2019, Volume 46, Issue 2
- 275-289 Barriers and facilitators of access to biological material for international research: The role of institutions and networks
by Federica Fusi & Eric W Welch & Michael Siciliano - 290-309 Absorptive capacity in New Zealand firms: Measurement and importance
by Richard Harris & Trinh Le - 310-320 Comparing the collaboration networks and productivity of China-born and US-born academic scientists
by Eric Joseph van Holm & Yonghong Wu & Eric W Welch
2019, Volume 46, Issue 1
- 1-12 Innovation intermediaries and performance-based incentives: A case study of regional innovation poles
by Margherita Russo & Annalisa Caloffi & Federica Rossi & Riccardo Righi - 13-27 Environmental science and policy: A meta-synthesis of case studies on boundary organizations and spanning processes
by Danielle K Jensen-Ryan & Laura A German - 28-44 Innovation system policy analysis through system dynamics modelling: A systematic review
by Mauricio Uriona & Sara S (Saartjie) Grobbelaar - 45-54 The funnel model of firms’ R&D cooperation with universities
by Sara Fernández-López & Nuria Calvo & David Rodeiro-Pazos - 55-70 A knowledge-based perspective on system weaknesses in technological innovation systems
by Johan Frishammar & Patrik Söderholm & Hans Hellsmark & Johanna Mossberg - 71-80 Research funding’s ‘endorsement effect’ on scientific boundary work and research production: Government legitimization of alternative medicine
by Ryan Whalen - 81-90 From pure science to participatory knowledge production? Researchers’ perceptions on science–policy interface in bioenergy policy
by Sanna-Riikka Saarela - 91-104 China’s patent promotion policies and its quality implications
by Cheryl Xiaoning Long & Jun Wang - 105-115 Performance-based research funding in EU Member States—a comparative assessment
by Thomas Zacharewicz & Benedetto Lepori & Emanuela Reale & Koen Jonkers - 116-125 The contract between science and society: A South African case study
by Michael Kahn - 126-135 Research network emergence: Societal issues in nanotechnology and the center for nanotechnology in society
by Jan Youtie & Philip Shapira & Michael Reinsborough & Erik Fisher - 136-147 Policies and patenting to stimulate the biotechnology sector: Evidence from The Netherlands
by Peter van Dongen & Hester Tak & Eric Claassen - 148-153 Practical tips to establish an actionable science portfolio for climate adaptation
by Gustavo A Bisbal - 154-158 Williams and Morrone misunderstand and inadvertently support my argument: Mexico’s SNI systematically steers ecological research
by Mark W Neff - 159-159 Setting up a dynamic framework to activate gender equality structural transformation in research organizations
by Evanthia Kalpazidou Schmidt & Marina Cacace
2018, Volume 45, Issue 6
- 749-751 Introduction to a special section: Balancing scientific and societal impact—A challenging agenda for academic research
by Irene Ramos-Vielba & Pablo D’Este & Richard Woolley & Nabil Amara - 752-763 How do researchers generate scientific and societal impacts? Toward an analytical and operational framework
by Pablo D’Este & Irene Ramos-Vielba & Richard Woolley & Nabil Amara - 775-789 The evaluation of research excellence and the dynamics of knowledge production in the humanities: The case of history in Spain
by Carolina Cañibano & Immaculada Vilardell & Carmen Corona & Carlos Benito-Amat - 790-803 Scientists’ engagement in knowledge transfer and exchange: Individual factors, variety of mechanisms and users
by Oscar Llopis & Mabel Sánchez-Barrioluengo & Julia Olmos-Peñuela & Elena Castro-Martínez - 804-814 Scientific knowledge percolation process and social impact: A case study on the biotechnology and microbiology perceptions on Twitter
by Beatriz Barros & Ana Fernández-Zubieta & Raul Fidalgo-Merino & Francisco Triguero - 827-842 The link between technology transfer and international extension of university patents: Evidence from Spain
by Catalina Martinez & Lydia Bares - 843-852 From marginal to mainstream: The revival, transformation, and boom of plant medicine
by David Sarpong & David Botchie & Bidit Dey - 875-883 The role of knowledge spillovers on the university spin-offs innovation
by María Jesús Rodríguez-Gulías & Sara Fernández-López & David Rodeiro-Pazos & Christian Corsi & Antonio Prencipe
2018, Volume 45, Issue 4
- 433-434 ‘The next generation of innovation policy: Directionality and the role of demand-oriented instruments’—Introduction to the special section
by Jakob Edler & Wouter P Boon - 435-447 Demand, challenges, and innovation. Making sense of new trends in innovation policy
by Wouter Boon & Jakob Edler - 448-454 Next-Generation Innovation Policy and Grand Challenges
by Stefan Kuhlmann & Arie Rip - 455-467 Influencing the direction of innovation processes: the shadow of authorities in demand articulation
by Haico te Kulve & Wouter Boon & Kornelia Konrad & Tjerk Jan Schuitmaker - 468-479 Governing socio-technical change: Orchestrating demand for assisted living in ageing societies
by Markus M Bugge & Lars Coenen & Are Branstad - 480-492 Public procurement of innovation: a review of rationales, designs, and contributions to grand challenges
by Julien Chicot & Mireille Matt - 493-502 Public procurement for innovation to help meet societal challenges: a review and case study
by Joeri H Wesseling & Charles Edquist - 503-514 Universities as celebrities? How the media select information from a large research assessment exercise
by Brigida Blasi & Sandra Romagnosi & Andrea Bonaccorsi - 515-532 The impact of subsidies for researchers on the gender scientific productivity gap
by Diego Aboal & Maren Vairo - 533-542 Firms’ Absorptive Capacity for Research-Based Collaboration—an Analysis of a Norwegian R&D Brokering Policy Program
by Ann Camilla Schulze-Krogh - 543-552 Centres of Excellence and Capacity Building: from Strategy to Impact
by Tomas Hellström - 553-564 University–industry collaboration within the triple helix of innovation: The importance of mutuality
by Paul Jackson & Reza Kiani Mavi & Yuliani Suseno & Craig Standing - 565-578 Professionalization of bibliometric research assessment. Insights from the history of the Leiden Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS)
by Sabrina Petersohn & Thomas Heinze - 579-590 A systematic literature review of UK university–industry collaboration for knowledge transfer: A future research agenda
by Thais Elaine Vick & Maxine Robertson - 591-592 Universities and the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem By David B. Audretsch and Albert N. Link
by Susan M Fitzpatrick - 592-594 The Life Cycle of Clusters: A Policy Perspective Edited by Dirk Fornahl
by Zafer Sonmez - 595-595 Universities and the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
by Susan M Fitzpatrick - 596-596 Professionalization of bibliometric research assessment. Insights from the history of the Leiden Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS)
by Sabrina Petersohn & Thomas Heinze
2018, Volume 45, Issue 2
- 143-150 Towards evidence-based industrial research and innovation policy
by Mafini Dosso & Ben R Martin & Pietro Moncada-Paternò-Castello - 151-158 Knowledge properties and economic policy: A new look
by Cristiano Antonelli - 159-174 The dual impact of ‘excellent’ research on science and innovation: the case of Europe
by Koen Jonkers & Frédérique Sachwald - 175-190 Innovation and productivity in a science-and-technology intensive sector: Information industries in Spain
by Néstor Duch-Brown & Andrea de Panizza & Ibrahim Kholilul Rohman - 191-201 Publication incentives undermine the utility of science: Ecological research in Mexico
by Mark W Neff - 202-210 Boundary Objects As Facilitators in Sustainable Building Research
by Thomas Berker & Ann Kristin Kvellheim - 211-220 Towards Transdisciplinarity: a Water Research Programme in Transition
by Stijn Brouwer & Chris Büscher & Laurens K Hessels - 221-231 Triple Helix Model and Institutional Logics in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone
by Cui Liu & Yuzhuo Cai - 232-245 Different recipes for the same dish: Comparing policies for scientific excellence across different countries
by Leon Cremonini & Edwin Horlings & Laurens K Hessels - 246-256 On The Route Towards Renewal? The Polish Academy Of Sciences In Post-Socialist Context
by Steffi Heinecke - 257-268 Policy for Evolution of Regional Innovation Systems: The Role of Social Capital and Regional Particularities
by Rune Njøs & Stig-Erik Jakobsen - 269-282 The supply of high-quality entrepreneurs in developing countries: evidence from Nigeria
by Adedayo O Olofinyehun & Caleb M Adelowo & Abiodun A Egbetokun - 283-284 Shifting Practices: Reflections on Technology, Practice, and Innovation
by Yana Boeva - 284-285 Knowledge for Sale: The Neoliberal Takeover of Higher Education
by Josh Trapani - 286-287 Climate-resilient development: Linking climate adaptation and economic development
by Ritwick Ghosh - 287-289 Return entrepreneurs: bind and impact
by Li Tang - 289-290 The Long Arm of Moore’s Law: Microelectronics and American Science
by Travis Doom
2018, Volume 45, Issue 1
- 1-13 Academic top earners. Research productivity, prestige generation, and salary patterns in European universities
by Marek Kwiek - 14-23 European Paradox or Delusion—Are European Science and Economy Outdated?
by Alonso Rodríguez-Navarro & Francis Narin - 24-35 Translational research in the science policy debate: a comparative analysis of documents
by Clemens Blümel - 36-44 Expert views on innovation and bureaucratization of science: Semantic network analysis of discourses on scientific governance
by Leo Dhohoon Kim & Deok-Ho Jang - 45-52 The regulation of risk: the case of fracking in the UK and the Netherlands
by Alan Patterson & Craig McLean - 53-73 Collaborative knowledge-driven governance: Types and mechanisms of collaboration between science, social science, and local knowledge
by Lihua Yang - 74-82 Research in Arabic-speaking countries: Funding competitions, international collaboration, and career incentives
by Bruce Currie-Alder & Rigas Arvanitis & Sari Hanafi - 83-91 Toward an assessment of the US Small Business Innovation Research Program at the National Institutes of Health
by Albert N Link & John T Scott - 92-102 Life scientists’ views and perspectives on the regulation of dual-use research of concern
by Sabrina Engel-Glatter & Marcello Ienca - 103-116 Plans versus experiences in transitioning transnational education into research and economic development: a case study
by Jon Schmid & Sergey A Kolesnikov & Jan Youtie - 117-123 Co-authorship as a proxy for collaboration: a cautionary tale
by Michael Kahn - 124-133 How scientists advising the European Commission on research priorities view climate engineering proposals
by Raffael Himmelsbach - 134-135 Mobile Phones & Literacy: Empowerment in Women's Hands: a Cross-case Analysis of Nine Experiences
by Meaghan Brierley & Melanie Walker - 135-137 Missing in action: Agency
by Stephan Gutzeit - 137-139 The End of Ownership: Personal Property in the Digital Economy
by Ryan Hagen - 139-140 Academic Diary: Or Why Higher Education Still Matters
by Aviram Sharma - 141-141 Specificity and pervasiveness of dialogues in science, technology, and innovation policies in Spain
by Isabel Álvarez & Myrna Juan & Celia Torrecillas - 142-142 University–industry collaboration within the triple helix of innovation: The importance of mutuality
by Paul Jackson & Reza Kiani Mavi & Yuliani Suseno & Craig Standing
2017, Volume 44, Issue 6
- 739-752 Compositional dynamics of multilevel innovation platforms in agricultural research for development
by Dieuwke Lamers & Marc Schut & Laurens Klerkx & Piet van Asten - 753-762 Projecting and producing ‘usefulness’ of biomedical research infrastructures; or why the Singapore Tissue Network closed
by Erik Aarden - 763-774 Attracting foreign R&D through international centres of excellence: early experiences from Chile
by Laurens Klerkx & José Guimón - 775-788 More than research intermediaries: a descriptive study of the impact and value of learned societies in the UK social sciences
by Michael Hewitt & Robert Dingwall & Ilke Turkmendag - 789-801 The perceived impact of four funding streams on academic research production in Nordic countries: the perspectives of system actors†
by Olivier Bégin-Caouette & Evanthia Kalpazidou Schmidt & Cynthia C Field - 802-820 Strategic behaviour of research groups within the entrepreneurial university policy rhetoric: the Estonian biotechnology sector
by Margit Kirs & Erkki Karo & Priit Lumi - 821-833 Advisory commissions, academic expertise and democratic legitimacy: the case of Norway
by Johan Christensen & Cathrine Holst - 834-854 Influences of academic institutional factors on R&D funding for graduate students
by Alexandra Graddy-Reed & Lauren Lanahan & Nicole M V Ross - 855-864 Understanding the infrastructure of European Research Infrastructures—The case of the European Social Survey (ESS-ERIC)
by Maria Duclos Lindstrøm & Kristoffer Kropp - 865-875 Inconsistencies in the Governance of Interdisciplinarity: the Case of the Italian Higher Education System
by Davide Donina & Marco Seeber & Stefano Paleari - 876-877 Concise Guide to Entrepreneurship, Technology and Innovation
by Imogen Wade - 877-879 Assessing the Societal Implications of Emerging Technologies: Anticipatory Governance in Practice
by Shannon N Conley - 879-880 Portfolio Society: On the Capitalist Mode of Prediction
by Jakub P Hlávka - 880-882 Why Are We Waiting?: The Logic, Urgency, and Promise of Tackling Climate Change
by Anna P Goldstein - 883-886 “The Politics of Pure Science” Revisited
by David Kaldewey & Désirée Schauz
2017, Volume 44, Issue 5
- 599-608 From thematic to organizational prioritization: the challenges of implementing RDI priorities
by Tomas Hellström & Merle Jacob & Karolin Sjöö - 609-619 Human and social capital determinants of translational activity in medical sciences
by KyungWoo Kim & Eric W. Welch & Timothy Johnson - 620-630 Technology policy, technology strategy and innovation performance: evidence from Chinese aircraft and spacecraft manufacturing
by Yang Yang & Jin Hong & Ge Song & Song Hong - 631-644 Commercialising university inventions for sustainability—a case study of (non-)intermediating ‘cleantech’ at Aalto University
by Paula Kivimaa & Wouter Boon & Riina Antikainen - 645-655 Moving towards Mode 2? Evidence-based policy-making and the changing conditions for educational research in Germany
by Mike Zapp & Justin J. W. Powell - 656-669 Beyond catch-up—can a new innovation policy help China overcome the middle income trap?
by Xielin Liu & Sylvia Schwaag Serger & Ulrike Tagscherer & Amber Y. Chang - 670-682 Inventor mobility and the geography of knowledge flows: evidence from the US biopharmaceutical industry
by Zafer Sonmez - 683-697 Determinants of grant decisions in R&D subsidy programmes: Evidence from firms and S&T organisations in Portugal
by Ana M. Silva & Sandra T. Silva & Anabela Carneiro - 698-706 Disrupting regulation: understanding industry engagement on endocrine-disrupting chemicals
by Brett Aho - 707-721 Island + Bridge: how transformative innovation is organized in the federal government
by Avery Sen - 722-723 Follow the Money: Funding Research in a Large Academic Health Center
by Susan M. Fitzpatrick - 723-725 Understanding the economics of the Internet and the economic processes of the e-businesses
by Anup Kumar Das - 725-726 A World to Live In: An Ecologist’s Vision for a Plundered Planet
by Anshu Ogra - 726-727 An international exploration of university–industry links
by André Luiz Sica de Campos - 728-729 Bridging gaps and squaring circles: attempts at a cross-European technology assessment
by Karen Kastenhofer - 730-737 A perspective on ‘Big Data’
by Fred Phillips
2017, Volume 44, Issue 4
- 451-463 Evolution of interdisciplinary collaboration: what are stimulating conditions?
by Jurian Edelenbos & Nanny Bressers & Lieselot Vandenbussche - 464-475 Beyond the digital divide: Towards a situated approach to open data
by Louise M. Bezuidenhout & Sabina Leonelli & Ann H. Kelly & Brian Rappert - 476-485 From the idea of scale to the idea of agency: An actor-network theory perspective on policy development for renewable energy
by Marfuga Iskandarova - 486-496 The effects of funding and co-authorship on research performance in a small scientific community
by Franc Mali & Toni Pustovrh & Rok Platinovšek & Luka Kronegger & Anuška Ferligoj - 497-512 R&D Programmes, Policy Mix, and the ‘European Paradox’: Evidence from European SMEs
by Dragana Radicic & Geoffrey Pugh - 513-523 Quality monitoring in transition: The challenge of evaluating translational research programs in academic biomedicine
by Alexander D. Rushforth & Sarah de Rijcke - 524-534 A fragile transparency: satellite imagery analysis, non-state actors, and visual representations of security
by Nina Witjes & Philipp Olbrich - 535-545 All different? All equal? differentiation of universities’ mission statements and excellence initiatives in Germany
by Jens Jungblut & Marc Jungblut - 546-555 Decentralisation as substantial and institutional policy change: scrutinising the regionalisation of science policy in Norway
by Kristoffer Kolltveit & Jostein Askim - 556-564 Wonks and geeks: examining commercial technology stakeholders’ perceptions of and interactions with public policy
by Lillian Ablon & Andrea A. Golay - 565-577 A comparison of university technology transfer offices’ commercialization strategies in the Scandinavian countries
by Lars Bengtsson - 578-598 Ethics, Environmental Justice and Climate Change
by John W. Sutherlin - 579-580 Smart Technologies and the End(s) of Law
by Beth-Anne Schuelke-Leech - 580-582 Towards strengthening European scientific elite?
by Inga Ulnicane - 583-597 Beyond the dichotomy of instrumentality and non-instrumentality of knowledge production: The case of generation challenge programme
by Soutrik Basu & Joost Jongerden & Guido Ruivenkamp - 598-598 The perceived impact of four funding streams on academic research production in Nordic countries: the perspectives of system actors†
by Olivier Bégin-Caouette & Evanthia Kalpazidou Schmidt & Cynthia C. Field
2017, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 303-316 Lyme disease in the Dutch policy context: patient consultation in government research agenda setting
by Willemijn M. den Oudendammer & Jacqueline E.W. Broerse - 317-327 Nanoscientists and political involvement: Which characteristics make scientists more likely to support engagement in political debates?
by Youngjae Kim & Elizabeth A. Corley & Dietram A. Scheufele - 328-340 Can Research, Development, and Innovation Policies Cross Borders? The Case of Nordic–Baltic Region
by Piret Tõnurist & Rainer Kattel - 341-353 Invisible Constraints: The Relationship among Non-Competition Agreements, Inventor Mobility, and Patent Commercialization
by Hsini Huang - 354-368 Unfolding policies for innovation intermediaries in China: A discourse network analysis
by Chadwick (Chengwei) Wang & Luhao Wang - 369-381 Ethics of Emerging Information and Communication Technologies
by Bernd Carsten Stahl & Job Timmermans & Catherine Flick - 382-391 Policy learning and smart specialization: balancing policy change and continuity for new regional industrial paths
by Jerker Moodysson & Michaela Trippl & Elena Zukauskaite - 392-402 Make it work!—a study of user innovation in Russia
by Konstantin Fursov & Thomas Wolfgang Thurner - 403-416 Comparative Analysis of R&D-Based Innovation Capabilities in SMEs to Design Innovation Policy
by Chanwoo Cho & Sun Young Park & Jong Ku Son & Sungjoo Lee - 417-427 Policy coordination challenges in governments’ innovation policy—The case of Ontario, Canada
by Merli Tamtik - 428-429 Handbook for Science Public Information Officers
by Tess Laidlaw - 429-431 The Rise of the City: Spatial Dynamics in the Urban Century (New Horizons in Regional Science series)
by Ramya Swayamprakash - 431-432 Big Pharma, Women and the Labour of Love
by Ericka Johnson - 432-433 National Innovation Systems, Social Inclusion And Development: The Latin American Experience
by Stelvia Matos - 434-439 Enhancing research with Plenary Labs
by Pawan Sinha & Peter Bex & Margaret Kjelgaard & Flip Phillips - 440-449 Mapping the human brain: comparing the US and EU Grand Challenges†
by Dolores Modic & Maryann P. Feldman
2017, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 153-162 Overcoming the triple helix boundaries in an environmental research collaboration
by Joacim Rosenlund & Erik Rosell & William Hogland - 163-173 The challenges of enhancing collaboration in life science clusters: Lessons from Chicago, Copenhagen and Singapore
by Sarah Giest - 174-185 Universities, knowledge exchange and policy: A comparative study of Ireland and the UK
by Qiantao Zhang & Charles Larkin & Brian M. Lucey - 186-198 Incentivizing research collaboration using performance-based reward systems
by Do Han Kim & Hee-Je Bak - 199-210 Knowledge acquisition by university researchers through company collaborations: Evidence from South Korea
by Martin Hemmert - 211-224 Socio-technical change linking expectations and representations: Innovating thermal treatment of municipal solid waste
by Les Levidow & Paul Upham - 225-234 The UK’s 2012 Climate Change Risk Assessment: How the rational assessment of science develops policy-based evidence
by Peter Tangney - 235-245 The complex relationship between academic engagement and research output: Evidence from Italy
by Alessandro Muscio & Laura Ramaciotti & Ugo Rizzo - 246-258 Measuring the productivity of national R&D systems: Challenges in cross-national comparisons of R&D input and publication output indicators
by Dag. W. Aksnes & Gunnar Sivertsen & Thed N. van Leeuwen & Kaja K. Wendt - 259-273 The effectiveness of social science research in addressing societal problems: Broadening participation in computing
by Joshua L. Rosenbloom & Donna K. Ginther - 274-283 EU Research and Innovation Policies as Factors of Convergence or Divergence after the Crisis
by Kincsö Izsak & Slavo Radošević - 284-293 Quantifying ‘Output’ for Evaluation: Administrative Knowledge Politics and Changing Epistemic Cultures in Dutch Law Faculties
by Wolfgang Kaltenbrunner & Sarah de Rijcke - 294-298 A new direction for innovation studies? Reconciling the ordinary and the extraordinary
by Richard Hawkins - 298-300 Managing Emerging Technologies for Socio-Economic Impact, edited by Dimitris G. Assimakopoulos, Ilan Oshri and Krsto Pandza
by Deborah D. Stine - 300-302 Understanding the dynamics of global entrepreneurship
by Anup Kumar Das
2017, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 1-12 Perceived career prospects and their influence on the sector of employment of recent PhD graduates
by Cathelijn J. F. Waaijer - 13-25 Business incubators in a developing economy: Evidence from Brazil's northeast region
by Ido Alon & Manuel Mira Godinho - 26-36 Universities and innovation in informal settings: Evidence from case studies in South Africa
by Glenda Kruss & Michael Gastrow - 37-49 Collaboration in science and technology organizations of the public sector: A network perspective
by Bruna P. F. Fonseca & Elton Fernandes & Marcus V. A. Fonseca - 50-64 International collaboration and knowledge creation: Evidence from economics in Portuguese academia
by Nelson Sá & Ana Paula Ribeiro & Vítor Carvalho - 65-74 Early social science research about Big Data
by Jan Youtie & Alan L. Porter & Ying Huang - 75-94 Globalization of innovation production: A patent-based industry analysis
by Jérôme Danguy - 95-110 Access to knowledge and catch-up: Exploring some intellectual property rights data from Brazil and South Korea
by Tulio Chiarini & Marcia Siqueira Rapini & Leandro Alves Silva - 111-120 Determinants of external patenting behavior among university scientists
by Christopher S. Hayter & Mary K. Feeney - 121-131 Market failure in the diffusion of clinician-developed innovations: The case of off-label drug discoveries
by Eric von Hippel & Harold DeMonaco & Jeroen P. J. de Jong - 132-145 Studies of national research performance: A case of ‘methodological nationalism’ and ‘zombie science’?
by Mads P. Sørensen & Jesper Wiborg Schneider - 146-147 Sustaining Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functions: Economic Issues by Clement A. Tisdell
by Alex Kent - 147-148 The University and the Economyby Aldo Geuna and Federica Rossi
by Margaret E. Blume-Kohout - 149-150 Tunnel Visions: The Rise and Fall of the Superconducting Super Collider
by Olof Hallonsten - 150-151 American Environmental Policy: The Failures of Compliance, Abatement and Mitigation
by Aviram Sharma
2016, Volume 43, Issue 4
- 451-453 Guest editorial: Comparing low-carbon innovation paths in Asia and Europe
by Tilman Altenburg & Ambuj Sagar & Hubert Schmitz & Lan Xue - 454-463 Innovation paths in Europe and Asia: Divergence or convergence?
by Hubert Schmitz & Tilman Altenburg - 464-475 The emergence of electromobility: Comparing technological pathways in France, Germany, China and India
by Tilman Altenburg & Eike W. Schamp & Ankur Chaudhary - 476-491 Comparing the knowledge bases of wind turbine firms in Asia and Europe: Patent trajectories, networks, and globalisation
by Yuan Zhou & Xin Li & Rasmus Lema & Frauke Urban - 492-504 Divergent technological strategies among leading electric vehicle firms in China: Multiplicity of institutional logics and responses of firms
by Qunhong Shen & Kaidong Feng & Xiaobin Zhang - 505-517 Skills and social insurance: Evidence from the relative persistence of innovation during the financial crisis in Europe
by Andrea Filippetti & Frederick Guy - 518-531 Research funding and national academic performance: Examination of a Danish success story
by Kaare Aagaard & Jesper W. Schneider - 532-545 Are ‘the best’ foreign subsidiaries cooperating for innovation with local partners? The case of an intermediate country
by Antonio García Sánchez & José Molero & Ruth Rama - 546-561 The Emperor’s clothes and the Pied Piper: Bureaucracy and scientific productivity
by Remo Fernández-Carro & Víctor Lapuente-Giné - 562-574 How smart is specialisation? An analysis of specialisation patterns in knowledge production
by Gaston Heimeriks & Pierre-Alexandre Balland - 575-576 Practical reason
by Stephan Gutzeit - 576-578 Corporate Venturing: Organizing for Innovation by Jessica van den Bosch and Geert Duysters
by Jonathon Mote - 578-579 Africa: Why Economists Get it Wrong By Morten Jerven
by Thomas S. Woodson - 580-580 Erratum
by Rasmus Lema & Ambuj Sagar & Yuan Zhou
2016, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 301-319 The combined effects of age and seniority on research performance of full professors
by Giovanni Abramo & Ciriaco Andrea D’Angelo & Gianluca Murgia - 320-331 Gender and patterns of temporary mobility among researchers
by Carolina Cañibano & Mary Frank Fox & F. Javier Otamendi - 332-337 Too big to innovate? Exploring organizational size and innovation processes in scientific research
by Jonathon Mote & Gretchen Jordan & Jerald Hage & Wilbur Hadden & Aleia Clark - 338-351 Signaling and accrediting new technology: Use of procurement for innovation in China
by Yanchao Li & Luke Georghiou - 352-362 Moral hazard and adverse selection in research funding: Centres of excellence in Norway and Sweden
by Siri Brorstad Borlaug - 363-374 Resilient science: The civic epistemology of disaster risk reduction
by Amy Donovan & Clive Oppenheimer - 375-385 How venture capitalists decide which new medical technologies come to exist
by P. Lehoux & F. A. Miller & G. Daudelin & D. R. Urbach - 386-399 Limits to meritocracy? Gender in academic recruitment and promotion processes
by Mathias W. Nielsen - 400-413 Convergence or divergence? Wind power innovation paths in Europe and Asia
by Rasmus Lema & Ambuj Sagar & Yuan Zhou - 414-428 Incentives and barriers for R&D-based SMEs to participate in European research programs: An empirical assessment for the Netherlands
by Jan Faber & Jaco van Dijk & Frank van Rijnsoever - 429-430 Innovating in Urban Economies: Economic Transformation in Canadian City-Regions edited by David A. Wolfe
by Bradley Keelor - 430-431 Chemicals without Harm: Policies for a Sustainable World by Ken Geiser
by Sean Ferguson