May 2016, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 344-358 The conditions and strategies for success of local currency movements
by Seon Mi Kim & Benjamin Lough & Chi-Fang Wu - 359-376 Knowledge-intensive services and local development: An empirical analysis of networks, channels and customization processes
by Giovanni Pino & Mauro Capestro & Gianluigi Guido & Carla Tomacelli & Marco Abate - 377-392 Motivations and mitigating business limitations in Scottish rural home-based businesses
by Isla Kapasi & Laura Galloway - 393-409 New technology-based firms and their survival: The importance of business networks, and entrepreneurial business behaviour and competition
by Hans Löfsten - 410-423 The spread of coproduction: How the concept reached the northernmost city in the UK
by Aksel Ersoy - 424-441 Both sides now: Toward the dual customer approach under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act in the United States
by Brian Holland
February 2016, Volume 31, Issue 1-2
- 3-8 Re-engaging with spatial economic development: The recent experience of regional and local economic development in South Africa
by Etienne Nel & Christian M Rogerson - 9-27 South Africa's new urban agenda: Transformation or compensation?
by Ivan Turok - 28-41 Redressing inequality in South Africa: The spatial targeting of distressed areas
by Christian M Rogerson & Etienne Nel - 42-56 (Regional and) local economic development themes in contemporary South African Cities
by Jennifer Houghton - 57-67 The South African Cities Network: Towards championing the urban agenda of South Africa
by Diane Abrahams - 68-82 Local economic development beyond the centre: Reflections on South Africa’s secondary cities
by Lochner Marais - 83-94 Local economic development agencies – Pushing boundaries and addressing change: The case of South Africa’s Aspire (Amathole District Economic Development Agency) during its maturation phase
by Faith Lawrence - 95-108 South Africa’s small towns: A review on recent research
by Gijsbert Hoogendoorn & Gustav Visser - 109-123 The contested trajectory of applied local economic development in South Africa
by Etienne Nel & Christian M Rogerson - 124-141 Planning for local economic development in spaces of despair: Key trends in South Africa’s ‘distressed areas’
by Christian M Rogerson & Etienne Nel - 142-157 Global–local trajectories for regional competitiveness: Tourism innovation in the Western Cape
by Irma Booyens - 158-171 Creative industries and urban regeneration – The Maboneng precinct, Johannesburg
by James J Gregory - 172-186 South Africa’s informal economy: Reframing debates in national policy
by Christian M Rogerson - 187-203 A new co-operative revolution in South Africa? Reflections on the outcomes of state support in the Free State Province
by Johannes Wessels & Etienne Nel - 204-218 Progressive rhetoric, ambiguous policy pathways: Street trading in inner-city Johannesburg, South Africa
by Christian M Rogerson - 219-233 The co-evolution of Saldanha Bay (town and hinterland) and its Port
by Lesley Welman & Sanette LA Ferreira - 234-248 Heritage tourism in the global South: Development impacts of the Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site, South Africa
by Christian M Rogerson & Clinton D van der Merwe - 249-263 Mining and/or tourism development for job creation and sustainability in Dullstroom, Mpumalanga
by Llewellyn Leonard - 264-281 Inclusive local tourism development in South Africa: Evidence from Dullstroom
by Gareth Butler & Christian M Rogerson - 282-298 The dangers of growing on gold: Lessons for mine downscaling from the Free State Goldfields, South Africa
by Lochner Marais & Etienne Nel - 299-311 Innovation and Local Economic Development Policy in the global South: New South African perspectives
by Lindile L Ndabeni & Christian M Rogerson & Irma Booyens - 312-321 A role for housing in development: Using housing as a catalyst for development in South Africa
by Ashley Gunter & Kenneth Manuel - 322-331 Climate change, tourism and local economic development in South Africa
by Christian M Rogerson
December 2015, Volume 30, Issue 8
- 867-870 Special edition: Regeneration, enterprise, sport and tourism
by Nicholas Wise & Geoff Whittam - 871-887 A collaborative approach to event-led regeneration: The governance of legacy from the 2014 Commonwealth Games
by Linda Christie & Kenneth Gibb - 888-909 Pathways to a physical activity legacy: Assessing the regeneration potential of multi-sport events using a prospective approach
by Julie Clark & Ade Kearns - 910-924 Exploring the use of large sporting events in the post-crash, post-welfare city: A ‘legacy’ of increasing insecurity?
by Gerry Mooney & Vikki McCall & Kirsteen Paton - 925-943 The triple helix in action in the fitness sector: A case study of Chi & Co
by Julie C Thomson & Lon Kilgore & Thea Ni Lionnà in - 944-960 Urban translations: Regeneration through the lens of actor-networking
by Stephen Dobson - 961-974 Keeping up with the Joneses: Hosting mega-events as a regenerative strategy in nation imaging, imagining and branding
by John Harris - 975-982 From Upton Park to Olympic Park: What does West Ham’s move tell us about sport and regeneration?
by Glyn Robbins - 983-999 The turn of the south? Social and economic impacts of mega-events in India, Brazil and South Africa
by Brij Maharaj - 1000-1016 Understanding the delivery of experience: Conceptualising business models and sports tourism, assessing two case studies in Istria, Croatia
by Marko Peric & Nicholas Wise
November 2015, Volume 30, Issue 7
- 715-720 Social exclusion and poverty in Europe: Territorial patterns
by Ali Madanipour & Sabine Weck - 721-741 Concepts of poverty and social exclusion in Europe
by Ali Madanipour & Mark Shucksmith & Hilary Talbot - 742-764 Regional poverty mapping in Europe – Challenges, advances, benefits and limitations
by Andrew Copus & Patricia C Melo & Stefan Kaup & Gergely Tagai & Panagiotis Artelaris - 765-782 Social exclusion: Continuities and discontinuities in explaining local patterns
by Sabine Weck & Isabel Ramos Lobato - 783-799 Advancing marginalisation of Roma and forms of segregation in East Central Europe
by Katalin Kovács - 800-817 Education and social reproduction: Educational mechanisms and residential segregation in Athens and Dortmund
by Thomas Maloutas & Isabel Ramos Lobato - 818-837 Levels of segregation, lines of closure: The spatiality of immigrants’ social exclusion in Athens
by George Kandylis - 838-856 Towards the just city: Addressing poverty and social exclusion in the Stockholm Region
by Mitchell Reardon & Christian Dymén - 857-864 Concluding article: Policy implications
by Hilary Talbot & Mark Shucksmith & Ali Madanipour
September 2015, Volume 30, Issue 6
- 593-608 Skills shortages: A brake on the British car industry?
by Jason Begley & Clive Collis & Tom Donnelly - 609-626 Passing the buck without the bucks: Some reflections on fiscal decentralisation and the Business Rate Retention Scheme in England
by Kevin Muldoon-Smith & Paul Greenhalgh - 627-649 The potential of trading activity income to fund Third Sector organisations operating in deprived areas
by Piers Thompson & Robert Williams & Caleb Kwong & Brychan Thomas - 650-671 Design employment in UK regional economies: Industrial and occupational approaches
by Paul Vallance - 672-688 Entrepreneurship and the spatial context: A panel data study into regional determinants of small growing firms in Scotland
by Andrew G Ross & John Adams & Kenny Crossan - 689-701 Creating the north from the sum of its parts? Research questions to assess the Northern Powerhouse
by Alexander Nurse - 702-711 Re-building Europe from the bottom up: Europe Works for London
by Andrew Jones
August 2015, Volume 30, Issue 5
- 467-472 Entrepreneurship training in tertiary education and business
by Tony Jackson - 473-478 Tunisia at its crossroad: The role of a local development contextualised entrepreneurship training at universities
by Holger Kuhle - 479-483 Experience with the UK New Enterprise Allowance scheme
by Alastair Cameron - 484-502 Entrepreneurship training in tertiary education: Its development and transfer
by Tony Jackson - 503-519 The entrepreneurial middle ground: Higher education entry decisions of aspiring entrepreneurs
by Lee Pugalis & Anna Round & Tony Blackwood & Lucy Hatt - 520-533 Values-led entrepreneurship: Developing business models through the exercise of reflexivity
by Mike G Tennant - 534-556 An appropriate tool for entrepreneurial learning in SMEs? The case of the 20Twenty Leadership Programme
by Nick Clifton & Robert Huggins & Brian Morgan & Piers Thompson - 557-567 The German dual vocational education and training system as ‘good practice’?
by Thomas Deissinger - 568-576 Delivering entrepreneurship training and support
by Gary McEwan - 577-583 Germany’s dual vocational-training system: Possibilities for and limitations to transferability
by Clemens Wieland - 584-590 Innovation through inclusion: A pilot project
by Ellen Bommersheim & Olga Chandra
June 2015, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 389-404 Venture capital and investor readiness in a post-crisis and state-rescaling context: Revisiting the North East of England
by Felicity Wray - 405-420 The local economic development processes in low-income countries: The case of the metropolis of Chegutu in Zimbabwe
by Amon Simba & Zivanayi Francis Nyandoro & Gerald Munyoro & Douglas Chimhande - 421-434 An evaluation of the Umbumbulu Agri-Hub as a model to support small-scale farmers
by Peter Gilmore & Mihalis Chasomeris - 435-451 Sub-post offices and high street revitalisation: Lessons from the experience of grant assistance to sub-post offices in deprived urban areas of the UK
by Robert Baldock & David North & Ian Vickers - 452-463 Sharing practice from around the globe: Feedback from the Best of Both Worlds Environmental Education and Education for Sustainable Development Conference 2014
by Anna Pitt & Lorna Fox
May 2015, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 251-255 Special issue: Education for sustainable development
by Munir Morad & Ros Wade & Lynn Vickery - 256-264 Sustainability, human rights, and sexuality: Making the right connections
by Shaminder Takhar - 265-279 Creating spaces for interdisciplinary exchange in higher education: A case study
by Adriana Consorte-McCrea & Helen Newing - 280-291 Driving education for sustainable development potential within professional curricula: Built environment sustainability training and training development for professionals in Wales
by Lara L Hopkinson & Julie A Gwilliam - 292-304 Transforming practice: Re-linking professional experience and the curriculum
by Alison Pooley - 305-315 The circular economy, design thinking and education for sustainability
by Deborah Andrews - 316-329 A practical example of integrating sustainable development into higher education: Green Dragons, City University London Students’ Union
by Maria Xypaki - 330-341 Educating for food security in the UK: Planning for an uncertain future
by Howard Lee - 342-351 Integrating sustainability education into nursing using an interdisciplinary approach
by Jane Grose & Maggie Doman & Janet Kelsey & Janet Richardson & Mike Woods - 352-360 The challenges of introducing sustainable development in the curriculum at a UK university
by Sally R Lampkin - 361-369 The ‘Connecting Children and Nature Network’: Building a collaborative partnership for change
by Nicola Kemp - 370-381 The creation of interactive activity pods at a Recycling Education Centre
by Tony Pickford & Liz Ellis - 382-385 Atkinson H and Wade R (eds), The Challenge of Sustainability: Linking Politics, Education and Learning
by Lorna Down
March 2015, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 167-172 Power, place and the New Civic Leadership
by Robin Hambleton - 173-190 Place imprinting and the arts: A case study of the Amber Collective
by Robert Hollands & John Vail - 191-214 Resilience in the city-core and its hinterland: The case of Copenhagen
by Christian Kjær Monsson - 215-230 Shale gas and regional economic development: Enhancing local economic impact
by Philip B Whyman - 231-248 The social and economic impact of improving a town centre: The case of Rotherham
by John Thompson & Martyn Benson & Peter McDonagh
February 2015, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 3-4 Introduction: Regional and local development in Australia and New Zealand
by Etienne Nel - 5-11 Local Economy special edition on Australia and New Zealand: Commentary
by Tony Jackson - 12-20 Recent trends in regional and local demographic and economic inequality in New Zealand and associated regional development implications
by Etienne Nel - 21-40 Structural adjustment programmes and regional development in Australia
by Andrew Beer - 41-52 Regional development in an age of accelerating complexity and uncertainty: Towards survival strategies for a sparsely settled continent
by Tony Sorensen - 53-66 Regional skill ecosystems to assist young people making education employment linkages in transition from school to work
by Paul Dalziel - 67-77 Evolving regional and local economic development in New Zealand
by Etienne Nel - 78-97 Re-imagining the region
by Paul Collits & James E Rowe - 98-118 Anchor organisations in Auckland: Rolling constructively with neoliberalism?
by Nicolas Lewis & Laurence Murphy - 119-138 Wipeout? The Gold Coast and Tweed surfboard manufacturing cluster and local economic development
by David Logue & Neil Argent & Andrew Warren - 139-148 Fly-in, fly-out, drive-in, drive-out: The Australian mining boom and its impacts on the local economy
by Martin Perry & James E Rowe - 149-162 Urban economics by design down under
by Kobus Mentz & Susannah Goble - 163-163 Corrigendum
by N/A
December 2014, Volume 29, Issue 8
- 771-794 Innovation and e-commerce in clusters of small firms: The case of a regional e-marketplace
by Eleonora Lorenzini - 795-809 Small, local, and loyal: How firm attributes affect workers’ organizational commitment
by Katie L Halbesleben & Charles M Tolbert - 810-825 Legal structure and outcomes of social enterprise: The case of South Yorkshire, UK
by Walter Mswaka & Olu Aluko - 826-840 Entrepreneurial woman and territory: A cross-sectoral analysis
by Vittoria Marino & Raffaella Montera - 841-853 Employing the long-term unemployed: A demand-side oriented policy in retail in Greater Paris
by Geraldine Rieucau & Marie Salognon - 854-867 Creative city policy in the context of urban asymmetry
by Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko
September 2014, Volume 29, Issue 6-7
- 575-578 The Seventh World Urban Forum in MedellÃn: Lessons for city transformation
by Ivan Turok - 579-597 Ireland’s immigration policies (1997–present): Links to global trends of labour division and effects on national labour market structure
by Siobhán R McPhee - 598-616 Embedded models of rural entrepreneurship: The case of pubs in Cumbria, North West of England
by Ignazio Cabras & Gary Bosworth - 617-634 Local Enterprise Partnerships and the low-carbon economy: Front runners, uncertainty and divergence
by Jessica Britton & Bridget Woodman - 635-656 Urban regeneration companies and their institutional setting: Prevailing instabilities within the West Midlands, England
by Steven R Henderson - 657-674 Teddy bears and tigers: How renewable energy can revitalise local communities
by George Callaghan & Derek Williams - 675-686 Towards a typology of local development policies and programmes
by Bruno Dente - 687-707 The dominant rationality of local stakeholder networks: The case of a southern Italian province
by Giovanni Pino & M Irene Prete & Gianluigi Guido - 708-722 Complementary currencies: History, theory, prospects
by Mark S Peacock - 723-739 Motives for starting up a side activity in rural areas in the Netherlands
by Marianna Markantoni & Dirk Strijker & Sierdjan Koster - 740-749 The Work Profiler: A digital instrument for selection and diagnosis of the unemployed
by Martijn A Wijnhoven & Harriët Havinga - 750-761 Blue sky thinking meets green field usability: Can mobile internet software engineering bridge the rural divide?
by Andrew Morgan & Alan Dix & Mike Phillips & Chris House - 762-768 Periphery, professionalism and government stability in Israel’s local government
by Baruch Mevorach & Amir Horkin & Ytzhak Katz
June 2014, Volume 29, Issue 4-5
- 273-282 (Re)appraising place-based economic development strategies
by Lee Pugalis & Gill Bentley - 283-294 Shifting paradigms: People-centred models, active regional development, space-blind policies and place-based approaches
by Gill Bentley & Lee Pugalis - 295-308 Development without a metropolis: Inspiration for non-metropolitan support practices from Denmark
by Christian Kjær Monsson - 309-322 Developing information to support the implementation of place-based economic development strategies: A case study of regional and rural development policy in the State of Victoria, Australia
by Chris McDonald - 323-333 Multi-level governance and peripheral places: The North-East of England
by Howard Elcock - 334-344 Self-organisation and retail-led regeneration: A new territorial governance within the Italian context
by Grazia Brunetta & Ombretta Caldarice - 345-353 Linking rural assets to market demand: Wealth creation value chains in rural America
by Shanna Ratner & Deborah Markley - 354-362 Reappraising the place for private rental housing in the UK market: Why an unbalanced economy is at risk of becoming even worse…
by Martin Field - 363-377 Place-based economic development strategy in England: Filling the missing space
by Paul Hildreth & David Bailey - 378-393 Towards place-based regional and local development strategies in Central and Eastern Europe? EU cohesion policy and strategic planning capacity at the sub-national level
by Marcin DÄ…browski - 394-411 Place-based strategies or territorial cooperation? Regional development in transnational perspective in Italy
by Filippo Celata & Raffaella Coletti - 412-428 Borderlands: Rescaling economic development in Northern England in the context of greater Scottish autonomy
by Keith Shaw & Fred Robinson & Jonathan Blackie - 429-452 On the waterfront: Studying the development of residences and workplaces at Norra Älvstranden, Gothenburg, Sweden
by Jonathan Borggren & Patrik Ström - 453-468 The rise of the non-state ‘place-based’ economic development strategy
by John Harrison - 469-485 Promoting a place-based approach in the configuration of local development policies in Spain: The Catalan experience
by Nemo Remesar & Manuel Borja - 486-502 The catalysts of small town economic development in a free market economy: A case study of New Zealand
by Etienne Nel & Teresa Stevenson - 503-518 The globality of the local? A decolonial perspective on local economic development in South Africa
by Morgan Ndlovu & Eric Nyembezi Makoni - 519-540 Reappraising the World Bank responses to rapid urbanisation: Slum improvements in Nigeria
by Lee Pugalis & Bob Giddings & Kelechi Anyigor - 541-560 Competitiveness through cooperation: Analysis of spatial patterns and inter-jurisdictional collaboration in the place branding of Ontario communities, Canada
by Evan Cleave & Godwin Arku - 561-572 Place-based development strategies: Possibilities, dilemmas and ongoing debates
by Lee Pugalis & Gill Bentley
May 2014, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 173-180 A bioregional economy: A green and post-capitalist alternative to an economy of accumulation
by Rhydian Fôn James & Molly Scott Cato - 181-194 Evaluating the transition from Regional Development Agencies to Local Economic Partnerships: The views of SMEs in the British West Midlands
by Laura James & David Guile - 195-212 Something is stirring in Anfield: Elite Premier League football and localism
by Alan Southern - 213-227 The microfinance sector in Vietnam: An overview of its present state and future prospects
by Raquel Marbán-Flores - 228-244 The contribution of rural businesses to community resilience
by Artur Steiner & Jane Atterton - 245-256 Empty gestures? A review of the discourses of ‘localism’ from the practitioner’s perspective
by Carol Ludwig & Gregory Ludwig - 257-266 Employers and schools: How Mansfield is building a world of work approach
by Jo Hutchinson & Berni Dickinson - 267-270 Green GP (ed.) Handbook of Rural Development
by Tony Jackson
February 2014, Volume 29, Issue 1-2
- 3-8 Ghana’s development dilemma: The quest for a pragmatic approach
by Sam Sarpong - 9-21 Local Enterprise Agency loan funds and investment readiness in UK small firms
by David Irwin & Steve Pattinson & Jonathan M Scott - 22-37 Economic consequences of failed autonomous adaptation to extreme floods: A case study from Bangladesh
by Md Aboul Fazal Younus & Nick Harvey - 38-51 The impact of recession on city regions: The British experience, 2008–2013
by Alan Townsend & Tony Champion - 52-64 Neoliberalising a divided society? The regeneration of Crumlin Road Gaol and Girdwood Park, North Belfast
by Jenny Muir - 65-81 Rethinking the purpose of community empowerment in neighbourhood regeneration: The need for policy clarity
by Louise Lawson & Ade Kearns - 82-97 London 2012: Missed out on Olympics contracts? A case study of ethnic minority organisations in East London
by Sara Calvo - 98-112 Tourism, development and corporate social responsibility in Livingstone, Zambia
by Sam McLachlan & Tony Binns - 113-128 Pre-employment training for the unemployed: A case study of a call centre foundation programme
by Julian Clarke - 129-140 Governance and policy challenges of implementing urban low-carbon transport initiatives
by Elizabeth Tait & Richard Laing & David Gray - 141-162 Local municipalities’ involvement in promoting the internationalisation of SMEs
by Aurora Castro Teixeira & Maria João Barros - 163-169 The rural Big Society and (changing) public service delivery: A case study of Jubilee Park
by Jessica Sellick
November 2013, Volume 28, Issue 7-8
- 665-678 Economic development under the Coalition Government
by Lee Pugalis & Gill Bentley - 679-695 Making space: Putting politics back where it belongs in the construction of city regions in the North of England
by James Rees & Alex Lord - 696-717 Trends in place-based economic strategies: England’s fixation with ‘fleet-of-foot’ partnerships
by Lee Pugalis & Alan R Townsend - 718-737 Explicitly permissive? Understanding actor interrelationships in the governance of economic development: The experience of England’s Local Enterprise Partnerships
by Iain Deas & Stephen Hincks & Nicola Headlam - 738-751 New Labour’s regional experiment: Lessons from the East Midlands
by Martin Quinn - 752-769 Redeveloping local economic strategy for the post-regionalist era: A contextual benchmarking approach
by Jacob Salder - 770-785 Emerging city policies: Devolution, deals and disorder
by David Waite & Duncan Maclennan & Tony O’Sullivan - 786-800 Developing a sub-regional growth strategy: Reflections on recent English experience
by Allan Cochrane & Bob Colenutt & Martin Field - 801-816 A Whitehall perspective on decentralisation in England’s emerging territories
by Sarah Ayres & Graham Pearce - 817-827 Where next for neighbourhood regeneration in England? Two years on
by Kevin Broughton & Nigel Berkeley & David Jarvis - 828-841 Prospects for ‘place-based’ industrial policy in England
by Frank Peck & Stephen Connolly & Jonathan Durnin & Keith Jackson - 842-851 How to raise the bar on impact evaluation: Challenges for the evaluation of local enterprise partnerships and the regional growth fund in times of austerity
by Mike Chadwick & Peter Tyler & Colin Warnock - 852-862 Local economic strategy development under Regional Development Agencies and Local Enterprise Partnerships: Applying the lens of the multiple streams framework
by Will Rossiter & Liz Price - 863-874 Storming or performing? Local Enterprise Partnerships two years on
by Lee Pugalis & Gill Bentley - 875-883 England’s non-metropolitan cities: The long march to unlocking economic growth
by David Marlow - 884-893 Competitiveness and the post-regional political economy
by Robert Huggins & Piers Thompson - 894-905 Growing nowhere: Privileging economic growth in planning policy
by Sarah LJ Longlands - 906-910 How should we help business grow? Delivering business support
by Dmitry Sivaev - 911-913 Vince Cable’s Business Bank: A broker’s viewpoint
by Graham Allen - 914-920 Promoting sustainable local economic development for all areas: Looking forward or looking back?
by Adam Fineberg - 921-926 Local Enterprise Partnerships to deliver progressive social outcomes
by Jennifer Doyle - 927-931 Community economic development: Localisation, the key to a resilient and inclusive local economy?
by Karen Leach - 932-934 Rescaling the State: Devolution and the Geographies of Economic Governance Mark Goodwin, Martin Jones, and Rhys Jones
by Andrew Jones - 935-947 Economic development 2010–2013: A mid-term assessment
by Lee Pugalis & Gill Bentley
September 2013, Volume 28, Issue 6
- 527-538 Using community communicators to build trust and understanding between local councils and residents in the United Kingdom
by Matthew Wood & Julie Fowlie - 539-552 At the sharp end of the credit crisis: A profile of Valleys Credit Union
by Molly Scott Cato & Jan Myers & Steven Howlett - 553-566 ‘Now without my car I don’t know what I’d do’: The transportation needs of older people in rural Lincolnshire
by Michael RM Ward & Peter Somerville & Gary Bosworth - 567-579 Social enterprises as local development actors
by Robyn Eversole - 580-595 Enhanced broadband access as a solution to the social and economic problems of the rural digital divide
by Leanne Townsend & Arjuna Sathiaseelan & Gorry Fairhurst & Claire Wallace - 596-613 Emerging productive economies: Local restructuring in England and Wales, 1998–2012
by Paul S Jones - 614-626 Rural tourism and ancient traditions: Evidence from Italian regions
by Raffaele Lagravinese - 627-642 When it’s gone it’s gone: The politics of the Save Meadowbank Stadium Campaign
by Gavin Reid - 643-662 ‘Ground truths’ and scenarios: Examining and testing regional policy in North West Wales
by Rhydian Fôn James & Peter Midmore & Dennis Thomas
August 2013, Volume 28, Issue 5
- 451-470 The impact of connectivity technology on home-based business venturing: The case of women in the North East of England
by Pooran Wynarczyk & Jayne Graham - 471-487 The evaluation of Business Improvement Districts: Questions and issues from the Scottish experience
by Mhairi Donaghy & Anne Findlay & Leigh Sparks - 488-498 Tax lien sales as local neoliberal governance strategy: The case of Waterbury, Connecticut
by Hilary Botein & C Patrick Heidkamp - 499-511 Industrial closure, regional development and local planning: Multiple narratives of change from the experience of Longbridge, Birmingham
by Stephen Hall