April 1991, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 109-134 The Cost of Switching Electricity Generation From Coal to Nuclear Fuel
by Maria R. Virdis & Michael Rieber - 135-152 The Cost of Australian Carbon Dioxide Abatement
by Robert E. Marks & Peter L. Swan & Peter McLennan & Richard Schodde & Peter B. Dixon & David T. Johnson - 153-164 Capacity Rationing and Fixed Cost Collection
by Chi-Keung Woo - 165-167 Book Reviews
by N/A
January 1991, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-8 Introduction: Facts and Uncertainties
by Loren C. Cox - 9-22 Formulating Greenhouse Policies in a Sea of Uncertainty
by Lester B. Lave - 23-36 Economic Activity and the Greenhouse Effect
by Yoshiki Ogawa - 37-66 The Cost of Slowing Climate Change: a Survey
by William D. Nordhaus - 67-86 Productivity Trends and the Cost of Reducing CO2 Emissions
by William W. Hogan & Dale W. Jorgenson - 87-108 Global CO2 Emission Reductions -the Impacts of Rising Energy Costs
by Alan S. Manne & Richard G. Richels - 109-124 Cutting CO2 Emissions: The Effects of Alternative Policy Approaches
by John Whalley & Randall Wigle - 125-146 EPA’s Scenarios for Future Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Global Warming
by Daniel A. Lashof - 147-160 The Greenhouse Effect: A View From Europe
by David Pearce & Edward Barbier - 161-196 CO2 Emissions from Major Developing Countries: Better Understanding the Role of Energy in the Long Term
by Jayant Sathaye & Andrea Ketoff
June 1991, Volume 12, Issue 1_suppl
- 3-12 The Place Of Economics In Decommissioning Policy
by Martin J. Pasqualetti - 13-28 Decommissioning Costs And British Nuclear Policy
by Gordon MacKerron - 29-41 Utilities And Decommissioning Costs: The Meeting Of Technology And Society
by Kenneth P. Ballard & Margot E. Carl Everett & Willard C. Everett - 45-54 Federal Regulation Of Decommissioning Economics
by Robert Wood - 55-72 State Regulation Of Decommissioning Costs
by Peter M. Strauss & James Kelsey - 73-84 Divided Authority: Federal Vs. State Policy Roles In Decommissioning Economics
by Scott M. DuBoff & Daniel F. Stenger - 87-104 The Cost Of Decommissioning U.S. Reactors: Estimates And Experience
by Gene R. Heinze Fry - 105-118 Applying Construction Lessons To Decommissioning Estimates
by Robin Cantor - 119-132 Greenfield Decommissioning At Shippingport: Cost Management And Experience
by William Murphie - 135-148 Estimating The Costs For Japan’S Jpdr Project
by Satoshi Yanagihara & Mitsugu Tanaka - 149-156 Generic Approaches To Estimating U.S. Decommissioning Costs
by Richard I. Smith - 157-171 A Private Contractor’S Approach To Decommissioning Costs
by Thomas LaGuardia - 173-180 Decommissioning Plans And Costing In Germany
by Ulrich Löschhorn & Herbert Hollmann - 181-188 Strategy, Planning And Costing For Decommissioning In Canada
by Nihal D. Jayawardene & Peter D. Stevens-Guille - 191-204 Managing Qualified Nuclear Decommissioning Trust Funds Under Uncertainty
by Howard Hiller - 205-216 Historical Lessons For Nuclear Decommissioning Trust Fund Investment
by M. Didi Weinblatt & Salvatore D’Elia & Theresa A. Havell - 217-229 Investment Strategies For Externalized Nuclear Decommissioning Trusts
by Thomas R. Tuschen - 233-246 Confronting Uncertainty: Contingency Planning For Decommissioning
by Bruce Biewald & Stephen Bernow - 247-254 Decommissioning And Nuclear Waste Policy: Comprehensive Or Separable?
by Duane Chapman - 255-272 A Cost/Benefit Perspective Of Extended Unit Service As A Decommissioning Alternative
by James G. Hewlett - 273-278 The Projected Influence Of Extended Unit Service
by M.E. Lapides - 279-291 Financial Implications Of Early Decommissioning
by James G. Hewlett - 295-304 The Expanding Decommissioning Focus: A Comparison Of Coal And Nuclear Costs
by Daniel H. Williams - 305-314 The Optimal Time To Decommission Commercial Nuclear Reactors
by Geoffrey S. Rothwell - 315-332 Afterword: The Beginnings Of Public Interest
by N/A
October 1990, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 1-14 The 1990 Oil Shock is Like the Others 1
by M. A. Adelman - 15-34 Understanding the 1990 Oil Crisis
by Philip K. Verleger Jr - 35-68 Low-Cost Strategies for Coping with CO2 Emission Limits (A Critique of “CO2 Emission Limits: an Economic Cost Analysis for the USA†by Alan Manne and Richard Richels)
by Robert H. Williams - 69-78 The Costs of Reducing U.S. C02 Emissions-Further Sensitivity Analyses
by Alan S. Manne & Richard G. Richels - 79-98 Integrating Direct Metering and Conditional Demand Analysis for Estimating End-Use Loads
by Robert Bartels & Denzil G. Fiebig - 99-116 Customer Responsiveness to Real-Time Pricing of Electricity
by Jay Zarnikau - 117-130 Book Reviews
by N/A
July 1990, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 1-36 Structure and Organization of the Natural Gas Industry: Differences between the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany and Implications for the Carrier Status of Pipelines
by David J. Teece - 37-58 CAFE OR PRICE?: An Analysis of the Effects of Federal Fuel Economy Regulations and Gasoline Price on New Car MPG, 1978-89
by David L. Greene - 59-74 The U.S. Demand for Highway Travel and Motor Fuel
by Dermot Gately - 75-91 An Empirical Test of An Electric Utility Under An Allowable Rate of Return
by George J.Y. Hsu & Tser-Yieth Chen - 91-116 Analyzing Oil Production in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Egypt
by Nazli Choucri & Christopher Heye & Michael Lynch - 117-130 OPEC Behaviour Under Falling Prices: Implications For Cartel Stability
by Clifton T. Jones - 131-134 Future World Oil Prices and Production Levels: A Comment
by Franz Wirl - 135-137 Book Reviews
by N/A
April 1990, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 1-22 North American Natural Gas Markets: Summary of an Energy Modeling Forum Study
by Hillard G. Huntington & Glen E. Schuler Jr. - 23-50 Natural Gas Policy: The Unresolved Issues
by Thomas P. Lyon - 51-75 C02 Emission Limits: An Economic Cost Analysis for the USA
by Alan S. Manne & Richard G. Richels - 75-86 Comments on Manne and Richels: “C02 Emission Limits: An Economic Analysis for the USAâ€
by William W. Hogan - 87-105 Cost-Effective Control Strategies for Energy-Related Transboundary Air Pollution in Western Europe
by Heinz Welsch - 105-117 The Efficient Design of Contracts To Purchase Cogenerated Power
by Edward C. Hall & John E. Parsons - 117-134 The Impact of Nuclear Power on the Systematic Risk and Market Value of Electric Utility Common Stock
by Russell J. Fuller & George W. Hinman & Thomas C. Lowinger - 135-154 Regional Impacts of Petroleum Price Regulation: The Case of Texas, 1973-1983
by Clifton T. Jones & Dale S. Bremmer - 155-168 Energy Efficiency and Capital Embodied Technical Change The Case of Mexican Cement Manufacturing
by Thomas Sterner - 169-177 Book Reviews
by N/A
January 1990, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-7 Oil Tomorrow: Supply Conditions in the Coming Decade
by Alirio A. Parra - 1-39 The Target Capacity-Utilization Model of OPEC and the Dynamics of the World Oil Market
by Stephen G. Powell - 7-17 Energy Supply in the 1990s and Beyond
by Subroto - 17-19 Excerpts from the Remarks of Andres Perez
by N/A - 19-25 Solving the Energy Problems in Developing Countries
by Goldemberg José - 25-26 Excerpts from the Remarks of Celestino Armas
by N/A - 65-87 Cost Effectiveness of Future Fuel Economy Improvements
by Carmen Difiglio & K.G Duleep & David L. Greene - 87-100 On the Economics of Cogeneration: Pricing and Efficiency in Government Owned Utilities
by Jae-Cheol Kim & Byong-Hun Ahn - 101-119 Integration of Short and Medium/Long Term Planning in the Indian Power Sector
by Kapil Thukral & S. Ramesh & Bindu Kaul - 119-126 Forecasting the Demand for Electricity in Saudi Arabia
by Mohammed A. Al-Sahlawi - 127-147 A Structural Decomposition Analysis of Changes in Energy Demand in Taiwan: 1971-1984
by Chia-Yon Chen & Adam Rose - 147-151 Do Volatile Oil Prices and Consumer Adjustment Costs Justify An Additional Petroleum Tax?
by Franz Wirl - 151-166 Flexibility Benefits of Demand-Side Programs in Electric Utility Planning
by Eric Hirst - 167-175 Estimating the International GNP-Energy Relation: A Further Note
by J.R. Moroney & Terry G. Seaks & Donna P. Vines
October 1989, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 1-1 Energy Realities for the Third Millennium
by N/A - 1-28 Research Papers: A New Modeling Framework For Medium-Term Energy-Economy Analysis in Europe
by Pantelis Capros & Pavlos Karadeloglou & Gregory Mentzas & Pierre Valette - 29-45 Urbanization and Energy Use In Economic Development
by Donald W. Jones - 45-58 Traditional Energy Programs with an Open Access Forest Resource: Policy Implications
by Harry R. Clarke & Ram M. Shrestha - 59-82 Estimating the Cost of Switching Rights on Natural Gas Pipelines
by Frank C. Graves & James A. Read Jr. & Paul R. Carpenter - 83-100 Load Shifting Under Voluntary Residential Time-of-Use Rates
by Douglas W. Caves & Joseph A. Herriges & Kathleen A. Kuester - 101-117 The Effect of Changes in the Percentage Depletion Allowance on Oil Firm Stock Prices
by Andrew B. Lyon - 117-139 Competitive Bidding In Electricity Markets: A Survey
by Richard P. Rozek - 139-159 Technological Innovation and a Changing Energy Mix - A Parametric and Flexible Approach to Modeling Ontario Manufacturing
by Dean C. Mountain & Bill P. Stipdonk & Cathy J. Warren - 159-171 The Perverse Effects of A Variable Oil Import Fee
by David R Henderson - 171-173 VIF Vivit: Reply to Henderson
by S. Fred Singer - 173-175 VIF Mortis Est: A Rejoinder to Singer
by David R. Henderson - 175-189 Comment on “Macroeconomic Impacts of Energy Shocks,†the Energy Modeling Forum Comparison of Models
by Harry D. Saunders - 189-198 On Economic Policy Responses to Disruptions: A Reply to Harry Saunders
by Bert G. Hickman & Hillard G. Huntington & James L. Sweeney - 199-220 Book Reviews
by N/A
July 1989, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 1-18 Output and Energy: An International Analysis
by John R. Moroney - 19-34 End-Use R &D: Technology Development Strategy for an Integrated Market
by Clark W. Gellings & Jerome P. Harper - 35-50 Failure in the Oil Patch: An Examination of the Production and Oil Field Services Industries
by Harlan D. Platt & Marjorie A. Platt - 51-76 Deriving Electricity Demand Elasticities from a Simulation Model
by M.F. Morss & J.L. Small - 77-90 Price Elasticities of Natural Gas Demand in France and West Germany
by Javier Estrada & Ole Fugleberg - 91-106 Markets for Natural Gas in Developing Countries
by Christopher Hurst - 107-107 Anticipating Air Conditioning's Impact on the World's Electricity Producers
by Clinton J. Andrews - 107-120 Anticipating Air Conditioning’s Impact on the World’s Electricity Producers
by Clinton J. Andrews - 121-138 Alternate Energy Strategies for the Developing World’s Domestic Use: A Case Study of Nigerian Households’ Fuel Use Patterns and Preferences
by Edward I. Onyebuchi - 139-156 Traditional Energy Programs and the Theory of Open Access Forest Resources
by Harry R. Clarke & Ram M. Shrestha - 157-180 Fuelwood Use in Urban Areas: A Case Study of Raipur, India
by M. Macauley & M. Naimuddin & P.C. Agarwal & J. Dunkerley - 181-196 On Regulation, Deregulation, and Economics
by Sharon B. Megdal - 197-202 Book Reviews
by N/A
April 1989, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 1-6 Principles of Petroleum — Then and Now
by Paul J. Frankel - 7-14 OPEC’s Energy Policy
by Fadhil J. Al-Chalabi - 15-24 Mideast Governments and the Oil Price Prospect
by M. A. Adelman - 25-46 Oil Products in Latin America: The Politics of Energy Pricing
by Thomas Sterner - 47-68 An Econometric Analysis of Energy Financing
by John B. Guerard Jr. & Stephen G. Buell - 69-90 The Response of Large Firms to Different Schemes of Time-of’Use Pricing When the Production Function is Quadratic
by Asher Tishler - 91-108 The NERC Fan in Retrospect and Lessons for the Future
by Charles R. Nelson & Stephen C. Peck & Robert G. Uhler - 109-132 The Timing of Oil and Gas Leasing on the Outer Continental Shelf: Theory and Policies
by Marshall Rose & Donald Rosenthal - 133-152 Modeling Energy Demand and Socioeconomic Development Of Taiwan
by Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng - 153-164 Gasoline, Diesel and Motorfuel Demand in Taiwan
by Christopher Garbacz - 165-176 Optimal Structure of the Nigerian Energy Supply Mix
by Anthony O. Adegbulugbe & Felix Dayo & Thomas Gürtler - 177-186 Reserves and Reserve Production Ratios In Imperfect Markets
by Keith C. Brown - 187-194 Competitive Speculative Storage and the Cost of Refinery Product Supply
by Mark Newton Lowry - 195-200 Book Reviews
by N/A
January 1989, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-1 EDITOR’S NOTE: It’s Time to Think About Energy Policy Again
by Congressman Richard Gephardt - 1-20 Talks: Energy and Growth: Beyond the Myths and Myopia
by R.K. Pachauri - 21-28 Energy Economists in the 21st Century
by Pierre Desprairies - 29-34 Energy - The Challenges and Opportunities Before the Developing Countries
by Prem Shankar Jha - 35-54 Energy Policy Forum: An Analysis of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Civilian R &D Budget
by Ronald J. Sutherland - 55-76 Is American Energy Politics Ideological?
by Eric M. Uslaner - 77-90 Research Reports The Demand for Natural Gas: A Survey of Price and Income Elasticities
by Mohammed A. Al-Sahlawi - 91-110 Pareto Dominance Through Self-Selecting Tariffs: The Case of TOU Electricity Rates for Agricultural Customers
by Kenneth E. Train & Nate Toyama - 111-118 Short Papers, Notes, and Comments The Incidence of Welfare Losses Due to Appliance Efficiency Standards
by Mark F. Morss - 119-125 Long-Term Contracts for Crude Oil Imports into Costa Rica: A General Equilibrium Analysis
by Christian Dufournaud & Carlos Raul Gutierrez & Lodewijk Berlage & Peter P. Rogers - 127-138 Energy End-Use Structure of an Urban Society: The Case of Singapore
by B. W. Ang - 139-148 Electricity Exports and Hydro-Québec’s 1986-2000 Development Plan
by Danny Belanger & Jean-Thomas Bernard - 149-156 The Effect of Energy Aggregation on Energy Elasticities: Some Evidence from U.S. Manufacturing Data
by Sang V. Nguyen & Stephen H. Andrews - 157-166 Energy Savings from More Efficient Appliances: A Rejoinder
by J. Daniel Khazzoom - 167-170 Noisy Data and Uncertain Coefficients: A Comment
by John H. Herbert - 171-174 Noisy Data and Uncertain Coefficients: A Reply
by Soroosh Sorooshian & Lov Kher & F. P. Sioahansi - 175-178 The Economics of Strategic Choice: U.S. Uranium Enrichment in the World Market: A Comment
by George F. Combs Jr. - 179-190 Book Reviews
by N/A
October 1988, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 1-16 Comparative Energy Policy: The Economics of Nuclear Power in Japan and the United States
by Peter Navarro - 17-34 The Economics of International Oil Sharing
by George Horwich & David Leo Weimer - 35-48 Integrated Energy Planning in India: A Modeling Approach
by R. K. Pachauri & Leena Srivastava - 49-62 On the Economics of Improved Oil Recovery: The Optimal Recovery Factor from Oil and Gas Reservoirs
by Arild N. Nystad - 63-92 Taking Off: The U.S. Demand for Air Travel and Jet Fuel
by Dermot Gately - 93-94 U.S.-Canadian Trade Agreement: An Energy Colloquium
by N/A - 95-97 Background and Summary of Energy Provisions
by N/A - 99-102 An American Perspective
by Philip K. Verleger. Jr - 103-106 Two Canadian Perspectives
by Leonard Waverman - 107-110 On Aspects of Oil and Cas Trade
by André Plourde - 111-119 Electricity and Gas: The U.S. West
by Arlon R. Tussing - 121-126 Electricity and Gas: The US. East
by Henry Lee - 127-130 Canadian Electricity
by Jean-Thomas Bernard - 131-134 Nuclear Fuel
by Ted Munden - 135-148 The Use of NYMEX Options to Forecast Crude Oil Prices
by James A. Overdahl & H.Lee Matthews - 149-157 Acknowledgments
by N/A
July 1988, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 1-6 I. Reality Says No
by Arlon R. Tussing & Samuel A. Van Vactor - 7-30 II. The Numbers Say Yes
by Harry G. Broadman & William W. Hogan - 31-60 III. The Numbers Say No
by Dale M. Nesbitt & Thomas Y. Choi - 61-78 The World Oil Market: An Examination Using Small-Scale Models
by David Jay Green - 79-98 Choice of Technology and Long-Run Technical Change in Energy-Intensive Industries
by Finn R. Forsund & Lennart Hjalmarsson - 99-112 Energy Conservation versus Supply Strategies: Implications for Industrial Policy
by Bernard Bourgeois & Patrick Criqui & Jacques Percebois - 113-128 Incentives for Energy Conservation in the Commercial and Industrial Sectors
by Kenneth E. Train - 129-142 A Welfare Measure of a New Type of Energy Assistance Program
by Kenneth W. Costello - 143-160 Renewable Energy and Long-Term Energy Planning
by Hėléne Connor-Lajambe - 161-164 Book Reviews
by N/A
April 1988, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 1-16 What Price Security? Three Views of the DOE Report. Spinning Wheels: A Review Article
by T. Randall Curlee & Arthur W. Wright - 17-30 A Critical Analysis of the DOE Report
by S. Fred Singer - 31-44 Should CNP Impacts Preclude Oil Tariffs?
by Hillard G. Huntington - 45-56 Energy Implications of the Advances in Superconductivity Technology
by Bruce C. Netschert - 57-74 Improving long-Term Investment Decisions under Uncertainty: Applications for the Swedish Energy Sector
by Per Anders Bergendahl & Lars Brigelius & Peter Rosén - 75-92 Regional Economic and Energy Prospects in the Developing Countries: Application of the PREDESS Model
by Bertrand Lepinoy - 93-108 The Adjustment of U.S. Oil Demand to the Price Increases of the 1970s
by Dermot Gately & Peter Rappoport - 109-136 Declining Energy Intensity in the U.S. Manufacturing Sector
by Claire P. Doblin - 137-152 Nonresponse in Residential Energy Surveys: Systematic Patterns and Implications for End-Use Models
by Paul M. Ong & Suzanne Holt & Richard S. Barnes & Lisa A. Skumatz - 153-154 Energy Saving from the Adoption of More Efficient Appliances
by N/A - 155-162 Energy Saving Resulting from the Adoption of More Efficient Appliances: Another View
by Amory B. Lovins - 163-170 Energy Saving Resulting from the Adoption of More Efficient Appliances: A Follow-up
by John Henly & Henry Ruderman & Mark D. Levine - 171-177 Book Reviews
by N/A
December 1988, Volume 9, Issue 2_suppl
- 1-18 Reliability of Electricity Supply, Outage Costs and Value of Service: An Overview
by M. Munasinghe & A. Sanghvi - 19-32 The Importance of Including Uncertainties in Economic Generation Reliability Planning
by William B. Poland - 33-37 Risk and Cost of Failure in the French Electricity System
by Lucien Gouni & Phillippe Torrion - 39-42 Regulatory View of Capacity Valuation in California
by Eric Woychik - 43-75 Optimal Planning, Supply Quality and Shortage Costs in Power Systems: Case of Costa Rica
by Mohan Munasinghe - 77-104 Priority Service: Market Structure and Competition
by Hung-po Chao & Shmuel S. Oren & Stephen A. Smith & Robert B. Wilson - 105-120 Estimating Household Value of Electrical Service Reliability with Market Research Data
by Andrew A. Goett & Daniel L. McFadden & Chi-Keung Woo - 121-134 Household Preference for Interruptible Rate Options and the Revealed Value of Service Reliability
by Michael J. Doane & Raymand S. Hartman & Chi-Keung Woo - 135-149 Households' Perceived Value of Service Reliability: An Analysis of Contingent Valuation Data
by Michael J. Doane & Raymond S. Hartman & Chi-Keung Woo - 151-159 Estimating Residential Partial Outage Cost With Market Research Data
by Dennis M. Keane & S. Leslie MacDonald & Chi-Keung Woo - 161-172 The Cost of Electric Power Interruptions to Commercial Firms
by Chi-Keung Woo & Kenneth Train - 173-188 The Economic Costs of Electricity Shortages: A Case Study of Egypt
by Mark Allen Bernstein & Youseff Hegazy
June 1988, Volume 9, Issue 1_suppl
- 1-14 Petroleum Product Pricing in the Philippines
by Zheng Li & Zhang Jian - 15-43 Petroleum Product Pricing in Thailand
by Piyasvasti Amranand & Tienchai Chongpeerapien - 71-105 Energy Pricing and Household Energy Consumption in India
by Ramesh Bhatia - 107-125 Asian Petroleum Pricing Policies Revisited
by Corazon M. Siddayao
January 1988, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-17 Energy Economics in Developing Countries: Analytical Framework and Problems of Application
by Mohan Munasinghe - 19-25 Defending the Price of Oil
by Dr. Edith Penrose - 27-42 Nuclear Energy After Chernobyl: Views from Four Countries
by Ulf Hansen & Christine Chapuis & Thomas J. Connolly & Arto Lepistö - 43-52 Water, Wind and Soil: Hidden Keys to The Water Planet Earth and to Economic Macroprocesses
by Gonzague Pillet