February 2016, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 45-62 Formation, development and current state of industrial democracy in Germany
by Walther Müller-Jentsch - 63-80 Negotiated versus adversarial patterns of social democracy: a comparison between the Netherlands and France
by Antoine Bevort - 81-99 Employee participation and involvement: the Italian case and trade union issues
by Salvo Leonardi - 101-119 The Portuguese labour movement and industrial democracy: from workplace revolution to a precarious quest for economic justice
by Alan Stoleroff - 121-132 The Swedish wage-earner funds and economic democracy: is there anything to be learned from them?
by Bengt Furåker - 133-135 Book Review: European Social Models From Crisis to Crisis: Employment and Inequality in the Era of Monetary Integration
by Caroline de la Porte - 135-136 Book Review: Inequality: what can be done?
by David Hollanders - 137-138 Self-confident and forward-looking
by Otto Jacobi
November 2015, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 391-392 Editorial
by Maarten Keune - 393-394 Éditorial
by Maarten Keune - 395-397 Editorial
by Maarten Keune - 399-412 Stepping up to strike: a union mobilization case study of Polish migrant workers in the Netherlands
by Lisa Berntsen - 413-428 When the strike encounters the sans papiers movement: the discovery of a workers’ repertoire of actions for irregular migrant protest in France
by Marcus Kahmann - 429-450 European wage-setting mechanisms under pressure: negotiated and unilateral change and the EU’s economic governance regime
by Paul Marginson & Christian Welz - 451-469 ‘Are you a union member?’ Determinants and trends of subjective union membership in Italian society (1972–2013)
by Lorenzo Frangi & Mauro Barisione - 471-476 Youth structures in six European trade union federations: a short overview
by Kurt Vandaele - 477-483 The effects of the EU’s assault on collective bargaining: less governance capacity and more inequality
by Maarten Keune - 485-487 Book Review: Women and Austerity: The Economic Crisis and the Future for Gender Equality
by Agnieszka Piasna - 487-490 Book Review: The Right and the Welfare State
by Hedva Sarfati - 490-492 Book Review: The Contradictions of Austerity. The Socio-Economic Costs of the Neoliberal Baltic Model
by Jens Arnholtz
August 2015, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 263-264 Editorial
by Béla Greskovits & Marta Kahancová - 265-266 Éditorial
by Béla Greskovits & Marta Kahancová - 267-268 Editorial
by Béla Greskovits & Marta Kahancová - 269-284 Ten years of enlargement and the forces of labour in Central and Eastern Europe
by Béla Greskovits - 285-311 Convergence and divergence – 10 years since EU enlargement
by Heribert Kohl - 313-326 Trade unions and austerity in Central and Eastern Europe
by Mihai Varga - 327-341 Labour’s legal resources after 2004
by Jan Drahokoupil & Martin Myant - 343-357 Central and Eastern European trade unions after the EU enlargement
by Marta Kahancová - 359-372 Labour market impacts of post-enlargement migration on hosts and stayers in EU labour markets
by Martin Kahanec - 373-381 All roads lead to decentralization? Collective bargaining trends and prospects in Central and Eastern Europe
by Magdalena Bernaciak - 383-385 Book Review: Which policy for Europe? Power and Conflict inside the European Commission
by Philippe Pochet - 385-386 Book Review: The Youth Experience Gap. Explaining National Differences in the School-to-Work Transition
by Hans Dietrich
May 2015, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 127-127 Editorial
by Roland Erne & Andreas Bieler & Darragh Golden & Idar Helle & Knut Kjeldstadli & Tiago Matos & Sabina Stan - 128-128 Éditorial
by Roland Erne & Andreas Bieler & Darragh Golden & Idar Helle & Knut Kjeldstadli & Tiago Matos & Sabina Stan - 129-129 Editorial
by Roland Erne & Andreas Bieler & Darragh Golden & Idar Helle & Knut Kjeldstadli & Tiago Matos & Sabina Stan - 131-139 European collective action in times of crisis
by Sabina Stan & Idar Helle & Roland Erne - 141-156 The trade union response to the European economic governance regime. Transnational mobilization and wage coordination
by Anne Dufresne - 157-170 Acting in different worlds. Challenges to transnational trade union cooperation in the eurozone crisis
by Steffen Lehndorff - 171-185 Where is the European general strike? Understanding the challenges of trans-European trade union action against austerity
by Heiner Dribbusch - 187-200 Explaining ‘varieties of solidarity’: labour mobility and trade unions in an enlarged Europe
by Jane Hardy - 201-213 EU posted work and transnational action in the German meat industry
by Ines Wagner - 215-228 Workers’ transnational networks in times of austerity
by Markos Vogiatzoglou - 229-242 A new proletariat in the making? Reflections on the 14 November 2012 strike and the movements of 1968 and 1995
by Idar Helle - 243-245 New European Commission, new start?
by Maria Jepsen - 247-251 Adjusting the Danish industrial relations system after Laval: recalibration rather than erosion
by Bjarke Refslund - 252-254 Book Review: Understanding European Movements: New Social Movements, Global Justice Struggles, Anti-Austerity Protest
by Maria da Paz Campos Lima - 254-257 Book Review: The Transnationalisation of Collective Bargaining: Approaches of European Trade Unions
by Paul Marginson - 257-260 Book Review: Economics of the 1%: How Mainstream Economics Serves the Rich, Obscures Reality and Distorts Policy
by Hedva Sarfati
February 2015, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 3-4 Editorial
by Steve Jefferys - 5-6 Éditorial
by Steve Jefferys - 7-8 Editorial
by Steve Jefferys - 9-22 The context to challenging discrimination against ethnic minorities and migrant workers at work
by Steve Jefferys - 23-36 Their own stories – how Polish construction workers posted to Sweden experience their job situation, or resistance versus life projects
by Christer Thörnqvist & Sebastian Bernhardsson - 37-50 Roma berry pickers in Sweden
by Nedžad Mešić & Charles Woolfson - 51-63 Outsourced racism in Italy
by Rossana Cillo & Fabio Perocco - 65-80 Stop-go policies of governments and employers
by Virginie Bussat & Dagmar Soleymani - 81-98 Still no problem here? Responses to anti-discrimination legislation among trade unions in EU countries
by John Wrench - 99-113 Hard times for trade union anti-racism workplace strategies
by Nouria Ouali & Steve Jefferys - 115-118 Book Review: After Civil Rights: Racial Realism in the New American Workplace
by Nigel Carter - 119-121 Book Review: Racism, Class and the Racialized Outsider
by Nina Sahraoui - 121-124 Book Review: Islamophobie. Comment les élites françaises fabriquent le « problème musulman »
by Adelina Miranda
November 2014, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 479-481 Editorial
by Jean-Yves Boulin & Alena Zemplinerova - 482-484 Éditorial
by Jean-Yves Boulin & Alena Zemplinerova - 485-487 Editorial
by Jean-Yves Boulin & Alena Zemplinerova - 489-503 Implementation of Global Framework Agreements
by Jörg Sydow & Michael Fichter & Markus Helfen & Kadire Zeynep Sayim & Dimitris Stevis - 505-520 A framework agreement in the hairdressing sector
by Krzysztof Bandasz - 521-536 The future of trade unions in Croatia – various stakeholders’ perspectives
by Nina Pološki Vokić & Alka Obadić - 537-558 Workplace representation, its impact on trade union members and its capacity to compete with management in the European workplace
by Jeremy Waddington - 559-575 Addressing informality, gender and ethnicity in domestic labour
by Isabel Pla-Julián - 577-579 Book Review: Capital in the Twenty-First Century
by David Hollanders - 579-581 Book Review: Capitalist Globalization: Consequences, Resistance and Alternatives
by Andreas Bieler - 581-584 Book Review: Social Concertation in Times of Austerity – European Integration and the Politics of Labour Market Reforms in Austria and Switzerland
by Hedva Sarfati
August 2014, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 323-323 Editorial
by Peter Leisink & Stephen Bach - 324-324 Éditorial
by Peter Leisink & Stephen Bach - 325-325 Editorial
by Peter Leisink & Stephen Bach - 327-342 Economic crisis and municipal public service employment: comparing developments in seven EU Member States
by Peter Leisink & Stephen Bach - 343-356 Restructuring UK local government employment relations: pay determination and employee participation in tough times
by Stephen Bach & Alexandra Stroleny - 357-371 Austerity policies, social dialogue and public services in Italian local government
by Lorenzo Bordogna & Stefano Neri - 373-386 Austerity and social dialogue in French local government
by Gilles Jeannot - 387-402 The continuation of early austerity measures: the special case of Germany
by Berndt Keller - 403-416 Local government austerity policies in the Netherlands: the effectiveness of social dialogue in preserving public service employment
by Ulrike Weske & Peter Leisink & Eva Knies - 417-430 Austerity measures and municipalities: the case of Denmark
by Mikkel Mailand - 431-444 Austerity and politically motivated changes – wage bargaining in Hungarian municipal services
by László Neumann & Erzsébet Berki & Márk Edelényi - 445-453 Countering European economic policies through meaningful European social dialogue on local and regional government
by Richard Pond & Christine Jakob - 455-457 The Networker
by Otto Jacobi - 459-461 Book Review: Public Sector Shock – The Impact of Policy Retrenchment in Europe
by Hedva Sarfati - 462-463 Book Review: The Battle for Europe: How an Elite Hijacked a Continent – and How we Can Take it Back
by Ronald Janssen - 463-466 Book Review: Global anti-unionism. Nature, Dynamics, Trajectories and Outcomes
by Kurt Vandaele - 466-469 Book Review: Trade Unions in Western Europe – Hard Times, Hard Choices
by Gian Primo Cella - 471-473 Labour and transnational action in times of crisis: from case studies to theory1
by Darragh Golden
May 2014, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 167-167 Editorial
by Evelyne Léonard & Valeria Pulignano & Ryan Lamare & Tony Edwards - 168-168 Éditorial
by Evelyne Léonard & Valeria Pulignano & Ryan Lamare & Tony Edwards - 169-169 Editorial
by Evelyne Léonard & Valeria Pulignano & Ryan Lamare & Tony Edwards - 171-182 Multinational corporations as political players
by Evelyne Léonard & Valeria Pulignano & Ryan Lamare & Tony Edwards - 183-197 Financialization and the multinational corporation
by Glenn Morgan - 199-215 Decision-making in multinational corporations: key issues in international business strategy
by Jan Drahokoupil - 217-236 The ‘hollowing out’ of the national subsidiary in multinational companies: is it happening, does it matter, what are the strategic consequences?
by Gregor Murray & Patrice Jalette & Jacques Bélanger & Christian Lévesque - 237-253 Multinationals and regional economies: embedding the regime shoppers?
by Phil Almond & Maria Gonzalez Menendez & Patrick Gunnigle & Jonathan Lavelle & David Luque Balbona & Sinead Monaghan & Gregor Murray - 255-270 It takes two to tango. Management and European company agreements
by Hans-Wolfgang Platzer & Stefan Rüb - 271-293 When in Rome: the exercise of power by foreign multinational companies in the United States1
by Lance Compa - 295-303 Power and politics in multinational corporations: towards more effective workers’ involvement1
by Christoph Dörrenbächer & Mike Geppert - 305-309 REFIT – a breakthrough towards a strengthened and more encompassing deregulatory agenda?
by Wolfgang Kowalsky - 311-313 A union bursting with confidence
by Otto Jacobi - 315-316 Book Review: Holding the Shop Together. German Industrial Relations in the Postwar Era
by Otto Jacobi - 316-319 Book Review: Fracturas y crisis en Europa
by Antonio MartÃn Artiles
February 2014, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 3-3 Editorial
by Colin Crouch - 4-4 Éditorial
by Colin Crouch - 5-5 Editorial
by Colin Crouch - 7-22 Introduction
by Colin Crouch - 23-36 The Janus faces of European policy
by Jean-Claude Barbier & Fabrice Colomb - 37-51 Negotiating the effects of uncertainty? The governance capacity of collective bargaining under pressure
by Paul Marginson & Maarten Keune & Dorothee Bohle - 53-68 Public opinion, immigration and welfare in the context of uncertainty
by Antonio MartÃn Artiles & Guglielmo Meardi - 69-81 Privatization and after: time, complexity and governance in the world of funded pensions
by Noel Whiteside - 83-97 Competitive regionalism and the territorial governance of uncertainty
by Luigi Burroni - 99-114 Flexibility and security: national social models in transitional labour markets
by Ruud Muffels & Colin Crouch & Ton Wilthagen - 115-133 Austerity, union policy and gender equality bargaining
by Linda Briskin - 135-154 Why do people join trade unions? The impact of workplace union density on union recruitment
by Jonas Toubøl & Carsten Strøby Jensen - 155-158 Book Review: Austerity: the history of a dangerous idea
by Andreas Botsch - 159-163 Book Review: Governing the Euro Area in Good Times and Bad
by Alison Johnston
November 2013, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 449-451 Editorial
by Jens Lind & Jeremy Waddington - 451-453 Éditorial
by Jens Lind & Jeremy Waddington - 453-456 Editorial
by Jens Lind & Jeremy Waddington - 457-474 Atypical employment in Germany. Forms, development, patterns1
by Berndt Keller & Hartmut Seifert - 475-487 Labour market adjustments during the crisis: the role of working time arrangements1
by Jean-Yves Boulin & Gilbert Cette - 489-505 Trade union power during labour adjustments – comparison of company-level cases
by Jørgen Svalund & Heidi Kervinen - 507-520 Trade union cooperation on statutory minimum wages? A study of European trade union positions1
by Bengt Furåker & Kristina Lovén Seldén - 521-538 Membership growth at a time of union decline
by Carl Parker & James Rees - 539-551 What makes an effective European works council? Considerations based on three case studies
by Michael Gold & Chris Rees - 553-567 European works councils between formal requirements and good practices: the potential for further development based on evidence from Portugal1
by Hermes Augusto Costa - 569-579 Two steps forward, one step back, or vice versa: the new legal framework of collective labour relations in Turkey1
by Banu Uçkan - 581-595 Social dialogue in the sports sector at EU level
by Jérémy Pierre & Sébastien Buisine - 597-600 Book Review: Gekaufte Zeit – Die vertagte Krise des demokratischen Kapitalismus
by Otto Jacobi - 600-602 Book Review: Capitalist Diversity on Europe’s Periphery
by Martin Myant
August 2013, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 291-295 Editorial
by Maria da Paz Campos Lima & Martin Kahanec - 295-300 Editorial
by Maria da Paz Campos Lima & Martin Kahanec - 300-304 Editorial
by Maria da Paz Campos Lima & Martin Kahanec - 305-324 Youth unemployment in the period 2001–2010 and the European crisis – looking at the empirical evidence
by Hans Dietrich - 325-343 Labour market transitions of young workers in Nordic and southern European countries: the role of flexicurity
by Per Kongshøj Madsen & Oscar Molina & Jesper Møller & Mariona Lozano - 345-364 Youth voice(s) in EU countries and social movements in southern Europe
by Maria da Paz Campos Lima & Antonio MartÃn Artiles - 365-380 Migration strategies of crisis-stricken youth in an enlarged European Union 1
by Martin Kahanec & Brian Fabo - 381-397 Union responses to young workers since the Great Recession in Ireland, the Netherlands and Sweden: are youth structures reorienting the union agenda? 1
by Kurt Vandaele - 399-413 Responses of trade union confederations to the youth employment crisis
by Torsten Geelan - 415-418 Social partners’ negotiations on youth employment: common concerns, different solutions
by Margherita Bussi - 419-424 Union Solidarity International
by Torsten Geelan - 425-430 Let’s accept a smaller slice of a shrinking cake. The Irish Congress of Trade Unions and Irish public sector unions in crisis
by Roland Erne - 431-433 Book Review: The Strange Non-Death of Neoliberalism
by Aidan Regan - 433-435 Book Review: Le salaire, un enjeu pour l’euro-syndicalisme. Histoire de la coordination des négotiations collectives nationales
by Roland Erne - 435-436 Book Review: Union Voices: Tactics and Tensions in UK Organizing
by Gregor Gall - 437-438 Book Review: Understanding Labor and Employment Law in China
by Coralie Guedes - 438-440 Book Review: Arbeitnehmerrechte weltweit stärken? Die Umsetzung der Internationalen Rahmenvereinbarungen in Mexiko
by Stefan Rüb - 440-443 Book Review: Brain Drain and Brain Gain
by Hedva Sarfati - 444-445 Book Review: Lebensqualität durch Zeitpolitik: Wie Zeitkonflikte gelöst werden können
by Peter Beier
May 2013, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 147-150 Ben Valkenburg: a tribute
by Leni Beukema & Frans Coenen - 151-152 Editorial
by Vera Glassner - 152-153 Editorial
by Vera Glassner - 153-154 Editorial
by Vera Glassner - 155-169 Central and eastern European industrial relations in the crisis: national divergence and path-dependent change
by Vera Glassner - 171-183 The demise of social partnership or a balanced recovery? The crisis and collective bargaining in Slovakia
by Marta Kahancová - 185-194 The impact of the economic crisis on collective bargaining in the Czech Republic
by Martin Myant - 195-204 Between consolidation and crisis: divergent pressures and sectoral trends in Poland
by Guglielmo Meardi & Vera Trappmann - 205-215 Between polarization and statism – effects of the crisis on collective bargaining processes and outcomes in Hungary
by Imre Szabó - 217-226 The impact of socio-economic shocks on social dialogue in Slovenia
by Miroslav Stanojević & Matej KlariÄ - 227-237 Romania
by Aurora Trif - 239-251 Social dialogue revival or ‘PR corporatism’? Negotiating anti-crisis measures in Poland and Bulgaria1
by Magdalena Bernaciak - 253-266 Negotiated responses to the crisis in the Baltic countries
by Epp Kallaste & Charles Woolfson - 267-278 Precarious work in the retail sector in Estonia, Poland and Slovenia: trade union responses in a time of economic crisis
by Adam Mrozowicki & Triin Roosalu & Tatiana Bajuk SenÄ ar - 279-280 Book Review: One Company, Diverse Workplaces: the Social Construction of Employment Practices in Western and Eastern Europe
by Phil Almond - 281-284 Conference on ‘Fundamental Social Rights in the European Multilevel Governance System’, 12 October 2012, Trier, Germany
by Kenan Ertunc - 285-287 Manifesto
by N/A
February 2013, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 3-9 Editorial
by Christophe Degryse & Maria Jepsen & Philippe Pochet - 9-16 Editorial
by Christophe Degryse & Maria Jepsen & Philippe Pochet - 16-22 Editorial
by Christophe Degryse & Maria Jepsen & Philippe Pochet - 23-35 The building of economic governance in the European Union
by Amy Verdun - 37-48 Monetary integration in crisis: how well do existing theories explain the predicament of EMU?
by Waltraud Schelkle - 49-62 Are better defined rules enough? An assessment of the post-crisis reforms of the governance of EMU
by Iain Begg - 63-87 Macroeconomic imbalances and competitiveness in the euro area
by Stefan Collignon - 89-101 The missing link. Labour unions, central banks and monetary integration in Europe1
by Bob Hancké - 103-116 Monetary union and the stakes for democracy and social policy
by Philippe Pochet & Christophe Degryse - 117-120 Conclusions
by Maria Jepsen - 121-124 The crisis and national labour law reforms – a mapping exercise
by Stefan Clauwaert & Isabelle Schömann - 125-127 Greece 2010–2012
by Eftychia Achtsioglou - 129-132 Dutch trade union confederation in crisis
by Paul de Beer - 133-134 Book Review: The political economy of work security and flexibility: Italy in comparative perspective
by Janine Leschke - 135-137 Book Review: Women on Corporate Boards and in Top Management. European Trends and Policy
by Aline Conchon - 138-140 Book Review: The Lisbon Treaty and Social Europe
by Giulia Frosecchi - 140-143 Book Review: Better Jobs for a Better Economy – World of Work Report 2012
by Hedva Sarfati
November 2012, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 371-373 Editorial
by Jean-Yves Boulin & Torsten Müller - 374-377 Editorial
by Jean-Yves Boulin & Torsten Müller - 377-380 Editorial
by Jean-Yves Boulin & Torsten Müller - 381-395 Is the Danish model still a sacred cow? Danish trade unions and European integration
by Herman Knudsen & Jens Lind - 397-410 From Europe as a model to Europe as austerity
by Hermes Augusto Costa - 411-427 The management of change. Local union responses to company-level restructuring in France and Ireland – a study between and within countries
by Valeria Pulignano & Paul Stewart - 429-446 French multinational companies, new state regulations and changes in the employment relationship during the crisis
by Violaine Delteil & Patrick Dieuaide - 447-460 Europeanization through ‘procedures and practices’? The implementation of the telework and work-related stress agreements in the UK and Denmark
by Thomas Prosser - 461-470 A case study of temporary work agencies in the Norwegian construction sector
by Anne Mette Ødegård & Øyvind Berge & Kristin Alsos - 471-489 Is there a paradox of lower job satisfaction among trade union members? European evidence
by Chiara Paola Donegani & Stephen McKay - 491-495 The two-tier management system for joint-stock companies under Italian law
by Andrea Scafidi & Leonardo Scimmi - 497-501 The ‘Volkswagen Law’ – guarantor of extended co-determination rights and international trade union solidarity
by Dr Frederic Speidel