2022, Volume 49, Issue 5
- 751-764 Supporting health researchers to realize meaningful patient involvement in research: Exploring researchers’ experiences and needs
[New Requirements for Patient and Public Involvement Statements in BMJ Open]
by Simone Harmsen & Carina A C M Pittens & Eva Vroonland & Annemiek J M L van Rensen & Jacqueline E W Broerse - 765-780 Disciplining interdisciplinarity: Infrastructure, identity, and interdisciplinary practice in nanoELSI research
[Interdisciplinary Promises versus Practices in Medicine: The Decoupled Experiences of Social Sciences and Humanities Scholars]
by Sharon Tsai-hsuan Ku & Stephen Zehr - 781-790 Working with curiosity: Knowledge transfer practitioners’ ambivalence at CERN
[Between Relevance and Excellence? Research Impact Agenda and the Production of Policy Knowledge]
by Chih-wei Yeh - 791-800 Can transparency undermine peer review? A simulation model of scientist behavior under open peer review
[Reviewing Peer Review]
by ederico Bianchi & Flaminio Squazzoni - 801-805 Perspective on research–policy interface as a partnership: The study of best practices in CREATE
[Bridging the Research-Practice Gap]
by Adriana Banozic-Tang & Araz Taeihagh - 806-817 Use of science in public policy: Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic efforts to ‘Follow the Science’
[Health-protective Behaviour, Social Media Usage and Conspiracy Belief during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency]
by Barry Bozeman
2022, Volume 49, Issue 4
- 553-560 Economic incentive instruments and environmental innovation in China: Moderating effect of marketization
[Incentives for Environmental Self-regulation and Implications for Environmental Performance]
by Siying Long & Zhongju Liao - 561-572 Situated gender equality in regional research and innovation: Collaborative knowledge production
[Policies as Gendering Practices: Re-Viewing Categorical Distinctions]
by Marja Vehviläinen & Liekki Valaskivi - 573-579 The spatial distribution of public support for AI research
[Agglomeration and Productivity: Evidence from Firm-Level Data]
by Farhat Chowdhury & Albert N Link & Martijn van Hasselt - 580-582 Partial lottery can make grant allocation more fair, more efficient, and more diverse
[Mavericks and lotteries]
by Serge P J M Horbach & Joeri K Tijdink & Lex M Bouter - 583-597 Unboxing knowledge in collaboration between academia and society: A story about conceptions and epistemic uncertainty
[De-essentializing the Knowledge Intensive Firm: Reflections on Skeptical Research Going against the Mainstream]
by Anna Jonsson & Maria Grafström & Mikael Klintman - 598-608 Online platforms for research data: A requirements and cost analysis
[Petrel: A Programmatically Accessible Research Data Service]
by Rebecca Reichenbach & Christoph Eberl & Jörg Lindenmeier - 609-620 How universities influence societal impact practices: Academics’ sense-making of organizational impact strategies
[Between Relevance and Excellence? Research Impact Agenda and the Production of Policy Knowledge]
by Stefan P L de Jong & Corina Balaban - 621-631 The other side of the boundary: Productive interactions seen from the policy side
[Rethinking Policy ‘Impact’: Four Models of Research-Policy Relations]
by Silje Maria Tellmann & Magnus Gulbrandsen - 632-642 Factors enabling social impact: The importance of institutional entrepreneurship in social science research
[Institutional Entrepreneurship and Organizational Innovation: The Start-Up of a Divergent New Venture at the Periphery of a Mature Field]
by Emanuela Reale - 643-645 From ‘productive interactions’ to ‘enabling conditions’: The role of organizations in generating societal impact of academic research
[One Size Does Not Fit All! New Perspectives on the University in the Social Knowledge Economy]
by Stefan P L de Jong & Corina Balaban & Maria Nedeva - 646-658 Is renewable energy more favorable to diversity than conventional energy sources on R&D performance?
[Protecting Intellectual Property to Enhance Firm Performance: Does It Work for SMEs]
by Dohyoung Kim & Junseok Hwang
2022, Volume 49, Issue 3
- 365-377 Research funding randomly allocated? A survey of scientists’ views on peer review and lottery
by Axel Philipps - 378-381 Retraction in the online world—Shall we rethink the policy?
by Piotr Rzymski - 382-402 What is behind multiple institutional affiliations in academia?
by Hanna Hottenrott & Cornelia Lawson - 403-413 Evolution of the emergency drug innovation network and policy implications: Evidence from COVID-19 drug patents
by Qing Xia & Lanjian Liu & Xiaoping Li - 414-426 Designing a business intelligence system to support industry analysis and innovation policy
by Seonjae Lee & Daehyeon Lim & Youngsu Moon & Hoshin Lee & Sungjoo Lee - 427-440 Determinants of innovation and interactive learning in informal manufacturing enterprises in India
by K Chandra Shekar & K J Joseph - 441-459 How policies emerge and interact with each other? A bibliometric analysis of policies in China
by Chao Zhang & Jiancheng Guan - 460-473 A bibliometric study on the R&D funding and academic research performance in Shenzhen
by Yawen Zou - 474-487 Channels to shape procurement decision-making of public organisations for innovation through framework conditions
by Jing Liu & Xiaoling Kang & Xia Zhang & Xing Chen - 488-498 On the boundary of services and research collaborations in Japanese state-of-the-art academic research infrastructures
by Takashi Onoda & Yasunobu Ito - 499-517 Democratic and expert legitimacy: Science, politics and the public during the COVID-19 pandemic
by Peter Weingart & François van Schalkwyk & Lars Guenther - 518-531 What counts: Making sense of metrics of research value
by Kate Williams - 532-551 Are there political cycles hidden inside collaborative innovation efficiency? An empirical study based on Chinese cities
by Fei Fan & Xuerong Zhang & Xueli Wang
2022, Volume 49, Issue 2
- 159-167 The role of Universities in Transformative Innovation Policy
[Living Lab: An Open and Citizen-centric Approach for Innovation]
by Rachel Parker & Petra Lundgren - 168-178 Impacts for whom? Assessing inequalities in NSF-funded broader impacts using the Inclusion-Immediacy Criterion
[The Role of Governance in Mobile Phones for Inclusive Human Development in Sub-Saharan Africa]
by Thomas Woodson & Sophia Boutilier - 179-190 Systems of innovation, diversification, and the R&D trap: A case study of Kuwait
[Building Technological Capability in the Less Developed Countries: The Role of a National System of Innovation]
by Husam Arman & Simona Iammarino & J Eduardo Ibarra-Olivo & Neil Lee - 191-200 Taking the pulse of science diplomacy and developing practices of valuation
[The Perverse Effects of Competition on Scientists’ Work and Relationships]
by Tim Flink - 201-218 What motivates academics for external engagement? Exploring the effects of motivational drivers and organizational fairness
[The Nature of Academic Entrepreneurship in the UK: Widening the Focus on Entrepreneurial Activities]
by Kwadwo Atta-Owusu & Rune Dahl Fitjar - 219-245 Capturing the invisible. Sociotechnical imaginaries of energy. The critical overview
[School of Social Sciences Working Papers Series, vol. 67. Cardiff: Cardiff University]
by Tadeusz Józef Rudek - 246-266 Education and training policies for research integrity: Insights from a focus group study
[Research Integrity is Much More than Misconduct]
by Krishma Labib & Natalie Evans & Rea Roje & Panagiotis Kavouras & Andrea Reyes Elizondo & Wolfgang Kaltenbrunner & Ivan Buljan & Tine Ravn & Guy Widdershoven & Lex Bouter & Costas Charitidis & Mads P Sørensen & Joeri Tijdink - 267-267 Erratum to: Restoring the antibiotic R&D market to combat the resistance crisis
by Lucas Böttcher & Didier Wernli & Hans Gersbach - 268-288 Making university and industry research collaboration: Evidence from co-inventions in Japan
[Endogenous Matching and the Empirical Determinants of Contract Form]
by Junichi Nishimura & Sadao Nagaoka & Shinichi Akaike & Mitsuaki Hosono - 289-301 Deconstructing impact: A framework for impact evaluation in grant applications
[Evidencing Impact from Art Research: Analysis of Impact Case Studies from the REF 2014]
by Lai Ma & Rachael Agnew - 302-312 Individual attributes and inventors matching: A study using data from the Brazilian co-patents network
[Scientific Teams and Institutional Collaborations: Evidence from US Universities, 1981–1999]
by Alexandre Mejdalani & Eduardo Gonçalves - 313-323 Assessing broader impacts of funded research: the US National Science Foundation v. Lamar Smith
[What is Societal Impact of Research and How Can it Be Assessed? A Literature Survey]
by Caitlin Drummond Otten & Baruch Fischhoff - 324-346 Walking the talk? Innovation policy approaches to unleash the transformative potentials of the Nordic bioeconomy
[Derfor har vi brug for en national bioøkonomistrategi. By the Danish Agriculture & Food Council, The Danish society for Nature Conservation, Novozymes and the partnership for Sustainable Biorefining]
by Lisa Scordato & Markus M Bugge & Teis Hansen & Anne Tanner & Olav Wicken - 347-364 Local political turnover, R&D investment leap and corporate innovation performance: Evidence from China
[Connecting the Dots: Bringing External Corporate Governance into the Corporate Governance Puzzle]
by Zhenyu Jiang & Zongjun Wang & Chengxiao Feng & Lin Yi
2022, Volume 49, Issue 1
- 1-17 Role of professional autonomy and project commitment in the Korean government–funded R&D projects
[R&D Work Climate and Innovation in Semiconductors]
by Seung Chul Baek & Duk Hee Lee - 18-27 The promise of the Maker Movement: policy expectations versus community criticisms
[Self-Help, Social Work and Empowerment]
by Federico Ferretti & Harro van Lente - 28-41 Canada’s changing innovation landscape
[Does Technological Diversification Spur University Patenting?]
by Md. Razib Alam & Bonwoo Koo & Brian Paul Cozzarin - 42-53 Cyborg ethics and regulation: ethical issues of human enhancement
[The Consequences for Human Beings of Creating Ethical Robots]
by Liza Ireni-Saban & Maya Sherman - 54-71 A comparative analysis of innovation policies in Hong Kong and Shenzhen within the Greater Bay Area initiative
[Constructing Regional Advantage: Platform Policies Based on Related Variety and Differentiated Knowledge Bases]
by Naubahar Sharif & Kevin Chandra - 72-84 Knowledge networks in Brazil’s health sciences
[As especificidades do sistema de inovação do setor saúde]
by Ana Lúcia Tatsch & Janaina Ruffoni & Marisa dos Reis A Botelho & Rafael Stefani - 85-97 Researchers’ institutional mobility: bibliometric evidence on academic inbreeding and internationalization
[Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC)]
by Vít Macháček & Martin Srholec & Márcia R Ferreira & Nicolas Robinson-Garcia & Rodrigo Costas - 98-114 Technological structure network analysis to explore the hotspots of academic patents in international technology transfer
[Technology Transfer through Imports]
by Shu-Hao Chang - 115-126 An evidence-based culture: COVID-19 positivity factors during the asymptomatic occurrence in Jakarta, lndonesia
[Application of Bayesian Logistic Regression to Mining Biomedical Data]
by Bahrul Ilmi Nasution & Yudhistira Nugraha & Andi Sulasikin & Hansen Wiguna & Juan Intan Kanggrawan & Alex Lukmanto Suherman & Ngabila Salama & Dwi Oktavia - 127-131 Restoring the antibiotic R&D market to combat the resistance crisis
[21 U.S. Code § 360bb—Designation of Drugs for Rare Diseases or Conditions]
by Lucas Böttcher & Hans Gersbach & Didier Wernli - 132-147 The rise of UK–China research collaboration: Trends, opportunities and challenges
[The West Should Start Sending Its Scientists to China]
by Jonathan Adams & Jo Johnson & Jonathan Grant - 148-158 The Innovation Superclusters Initiative in Canada: A new policy strategy?
[Public Policy to Promote Entrepreneurship: A Call to Arms]
by David Doloreux & Anthony Frigon
2021, Volume 48, Issue 6
- 763-775 Does the inclusion of non-academic reviewers make any difference for grant impact panels?
[Understanding the Long Term Impact of the Framework Programme, European Policy Evaluation Consortium (EPEC) Report]
by Junwen Luo & Lai Ma & Kalpana Shankar - 776-787 Local R&D support as a driver of network diversification: A cross-regional comparison in Japan
[Two For the Price of One? Additionality Effects of R&D Subsidies: A Comparison between Flanders and Germany]
by Keisuke Takano & Hiroyuki Okamuro - 788-798 Promissory ethical regimes: publics and public goods in genome editing for human health
[Genome Editing in Human Cells – An Initial Statement]
by Matthias Wienroth & Jackie Leach Scully - 799-813 Opening up science for a sustainable world: An expansive normative structure of open science in the digital era
[The Nature of Academic Entrepreneurship in the UK: Widening the Focus on Entrepreneurial Activities]
by Ruben Vicente-Saez & Robin Gustafsson & Clara Martinez-Fuentes - 814-817 Enemies of the future? Questioning the regimes of promising in emerging science and technology
[Taking time to savour the rewards of slow science]
by Douglas K R Robinson & Marc Audétat & Pierre-Benoit Joly & Harro Van Lente - 818-828 Making personalized medicine ethical: a critical examination of the new promises of ‘personalized health’ in Switzerland
[The Personalized Medicine Coalition: Goals and Strategies]
by Gaia Barazzetti & Nolwenn Bühler & Marc Audétat & Alain Kaufmann - 829-840 Effects of multilevel policy mix of public R&D subsidies: Empirical evidence from Japanese local SMEs
[The Impact of R&D Subsidies on R&D Employment Composition]
by Hiroyuki Okamuro & Junichi Nishimura - 841-848 Addressing digital diversity: Care matters in vulnerable digital relations in a Swedish library context
[Feminist Technoscience Studies]
by Johanna Sefyrin & Mariana Gustafsson & Elin Wihlborg - 849-859 Rejecting acceptance: learning from public dialogue on self-driving vehicles
[Crowdsourcing Moral Machines]
by Jack Stilgoe & Tom Cohen - 860-876 Knowledge transfer profiles of public research organisations: the role of fields of knowledge specialisation
[The Nature of Academic Entrepreneurship in the UK: Widening the Focus on Entrepreneurial Activities]
by Eva M de la Torre & Maryam Ghorbankhani & Federica Rossi & Marti Sagarra - 877-888 Academic human capital in universities: definition and proposal of a measurement scale
[Developing a Multi-criteria Decision Support System for Evaluating Knowledge Transfer by Higher Education Institutions]
by Natalia García-Carbonell & Félix Guerrero-Alba & Fernando Martín-Alcázar & Gonzalo Sánchez-Gardey - 889-899 Promoting the ICT Industry for the future with fears from the past
[Opening up the Black Box of Adaptation Decision-Making]
by Jongheon Kim - 900-910 The past futures of techno-scientific promises
[History of the Future: Paradoxes and Challenges]
by Pierre-Benoit Joly & Claire Le Renard - 911-920 Frictions in the bioeconomy? A case study of policy translations and innovation practices
[‘Don’t Make Nanotechnology Sexy, Ensure Its Benefits, and Be Neutral’: Studying the Logics of New Intermediary Institutions in Ambiguous Governance Contexts]
by Gisle Solbu
2021, Volume 48, Issue 5
- 605-611 Towards wide-scale adoption of open science practices: The role of open science communities
by Kristijan Armeni & Loek Brinkman & Rickard Carlsson & Anita Eerland & Rianne Fijten & Robin Fondberg & Vera E Heininga & Stephan Heunis & Wei Qi Koh & Maurits Masselink & Niall Moran & Andrew Ó Baoill & Alexandra Sarafoglou & Antonio Schettino & Hardy Schwamm & Zsuzsika Sjoerds & Marta Teperek & Olmo R van den Akker & Anna van't Veer & Raul Zurita-Milla - 612-629 The Balanced State of Application-oriented Public Research and Technology Organisations
by Balázs Borsi - 630-634 Decoupling in science and education: A collateral damage beyond deteriorating US–China relations
by Li Tang & Cong Cao & Zheng Wang & Zhuo Zhou - 635-648 Does It Pay to Do Novel Science? The Selectivity Patterns in Science Funding
by Charles Ayoubi & Michele Pezzoni & Fabiana Visentin - 649-661 High-tech infrastructure and economic growth: The Materials Genome Initiative
by Troy Scott & Amanda Walsh & Benjamin Anderson & Alan O’Connor & Gregory Tassey - 662-678 The impact of a national research assessment on the publications of sociologists in Italy
by Aliakbar Akbaritabar & Giangiacomo Bravo & Flaminio Squazzoni - 679-696 The value priorities of consumer innovators
by Helle Alsted Søndergaard & John Thøgersen - 697-711 Democracy, Complexity, and Science: Exploring Structural Sources of National Scientific Performance
by Travis A Whetsell & Ana-Maria Dimand & Koen Jonkers & Jeroen Baas & Caroline S Wagner - 712-726 Boosting innovation in small- and medium-sized enterprises through tax incentives: lessons from the UK
by Firoz Ehsan - 727-738 Governing varieties of mission-oriented innovation policies: A new typology
by Florian Wittmann & Miriam Hufnagl & Ralf Lindner & Florian Roth & Jakob Edler - 739-756 Transformative outcomes: assessing and reorienting experimentation with transformative innovation policy
by Bipashyee Ghosh & Paula Kivimaa & Matias Ramirez & Johan Schot & Jonas Torrens - 757-762 The publicness of publicly funded research
by Albert N Link & Caroline S Wagner
2021, Volume 48, Issue 4
- 447-450 Canadian Science Meets Parliament: Building relationships between scientists and policymakers
by Heather Sparling & Mary A De Vera & Stephanie Waterman & Trushar R Patel - 451-461 Research on Researchers. Coping during COVID-19. Results on a Nation-Wide Survey
by Evi Sachini & Lois Labrianidis & Konstantinos Sioumalas-Christodoulou & Charalampos Chrysomallidis & Galatios Siganos & Agathi Belouli & Nikolaos Karampekios - 462-473 The Study of Network Effects on Research Impact in Africa
by Leila Tahmooresnejad & Catherine Beaudry & Seyed Reza Mirnezami - 474-487 The Impact of I-Corps on Accelerating Venture Discontinuation in a Southeastern US University
by Jan Youtie & Seokbeom Kwon & Seokkyun Woo - 488-489 Local government competition and regional innovation efficiency: From the perspective of China-style fiscal federalism
by Chen Zhao & Feng Feng & Yuee Chen & Xingteng Li - 499-507 Making a Research Infrastructure: Conditions and Strategies to Transform a Service into an Infrastructure
by Benedikt Fecher & Rebecca Kahn & Nataliia Sokolovska & Teresa Völker & Philip Nebe - 508-520 The more the merrier? Inventor team size, diversity, and innovation quality
by Die Hu & Maoyan She & Lingfeng Ye & Zhiwei Wang - 521-530 Switching between worlds apart: Negotiating European space sector cultures through innovation
by Michael Clormann - 531-540 Environmental scanning perspective: The moderating effects of organizational risk and government subsidy in innovation search process
by Qingwen Bo & Bo Zou & Feng Guo - 541-552 Globally Bred Chinese Talents Returning Home: An Analysis of a Reverse Brain-Drain Flagship Policy
by Giulio Marini & Lili Yang - 553-561 Engaging Experts in Global Biotech Governance: What Influences their Judgement on Value-Laden Challenges?
by Hanzhi Yu & Jianhua Xu & Lan Xue - 562-575 Evaluating blockchain technology and related policies in China and the USA
by Nan Jiang & Xing Liu & Ming Xu - 576-581 Knowledge Transfers from Federally Funded Research and Development Centers
by Albert N Link - 582-591 How Heads of Departments Find It Meaningful to Engage with Gender Balance Policies
by Vivian Anette Lagesen - 592-601 The Post-Normal Challenges of COVID-19: Constructing Effective and Legitimate Responses
by Stephen Rainey & Maru Mormina & Sapfo Lignou & Joseph Nguyen & Paula Larsson - 602-603 Erratum to: How do institutional changes facilitate university-centric networks in Taiwan? The triple-helix model of innovation view
by Yuan-Chieh Chang & Po-Hsuan Chen & Min-Jun Teng
2021, Volume 48, Issue 3
- 295-308 CGE analysis of R&D investment policy considering trade-offs between economic growth and stability
by Won-Sik Hwang & Yeongjun Yeo & Inha Oh & Chanyoung Hong & Sungmoon Jung & Heewon Yang & Jeong-Dong Lee - 309-324 How do institutional changes facilitate university-centric networks in Taiwan? The Triple Helix model of innovation view
by Yuan-Chieh Chang & Po-Hsuan Chen & Min-Jun Teng - 325-333 A Hierarchy of Interests: Discursive Practices on the Value of Particle and High-Energy Physics
by Chih-Wei Yeh - 334-352 How Does the Local Knowledge of Scientists Influence Their Impact on Governance Performance?
by Lihua Yang - 352-363 The university third mission and the European Structural Funds in peripheral regions: Insights from Finland
by Maria Salomaa & David Charles - 364-386 The distribution of indirect cost recovery in academic research
by Alexandra Graddy-Reed & Maryann Feldman & Janet Bercovitz & W. Scott Langford - 387-397 Transformative innovation policy approach to e-waste management in Ghana: Perspectives of actors on transformative changes
by Gordon Akon-Yamga & Chux U. Daniels & Wilhemina Quaye & Blanche M. Ting & Adelaide A. Asante - 398-411 Boundary speak in sustainability studies: Computational reading of a transversal field
by Jeremias Herberg & Seán Schmitz & Dorota Stasiak & Gregor Schmieg - 412-422 Overcoming vested interests against innovation through political entrepreneurship: A comparative study of Korean mobility cases
by Yong In Choi & Byoung-Joo Kim - 423-437 Empowering professionalism in mission-oriented innovation
by Markus M. Bugge & Fazilat Siddiq - 438-444 The promises and premises of mission-oriented innovation policy—A reflection and ways forward
by Matthijs J. Janssen & Jonas Torrens & Joeri H. Wesseling & Iris Wanzenböck - 445-445 Corrigendum to: CGE analysis of R&D investment policy considering trade-offs between economic growth and stability
by Won-Sik Hwang & Yeongjun Yeo & Inha Oh & Chanyoung Hong & Sungmoon Jung & Heewon Yang & Jeong-Dong Lee
2021, Volume 48, Issue 2
- 145-153 Co-production of knowledge in transdisciplinary communities of practice: Experiences from food governance in South Africa
by Camilla Adelle & Tristan Görgens & Florian Kroll & Bruno Losch - 154-163 A framework for open policy analysis
by Fernando Hoces de la Guardia & Sean Grant & Edward Miguel - 164-176 Effective science and technology assessment advice for congress: comparing options
by Peter D Blair - 177-199 Fifty years of University-industry collaboration: a global bibliometrics overview
by Elisa Cordeiro Bastos & Aline Rossales Sengik & Jorge Tello-Gamarra - 200-211 Staying or leaving? Patterns and determinants of Italian researchers’ migration
by Leopoldo Nascia & Mario Pianta & Thomas Zacharewicz - 212-225 The credibility of research impact statements: A new analysis of REF with Semantic Hypergraphs
by Andrea Bonaccorsi & Nicola Melluso & Filippo Chiarello & Gualtiero Fantoni - 226-234 Towards Evaluating the Research Impact made by Universities of Applied Sciences
by Sarah K Coombs & Ingeborg Meijer - 235-245 Benefits, Motivations, and Challenges of International Collaborative Research: A Sociology of Science Case Study
by Jennifer Dusdal & Justin J W Powell - 246-256 Drawing Lines in the Sand? Paths Forward for Triggering Regulation of Gene-Edited Crops
by Sara Nawaz & Milind Kandlikar - 257-264 Imaginaries of innovation: Turning technology development into a public issue
by Udo Pesch - 265-275 Funding for few, anticipation among all: Effects of excellence funding on academic research groups
by Wout Scholten & Thomas P Franssen & Leonie van Drooge & Sarah de Rijcke & Laurens K Hessels - 276-293 The Impact of University–Industry Relationships on Firms’ Performance: A Meta-Regression Analysis
by Enrique Acebo & José-Ángel Miguel-Dávila & Mariano Nieto - 294-294 Erratum to: Effective science and technology assessment advice for Congress: comparing options
by Peter D Blair
2021, Volume 48, Issue 1
- 1-15 Academic entrepreneurship and attentional discrepancy among key stakeholders: Evidence from research universities in Korea
by Jiaying Zhao & Meghan B Azad & Erin M Bertrand & Cole Burton & Valorie A Crooks & Jackie Dawson & Adam T Ford & Angela Kaida & Arjun Krishnaswamy & Chikin Kuok & Catherine L Mah & Matt McTaggart & Amanda J Moehring & Dominique Robert & Albrecht Schulte-Hostedde & Dong-In Kang & In-Je Kang & Yeong-Ju Kim & Chi Mai Nguyen & Jae-Yong Choung - 16-26 Tacit knowledge, localization push, and diffusion of science: Evidence from Singapore
by Albert G Z Hu & Vu Thinh Ly - 27-36 ‘Key selection criteria’ as administrative devices: An investigation of academic bureaucratization at Australian universities
by Peter Woelert - 37-52 Academics’ societal engagement in ecologies of knowledge: A case study from Mozambique
by Nelson Casimiro Zavale & Christian Schneijderberg - 54-65 Competing modes of responsibility in research organisations—Insights from an international comparison
by Leonhard Hennen & Julia Hahn & Miltos Ladikas - 66-79 Cross-country analysis of higher education institutions’ efficiency: The role of strategic positioning
by Tommaso Agasisti & Jasmina Berbegal-Mirabent - 80-92 Mission-Oriented Policy for Innovation and the Fuzzy Boundary of Market Creation: the Brazilian Shipbuilding Case
by André C Alves & Nicholas S Vonortas & Paulo A Zawislak - 93-104 Is the alignment between public research organisations' R&D competence and policies really critical for technology transfer?
by Hosung Son & Yanghon Chung & Sangpil Yoon - 105-121 Supporting the formation and functioning of innovation platforms in healthcare value chains
by Annica Marais & Sara S (Saartjie) Grobbelaar & Isabel Meyer & Denzil Kennon & Marlien Herselman - 122-131 Do environmental regulations affect FDI decisions? The pollution haven hypothesis revisited
by Haeyeon Yoon & Almas Heshmati - 132-144 Technology transfer models for knowledge-based regional development: New R&D institutes in Guangdong, China
by Marcus Conlé & Wei Zhao & Tobias ten Brink
2020, Volume 47, Issue 3
- 299-312 Intellectual property, institutional dynamics, and firm innovation
by William Chongyang Zhou & Ruicheng Wang - 313-321 When evidence does not matter: The barriers to learning from science in two cases of environmental policy change in Brazil
by Flavia Donadelli - 322-332 Chairs of academic events: The investments and academic impact
by Thomas Trøst Hansen & Carina Ren - 333-347 Innovation system formation in international development cooperation: The role of intermediaries in urban sanitation
by Mara J van Welie & Wouter P C Boon & Bernhard Truffer - 348-359 Different policy instruments and the threshold effects on collaboration efficiency in China
by Hua Cheng & Zhiying Zhang & Zhongju Liao & Yong Wei & Joseph Martial Nkongo Mvondo - 360-370 What’s in a name? Perceptions and promotion of responsible research and innovation practices across Europe
by Malene Vinther Christensen & Mika Nieminen & Marlene Altenhofer & Elise Tancoigne & Niels Mejlgaard & Erich Griessler & Adolf Filacek - 371-383 STI policies in the Dominican Republic: the influence of economic rationales from a context-development perspective
by Víctor Gómez-Valenzuela - 384-395 Organizational determinants and idiosyncrasies of firms’ absorptive capacity in a developing country
by André Luiz da Silva Teixeira & Márcia Siqueira Rapini & Thiago Caliari - 396-409 Orchestrating collaborative projects: Inside ICT networks in Horizon 2020
by Simen G Enger & Magnus Gulbrandsen - 410-424 Inter-provincial differences of technical innovation efficiency among farmer professional cooperatives in China
by Ping Zhou & Lichao Yang & Pingbo Hu & Yang Cheng & Shenghan Zhou - 425-433 What does cultural innovation stand for? Dimensions, processes, outcomes of a new innovation category
by Riccardo Pozzo & Andrea Filippetti & Mario Paolucci & Vania Virgili - 434-445 Artificial selection versus natural selection: Which causes the Matthew effect of science funding allocation in China?
by Gupeng Zhang & Libin Xiong & Xiao Wang & Jianing Dong & Hongbo Duan
2020, Volume 47, Issue 2
- 149-160 Balancing multiple mandates: A case study of public research institutes in South Africa
by Glenda Kruss - 161-171 How boundary objects help to perform roles of science arbiter, honest broker, and issue advocate
by Simo Sarkki & Hannu I Heikkinen & Teresa Komu & Mari Partanen & Karoliina Vanhanen & Élise Lépy - 172-183 Returning scientists and the emergence of China’s science system
by Cong Cao & Jeroen Baas & Caroline S Wagner & Koen Jonkers - 184-193 Resource environment and hierarchy in universities
by Jonas K Lind - 194-206 Institution-driven innovation in Guangdong firms: Moderating effects of in-house formal R&D and industrial environment turbulence
by Yongli Tang & Xinyue Hu & Claudio Petti & Matthias Thürer - 207-218 The dilemmas and uncertainties in assessing the societal impact of research
by Juha-Pekka Lauronen - 219-234 The effect of collaboration with top-funded scholars on scientific production
by Seyed Reza Mirnezami & Catherine Beaudry & Leila Tahmooresnejad - 235-245 What we know about research policy mix
by Marta Cocos & Benedetto Lepori - 246-255 Patient involvement in agenda-setting processes in health research policy: A boundary work perspective
by Anne-Floor M Schölvinck & Carina A C M Pittens & Jacqueline E W Broerse - 256-270 Channels and processes of knowledge transfer: How does knowledge move between university and industry?
by Gianluca Fabiano & Andrea Marcellusi & Giampiero Favato - 271-282 Governance mechanisms enabling inter-organizational adaptation: Lessons from grand challenge R&D programs
by Christopher S Hayter & Albert N Link - 283-297 Innovating for improved healthcare: Sociotechnical and innovation systems perspectives and lessons from the NHS
by Sonja Marjanovic & Marlene Altenhofer & Lucy Hocking & Joanna Chataway & Tom Ling - 298-298 Canadian Science Meets Parliament: Building relationships between scientists and policymakers
by Jiaying Zhao & Meghan B Azad & Erin M Bertrand & Cole Burton & Valorie A Crooks & Jackie Dawson & Adam T Ford & Angela Kaida & Arjun Krishnaswamy & Chikin Kuok & Catherine L Mah & Matt McTaggart & Amanda J Moehring & Dominique Robert & Albrecht Schulte-Hostedde & Heather Sparling & Mary A De Vera & Stephanie Waterman & Trushar R Patel
2019, Volume 46, Issue 5
- 635-647 How to evaluate innovation strategies with a transformative ambition? A proposal for a structured, process-based approach
by Henning Kroll - 648-660 Incumbents’ response to demand-side policies: The case of solar and wind power sectors
by Hyundo Choi - 661-667 Academic misconduct and criminal liability: Manipulating academic journal impact factors
by Charles F Hickman & Eric A Fong & Allen W Wilhite & Yeolan Lee - 668-678 Policy entrepreneurship in context: Understanding the emergence of novel policy solutions for services innovation in Finland and Ireland
by Dylan Henderson - 679-688 Defence spending and women in research: A cross-country comparison
by Tyler Saxon & Stephan Weiler - 689-701 Space configurations for empowering university-community interactions
by Jens Dorland & Christian Clausen & Michael Søgaard Jørgensen - 702-709 The inherently democratic nature of technology assessment
by Armin Grunwald - 710-720 Does public outreach impede research performance? Exploring the ‘researcher’s dilemma’ in a sustainability research center
by Omar Kassab - 721-731 Co-producing European knowledge and publics amidst controversy: The EU expert network on unconventional hydrocarbons
by Aleksandra Lis & Kärg Kama & Leonie Reins - 732-746 Effectiveness of public procurement of innovation versus supply-side innovation measures in manufacturing and service sectors
by Dragana Radicic - 747-762 Aiming for impact: Differential effect of motivational drivers on effort and performance in knowledge valorisation
by Linda H M van de Burgwal & Rana Hendrikse & Eric Claassen - 763-771 Spaces of novelty: Can universities play a catalytic role in less developed regions?
by Pedro Marques & Kevin Morgan & Adrian Healy & Paul Vallance - 772-783 Towards regional responsible research and innovation? Integrating RRI and RIS3 in European innovation policy
by Rune Dahl Fitjar & Paul Benneworth & Bjørn Terje Asheim - 784-785 The European Research Council By Thomas König
by Kristoffer Kropp - 785-786 Drone: Remote control warfare By Hugh Gusterson
by Jason Pribilsky
2019, Volume 46, Issue 4
- 479-489 Making sense of altmetrics: The perceived threats and opportunities for academic identity
by à ine Regan & Maeve Henchion - 490-503 The relationship between organizational interdependence and additionality obtained from innovation ecosystem participation
by Mirjam Knockaert & Matthias Deschryvere & Laura Lecluyse - 504-517 Stakeholder perceptions of scientific knowledge in policy processes: A Peruvian case-study of forestry policy development
by Luisa F Ramirez & Brian M Belcher - 518-529 When international mobility meets local connections: Evidence from China
by Feng Li & Li Tang - 530-540 Assessing the efficiency of national innovation systems in developing countries
by Hyeri Choi & Hangjung Zo - 541-551 Antecedents and outcome of entrepreneurial identification: The moderating effect of role orientation
by Bo Zou & Yanxia Li & Jinyu Guo & Feng Guo - 552-569 Addressing the evolving standardisation challenges of ‘smart systems’ innovation: Emerging roles for government?
by Jae-Yun Ho & Eoin O’Sullivan - 570-588 The different effects of basic research in enterprises on economic growth: Income-level quantile analysis
by Euy-Young Jung & Xielin Liu - 589-598 Variation in patent impact by organization type: An investigation of government, university, and corporate patents
by Jon Schmid & Ayodeji Fajebe - 599-610 Local cooperation for innovation in ICT—Domestic groups with collaborations for innovation abroad and foreign subsidiaries
by Adelheid Holl & Ruth Rama - 611-619 The role of charitable funding in university research
by Oishee Kundu & Nicholas E Matthews - 620-631 Science granting councils in Sub-Saharan Africa: Trends and tensions
by Joanna Chataway & Charlie Dobson & Chux Daniels & Rob Byrne & Rebecca Hanlin & Aschalew Tigabu - 632-633 Innovation and its enemies: Why people resist new technologies
by Qiantao Zhang - 633-634 Models of innovation: The history of an idea
by Christian Dayé
2019, Volume 46, Issue 2
- 161-172 Historical evolution of entrepreneurial development in the global South: The case of Ghana, 1957–2010
by Joseph Amankwah-Amoah & Yingfa Lu - 173-183 Public support for firms in lagging regions—evaluation of innovation subsidy in Slovakia
by Valeria Nemethova & Maria Siranova & Miroslav Sipikal - 184-197 Back on track: Factors influencing Chinese returnee scholar performance in the reintegration process
by Feng Li & Jing Ding & Wangbing Shen - 198-209 Responsible research and innovation in Europe: A cross-country comparative analysis
by Niels Mejlgaard & Carter Bloch & Emil Bargmann Madsen - 210-218 Towards making research evaluation more compatible with developmental goals
by Rodrigo Arocena & Bo Göransson & Judith Sutz - 219-231 The unintended consequences of performance-based incentives on inequality in scientists’ research performance
by Hee-Je Bak & Do Han Kim - 232-243 Dynamic evaluation of the technological innovation efficiency of China’s industrial enterprises
by Shoufu Lin & Ji Sun & Shanyong Wang - 244-253 Perfecting the ‘Elevator Pitch’? Expert advice as locally-situated boundary work
by James Palmer & Susan Owens & Robert Doubleday - 254-263 Embedding meaningful patient involvement in the process of proposal appraisal at the Dutch Cancer Society
by Anne-Floor M Schölvinck & Tjerk Jan Schuitmaker & Jacqueline E W Broerse - 264-274 Expert assessment as a framing exercise: The controversy over green macroalgal blooms’ proliferation in France
by Magalie Bourblanc