May 2006, Volume 60, Issue 2
- 193-206 Expectations, Disappointment, and Rank-Dependent Probability Weighting
by Philippe Delquié & Alessandra Cillo - 207-217 Ratio-Scale Measurement with Intransitivity or Incompleteness: The Homogeneous Case
by Marc Menestrel & Bertrand Lemaire - 219-255 A Deeper Look at Hyperbolic Discounting
by Barry Sopher & Arnav Sheth - 257-282 An Experimental Test of Generalized Ambiguity Aversion using Lottery Pricing Tasks
by Michael Bleaney & Steven Humphrey - 283-313 Gender, Financial Risk, and Probability Weights
by Helga Fehr-Duda & Manuele Gennaro & Renate Schubert - 315-334 Error Propagation in the Elicitation of Utility and Probability Weighting Functions
by Pavlo Blavatskyy - 335-357 The Endowment Effect on Academic Chores Trade-Off (ACTO)
by Amira Galin & Miron Sapir & Irit Kela-Egozi
February 2006, Volume 60, Issue 1
- 1-16 Continuously Representable Paretian Quasi-Orders
by Vicki Knoblauch - 17-33 Axiomatization of a Preference for Most Probable Winner
by Pavlo Blavatskyy - 35-67 On the Relative Strengths of Altruism and Fairness
by Jonathan Tan & Friedel Bolle - 69-111 The Evolution of Cooperative Strategies for Asymmetric Social Interactions
by Jörg Rieskamp & Peter Todd - 113-118 Book Review: Serge-Christophe Kolm, Macrojustice. The Political Economy of Fairness, Cambridge University Press, 2005. ISBN 0 52183503 8. vi + 537 pp
by D. Fleurbaey
December 2005, Volume 59, Issue 4
- 255-294 Games of Competition in a Stochastic Environment
by Judith Avrahami & Werner Güth & Yaakov Kareev - 295-306 A Note on the Portfolio Selection Problem
by Franco Pellerey & Patrizia Semeraro - 307-344 The Use of Base Rate Information as a Function of Experienced Consistency
by Philip Dunwoody & Adam Goodie & Robert Mahan
November 2005, Volume 59, Issue 3
- 175-191 A Note on Implementation of Bargaining Solutions
by Yusuke Samejima - 193-205 Stability and Efficiency of Partitions in Matching Problems
by İpek Özkal-Sanver - 207-253 Do Trade Union Leaders Violate Subjective Expected Utility? Some Insights From Experimental Data
by Anna Maffioletti & Michele Santoni
September 2005, Volume 59, Issue 2
- 97-109 Borda and Condorcet: Some Distance Results
by Christian Klamler - 111-126 The Multilinear Extension and the Symmetric Coalition Banzhaf Value
by J. Alonso-Meijide & F. Carreras & M. Fiestras-Janeiro - 127-174 Resolving the Trust Predicament: A Quantum Game-theoretic Approach
by Badredine Arfi
August 2005, Volume 59, Issue 1
- 1-17 Unanimity and Resource Monotonicity
by Biung-Ghi Ju - 19-41 Is the Disposition of Constrained Maximization Chosen Rationally?
by Young-Ran Roh - 43-50 Willingness to Pay for Risk Reduction and Risk Aversion without the Expected Utility Assumption
by Eric Langlais - 51-95 On Decomposing Net Final Values: Eva, Sva and Shadow Project
by Carlo Magni
June 2005, Volume 58, Issue 4
- 325-350 Maximal-Element Rationalizability
by Walter Bossert & Yves Sprumont & Kotaro Suzumura - 351-385 No Switchbacks: Rethinking Aspiration-Based Dynamics in the Ultimatum Game
by Jeffrey Carpenter & Peter Matthews - 387-406 Cognitive Algebra in Sport Decision-Making
by Patricia Rulence-Pâques & Eric Fruchart & Vincent Dru & Etienne Mullet
May 2005, Volume 58, Issue 3
- 239-282 Economic Modeling Triggers More Efficient Planning: An Experimental Justification
by Jean Ponssard & Olivier Saulpic - 283-304 Are More Alternatives Better for Decision-Makers? A Note on the Role of Decision Cost
by Huei-Chung Lu & Mingshen Chen & Juin-Jen Chang - 305-324 Equitable Selection in Bilateral Matching Markets
by Antonio Romero-Medina
March 2005, Volume 58, Issue 2
- 145-185 Which Scoring Rule Maximizes Condorcet Efficiency Under Iac?
by Davide Cervone & William Gehrlein & William Zwicker - 187-194 Potential and ‘Power of a Collectivity to Act’
by Annick Laruelle & Federico Valenciano - 195-207 Choices Under Ambiguity With Familiar And Unfamiliar Outcomes
by Marcello Basili & Alain Chateauneuf & Fulvio Fontini - 209-238 Quasi-Bayesian Analysis Using Imprecise Probability Assessments And The Generalized Bayes’ Rule
by Kathleen Whitcomb
February 2005, Volume 58, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial Statement
by Mohammed Abdellaoui - 3-76 The Likelihood Method for Decision under Uncertainty
by Mohammed Abdellaoui & Peter Wakker - 77-143 Independence Properties Vis-À-Vis Several Utility Representations
by A. Marley & R. Luce
March 2005, Volume 57, Issue 2
- 79-107 Plans And Decisions
by John Pollock - 109-142 Finite Horizon Bargaining With Outside Options And Threat Points
by Randolph Sloof - 143-180 Does trust matter for R&D cooperation? A game theoretic examination
by Marie-Laure Cabon-Dhersin & Shyama Ramani
December 2004, Volume 57, Issue 4
- 287-289 Editorial Foreword To Three Ukrainian/ Russian Papers in Decision Science
by Bertrand Munier - 291-307 Convexity and Differentiability of Controlled Risk
by L. Krechetov - 309-330 Experiment in the General Decision Problem
by V. Ivanenko & V. Labkovskii - 331-344 Estimation of Reliability Parameters Under Incomplete Primary Information
by A. Golodnikov & P. Knopov & V. Pepelyaev - 345-365 Policy Stable States in the Graph Model for Conflict Resolution
by Dao-Zhi Zeng & Liping Fang & Keith Hipel & D. Kilgour - 367-378 Coping with Low Pay: Cognitive Dissonance and Persistent Disparate Earnings Profiles
by Duncan Watson & Robert Webb & Alvin Birdi - 379-395 Adaptation of Tastes to Constraints
by Heinz Welsch - 397-406 Infinite Exchange Problems
by Michael Scott & Alexander Scott
November 2004, Volume 57, Issue 3
- 181-211 Framing, Switching and Preference Reversals
by Michael Ryan - 213-225 Proper and Standard Risk Aversion in Two-Moment Decision Models
by Fatma Lajeri-Chaherli - 227-263 Two-Speed Evolution of Strategies and Preferences In Symmetric Games
by Alex Possajennikov - 265-285 A Learning-Efficiency Explanation of Structure in Language
by Andreas Blume
August 2004, Volume 57, Issue 1
- 5-24 A Comparison of Some Distance-Based Choice Rules in Ranking Environments
by Hannu Nurmi - 25-57 Fairness, Public Good, and Emotional Aspects of Punishment Behavior
by Klaus Abbink & Abdolkarim Sadrieh & Shmuel Zamir - 69-78 A Note On Impossibility Theorems and Seniority Rules
by Matthias Hild
September 2004, Volume 57, Issue 1
- 1-4 Pascal’s and Tabarrok’s Wagers
by Lars Østerdal - 59-68 Left-Side strong increases in risk and their comparative statics
by Suyeol Ryu & Iltae Kim
April 2004, Volume 56, Issue 4
- 367-404 Evidence for Learning to Learn Behavior in Normal Form Games
by Timothy Salmon
January 2004, Volume 56, Issue 4
- 345-357 Subjective Distributions
by Itzhak Gilboa & David Schmeidler
June 2004, Volume 56, Issue 4
- 359-366 Abstract Aggregations and Proximity Preservation: An Impossibility Result
by Nick Baigent & Daniel Eckert
May 2004, Volume 56, Issue 3
- 239-267 Errors of Judgment and Reporting in a Law Merchant system
by Douglas E. Hill - 269-290 Revealed Preferences in Intertemporal Decision Making
by Ludwig Von Auer - 291-324 Farsightedness and Cautiousness in Coalition Formation Games with Positive Spillovers
by Ana Mauleon & Vincent Vannetelbosch - 325-343 Comparison of the Polar Decision Rules for Various Types of Distributions
by Luba Sapir
February 2004, Volume 56, Issue 2_2
- 1-18 The Coming of Game Theory
by Gianfranco Gambarelli & Guillermo Owen - 19-23 Guillermo Owen's Proof Of The Minimax Theorem
by Ken Binmore - 25-34 Encouraging a coalition formation
by Michael Maschler - 35-46 A comparison of non-transferable utility values
by Sergiu Hart - 47-61 The P-value for cost sharing in minimum
by Stefano Moretti & Rodica Branzei & Henk Norde & Stef Tijs - 63-76 A Unified Approach To The Myerson Value And The Position Value
by Daniel Gómez & Enrique Gonz{'a}lez-Arangüena & Conrado Manuel & Guillermo Owen & Monica Del Pozo - 77-91 α -Decisiveness In Simple Games
by Francesc Carreras - 93-111 Monotonicity of power and power measures
by Manfred J. Holler & Stefan Napel - 113-123 On The Meaning Of Owen--Banzhaf Coalitional Value In Voting Situations
by A. Laruelle & F. Valenciano - 125-140 ``Counting'' power indices for games with a priori unions
by Marcin Malawski - 141-152 The dynamic stability of coalitionist behaviour for two-strategy bimatrix games
by Ross Cressman & József Garay & Antonino Scarelli & Zoltán Varga - 153-163 Dynamic Coalition Formation in the Apex Game
by Emiko Fukuda & Shigeo Muto - 165-181 How many people can be controlled in a group pursuit game
by Yaroslavna Pankratova & Svetlana Tarashnina - 183-192 Relevance of winning coalitions in indirect control of corporations
by Enrico Denti & Nando Prati - 193-203 Takeover prices and portfolio theory
by Gianfranco Gambarelli & Serena Pesce - 205-213 A Note On The Owen Set Of Linear
by Vito Fragnelli - 215-228 On the Owen Set of Transportation Solutions
by N. Llorca & E. Molina & M. Pulido & J. Sánchez-soriano - 229-238 The Lovász Extension of Market Games
by E. Algaba & J.M. Bilbao & J.R. Fernández & A. Jiménez
April 2004, Volume 56, Issue 1
- 1-18 The Coming of Game Theory
by Gianfranco Gambarelli & Guillermo Owen - 19-23 Guillermo Owen’s Proof Of The Minimax Theorem
by Ken Binmore - 25-34 Encouraging a coalition formation
by Michael Maschler - 35-46 A comparison of non-transferable utility values
by Sergiu Hart - 47-61 The P-value for cost sharing in minimum
by Stefano Moretti & Rodica Branzei & Henk Norde & Stef Tijs - 63-76 A Unified Approach To The Myerson Value And The Position Value
by Daniel Gómez & Enrique Gonz{’a}lez-Arangüena & Conrado Manuel & Guillermo Owen & Monica Del Pozo - 77-91 α -Decisiveness In Simple Games
by Francesc Carreras - 93-111 Monotonicity of power and power measures
by Manfred Holler & Stefan Napel - 113-123 On The Meaning Of Owen–Banzhaf Coalitional Value In Voting Situations
by A. Laruelle & F. Valenciano - 125-140 ‘‘Counting’’ power indices for games with a priori unions
by Marcin Malawski - 141-152 The dynamic stability of coalitionist behaviour for two-strategy bimatrix games
by Ross Cressman & József Garay & Antonino Scarelli & Zoltán Varga - 153-163 Dynamic Coalition Formation in the Apex Game
by Emiko Fukuda & Shigeo Muto - 165-181 How many people can be controlled in a group pursuit game
by Yaroslavna Pankratova & Svetlana Tarashnina - 183-192 Relevance of winning coalitions in indirect control of corporations
by Enrico Denti & Nando Prati - 193-203 Takeover prices and portfolio theory
by Gianfranco Gambarelli & Serena Pesce - 205-213 A Note On The Owen Set Of Linear
by Vito Fragnelli - 215-228 On the Owen Set of Transportation Solutions
by N. Llorca & E. Molina & M. Pulido & J. Sánchez-soriano - 229-238 The Lovász Extension of Market Games
by E. Algaba & J.M. Bilbao & J.R. Fernández & A. Jiménez
December 2003, Volume 55, Issue 4
- 289-314 The Emergence of Reactive Strategies in Simulated Heterogeneous Populations
by Ilan Fischer - 315-338 'From Exchange It Comes to Tears'. A Dutch 'Folk Theorem' Reconsidered
by Nicolaas J. Vriend - 339-357 Olson VS. Coase: Coalitional Worth in Conflict
by Joan Esteban - 359-389 Bargaining Solutions as Social Compromises
by Andreas Pfingsten & Andreas Wagener
November 2003, Volume 55, Issue 3
- 181-207 Super Majoritarianism and the Endowment Effect
by Uriel Procaccia & Uzi Segal - 235-256 Now or Later?--Endogenous Timing of Threats
by Siegfried K. Berninghaus - 257-272 Harsanyi's Social Aggregation Theorem and Dictatorship
by Osamu Mori - 273-287 Oligarchy for Social Choice Correspondences and Strategy-Proofness
by Yasuhito Tanaka
September 2003, Volume 55, Issue 2
- 87-146 Increasing Increment Generalizations Of Rank-Dependent Theories
by R. Duncan Luce - 147-180 Fair Division Of Indivisible Items
by Steven J. Brams & Paul H. Edelman & Peter C. Fishburn
August 2003, Volume 55, Issue 1
- 1-44 Is the Person-Affecting Intuition Paradoxical?
by Melinda A. Roberts - 45-57 Lottery-Dependent Utility via Stochastic Benchmarking
by Paola Modesti - 59-69 Total and partial Bivariate Risk Premia: An Extension
by BÈatrice Rey - 71-83 Objective Belief Functions as Induced Measures
by Yutaka Nakamura - 85-86 Correction of 'On the Inconsistency of Equilibrium Refinement'
by Werner G¸th
June 2003, Volume 54, Issue 4
- 287-314 Verbal and Behavioral Learning in a Probability Compounding Task
by Daniel Zizzo - 315-336 Doxastic Conditions for Backward Induction
by Thorsten Clausing - 337-355 Acting Autonomously Versus not Acting Heteronomously
by Martin Van Hees - 357-374 Bargaining and Strategic Demand Commitment
by Daniel Cardona-Coll
May 2003, Volume 54, Issue 3
- 185-205 Modification of Semivalues for Games with Coalition Structures
by Rafael Amer & José Miguel giménez - 207-229 Multiple Prisoner's Dilemma Games with(out) an Outside Option: an Experimental Study
by Esther Hauk - 231-248 The Favorite-Longshot Bias in Sequential Parimutuel Betting with Non-Expected Utility Players
by Frédéric Koessler & Anthony Ziegelmeyer & Marie-Hélène Broihanne - 249-259 The Instruction set of Questionnaires can Affect the Structure of the Data: Application to Self-Rated State Anxiety
by Stéphane Vautier & Etienne Mullet & Sylvie Bourdet-loubère - 261-285 On the Cycle-Transitivity of the Dice Model
by B. De Schuymer & H. De Meyer & B. De Baets & S. Jenei
March 2003, Volume 54, Issue 2
- 85-104 Auditor Probability Judgments: Discounting Unspecified Possibilities
by Richard Brody & John Coulter & Alireza Daneshfar - 105-123 For Bayesian Wannabes, Are Disagreements Not About Information?
by Robin Hanson - 125-149 Endogenous entry in auctions with negative externalities
by Isabelle Brocas - 151-162 Newcomb's Hidden Regress
by Stephen Maitzen & Garnett Wilson - 163-184 Generalized externality games
by Paula Corcho & José Ferreira
February 2003, Volume 54, Issue 1
- 1-32 The Trial and Crucifixion of Jesus: A Modest Proposal
by Ron Hassner - 33-56 Constrained egalitarianism in a simple redistributive model
by Jean-Yves Jaffray & Philippe Mongin - 57-71 Commonalities in Time and Ambiguity Aversion for Long-Term Risks
by Harrell Chesson & W. Viscusi - 73-83 A Note on Optimal Insurance in the presence of a Nonpecuniary Background Risk
by Béatrice Rey
December 2002, Volume 53, Issue 4
- 289-311 Negotiation and Defeasible Decision Making
by Fernando Tohmé - 313-325 Ordinal equivalence of power notions in voting games
by Lawrence Diffo Lambo & Joël Moulen - 327-342 Digraph Competitions and Cooperative Games
by René van den Brink & Peter Borm - 343-369 Sophisticated Voting Under the Sequential Voting by Veto 1
by Fany Yuval - 371-392 On the Inconsistency of Equilibrium Refinement
by Werner Güth - 393-403 Belief system foundations of backward induction
by Antonio Quesada
November 2002, Volume 53, Issue 3
- 187-207 High Stakes and Acceptance Behavior in Ultimatum Bargaining:
by Bertrand Munier & Costin Zaharia - 209-242 Behavioral and Prescriptive Explanations of a Reverse Sunk Cost Effect
by David Johnstone - 243-270 The Deep Side of Preference Theory
by Antoine Billot - 271-287 The price of risk with incomplete knowledge on the utility function
by Francisco Vázquez & Richard Watt
September 2002, Volume 53, Issue 2
- 95-135 Can Bayes' Rule be Justified by Cognitive Rationality Principles?
by Bernard Walliser & Denis Zwirn - 137-152 A Rule For Updating Ambiguous Beliefs
by Cesaltina Pacheco Pires - 153-186 On the (Sample) Condorcet Efficiency of Majority Rule: An alternative view of majority cycles and social homogeneity
by Michel Regenwetter & James Adams & Bernard Grofman
August 2002, Volume 53, Issue 1
- 1-28 A Non-cooperative Axiomatization of the Core
by Akira Okada & Eyal Winter - 29-59 Spatial Dispersion as a Dynamic Coordination Problem
by Steve Alpern & Diane Reyniers - 61-86 A Banzhaf share function for cooperative games in coalition structure
by Gerard van der Laan & René van den Brink - 87-94 Expected utility from additive utility on semigroups
by Juan Candeal & Juan De Miguel & Esteban Induráin
June 2002, Volume 52, Issue 4
- 303-312 Semicontinuous Representability of Homothetic Interval Orders by Means of Two Homogeneous Functionals
by Gianni Bosi - 313-326 On the emptiness of the stability set of order d
by Mathieu Martin - 327-374 A possibilistic hierarchical model for behaviour under uncertainty
by Gert de Cooman & Peter Walley - 375-379 An Elementary Interpretation of the Gini Inequality Index
by S. Subramanian - 381-387 Power of Enforcement and Dictatorship
by Antonio Quesada - 389-398 On Asymptotic Strategy-Proofness of Classical Social Choice Rules
by Arkadii Slinko
May 2002, Volume 52, Issue 3
- 201-232 Loss Aversion and Bargaining
by Jonathan Shalev - 233-260 The Minimax, the Minimin, and the Hurwicz Adjustment Principle
by Bernhard Arnold & Ingrid Größl & Peter Stahlecker - 261-266 A note on Chichilnisky's social choice paradox
by Luc Lauwers - 267-286 Committee Decisions with Partisans and Side-Transfers
by Mehmet Bac & Parimal Kanti Bag - 287-301 Intradimensional Single-Peakedness and the Multidimensional Arrow Problem
by Christian List
March 2002, Volume 52, Issue 2
- 101-125 The effect of context variables on cognitive effort in multiattribute binary choice
by S. Iglesias-Parro & E.I. De la Fuente & A.R. Ortega - 127-138 Known, Unknown, and Unknowable Uncertainties
by Clare Chua Chow & Rakesh Sarin - 139-147 Why the Infinite Decision Puzzle is Puzzling
by Jeffrey Barrett & Frank Arntzenius - 149-170 Positivity of bid-ask spreads and symmetrical monotone risk aversion
by Moez Abouda & Alain Chateauneuf - 171-199 Condorcet's paradox and the likelihood of its occurrence: different perspectives on balanced preferences
by William Gehrlein
February 2002, Volume 52, Issue 1
- 1-28 Adequate Moods for non-eu Decision Making in a Sequential Framework
by Nathalie Etchart - 29-71 Fast, frugal, and fit: Simple heuristics for paired comparison
by Laura Martignon & Ulrich Hoffrage - 73-80 Another impossibility result for normal form games
by Antonio Quesada - 81-99 Even Risk-Averters may Love Risk
by Alfred Müller & Marco Scarsini
December 2001, Volume 51, Issue 2
- 89-124 De Finetti was Right: Probability Does Not Exist
by Robert Nau - 125-144 Production under Uncertainty and Choice under Uncertainty in the Emergence of Generalized Expected Utility Theory
by John Quiggin - 145-172 Lifetime Uncertainty and Time Preference
by Nicolas Drouhin - 173-181 A No-Trade Theorem under Knightian Uncertainty with General Preferences
by Chenghu Ma - 183-195 Uncertainty with Partial Information on the Possibility of the Events
by Aldo Montesano - 197-216 On Preference for Flexibility and Complexity Aversion: Experimental Evidence 1
by Doron Sonsino & Marvin Mandelbaum - 217-246 Multiple-Stage Decision-Making: The Effect of Planning Horizon Length on Dynamic Consistency
by Joseph Johnson & Jerome Busemeyer - 247-296 An Experiment on Rational Insurance Decisions
by Richard Watt & Francisco Vázquez & Ignacio Moreno - 297-328 The classification of parametric choices under uncertainty: analysis of the portfolio choice problem
by Sergio Ortobelli Lozza - 329-349 The Domain and Interpretation of Utility Functions: An Exploration
by Marc Le Menestrel & Luk Van Wassenhove - 351-365 More nonconcavities in information processing functions
by Hagen LINDSTÄDT - 367-386 Conditioning Capacities and Choquet Integrals: The Role of Comonotony
by Alain Chateauneuf & Robert Kast & André Lapied
August 2001, Volume 51, Issue 1
- 1-11 Are Referees Sufficiently Informed About The Editor'S Practice?
by Ruth Ben-Yashar & Shmuel Nitzan - 13-29 Target Rules for Public Choice Economies on Tree Networks and in Euclidean Spaces
by Bettina Klaus - 31-49 Inferring a linear ordering over a power set
by Ran Spiegler - 51-71 A note on decisions under uncertainty: the impact of the choice of the welfare measure
by Andreas Lange - 73-87 Capacity Updating Rules and Rational Belief Change
by Matthew Ryan
June 2001, Volume 50, Issue 4
- 295-303 Divide-the-Dollar Game Revisited
by Nejat Anbarci - 305-332 Instability and Convergence Under Simple-Majority Rule: Results from Simulation of Committee Choice in Two-Dimensional Space
by David Koehler - 333-345 A unified approach to restricted games
by E. Algaba & J.M. Bilbao & J.J. López - 347-366 Games of Incomplete Information Without Common Knowledge Priors
by József Sákovics - 367-382 Measures of Powerlessness in Simple Games
by Thomas Quint - 383-395 Constrained Monotonicity and the Measurement of Power
by Manfred Holler & Rie Ono & Frank Steffen
May 2001, Volume 50, Issue 3
- 197-212 `Sex-Equal' Stable Matchings
by Antonio Romero-Medina - 213-238 Constraints and the Measurement of Freedom of Choice
by Sebastiano Bavetta & Marco Del Seta - 239-248 On S-Convexity and Risk Aversion
by Michel Denuit & Claude Lefèvre & Marco Scarsini - 249-262 A Process Approach to the Utility for Gambling
by Marc Le Menestrel