May 2000, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 237-251 The Transformation of Swedish Industrial Relations from Below
by Goran Brulin - 253-266 Diversity at Work: Paradoxes, Possibilities and Problems in the Swedish Discourse on Diversity
by Paulina de los Reyes - 267-269 Reviews
by Ewa Gunnarsson - 269-271 Reviews
by Torsten Svensson
February 2000, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 5-7 Editorial Introduction
by Lars Magnusson & Jan Ottosson - 9-37 A Struggle for Recognition: Work Life Reform in the Domestic Services Industry
by Gabrielle Meagher - 39-70 Enriching Swedish Women's Work Environment: The Case of Social Enterprises in Day Care
by Victor A. Pestoff - 71-95 Do New Generations Imply the End of Solidarity? Swedish Unionism in the Era of Individualization
by Michael Alivin & Magnus Sverke - 97-106 The Development of Industrial Labour New Inconsistencies
by Michael Schumann
November 1999, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 499-502 Editorial Introduction
by N/A - 503-534 From a Logic Perspective to a Paradox Perspective in the Analysis of an EmployeeOwned Company
by Ann Westenholz - 535-560 Employee Stock Ownership Plans: Union Influence and Stakeholder Interests
by Patrick P. Mchugh & Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld & Michael Polzin - 561-582 Employee Buyouts and Industrial Relations under Employee Ownership: A Case Study of Karabuk Steel Mill
by Engin Yildirim - 583-623 Obscuring But Not Reducing Managerial Control: Does TQM Measure up to Democracy Standards?
by Joyce Rothschild & Marjukka Ollilainen
August 1999, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 339-341 Editorial Introduction
by N/A - 343-368 Workers' Last Performance: Why Some Factories Show their Best Results during Countdown
by Paavo Bergman & Rune Wigblad - 369-391 Lean Production and the Toyota Production System Or, the Case of the Forgoften Production Concepts
by Ian Hampson - 393-426 Constructing European Collective Bargaining
by Haknoh Kim - 427-460 The Implications of Labour Market Restructuring in Industrialized Societies for Occupational Health and Safety
by Michael Quinlan - 461-482 The Future Role of the Swedish Unions Increased Local Cooperation for Production Development
by Tommy Nilsson - 483-486 Reviews
by Tiziana Keller - 486-487 Reviews
by Gunnar Augustsson - 487-489 Reviews
by Kurt Lundgren - 489-492 Reviews
by Bernd Hofmaier - 492-494 Reviews
by Balwinder Arora
May 1999, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 163-170 Financial Participation in the 1990s-Dissemination and Challenges
by Erik Poutsma & Willem de Nijs - 171-196 Promotion of Employee Ownership and Profit Sharing in Europe
by Erik Poutsma & Willem de Nijs & Hans Doorewaard - 197-223 European Diversity in the Use of Participation Schemes
by Erik Poutsma & Fred Huijgen - 225-252 Worker Ownership American Style: Pluralism, Participation and Performance
by John Logue & Jacquelyn S. Yates - 253-268 The Rise and Fall of Employee-Owned UK Bus Companies
by Roger Spear - 269-293 Theory O-Is the Case Closed?
by Gorm Winther - 295-329 Financial Participation in Europe-Determinants and Outcomes
by Marion Festing & Yvonne Groening & Rudiger Kabst & Wolfgang Weber - 331-333 Reviews
by Martha Blomqvist - 333-335 Reviews
by Martha Blomqvist
February 1999, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 5-7 Editorial Introduction
by N/A - 9-38 Privatization in the European Union: A Critical Assessment of its Development, Rationale and Consequences
by David Parker - 39-79 Neoliberal Globalization and the Crisis of Swedish Social Democracy
by Magnus Ryner - 81-115 The End of Institutional Stability: What Future for the 'German Model'?
by Jorg Flecker & Thorsten Schulten - 117-145 The End of New Production Concepts? Rationalization and Labour Policy in the German Auto Industry
by Roland Springer - 147-154 Reviews
by Helena Persson - 155-159 Reviews
by Annette Thornquist
November 1998, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 547-549 Editorial Introduction
by N/A - 551-577 Re-Evaluating the Labour Process Debate
by Chris Smith & Paul Thompson - 579-603 Labour Market Restructuring and Polarization Processes: The Significance of Political-institutional Factors
by Anne Lise Ellingsceter - 605-631 The ETUC and its Role in Advancing the Cause of European Worker Participation Rights
by Keith Abboff - 633-666 From Grassroots Democracy to National Mobilization: COSATU as a Model of Social Movement Unionism
by Philip Hirschsohn
August 1998, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 387-389 Editorial Introduction
by N/A - 391-415 The European Employment Strategy and the EMU: You Must Invest to Save
by Allan Larsson - 417-442 Teamwork and Internal Labour Markets: A Study of a Canadian Aluminium Smelter
by Jacques Belanger & Martin Dumas - 443-474 Micro-Corporatism in South Korea: A Comparative Analysis of Enterprise-Level Industrial Relations
by Joohee Lee - 475-504 Institutional Transfer and Effectiveness of Employee Representation: Comparing Works Councils in East and West Germany
by Carola M. Frege - 505-538 Unions and New Shopfloor Strike Strategies and Learning Processes among Public Employees
by Flemming Mikkelsen - 539-541 Reviews
by Bob Jeossp - 542-544 Reviews
by Jon Aarum Andersen
May 1998, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 211-226 Globalization and Employment Relations in Asia and the Pacific: Some Emerging Issues Editorial Introduction
by Russell D. Lansbury & Hing Ai Yun & Suzanne Jamieson - 227-251 Economic Globalization and Labour Market Transformations in Fiji
by Satendra Prasad - 253-286 Globalization and Labour: A Case Study of EPZ Workers in Malaysia
by Donella Caspersz - 287-313 Economic Ownership and Workers' Perceptions of the Workplace: An Exploratory Study of Manufacturing Workers in Shanghai
by Gina Lai & Warren Chiu & Choi K. Wan - 315-345 Work Diversity and Negotiation: The Case of Singapore
by Hing Ai Yun - 347-373 New Unionism and the Transformation of the Korean Industrial Relations System
by Chang-Hee Lee - 375-379 Reviews
by Jan Ohrming - 380-384 Reviews
by D. W. Livingstone & Reuben Roth
February 1998, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 5-16 Good Work and Productivity Editorial Introduction
by Ake Sandberg - 17-32 New Concepts of Production and Productivity
by Michael Schumann - 33-58 Images of Good Work and the Politics of Teamwork
by Richard Badham & Ulrich Jurgens - 59-90 Does Teamworking Work, and if so, Why? A Case Study in the Aluminium Industry
by Martyn Wright & Paul Edwards - 91-117 'Reflective Production': An Alternative to Mass Production and Lean Production?
by Michel Freyssenet - 119-135 Good Work, Productivity and Sustainability in Canadian Forestry
by Russell Janzen & L. Anders Sandberg - 137-159 Productivity by Systemic Rationalization: Good Work Bad Work No Work?
by Norbert Altmann & Manfred DeiB - 161-184 Economic Concentration and the Externalization of Labour
by Beatrice Appay - 185-198 Is the 'Better Job' Still Possible Today?
by Jean-Pierre Durand
November 1997, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 499-502 Editorial Introduction
by N/A - 503-537 Solidarity at Last? International Trade Unionism Approaching the Millennium
by Harvie Ramsay - 539-566 The End of the Experiment: Corporatism Collapses in Australia
by Ian Hampson - 567-595 Industrial Relations in Malaysia Multinational Preferences and State Concessions in Dependent Development: A Case Study of the Electronics Industry
by Mhinder Bhopal - 597-620 Lean Production and Changing Employment Relations in the International Auto Industry
by Thomas A. Kochan & Russell D. Lansbury - 621-633 Employee Ownership, Participation and Workplace Safety: A Response to Grunberg, Moore and Greenberg
by Peter A. Kardas - 635-650 The Father of the Swedish Model in Memory of Gosta Rehn (1913-96)
by Lennart Erixon - 651-653 Review
by Roy Vogt
August 1997, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 355-357 Editorial Introduction
by N/A - 359-391 The 'Classroom Hypothesis' and Individualization
by Morten Madsen - 393-422 Participatory Democracy May Go a Long Way: Comparative Growth Performance of Employee Ownership Firms in New York and Washington States
by Gorm Winther & Richard Marens - 423-455 The Emergence and Institutionalization of Toyotism: Subdivision and Integration of the Labour Force at the Toyota Motor Corporation from the 1950s to the 1 970s
by Terje Gronning - 457-487 Statutory Regulation and Workers' Competence: The Influence of Dutch Works Councils on the Introduction of New Technology
by Kea Tijdens & Maarten van Klaveren - 489-491 Reviews
by Bob Hancké - 491-495 Reviews
by N/A
May 1997, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 163-166 Eitorial Introduction
by N/A - 167-200 When Push Comes to Shove: Competitiveness, Job Insecurity and Labour- Management Cooperation in Canada
by Donald M. Wells - 201-229 Gendered Constraints and Opportunities: An Analysis of Workers' Experience in UK Cooperative and Collective Organizations
by Sarah Oerton - 231-260 Democratic Hierarchies in the Workplace: Structural Dilemmas and Organizational Action
by Frances A. Viggiani - 261-287 Workers' Councils, Trade Unions and Industrial Democracy in Poland
by Stephen J. Haviovic & William M. Moore - 289-323 Corporatist Tendencies in the Euro-Polity: The EU Directive of 22 September 1994, on European Works Councils
by Paul Knutsen - 325-337 Neither European Nor Works Councils: A Reply to Paul Knutsen
by Wolfgang Streeck - 339-342 The Swedish National Institute for Working Life
by N/A - 343-352 Review Article
by Tord Ekstrom Stockholm
February 1997, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 5-34 Special Issue on: The Challenge of Full Employment in the Global Economy Editorial Introduction
by Helen Lachs Ginsburg & June Zaccone & Gertrude Schaffner Goldberg & Sheila D. Collins & Sumner M. Rosen - 35-53 Is Full Employment Still Desirable and Feasible?
by Eddy Lee - 55-66 The Labor Market and Lifetime Employment in Japan
by Yukichi Takahashi - 67-86 Economic Policy for Full Employment: Proposals for Germany
by Jorg Huffschmid - 87-97 The Swedish Model in an Era of Mass Unemployment
by Rudolf Meidner - 99-118 Sweden's Road Back to Full Employment
by Richard Layard - 119-135 A New Concept of Full Employment
by Lei Delsen - 137-143 Review Article
by Lis Hojgaard - 145-149 Reviews
by Gregory Albo - 149-152 Reviews
by Winton Higgins - 152-153 Reviews
by Peter Auer - 153-155 Reviews
by Colin Gill
November 1996, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 499-509 Editorial Introduction
by N/A - 511-543 Women as the Paradigmatic Trade Unionists? New Work, New Workers and New Trade Union Strategies in Conservative Britain
by Chris Howell - 545-586 Women Wage Earners and the Future of Swedish Unions
by Rianne Mahon - 587-625 The Politics of Difference and Inclusiveness within the Canadian Labour Movement
by Rosemary Warskelt - 627-665 Neo-Liberalism and the Working Girl: The Dilemmas of Women and the Australian Union Movement
by Charlolte A.B. Yates - 667-668 Reviews
by Howard Glennerster - 668-670 Reviews
by Russell Lansbury - 670-673 Reviews
by Hans Slomp - 674-679 Reviews
by Gerhard Leminsky
August 1996, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 323-326 Editorial Introduction
by N/A - 327-357 The Redesign Dialogue: Organizational Change and the Theory of Autopoietic Systems
by Ben Fruytier - 359-386 From Silent to Talkative Participants: A Discussion of Technique as Social Construction
by Kurt Aagaard Nielsen & Peter Olsen & Birger Steen Nielsen - 387-417 Trade and Cross-Border Labor Strategies in the Americas
by Henry J. Frundt - 419-445 The Management of Production and the Changing Character of the Kibbutz as a Mode of Production
by Christopher Warhurst - 447-472 Lean Production and White-Collar Work: The Case of Sweden
by Tommy Nilsson - 473-483 Reviews
by J. C. Ry Nielsen - 485-488 Reviews
by Geoffrey M. Hodgson - 488-490 Reviews
by Goran Brulin - 491-492 Reviews
by Tom L. Johnston
May 1996, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 163-166 Editorial Introduction
by N/A - 167-197 The Swedish Municipal Workers' Union A Study in the New Political Unionism
by Winton Higgins - 199-220 Women and the Cooperative Provision of Care: The Example of the 'Fukushi Club' in Japan
by Anita Lord & Mary Mellor - 221-241 The Relationship of Employee Ownership and Participation to Workplace Safety
by Leon Grunberg & Sarah Moore & Edward Greenberg - 243-279 Chinese Economic Restructuring: Enterprise Development through Employee Ownership
by George K.Y. Tseo - 281-300 The Growth of Enterprise Welfare in Japan
by Young-Hoon Cho - 301-303 Reviews
by Nils Elvander - 303-305 Reviews
by Marianne Sundstrom - 305-307 Reviews
by Paul Edwards - 307-308 Reviews
by Russell Lansbury - 308-312 Reviews
by Winton Higgins - 312-316 Reviews
by Margaret Hallock
February 1996, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 5-8 Editorial Introduction
by N/A - 9-38 Leaving Lean? Recent Changes in the Production Organization of some Japanese Car Plants
by Jos Benders - 39-74 Transforming South Africa's Economy: From Racial-Fordism to Neo-Fordism?
by Andre Kraak - 75-97 Social Policies and the Non-profit Sector in Italy: A Critique of the Ideologies of Contracting Out
by Luca Fazzi - 99-129 TQM, Trade Unions and Cooperation: Case Studies in Quebec Manufacturing Plants
by Denis Harrisson & Normand Laplante - 131-142 Codetermination in Sweden: From Separation to Integration
by Klas Levinson - 143-147 Reviews
by Rebecca Gumbrell-McCormick - 147-151 Reviews
by Jan Veld - 151-153 Reviews
by Joan Acker - 154-156 Reviews
by Gregg M. Olsen - 156-158 Reviews
by Paul Teague
November 1995, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 483-486 Editorial Introduction
by N/A - 487-523 Patterns of Cooperative Management: Beyond the Degeneration Thesis
by Chris Cornforth - 525-551 A Theoretical Framework for Communily-Based Development
by Paul Wilkinson & Jack Quarter - 553-576 When Sense is Not Common: Alternatives to Hierarchy at Work
by Lynda J. Ames - 577-605 Does Employee Ownership Weaken Trade Unions? Recent Evidence from the UK Bus Industry
by Andrew Pendleton & Andrew Robinson & Nicholas Wilson - 607-651 Approaches, Methods and Tools of Change A Literature Survey and Bibliography
by Andreas Werr - 653-656 Review
by Chris Smith
August 1995, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 323-325 Editorial Introduction
by N/A - 327-351 'Europe of the Regions' and the Future of National Systems of Industrial Relations
by Paul Teague - 353-397 The Roots of Consensus: Bargaining Attitudes and Political Commitment among Swedish and British Workers c. 1920-1950
by Alf O. Johansson & Joseph Melling - 399-427 The Role of Professional Engineers in the Diffusion of 'Best Practice' Production Concepts: A Comparative Approach
by Chris Smith & Peter Meiksins - 429-456 Is Full Employment Still Possible? Transitional Labour Markets as a New Strategy of Labour Market Policy
by Gunther Schmid - 457-460 Reviews
by Rudolf Meidner - 460-464 Reviews
by Bob Russell - 464-466 Reviews
by Casten von Otter - 467-468 Reviews
by Jane Jenson - 468-469 Reviews
by Hing Ai Yun - 469-473 Reviews
by Michael Terry - 473-477 Reviews
by Cornelis J. Lammers
May 1995, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 163-165 Editorial Introduction
by N/A - 167-199 Development or Convergence? Change and Stability in a Common
by Roger Hadley & Lancaer Universiy & Maurice Goldsmith - 201-232 The Limits of Fishery Cooperatives? Community Development and Rural Depopulation in Hokkaido, Japan
by Gene Barret & Tadashi Okudaira - 233-251 Trade Unions and Networking in the Context of Change: Evaluating the Outcomes of Decentralization in Industrial Relations
by Miguel Martinez Lucio & Syd Weston - 253-273 Enterprise Unionism from a Korean Perspective
by Jooyeon Jeong - 275-289 Closing Down the Mine: A Tale of Two Communities and Their Responses to Mining Closures in Australia and Sweden
by Russell D. Lansbury & Christie Breakspear - 291-299 In Search of the British Model: Clegg and the Institutionalist Account of British Industrial Relations
by Joseph Melling - 301-313 'Employment Pools': A Common-Resource Approach to the Labour Market
by Casten Von Otter - 315-318 Reviews
by Peter Westerholm - 318-320 Reviews
by Wendy Lamer
February 1995, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 5-7 Editorial Introduction
by N/A - 9-37 Management Practice or Structural Factors: The Case of America Versus Japan in the Car Industry
by Karel Williams & Colin Haslam & Sukhdev Johal & John Williams & Andy Adoroff & Robert Willis - 39-78 Canadian Labour's Response to Work Reorganization
by Pradeep Kumar - 79-110 Worker Resistance: An Underdeveloped Concept in the Sociology of Work
by Randy Hodson - 111-135 Employee Participation During the Early Stages of Transition: Evidence from Bulgaria
by Derek C. Jones - 137-139 Reviews
by Wallace Clement - 139-144 Reviews
by Joseph Melling - 144-147 Reviews
by Ole Hasselbalch - 147-151 Reviews
by Jos Benders - 151-153 Reviews
by Ake Sandberg - 154-157 Reviews
by Jooyeon Jeong
November 1994, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 499-503 Editorial Introduction
by N/A - 505-530 The Impact of Manufacturing Employees on Technological Changes
by Yonatan Reshef & Kay Stratton-Devine & Brian Bemmels - 531-564 Dual Commitment to Company and Union in Sweden: An Examination of Predictors and Taxonomic Split Methods
by Magnus Sverke & Anders Sjoberg - 565-594 The Formation of New Cooperatives: Theory and the Swedish Case
by Yohanan Stryjan - 595-630 The Rise and Demise of Participative Management in Algeria
by Mohamed Branine - 631-649 Employee Participation in the Subsidiaries of Multinational Enterprises: Two Anglo-Indian Case Studies
by Roger Lumley & Santrupt Misra
August 1994, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 307-311 Editorial Introduction
by N/A - 313-353 Trade Union Strategy in Contemporary Capitalism: The Microeconomic and Macroeconomic Implications of Political Unionism
by Paul Boreham & Richard Hall - 355-383 Wage-Earners and/or Co-Workers? Contested Identities
by Rianne Mahon