December 2010, Volume 25, Issue 8
- 691-698 Community Capitalism: The Local Response to the Need for Economic Growth and Diversification
by Ron Kitchens - 699-702 Europe 2020
by David Walburn
September 2010, Volume 25, Issue 7
- 527-534 Controversies in Local Economic Development
by Martin Perry - 535-557 From RDAs to LEPs: A New Localism? Case Examples of West Midlands and Yorkshire
by Gill Bentley & David Bailey & John Shutt - 558-572 The Limits of Place Branding for Local Development: The Case of Tuscany and the Arnovalley Brand
by Cecilia Pasquinelli - 573-585 LETS as Alternative, Post-capitalist Economic Spaces? Learning Lessons from the Totnes ‘Acorn’
by Rachel C. Granger & Jonathan Wringe & Peter Andrews - 586-598 Strategic Options for Tourism Impacts on Local Sustainability: A Conceptual Approach
by Manolis Christofakis
August 2010, Volume 25, Issue 5-6
- 357-366 Looking Back on New Labour: What got Better?
by Andrew Jones - 367-372 Critical Reflections on a Decade of Third Sector Modernisation: Another Sector is Possible
by Matthew Scott - 373-378 Here We Go Again: The Pathology of Compulsive Re-organisation
by Andrew Jones - 379-381 Scrutiny: Labour's Accidental Innovation
by Andrew Coulson - 382-389 Welfare Reform: Silencing the Unemployed
by Ines Newman - 390-396 Local Government Funding Freedoms 1997–2010
by Dominic Williams - 397-405 Looking Back in Order to Move Forward: The Politics of Evolving Sub-National Economic Policy Architecture
by Lee Pugalis - 406-423 New Labour and Inequality: Thatcherism Continued?
by Danny Dorling - 424-437 New Labour and Local Democracy since 1997: Did Things Really Get Better?
by Hugh Atkinson - 438-456 New Labour's Spaces of Competitiveness
by Dave Valler & Juliet Carpenter - 457-475 Revisiting the ‘Missing Middle’ in English Sub-National Governance
by Keith Shaw & Paul Greenhalgh - 476-493 Between Economic Competitiveness and Social Inclusion: New Labour and the Economic Revival of Deprived Neighbourhoods
by Stephen Syrett & David North - 494-509 Labour, the Enterprise Gap and the Red Queen
by James Derbyshire & Garry Haywood - 510-522 Environmental Policy under New Labour
by Tony Jackson - 523-525 Book Review: Injustice
by Alan Waters
June 2010, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 265-268 South Africa's Challenge of Shared Prosperity
by Ivan Turok - 269-292 Investment Readiness Programmes and Access to Finance: A Critical Review of Design Issues
by Colin Mason & Jennifer Kwok - 293-304 Community Cohesion in the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham
by Matthew Wood & Julie Fowlie - 305-318 The Connectivity of the Creative Industries in North East England — The Problems of Physical and Relational Distance
by Jon Swords & Felicity Wray - 319-327 The End of the Right to Buy and the Future of Social Housing in Scotland
by Kim McKee - 328-338 Will Policies Designed to Encourage Links between European Clusters Weaken their Internal Dynamics?
by James Derbyshire - 339-355 Sector Variations in SMEs’ Use of External Business Advice
by D.J. Webber & S. Johnson & S. Fargher
May 2010, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 167-169 Merging Lanes? The Environment and Economic Development in the Age of Necessities
by Munir Morad - 170-175 Responding to Climate Change: An Essential Component of Sustainable Development in the 21st Century
by Micheal D. Morecroft & Caroline E. Cowan - 176-189 Networks of Waste: Informal Economic Systems and Sustainability in Bali, Indonesia
by Amelia Bruce & Donovan Storey - 190-207 Marine (Aquaculture) Space Allocation: Assessing Transitional Challenges to Local Economies in New Zealand
by Hamish G. Rennie - 208-219 Surviving the Economic Crisis: Can Eco-Towns Aid Economic Development?
by M. Morad & M. Plummer - 220-233 Land-based Economic Clusters and their Sustainability: The Case of the Horseracing Industry
by Gavin Parker & Jason Beedell - 234-239 Slums of Hope: Land Tenure Reforms, Local Economic Development and Environmental Improvement in a Kenyan Shanty Town
by Bernard Toomey - 240-250 The NSW (Australia) Planning Reforms and their Implications for Planning Education and Natural and Built Environment
by Awais Piracha - 251-263 The Effects of Taxation on Sustainable Development
by Greg Mcgill
March 2010, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 87-90 Education, Education, Education: The End of an Era?
by Deian Hopkin - 91-93 Has the UK Missed an Opportunity in Its Stimulus Package?
by David Walburn - 94-107 Housing-led Regeneration and the Local Impacts of the Credit Crunch
by Kenneth Gibb & Anthony O'sullivan - 108-119 The Incompatibility of Economic Development Policies for Rural Areas in England
by Nigel Curry - 120-130 Limits to ‘The Learning Region’: What University-centered Economic Development Can (and Cannot) do to Create Knowledge-based Regional Economies
by Susan Christopherson & Jennifer Clark - 131-142 Impact of the Recession on the Property Market in Northern Ireland: Contractual Non-Compliance
by A. Adair & J. Berry & M. Haran & M.G. Lloyd & W.S. McGreal - 143-147 Saving a Town-centre Project in the Recession: How Bury Council in Greater Manchester used Smart Financing through a Limited Liability Partnership
by Mark Sanders - 148-153 In Pursuit of the ‘Third Mission’: Strategic Focus on Regional Economic Development by a Business School in the USA
by Pamela R. Cash & Joyendu Bhadury & Donald L. McCrickard & James K. Weeks - 154-161 2010 Surely will be Better: How Public Policy and Economic Development Organizations in the USA Have Responded to the Recession
by Louise Anderson - 162-166 Richmond, Virginia, Shifts Strategies to Meet the Recession Head-on
by Sara Dunnigan
February 2010, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-9 Localising welfare reform: The case for devolution
by Andrew Jones - 10-23 Legacy planning, Regeneration and events: The Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games
by Catherine M. Matheson - 24-31 Toward a transaction cost economics of rural development
by Vladislav Valentinov & Karin Larsen - 32-46 Evidence-based policy in planning: An analysis of housing trajectories in England
by Stephen Barton & Trudy Harpham - 47-57 Local authorities, funding tourism services and tourist taxes
by Steve Burns - 58-73 ‘Entrepreneurship enablers’ — Their unsung and unquantified role in competitiveness and regeneration
by John Thompson - 74-80 Birmingham's Frankfurt christmas market: Innovative urban policy in action
by Jon Bloomfield - 81-86 Successful economies mean successful communities. The experience of 25 years of local economic development in the London Borough of Wandsworth
by Mike Brook
December 2009, Volume 24, Issue 8
- 637-638 Keeping Up Appearances? Policy Failures and the Challenge of Social Mobility
by Munir Morad & Dominic Williams - 639-645 Social Mobility and the Rise of the Politariat
by Dominic Williams - 646-657 Creating Sustainable Communities - A Means to Enhance Social Mobility?
by Simon Bell & Amanda Lane - 658-668 Community Impact Analysis and Evaluation: Nat Lichfield's View of Planning
by Dalia Lichfield - 669-680 Spatial Dimensions of Social Mobility
by Dominic Williams - 681-686 Higher Education: Social Mobility, Economic Development and Cultural Transformation
by Peter Scott - 687-693 Credit Crunch, Social Mobility and the Quest for Sustainable Communities: Revisiting the Possibility of Social Credit
by Munir Morad - 694-704 Expanding Travel Horizons: Overcoming Barriers to Travel for Socially Excluded Groups
by John Siraut & Nathalie Gay - 705-706 Book Review: The Spirit Level: Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better Richard Wilkinson & Kate Pickett London, Allen Lane, 2009, pp. 320, £20 hardback
by N/A
September 2009, Volume 24, Issue 6-7
- 439-447 Local Sufficiency and Environmental Recovery
by Steven Schofield - 448-455 Contemporary Approaches to Economic Development: The Special Economic Zone Programme
by D. Gopinath - 456-472 Governance Arrangements from a Regulationist Perspective: The Case of Liverpool
by Matthew Cocks - 473-486 A People-centred Approach to Economic Development (PCED): Brokering Economic Inclusion as a Route Way to Improving Competitiveness
by Mandy Crawford-Lee & Phillip Hunter - 487-501 Getting Disadvantaged Parents into Employment: The Working for Families Fund in Scotland
by Sue Bond & Ronald McQuaid & Vanesa Fuertes - 502-522 Spatial Layout, Entrepreneurship and Economic Prosperity
by Gareth Sumner - 523-535 Local Economic Development in Area-based Urban Regeneration in Germany
by Sabine Weck - 536-554 Constructing Neoliberal Urban Democracy in the American Inner-city
by Jean-Paul D. Addie - 555-567 The Benefits of an Ageing Population: Case Studies from Rural Hokkaido, Japan
by Kayo Murakami & Rose Gilroy & Jane Atterton - 568-588 A Critical Review of Public Borrowing by Turkish Municipalities: 1960–2006
by Aysegul Yakar-Onal - 589-596 Getting the Levels Right: The Unique Value of Regional Economic Development
by Richard Ellis - 597-603 Rewriting the Rule Book
by Lee Pugalis - 604-611 Economic Development in the UK: Challenges During and After the Recession
by Glenn Athey - 612-619 Is There a Future for Start-Up Support in London?
by John Spindler - 620-624 Smaller Firms, the Equity Gap, Regional Policy and Growth: Will We Ever Learn?
by Christian Saublens & David Walburn - 625-636 Ageing of the Population: Good News for Cities
by Peter Karl Kresl & Daniele Ietri
August 2009, Volume 24, Issue 5
- 339-339 Editorial
by David Walburn - 340-342 London/New York Dialogues
by Carl Weisbrod - 343-345 Does the Global Downturn and Financial Crisis Mean that London and New York must Forsake a Good Quality of Life for their Residents, Workers and Visitors?
by Simon Milton - 346-348 London/New York
by David Walburn - 349-364 The London/New York Dialogues: Report of the London Conference, November 20081
by Greg Clark - 365-374 Culture and the Arts are a Vital Industry for New York City
by Rosemary Scanlon & Catherine Lanier - 375-388 Rising Construction Costs Threaten New Supply of Affordable Housing in New York City
by Rosemary Scanlon & Hope Cohen - 389-414 The Social Effects of Travel to Learn Patterns - A Case Study of 16-19 Year Olds in London
by Judith Watson & Andrew Church - 415-425 London's Tourism: Is a Purely Economic Approach Appropriate?
by Duncan Tyler - 426-432 Flexible Local Economic Development - Lessons from the United States
by Daniel Klemm - 433-437 This Economic Crisis is too Good to Waste
by John Farrow
June 2009, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 273-279 Irene Bruegel (1946–2008): Gender and Local Economic Development
by Ines Newman - 280-282 Is it Goodbye to Tourism Taxes?
by Steve Burns - 283-298 Exploratory Techniques for Examining Cluster Dynamics: A Systems Thinking Approach
by Madeline Smith - 299-309 Empowering Glasgow's Tenants through Community Ownership?
by Kim McKee - 310-322 Uncovering Creative Destruction brought about by New Firm Formation: A New Method and Data Source
by James Derbyshire - 323-333 Spending Time Locally: The Benefit of Time Banks for Local Economies
by Lee Gregory - 334-338 Book Reviews
by Ruth Richards & Graham King & Judith Watson
May 2009, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 187-191 The State of Local Democracy in Britain
by Alan Waters - 192-210 Disability, Health and the Labour Market: Evidence from the Welsh Health Survey
by Paul L. Latreille - 211-223 Building a Workforce Development System as an Economic Development Strategy: Lessons from US Programs
by Shari Garmise - 224-237 Misplaced Expectations? The Experience of Applied Local Economic Development in Post-Apartheid South Africa
by Etienne Nel - 238-252 Good Dog SPOT? Single Pot Funding of Local Voluntary and Community Groups
by Stephen P. Osborne - 253-253 On the Recession
by N/A - 254-261 The Global Recession: Its Impact in Asia and the Pacific
by Ian Shirley - 262-267 Slow Food and Slow Credit: Strategies for Surviving a Slow Economy
by Diane Lupke - 268-272 Triple Crisis in Belgium
by Rudy Aernoudt
March 2009, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 105-110 Managing the Urban Consumption Experience?
by Gary Warnaby - 111-124 A Framework for Assessing Regeneration, Business Strategies and Urban Competitiveness
by Shaleen Singhal & Jim Berry & Stanley McGreal - 125-139 Which Sectors Drive Regional Economic Development? Changes in Employment in Knowledge-based and Consumption-based Sectors and Regional Economic Performance
by Andrew Johnston - 140-150 Structural Funds and Gender Equality: The Impact of Gender Mainstreaming in Western Scotland
by Jim Campbell & Rona Fitzgerald & Leaza McSorley - 151-167 The Revitalization of New England's Small Town Mills: Breathing New Life into Old Places
by Zenia Kotval & John Mullin - 168-169 In Recession
by David Walburn - 170-173 Cities in Recession — The Crisis in UK Financial Services
by Malcolm Cooper - 174-177 Regeneration Projects and the Credit Crunch
by Michael Ward - 178-182 Policy Making in a Time of Transition: Economic Development in the New Obama Administration
by Erik R. Pages - 183-185 State Aids and the Credit Crunch
by David Walburn
February 2009, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-27 Welfare to Work — From Special Measures to 80 Per Cent Employment
by Paul Convery - 28-37 Action to Reduce Worklessness: What Works?
by Anne E. Green & Chris Hasluck - 38-45 The ‘Welfare Market’ and the Flexible New Deal: Lessons from Other Countries
by Dan Finn - 46-67 Tensions in Localising Welfare to Work to Britain's Cities
by Matthew Crighton & Ivan Turok & Charles Leleux - 68-79 Governing the Skills Agenda: Insights from the Sheffield City-Region
by Martin Jones & David Etherington - 80-92 City Strategy in a Devolved Setting
by Donna-Louise Hurrell & Carol Hayden - 93-97 Building the Manchester of the Future
by Mike Emmerich & Baron Frankal - 98-103 NYC Business Solutions: Linking Economic and Workforce Development in New York City
by Robert W. Walsh
November 2008, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 253-254 Editorial Announcement: Local Economy will grow to Eight Issues in 2009
by Andrew Jones - 255-260 The SNP Government and Poverty
by Ivan Turok - 261-266 What Happens to the Best-laid Plans?
by Julian Dobson - 267-276 Sustainable Communities: Affordable Housing and Socio-economic Relations
by Vida Maliene & Joseph Howe & Naglis Malys - 277-289 Unlocking the Potential: The Role of Universities in Pursuing Regeneration and Promoting Sustainable Communities
by Claire Robinson & Neil Adams - 290-304 Tourism, Public Policy and Regional Development: A Turn from Neo-liberalism to the New Regionalism
by Michael C. Shone & P. Ali Memon - 305-318 Determinants of Local Economic Performance: Experience from Rural England
by Paul Courtney & Malcom Moseley - 319-324 Water Policy Making in Scotland: Political Demands and Economic Pressures
by Antonio A. R. Ioris - 325-331 Democracy and Empowerment in London's Neighbourhoods
by Hugh Atkinson - 332-334 Book Review: Regulating the Night: Race, Culture and Exclusion in the Making of the Night-time Economy
by Lynn Vickery
August 2008, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 111-112 Sustainable Communities: a Conceited Metaphor or an Achievable Aim?
by Munir Morad - 113-120 Squashing Out the Jelly: Reflections on Trying to Become a Sustainable Community
by Max Hope & Roy Alexander - 121-126 The Credit Crunch and the Housing Shortage — Time for a Radical new Approach to Building Affordable Homes
by Lee Shostak & John Houghton - 127-135 Mixed Communities as a Means of Achieving Sustainable Communities: A Comparison Between US Experiences and UK Policy Intentions
by Silvia Gullino - 136-151 Democratic Deficit, Decentralisation and the Quest for Sustainable Communities: A Case Study of Peckham Community Council
by T. Murat & Munir Morad - 152-167 The Significance of Sustainability Practices by the Malaysian Property Sector
by Graeme Newell & Zaharah Manaf - 168-179 Social Housing Regeneration and the Creation of Sustainable Communities in Dublin
by Declan Redmond & Paula Russell - 180-194 Development and Evaluation of the Transport to Employment (T2E) Service: Overcoming Transport Barriers to Job Opportunities Leading to More Sustainable Rural Communities in Highland Scotland
by Steve Wright & John D. Nelson & James M. Cooper - 195-207 Knowledge-Based Urban Development: The Local Economic Development Path of Brisbane, Australia
by Tan Yigitcanlar & Koray Velibeyoglu - 208-221 Local Property Taxation as a Strategic Planning Tool in UK: Can ‘Landvaluescape’ Play a Role at Local Levels?
by S. Sayce & T. Vickers & O. Connellan & Munir Morad - 222-233 Gin and Tonic or Oil and Water: The Entrepreneurial City and Sustainable Managerial Regeneration in Manchester
by Michael E. Leary - 234-240 Carbon Reduction: Obligation and Opportunity at Regional and Local Levels
by Geoff White & Nick Gardner & Jenny Swift - 241-246 Play with Fire and You'll Get Burnt: Hazardous Industrial Installations, Residential Communities, and Lessons from the Buncefield Disaster
by Mark Turner - 247-251 Can the Use of Technology Encourage Young People to Take an Active Part in Urban Regeneration Consultations? A Case Study from East London
by Bernard Toomey
May 2008, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 99-106 Regions, Economies and Planning in England after the Sub-national Review
by Tim Marshall - 107-109 The Future of Economic Development after the Sub-national Review
by Greg Clark - 110-121 Introduction: The Future of Local Economic Development
by Ines Newman - 122-137 Labouring and Learning towards Competitiveness: The Future of Local Labour Markets after Harker, Leitch and Freud
by Alex Nunn & Steve Johnson - 138-148 The Soft Spaces of Local Economic Development
by Graham Haughton & Phil Allmendingerr - 149-166 A New Policy for Britain's Cities: Choices, Challenges, Contradictions
by Ivan Turok - 167-178 Reflexive Local and Regional Economic Development and International Policy Transfer
by Graham Haughton & Rachel Naylor - 179-183 Reflections of a Torontonian in Sheffield
by Ian Bromley - 184-189 Sub-regional Economic Development — Consolidation and Culture
by John Berry - 190-195 Building an Economic Development and Regeneration Future for Lincolnshire County Council
by Ivan Annibal - 196-199 A Personal View on How the Role of the RDA Regeneration Practitioner will Change as a Result of SNR
by Tom Warburton
February 2008, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-5 Climate Change, Regional Policy and the Sub-National Review — Time to Count the Cost
by Andrew Jones - 6-18 Employment Growth in Knowledge-Intensive Business Services in Great Britain during the 1990s — Variations at the Regional and Sub-Regional Level
by Andrew Chadwick & John Glasson & Helen Lawton Smith - 19-30 Utilising a Demand-led Approach in a Local Labour Market
by Paul Spoonley - 31-46 Sport and the Local Economy: The Effects of Stadia Development on the Commercial Property Market
by Larissa E. Davies - 47-57 Beyond ‘Access’: Internet Use and Take-up of Online Services by Adults Living in Disadvantaged Areas in England
by David Devins & Alison Darlow & Don Webber - 58-68 Towards a ‘Pooled Sovereignty‘ in Community Planning in Scotland?
by M.G. Lloyd - 69-70 Business Improvement Districts and Local Economic Development
by David Walburn - 71-75 Business Improvement Districts: An Overview
by Patricia Brown - 76-80 Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) in London
by Julie Grail & Georgina Dawkins - 81-85 Cross-borough Business Improvement Districts: Waterloo's Attempt to Become the First Town Centre BID to Cross a Local Authority Boundary
by Helen Santer - 86-93 You Say You Want a Devolution? Lessons from the Main Street Program
by Kennedy L. Smith - 94-98 Book Reviews
by Andrew Jones & Arabella Fraser
November 2007, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 317-324 The Soul Searching Within New Labour
by Danny Dorling - 325-334 Migration, New Arrivals and Local Economies
by Stephen Syrett & Michal Lyons - 335-348 Did the Early A8 In-migrants to England go to Areas of Labour Shortage?
by Mike Coombes & Tony Champion & Simon Raybould - 349-361 Local Action on Labour Market Integration of New Arrivals: Issues and Dilemmas for Policy
by Anne E. Green - 362-375 Enterprising Refugees: Contributions and Challenges in Deprived Urban Areas
by Fergus Lyon & Leandro Sepulveda & Stephen Syrett - 376-387 Temporary Migration, the Informal Economy and Structural Change: London's Bicycle Rickshaw Riders
by Michal Lyons - 388-393 Labour Market Integration through Language Training: Language2Work
by Illa Pattni - 394-400 Enterprise, Diversity and Inclusion: A New Model of Community-based Enterprise Development
by Tony Swash - 401-408 Labour Market Integration of High-skilled Immigrants: Maximizing Knowledge Spillover in Toronto
by Melina Young - 409-417 Addressing the Challenges Facing Refugee Doctors in the UK
by Emma Stewart
August 2007, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 221-222 Introduction
by Andrew Jones - 223-226 The Politics of Development Control
by Andrew Coulson - 227-242 New Wine in Old Bottles? England's Parish and Town Councils and New Labour's Neighbourhood Experiment
by Andrew Jones - 243-260 ‘The End of the Beginning’? Taking Forward Local Democratic Renewal in the Post-Referendum North East
by Keith Shaw & Fred Robinson - 261-278 New Labour's Evolving Regeneration Policy: The Transition from the Single Regeneration Budget to the Single Pot in Oxford
by Sue Brownill - 279-292 New Firm Formation — is VAT Registration Data an Accurate Indicator?
by John Ball - 293-297 Making a Difference — the Role of Parish Councils in Milton Keynes
by Caroline Godfrey - 298-301 The Mid-Tyne Community Trust
by Alex Kerr - 302-306 Partnership Governance: Being a Non-Executive Director
by Andrew Coulson - 307-311 BIDs: an International View
by Lawrence O. Houstoun Jr - 312-314 Book Review: Neighbourhood Renewal & Housing Markets: Community Engagement in the US and UK
by Adele Cassola - 315-315 Erratum
by N/A
May 2007, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 111-117 Round and Round the Houses: the Leitch Review of Skills
by Alison Wolf - 118-122 A Response to Dorling's ‘Inequalities in Britain 1997–2006: the Dream that Turned Pear-shaped’
by Tim Blackman & Roberta Blackman-Woods - 123-137 Barriers to Skills Development in a Local Construction Labour Market
by Judith Watson & Graham Sharp