June 1982, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 173-179 The Political Conditions for Realization of the Agreements
by Stefan Kawalec - 181-195 Polish Peaceful Revolution: An Anatomy of Polarization
by Jadwiga Staniszkis
March 1982, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-10 Focus on: The Polish Drama: Its Meaning and International Impact
by Marek Thee - 11-20 Focus on: The Sino-American Collaboration and Cold War II
by Samuel S. Kim - 21-36 The Nuclear Era: Perception and Reality- a Century Apart?
by Carl Gustav Jacobsen - 37-48 Confrontational Behavior and Escalation to War 1816-1980: A Research Plan
by J. David Singer - 49-60 Understanding International Conflict: Some Theoretical Gaps
by Miroslav Nincic - 61-82 Ideas of 'Survival' and 'Progress' in the Finnish Foreign Policy Tradition
by Osmo Apunen & Helena Rytövuori
December 1981, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 309-317 Presidential Directive (P.D.) 59
by Milton Leitenberg - 319-332 'Capitulation', 'Resistance' and the Framework of 'Normali-zation': The August 1968 Invasion of Czechoslovakia and the Czechoslovak Response
by Fred H. Eidlin - 333-350 Demilitarization in Costa Rica
by Tord Høivik & Solveig Aas - 353-361 Proxy Intervention in Civil Wars
by Bertil Dunér
September 1981, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 221-240 Capitalism and Armaments: Business Cycles and Defense Spending in the United States 1945—1979
by Gert Krell - 241-260 The Opportunity Costs of Acting as a Super Power: U.S. Military Strategy in the 1980s
by Walter Goldstein - 261-275 The Reporting of Military Expenditures
by Michael Brzoska - 277-290 Constitutions, Covenants, and Charters: an Analysis of Decision Rules in International Organisations
by John R. Freeman & Cynthia A. Cannizzo - 291-297 Crisis and Continuity in the International System
by Warren R. Phillips & Margee M. Ensign - 299-300 A Response to Sten Sparre Nilson's Rejoinder
by Jeffrey D. Simon - 301-301 A Short Reply
by Sten Sparre Nilson - 307-307 Errata
by N/A
June 1981, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 111-148 JPR 1964-1980 — What Have We Learnt about Peace?
by Hakan Wiberg - 149-157 Small Peace
by Paul Smoker - 159-164 A Gandhian Perspective on Peace
by Anima Bose - 165-173 Elements of the Modern Concept of Peace
by Alfred Bönisch - 175-181 Interpreters and Lobbies for Positive Peace
by Hubert Groten & Jürgen Jansen - 183-199 Social Cosmology and the Concept of Peace
by Johan Galtung - 201-207 Revolution and Peace: the Nicaraguan Road
by Ernesto Cardenal
March 1981, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-18 Accounting for International War: The State of the Discipline
by J. David Singer - 19-38 The Quantitative Study of International Conflict: Quantity and Quality? An Assessment of Empirical Research
by Wolf-Dieter Eberwein - 39-55 Another approach to a Theory on the Causes of International War
by Klaus Jürgen Gantzel - 57-90 Incompatibility, Confrontation, and War: Four Models and Three Historical Systems, 1816—1976
by Peter Wallensteen - 91-95 Old Nails in New Coffins: The Para Bellum Hypothesis Revisited
by Michael D. Wallace - 97-101 The Victims — a Research Failure
by Ekkehart Krippendorff
December 1980, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 281-290 Focus on: Poland, August-September 1980 Is a Socialist Revolution under State Capitalism Possible?
by Johan Galtung & Peter Wallensteen - 291-303 British Military Intervention after World War II: Militance in a Second-Rank Power
by John Van Wingen & Herbert K. Tillema - 305-323 UN Elites: Perspectives on Peace
by Christine Sylvester - 325-337 Mirror Images in Americans' Perceptions of Nations and Leaders during the Iranian Hostage Crisis
by Pamela Johnston conover & Karen A. Mingst & Lee Sigelman - 339-355 The Cost of Vigilance in Israel: Linking the Economic and Social Costs of Defense
by Ofira Seliktar - 357-359 A Rejoinder to Jeffrey D. Simon: Social Position and American Foreign Policy Attitudes: 1952—1972
by Sten Sparre Nilson
September 1980, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 201-205 Focus on: The Menace of the New Cycle of Interventionary Diplomacy
by Richard Falk - 207-221 The Illusion of State Power: Transnational Corporations and the Neutralization of Host-Country Legislation
by Thomas J. Biersteker - 235-246 The Consequences of Expensive Oil on Arms Transfers
by Steve Chan - 247-259 Transfer of Technology — A Structural Analysis
by Maja Naur - 261-267 'Facts' about the Military
by Clare Mundy & Dan Smith - 269-277 Foreign Aid and Voting in the UN General Assembly, 1967—1976
by Kul B. Rai
June 1980, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 93-102 Focus on: Af ghanistan
by Raimo Väyrynen - 103-117 Capital, Labor, and the Spoils of War
by Miroslav Nincic - 119-133 Strategic Dependence and Oil in Mexican-American Relations
by John Saxe-Fernandez - 135-149 Red Militarism
by Ulrich Albrecht - 151-171 The Correlation of World Forces: the Soviet Concept
by Julian Lider - 173-193 Soldiers and Politics: The Case of Ghana
by Björn Hettne
March 1980, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-8 Focus on: Arms Race in Europe
by Sverre Lodgaard - 9-28 Social Position and American Foreign Policy Attitudes: 1952—1972
by Jeffrey D. Simon - 29-46 Objective African Military Control* A New Paradigm in Civil-Military Relations
by Agola Auma-Osolo - 47-59 Military Forces within Foreign Territory under Peace Arrangements — Ramifications of 20th Century Historic Experience upon Possible Arrangements between Israel and Arab Countries
by Uri Bialer - 61-75 Evaluating Conflict
by C.R. Mitchell - 77-83 A Rejoinder to the Hübner-Dick and Seidelmann South African Sanctions Model
by Walter W. Hill JR - 85-86 Response to W. Hill's Rejoinder
by Gisela Hübner-Dick & Reimund Seidelmann
December 1979, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 293-312 The World Bank and the Small Farmers
by Cheryl Payer - 313-331 Social Carriers of Techniques for Development
by Charles Edquist & Olle Edqvist - 333-347 Rationality, Bureaucratic Politics and Belief System: Explaining the Chinese Policy Debate, 1964-66
by Steve Chan - 349-369 Economic and Military Position of the Regional Power Centers
by Raimo Vayrynen
September 1979, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 189-196 Focus on: The Horn of Africa
by Hakan Wiberg - 197-211 Some Unanticipated Consequences of Terrorism
by Luigi Bonanate - 213-229 Militarism, its Dimensions and Corollaries: An Attempt at Conceptual Clarification
by Kjell Skjelsbaek - 231-254 Structural Disparities in Latin America and Eastern Europe, 1950—1970
by Charles S. Gochman & James Lee Ray - 255-262 Structural Violence at the World Level: Diachronic Findings
by Norman Alcock & Gernot Köhler - 263-277 The Counterpart of Defense Industry Conversion in the United States: The USSR Economy, Defense Industry, and Military Expenditure
by Milton Leitenberg
June 1979, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 117-135 Toward a General Theory of Armaments
by Gernot Köhler - 137-153 Attitudes of Israeli Youth Toward the Middle East Conflict
by Lee E. Dutter & Ofira Seliktar - 155-162 Educating Israeli Officers in the Processes of Peacemaking in the Middle East Conflict
by Eytan Gilboa - 163-179 International Peace Research: The Field Defined by Dissemination
by Charles Chatfield
March 1979, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-26 Militarization of Nature: Conflict and Control over Strategic Resources and Some Implications for Peace Policies
by Helge Hveem - 27-40 Minorities, Violence, and Peace Research
by Ekkehart Krippendorff - 41-55 Capitalist Penetration: Concept and Measurement
by Steven I. Jackson - 57-78 Nationalization of Oil in Venezuela
by Vegard Bye - 79-86 Research Communication: Global Compassion and Compulsion
by William Eckhardt
December 1978, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 285-303 Agreement and Breakdown in Negotiation: Report on a State Department Training Simulation
by Gilbert R. Winham & H. Eugene Bovis - 305-322 New Police Technologies: An Exploration of the Social Implications and Unforeseen Impacts of Some Recent Developments
by Steve Wright - 323-343 Colonial Transformation of Agrarian Society in Algeria
by Kjell H. Halvorsen - 345-349 A Rejoinder to Gernot Köhler: Structural-Dynamic Arms Control
by Pierre Deleu & Hakan Wiberg
September 1978, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 205-225 Optical Satellite Tracking: A Case Study in University Participation in Preparation for Space Warfare
by Owen Wilkes & Nils Petter Gleditsch - 227-239 Wars of Ten Years (1967-1976)
by Istvan Kende - 243-258 Police and Military in Ulster: Peacekeeping or Peace-subverting Forces?
by Cynthia H. Enloe - 259-272 The Concept of Crisis in International Politics
by Warren Phillips & Richard Rimkunas
June 1978, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 89-107 Egalitarian Reformism in the Third World vs The Military: A Profile of Failure
by Miles D. Wolpin - 109-129 Breaking the Will of the Enemy During the Vietnam War: The Operationalizatin of the Cost-Benefit Model of Counterinsurgency Warfare
by Richard Shultz - 131-151 Problems in Large-Scale Social Economic Systems
by Hans W. Gottinger - 153-174 Simulating Economic Sanctions and Incentives: Hypothetical Alternatives of United States Policy on South Africa
by Gisela Hübner-Dick & Reimund Seidelmann - 175-192 Non-linear Arms Race Models
by Michael D. Wallace & Judy M. Wilson
March 1978, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 3-17 Exploring Exploitation
by Jon Elster - 19-32 The Concept of Violence
by Giuliano Pontara - 33-49 The Outbreak and Termination of the Pacific War: A Juxtaposition of American Preconceptions
by Abraham Ben-Zvi - 51-66 Centres and Peripheries: An Empirical test of Galtung's Theory of Imperialism
by Elisabeth L. Gidengil
December 1977, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 275-284 The Lorenz Curve as a Peace Research Tool
by Tord Høivik - 285-298 Waste Production and Overdevelopment: An Approach to Ecological Indicators
by Dag Poleszynski - 299-313 Intergroup Conflict in the Southern Philippines: An Empirical Analysis
by Federico V. Magdalena - 315-326 Structural-Dynamic Arms Control
by Gernot Köhler
September 1977, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 203-222 A Multi-Level Approach to the Study of Center-Periphery Systems and Socio-Economic Change
by Jon Naustdalslid - 223-237 Threatened Leadership and Intergroup Conflicts
by Frits Bekkers - 239-259 Towards a Multilateral Aviation Treaty
by Nils Petter Gleditsch - 261-266 Do Movements Learn? A Commentary on 'A Learning Theory of the American Anti-Vietnam War Movement' by John Vasquez
by John Shippee
June 1977, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 95-114 Arms Control: The Retreat From Disarmament The Record to Date and the Search for Alternatives
by Marek Thee - 115-128 Unequal Development and Dependency Structures in Comecon
by Uwe Stehr - 129-144 Peace and Security by Means of Arms Limitations — Six Imperatives of the German Grundgesetz to Orient Defense Policy towards its Consequences
by Dieter S. Lutz - 145-154 Opportunity Costs of Defense: Some Cross-National Evidence
by David Dabelko & James M. McCormick - 155-184 Regulating Direct Foreign Investment and Technology Transfer in the Andean Group
by Lynn K. Mytelka - 185-193 Objective and Subjective Premises of Detente
by Longin Pastusiak
March 1977, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-22 The Functions of SALT
by Sverre Lodgaard - 23-40 The Counterforce Potential of American SLBM Systems
by Desmond J. Ball - 41-58 Accurate Submarine Launched Ballistic Missiles and Nuclear Strategy
by Albert Langer - 59-73 The Demography of Structural Violence
by Tord Høivik - 75-86 Twelve Friendly Quarrels with Johan Galtung
by Kenneth E. Boulding
December 1976, Volume 13, Issue 4
- 253-276 The Lorenzian Theory of Aggression and Peace Research: A Critique
by Samuel S. Kim - 277-298 Scarce Goods as Political Weapons: The Case of Food
by Peter Wallensteen - 299-314 A Learning Theory of the American Anti-Vietnam War Movement
by John A. Vasquez - 315-341 Toward a Critical Theory of Peace Research in the United States: the Search for an 'Intelligible Core'
by Herbert G. Reid & Ernest J. Yanarella - 343-356 An Empirical Table of Structural Violence
by Gernot Kohler & Norman Alcock - 357-369 The Prospect of War in the Missile Age — Two Opposite Views Confronted
by Julian Lider
September 1976, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 173-183 Adding an Intergenerational Dimension to Conceptions of Peace
by Marvin S. Soroos - 185-196 Meanings of Nonviolence: A Study of Satyagrahi Attitudes
by Awrut Nakhre - 197-206 Interpreting East-West Relations: Aspects of Post-Cold War Europe
by Peter Wallensteen - 207-226 The Chinese Model of Development
by Asbjørn Løvbræk - 227-245 The Vitality of Gandhian Tradition
by Bjørn Hettne
June 1976, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 79-90 The Problem-Solving Workshop: A Social-Psychological Contribution to the Resolution of International Conflicts
by Herbert C. Kelman & Stephen P. Cohen - 91-109 Biafra and Bangladesh: The Political Economy of Secessionist Conflict
by E. Wayne Nafziger & William L. Richter - 117-129 The Indochina Wars: Great Power Involvement - Escalation and Disengagement
by Marek Thee - 131-147 South-East Asia and the Superpowers: Structural Obstacles to Learning from History
by John Shippee - 149-163 The Legal Status of Rebels and Rebellion
by Bert V.A. Röling
March 1976, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 1-11 Social Violence and Conservative Social Psychology: The Case of Erik Erikson
by Tony Smith - 13-33 Trends in International Value-Inequality 1969-1970: An Empirical Study
by Herb Addo - 35-47 Dominance in Fishing
by George Kent - 49-65 Multinational Enterprises and the Transmission of Culture: the International Supply of Advertising Services and Business Education
by Karl P. Sauvant - 67-71 In What Sense is a High Social Position also a Central Position?
by Sten Sparre Nilson
December 1975, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 257-274 Multinational Corporations and the Third World. On the Problem of the Further Integration of Peripheries into the Given Structure of the International Economic System
by Dieter Senghaas - 275-292 The Internationalization of Capital and the Process of Underdevelopment. The Case of Black Africa
by Eva Senghaas-Knobloch - 293-313 Overcoming Underdevelopment. A Research Paradigm
by Hartmut Elsenhans - 315-329 Socio-Cultural Factors of Underdevelopment. Overcoming Underdevelopment as a Learning Process
by Hans Bosse
September 1975, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 165-178 European Security and Cooperation: A Skeptical Contribution
by Johan Galtung - 179-194 The Role of the Armaments Complex in Soviet Society (Is there a Soviet Military Industrial Complex?)1
by Egbert Jahn - 195-212 Militarization, Arms Transfer and Arms Production in Peripheral Countries
by U. Albrecht & D. Ernst & P. Lock & H. Wulf - 213-234 Arms Trade with the Third World as an Aspect of Imperialism
by Jan Øberg - 235-237 The Equilibrium Theory of Arms Races: A Comment
by F.E. Banks - 239-241 The Equilibrium Theory of Arms Races: Reply to the Comments by F. E. Banks
by Partha Chatterjee
June 1975, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 95-98 Peace Research in Switzerland — Past and Present
by Daniel Frei - 99-107 Conformist and Non-Conformist Behavior of Developed Nations
by Peter Heintz - 109-121 The Dynamics of Conflict and Cooperation between Nations. A Computer Simulation and Some Results
by Dieter Ruloff - 123-128 Do Arms Races Lead to War?
by John C. Lambelet - 129-135 Bipolarity and Generational Factors in Major Power Military Activity 1900—1965
by Urs Luterbacher - 139-150 The Jura Problem
by Michel Bassand - 151-157 Elements for the Analysis of the Sets of Values in Switzerland
by J.P. Allamand & G. de Rham
March 1975, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-17 The Tradition of Philosophical Anarchism and Future Directions in World Policy
by Thomas G. Weiss - 19-36 Civil Resistance to Military Coups
by Adam Roberts - 37-53 The Common Market Issue in Norway: A Conflict between Center and Periphery
by Ottar Hellevik & Nils Petter Gleditsch & Kristen Ringdal - 55-62 Primitive Militarism
by William Eckhardt - 63-70 The Systemic Power
by Silviu Brucan - 71-78 Peace Research Parochialism
by N.G. Onuf - 79-86 Global or Parochial Perspectives in International Studies and Peace Research
by Asbjørn Eide - 93-93 Journal of Peace Research
by N/A
December 1974, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 257-279 Technology and Political Decision in Soviet Armaments Policy
by David Holloway - 281-296 The Development of Romania: A Cohort Study
by Tord Høivik - 297-323 Rumania as a Development Model
by Amalendu B. Guha - 325-340 On the Relationship between East-West Economic Cooperation and Political Change in Eastern Europe
by Sverre Lodgaard
September 1974, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 161-177 The Political Economy of a Coup: Transnational Linkages and Philippine Political Response
by Robert B. Stauffer - 179-188 Entrepreneur and Protagonist: Two Faces of a Political Career
by Tim Ingold - 189-202 The Measurement of Cultural Potentials for Transnationalism
by Elise Boulding - 203-211 The Equilibrium Theory of Arms Races: Some Extensions
by Partha Chatterjee - 213-219 Arms Transfers to Latin America: A Note on the Contagion Effect
by Jerry L. Weaver - 221-228 The Prisoners' Dilemma Game as a System of Social Domination
by Tom Burns & Walter Buckley - 229-244 Symmetry and Polarization in the European International System, 1870 - 1879
by Jeffrey Hart - 251-254 Books Received
by N/A
June 1974, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 81-93 World Equilibrium, Crisis and Militarization of Chile
by Joan E. Garcés & Steinar Hansson & Hazel Johnson - 95-103 Chile, Violence, and Peace Research
by Ekkehart Krippendorff - 105-113 Let us Face Chile, Yes, But: Which Chile?
by Deodato Rivera - 115-132 Nonviolent Methods and the American Civil Rights Movement 1955-1965
by BO Wirmark - 133-144 Protest and Bargaining
by Ronald J. Terchek - 157-160 A Rejoinder
by Johan Galtung
March 1974, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-20 International Law, Dominance, and the Use of Force
by Asbjörn Eide - 21-29 Search for an Appropriate Game Model for Gandhian Satyagraha
by Bishwa B. Bchatterjee - 31-39 A Conformity Theory of Aggressian
by William Eckhardt - 41-49 On Nasser and His Legacy
by Fouad Ajami - 51-56 Fruits of the United Nations: The Distribution of Development Aid
by Stein Ringen - 57-62 Palestinian Refugee Resettlement: Lessons from the East Ghor Canal Project
by Claud R. Sutcliffe - 63-73 Palestinian Arab Sovereignty and Peace in the Middle East: A Reassessment
by Ronald W. Davis
December 1973, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 319-340 The Global Dominance System
by Helge Hveem - 341-354 Value Incompatibilities in the Global System
by Kjell Skjelsbæk - 355-385 Japan and Future World Politics
by Johan Galtung - 387-399 Industrial Cooperation, Consumption Patterns, and Division of Labor in the East-West Setting
by Sverre Lodgaard
September 1973, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 163-184 Conflict Formations in Contemporary International Society
by Dieter Senghaas - 185-201 Peace Research and the Industrial Revolution
by Ekkehart Krippendorff - 203-215 Dependency Structures as the Dominant Pattern in World Society
by Klaus Jürgen Gantzel - 217-226 International Organization and Violence with Special Reference to the Performance of the UN System
by Volker Rittberger - 227-234 The Contribution of International Law to Peace Research
by Wilhelm Kewenig - 235-243 Intersystemic Regionalism and Peace in Europe
by Gerda Zellentin - 245-250 Stability and Deterrence Through Strategic Nuclear Arms
by Horst Afheldt & Philipp Sonntag - 251-258 The Military-Industrial Complex in West Germany and the Consequences for Peace Policy
by Fritz Vilmar - 259-263 Political Conclusions of the Study 'The Consequences of War and the Prevention of War'
by Horst Afheldt - 265-283 The Costs of Armamentism
by Ulrich Albrecht