Keogh & Michael J. Stabler - 1577-1589 The Municipal Wage and Employment Effects of Public Infrastructure
by Kevin T. Duffy-Deno & Douglas R. Dalenberg - 1591-1601 An Explanatory Model of City-size Distribution: Evidence from Cross-country Data
by Gershon Alperovich - 1603-1605 Book Review: The Sociology of Cities
by Robert Murdie - 1605-1608 Book Review: Interaction, Evolution and Chaos in Space
by Michael Batty - 1608-1609 Book Review: Town and Country
by James Macaulay - 1609-1612 Book Review: Discrete Choice Theory of Product Differentiation
by P.H. Bowers - 1612-1613 Book Review: From Another Place: Migration and the Politics of Culture
by Russell King - 1613-1616 Book Review: The Dynamics of Cities: Ecological Determinism, Dualism and Chaos
by Michael Sonis - 1616-1617 Book Review: Sport, Space and the City JOHN BALE, 1993 London: Routledge pp. 211, £40.00 hardback ISBN 0 415 08098 3
by H.F. Moorhouse - 1617-1618 Book Review: Critical Pluralism, Democratic Performance, and Community Power PAUL SCHUMAKER, 1991 Kansas: University of Kansas Press 258 pp. $29.95 hardback ISBN 0 7006 0939 1
by K. Newton - 1619-1620 Book Notes
by N/A - 1621-1623 Books Received
by N/A
October 1993, Volume 30, Issue 8
- 1293-1317 Close Together and Worlds Apart: An Analysis of Changes in the Ecology of Income in Canadian Cities
by L.S. Bourne - 1319-1329 A Multivariate Analysis of the Determinants of Urban Quality of Life in the World's Largest Metropolitan Areas
by Abu Jafar Mohammad Sufian - 1331-1354 Self-provided Housing: The First World's Hidden Housing Arm
by S.S. Duncan & A. Rowe - 1355-1369 Individual Self-provision and the Scottish Housing System
by David Clapham & Keith Kintrea & Gordon McAdam - 1371-1380 Institutional Constraints and Annexation Activity in the US in the 1970s
by Gaines H. Liner - 1381-1397 A Theoretical Framework for the Functioning of the Dutch Property Market
by Erwin van der Krabben & Jan G. Lambooy - 1399-1407 The Measure of Locational Efficiency of Urban Parks: The Case of Chongju
by Cheol-Joo Cho - 1409-1426 A Multi-level Analysis of the Variations in Domestic Property Prices: Southern England, 1980-87
by Kelvyn Jones & Nina Bullen - 1427-1445 Different Trajectories in the Social Divisions of Labour: The Cutlery Industry in Sheffield, England, and Tsubame, Japan
by Roger Hayter & Jerry Patchell - 1447-1449 Book Review: Mayors and Money: Fiscal Policy in New York and Chicago
by Rex L. Curry - 1449-1452 Book Review: Travel Sickness: The Need for a Sustainable Transport Policy for Britain
by Tom Hart - 1452-1453 Book Review: From Housing Needs to Housing Rights: An Analyses of the Right to Adequate Housing under International Human Rights Law
by Ann Varley - 1453-1454 Book Review: Policy and Change in Thatcher's Britain
by Fred Robinson - 1454-1456 Book Review: Planning a Mixed Region in Israel
by Jean Hillier - 1456-1457 Book Review: Housing Policy in Action: The New Financial Regime for Council Housing
by Peter Mclaverty - 1457-1459 Book Review: The Right Place: Shared Responsibility and the Location of Public Facilities
by Patrick Day - 1461-1462 Book Notes
by N/A - 1463-1463 Books Received
by N/A
August 1993, Volume 30, Issue 7
- 1109-1128 Dimensions of Urban Structure: An Example of Construct Validation
by Stephen L. Ross - 1129-1149 Controlling the Housing Land Market: Some Examples from Europe
by James Barlow - 1151-1164 Segregation in Urban Space: A New Measurement Approach
by Brigitte S. Waldorf - 1165-1186 Economic Diversification and Group Stability in an Urban System: The Case of Canada, 1951-86
by Wayne K. D. Davies & Daniel P. Donoghue - 1187-1207 Causes of In-migration to Tel-Aviv Inner City
by Izhak Schnell & Iris Graicer - 1209-1224 An Analysis of the Factors Determining the Geographical Distribution of Japanese Manufacturing Investment in the UK, 1984-91
by Jim Taylor - 1225-1239 Fiscal Fragmentation and the Distribution of Metropolitan Area Resources: A Case Study
by Seth B. Sacher - 1241-1255 The Limitations of Planned Land Development for Low-income Housing in Third World Cities
by Stella Lowder - 1257-1270 Choice of Neighbourhoods by Mover Households in Karachi
by Nuzhat Ahmad - 1271-1273 Book Review: Divided Cities: New York and London in the Contemporary World
by Rex L. Curry - 1273-1275 Book Review: Fast Wheels, Slow Traffic: Urban Transport Choices
by David Banister - 1275-1276 Book Review: The Rural State? Limits to Planning in Rural Society
by Oren Yiftachel - 1276-1277 Book Review: The Housing Status of Black Americans
by Joe T. Darden - 1277-1279 Book Review: Rebuilding the City P. HEALEY, S. DAVOUDI and M. O'TooLE (Eds), 1992 London: E. & F. N. Spon 312 pp., £30.00 hardback
by Derek Kerr - 1279-1281 Book Review: The Garden City: Past, Present and Future STEPHEN V. WARD (Ed.), 1992 London: E. & F. N. Spon 215 pp., £39.95 hardback
by Colin Ward - 1281-1282 Book Review: Housing and the North American City M. DoucET and J. WEAVER, 1991 Montreal and London: McGill-Queen's University Press 572 pp., £50.00 hardback
by John Mercer - 1282-1283 Book Review: Local Government and Politics in Britain JOHN KINGDOM, 1991 Hemel Hempstead: Philip Allan 282 pp., £9.95, paperback ISBN 0-86003-831-9, 0-86003-832-7
by K. Newton - 1285-1286 Book Notes
by N/A - 1287-1288 Books Received
by N/A
June 1993, Volume 30, Issue 6
- 877-882 Evolving Urban Europe: Editors' Introduction to the Special Issue
by J. van Weesep & F.M. Dieleman - 883-898 Forces Shaping Urban Europe
by Peter Hall - 899-905 Changing Urban Systems in Post-communist Societies in Central Europe: Analysis and Prediction
by Jiřà Musil - 907-917 A Theory of Urban Decline: Economy, Demography and Political Elites
by Jiirgen Friedrichs - 919-934 Urban Agglomerations in European Infrastructure Networks
by Frank Bruinsma & Piet Rietveld - 935-948 Competition within the European Urban System
by W.F. Lever - 949-965 Postmodernism and the City: Mediterranean Versions
by Lila Leontidou - 967-980 The Geographical Formation of International Management Centres in Europe
by Jeroen Bosman & Marc de Smidt - 981-990 Growth and Decline of European Cities: Changing Positions of Cities in Europe
by Martine Meijer - 991-1007 International Changes and the Single European Market: Impacts on the Spatial Structure of Germany
by Heinz-Jürgen Bremm & Peter Ache - 1009-1024 Regional Innovation Policies Compared
by Robert Hassink - 1025-1051 Berlin and the German Systems of Cities
by Jens S. Dangschat - 1053-1064 Network Urban Structures in Northern Italy: Elements for a Theoretical Framework
by Roberto P. Camagni & Carlo Salone - 1065-1080 Lodz : The Problems Associated with Restructuring the Urban Economy of Poland's Textile Metropolis in the 1990s
by Antony R. Walker - 1081-1084 Book Reviews: Property, Bureaucracy and Culture: Middle-class Formation in Contemporary Britain
by Chris Philo - 1084-1085 Book Review: Budapest: a Central European Capital
by Paul Compton - 1086-1087 Book Review: Industrial Property Markets in Western Europe
by Sarah Monk - 1087-1089 Book Review: Urban Structure and the Labour Market: Worker Mobility, Commuting, and Underemployment
by Peter Congdon - 1089-1090 Book Review: Urban Growth and Housing Policy in Algeria
by Keith Sutton - 1090-1092 Book Review: Regional Shopping Centres
by Leigh Sparks - 1092-1094 Book Review: In Pursuit of Gotham: Culture and Commerce in New York
by Robert A. Beauregard - 1094-1095 Book Review: Spatial Econometrics of Services
by W.B. Beyers - 1095-1097 Book Review: London in the Age of Industrialisation: Entrepreneurs, Labour Force and Living Conditions, 1700-1850
by Hugh Clout - 1097-1098 Book Review: Planning a Mixed Region in Israel
by Baruch A. Kipnis - 1099-1100 Book Notes
by N/A - 1101-1103 Books Received
by N/A
May 1993, Volume 30, Issue 4-5
- 629-629 Editors' Introduction
by N/A - 631-658 Analysing Urban Economic Development
by Tony Bovaird - 659-682 Home Ownership
by Isaac F. Megbolugbe & Peter D. Linneman - 683-699 The Europeanisation of Local Government
by Mike Goldsmith - 701-720 European Urban Planning Systems: Diversity and Convergence
by Patsy Healey & Richard Williams - 721-740 Third World Cities: The Changing National Settlement System
by Alan Gilbert - 741-774 The New Urban Revival in the United States
by William H. Frey - 775-796 Environmental Policy: The Quest for Sustainable Development
by Andrew Blowers - 797-825 Recent Trends in Australian Urban Development: Locational Change and the Policy Quandary
by Chris Maher - 827-848 The City Unbound: Qualitative Approaches to the City
by Jane M. Jacobs - 849-873 Community Business and Urban Regeneration
by Andrew A. McArthur
April 1993, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 477-494 Squatting as Rent-seeking and Pressure-group Competition: A South African Case-Study
by Cedric D. Nathan & Zane A. Spindler - 495-506 East Germany's New Towns in Transition: A Grassroots View of the Impact of Unification
by Marilyn Rueschemeyer - 507-525 The Employment and Skill Implications of the Adoption of New Technology: A Comparison of Small Engineering Firms in Core and Peripheral Regions
by P.N. O'Farrell & R.P. Oakey - 527-545 Correlates of Commuting Patterns: A Case-study of Bangkok, Thailand
by Sureeporn Punpuing - 547-558 Global City Characteristics and Central London's Employment
by Martin Frost & Nigel Spence - 559-572 Spatial Indices of Segregation
by David W. S. Wong - 573-580 Job Duration and the Macro-evaluation of Employment Policy: The Example of UK Regional Policy
by Colin Wren - 581-591 Financing the Post-apartheid City in South Africa
by Michael E. Bell & Philip M. Dearborn & Roland Hunter - 593-598 Tax Abatements and Rent-seeking
by Richard B. Coffman - 599-601 Tax Abatements and Rent-seeking: A Reply
by Michael J. Wolkoff - 603-605 Book Review: Sources of Metropolitan Growth EDWIN S. MILLS and JOHN F. MCDONALD (Eds), 1992 New Brunswick, NJ: Center for Urban Policy Research 307 pp., US$29.95, hardback
by Ronald L. Moomaw - 605-607 Book Review: The State of Welfare: The Welfare State in Britain since 1974
by Angus Erskine - 607-609 Book Review: Managing Cities in Austerity: Urban Fiscal Stress in Ten Western Countries
by Bryan D. Jones - 609-610 Book Review: History and Precedent in Environmental Design AMOS RAPOPORT, 1990
by John R. Gold - 611-612 Book Review: Planning, Politics and the State: Political Foundations of Planning Thought NICHoLAs Low, 1991 London: Unwin Hyman 313 pp., £9.95 paperback, £28.00 hardback
by Andy Thornley - 612-614 Book Review: Unravelling Housing Finance: Subsidies, Benefits and Taxation
by John Ermisch - 614-615 Book Review: Work, Wages, and Poverty: Income Distribution in Post-industrial Philadelphia
by I. Theodossiou - 615-616 Book Review: Housing Strategies in Europe 1880-1930
by Graham Hallett - 617-617 Book Review: Urbanization and Urban Systems in India
by Cedric Pugh - 619-620 Book Notes
by N/A - 621-622 Books Received
by N/A - 623-626 List of Referees
by N/A
March 1993, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 229-236 Introduction
by N/A - 237-265 United States Immigration Policy and the Industrial Heartland: Laws, Origins, Settlement Patterns and Economic Consequences
by Andrew M. Isserman - 267-284 Reurbanisation—The Policy Implications
by W.F. Lever - 285-298 The Shift from Manufacturing to Services in Sweden
by Stephen F. Fournier & Sten Axelsson - 299-308 Appalachian Restructuring in Historical Perspective: Coal, Culture and Social Change in West Virginia
by Ronald L. Lewis - 309-323 Changing Partners: The Experience of Urban Economic Policy in West Central Scotland, 1980-90
by Robin Boyle - 325-337 The Effect of the Social Welfare System on Metropolitan Migration in the US, by Income Group, Gender and Family Structure
by Brian J. Cushing - 339-349 City Marketing, Image Reconstruction and Urban Regeneration
by Ronan Paddison - 351-363 Social Welfare Policy in the Context of Economic Restructuring: Lessons from the West Virginia Workers' Compensation Programme
by Emily A. Spieler - 365-386 Contrasts in Ownership and Development: Local versus Global in 'Silicon Glen'
by Ivan Turok - 387-397 Evaluating the Links between Housing Change and Economic Change
by Moira Munro - 399-416 Credit Unions and Low-income Communities
by Andrew McArthur & Alan McGregor & Robert Stewart - 417-435 Transport Investment and Disadvantaged Regions: UK and European Policies since the 1950s
by Tom Hart - 437-450 Highway Investment and Regional Economic Development: Decision Methods and Empirical Foundations
by Terance J. Rephann - 451-452 Book Review: A Question of Place: Exploring the Practice of Human Geography
by Glenda Laws - 453-455 Book Review: Regional Policy in a Changing World
by Jim Walmsley