October 2014, Volume 234, Issue 5
- 572-602 Liquidity and the Value at Risk
by Großmaß Lidan - 603-634 The Estimation of Reservation Wages: A Simulation-Based Comparison
by Leppin Julian S. - 635-644 Comment on ‘‘Unemployment Compensation and Wages: Evidence from the German Hartz Reforms’’ by Stefan Arent and Wolfgang Nagl
by Ludsteck Johannes & Seth Stefan - 645-646 Unemployment Compensation and Wages: Evidence from the German Hartz Reforms – Reply
by Nagl Wolfgang & Arent Stefan
2014, Volume 234, Issue 4
- 527-544 Buchbesprechungen / Book Reviews
by Temel Bülent & Westerhoff Frank & Doose Anna Maria & Budzinski Oliver & Peukert Helge & Lippe Peter von der & Frenkel Michael
August 2014, Volume 234, Issue 4
- 450-473 Diamonds are Forever: Job-Matching and Career Success of Young Workers
by Göke Stefan & Prinz Joachim & Weimar Daniel - 474-489 Teilnahmeverweigerungen in Betriebsbefragungen / Unit-Nonresponse in Establishments Surveys: Eine Analyse anhand des IAB-Betriebspanels 2009 / An Analysis Using the IAB Establishment Panel 2009
by Janik Florian - 490-517 Zusatzbeiträge in der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung / Income-independent Surcharges in German Statutory Health Insurance: Weiterentwicklungsoptionen und ihre finanziellen sowie allokativen Effekte / Development, Financial Consequences and Allocative Effects
by Kallweit Manuel & Kohlmeier Anabell - 518-526 The Role of Extensive Margins of Exports in The Great Export Recovery in Germany, 2009/2010
by Wagner Joachim
April 2014, Volume 234, Issue 2-3
- 116-119 Guest Editorial
by Cantner Uwe & Dosi Giovanni - 120-141 The Routinization of Creativity: Lessons from the Case of a Video-game Creative Powerhouse
by Cohendet Patrick & Llerena Patrick & Simon Laurent - 142-157 The Evolution of Knowledge and Knowledge of Evolution
by Loasby Brian J. - 158-184 Like Doktorvater, like Son? Tracing Role Model Learning in the Evolution of German Laser Research
by Buenstorf Guido & Geissler Matthias - 185-209 In What Sense do Firms Evolve?
by Nooteboom Bart - 210-233 How Fast Can Firms Grow?
by Murmann Johann Peter & Korn Jenny & Worch Hagen - 234-256 Firm Growth and the Spatial Impact of Geolocated External Factors
by Duschl Matthias & Schimke Antje & Brenner Thomas & Luxen Dennis - 257-273 Competition and Increasing Returns
by Amendola Mario & Gaffard Jean-Luc - 274-298 Innovation and Market Structure in Pharmaceuticals: An Econometric Analysis on Simulated Data
by Garavaglia Christian & Malerba Franco & Orsenigo Luigi & Pezzoni Michele - 299-327 Escaping Satiation Dynamics: Some Evidence from British Household Data
by Chai Andreas & Moneta Alessio - 328-349 Evolving Preferences and Welfare Economics: The Perspective of Constitutional Political Economy
by Vanberg Viktor J. - 350-365 Reconciling Normative and Behavioral Economics: An Application of the “Naturalistic Approach” to the Adaptation Problem
by Schubert Christian & Binder Martin - 366-387 Global Warming: Technology, Preferences and Policy
by Birchenhall Chris & Windrum Paul - 388-421 Naturalizing Institutions: Evolutionary Principles and Application on the Case of Money
by Herrmann-Pillath Carsten - 422-440 Evolutionary Political Economy in Crisis Mode
by Hanappi Hardy
2014, Volume 234, Issue 2-3
- 441-448 Buchbesprechungen / Book Reviews
by Henke Klaus-Dirk & Dilger Alexander & Franz Wolfgang
February 2014, Volume 234, Issue 1
- 3-4 Editorial Announcement
by Winker Peter & Wagner Adolf - 5-22 Firm-Provided Training During the Great Recession
by Bellmann Lutz & Gerner Hans-Dieter & Leber Ute - 23-43 Multiple Comparisons and Joint Significance in Panel Unit Root Testing with Evidence on International Interest Rate Linkage
by Hassler Uwe & Werkmann Verena - 44-69 Die ökonomische Bewertung kleiner Reisezeiteinsparungen / The Economic Valuation of Small Travel Time Savings
by Obermeyer Andy & Wieland Bernhard & Evangelinos Christos - 70-84 The Identification of Reporting Accuracies from Mirror Data
by Cate Arie ten - 85-110 Literaturbeitrag / Review Book. Über die Natur und das Wesen des Geldes – J. H. von Thünens unveröffentlichtes Manuskript zur Geldtheorie / The Nature and the Essence of Money – J. H. von Thuenen’s unpublished Manuscript on Monetary Economics
by Nellinger Ludwig
2014, Volume 234, Issue 1
- 111-112 Buchbesprechung / Book Review
by Krämer Hagen
2013, Volume 233, Issue 5-6
- 718-728 Buchbesprechungen / Book Reviews
by Tober Silke & Pfeiffer Friedhelm & Michaelis Jochen
October 2013, Volume 233, Issue 5-6
- 562-574 The Politics of Surprise Devaluations: Modelling Motives for Giving Up a Peg
by Bohn Frank - 575-599 Technologiestandort Deutschland und internationale Wissensspillover / Technology Site Germany and International Knowledge Spillovers: Welchen Einfluss nehmen ausländische MNU auf deutsche Exporte? / What Effect do Foreign MNCs have on German Exports?
by Gilroy B. Michael & Lukas Elmar & Heimann Christian - 600-618 Identifying Free-riding in Home Renovation Programs Using Revealed Preference Data
by Grösche Peter & Schmidt Christoph M. & Vance Colin - 619-637 Trust and Control at the Workplace: Evidence from Representative Samples of Employees in Europe
by Grund Christian & Harbring Christine - 638-660 Ein nutzungskostenbasierter Ansatz zur Messung des Faktors Kapital in aggregierten Produktionsfunktionen / A User Cost Approach to Capital Measurement in Aggregate Production Functions
by Knetsch Thomas A. - 661-679 Dating Business Cycles in Historical Perspective: Evidence for Switzerland
by Siliverstovs Boriss - 680-690 Modified Scheffé’s Prediction Bands
by Staszewska-Bystrova Anna - 691-717 Knowledge Protection Practices in Innovating SMEs
by Thomä Jörg & Zimmermann Volker
August 2013, Volume 233, Issue 4
- 450-466 Unemployment Compensation and Wages: Evidence from the German Hartz Reforms
by Arent Stefan & Nagl Wolfgang - 467-485 Early Life Adversity and Children’s Competence Development: Evidence from the Mannheim Study of Children at Risk
by Blomeyer Dorothea & Laucht Manfred & Coneus Katja & Pfeiffer Friedhelm - 486-504 Inter-industrial Relations and Sectoral Employment Development in German Regions
by Kowalewski Julia - 505-525 Beschäftigungsentwicklung innerhalb deutscher multinationaler Unternehmen während der globalen Rezession 2008/2009 / Employment Changes Within German Multinational Companies During the Global Recession 2008/2009
by Peters Heiko & Weigert Benjamin - 526-549 A Comparative Study of the Lasso-type and Heuristic Model Selection Methods
by Savin Ivan
2013, Volume 233, Issue 4
- 550-560 Buchbesprechungen / Book Reviews
by Wegner Gerhard & Lippe Peter von der & Binder Martin
June 2013, Volume 233, Issue 3
- 260-265 Guest Editorial
by Franz Wolfgang & Winker Peter - 266-290 On the Shoulders of Giants: Tracing Back the Intellectual Sources of the Current Debate on “GDP and Beyond” to the 19th Century
by Moore Nils aus dem & Schmidt Christoph M. - 291-335 Sustainability of Public Debt in Germany – Historical Considerations and Time Series Evidence
by Burret Heiko T. & Feld Lars P. & Köhler Ekkehard A. - 336-366 Recurrent Price Index Problems and Some Early German Papers on Index Numbers: Notes on Laspeyres, Paasche, Drobisch, and Lehr
by Lippe Peter Michael von der - 367-388 From the Zollverein to the Economics of Regionalism
by Feuerstein Switgard - 389-405 The Relevance of Census Results for a Modern Society
by Egeler Roderich & Dinsenbacher Natalie & Kleber Birgit - 406-422 Celebrating 150 Years of Analyzing Fertility Trends in Germany
by Kendzia Michael J. & Zimmermann Klaus F. - 423-445 Monetary Theory and Monetary Policy: Reflections on the Development over the last 150 Years
by Issing Otmar & Wieland Volker
2013, Volume 233, Issue 3
- 446-448 Buchbesprechung / Book Review
by Lippe Peter von der
2013, Volume 233, Issue 2
- 246-254 Buchbesprechungen / Book Reviews
by Knoepffler Nikolaus & Heinemann Friedrich & Hüschelrath Kai & Meyer Dirk & Schulenburg J.-Matthias Graf von der
April 2013, Volume 233, Issue 2
- 130-158 What Determines Wage Inequality Among Young German University Graduates?
by Braakmann Nils - 159-187 Oil Price Dynamics and Monetary Policy in a Heterogeneous Monetary Union
by Clausen Volker & Wohltmann Hans-Werner - 188-205 Körperschaftsbesteuerung und Unternehmensverschuldung: Evidenz aus einem Europäischen Firmenpanel / Capital Structure and Corporate Taxation: Empirical Evidence from European Panel Data
by Stöckl Matthias & Winner Hannes - 206-224 A Coefficient of Correlation Based on Ratios of Ranks and Anti-ranks
by Tarsitano Agostino & Lombardo Rosetta - 225-245 Demand for Live Orchestral Music – The Case of German Kulturorchester
by Zieba Marta & O’Hagan John
2013, Volume 233, Issue 1
- 117-127 Buchbesprechungen / Book Reviews
by Schöbel Enrico & Engelhardt Sebastian von & Stockhammer Engelbert & Weck-Hannemann Hannelore & Buehn Andreas
February 2013, Volume 233, Issue 1
- 2-2 Editorial Announcement
by Winker Peter - 3-21 Multivariate Self-Exciting Threshold Autoregressive Modeling by Genetic Algorithms
by Baragona Roberto & Cucina Domenico - 22-38 On Interaction Effects: The Case of Heckit and Two-Part Models
by Frondel Manuel & Vance Colin - 39-64 Schumpeter, Marshall, and Neo-Schumpeterian Evolutionary Economics: A Critical Stocktaking
by Rahmeyer Fritz - 65-85 Ökonometrie vs. Projektdesign: Lehren aus der Evaluation eines Modellprojekts zur Umsetzung des Workfare-Konzepts
by Schneider Hilmar & Uhlendorff Arne & Zimmermann Klaus F. - 86-116 Labor Market Effects of Trade and FDI – Recent Advances and Research Gaps
by Pflüger Michael & Blien Uwe & Möller Joachim & Moritz Michael
December 2012, Volume 232, Issue 6
- 604-605 Guest Editorial
by Entorf Horst & Winker Peter - 606-632 HIV, Risky Behavior and Ethno-linguistic Heterogeneity
by Tequame Miron - 633-651 Social Learning Theory, Cigarette Taxes and Adolescent Smoking Behavior
by Ali Mir M. - 652-677 Economic Trends and Cycles in Crime: A Study for England and Wales
by Vujić Sunčica & Koopman Siem Jan & Commandeur J.F. - 678-701 Consumer Specialization and the Demand for Novelty: a Reconsideration of the Links and Implications for Studying Fashion Cycles in Tourism
by Chai Andreas - 702-709 FIRE for the Euro: A Superior Way to Bond Market Stabilization
by Heinemann Friedrich
2012, Volume 232, Issue 6
- 710-728 Buchbesprechungen / Book Reviews
by Kohler Wilhelm & Jaeger Klaus & Feuerstein Switgard & Henke Klaus-Dirk & Jeleskovic Vahidin & Steiner Andreas & Vanberg Viktor J.
October 2012, Volume 232, Issue 5
- 490-517 The Immigrant-Native Wage Gap in Germany
by Aldashev Alisher & Gernandt Johannes & Thomsen Stephan L. - 518-544 Lassen sich CAPM, HCAPM und CCAPM durch konsumbasierte zeitvariable Parameterspezifikation rehabilitieren? / Can Time-varying Parameter Specification Based on Consumption Variables Rehabilitate CAPM, HCAPM and CCAPM?
by Auer Benjamin R. - 545-566 The Optimal Size of German Child Care Centers and the Impact of Regulation: Estimating the Cost Function of a Regulated Multi-Product Firm
by Bönisch Peter & Tagge Sven - 567-588 Eine verteilungspolitische Beurteilung aktueller Reformkonzepte zur deutschen Einkommensbesteuerung / A Distributional Analysis of Recent Reform Proposals on the German Income Tax Rate
by Struch Georg
2012, Volume 232, Issue 5
- 589-598 Buchbesprechungen / Book Reviews
by Jochimsen Beate & Shelton Cameron A. & Gundlach Erich & Gottfried Peter & Summer Martin & Leipold Helmut
August 2012, Volume 232, Issue 4
- 394-413 Determinants of Digital Piracy: A Re-examination of Results
by Mandel Philipp & Süssmuth Bernd - 414-428 Do Private Sector Forecasters Desire to Deviate From the German Council of Economic Experts?
by Rülke Jan-Christoph - 429-444 Assessing the Real-Time Informational Content of Macroeconomic Data Releases for Now-/Forecasting GDP: Evidence for Switzerland
by Siliverstovs Boriss & Kholodilin Konstantin A. - 445-459 Cyclical Adjustment, Capital-labor Substitution and Total Factor Productivity Convergence – East Germany After Unification
by Smolny Werner - 460-481 Budgetbereinigung zwischen Kollektiv- und Selektivvertrag: ökonomische Aspekte aus wettbewerblicher Sicht / Selective Contracting and Collectively Financed Fund: The Way of Appropriate Adjustment
by Zerth Jürgen & Daum Stefanie - 482-488 Diskussionsbeitrag / Discussion. Paper David Hume und die Target-Salden
by Spahn Peter
June 2012, Volume 232, Issue 3
- 204-209 Guest Editorial
by Koning Ruud H. & Maennig Wolfgang - 210-223 One for Sure or Maybe Three: Empirical Evidence for Overtime Play from a Comparison of Swiss Ice Hockey and the NHL
by Franck Egon & Theiler Philipp - 224-246 Beating thy Neighbor: Derby Effects in German Professional Soccer
by Bäker Agnes & Mechtel Mario & Vetter Karin - 247-257 Empirical Evidence on the “Never Change a Winning Team” Heuristic
by Nüesch Stephan & Haas Hartmut - 258-278 A Market’s Reward Scheme, Media Attention, and the Transitory Success of Managerial Change
by Süssmuth Bernd & Wagner Stefan - 279-292 Gold, Silver, and Bronze: Determining National Success in Men’s and Women’s Summer Olympic Events
by Leeds Eva Marikova & Leeds Michael A. - 293-307 Inner-Outer Lane Advantage in Olympic 1000 Meter Speed Skating
by Kuper Gerard H. & Kamst Richard & Sierksma Gerard & Talsma Bertus G. - 308-317 Employment Effects of the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, Utah
by Baumann Robert & Engelhardt Bryan & Matheson Victor A. - 318-335 The Effects of Institutional Change in European Soccer
by Haan Marco & Koning Ruud & Witteloostuijn Arjen van - 336-359 A Contest Model of a Professional Sports League with Two-Sided Markets
by Dietl Helmut & Duschl Tobias & Franck Egon & Lang Markus - 360-389 Infant Mortality of Professional Sports Clubs: An Organizational Ecology Perspective
by Frick Bernd & Wallbrecht Björn
2012, Volume 232, Issue 3
- 390-392 Buchbesprechung / Book Review
by Paterlini Sandra
April 2012, Volume 232, Issue 2
- 98-115 Further Training and Company-Level Pacts for Employment in Germany
by Bellmann Lutz & Gerner Hans-Dieter - 116-128 Der Coupon-Handelsansatz als Modell für eine subjektbezogene Finanzierung der Kinderbetreuung / The Coupon Trading Approach as a Model for a Subject-based Financing System of Early Childhood Education and Care Services
by Egbert Henrik & Hildenbrand Andreas - 129-145 Are the Real Exchange Rates of the New EU Member Countries in Line with Fundamentals? – Implications of the NATREX Approach
by Frenkel Michael & Koske Isabell - 146-176 The Employment of Mothers – Recent Developments and their Determinants in East and West Germany
by Hanel Barbara & Riphahn Regina T. - 177-193 Literaturbeitrag / Review Paper. Leistungserstellung, Kreislaufgleichgewicht und das Geld: Eine Diskussion mit Wolfgang Stützel (1925–1987)
by Helmstädter Ernst
2012, Volume 232, Issue 2
- 194-199 Buchbesprechungen / Book Reviews
by Wohlgemuth Michael & Kromphardt Jürgen & Heilemann Ullrich
February 2012, Volume 232, Issue 1
- 2-3 Editorial Announcement
by Winker Peter - 4-11 WTP vs. WTA: Christmas Presents and the Endowment Effect
by Bauer Thomas K. & Schmidt Christoph M. - 12-30 Measuring the Knowledge Economy – Intangible Spending and Investment in Germany
by Berger Florian - 31-60 Short- and Long-term Ex-Post Effects of Unemployment Insurance Sanctions: Evidence from West Germany
by Hofmann Barbara - 61-83 Armut im Alter – Ursachenanalyse und eine Projektion für das Jahr 2023: Old Age Poverty – Causes and a Projection for 2023
by Kumpmann Ingmar & Gühne Michael & Buscher Herbert S. - 84-92 Diskussionsbeitrag / Discussion. Paper Coin: Migration and Seigniorage within the Euro Area
by Seitz Franz & Stoyan Dietrich & Tödter Karl-Heinz
2012, Volume 232, Issue 1
- 93-96 Buchbesprechung / Book Review
by Birg Laura
October 2011, Volume 231, Issue 5-6
- 596-597 Guest Editorial
by Diekmann Andreas - 598-607 The Production of Historical “Facts”: How the Wrong Number of Participants in the Leipzig Monday Demonstration on October 9, 1989 Became a Convention
by Opp Karl-Dieter - 608-620 “True Believers” or Numerical Terrorism at the Nuclear Power Plant
by Krämer Walter & Arminger Gerhard - 621-627 One-eyed Epidemiologic Dummies at Nuclear Power Plants: A Reply to Walter Krämer and Gerhard Arminger’s Paper “True Believers” or Numerical Terrorism at the Nuclear Power Plant’
by Greiser Eberhard - 628-635 Are Most Published Research Findings False?
by Diekmann Andreas - 636-660 What Fuels Publication Bias?: Theoretical and Empirical Analyses of Risk Factors Using the Caliper Test
by Auspurg Katrin & Hinz Thomas - 661-684 The Identification and Prevention of Publication Bias in the Social Sciences and Economics
by Weiß Bernd & Wagner Michael - 685-718 Benford’s Law as an Instrument for Fraud Detection in Surveys Using the Data of the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP)
by Schräpler Jörg-Peter - 719-732 When Does the Second-Digit Benford’s Law-Test Signal an Election Fraud?: Facts or Misleading Test Results
by Shikano Susumu & Mack Verena - 733-748 Difficulties Detecting Fraud? The Use of Benford’s Law on Regression Tables
by Bauer Johannes & Groß Jochen - 749-760 Plagiarism in Student Papers: Prevalence Estimates Using Special Techniques for Sensitive Questions
by Coutts Elisabethen & Jann Ben & Krumpal Ivar & Näher Anatol-Fiete - 761-782 Pitfalls of International Comparative Research: Taking Acquiescence into Account
by Franzen Axel & Vogl Dominikus
2011, Volume 231, Issue 5-6
- 783-788 Buchbesprechungen / Book Reviews
by Alfarano Simone & Kifmann Mathias & Brühn Tim & Paha Johannes
2011, Volume 231, Issue 4
- 572-590 Buchbesprechungen / Book Reviews
by Schindler Felix & Westerheide Peter & Schefold Bertram & Kessing Sebastian G. & Meyer Dirk & Buehler Stefan & Ronning Gerd & Erlei Mathias & Zimmermann Volker & Roos Michael
August 2011, Volume 231, Issue 4
- 466-478 Extending the Case for a Beneficial Brain Drain
by Bertoli Simone & Brücker Herbert - 479-493 Searching for the Concentration-Price Effect in the German Movie Theater Industry
by Böhme Enrico & Müller Christopher - 494-515 Value Function Iteration as a Solution Method for the Ramsey Model
by Heer Burkhard & Maußner Alfred - 516-521 Purchasing-power-dependent Preferences as a New Explanation of Giffen Behaviour: A Note
by Heuson Clemens - 522-545 Changes in Import Pricing Behaviour: Evidence for Germany
by Stahn Kerstin - 546-557 Robust Estimation of Linear Fixed Effects Panel Data Models with an Application to the Exporter Productivity Premium
by Verardi Vincenzo & Wagner Joachim - 558-571 Diskussionsbeitrag / Discussion Paper. Finanzverwaltung von innen: Neue Ansätze ihrer empirisch-ökonomischen Erforschung
by Schöbel Enrico
June 2011, Volume 231, Issue 3
- 324-325 Guest Editorial
by Malchin Anja & Voshage Ramona & Wagner Joachim - 326-335 Product Diversification and Profitability in German Manufacturing Firms
by Braakmann Nils & Wagner Joachim - 336-357 Is the Boone-Indicator Applicable? – Evidence from a Combined Data Set of German Manufacturing Enterprises
by Schiersch Alexander & Schmidt-Ehmcke Jens - 358-378 Which Parameters Determine the Development of Farm Numbers in Germany?: Dependency of the Results on the Segmentation of the Data
by Röder Norbert & Kilian Stefan - 379-414 Energy Use Patterns in German Industry: Evidence from Plant-level Data
by Petrick Sebastian & Rehdanz Katrin & Wagner Ulrich J. - 415-439 Global Warming Induced Water-Cycle Changes and Industrial Production – A Scenario Analysis for the Upper Danube River Basin
by Jeßberger Christoph & Sindram Maximilian & Zimmer Markus - 440-457 The Economic Consequences of One-third Co-determination in German Supervisory Boards: First Evidence for the Service Sector from a New Source of Enterprise Data
by Boneberg Franziska
2011, Volume 231, Issue 3
- 458-464 Buchbesprechungen / Book Reviews
by Koning Ruud H. & Frenkel Michael & Clausen Volker
2011, Volume 231, Issue 2
- 314-318 Buchbesprechungen / Book Reviews
by Vanberg Viktor & Hundsdoerfer Jochen
April 2011, Volume 231, Issue 2
- 178-209 Poverty in Germany – Statistical Inference and Decomposition
by Bönke Timm & Schröder Carsten - 210-246 Ein-Euro-Jobs und reguläre Beschäftigung / One-Euro-Jobs and Regular Employment: Eine Analyse potenzieller Substitutionseffekte mit Daten des IAB-Betriebspanels / An Analysis of Potential Substitution Effects Using the IAB Establishment Panel
by Hohendanner Christian - 247-265 Business Cycle Co-movement and Trade Intensity in the Euro Area: is there a Dynamic Link?
by Kappler Marcus - 266-287 Wie hat sich die intragenerationale Umverteilung in der staatlichen Säule des Rentensystems verändert? / Has Intragenerational Redistribution Become Less Important in Pension Systems’ Public Pillar?: Ein internationaler Vergleich auf Basis von LIS-Daten / An International Comparison Based on LIS Microdata
by Krieger Tim & Traub Stefan - 288-303 Kosten des Europäischen Finanzstabilisierungsmechanismus (EFSM) aus deutscher Sicht / The Costs of the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) – The German Point of View
by Meyer Dirk - 304-313 Fortgeschrittene Evolutorische Ökonomik / Advanced Evolutionary Economics
by Wagner Adolf
February 2011, Volume 231, Issue 1
- 5-8 Special Issue on Economic Forecasts: Guest Editorial
by Brüggemann Ralf & Pohlmeier Winfried & Smolny Werner - 9-27 Information or Institution?: On the Determinants of Forecast Accuracy
by Döhrn Roland & Schmidt Christoph M. - 28-49 Forecasting with Factor Models Estimated on Large Datasets: A Review of the Recent Literature and Evidence for German GDP
by Schumacher Christian - 50-62 A Factor Model for Euro-area Short-term Inflation Analysis
by Lenza Michele & Warmedinger Thomas - 63-81 Combining Survey Forecasts and Time Series Models: The Case of the Euribor
by Krüger Fabian & Pohlmeier Winfried & Mokinski Frieder - 82-106 Predictive Ability of Business Cycle Indicators under Test: A Case Study for the Euro Area Industrial Production
by Carstensen Kai & Wohlrabe Klaus & Ziegler Christina - 107-133 Forecasting Nonlinear Aggregates and Aggregates with Time-varying Weights
by Lütkepohl Helmut - 134-152 Forecasting Multivariate Volatility using the VARFIMA Model on Realized Covariance Cholesky Factors
by Halbleib Roxana & Voev Valeri - 153-171 Practice and Prospects of Medium-term Economic Forecasting
by Hofer Helmut & Weyerstraß Klaus & Schmidt Torsten
2011, Volume 231, Issue 1
- 172-176 Buchbesprechungen / Book Reviews
by Goerke Laszlo & Reitz Stefan & Beckmann Klaus
December 2010, Volume 230, Issue 6
- 660-672 Introduction to the Special Issue on Index Number Theory and Price Statistics
by Lippe Peter von der & Diewert W. Erwin - 673-689 Drobisch’s Legacy to Price Statistics
by Auer Ludwig von - 690-708 Notes on Unit Value Index Bias
by Diewert W.Erwin & Lippe Peter von der - 709-725 Aggregate Indices and Their Corresponding Elementary Indices
by Mehrhoff Jens - 726-740 Lowe and Cobb-Douglas Consumer Price Indices and their Substitution Bias
by Balk Bert M. - 741-758 Reconsideration of Weighting and Updating Procedures in the US CPI
by Greenlees John S. & Williams Elliot - 759-771 User Costs versus Waiting Services and Depreciation in a Model of Production
by Diewert W.Erwin - 772-791 Hedonic Price Indexes: A Comparison of Imputation, Time Dummy and ’Re-Pricing’ Methods
by Haan Jan de - 792-813 Housing Prices in Tokyo: A Comparison of Hedonic and Repeat Sales Measures
by Shimizu Chihiro & Nishimura Kiyohiko G. & Watanabe Tsutomu - 814-831 Regional Consumer Price Differences Within Germany: Information Demand, Data Supply and the Role of the Consumer Price Index
by Linz Stefan
2010, Volume 230, Issue 6
- 832-840 Buchbesprechungen / Book Reviews
by Günther Isabel & Heilemann Ullrich & Belke Ansgar & Lippe Peter Michael von der
2010, Volume 230, Issue 5
- 653-657 Buchbesprechungen / Book Reviews
by Smolny Werner & Breyer Friedrich
October 2010, Volume 230, Issue 5
- 506-521 Impact of Non-smoking Ordinances on Hospitality Revenues: The Case of Germany
by Ahlfeldt Gabriel M. & Maennig Wolfgang - 522-546 Who Gets the Money?: The Dynamics of R&D Project Subsidies in Germany
by Aschhoff Birgit - 547-570 Auswirkungen von Mehrfachmandaten deutscher Vorstands- und Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender auf den Unternehmenserfolg / The Impact of Multiple Board Memberships of CEOs and Chairmen of Supervisory Boards on Corporate Performance in Germany
by Balsmeier Benjamin & Buchwald Achim & Peters Heiko - 571-600 Analyse der Übertragung US-amerikanischer Schocks auf Deutschland auf Basis eines FAVAR / A FAVAR-based Analysis of the Transmission of US Shocks to Germany
by Eickmeier Sandra - 601-629 Logik des Marktes Marktordnung, Marktverhalten und Marktergebnisse / Logic of Markets Market Rules, Behaviour of Actors, and Market Outcome
by Gudehus Timm - 630-652 Z-Tests in Multinomial Probit Models under Simulated Maximum Likelihood Estimation: Some Small Sample Properties
by Ziegler Andreas
August 2010, Volume 230, Issue 4
- 378-402 Are Personal Budgets a Financially Sound Reform Option for the German Long-Term Care Insurance?
by Arntz Melanie & Thomsen Stephan L. - 403-419 The Impact of Innovation Activities on Employment in the Environmental Sector – Empirical Results for Germany at the Firm Level
by Horbach Jens - 420-435 Die Wirkung des Betriebsverfassungsgesetzes am Beispiel der Freistellung von Betriebsräten – ein Beitrag zur Rechtstatsachenforschung / The Effect of the Works Council Act on Paid Leave of Absence of Works Councillors
by Backes-Gellner Uschi & Mohrenweiser Jens - 436-453 Herdenverhalten von Wechselkursprognostikern? / Herd Behavior of Exchange Rate Forecasters?
by Pierdzioch Christian & Stadtmann Georg - 454-466 Regressive Oil Price Expectations Toward More Fundamental Values of the Oil Price
by Reitz Stefan & Rülke Jan-Christoph & Stadtmann Georg - 467-490 Beeinflussen bessere Qualitätsinformationen die Krankenhauswahl in Deutschland? / Does Better Quality Information Affect Hospital Choice in Germany?: Eine empirische Untersuchung / An Empirical Analysis
by Wübker Ansgar & Sauerland Dirk & Wübker Achim
2010, Volume 230, Issue 4
- 491-503 Buchbesprechungen / Book Reviews
by Kerber Wolfgang & Felbermayr Gabriel & Vickerman Roger & Wagner Adolf & Winter Joachim & John Klaus-Dieter
2010, Volume 230, Issue 3
- 356-376 Buchbesprechungen / Book Reviews
by McBride Michael & Götz Georg & Paha Johannes & Rülke Jan-Christoph & Helmstädter Ernst & König Marion & Möller Joachim & Riphahn Regina T. & Pfeiffer Friedhelm & Schöbel Enrico & Winker Peter
June 2010, Volume 230, Issue 3
- 274-286 Do Regional Price Levels Converge?
by Dreger Christian & Kosfeld Reinhold - 287-312 Matchingprozesse auf beruflichen Teilarbeitsmärkten / Job Matching on Occupational Labour Markets
by Stops Michael & Mazzoni Thomas - 313-327 Child Benefit Reform and Labor Market Participation
by Tamm Marcus - 328-355 The Macroeconomic Effects of Exogenous Fiscal Policy Shocks in Germany: A Disaggregated SVAR Analysis
by Tenhofen Jörn & Wolff Guntram B. & Heppke-Falk Kirsten H.
April 2010, Volume 230, Issue 2
- 138-162 Die Auswirkungen der Geldmenge und des Kreditvolumens auf die Immobilienpreise – Ein ARDL-Ansatz für Deutschland / Money, Credit and House Prices – An ARDL-Approach for Germany
by Belke Ansgar - 163-185 Bank Lending and Monetary Policy Transmission in Austria
by Burgstaller Johann - 186-207 The Development of Employers’ Training Investments Over Time – A Decomposition Analysis Using German Establishment Data
by Görlitz Katja - 208-233 Reassessing the Pay Gap for Temps in Germany
by Jahn Elke J. - 234-270 Institutional Determinants of School Efficiency and Equity: German States as a Microcosm for OECD Countries
by Woessmann Ludger
2010, Volume 230, Issue 2
- 271-272 Buchbesprechung / Book Review
by Czaika Mathias
2010, Volume 230, Issue 1
- 131-134 Buchbesprechungen / Book Reviews
by Fendel Ralf & Schäfer Wolf & Krüger Jens
February 2010, Volume 230, Issue 1
- 2-26 Erwartete externe Effekte und Wahlverhalten: Das Beispiel der Münchner Allianz-Arena / Expected External Effects and Voting: The Case of the Munich Allianz-Arena
by Ahlfeldt Gabriel M. & Maennig Wolfgang & Scholz Hanno - 27-41 Fields of Training, Plant Characteristics and the Gender Wage Gap in Entry Wages Among Skilled Workers – Evidence from German Administrative Data
by Braakmann Nils - 42-58 International Financial Competitiveness and Incentives to Foreign Direct Investment
by Jochem Axel