February 2010, Volume 230, Issue 1
- 59-76 What Drives Housing Prices Down? Evidence from an International Panel
by Kholodilin Konstantin A. & Menz Jan-Oliver & Siliverstovs Boriss - 77-91 Work Effort During and After Employment Probation: Evidence from German Personnel Data
by Pfeifer Christian - 92-114 Human Capital Externalities and Growth of High- and Low-Skilled Jobs
by Südekum Jens - 115-130 Erhöhung der Mehrwertsteuer für Lebensmittel: Budget- und Wohlfahrtseffekte für Konsumenten / Increase of the Value Added Tax (VAT): Budget- and Welfare- Effects for Consumers
by Thiele Silke
December 2009, Volume 229, Issue 6
- 676-678 Editorial: Migration and Development
by Meckl Jürgen - 679-705 Documenting the Brain Drain of “La Crème de la Crème”: Three Case-Studies on International Migration at the Upper Tail of the Education Distribution
by Docquier Frédéric & Rapoport Hillel - 706-729 Endogenous Skill Formation and the Source Country Effects of Skilled Labor Emigration from Developing Countries
by Egger Hartmut & Felbermayr Gabriel - 730-742 The Purpose of Remittances: Evidence from Germany
by Bauer Thomas & Sinning Mathias - 743-773 Worker Remittances and Growth: The Physical and Human Capital Channels
by Ziesemer Thomas H.W. - 774-786 Remittances and Conflict: Some Conceptual Considerations
by Lindley Anna - 787-802 Migration, Diasporas and Development: Some Critical Perspectives
by Bakewell Oliver - 803-824 The Political Economy of Refugee Migration
by Czaika Mathias
October 2009, Volume 229, Issue 5
- 523-543 Demand Side Analysis of Microlending Markets in Germany
by Kritikos Alexander & Kneiding Christoph & Germelmann Claas Christian - 544-569 Wie lässt sich die Zulassungsinformation der Studieninteressenten verbessern? / How Can the Information About the Conditions for College Admission be Improved?
by Müller Christoph - 570-583 2002 German Federal Elections and Associated Energy Policy: How Were Energy Corporations Financially Affected?
by Oberndorfer Ulrich & Ziegler Andreas - 584-614 Geringverdiener: Wem und wie gelingt der Aufstieg? / Low-Wage Earners: Who Manages to Reach Higher Wage Levels?
by Schank Thorsten & Schnabel Claus & Stephani Jens - 615-642 Produktdifferenzierung in deutschen Industrieunternehmen 1995 – 2004: Ausmaß und Bestimmungsgründe / Product Diversification in German Manufacturing Enterprises 1995 – 2004: Extent and Determinants
by Wagner Joachim - 643-648 Scientific Competition
by Lehmann Erik E.
2009, Volume 229, Issue 5
- 649-672 Buchbesprechungen / Book Reviews
by Koning Ruud H. & Murshed Syed Mansoob & Weyerstraß Klaus & Harms Philipp & Burr Wolfgang & Frohwein Torsten & Graff Michael & Michaelis Jochen & Zinn Karl Georg & Knieps Günter & Lenk Thomas & Kuntze Martina & Schubert Christian
2009, Volume 229, Issue 4
- 512-520 Buchbesprechungen / Book Reviews
by Hinte Holger & Bleischwitz Raimund & Beblo Miriam & Eggert Wolfgang
August 2009, Volume 229, Issue 4
- 362-381 Engines Powered by Renewable Energy, the Network of Filling Stations and Compatibility Decisions
by Conrad Klaus - 382-409 How Can Scholarship Institutions Foster the Return of Foreign Students?
by Henseler Miriam & Plesch Joachim - 410-425 Welchen Zusammenhang zwischen Preis und Qualität sollte der Wettbewerb auf Konsumgütermärkten herstellen? / Which Price-Quality Relationship Should Competition Induce on Consumer Goods Markets ?: Empirische Befunde, normative Überlegungen, marktpolitische Schlussfolgerungen
by Imkamp Heiner - 426-449 Rentenreform und Rentenzugangsentscheidung – Eine numerische Gleichgewichtsanalyse / Pension Reform and Endogenous Retirement – a Computable General Equilibrium Analysis
by Kallweit Manuel - 450-466 Struktur und Ausmaß der intergenerationalen Einkommensmobilität in Deutschland / Structure and Extent of Intergenerational Income Mobility in Germany
by Schnitzlein Daniel - 467-491 What Determines Household Saving Behavior: An Examination of Saving Motives and Saving Decisions 06.01.2009
by Schunk Daniel - 492-511 Forecasting Behavioural and Distributional Effects of the Bofinger-Walwei Model using Microsimulation
by Wiemers Jürgen & Bruckmeier Kerstin
2009, Volume 229, Issue 2-3
- 343-360 Buchbesprechungen / Book Reviews
by Rötheli Tobias F. & Hofmann Michael & Henke Klaus-Dirk & Schröder Michael & Heinmann André W. & Traub Stefan & Krieger Tim & Enste Dominik H. & Weyerstraß Klaus
April 2009, Volume 229, Issue 2-3
- 117-118 Special Issue on Labour Economics: Guest Editorial
by Fitzenberger Bernd & Smolny Werner & Winker Peter - 119-129 Hysteresis in Unemployment Rates? A Comparison between Germany and the US
by Hassler Uwe & Wolters Jürgen - 130-145 Wage Adjustment, Competitiveness and Unemployment – East Germany after Unification
by Smolny Werner - 146-162 Oil and Unemployment in Germany
by Löschel Andreas & Oberndorfer Ulrich - 163-179 Living Standards in an Aging Germany: The Benefits of Reforms and the Costs of Resistance
by Börsch-Supan Axel & Ludwig Alexander - 180-197 Choosing from the Reform Menu Card – Individual Determinants of Labour Market Policy Preferences
by Heinemann Friedrich & Bischoff Ivo & Hennighausen Tanja - 198-213 Employment Adjustments on the Internal and External Labour Market – An Empirical Study with Personnel Records of a German Company
by Gerlach Knut & Hübler Olaf - 214-238 Can a Task-Based Approach Explain the Recent Changes in the German Wage Structure?
by Antonczyk Dirk & Fitzenberger Bernd & Leuschner Ute - 239-253 Firm Heterogeneity and Wages under Different Bargaining Regimes: Does a Centralised Union Care for Low-Productivity Firms?
by Guertzgen Nicole - 254-269 Crime and the Labour Market: Evidence from a Survey of Inmates
by Entorf Horst - 270-291 The Creative Class, Bohemians and Local Labor Market Performance: A Micro-data Panel Study for Germany 1975–2004
by Möller Joachim & Tubadji Annie - 292-312 Spatial Implications of Minimum Wages
by Buettner Thiess & Ebertz Alexander - 313-326 The Impact of Innovation on Employment in Small and Medium Enterprises with Different Growth Rates
by Zimmermann Volker - 327-342 Do Older Workers Lower IT-Enabled Productivity?: Firm-Level Evidence from Germany
by Bertschek Irene & Meyer Jenny
February 2009, Volume 229, Issue 1
- 2-21 The Impact of September 11th, 2001 on the Employment Prospects of Arabs and Muslims in the German Labor Market
by Braakmann Nils - 22-35 Labour Market Institutions and the Employment Intensity of Output Growth
by Flaig Gebhard & Rottmann Horst - 36-60 Intergenerational Transmission of Educational Attainment in Germany – The Last Five Decades
by Heineck Guido & Riphahn Regina T. - 61-83 The German Sub-national Government Bond Market: Structure, Determinants of Yield Spreads and Berlin’s Forgone Bail-out
by Schulz Alexander & Wolff Guntram B. - 84-102 Implementing a Dual Income Tax in Germany – Effects on Labor Supply and Income Distribution
by Wagenhals Gerhard & Buck Jürgen
2009, Volume 229, Issue 1
- 103-112 Buchbesprechungen / Book Reviews
by Wolf Elke & Mandler Martin & Neus Werner & Rockenbach Bettina & Fendel Ralf
2008, Volume 228, Issue 5-6
- 654-657 Buchbesprechung / Book Review
by Winker Peter
October 2008, Volume 228, Issue 5-6
- 421-422 Contributions to Labormetrics: Guest Editorial
by Bellmann Lutz & Franz Wolfgang & Gerlach Knut & Hujer Reinhard & Meyer Wolfgang & Wagner Joachim - 423-445 Two-Sided Learning with Applications to Labor Turnover and Worker Displacement
by Pfann Gerard A. & Hamermesh Daniel S. - 446-464 Wages, Hours and Human Capital Over the Life Cycle
by Hart Robert A. & Ma Yue - 465-496 The Phillips Curve and NAIRU Revisited: New Estimates for Germany
by Fitzenberger Bernd & Franz Wolfgang & Bode Oliver - 497-511 The Aging of the Unions in West Germany, 1980–2006
by Schnabel Claus & Wagner Joachim - 512-532 The Causes and Consequences of Adopting a Works Council
by Kraft Kornelius & Lang Julia - 533-553 Company-Level Pacts for Employment
by Bellmann Lutz & Gerlach Knut & Meyer Wolfgang - 554-572 Parental Background and Earnings: German Evidence on Direct and Indirect Relationships
by Cornelissen Thomas & Jirjahn Uwe & Tsertsvadze Georgi - 573-585 Relative Demand and Supply of Skills and Wage Rigidity in the United States, Britain, and Western Germany
by Puhani Patrick A. - 586-611 The Effects of Active Labor Market Programs in Germany: An Investigation Using Different Definitions of Non-Treatment
by Stephan Gesine - 612-629 Dynamic Panel Data Models with Spatial Correlation
by Hujer Reinhard & Rodrigues Paulo J. M. & Wolf Katja - 630-643 Assessing the Rationality of Survey Expectations: The Probability Approach
by Breitung Jörg - 644-653 Measuring Research Intensity from Anonymized Data: Does Multiplicative Noise with Factor Structure Save Results Regarding Quotients?
by Ronning Gerd
2008, Volume 228, Issue 4
- 406-416 Buchbesprechungen / Book Reviews
by Schmidt André & Schnabel Claus & Beschorner Patrick & Hüschelrath Kai & Leheyda Nina & Licht Hannes Georg & Veith Ullrich Tobias
August 2008, Volume 228, Issue 4
- 299-316 Konjunktur und Generationenbilanz – eine Analyse anhand des HP-Filters / Business Cycle Effects on Generational Accounting – An Analysis using the HP-Filter
by Benz Ulrich & Hagist Christian - 317-344 Fiskalische Effekte der Kommunalverfassungsreformen der 1990er Jahre in Deutschland / Reforming Local Constitutions in Germany during the 1990s – Their Fiscal Effects
by Blume Lorenz & Döring Thomas & Voigt Stefan - 345-356 The Effect of Reputation on Selling Prices in Auctions
by Grund Christian & Gürtler Oliver - 357-371 Capital Stock Approximation using Firm Level Panel Data: A Modified Perpetual Inventory Approach
by Mueller Steffen - 372-393 Rational Ignorance is not Bliss: When do Lazy Voters Learn from Decentralised Policy Experiments?
by Schnellenbach Jan - 394-405 The Hausman Test Statistic can be Negative even Asymptotically
by Schreiber Sven
April 2008, Volume 228, Issue 2-3
- 141-148 Introduction to the Special Issue on Agent-Based Models for Economic Policy Advice
by LeBaron Blake & Winker Peter - 149-172 Agent-Based Simulations for Electricity Market Regulation Advice: Procedures and an Example
by Weidlich Anke & Veit Daniel - 173-194 Multi-Agent Transport Simulations and Economic Evaluation
by Nagel Kai & Grether Dominik & Beuck Ulrike & Chen Yu & Rieser Marcel & Axhausen Kay W. - 195-227 The Use of Agent-Based Financial Market Models to Test the Effectiveness of Regulatory Policies
by Westerhoff Frank H. - 228-250 Who Does a Currency Transaction Tax Harm More: Short-Term Speculators or Long-Term Investors?
by Demary Markus - 251-275 Skills, Innovation, and Growth: An Agent-Based Policy Analysis
by Dawid Herbert & Gemkow Simon & Harting Philipp & Kabus Kordian & Neugart Michael & Wersching Klaus - 276-295 Monetary and Fiscal Policy Analysis With an Agent-Based Macroeconomic Model
by Haber Gottfried
February 2008, Volume 228, Issue 1
- 3-4 Editorial Announcement
by Winker Peter - 5-24 Precautionary Saving and Income Uncertainty in Germany – New Evidence from Microdata
by Bartzsch Nikolaus - 25-48 Verteilungseffekte der öffentlichen Finanzierung der Hochschulbildung in Deutschland: Eine Längsschnittbetrachtung auf der Basis des Sozioökonomischen Panels / The Distributional Effects of Public Higher Education Financing in Germany: A Longitudinal Approach based on the Socioeconomic Panel
by Borgloh Sarah & Kupferschmidt Frank & Wigger Berthold U. - 49-63 Demand Elasticities for Mobile Telecommunications in Austria
by Dewenter Ralf & Haucap Justus - 64-83 Der Beschäftigungsbeitrag kleiner und mittlerer Unternehmen nach der EU-Definition / The Employment Contribution of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises According to the EU-definition: Erste Ergebnisse auf Basis des IAB-Betriebspanels für Deutschland / First Evidence Based on the IAB-Establishment-Panel for Germany
by Engel Dirk & Trax Michaela - 84-109 Zur Evolution des deutschen Konjunkturzyklus 1958-2004 / On the Evolution of German Business Cycles 1958-2004: Ergebnisse einer dynamischen Diskriminanzanalyse / Results of a Dynamic Linear Discriminant Analysis
by Heilemann Ullrich & Schuhr Roland - 110-134 Survivor Benefits and the Gender-Related Tax Differential in Public Pension Schemes: Observations from Germany
by Werding Martin
October 2007, Volume 227, Issue 5-6
- 425-426 Editorial
by Henke Klaus-Dirk - 429-450 Beitragssatz, Kassenwettbewerb und Gesundheitsreform / Premium Rates, Competition Among Health Insurance Funds and the Health Care Reform 2007: Eine empirische Analyse / An Empirical Analysis
by Andersen Hanfried H. & Grabka Markus M. & Schwarze Johannes - 451-465 Vertragswettbewerb im Gesundheitswesen / Double-sided Competition for the German Health Care Market
by Börsch-Supan Axel - 466-484 Der Mangel an Spenderorganen – Ursachen und Lösungsmöglichkeiten aus ökonomischer Sicht / The Shortage of Transplants – An Economic Analysis of Causes and Possible Solutions
by Breyer Friedrich & Kliemt Hartmut - 485-501 Theorie und Praxis des Risikostrukturausgleichs / Risk Adjustment in Theory and Practice
by Göpffarth Dirk - 502-528 Zur Dualität von GKV und PKV / The Future of Private and Public Health Insurance in Germany
by Henke Klaus Dirk - 529-546 Unternehmenszusammenschlüsse auf Krankenhausmärkten aus sozialrechtlicher und kartellrechtlicher Sicht / Mergers on Hospital Markets from the Perspective of Social and Antitrust Law
by Schwintowski Hans-Peter - 547-562 Corporate Responsibility in der forschenden Arzneimittelindustrie / Corporate Responsibility in the Research-Based Pharmaceutical Industry
by Suchanek Andreas & Lin-Hi Nick - 565-577 Einkommenswachstum, steigende Gesundheitsausgaben und Finanzierung / Income Increase, Health Spending Growth and Financing
by Adam Hans - 603-620 Kapitaldeckung in der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung: Wer bezahlt den Übergang? / Funding Social Health Insurance: Who Pays for the Transition?
by Felder Stefan & Fetzer Stefan - 621-635 Preisbildung bei ambulant und stationär erbrachten Gesundheitsleistungen / Pricing of Ambulatory and Stationary Health Services
by Neubauer Günter & Pfister Florian - 636-659 Medizinisch-technischer Fortschritt und altersspezifische Gesundheitsausgaben / Medical Progress and Age-specific Expenditure on Health Care
by Ried Walter - 660-678 Das Sisyphus-Syndrom im Gesundheitswesen: Neue Evidenz / The Sisyphus Syndrome in Health: New Evidence
by Zweifel Peter - 681-698 Bestimmungsgründe für den medizinischen Fortschritt / Causes for Medical Advances
by Arnold Robert - 699-724 Umverteilungseffekte in der Finanzierung von Gesundheitsleistungen / Redistribution Effects of Health Care Financing
by Buchner Florian & Deppisch Rebecca & Wasem Jürgen - 725-746 Health and the Decision to Invest in Education
by Schneider Brit S. & Schneider Udo & Ulrich Volker - 749-764 Medizinische Versorgungszentren / Ambulatory Health Care Centres
by Amelung Volker & Cornelius Felix - 765-786 Die Ausgestaltung von Versorgungsverträgen: Eine vertragstheoretische Analyse / A Contract Theory Approach to Health Care Contracting
by Mühlbacher Axel - 787-806 Nach welchen ökonomischen Methoden sollten Gesundheitsleistungen in Deutschland evaluiert werden? / According to Which Economic Methods Should Health Care Services Become Evaluated in Germany?
by Schulenburg J.-Matthias Graf von der & Vauth Christoph
2007, Volume 227, Issue 4
- 409-419 Buchbesprechungen / Book Reviews
by Hübscher Jutta & Kleinhenz Gerhard & Frenkel Michael & Schwager Robert
August 2007, Volume 227, Issue 4
- 335-357 Preferential Trade Liberalisation, Fiscal Policy Responses and Welfare: A Dynamic CGE Model for Jordan
by Feraboli Omar - 358-380 Rising Wage Inequality in Germany
by Gernandt Johannes & Pfeiffer Friedhelm - 381-402 Reform der kommunalen Finanzbeziehungen: Kommunale Umsatzsteuerbeteiligung unter Gewerbesteuer-Wettbewerbselementen / Reform of Local Fiscal Relationships: Communal Share of German Value-added Tax with Elements of Interregional Business Tax Competition
by Mudrack Tony - 403-408 Productivity and Size of the Export Market: Evidence for West and East German Plants, 2004
by Wagner Joachim
2007, Volume 227, Issue 3
- 330-333 Buchbesprechung / Book Review
by Oppenländer Karl Heinrich
June 2007, Volume 227, Issue 3
- 219-235 Typisierung der Tarifvertragslandschaft / Identifying Types of Flexible Bargaining Agreements Using Cluster Analysis: Eine Clusteranalyse der tarifvertraglichen Öffnungsklauseln
by Heinbach Wolf Dieter & Schröpfer Stefanie - 236-253 Regional Spillovers and Spatial Heterogeneity in Matching Workers and Employers in Germany
by Kosfeld Reinhold - 254-272 Employment Effects of Innovation at the Firm Level
by Lachenmaier Stefan & Rottmann Horst - 273-294 An Empirical Assessment of the EU Agricultural Policy Based on Firm Level Data
by Murillo Carmen & San Juan Carlos & Sperlich Stefan - 295-329 Has the Export Pricing Behaviour of German Enterprises Changed?: Empirical Evidence from German Sectoral Export Prices
by Stahn Kerstin
April 2007, Volume 227, Issue 2
- 115-152 Labor Market Transitions and the Wage Structure in Germany
by Garloff Alfred & Fitzenberger Bernd - 153-167 Selbständigkeit in Europa 1991–2003: Empirische Evidenz mit Länderdaten / Self-Employment in 15 European Countries 1991–2003
by Göggel Kathrin & Gräb Johannes & Pfeiffer Friedhelm - 168-186 Produktdiversifizierung: Konvergenz zwischen ost- und westdeutschen Unternehmen / Product Diversification: Have East-German Enterprises Caught-Up with the West?: Eine Dekomposition mit Mikrodaten der amtlichen Statistik / A Comparative Analysis Using Register-Based Micro Data
by Görzig Bernd & Gornig Martin & Werwatz Axel - 187-208 Who is the ”Platz-Hirsch“ of the German Economics Profession?: A Citation Analysis
by Ursprung Heinrich W. & Zimmer Markus - 209-214 Die politischen Visionen großer Ökonomen: Gedanken zu einem Buch von Kurt W. Rothschild
by Wagner Adolf
February 2007, Volume 227, Issue 1
- 3-26 Makroökonomische Nachrichten und die Reaktion des 15-Sekunden-DAX: Eine Ereignisstudie zur Wirkung der ZEW-Konjunkturprognose / Announcement of Business Cycle Forecasts and the Reaction of the German Stock Market
by Entorf Horst & Steiner Christian - 27-48 Finanzierungsreform und Risikostrukturausgleich – Was bleibt vom Ausgleichsverfahren? / Health Care Finance Reform in Germany – Effects on the Risk Adjustment Scheme
by Göpffarth Dirk & Henke Klaus-Dirk - 49-64 Der Zusammenhang zwischen dem Leistungsgeschehen im ambulanten und stationären Sektor des deutschen Gesundheitswesens / The Relationship Between Service Events in the Ambulatory and Hospital Sectors of the German Health System: Eine empirische Untersuchung / An Empirical Study
by Kopetsch Thomas - 65-86 Beschäftigung und Arbeitslosigkeit älterer Arbeitnehmer / Employment and Unemployment of the Elderly: Eine mikroökonometrische Evaluation der Arbeitslosengeldreform von 1997 / A Microeconometric Evaluation of the Reform of the Unemployment Compensation System in 1997
by Müller Eva & Wilke Ralf A. & Zahn Philipp - 87-101 Analyse der Prognoseeigenschaften von ifo-Konjunkturindikatoren unter Echtzeitbedingungen / The Forecasting Performance of ifo-indicators Under Real-time Conditions
by Vogt Gerit - 102-106 Vermögenspreise, Alterung und Ersparnis / Asset Prices, Aging and Saving: Gibt es einen demografisch bedingten „Asset Meltdown“? / Should We Expect an Asset Meltdown for Demographic Reasons?
by Spahn Heinz-Peter
2007, Volume 227, Issue 1
- 107-111 Buchbesprechungen / Book Reviews
by Holzer Andreas & Kleinhenz Gerhard & Ramser H. J.
December 2006, Volume 226, Issue 6
- 611-628 Ausbildung, Erwerbsphase, Renteneintrittdemografischer Wandel und optimale Zeitallokation im Lebenszyklus / Education, Working Period, Retirement - Demographic Change and Optimal Time Allocation Within the Life-cycle
by Debus Martin & Michaelis Jochen - 629-645 Bargaining Regimes and Wage Dispersion
by Gerlach Knut & Stephan Gesine - 646-669 Gilt Roemer’s Law auch in Deutschland? / Does Roemer’s Law Apply in Germany?: Eine empirische Untersuchung zur Überprüfung der These der Angebotsinduzierung im stationären Sektor des deutschen Gesundheitswesens / An Empirical Investigation to Test the Thesis of Supply-induced Demand in Inpatient Care in the German Healthcare System
by Kopetsch Thomas - 670-686 Human Capital and Economic Growth in OECD Countries
by Middendorf Torge - 687-714 Eine panelökonometrische Evaluation des deutschen Strafverfolgungssystems / A Panel-econometric Evaluation of the German Criminal Prosecution System
by Spengler Hannes
October 2006, Volume 226, Issue 5
- 485-486 Editorial
by Wagner Joachim - 487-504 Verbreitung von Betriebsräten und ihr Einfluss auf die betriebliche Weiterbildung / Works Council Presence and Impact on Training of the Workforce
by Bellmann Lutz & Ellguth Peter - 505-518 Works Councils, Labor Productivity and Plant Heterogeneity: First Evidence from Quantile Regressions
by Wagner Joachim & Schank Thorsten & Schnabel Claus & Addison John T. - 519-536 Mikroökonometrische Evaluation der ökonomischen Wirkungen betrieblicher Mitbestimmung - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Matching-Ansatzes / Microeconometric Evaluation of Economic Effects of Workers Participation - Options und Limits of the Matching Approach
by Schultz Birgit - 537-561 Betriebsräte und Arbeitszufriedenheit / Works Councils and Job Satisfaction
by Jirjahn Uwe & Tsertsvadze Georgi - 562-587 Kooperation zwischen Betriebsrat und Management / Cooperation between Works Council and Management: Die Sicht beider Seiten und deren Folgen / The View from Both Sides and its Consequences
by Dilger Alexander - 588-604 Gesetzliche Mitbestimmung und Kapitalrendite Co-Determination and Return on Equity / Co-Determination and Return on Equity
by Kraft Kornelius & Ugarkovič Marija
2006, Volume 226, Issue 5
- 605-608 Buchbesprechungen / Book Reviews
by Oppenländer Karl Heinrich
August 2006, Volume 226, Issue 4
- 346-360 Observable Depreciation Deductions and the Effective Marginal Tax Burden on Investment
by Becker Johannes & Fuest Clemens - 361-384 Comparing Estimation Strategies for Income Equations in the Presence of Panel Attrition: Empirical Results Based on the ECHP
by Behr Andreas - 385-417 Internationale Konjunkturverbunde / International Business Cycles
by Graff Michael - 418-435 Messprobleme bei der Ermittlung des Wachstums der Arbeitsproduktivität - dargestellt anhand eines Vergleichs der Schweiz mit den USA / Measurement Problems with Respect to Labour Productivity Growth - Illustrated by a Comparison of Switzerland with the United States
by Hartwig Jochen - 436-462 Steuerfinanzierung von Sozialleistungen? / Tax Funding of Social Security Benefits?: Verteilungs- und Effizienzeffekte einer Umfinanzierung von Sozialleistungen in der gesetzlichen Renten- und Krankenversicherung / Distribution and Efficiency Effects from Refinancing of Social Security Benefits in the State Pension and Health Insurance System
by Jess Heinrich - 463-480 The Interest Rate Pass-Through in German Banking Groups
by Nehls Hiltrud
2006, Volume 226, Issue 3
- 341-344 Buchbesprechung / Book Review
by Falck Oliver
June 2006, Volume 226, Issue 3
- 234-259 On the Forecasting Properties of the Alternative Leading Indicators for the German GDP: Recent Evidence
by Kholodilin Konstantin Arkadievich & Siliverstovs Boriss - 260-284 Abschreibungsraten allgemeiner und beruflicher Ausbildungsinhalte - empirische Evidenz auf Basis subjektiver Einschätzungen / Depreciation Rates of General and Vocational Training Capital - Evidence Based on Subjective Ratings
by Ludwig Volker & Pfeiffer Friedhelm - 285-307 A Local Income and Corporation Tax as an Alternative to the German Local Business Tax: An Empirical Analysis for Selected Municipalities
by Maiterth Ralf & Zwick Markus - 308-328 Erweitertes Gender-BIP- Eine geschlechts-spezifische Analyse des traditionellen Bruttoinlandsproduktes und der Haushaltsproduktion in Deutschland / Extended Gender-GDP - A Gender-Specific Analysis of Traditional GDP and Household Production in Germany
by Schaffer Axel & Stahmer Carsten - 329-335 Mietpreissenkungen lösen das Leerstandsproblem nicht / Reductions of Rents do not Solve the East German Vacancy Problem: Eine Replik zu Kristof Dascher (2005), Zum Abriß des Deutschen Wohnungsleerstandes, Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, 225/4, S. 482-498 / A Reply to Kristof Dascher (2005), Zum Abriss des Deutschen Wohnungsleerstandes, Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik, 225/4, pp. 482-498
by Maennig Wolfgang - 336-340 Für und Wider eines Rückgangs ostdeutscher Mieten / A Brief Discussion of Letting East Germany’s Rents Fall: Eine Erwiderung auf Wolfgang Maennig (2006), Mietpreissenkungen lösen das Leerstandsproblem nicht, Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, in diesem Heft / A Reply to Wolfgang Maennig (2006), Mietpreissenkungen loesen das Leerstandsproblem nicht, Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaloekonomie und Statistik, this issue
by Dascher Kristof
April 2006, Volume 226, Issue 2
- 115-138 The Degree of Openness to Intra-Regional Trade - Towards Value-Added Based Openness Measures
by Belke Ansgar & Wang Lars - 139-179 Sectoral Heterogeneity in the Employment Effects of Job Creation Schemes in Germany
by Caliendo Marco & Hujer Reinhard & Thomsen Stephan L. - 180-207 Wechselwirkungen zwischen Innovations- und Wachstumsprozessen in Deutschland 1951-1999 im Vergleich zu 1850-1913 / Dynamic Relationships Between Innovation Activities and Per Capita Income in Germany 1951-1999 in Comparison to 1850-1913
by Jungmittag Andre & Grupp Hariolf - 208-232 Price-Setting Behavior in the Presence of Social Interactions
by Soetevent Adriaan R. & Schoonbeek Lambert
February 2006, Volume 226, Issue 1
- 4-5 Editorial
by Franz Wolfgang - 6-23 Causal Returns to Education: A Survey on Empirical Evidence for Germany
by Flossmann Anton L. & Pohlmeier Winfried - 24-40 Heterogeneous Returns to Training: An Analysis with German Data Using Local Instrumental Variables
by Kuckulenz Anja & Maier Michael - 41-54 Employment Protection: Its Effects on Different Skill Groups and on the Incentive to become Skilled
by Stähler Nikolai - 55-81 Training, Mobility, and Wages: Specific Versus General Human Capital
by Garloff Alfred & Kuckulenz Anja - 82-112 A Duration Analysis of the Effects of Tuition Fees for Long-Term Students in Germany
by Kifmann Mathias & Heineck Martin & Lorenz Normann
December 2005, Volume 225, Issue 6
- 600-621 Intra- und internationale Spillover-Effekte zwischen den EU-Regionen / Intra- and International Spillovers Across EU Regions
by Eckey Hans-Friedrich & Kosfeld Reinhold & Türck Matthias - 622-629 Optimal Taxes and Transfers under Partial Information
by Homburg Stefan & Lohse Tim - 630-652 Sind betriebliche Bündnisse für Arbeit erfolgreich? / Are ln-plant Alliances for Job Security Successful?
by Hübler Olaf - 653-674 Forecasting the German Cyclical Turning Points: Dynamic Bi-Factor Model with Markov Switching
by Kholodilin Konstantin A. - 675-687 Identifying the German Inventory Cycle: A Multivariate Structural Time Series Approach Using Survey Data
by Langmantel Erich - 688-698 A Note on R&D and Price Elasticity of Demand
by Lücke Dorothea & Schröder Philipp J.Η. & Schumacher Dieter - 699-710 Transfers as a Means to Combat European Spillovers
by Rübbelke Dirk T.G. & Sheshinski Eytan
2005, Volume 225, Issue 6
- 711-711 Buchbesprechungen / Book Reviews
by Kohns Stephan & Kleinhenz Gerhard D.
October 2005, Volume 225, Issue 5
- 515-516 Guest Editorial “Econometrics of Anonymized Micro Data”
by Pohlmeier Winfried & Ronning Gerd & Wagner Joachim - 517-528 Data Masking by Noise Addition and the Estimation of Nonparametric Regression Models
by Lechner Sandra & Pohlmeier Winfried - 529-543 The Effect of Microaggregation Procedures on the Estimation of Linear Models: A Simulation Study
by Schmid Matthias & Schneeweiss Hans - 544-566 Post-Randomization Under Test: Estimation of the Probit Model
by Ronning Gerd & Rosemann Martin & Strotmann Harald - 567-583 Microdata Disclosure Control by Resampling - Effects on Regression Results
by Gottschalk Sandra - 584-591 Anonymized Firm Data under Test: Evidence from a Replication Study
by Wagner Joachim
2005, Volume 225, Issue 5
- 592-598 Buchbesprechung / Book Review
by Oppenländer Karl Heinrich
August 2005, Volume 225, Issue 4
- 386-393 Weaknesses of the Baxter-King Filter: Is a Pattern-Based Filter an Alternative? / Schwächen des Baxter-King Filters: Ist ein musterbasierter Filter eine Alternative?
by Goldrian Georg - 394-412 Verzerrungen von Konsumentenpreisindices und ihr Einfluss auf das „reale“ Wirtschaftswachstum – dargestellt am Beispiel der USA / Biases in Consumer Price Indices and Their Impact on „Real“ Economic Growth – Illustrated by the Example of the United States
by Hartwig Jochen & Schips Bernd - 413-426 Spurious Persistence and Unit Roots due to Seasonal Differencing: The Case of Inflation Rates / Künstliche Persistenz und Einheitswurzeln infolge saisonaler Differenzen: Das Beispiel Inflationsraten
by Hassler Uwe & Demetrescu Matei - 427-440 Market Structure and Innovation Races / Marktstruktur und Innovationsrennen: An Empirical Assessment Using Indirect Inference / Eine empirische Untersuchung mit Hilfe der indirekten Schätzmethode
by Kukuk Martin & Stadler Manfred - 441-458 Diskontraten: Endogen oder nicht endogen? / Disounting: Endogenous or not Endogenous?: Eine umweltrelevante Fragestellung / Implications for the Environment
by Pittel Karen - 459-481 Auswirkungen von Erbschaften und Schenkungen auf die Vermögensbildung privater Personen und Haushalte / The Importance of Intergenerational Transfers for Private Wealth Accumulation: Eine empirische Analyse auf der Basis des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels / An Empirical Analysis of German Survey Data
by Westerheide Peter - 482-498 Zum Abriß des Wohnungsleerstands, oder: Schi Ida in ostdeutschen Städten? / On Demolition of Vacant Housing in East Germany: Why and For Whom?
by Dascher Kristof - 499-509 Das Ideal des „reinen Preisvergleichs“ / The Principle of "Pure Price Comparison“
by Lippe Peter von der
2005, Volume 225, Issue 4
- 510-512 Buchbesprechungen / Book Reviews
by Oppenländer Karl Heinrich & Eisen Roland
2005, Volume 225, Issue 3
- 126-128 Buchbesprechungen / Book Reviews
by Oppenländer Karl Heinrich
June 2005, Volume 225, Issue 3
- 2-2 Editorial Announcement
by Franz Wolfgang - 3-26 Competitive Versus Cooperative Federalism: Is a Fiscal Equalization Scheme Necessary from an Allocative Point of View?/ Kompetitiver versus kooperativer Föderalismus: Ist ein horizontaler Finanzausgleich aus allokativer Sicht erforderlich?
by Volker Arnold - 27-46 Potenziale und Grenzen eines nutzenbasierten ökonomischen Leitbildes für die amtliche Inflationsmessung / What Role Should Economic Reasoning Play in the Compilation of the Official Consumer Price Index?
by Auer Ludwig von - 47-68 Reservationslöhne und Arbeitslosigkeitsdauer/ Reservation Wages and Unemployment Duration
by Christensen Björn - 69-90 Are there Diverging Time Trends in the Educational Attainment of Nationals and Second Generation Immigrants? / Unterscheiden sich die Trends in der Entwicklung des Bildungserfolges von Einheimischen und Zuwanderern der zweiten Generation?
by Riphahn Regina T. - 91-117 Nichtinanspruchnahme von Sozialhilfe. Eine empirische Analyse des Unerwarteten / Non-take-up Behavior of Social Assistance in Germany. An Empirical Investigation of Unexpected Reactions
by Wilde Joachim & Kubis Alexander - 118-125 Hat sich das deutsche Konjunkturmuster geändert? / Is there a Change in the Pattern of German Business Cycle?
by Oppenländer Karl Heinrich
April 2005, Volume 225, Issue 2
- 130-150 Innovation Effects of Science-Related Technological Opportunities / Innovationseffekte von technologischen Möglichkeiten aus dem Wissenschaftsbereich: Theoretical Considerations and Empirical Findings for Firms in the German Manufacturing Industry / Theoretische Analyse und empirische Evidenz für das Verarbeitende Gewerbe in Deutschland
by Becker Wolfgang & Peters Jürgen - 151-162 Möglichkeiten und Grenzen eines Beschäftigungspaktes / Potentials and Limits of an Alliance for Jobs
by Helmedag Fritz - 163-180 Exportdiversifizierung und Wirtschaftswachstum in Chile / Export Diversification and Economic Growth in Chile: Eine ökonometrische Analyse / An Econometric Analysis
by Herzer Dierk - 181-191 Power, Outcomes and Preferences / Macht, Ereignisse und Präferenzen
by Holler Manfred J. & Nurmi Hannu - 192-204 How Important are Nominal Shocks in Driving Real Exchange Rates? / Wie bedeutend sind nominale Schocks zur Erklärung realer Wechselkursbewegungen?
by Kempa Bernd