June 1996, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 420-421 Book review: Manus O'Riordan: The voice of a thinking intelligent movement: James Larkin Junior and the ideological modernisation of Irish trade unionism, published by the Irish Labour History Society, 1995
by Padraig Flynn - 421-423 Book review: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions: The Position of the Social Partners in Europe on Direct Participation; Country Studies: Volume 1, Working Paper No.: WP/95/35/EN, and Germany: Does Direct Participation threaten the 'German Model'?, Working Paper WP/95/67/EN
by Anke Hassel - 425-426 Conference "A common currency area - a fragmented area for wages?", Brussels, 7/8 December 1995
by Walter Demmelhuber - 426-427 "Co-determination in Europe", European seminar held at the Arbeitnehmer-Zentrum, Königswinter, 15 and 16 January 1996
by Bert Thierron - 428-429 Conference "Stakeholder Capitalism - Blind Alley or Best Hope?", Sheffield University, 28-29 March 1996
by Sanjiv Sachdev
February 1996, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 5-5 Editorial
by Reiner Hoffmann - 6-6 Editorial
by Reiner Hoffman - 7-7 Editorial
by Reiner Hoffmann - 8-23 Towards a social reproduction model
by Gudrun Biffl - 24-35 Pay discrimination between men and women, "all things being unequal"
by Rachel Silvera - 36-60 A comparison of the conditions for reconciling professional and family life in Europe . with special consideration of regulations governing parental leave
by Christiane Schiersmann - 61-81 Women's interests in the workplace. Between delegation and self-representation
by Eva Cyba & Ulrike Papouschek - 82-96 The hidden agenda of post-war immigration: barriers to women's equal rights
by Wuokko Knocke - 97-120 Stressing a women's agenda. Women of three European sectors define their needs
by Cynthia Cockburn - 121-124 First round of European negotiations on a key issue for equal opportunities and equal treatment
by Jean Lapeyre - 129-145 Trade union modernisation in France: is there still time?
by Jean-Yves Boulin - 146-154 Facing up to the internationalisation of markets and competition: a challenge for the European trade union movement
by Enzo Friso - 156-158 ETUC Study on Women in Decision Making in Trade Unions
by Catherine Byrne - 159-165 Women in the trade union movement in the countries of the European Union: the new front in the battle for equal opportunities?
by Victoria Donlevy - 166-173 EMF Equal Opportunities Code of Behaviour to be implemented in the metal union organisations and at company level
by N/A - 174-175 Equal Opportunities Code of Behaviour To Be Implemented At Company Level
by Paola Martinelli - 176-183 Equality for women in trade unions: the continuing challenge. A review of the work of the Women's Committee of the ICFTU
by Lois Stewart - 183-187 Vocational training for women: some considerations. Methodologies in the Social Dialogue context
by Joana Agudo - 187-191 The European Centre for Industrial Relations: an ideal venue for training for the European Social Dialogue
by Antonio Minutti - 192-193 The European Trade Union Confederation affiliates trade unions from Central and Eastern Europe
by Renate Langewiesche - 194-194 Call for papers: The Fifth IIRA European Regional Congress in 1997
by N/A - 197-197 Book review: Sophie Bailacq and Cyrille Stevant: L'Europe social en débat, Collection "Arguments", Bureau d'études de la CFTC (Confédération francaise des travailleurs chrétiens), Paris 1995, 174 pp
by Martin Hutsebaut - 198-201 Book review: Dominique Méda: Le travail. Une valeur en voie de disparition, Paris, Aubier, collection Alto, 1995
by Jean Vogel - 203-206 The European Forum on Positive Action* "Equality and quality: new moves for women and business", Italy, 3-4 June 1995
by Gillian Shapiro & Etta Olgiati & Lotte Valbjiom & Etta Olgiati - 206-209 UN Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing, 4-15 September 1995
by Franca Donaggio - 209-214 Seminar "European Works Councils: the pragmatic approach", London, 22 September 1995
by Jean-Jacques Danis - 214-215 13th Federal Congress of the ÖGB, Vienna, 17-20 October 1995
by Bettina Agathonos-Mfhr
October 1995, Volume 1, Issue 4
- 493-494 Editorial
by Reiner Hoffmann - 495-496 Editorial
by Reiner Hoffmann - 497-498 Editorial
by Reiner Hoffmann - 499-519 Labour market, unemployment and employment policy - aspects of the European debate
by Antonia Ramos Yuste & David Foden - 520-532 Equal opportunity for women and men and the employment policy of the EU - a critical review of the European Union's approach
by Jill Rubery & Friederike Maier - 533-539 The Structural Funds and employment
by Monika Wulf-Mathies - 540-553 America's low.wage path
by Lawrence Mishel - 554-568 From golden age to crisis: patterns of stabilisation policy in Sweden and Finland compared Background: contrasts and parallels in policy developments
by Jukka Pekkarinen - 569-572 The Social Partners Guidelines for recovery and employment
by Peter Coldrick - 573-578 Debate: International financial markets and employment and social policy
by N/A - 579-592 Austrian trade unions betsveen continuity and modernisation
by Andrea Kirschner & Franz Traxler - 593-609 Radical change in the European woodworking industry: consequences for the workforce and their trade unions
by Stefan Hochstadt - 610-621 Social Dialogue and the collective agreements on continuous vocational training in Europe - comparative overview of the central findings of five FORCE studies
by Susanne Felger & Angela Paul-Kohlhoff - 622-625 European Union programmes for promoting socio-economic research: information and deadlines for submission of proposals
by Gloria Müller - 626-627 Call for papers
by N/A - 628-630 Book review: Union Générale des Travailleurs Algériens: RUPTURES, De la grève des deux jours à la rupture quasi-totale avec le pouvoir, l'UGTA-nouvelle renoue avec le syndicalisme, Collection luttes actuelles, published by UGTA in collaboration with éditions Centre Ouest Presse, 1992, 200 pp
by Martin Hutsebaut - 630-632 Book review: Richard Hyman, Anthony Ferner (eds.): New Frontiers in European Industrial Relations, Industrial Relations in Context, Vol. 6; Oxford-Cambridge, Basil Blackwell 1994, 414 pp
by Berndt Keller - 632-633 Book review: Observatoire Social Européen and FEC, Philippe Pochet (ed.), Pactes Sociaux Européens, Editions Vie Ouvrière, Brussels, 1995
by Giuseppe Fajertag - 634-635 Book review: Reiner Hoffmann, Otto Jacobi, Berndt Keller and Manfred Weiss (eds.): German Industrial Relations under the Impact of Structural Change, Unification and European Integration. Hans-Böckler- Stiftung, Düsseldorf, 1995
by Jeremy Waddington - 636-639 Conference "The transformation process in old industrial regions", Langreo, 22-23 june 1995
by Simone Rißmann - 639-641 Meeting the challenge - ready for change: 8th EMF General Assembly, Vienna, 29-30 June 1995
by Reiner Hoffmann - 641-642 Biennial Delegate Conference of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions, Tralee, 4-7 July 1995
by David Foden - 643-647 ETUI's research network with CEECs, Balaton workshop, 6-7 September 1995
by Heikki Aintilal & Magda Forrova - 648-648 Annual conference of the IALHI (International Association of Labour History Institutions), Moscow, 6-9 September 1995
by Lilli Poulsen - 648-650 TUC Congress, Brighton, 11-15 September 1995
by David Foden
July 1995, Volume 1, Issue 3
- 357-357 Editorial
by N/A - 358-358 Editorial
by N/A - 359-359 Editorial
by N/A - 360-377 Trade union development in the CEECs
by Kari Tapiola - 378-386 Rapprochement based on common interests between the ETUC and the trade unions in Central and Eastern Europe
by Peter Seideneck - 387-392 Who and what are employers in Central and Eastern European countries?
by Pekka O. Aro & Björn Grünewald - 393-410 Regulated deregulation - an option for Central and Eastern Europe
by Wolfgang Lecher & Uwe Optenhögel - 411-425 The PHARE programme and the social dimension 1990-1995 - an overview
by Renate Langewiesche - 426-436 Debate: The European Union and the Central and Eastern European countries: prospects for integration
by Reiner Hoffmann - 437-439 Views from the outside: comments on the European Trade Union Confederation 8th Statutory Congress, Brussels 9.12 May
by Helene Ohm - 439-442 Resolutions of the 8th ETUC Congress in May 1995
by N/A - 442-443 European programmes for promoting socio-economic studies
by N/A - 443-448 Fields of research and application deadlines
by Gloria Müller - 448-449 Database on labour unions in Germany
by Michael Fichter - 449-450 Real Resources - materials on trade unions and the environment, produced by the European Trade Union College (ETUCO)
by Patricia Tonn - 450-451 Call for papers
by N/A - 451-451 Call for application
by N/A - 452-452 ETUI annual research conference: Labour market and job creation policies in Europe, 21-22 September 1995, International Trade Union House, Brussels
by N/A - 453-454 Book review: Hans Moerel (Ed.): Labour relations in transition, Instituut voor Toegepaste Sociale wetenschappen (ITS) van de Stichting Katholieke Universiteit te Nijmegen,1994
by Heikki Aintila - 454-455 Book reviews: TUC (ed.), Representation at work - a TUC consultative report, London 1995
by David Foden - 455-458 Book review: Pierre Rosanvallon: La nouvelle question sociale. Repenser I'Etat-Providence, Editions Seuil, Paris, 1995
by Martin Hutsebaut - 458-460 Book review: Protocollo sociale di Maastricht: realtà e prospettive - Notizario di Guirisprudenza del Lavoro, supplemento, Roma 1995 (English version also announced)
by Giuseppe Fajertag - 460-461 Book review: Albert Jacquard: J'accuse l'économie triomphante, Editions Calmann-Lévy, Paris, 1995
by Jean-Jacques Danis - 461-465 Book review: New publications of the ETUI, Brussels 1995
by N/A - 466-470 Teleworking in Europe
by Gerd Hurrle - 470-474 TUC Women's Conference 1995
by Antonia Ramos Yuste - 474-475 Making it Work: effective language training strategies for European trade unionists, ETUCO Seminar, Newcastle, October/November 1994
by Jacky Barry - 475-477 ETUI seminar: European Works Councils - Prospects for implementation of the EU Directive
by Jean-Jacques Danis - 477-479 Workshop: European trade union participation strategies, jointly organised by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation and the European Trade Union Institute, 26-27 June 1995, Brussels
by Hélène Goux & Klaus-W. West
April 1995, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 177-177 Editorial
by Reiner Hoffmann - 178-178 Editorial
by Reiner Hoffmann - 179-179 Editorial
by Reiner Hoffmann - 180-187 From the Vredeling Directive to the European Works Council Directive . some historical remarks
by Jean-Jacques Danis & Reiner Hoffmann - 188-206 Analysis of existing voluntary agreements on information and consultation in European multinationals
by Hubert Krieger & Pascale Bonneton - 207-215 The European Works Council: an institution yet to be established?
by Gilles Bélier - 216-228 Nordic trade unions, the EU and European works councils
by Jon Erik Dølvik - 229-244 Meetings on European multinationals: the experience so far
by Lionel Fulton - 245-251 The prospects of the enactment of directive 94/45/EC in the Member States of the European Union
by Carlo Savoini - 252-257 Directive 94/45/EC - outlook for application in companies
by Olivier Richard - 258-272 Training European works councils
by Hellmut Gohde - 273-282 Italian trade unionism in the 1990s in the European context
by Mario Regini - 283-296 The establishment of a European works council - background paper for transposition of the directive in national law
by Willy Buschak - 296-301 The EFBWW and European works councils
by Jan Cremers & Theo van Mullekom - 301-302 EMF Strategy in relation to European works councils
by Hubert Thierron - 302-304 The role of European works councils in the future. Inventory, exchange of experience and trade union scope for action - in the view of the EFCGU
by Reiner Hoffmann - 304-305 Trade Unions and transnational projects
by Silvana Pennella - 305-308 FNV services for European works councils
by Kees Santbergen - 309-314 The posting directive : Origins and assessment
by Jan Cremers - 314-317 Corporate culture, partnership and co-determination: results of an empirical investigation
by Heinrich Beyer & Hans G. Nutzinger - 318-320 Social dialogue and technological changes - training seminars organised by the Association for European training of workers on the impact of new technology (AFFETT)
by Antonio Minutti - 320-328 European works councils - a current research and literature overview
by Bernd Fechner - 329-330 Book review: Helga Grebing, Werner Wobbe (Hg.): Industrie- und Arbeitsstrukturen im Binnenmarkt- Die große Gleichmacherei ? Köln 1993
by Jürgen Hoffmann - 330-332 Book review: Contact Office of the Inter Trade Union Committee of Miners' and Metalworkers' Free Trade Unions: Europe has a future. The contribution of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) to a social, peaceful and democratic Europe; Brussels, 1994 (also available in French, Spanish, and German)
by Wieland Stützel - 332-335 Book review: Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles: Quelle union sociale européenne? publié sous la direction de Mario Telò avec la collaboration de Corinne Gobin; Etudes européennes, collection dirigée par l'Institut d'Etudes européennes, Bruxelles 1994
by Martin Hutsebaut - 335-337 Book review: Wolfgang Lecher, Hans-Wolfgang Platzer (Hg.): Europäische Union - EuropäischeArbeitsbeziehungen? Nationale Voraussetzungen und internationaler Rahmen; Köln 1994
by Alfons Grundheber-Pilgram - 337-338 Book review: Bruno Ugolini: I tempi del lavoro. Un viaggio nel pianeta degli orari; Rizzoli, Milan 1995
by Giuseppe Fajertag - 339-340 Book review: Mark Hall, Mark Carley, Michael Gold, Paul Marginson and Keith Sisson: European Works Councils. Planning for the Directive; Eclipse Group Ltd, London 1995
by Jean.Jacques Danis - 341-345 The lost perspective? The trade union movement and ideology in Europe
by Johan Verberckmoes & Patrick Pasture - 345-347 Copenhagen World Social Summit: a turning of the tide
by Stephen K. Pursey
January 1995, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 5-7 Editorial
by Reiner Hoffmann - 8-10 Editorial
by Reiner Hoffmann - 11-13 Editorial
by Reiner Hoffmann - 14-30 The challenge of modernisation: towards a new paradigm for trade unions in Europe?
by Ulrich Mückenberger & Conny Stroh & Rainer Zoll - 31-43 UK Unions: searching for a new agenda
by Jeremy Waddington - 44-63 The modernisation of trade unions in Denmark
by Jens Lind - 64-79 Trade unionism in the Netherlands: back to the future?
by Ben Valkenburg - 80-97 Modernisation of trade unions in Spain
by Faustino Miguélez - 98-113 Trade union reform in Germany: some analytical and critical remarks concerning the current debate
by Jürgen Hoffmann - 114-121 Debate : Modernisation of the trade unions in Europe
by Reiner Hoffmann - 122-128 Social Europe and the trade union movement- prospects for the VIIIth Statutory Congress of the European Trade Union Confederation (May 1995)
by Emilio Gabaglio - 129-133 New research areas at the ETUI and guidelines for a medium-term programme
by Reiner Hoffmann - 133-135 European works councils open up new horizons
by Willy Buschak - 135-136 European trade union research network in central and eastern European countries: first results of the ETUI PHARE Democracy Programme
by Heikki Aintila - 136-141 Improving opportunities for trade union and labour research : socioeconomic research possibilities under the 4th European research and technology framework programme
by Gloria Müller - 142-143 Book review: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Ed.): European Employment and Industrial Relations Glossaries, Luxembourg, 1992 Italy, T. Treu; Spain, A. Valverde; United Kingdom, M. Terry and L. Dickens; France, A. Lyon-Caen ; Germany, M. Weiss; Belgium, R. Blanpain; Greece, Y Kravaritou; Portugal, M. Pinto and P. Furtado Martins; The Netherlands, E. de Gier and P. van der Heyden; Ireland, F. von Prondzynski
by Jean-Jacques Danis - 143-144 Book review: O. Lugus, P Vartia(Ed.): Estonia and finland - a retrospective socioeconomic comparison, The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy, Helsinki, 1993
by Heikki Aintila - 144-145 Book review: W. Sengenberger, D. Campbell (Eds.), Creating economic opportunities - the role of labour standards in industrial restructuring, IILS ,Geneva, 1994
by Dave Feickert - 145-147 Book review: Robert Taylor : The future of the trade unions, Andre Deutsch Ltd, London, 1994
by David Foden - 147-148 Book review: H. Matthies, U. Mückenberger, C. Offe, E. Peter, S. Raasch : Arbeit 2000 : Anforderungen an eine Neugestaltung der Arbeitswelt - Eine Studie der Hans-Böckler Stiftung, Reinbek bei Hamburg, 1994
by Martin Hutsebaut - 148-149 Book review: Timo Kauppinen: The transformation of labour relations in Finland, Finnish Labour Relations Association, No: 8, Helsinki,1994
by Heikki Aintila - 149-151 Book review: Klaus Busch : Europäische Integration und Tarifpolitik, Bund-Verlag Köln,1994
by Alfons Grundheber-Pilgram - 151-152 Book review: International Labour Organisation-CEET: "Labour Market Developments in Hungary", ILO-CEET Reports 3, Budapest, 1994
by Heikki Aintila - 153-153 Book review: Roger Blanpain and Paul Windey : "European Works Councils - information and consultation of employees in multinational enterprises in Europe", Peeters Publishers and Booksellers, Louvain, 1994
by Otto Jacobi - 154-156 IIRA: "Transformation and mutual learning processes"
by Otto Jacobi - 156-157 Conference Report: the 126th annual Trades Union Congress, Blackpool, September 5 to 9, 1994
by David Foden - 157-159 FGTB Congress, October 1994
by François Ballestero - 159-161 CSC Congress, November 1994: "A trade union with value(s)"
by Gilbert de Swert - 161-162 FNV conference, Utrecht, November 1994
by Michiel van Hulten - 163-165 "A time for working - a time for living", ETUC/ETUI conference, Düsseldorf, December 1994
by David Foden