Undated material is presented at the end, although it may be more recent than other items
- 0285 Equilibrium And Dynamics In Marx And The Classics: A Comparative Study
by Giovanni Scarano
- 0284 Income Distribution And The Rate Of Profit In Marx And The Classics: A Comparative Study
by Giovanni Scarano - 0283 Cambiamento Climatico, Alte Temperature E Incidenti Sul Lavoro In Italia: Una Prospettiva Di Genere
by Edoardo Santoni & Margherita Scarlato - 0282 Eco-innovation, firms’ growth, and the mediating role of export activities
by Serenella Caravella & Giovanni Cerulli & Francesco Crespi & Eleonora Pierucci - 0281 A reassessment of discretionary tax policy in the European Union: A cyclically-adjusted approach
by Giovanni Carnazza & Federica Lanterna - 0280 A first impact evaluation of the Italian Dignity Decree’s effects on young workers
by Nicola Caravaggio - 0279 Microfoundation of ICIO Tables through Firm-Level Data: Enhancing GVC Participation and Positioning Indicators
by Iaria Fusacchia & Anna Giunta & Marianna Mantuano & Enrico Marvasi & Silvia Nenci & Luca Salvatici & Davide Vurchio
- 0278 Are Geographical Indications contributing to sustainability? The case of coffee industry and deforestation in Colombia
by Nicola Caravaggio & Cristina Vaquero-Piñeiro - 0277 Reforming energy excise duties: a possible balance between environmental and redistributive objectives
by Federica Lanterna - 0275 Are digital technologies reshaping trade patterns? Evidence from European industries
by Marco Sforza - 0274 What about the others? Conditional cooperation, climate change perception and ecological actions
by Leonardo Becchetti & Gianluigi Conzo & Francesco Salustri
- 0273 Vertically Integrated Unit Labour Cost And The Competition For Manufacturing Value Added In Europe
by Sascha Keil - 0272 Anti-mafia policies and public goods in Italy
by Stefania Fontana - 0271 Global Value Chain resilience and reshoring during Covid-19: challenges in a post-covid world
by Enrico Marvasi - 0270 Undesired monetary policy effects in a bubbly economy
by Giuseppe Ciccarone & Francesco Giuli - 0269 A Functional Analysis of the Banking Industry
by Riccardo Zolea - 0268 Conflicts and natural disasters as drivers of forced migrations in a gravity-type approach
by Luca Buzzanca & Caterina Conigliani & Valeria Costantini - 0267 Subjective Income Risk And Precautionary Saving
by Mario Tirelli & Stefano Castaldo - 0266 Using the Value Added Tax for Redistributive Purposes in Italy: Is it Still Worth?
by Paolo Liberati & Federica Lanterna
- 0265 The Italian nominal interest rate conundrum: a problem of growth or public finance?
by Giovanni Carnazza & Nicola Caravaggio - 0264 Marx's Rate of Profit and the Theory of Labour values as Conservation Law
by Giovanni Scarano - 0263 Income-related inequality in smoking habits: A comparative assessment in the European Union
by Paolo Liberati & Giovanni Carnazza & Giuliano Resce - 0262 The cost channel of monetary policy: the case of the United States in the period 1959-2018
by Maria Chiara Cucciniello & Matteo Deleidi & Enrico Sergio Levrero - 0261 The challenging estimation of trade elasticities: Tackling the inconclusive Eurozone evidence
by Sascha Keil - 0260 COVID-19 epidemic and generational welfare
by Francesco Giuli & Giuseppe Ciccarone & Enrico Marchetti - 0259 Does the expansion of the service sector slow down productivity growth? An empirical assessment across eight developed economies
by Adrián Rial
- 0256 Finacialisation Of Non-Financial Corporations And Effective Demand: An Analysis Framework
by Giovanni Scarano - 0255 Financial Globalization Effects On Investment Decisions And Financialization Of Big Corporations
by Giovanni Scarano - 0254 Interest, profit and saving in Arrow-Debreu equilibrium models
by Saverio M. Fratini - 0252 The Role Of Public Procurement As Innovation Lever: Evidence From Italian Manufacturing Firms
by Francesco Crespi & Serenella Caravella - 0251 A voyage in the role of territory: are territories capable of instilling their peculiarities in local production systems
by Cristina Vaquero-Piñeiro
- 0250 Probability Forecasts and Prediction Markets
by Julia Mortera & A. Philip Dawid - 0249 R&D Financing And Growth
by Luca Spinesi & Mario Tirelli - 0248 Mission-Oriented Innovation Policies: A Theoretical And Empirical Assessment For The Us Economy
by Matteo Deleidi & Mariana Mazzucato - 0247 Public Investment Fiscal Multipliers: An Empirical Assessment For European Countries
by Enrico Sergio Levrero & Matteo Deleidi & Francesca Iafrate - 0246 Consumption Smoothing Channels Within And Between Households
by Simone Tedeschi & Luigi Ventura & Pierfederico Asdrubal - 0245 A critical analysis of the secular stagnation theory
by Stefano Di Bucchianico - 0244 Further evidence of the relationship between social transfers and income inequality in OECD countries
by Giorgio D'Agostino & Luca Pieroni & Margherita Scarlato - 0243 Capital accumulation and corporate portfolio choice between liquidity holdings and financialisation
by Giovanni Scarano
- 0242 China Syndrome Or Not? Labour Market Effects Of A Greater Trade Openness In Us Manufacturing
by Fabrizio Antenucci - 0241 From Long-Term Growth To Secular Stagnation. A Theoretical Comparison Between Régulation Theory, Marxist Approaches And Present Mainstream Interpretations
by Giovanni Scarano - 0240 Pc Complex: Pc Algorithm For Complex Survey Data
by Daniela Marella - 0239 Structural change, labour productivity and the Kaldor-Verdoorn law: evidence from European countries
by Matteo Deleidi & Walter Paternesi Meloni & Antonella Stirati - 0238 Value Added Trade Restrictiveness Indexes. Measuring Protection Within Global Value Chains
by Luca Salvatici & Alessandro Antimiani & Fusacchia Ilaria - 0237 Smokers Are Different: The Heterogeneity Of Smokers’ Responses To Price Increases
by Paolo Liberati & Francesco Crespi & Massimo Paradiso & Simone Tedeschi & Antonio Scialà - 0236 Some reflections on policy mix in the EU low-carbon strategy
by Massimiliano Corradini & Valeria Costantini & Anil Markandya & Elena Paglialunga & Giorgia Sforna - 0235 The Role Of The Utility Function In The Estimation Of Preference Parameters
by Daria Pignalosa - 0234 Capital-energy substitutability in manufacturing sectors: methodological and policy implications
by Valeria Costantini & Francesco Crespi & Elena Paglialunga - 0233 The Dialectical View Of Real And Financial Crises In Marx'S Thought
by Giovanni Scarano - 0232 Determinants Of Loan And Bad Loan Dynamics: Evidence From Italy
by Andrea Baldini
- 0231 Long-Term Stagnation And Financialisation. A Theoretical Comparison Between Kaleckian And Neo-Marxist Approaches
by Giovanni Scarano - 0230 Optimal Financial Contracts With Unobservable Investments
by Mario Tirelli - 0229 Is Marx’S Absolute Rent Due To A Monopoly Price?
by Saverio M. Fratini - 0228 Italy’S Participation In International Supply And Production Networks Using Value Added Trade Data
by Laura Dell'Agostino - 0227 The Employment Impact Of Private And Public Actions For Energy Efficiency: Evidence From European Industries
by Valeria Costantini & Francesco Crespi & Elena Paglialunga - 0226 Impact And Distribution Of Climatic Damages: A Methodological Proposal With A Dynamic Cge Model Applied To Global Climate Negotiations
by Valeria Costantini & Giorgia Sforna & Anil Markandya & Elena Paglialunga - 0225 Big Science, Learning And Innovation: Evidence From Cern Procurement
by Anna Giunta & Massimo Florio & Francesco Giffoni & Emanuela Sirtori - 0224 Graphical Models For Forensic Analysis
by Julia Mortera & A. Philip Dawid - 0223 Austerity & Competitiveness in the Eurozone: a misleading linkage
by Walter Paternesi Meloni - 0222 Land Inequality And Growth: Meta-Analysis And Relevance For Contemporary Development In Africa
by Nadia Cuffaro - 0221 Structural Change, Aggregate Demand And The Decline Of Labour Productivity: A Comparative Perspective
by Pasquale Tridico & Riccardo Pariboni - 0220 A Bootstrap Bias Correction Of Long Run Fourth Order Moment Estimation In The Cusum Of Squares Test
by Davide De Gaetano - 0219 Forecasting With Garch Models Under Structural Breaks: An Approach Based On Combinations Across Estimation Windows
by Davide De Gaetano - 0218 “Chaos” In Energy And Commodity Markets: A Controversial Matter
by Loretta Mastroeni & Pierluigi Vellucci - 0217 How Does Economic Social And Cultural Status Affect The Efficiency Of Educational Attainments? A Comparative Analysis On Pisa Results
by Paolo Liberati & Raffaele Lagravinese & Giuliano Resce - 0216 Prospect Theory And Self-Fulfilling Market Sentiments
by Giuseppe Ciccarone & Francesco Giuli & Enrico Marchetti - 0215 A Note on Prediction Markets
by Julia Mortera & A. Philip Dawid - 0214 L’Evoluzione Dei Tributi Locali In Italia Dall’Unificazione Al 1970: Politiche, Assetti Istituzionali E Gettito
by Antonio Di Majo & Elina De Simone
- 0213 Large Scale Land Investments And Forests In Africa
by Caterina Conigliani & Nadia Cuffaro & Giovanna D'Agostino - 0212 Multivariate Method Of Simulated Quantiles
by Paola Stolfi & Mauro Bernardi & Lea Petrella - 0211 Inequality, financialisation and economic decline
by Pasquale Tridico & Riccardo Pariboni - 0210 Gender Disparities In The South African Labour Market: The Impact Of The Child Support Grant
by Margherita Scarlato & Giorgio D'Agostino - 0209 “Butterfly Effect" vs Chaos in Energy Futures Markets
by Loretta Mastroeni & Pierluigi Vellucci - 0208 Forecast Combinations For Realized Volatility In Presence Of Structural Breaks
by Davide De Gaetano - 0207 Connections Between Corporate Governanc E, Corporate Savings And Business Cycles In The Economic Literature Around The Great Depression
by Giovanni Scarano - 0206 Eu Cohesion Policy In Context: Does A Bottom-Up Approach Work In All Regions?
by Riccardo Crescenzi & Mara Giua - 0205 Blue Chip Italian Bank Stocks: Chain Graph models for VAR And MARCH parameters shrinking
by Andrea Pierini - 0204 Does The one who pays the piper really call the tune? OECD and Chinese aid to infrastructure in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Daniele Pianeselli
- 0203 Using Google Trend Data To Predict The Italian Unemployment Rate
by Alessia Naccarato & Andrea Pierini & Stefano Falorsi - 0202 Exploring The Links Between Social Justice And Multidimensional Poverty Analysis: A Rawlsian Approach
by Francesca Tosi - 0201 The Rise Of Income Inequality In Oecd Countries
by Pasquale Tridico - 0200 Agricultural (Dis)Incentives and Food Security: is there a link?
by Emiliano Magrini & Silvia Nenci & Pierluigi Montalbano & Luca Salvatici - 0199 Improving Discretization Exploiting Dependence Structure
by Daniela Marella & Mauro Mezzini & Paola Vicard
- 0198 International Linkages, Value Added Trade and LAC Firms' Productivity
by Pierluigi Montalbano & Silvia Nenci & Carlo Pietrobelli - 0197 Spatial Discontinuity for the Impact Assessment of the EU Regional Policy. The Case of Italian Objective 1 Regions
by Mara Giua - 0196 Tax evasion and Prospect Theory in a OLG economy
by Francesco Busato & Francesco Giuli - 0195 The Gravitation of Market Prices as a Stochastic Process
by Saverio M. Fratini & Alessia Naccarato - 0194 The Tide That Does Not Raise All Boats: An Assessment of EU Preferential Trade Policies
by Maria Cipollina & David Laborde & Luca Salvatici - 0193 Evaluation of Credit Risk Under Correlated Defaults: The Cross-Entropy Simulation Approach
by Loretta Mastroeni & Giuseppe D'Acquisto & Maurizio Naldi - 0192 Maximum entropy estimator for the predictability of energy commodity market time series
by Francesco Benedetto & Gaetano Giunta & Loretta Mastroeni - 0191 Welfare models, inequality and economic performance during globalisation
by Pasquale Tridico - 0190 The positive theory of benefit taxation in the italian school of public finance
by Paolo Liberati & Massimo Paradiso - 0189 A suggestion for a multivariate concordance coefficient
by Silvia Terzi & Luca Moroni - 0188 Are the EU trade preferences really effective? A generalized propensity score evaluation of the Southern Mediterranea countries’ case in Agriculture and Fishery
by Pierluigi Montalbano & Silvia Nenci & Emiliano Magrini
- 0187 The structure of competitive equilibrium with unsecured debt
by Gaetano Bloise - 0186 Non-metric PLS path modling: integration into the labour market of sapienza graduates
by Francesca Petrarca - 0185 Il trasferimento forzato di popolazione dopo la guerraco-turca del 1921-1922 e il suo impatto sul paese ellenico
by Antonio Cortese - 0184 Administrative boundaries and homogeneus areas with respect to demographic features of resident population in Tuscany
by Alessia Naccarato & Benassi Federico - 0183 Imperfect rationality, macroeconomic equilibrium and price rigidities
by Giuseppe Ciccarone & Francesco Giuli - 0182 Capital accumulation and technical conditions along sustainable growth paths
by Giovanni Scarano - 0181 Quantity theory, say's law and effective demand in money theories
by Giovanni Scarano - 0180 A note on dummies for policies in gravity models: a Montecarlo experiment
by Maria Cipollina & Luca Salvatici & Luca De Benedictis & Claudio Vicarelli - 0179 At the Onset of the original capital accumulation
by Mauro Rota & Luca Spinesi - 0178 Is direct democracy a problem or a promise for fiscal outcomes? The case of the United States
by Agnese Sacchi & Aline Pennisi - 0177 Default dependence structure effects on the valuation of government guarantees
by Carlo Domenico Mottura & Luca Passalacqua - 0176 Do bilateral commercial relationships influence the distribution of CDM projects?
by Valeria Costantini & Giorgia Sforna - 0175 A review of the literature on well-being in Italy: A human development perspective
by Francesco Burchi & Chiara Gnesi - 0174 Object-oriented bayesian networks for complex quality management problems
by Flaminia Musella & Paola Vicard - 0173 Italy: From Economic Decline to the Current crisis
by Pasquale Tridico - 0172 Beyond growth and development: Buen Vivir as an alternative to current paradigms
by Salvatore Monni & Massimo Pallottino - 0171 Economic policy, democracy and all that in times of crisis
by Sebastiano Fadda - 0170 The impact of air pollution on Hospital admissions: evidence from Italy
by Raffaele Lagravinese & Lee Habin & Francesco Moscone & Eliza Tosetti
- 0169 R&D Incentives: The Effectiveness Of A Place-Based Policy
by Roberto Gabriele & Anna Giunta - 0168 A New Lp Model For Enhanced Indexation
by Renato Bruni & Francesco Cesarone & Andrea Scozzari & Fabio Tardella - 0167 Object-oriented bayesian networks for modelling the respondent measurement error
by Daniela Marella & Paola Vicard - 0166 Multivariate statistical analysis for portfolio selection of italian stock market
by Alessia Naccarato & Andrea Pierini - 0165 Standard needs of the italian primary schools
by Agnese Sacchi & Giuseppe Di Giacomo & Aline Pennisi - 0164 Le riforme dell'imposizione diretta sulle imprese italiane
by Francesco Crespi & Antonio Di Majo & Maria Grazia Pazienza - 0163 The world distribution of income and its inequality, 1970 - 2009
by Paolo Liberati - 0162 Real Wicksell effect, demand for capital and stability
by Saverio M. Fratini - 0161 Prince-setting, monetary policy and the contractionary effects of productivity improvements
by Francesco Giuli & Massimiliano Tancioni - 0160 The procompetitive interpretation of private law
by Francesco Longobucco - 0159 Underground labor, search frictions and macroeconomic fluctuations
by Giuseppe Ciccarone & Francesco Giuli - 0158 Assessing the co-operative's impact on people's well-being and community development: the case study of Coppalj, a co-operative located in Maranhão State, Brazil
by Sara Vicari & Pasquale De Muro - 0157 Spatio-Temporal weight with simultaneous effect for environmental data
by Alessia Naccarato - 0156 The co-operative as institution for human development
by Sara Vicari & Pasquale De Muro - 0155 A comprehensive anlysis of expenditure decentralization and of the composition of local public spending
by Agnese Sacchi & Simone Salotti - 0154 Exploring technology in the biofuels sector through patent data: the BioPat database
by Valeria Costantini & Francesco Crespi & Ylenia Curci - 0153 The impact of the economic crisis on the EU labour market: a comparative perspective
by Pasquale Tridico - 0152 European enlargement policy, technological capabilities and sectoral export dynamics
by Valeria Costantini & Francesco Crespi - 0151 The Meaning of the Long-Run Ratio of Saving to Social Income
by Attilio Trezzini - 0150 John Richard Hicks and the Rehabilitation of the Walrasian treatment of Capital
by Paolo Trabucchi - 0149 L'emigrazione italiana nell'Africa mediterranea
by Antonio Cortese - 0148 Employment theory in the History of Economic thought: an overview
by Antonella Stirati - 0147 Assessing the Trade Impact of the European Neighborhood Policy on EU-MED Free Trade Area
by Pierluigi Montalbano & Silvia Nenci - 0146 GDP and beyond: an implementation of welfare considerations to the distribution of earnings in Italy
by Paolo Liberati & Shlomo Yitzhaki - 0145 A Pls Path Model To Investigate The Relations Between Institutions And Human Development
by Silvia Terzi & Attilio Trezzini & Luca Moroni - 0144 Object-Oriented Bayesian Networks for a Decision Support System
by Julia Mortera & Paola Vicard & Cecilia Vergari
- 0143 Taxing international emissions trading
by Valeria Costantini & Alessio D'Amato & Chiara Martini & Maria Cristina Tommasino & Edilio Valentini & Mariangela Zoli - 0142 Income inequality, regional disparities and fiscal decentralization in industrialized countries
by Agnese Sacchi - 0141 Environmental and innovation performance in a dynamic impure public good framework
by Massimiliano Corradini & Valeria Costantini & Susanna Mancinelli & Massimiliano Mazzanti - 0140 Matthew effects and R&D subsidies: knowledge cumulability in high-tech and low-tech industries
by Francesco Crespi & Cristiano Antonelli - 0139 Learning a bayesian network from ordinal data
by Flaminia Musella - 0138 Innovation, Growth and Quality of Life: a Theoretical Model and an Estimate for the Italian Regions
by Giorgio D'Agostino & Margherita Scarlato - 0137 A new approach to the envelope theorem
by Francesco Ruscitti - 0136 Cooperative and non-cooperative solutions to carbon leakage
by Alessandro Antimiani & Valeria Costantini & Chiara Martini & Luca Salvatici - 0135 Technology transfer, institutions and development
by Valeria Costantini & Paolo Liberati - 0134 Agri-food exports and the enlarged european union
by Alessandro Antimiani & Anna Carbone & Valeria Costantini & Roberto Henke - 0133 Corruption and the effects of economic freedom
by Luca Pieroni & Giorgio D'Agostino - 0132 Synergies and conflicts between EU policies and the objective of territorial cohesion
by Riccardo Crescenzi & Fabrizio De Filippis & Fabio Pierangeli - 0131 On Local Environmental Protection
by Fabio Fiorillo & Agnese Sacchi - 0130 Global Imbalances, Declining Hegemony and the Need for a New Global Governance
by Pasquale Tridico - 0129 Varieties of capitalism and responses to the Financial Crisis: the European social Model versus the US Model
by Pasquale Tridico - 0128 The Hicks-Malinvaud average period of production and 'marginal productivity': a critical assessment
by Saverio M. Fratini - 0127 The mathematical framework underlying the "scenarios" approach for derivate transactions by italian local authorities
by Alessandra Carleo & Carlo Domenico Mottura & Luca Passalacqua - 0126 Informal social networks, organised crime and local labour market
by Antonella Mennella - 0125 Trade patterns and trade clusters: China, India, Brazil and South Africa in the global trading
by Silvia Nenci & Pierluigi Montalbano - 0124 On international risk sharing and financial globalization: some gloomy evidence
by Eleonora Pierucci & Luigi Ventura
- 0123 Tax Decentralisation and local Government size
by Paolo Liberati & Agnese Sacchi - 0122 Profilo dell'immigrazione egiziana in Italia
by Antonio Cortese - 0121 Institutions, Famine and Inequality
by Pasquale Tridico & Francesco Burchi - 0120 A systematic approach for valuing American-style installment options with continuous payment plan
by Pierangelo Ciurlia - 0119 Changes in Functional Income Distribution in Italy and Europe
by Antonella Stirati - 0118 Environmental Performance and Regional Innovation Spillovers
by Valeria Costantini & Massimiliano Mazzanti & Anna Montini - 0117 A comment on hollander on Sraffa and the 'Marxian dimension'
by Antonella Stirati - 0116 Interpretations of the Classic: The Theory of Wages
by Antonella Stirati - 0115 A systematic approach for valuing European-style installment options with continuous payment plan
by Pierangelo Ciurlia - 0114 Shifting the Focus from Paradigms to Goals: A New Approach Towards Defining and Assessing Wellbeing
by Salvatore Monni & Alessandro Spaventa - 0113 On the evaluation of European continuous-istallment options
by Pierangelo Ciurlia - 0112 Lo sviluppo del Mezzogiorno: come superare lo stallo?
by Margherita Scarlato - 0111 Trade performances and technology in the enlarged European Union
by Alessandro Antimiani & Valeria Costantini
- 0110 Tariff liberatization and the growth of word trade: A comparative historiocal analysis to evaluate the multilateral trading system
by Silvia Nenci - 0109 Indeterminacy of competitive equilibrium with risk of default
by Gaetano Bloise & Pietro Reichlin & Mario Tirelli - 0108 Nash equilibria of games with monotonic best replies
by Filippo L. Calciano - 0107 Flessibilità, sicurezza e ammortizzatori sociali in Italia
by Pasquale Tridico - 0106 Livello di sviluppo e processi demografici: un confronto fra Albania e Grecia dalla fine della seconda guerra mondiale ai nostri giorni
by Antonio Cortese - 0105 La rendita assoluta di Marx e le equazioni di prezzo di Sraffa
by Saverio M. Fratini - 0104 La riduzione del numero dei Comuni: un tema che meriterebbe maggiore attenzione
by Antonio Cortese - 0103 The distributive effects of carbon taxation in Italy
by Chiara Martini - 0102 The causality between energy consumption and economic growth: A multi-sectoral analysis using non-stationary cointegrated panel data
by Valeria Costantini & Chiara Martini - 0101 On the Contribution of Mother’s Education to Children’s Nutritional Capabilities in Mozambique
by Francesco Burchi - 0100 A Remark on Intensive Differential Rent and the Labour Theory of Value in Ricardo
by Saverio M. Fratini
- 0099 Derivati e enti locali: commissioni o ipotesi implicite? Il caso del Long Term Collar Swap
by Carlo Domenico Mottura - 0098 ICT adoption and diffusion in italian manufactoring firms
by Antonio Acconcia & Claudia Cantabene & Alfredo Del Monte - 0097 Divisione del lavoro, crescita e divari di performance nell'industria italiana degli anni '90
by Anna Giunta & Domenico Scalera & Annamaria Nifo - 0096 Alcune osservazioni sulla forma delle curve di domanda e offerta di capitale
by Saverio M. Fratini - 0095 Short period and long period in macroeconomics: an awkward distinction
by Eleonora Sanfilippo - 0094 A bayesian model averaging approach with non-informative priors for cost-effectiveness analyses in health economics
by Caterina Conigliani - 0093 A social welfare function characterizing competitive equilibria of incomplete financial markets
by Mario Tirelli & Sergio Turner - 0092 I metodi di stima del PIL potenziale tra fondamenti di Teoria economica e Contenuto empirico
by Antonella Palumbo - 0091 Knowledge-based economy and social exclusion: shadows and lights in the roman socio-economic model
by Pasquale De Muro & Salvatore Monni & Pasquale Tridico - 0090 Least orthogonal distance estimation of simultaneos equations: a simulation experiment
by Alessia Naccarato & Davide Zurlo - 0089 Asset prices, debt constraints and inefficiency
by Gaetano Bloise & Pietro Reichlin - 0088 Sulla trattazione del capitale negli economisti marginalisti: il capitale come grandezza singola in alcuni scritti dei primi anni trenta
by Paolo Trabucchi - 0087 L'analisi costi benefici applicata alle infrastrutture di trasporto
by Antonio Falvo & Alessio Marabucci - 0086 Constrained inefficiency in GEI: a geometric argument
by Mario Tirelli - 0085 Incomplete Financial Markets and Contingent Claim Pricing in a dual expected utility theory framework
by Massimiliano Corradini & Andrea Gheno - 0084 Cluster E Distretti Tecnologici: Modelli E Politiche
by Salvatore Monni & Alessandro Spaventa
- 0083 A Note On The Characterization Of Inefficiency In Stochastic Overlapping Generations Economies
by Gaetano Bloise & Filippo L. Calciano