May 2001, Volume 50, Issue 3
- 263-281 A Test of the Principle of Optimality
by Enrica Carbone & John Hey - 283-293 South-South Cooperation and Export
by Sugata Marjit & Hamid Beladi
March 2001, Volume 50, Issue 2
- 101-118 The Ecology of Cooperation
by Robert Hoffmann - 119-148 Rationalizing Focal Points
by Maarten Janssen - 149-167 Small Group Predictions on an Uncertain Outcome: The Effect of Nondiagnostic Information
by George Young & Kenneth Price & Cynthia Claybrook - 169-196 What to Make of the Liberal Paradox?
by Mathias Risse
February 2001, Volume 50, Issue 1
- 1-28 Why to Buy Your Darling Flowers: On Cooperation and Exploitation
by Friedel Bolle - 29-34 On Bivariate Risk Premia
by Christophe Courbage - 35-58 Lottery Dependent Utility: a Reexamination
by Ulrich Schmidt - 59-99 Positive confirmation bias in the acquisition of information
by Martin Jones & Robert Sugden
June 2000, Volume 48, Issue 4
- 305-310 Substitution of indifferent options at choice nodes and admissibility: a reply to Rabinowicz
by Teddy Seidenfeld - 311-318 Preference stability and substitution of indifferents: a rejoinder to Seidenfeld
by Wlodek Rabinowicz - 319-322 The Independence Postulate, Hypothetical and Called-off Acts: a further reply to Rabinowicz
by Teddy Seidenfeld - 323-349 Stochastic Choice and Consistency in Decision Making Under Risk: An Experimental Study
by Sopher & Narramore - 351-358 Nash Bargaining Theory, Nonconvex Problems and Social Welfare Orderings
by Vincenzo Denicolò & Marco Mariotti - 359-381 Global Robustness with Respect to the Loss Function and the Prior
by Christophe Abraham & Jean-Pierre Daures - 383-407 Identification of a princess under incomplete information: an amarna story
by Serdar Güner & Daniel Druckman
May 2000, Volume 48, Issue 3
- 205-240 A Theory of Rational Choice under Ignorance
by Klaus Nehring - 241-262 Culture and the Explanation of Choice behavior
by Donald Katzner - 263-286 Preference for Information and Dynamic Consistency
by Simon Grant & Atsushi Kajii & Ben Polak - 287-304 Choice Functions: Rationality re-Examined
by Begoña Subiza & Josep Peris
March 2000, Volume 48, Issue 2
- 101-122 Reduction, Supervenience, and the Autonomy of Social Scientific Laws
by Lee McIntyre - 123-128 Believe in Pascal's Wager? Have I Got a Deal for You!
by Alexander Tabarrok - 129-137 K–Player Additive Extension of Two-Player games with an Application to the Borda Electoral Competition Game
by Gilbert Laffond & Jean-François Laslier & Michel Breton - 139-149 A Contractarian Approach to Pareto Efficiency in Teams: A Note
by Raul Fabella - 151-177 Ultimatum decision-making: A test of reciprocal kindness
by David Dickinson - 179-191 On the coase theorem and coalitional stability: the principle of equal relative concession
by Partha Gangopadhyay - 193-204 The Right to Remain Silent
by Joseph Greenberg
February 2000, Volume 48, Issue 1
- 1-46 Extending the Reach of Collective Decision Support Systems: Provisions for Disciplining Judgment-Driven Exercises
by John Sutherland - 47-60 Generalized sharing, membership size and pareto efficiency in teams
by Raul Fabella - 61-84 The Backward Induction Argument
by John Carroll - 85-99 When Pretence can be Beneficial
by Nava Kahana & Tikva Lecker
December 1999, Volume 47, Issue 3
- 191-211 Dominance and Efficiency in Multicriteria Decision under Uncertainty
by F. Ben Abdelaziz & P. Lang & R. Nadeau - 213-227 Experiment-dependent priors in psychology and physics
by Robert Bordley & Joseph Kadane - 229-245 Testing the Intransitivity Explanation of the Allais Paradox
by Ebbe Groes & Hans Jacobsen & Birgitte Sloth & Torben Tranæs - 247-266 Dutch books and agent rationality
by Daniel Silber - 267-295 Dynamic stochastic dominance in bandit decision problems
by Thierry Magnac & Jean-Marc Robin
October 1999, Volume 47, Issue 2
- 101-110 A strategic foundation for the cooperator's advantage
by Scott Ainsworth - 111-138 Alternating-Offer Bargaining and Common Knowledge of Rationality
by Vincent Vannetelbosch - 139-155 The Donation Paradox for Peremptory Challenges
by Joseph Kadane & Christopher Stone & Garrick Wallstrom - 157-184 Hopes and Fears: the Conflicting Effects of Risk Ambiguity
by W. Viscusi & Harrell Chesson - 185-196 Weak utilities from acyclicity
by J.C.R. Alcantud
August 1999, Volume 47, Issue 1
- 1-21 Endogenous Timing in a Gaming Tournament
by Kyung Hwan Baik & Todd Cherry & Stephan Kroll & Jason Shogren - 23-55 Conditional Desirability
by Richard Bradley - 57-72 The Independent Localisations of Interaction and Learning in the Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma
by Robert Hoffmann - 73-88 Mixture of Maximal Quasi Orders: a new Approach to Preference Modelling
by Jacinto González-pachón & Sixto Ríos-insua - 89-100 Measures of Deprivation and their Meaning in Terms of Social Satisfaction
by Satya Chakravarty & Diganta Mukherjee
June 1999, Volume 46, Issue 3
- 213-252 Money Does Not Induce Risk Neutral Behavior, but Binary Lotteries Do even Worse
by Reinhard Selten & Abdolkarim Sadrieh & Klaus Abbink - 253-280 Testing the Effects of Similarity on Risky Choice: Implications for Violations of Expected Utility
by David Buschena & David Zilberman - 281-294 Linear Aggregation of SSB Utility Functionals
by Arja Turunen-Red & John Weymark - 295-312 Dynamic Choice Mechanisms
by Ludwig von Auer
April 1999, Volume 46, Issue 2
- 107-138 E-Capacities and the Ellsberg Paradox
by Jürgen Eichberger & David Kelsey - 139-157 Cycling with Rules of Thumb: An Experimental Test for a new form of Non-Transitive Behaviour
by Chris Starmer - 159-199 Anxiety and Decision Making with Delayed Resolution of Uncertainty
by George Wu - 201-212 Pure-strategy Equilibria with Non-expected Utility Players
by Ho-Chyuan Chen & William Neilson
February 1999, Volume 46, Issue 1
- 1-21 Bounds to Memory Loss
by Hans Hvide - 23-50 Incomplete Contracts and Complexity Costs
by Luca Anderlini & Leonardo Felli - 51-78 Probability Learning, Event-Splitting Effects and the Economic Theory of Choice
by Steven Humphrey - 79-99 Nondegenerate Intervals of No-Trade Prices for Risk Averse Traders
by Gerd Weinrich - 101-103 An Infinite Decision Puzzle
by Jeffrey Barrett & Frank Arntzenius
December 1998, Volume 45, Issue 3
- 201-240 Long-Term Behavior in the Theory of Moves
by Stephen Willson - 241-253 Aspects of Arranged Marriages and the Theory of Markov Decision Processes
by Amitrajeet Batabyal - 255-261 Simple Characterizations of the Nash and Kalai/smorodinsky Solutions
by Nejat Anbarci - 263-289 Backward Induction Is Not Robust: The Parity Problem and the Uncertainty Problem
by Steven Brams & D. Kilgour - 291-295 On Stalnaker's Notion of Strong Rationalizability and Nash Equilibrium in Perfect Information Games
by Giacomo Bonanno & Klaus Nehring - 297-299 Response to Bonanno and Nehring
by Robert Stalnaker
October 1998, Volume 45, Issue 2
- 99-159 Evolutionary Equilibria: Characterization Theorems and Their Implications
by Jonathan Bendor & Piotr Swistak - 161-173 Social Structure, Economic Performance and Pareto Optimality
by Paul Thistle - 175-197 On the Analysis of Negative Freedom
by Martin van Hees
August 1998, Volume 45, Issue 1
- 1-17 Rational choice on non-finite sets by means of expansion-contraction axioms
by M. Carmen Sánchez - 19-36 The Optimality of the Expert and Majority Rules Under Exponentially Distributed Competence
by Luba Sapir - 37-82 An Empirical Comparison of Probabilistic Coalition Structure Theories in 3-Person Sidepayment Games
by H. Michener & Daniel Myers - 83-98 Rewarding Trust: An Experimental Study
by Friedel Bolle
June 1998, Volume 44, Issue 3
- 211-220 A Shortcut Method of Calculating the Distribution of Election Outcome Types Under Approval Voting
by Miles Sonstegaard - 221-230 A Note on the Computation of the Mean Random Consistency Index of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (Ahp)
by V.M. Rao Tummala & Hong Ling - 231-278 Ramsey's Foundations Extended to Desirabilities
by Jordan Howard Sobel - 279-292 Echelons in Incomplete Relations
by Robert Delver & Herman Monsuur - 293-301 Consensus By Identifying Extremists
by Robin Hanson
April 1998, Volume 44, Issue 2
- 117-148 Axiomatization of a class of share functions for n-person games
by Gerard van der Laan & René van den Brink - 149-171 Game Trees For Decision Analysis
by Prakash Shenoy - 173-198 On Preference and Freedom
by Prasanta Pattanaik & Yongsheng Xu - 199-209 Two-Person and majority continuous aggregation in 2-good space in Social Choice: a note
by I.D.A. Macintyre
January 1998, Volume 44, Issue 1
- 1-36 Multistage Game Models and Delay Supergames
by Reinhard Selten - 37-66 Nash Equilibrium with Lower Probabilities
by Ebbe Groes & Hans Jørgen Jacobsen & Birgitte Sloth & Torben Tranaes - 67-81 Impossibility theorems for normal form games
by David Squires - 83-116 The Bicameral Postulates and Indices of a Priori Voting Power
by Dan Felsenthal & Moshé Machover & William Zwicker
November 1997, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 209-218 Order relations among efficient decision rules
by Jacob Paroush - 219-239 On Playing Fair: Professor Binmore on Game Theory and the Social Contract
by Mohammed Dore - 241-251 Economics of Radiation Protection: Equity Considerations
by Thierry Schneider & Caroline Schieber & Louis Eeckhoudt & Christian Gollier - 253-277 Perspectives on a Pair of Envelopes
by Piers Rawling - 279-292 On Seidenfeld‘s Criticism of Sophisticated Violations of the Independence Axiom 1
by Wlodek Rabinowicz - 293-312 Hidden Assumptions in the Dutch Book Argument
by C. Waidacher
September 1997, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 107-138 Stochastic evolution of rationality
by Jean-Claude Falmagne & Jean-Paul Doignon - 139-166 Discount-neutral utility models for denumerable time streams
by Peter Fishburn & Ward Edwards - 167-185 Preference for gradual resolution of uncertainty
by Martin Ahlbrecht & Martin Weber - 187-202 Sequential asymmetric auctions with endogenous participation
by Flavio Menezes & Paulo Monteiro - 203-207 Two applications of a theorem of Dvoretsky, Wald, and Wolfovitz to cake division
by Julius Barbanel & William Zwicker
July 1997, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 1-19 Payoff Dominance And The Stackelberg Heuristic
by Andrew Colman & Michael Bacharach - 21-44 In Defense Of A Constructive, Information-Based Approach To Decision Theory
by M. Yilmaz - 45-69 Violations of Present-Value Maximization in Income Choice
by Gary Gigliotti & Barry Sopher - 71-87 The Generalized Harmonic Mean And A Portfolio Problem With Dependent Assets
by Masaaki Kijima - 89-105 Nonparametric Statistics In Multicriteria Analysis
by Antonino Scarelli & Lorenzo Venzi
May 1997, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 207-213 Tempered Regrets Under Total Ignorance
by Mary Acker - 215-233 De minimis and equity in risk
by Karl Mosler - 235-269 Risk, uncertainty and hidden information
by Stephen Morris - 271-285 Correlated strategies as Institutions
by Daniel Arce - 287-310 Joint Beliefs in Conflictual Coordination Games
by Peter Vanderschraaf & Diana Richards
March 1997, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 105-146 Bargaining with Incomplete information an axiomatic approach
by Joachim Rosenmüller - 147-175 Evolution And Ultimatum Bargaining
by William Harms - 177-192 Forward Induction In Games With An Outside Option
by Gonzalo Olcina - 193-206 Congestion Models And Weighted Bayesian Potential Games
by Giovanni Facchini & Freek van Megen & Peter Borm & Stef Tijs
January 1997, Volume 42, Issue 1
- 1-19 Lexicographic Additivity For Multi-Attribute Preferences On Finite Sets
by Yutaka Nakamura - 21-36 The sure thing principle and the value of information
by Edward SchleeE - 37-51 Risk And The Value Of Information In Irreversible Decisions
by Hans Gersbach - 53-80 The undecidability of the spatialized prisoner's dilemma
by Patrick Grim - 81-104 Bargaining And Delay: The Role Of External Information
by Charles Hyde