February 2013, Volume 34, Issue 1
- 107-122 Expansion of output: Organizational misbehaviour in public enterprises
by Jörg W Kirchhoff & Jan C Karlsson - 123-144 Job satisfaction, flexible employment and job security among Turkish service sector workers
by Işık U Zeytinoglu & Gözde Yılmaz & Aşkın Keser & Kıvanç Inelmen & Duygu Uygur & Arzu Özsoy - 145-160 The impact of perceived organizational support on work–family conflict: Does role overload have a mediating role?
by Sait Gurbuz & Omer Turunc & Mazlum Celik - 161-182 More than a ‘humpty dumpty’ term: Strengthening the conceptualization of soft skills
by Scott A Hurrell & Dora Scholarios & Paul Thompson
November 2012, Volume 33, Issue 4
- 553-554 Editorial
by N/A - 555-579 Trade unions and corporate campaigning in a global economy: The case of James Hardie
by Peter Holland & Amanda Pyman - 581-604 The diffusion of alternative dispute resolution practices in Ireland
by Paul Teague & Bill Roche & Deborah Hann - 605-620 Employee turnover, HRM and institutional contexts
by Richard Croucher & Geoff Wood & Chris Brewster & Michael Brookes - 621-647 Swedish trade unionism: A renewed social movement?
by Abby Peterson & Mattias Wahlström & Magnus Wennerhag - 649-668 The limits and prospects of union power: Addressing mass redundancy in the steel industry
by Dean Stroud & Peter Fairbrother - 669-689 Struggles on the frontier of professional control: Leading cases from Canada
by Shelagh Campbell & Larry Haiven - 691-706 Employees’ job demands–resources profiles, burnout and work engagement: A person-centred examination
by Anja Van den Broeck & Nele De Cuyper & Koen Luyckx & Hans De Witte - 707-728 Global Unions as imperfect multilateral organizations: An international relations perspective
by Elizabeth Cotton & Rebecca Gumbrell-McCormick - 729-735 Is the Scandinavian way of organizing challenged by the growing Chinese economy?
by Ann Westenholz
August 2012, Volume 33, Issue 3
- 353-355 Editorial
by N/A - 357-377 Work characteristics in long-term temporary workers and temporary-to-permanent workers: A prospective study among Finnish health care personnel
by Saija Mauno & Nele De Cuyper & Ulla Kinnunen & Hans De Witte - 379-401 Multinational corporations, global civil society and Chinese labour: Workers’ solidarity in China in the era of globalization
by Joseph Yu-shek Cheng & King-lun Ngok & Yan Huang - 403-420 Strategies for revitalizing labour movements: Union organizing and building alliances with community in Argentina
by Ayşe Serdar - 421-440 Wal-Mart’s trade union in China
by Baogang He & Yuhua Xie - 441-461 ‘No leg to stand on’: The moral economy of Australian industrial relations changes
by Janis Bailey & Fiona Macdonald & Gillian Whitehouse - 463-484 Corporatism, crisis and contention in Sweden and Korea during the 1990s
by Andrew Vandenberg & David Hundt - 485-503 Institutional continuity in German collective bargaining: Do employer associations contribute to stability?
by Markus Helfen - 505-529 Company and country effects in international mergers and acquisitions: Employee perceptions of a merger in three European countries
by Martin R Edwards & Tony Edwards - 531-549 The changing role of employment tribunals: The case of the Employment Appeals Tribunal in Ireland
by Deborah Hann & Paul Teague
May 2012, Volume 33, Issue 2
- 161-162 Editorial introduction
by N/A - 163-183 Non-union employee representation, union avoidance and the managerial agenda
by Jimmy Donaghey & Niall Cullinane & Tony Dundon & Tony Dobbins - 185-205 High commitment management practices re-examined: The case of Indian call centres
by Premilla D’Cruz & Ernesto Noronha - 207-224 Underemployment in a gender-segregated labour market
by Randi Kjeldstad & Erik H Nymoen - 225-244 Organizing training for union renewal: A case study analysis of the European Union steel industry
by Dean Stroud - 245-265 Signs of segmentation? A flexicurity perspective on decentralized collective bargaining in Denmark
by Anna Ilsøe - 267-293 Variable pay, collective bargaining and trade unions: A comparison of machinery and banking companies in Norway
by Jon Erik Dølvik & Kristine Nergaard - 295-316 What triggers the establishment of a works council?
by Jens Mohrenweiser & Paul Marginson & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 317-349 The political economy of Turkish Conservative Democracy as a governmental strategy of industrial relations between Islamism, neoliberalism and social democracy
by Taner Akan
February 2012, Volume 33, Issue 1
- 3-3 Editorial
by N/A - 5-27 Non-union worker representation and the closure of establishments: German evidence on the role of moderating factors
by Uwe Jirjahn - 29-49 Delivering better forms of work organization: Comparing vocational teachers in England, Wales and Norway
by Caroline Lloyd & Jonathan Payne - 51-64 Looking good and sounding right: Aesthetic labour
by Jan Ch Karlsson - 65-84 Soft skills and employability: Evidence from UK retail
by Dennis Nickson & Chris Warhurst & Johanna Commander & Scott A Hurrell & Anne Marie Cullen - 85-102 Aestheticising retail workers: Orientations of aesthetic labour in Australian fashion retail
by Richard Hall & Diane van den Broek - 103-123 Aesthetic and athletic employees: The negative outcome of employers assuming responsibility for sickness benefits
by Henrietta Huzell & Patrik Larsson - 125-143 Managing the semiotics of skin tone: Race and aesthetic labor in the fashion modeling industry
by Elizabeth Wissinger - 145-158 Putting on a good face: An examination of the emotional and aesthetic roots of presentational labour
by Susan D Sheane
November 2011, Volume 32, Issue 4
- 547-548 Editorial
by N/A - 549-567 How important is security in the choice of employment? Evidence from European countries
by Frédéric Salladarré & Boubaker Hlaimi & François-Charles Wolff - 569-589 Transitions from part-time unemployment: Is part-time work a dead end or a stepping stone to the labour market?
by Jonas Månsson & Jan Ottosson - 591-608 How close can we dance? Labour–management partnership on a borderline
by Monica Rolfsen - 609-630 Is there a buffering effect of flexibility for job attitudes and work-related strain under conditions of high job insecurity and regional unemployment rate?
by Kathleen Otto & Anja Hoffmann-Biencourt & Gisela Mohr - 631-653 Entrepreneurship and the reorganization of the public sector: A gendered story
by Elisabeth Sundin - 655-677 Bringing labour markets ‘back in’: Restructuring international businesses in Europe
by Valeria Pulignano - 679-695 Works councils as actors in collective bargaining: Derogations and the development of codetermination in the German chemical and metalworking industries
by Thomas Haipeter - 697-720 Saving companies worth saving: Spain pioneers a sustainable model of democratic corporate governance
by Anthony Jensen - 721-737 The flexibility of flexicurity: The Danish model reconsidered
by Carsten Strøby Jensen
August 2011, Volume 32, Issue 3
- 355-356 Editorial introduction
by Lars Magnusson & Jan Ottosson - 357-378 Can informal social relations help explain workers’ reactions to managerial interventions? Some case evidence from a study of quality management
by Linda Glover - 379-399 Everyday working lives in a transnational corporation in Mexico: The contradictory cooptation of trade unionists
by Diana Mulinari & Nora Räthzel & Aina Tollefsen - 401-419 The relationship between the work unit’s conflict management styles and bullying at work: Moderation by conflict frequency
by Elfi Baillien & Guy Notelaers & Hans De Witte & Stig Berge Matthiesen - 421-438 Determinants of female representation in the decision-making structures of trade unions
by Sabine Blaschke - 439-457 Employee share ownership and human capital development: Complementarity in theory and practice
by Andrew Pendleton & Andrew Robinson - 459-476 From boom to bust: Migrant labour and employers in the Irish construction sector
by Torben Krings & Alicja Bobek & Elaine Moriarty & Justyna Salamońska & James Wickham - 477-497 Revisiting industrial democracy and pension trusteeship: The case of Canada
by Susan Sayce & Michael Gold - 499-522 Non-unionized young workers and organizing the unorganized
by Stephanie Tailby & Anna Pollert - 523-544 The liberalization of public services: Company reactions and consequences for employment and working conditions
by Jörg Flecker & Christoph Hermann
May 2011, Volume 32, Issue 2
- 159-160 Editorial introduction
by Lars Magnusson & Jan Ottosson - 161-180 Striking a balance? Flexibility and security in collective bargaining
by Christian Lyhne Ibsen & Mikkel Mailand - 181-197 When flexibility diversity becomes socially acceptable: The case of the French hospital industry
by Philippe Mossé & Philippe Méhaut & Anne-Marie Arborio & Lise Causse - 199-222 Management training as a source of perceived competitive advantage: The Mondragon Cooperative Group case
by Imanol Basterretxea & Eneka Albizu - 223-241 Negotiating alone or through the union? Swedish employees’ attitudes in 1997 and 2006
by Mattias Bengtsson & Tomas Berglund - 243-260 Works councils, union bargaining and quits in German firms
by Christian Pfeifer - 261-283 Permanent employee investment and social exchange and psychological cooperative climate among temporary employees
by BÃ¥rd Kuvaas & Anders Dysvik - 285-306 Can sectionalism be good for solidarity? Some evidence from the maritime construction industry on Tyneside
by Jo McBride - 307-328 Applying Budd’s model to partnership
by Stewart Johnstone & Adrian Wilkinson & Peter Ackers - 329-352 Constrained by managerialism: Caring as participation in the voluntary social services
by Donna Baines & Ian Cunningham & Heather Fraser
February 2011, Volume 32, Issue 1
- 3-4 Editorial introduction
by Lars Magnusson & Jan Ottosson - 5-27 Partnership and organizing: An empirical assessment of two contrasting approaches to union revitalization in the UK
by Vidu Badigannavar & John Kelly - 29-46 Still accounting for difference? Cross-national comparative joint regulation and pay inequality
by Guy Vernon - 47-68 Job demands-resources and early retirement intention: Differences between blue-and white-collar workers
by Bert Schreurs & Hetty Van Emmerik & Nele De Cuyper & Guy Notelaers & Hans De Witte - 69-86 Employee attitudes to the distribution of organizational influence: Who should have the most influence on which issues?
by Hans Jeppe Jeppesen & Thomas Jønsson & Mark Shevlin - 87-113 Gender and participation in decision-making in labor-managed firms: The context of the USA
by Genna R Miller - 115-134 The psychological contract of call-centre workers: Employment conditions, satisfaction and civic virtue behaviours
by Maria José Chambel & Carlos-MarÃa Alcover - 135-156 Goal setting and plant closure: When bad things turn good
by Lars Häsänen & Johnny Hellgren & Magnus Hansson
November 2010, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 407-408 Editorial introduction
by Lars Magnusson & Jan Ottosson - 409-429 Burnout in salespeople: A three-wave study to examine job characteristics’ predictions and consequences for performance
by Filipa Castanheira & Maria José Chambel - 431-447 Flexible working arrangements and specific training in the UK voluntary sector: A case study
by Michiyo Hashiguchi - 449-476 Employee ownership and participation effects on outcomes in firms majority employee-owned through employee stock ownership plans in the US1
by Brent Kramer - 477-495 An innovative approach to employee participation in a Norwegian retail chain
by Benedicte Brøgger - 497-519 The case for ‘beneficial constraints’: Why permissive voluntarism impedes workplace cooperation in Ireland
by Tony Dobbins - 521-535 Dissonant cognitions in European works councils: A ‘comparative ethnomethodological’ approach
by Andrew R Timming - 537-555 Social responsibility in connection with business closures: A study of the close-down of Ericsson Telecom facilities in Norrköping and Linköping
by Roland Ahlstrand - 557-577 Employment status and job insecurity: On the subjective appraisal of an objective status
by Bert Klandermans & John Klein Hesselink & Tinka van Vuuren - 579-592 Union members’ attitudes and perceptions about their union: Winning a representational election following a merger of four hospitals
by Victor M Catano - 593-611 Labour flexibility, risks and the welfare state
by Fabian Dekker - 613-637 Moderating influence of organizational justice on the relationship between job insecurity and its outcomes: A multilevel analysis
by Beatriz Sora & Amparo Caballer & José MarÃa Peiró & Inmaculada Silla & Francisco J Gracia - 639-659 Associational control: Between self-management and standardization in the financial sector
by Helge Hvid & Henrik Lambrecht Lund & Sidsel Lond Grosen & Helle Holt
November 2010, Volume 31, Issue 4_suppl
- 3-8 The Europeanization of employee participation: Britain and Germany in historical and contemporary perspective
by Thomas Fetzer - 9-23 Employee participation in the EU: The long and winding road to legislation
by Michael Gold - 24-39 Defending Mitbestimmung: German trade unions and European company law regulation (1967-2000)
by Thomas Fetzer - 40-54 Industrial democracy from a European perspective: The example of SEs
by Berndt Keller & Frank Werner - 55-69 EU regulation and the UK employee consultation framework
by Mark Hall - 70-85 The problem of national industrial relations traditions in European works councils: The example of BMW
by Michael Whittall
August 2010, Volume 31, Issue 3
- 283-284 Editorial introduction
by Lars Magnusson & Jan Ottosson - 285-305 The transformation of employee participation: Consequences for the work environment
by Ole Busck & Herman Knudsen & Jens Lind - 307-326 The impact of privatization and employee share ownership on employee commitment and citizen behaviour
by Dermot McCarthy & Eoin Reeves & Tom Turner - 327-344 The moderating role of employability on the relationship between job insecurity and commitment to change
by Hina Jawaid Kalyal & Erik Berntson & Stephan Baraldi & Katharina Näswall & Magnus Sverke - 345-363 The innovation diffusion paradox in the light of ‘shop-floor games’ and micro-politics
by Pasi Koski & Anu Järvensivu - 365-388 The establishment and operation of information and consultation of employees’ arrangements in a capability-based framework
by Aristea Koukiadaki - 389-403 Workplace training in a deregulated training system: Experiences from Australia’s automotive industry
by Richard Cooney
May 2010, Volume 31, Issue 2
- 175-178 Editorial introduction
by Magnus Sverke & Hans De Witte & Katharina Näswall & Johnny Hellgren - 179-194 Job insecurity, recovery and well-being at work: Recovery experiences as moderators
by Ulla Kinnunen & Saija Mauno & Marjo Siltaloppi - 195-214 Job insecurity influence on job performance and mental health: Testing the moderating effect of the need for closure
by Antonio Chirumbolo & Alessandra Areni - 215-230 The moderating role of employability in the association between job insecurity and exit, voice, loyalty and neglect
by Erik Berntson & Katharina Näswall & Magnus Sverke - 231-247 Examining occupational self-efficacy, work locus of control and communication as moderators of the job insecurity—job performance relationship
by Cornelius J König & Maike E Debus & Stéphanie Häusler & Nora Lendenmann & Martin Kleinmann - 249-264 The role of organizational communication and participation in reducing job insecurity and its negative association with work-related well-being
by Tinne Vander Elst & Elfi Baillien & Nele De Cuyper & Hans De Witte - 265-280 Job insecurity and its relation to work—family conflict: Mediation with a longitudinal data set
by Anne Richter & Katharina Näswall & Magnus Sverke
February 2010, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 5-6 Editorial Introduction
by Lars Magnusson & Jan Ottosson - 7-33 Statutory Union Recognition Provisions as Stimulants to Employer Anti-Unionism in Three Anglo-Saxon Countries
by Gregor Gall - 34-61 Strategies for Union Renewal in the Context of Public Sector Outsourcing
by Ian Cunningham & Philip James - 62-92 The Lived Experience of Isolation for Vulnerable Workers Facing Workplace Grievances in 21st-Century Britain
by Anna Pollert - 93-115 Employment Status and Commitment to Work in Professions
by Bente Abrahamsen - 116-149 The Measurement and Determinants of Skill Acquisition in Young Workers’ First Job
by Dieter Verhaest & Eddy Omey - 150-172 Welcome to the House of Fun: Work Space and Social Identity
by Chris Baldry & Jerry Hallier
November 2009, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 482-483 Editorial Introduction
by Lars Magnusson & Jan Ottosson - 484-509 The Impact of Cross-Border Mergers on the Co-Decision-Making Process: The Case of a Danish Company
by Robson Sø Rocha - 510-538 The Role of Trust in Secure and Insecure Employment Situations: A Multiple-Group Analysis
by Jeroen de Jong & René Schalk & Marcel Croon - 539-563 Union Responses to Restructuring and the Growth of Contingent Labour in the Irish Telecommunications Sector
by Robert MacKenzie - 564-591 Organizations’ Use of Temporary Employment and a Climate of Job Insecurity among Belgian and Spanish Permanent Workers
by Nele de Cuyper & Beatriz Sora & Hans de Witte & Amparo Caballer & José MarÃa Peiró - 592-613 Family Businesses and Trade Unions in Norway
by Trygve Gulbrandsen - 614-642 Strategies to Promote Workplace Innovation: A Comparative Analysis of Nine National and Regional Approaches
by Tuomo Alasoini - 643-672 Local Agreements as an Instrument for Improvement of Management—Employee Collaboration on Occupational Health and Safety
by Ole H. Sørensen & Peter Hasle & Steen E. Navrbjerg
August 2009, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 322-323 Editorial Introduction
by Lars Magnusson & Jan Ottosson - 324-347 The Diversity and Politics of Trade Unions' Responses to Minority Ethnic and Migrant Workers: The Context of the UK
by Miguel MartÃnez Lucio & Robert Perrett - 348-371 Why is Organizational Change Related to Workplace Bullying? Role Conflict and Job Insecurity as Mediators
by Elfi Baillien & Hans De Witte - 372-400 The Effects of Different Types of Works Councils on Bargaining Outcomes: Results of an Empirical Study
by Werner Nienhueser - 401-428 No Longer So Strange? (Dis)Trust in Municipality—Small Business Relationships
by Malin Tillmar - 429-453 Riding the Wave of Globalization: The Boundaryless and Borderless Careers of Chinese Seafarers
by Jonathan Morris & Bin Wu - 454-480 The Incidence of High-Performance Work Systems: Evidence from a Nationally Representative Employee Survey
by Antti Kauhanen
May 2009, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 155-156 Editorial Introduction
by N/A - 157-181 Innovation, Working Conditions and Industrial Relations: Evidence for a Local Production System
by Davide Antonioli & Massimiliano Mazzanti & Paolo Pini - 182-206 Balancing the Democracy Dilemmas: Experiences of Three Women Workers' Cooperatives in Hong Kong
by Catherine W. Ng & Evelyn Ng - 207-240 Uncovering Divergence: Management Attitudes towards HRM Practices and Works Council Presence in German SMEs
by Markus Helfen & Elke S. Schuessler - 241-265 Trust, Employer Exposure and the Employment Relation
by Theo Nichols & Andy Danford & Ali C. Tasiran - 266-293 Demand, Control and its Relationship with Job Mobility among Young Workers
by Elsy Verhofstadt & Hans De Witte & Eddy Omey - 294-320 Making Capitalism Work: Fair Institutions and Trust
by Sven Oskarsson & PerOla Öberg & Torsten Svensson
February 2009, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 5-7 Editorial Introduction
by N/A - 9-36 Intended or Unintended Consequences? A Critical Reappraisal of the Safety First Movement and its Non-Union Safety Committees
by Lucy Taksa - 37-66 The Role of the State in the Diffusion of Industrial Democracy: South Australia, 1972—9
by Raymond Markey & Greg Patmore - 67-92 The Development of Alternative Voice Mechanisms in Australia: The Case of Joint Consultation
by Peter Holland & Amanda Pyman & Brian K. Cooper & Julian Teicher - 93-119 `Trojan Horse' or `Vehicle for Organizing'? Non-Union Collective Agreement Making and Trade Unions in Australia
by Rae Cooper & Chris Briggs - 120-151 Employees' Perspective on Non-Union Representation: A Comparison with Unions
by Dong-One Kim
November 2008, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 435-436 Editorial Introduction
by Lars Magnusson & Jan Ottosson - 437-466 Renewed Trade Union Militancy in Belgium? An Analysis Based on Expenditure from the Strike Fund (CWK/ACV) during the Period 1974—2004
by Albert Martens & Valeria Pulignano - 467-491 Why and How are Some Strikes More Successful than Others? Evidence from the Korean Banking Sector
by Chung-Il Choi - 492-520 Community Unions in Japan: Similarities and Differences of Region-based Labour Movements between Japan and Other Industrialized Countries
by Akira Suzuki - 521-540 Paradoxical Patterns of Part-Time Employment in Denmark?
by Jens Lind & Erling Rasmussen - 541-564 An Empirical Study of Bureaucratic and Post-Bureaucratic Characteristics in 90 Workplaces
by Malin Bolin & Annika Härenstam - 565-591 Patterns of Contract Motives and Work Involvement in Temporary Work: Relationships to Work-Related and General Well-Being
by Claudia Bernhard-Oettel & Kerstin Isaksson & Katalin Bellaagh
August 2008, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 307-308 Editorial Introduction
by Lars Magnusson & Jan Ottosson - 309-335 Work and Employment in Creative Industries: The Video Games Industry in Germany, Sweden and Poland
by Christina Teipen - 336-361 Occupational Health and Safety, Worker Participation and the Mining Industry in a Changing World of Work
by Neil Gunningham - 362-387 Turkish Labour Confederations and Turkey's Membership of the European Union
by Engin Yildirim & Suayyip Calis & Abdurrahman Benli - 388-405 Associations between Temporary Employment, Alcohol Dependence and Cigarette Smoking among Turkish Health Care Workers
by Nele De Cuyper & Sibel Kiran & Hans De Witte & Ferruh N. AygoÄŸlu - 406-431 Variable Pay and Collective Bargaining: A Cross-National Comparison of the Banking Sector
by Franz Traxler & Jim Arrowsmith & Kristine Nergaard & Joaquim M. Molins López-Rodó
May 2008, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 163-164 Editorial Introduction
by Lars Magnusson & Jan Ottosson - 165-191 Workers and the Demand for Trade Unions in Europe: Still a Relevant Social Force?
by Daryl D'Art & Thomas Turner - 192-216 Changing Gender Relations: Women Officers' Experiences in the Swedish Armed Forces
by Lena Pettersson & Alma Persson & Anders W. Berggren - 217-248 Part-Time Work and Involuntary Part-Time Work in the Private Service Sector in Finland
by Merja Kauhanen - 249-273 Call Centres and Incapacity Benefit Claimants in the North West of England: A Study from the Greater Manchester Area
by Ignazio Cabras - 274-300 Workplace Democracy in China's Foreign-Funded Enterprises: A Multilevel Case Study of Employee Representation
by Xiaomin Yu - 301-304 Book Review: Dimitrina Dimitrova and Jacques Vilrokx, eds, Trade Union Strategies in Central and Eastern Europe: Towards Decent Work. Geneva and Budapest: International Labour Office, 2005. 278 + xix pp
by Christer Thörnqvist
February 2008, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 5-6 Editorial Introduction
by Lars Magnusson & Jan Ottosson - 7-34 Free-Riding in Australia
by Peter Haynes & Peter Holland & Amanda Pyman & Julian Teicher - 35-63 Deliberation, Employment Relations and Social Partnership in the Republic of Ireland
by Jimmy Donaghey - 64-95 Is Wages Policy on the Agenda of Trade Unions Again? Voluntary Wage Moderation in Spain
by Jesús Ferreiro & Carmen Gómez - 96-124 Choreographing a System: Skill and Employability in Software Work
by Abigail Marks & Dora Scholarios - 125-155 Do Norwegian Companies' Direct Investments in Poland Imply Exports of Labour Relations?
by Torunn Kvinge & Aleksandra Rezanow Ulrichsen - 157-159 Book Review: Baldry, C., P. Bain, P. Taylor, J. Hyman, D. Scholarios, A. Marks, A. Watson, K. Gilbert, G. Gall and D. Bunzel, The Meaning of Work in the New Economy. Basing-stoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007
by Bengt Furåker
November 2007, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 499-500 Editorial Introduction
by Lars Magnusson & Jan Ottosson - 501-522 Bitten by the Celtic Tiger: Immigrant Workers and Industrial Relations in the New `Glocalized' Ireland
by Tony Dundon & MarÃa-Alejandra González-Pérez & Terrence McDonough - 523-551 The New Politics of Technology in the British Civil Service
by Michael Fisher - 552-588 Team Membership and Experiences of Work in the Finnish Context
by Jukka Niemelä & Satu Kalliola - 589-621 Workers' Cooperatives in Brazil: Autonomy vs Precariousness
by Jacob Carlos Lima - 622-649 Who Has Control in Teams without Teamworking?
by Keith Townsend - 650-671 Work Organization and `the Scandinavian Model'
by Bjørn Gustavsen
August 2007, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 315-316 Editorial Introduction
by Lars Magnusson & Jan Ottosson - 317-347 The Polder Model Reviewed: Dutch Corporatism 1965—2000
by Jaap Woldendorp & Hans Keman - 349-373 Trade Unions and Regional Government Working in Partnership? Emergent Lessons from Wales
by Deborah Foster & Peter Scott - 374-400 Union Decline and Renewal in Australia and Britain: Lessons from Closed Shops
by Simon de Turberville - 401-429 From Conflict to Shared Development: Social Capital in a Tayloristic Environment
by Peter Hasle & Niels Møller - 431-464 Perceptions of Justice in Connection with Individualized Pay Setting
by Teresia Andersson-StrÃ…berg & Magnus Sverke & Johnny Hellgren - 465-493 The Determinants of Post-Privatization Efficiency Gains: The Taiwanese Experience
by Hsueh-liang Wu & David Parker
May 2007, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 179-180 Editorial Introduction
by Lars Magnusson & Jan Ottosson - 181-211 Japanization or the Persistence of the Liberal Market? US Employment Relations in Transition
by Hyeong-ki Kwon - 212-238 East—West Differences in Employment Relations, Organizational Justice and Trust: Possible Reasons and Consequences
by Thomas Rigotti & Kathleen Otto & Gisela Mohr - 239-258 Training, Social Dialogue and Collective Bargaining in Western Europe
by Jason Heyes - 259-291 The Determinants of Employee-Involvement Schemes: Private Sector Australian Evidence
by Michelle Brown & Lori A. Geddes & John S. Heywood - 292-312 Associations Between Contract Preference and Attitudes, Well-Being and Behavioural Intentions of Temporary Workers
by Nele De Cuyper & Hans De Witte
February 2007, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 4-5 Editorial Introduction
by Lars Magnusson & Jan Ottosson - 6-48 Union Democracy and Shopfloor Mobilization: Social Movement Unionism in South African Auto and Clothing Plants
by Philip Hirschsohn - 49-77 Are Works Councils and Joint Consultative Committees a Threat to Trade Unions? A Comparative Analysis
by Chris Brewster & Geoff Wood & Richard Croucher & Michael Brookes