Undated material is presented at the end, although it may be more recent than other items
- 483-483 Anonymous job applications and hiring discrimination
by Ulf Rinne - 513-513 Female education and socioeconomic outcomes
by Pinar M Gunes - 514-514 Artificial intelligence and labor market outcomes
by Nick Drydakis - 515-515 Hiring discrimination across vulnerable groups
by Louis Lippens & Stijn Baert & Brecht Neyt
- 1-8.2 Entrepreneurs and their impact on jobs and economic growth
by Alexander S. Kritikos - 167-167 Entrepreneurship for the poor in developing countries
by Yoonyoung Cho - 222-222 Labor market institutions and policies in old and new EU members
by Riccardo Rovelli - 243.2-243.2 The effects of minimum wages on youth employment, unemployment, and income
by Charlene Marie Kalenkoski - 386-386 Trans people, well-being, and labor market outcomes
by Nick Drydakis - 512-512 Promoting internal whistleblowing in organizations
by Eve-Angeline Lambert & Yannick Gabuthy - 1622-1622 The importance of informal learning at work: On-the-job learning is more important for workers’ human capital development than formal training
by Andries De Grip - 2852-2852 Public or private job placement services — Are private ones more effective?
by Gesine Stephan - 3322-3322 The effects of public sector employment on the economy
by Vincenzo Caponi & Simone Nobili - 4412-4412 The labor market in Brazil, 2001–2022
by Sergio Pinheiro Firpo & Alysson Lorenzon Portella
- 1-71 Alternative dispute resolution
by David L. Dickinson - 1-97 The widespread impacts of remittance flows
by Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes & Susan Pozo - 117-117 Fertility postponement and labor market outcomes
by Massimiliano Bratti - 161-161 Does it pay to be beautiful?
by Eva Sierminska & Karan Singhal - 201-201 Unions and investment in intangible capital
by Giovanni Sulis & Gabriele Cardullo - 202-202 Should countries auction immigrant visas?
by Madeline Zavodny - 228-228 Female education and its impact on fertility
by Jungho Kim - 260-260 Performance measures and worker productivity
by Jan Sauermann - 299-299 Does government spending crowd out voluntary labor and donations?
by Julia Bredtmann & Fernanda Martinez Flores - 334-334 Do institutions matter for entrepreneurial development?
by Ruta Aidis - 353-353 Female poverty and intrahousehold inequality in transition economies
by Luca Piccoli - 363-363 Air pollution and worker productivity
by Matthew Neidell & Nico Pestel - 393-393 Hours vs employment in response to demand shocks
by Robert A. Hart - 396-396 How digital payments can benefit entrepreneurs
by Leora Klapper - 404-404 The Danish labor market, 2000–2022
by Torben M. Andersen - 426-426 The labor market in Poland, 2000−2021
by Piotr Lewandowski & Iga Magda - 438-438 Maternity leave versus early childcare—What are the long-term consequences for children?
by Nabanita Datta Gupta & Jonas Jessen - 446-446 How should job displacement wage losses be insured?
by Donald O. Parsons - 500-500 Covid-19 and the youth-to-adult unemployment gap
by Francesco Pastore - 505-505 Temperature, productivity, and income
by Olivier Deschenes - 506-506 Evaluating apprenticeship training programs for firms
by Samuel Muehlemann & Harald Pfeifer - 507-507 Trust in management in organizations
by Kieron Meagher & Andrew Wait - 508-508 Eliminating discrimination in hiring isn’t enough
by Mackenzie Alston - 509-509 Instruction time and educational outcomes
by Andrés Barrios Fernández - 510-510 How to support adult caregivers?
by Joan Costa-Font - 511-511 Employers and the gender wage gap
by John Forth & Nikolaos Theodoropoulos - 1842-1842 Should the earned income tax credit rise for childless adults?
by Harry J. Holzer - 2112-2112 How are minimum wages set?
by Richard Dickens - 3462-3462 Climate change, natural disasters, and migration
by Linguère Mously Mbaye - 3562-3562 Multiple job-holding: Career pathway or dire straits?
by Konstantinos Pouliakas & Wieteke S. Conen - 3912-3912 Rethinking the skills gap
by Roland Rathelot & Thijs van Rens & See-Yu Chan
- 1-36 How to attract international students?
by Arnaud Chevalier - 1-59 Informal employment in emerging and transition economies
by Fabián Slonimczyk - 1-79 In-plant alliances can mitigate economic crisis impacts
by Lutz Bellmann & Werner Widuckel - 100-100 Gender differences in risk attitudes
by Antonio Filippin - 136-136 Employment and wage effects of extending collective bargaining agreements
by Ernesto Villanueva & Effrosyni Adamopoulou - 143-143 The quantity–quality fertility–education trade-off
by Haoming Liu & Li Li - 152-152 Performance-related pay and productivity
by Claudio Lucifora & Federica Origo - 199-199 Should unemployment insurance cover partial unemployment?
by Susanne Ek Spector - 208-208 Does emigration increase the wages of non-emigrants in sending countries
by Benjamin Elsner - 227-227 Income-contingent loans in higher education financing
by Bruce Chapman & Lorraine Dearden - 233-233 The labor market consequences of impatience
by Brian C. Cadena & Benjamin J. Keys - 235-235 Job search requirements for older unemployed workers
by Hans Bloemen - 247-247 Is there an optimal school starting age?
by Elizabeth Dhuey & Kourtney Koebel - 279-279 Parental leave and maternal labor supply
by Astrid Kunze - 287-287 Ethnic enclaves and immigrant economic integration
by Simone Schüller & Tanika Chakraborty - 289-289 Women’s labor force participation
by Anne E. Winkler - 293-293 Can cash transfers reduce child labor?
by Furio C. Rosati - 311-311 Does employee ownership improve performance?
by Arnaud Chevalier - 344-344 How is new technology changing job design?
by Michael Gibbs & Sergei Bazylik - 358-358 Gender differences in corporate hierarchies
by Antti Kauhanen - 368-368 Gross domestic product: Are other measures needed?
by Barbara M. Fraumeni - 373-373 Demographic and economic determinants of migration
by Nicole B. Simpson - 412-412 The transformations of the French labor market, 2000–2021
by Philippe Askenazy - 427-427 The labor market in New Zealand, 2000−2021
by David C. Maré - 432-432 The labor market in Canada, 2000–2021
by W. Craig Riddell - 488-488 Firms, sorting, and the immigrant–native earnings gap
by Benoit Dostie - 489-489 The labor market impact of Covid-19 on immigrants
by Hugh Cassidy - 490-490 Refugee children’s earnings in adulthood
by Yoko Yoshida & Jonathan Amoyaw & Rachel McLay - 491-491 Youth extracurricular activities and the importance of social skills for supervisors
by Vasilios D. Kosteas - 492-492 Measuring poverty within the household
by Caitlin Brown & Rossella Calvi & Jacob Penglase & Denni Tommasi - 493-493 Economic effects of natural disasters
by Tatyana Deryugina - 494-494 Is the post-communist transition over?
by Elodie Douarin & Tomasz Mickiewicz - 495-495 Presenteeism at the workplace
by Claus Schnabel - 496-496 Determinants of inequality in transition countries
by Michal Brzezinski & Katarzyna Salach - 497-497 The gender gap in time allocation
by Jose Ignacio Gimenez-Nadal & Jose Alberto Molina - 498-498 Digital leadership: Motivating online workers
by Petra Nieken - 499-499 Offshoring and labor markets in developing countries
by Arnab K. Basu & Nancy H. Chau - 501-501 Firm age and job creation in the US
by Henry R. Hyatt - 502-502 Incentivizing sleep?
by Joan Costa-Font - 503-503 Temporary migration entails benefits, but also costs, for sending and receiving countries
by Joseph-Simon Görlach & Katarina Kuske - 504-504 Does working from home work in developing countries?
by Mariana Viollaz
- 1-3 Do labor costs affect companies’ demand for labor?
by Daniel S. Hamermesh - 1-58 Correspondence testing studies
by Dan-Olof Rooth - 113-113 Should divorce be easier or harder?
by Libertad Gonzalez & Alicia de Quinto - 121-121 Is training effective for older workers?
by Matteo Picchio - 123-123 Who benefits from return migration to developing countries?
by Jackline Wahba - 153-153 The minimum wage versus the earned income tax credit for reducing poverty
by Richard V. Burkhauser & Kevin Corinth - 168-168 Alcoholism and mortality in Eastern Europe
by Evgeny Yakovlev - 194-194 Immigrants in the classroom and effects on native children
by Peter Jensen - 205-205 The value of language skills
by Gilles Grenier & Weiguo Zhang - 217-217 Early-life medical care and human capital accumulation
by N. Meltem Daysal & Jonas Cuzulan Hirani - 236-236 Gender differences in competitiveness
by Mario Lackner - 244-244 Can market mechanisms solve the refugee crisis?
by Jesús Fernández-Huertas Moraga & Martin Hagen - 245-245 The impact of legalizing unauthorized immigrants
by Cynthia Bansak & Sarah Pearlman - 246-246 Do in-work benefits work for low-skilled workers?
by Bruno Van der Linden - 253-253 Disability and labor market outcomes
by Melanie Jones - 257-257 Corporate income taxes and entrepreneurship
by Jörn Block - 261-261 Income inequality and social origins
by Lorenzo Cappellari - 270-270 Labor market policies, unemployment, and identity
by Ronnie Schöb - 276-276 Low-wage employment
by Claus Schnabel - 277-277 The dynamics of training programs for the unemployed
by Aderonke Osikominu - 280-280 Cash wage payments in transition economies: Consequences of envelope wages
by Ioana Alexandra Horodnic & Colin C. Williams - 283-283 The relationship between recessions and health
by Nick Drydakis - 292-292 How immigration affects investment and productivity in host and home countries
by Volker Grossmann - 325-325 Inequality and informality in transition and emerging countries
by Roberto Dell'Anno - 361-361 The labor market in the US, 2000–2020
by Daniel S. Hamermesh - 404-404 The Danish labor market, 2000–2020
by Torben M. Andersen - 482-482 Individual and family labor market impacts of chronic diseases
by Amanda Gaulke - 483-483 Statistical profiling of unemployed jobseekers
by Bert van Landeghem & Sam Desiere & Ludo Struyven - 484-484 Do guest worker programs give firms too much power?
by Peter Norlander - 485-485 Interaction between technology and recruiting practices
by Vera Brencic - 486-486 Noncompete agreements in employment contracts
by Kurt Lavetti - 487-487 Do rising returns to education justify “helicopter” parenting?
by Matthias Doepke & Fabrizio Zilibotti
- 1-21 Recruiting intensity
by R. Jason Faberman - 1-38 How labor market institutions affect job creation and productivity growth
by Magnus Henrekson - 1-41 Skill-based immigration, economic integration, and economic performance
by Abdurrahman B. Aydemir - 1-49 The impact of monitoring and sanctioning on unemployment exit and job-finding rates
by Duncan McVicar - 1-65 Public sector outsourcing
by Panu Poutvaara & Henrik Jordahl - 1-68 The consequences of trade union power erosion
by John T. Addison - 1-75 International trade regulation and job creation
by Mattia Di Ubaldo & L. Alan Winters - 1-88 Overeducation, skill mismatches, and labor market outcomes for college graduates
by Peter J. Sloane & Kostas Mavromaras - 1-89 The effect of overtime regulations on employment
by Ronald L. Oaxaca & Galiya Sagyndykova - 1-91 Tax evasion, market adjustments, and income distribution
by James Alm & Matthias Kasper - 102-102 Do immigrants improve the health of native workers?
by Osea Giuntella - 125-125 Naturalization and citizenship: Who benefits?
by Christina Gathmann & Ole Monscheuer - 133-133 The determinants of housework time
by Leslie S. Stratton - 138-138 Are workers motivated by the greater good?
by Mirco Tonin - 145-145 Who benefits from firm-sponsored training?
by Benoit Dostie - 212-212 Health effects of job insecurity
by Francis Green - 229-229 What is the economic value of literacy and numeracy?
by Anna Vignoles & Gemma Cherry - 237-237 Internal hiring or external recruitment?
by Jed DeVaro - 264-264 Encouraging women’s labor force participation in transition countries
by Norberto Pignatti - 265-265 Impacts of regulation on eco-innovation and job creation
by Jens Horbach - 269-269 Integrating refugees into labor markets
by Pieter Bevelander - 365-365 Racial wage differentials in developed countries
by Simonetta Longhi - 402-402 The labor market in Switzerland, 2000–2018
by Rafael Lalive & Tobias Lehmann - 403-403 The labor market in Spain, 2002–2018
by Anna Sanz-de-Galdeano & Anastasia Terskaya - 405-405 The labor market in South Korea, 2000–2018
by Jungmin Lee - 410-410 The labor market in Ireland, 2000–2018
by Adele Bergin & Elish Kelly & Paul Redmond - 421-421 The labor market in Finland, 2000–2018
by Tomi Kyyrä & Hanna Pesola - 422-422 The labor market in the UK, 2000–2019
by Benedikt Herz & Thijs Van Rens - 424-424 The labor market in Norway, 2000–2018
by Øivind A. Nilsen - 471-471 The gig economy
by Paul Oyer - 472-472 Understanding the global decline in the labor income share
by Saumik Paul - 473-473 Public attitudes toward immigration—Determinants and unknowns
by Mohsen Javdani - 474-474 The labor market in Iceland, 2000–2018
by Katrín Ólafsdóttir - 475-475 The labor market in South Africa, 2000–2017
by Jacqueline Mosomi & Mrtin Wittenberg - 476-476 Migration and human capital accumulation in China
by John Giles & Yang Huang - 477-477 What is the nature and extent of student–university mismatch?
by Gillian Wyness & Richard Murphy - 478-478 Bonuses and performance evaluations
by Dirk Sliwka - 479-479 Labor market performance and the rise of populism
by Sergei Guriev - 480-480 European asylum policy before and after the migration crisis
by Tim Hatton - 481-481 Sports at the vanguard of labor market policy
by Kerry L. Papps
- 1-11 Short-time work compensation schemes and employment
by Pierre Cahuc - 1-14 Social protection programs for women in developing countries
by Lisa Cameron - 1-16 Equal pay legislation and the gender wage gap
by Solomon W. Polachek - 1-19 Intergenerational return to human capital
by Paul J. Devereux - 1-29 Gender diversity in teams
by Ghazala Azmat - 1-32 Obesity and labor market outcomes
by Susan L. Averett - 1-33 Crime and immigration
by Brian Bell - 1-34 Efficient markets, managerial power, and CEO compensation
by Michael L. Bognanno - 1-47 Effect of international activity on firm performance
by Joachim Wagner - 1-51 Redesigning pension systems
by Marek Góra - 1-55 Do firms benefit from apprenticeship investments?
by Robert Lerman - 1-57 Designing labor market regulations in developing countries
by Gordon Betcherman - 1-60 Self-employment and poverty in developing countries
by Gary S. Fields - 1-66 Does substance use affect academic performance?
by Daniel I. Rees - 1-70 The effect of early retirement schemes on youth employment
by Rene Boheim & Thomas Nice - 1-76 Employment effects of green energy policies
by Nico Pestel - 1-80 Compliance with labor laws in developing countries
by Haroo Bhorat & Ravi Kanbur & Benjamin Stanwix - 1-81 Enforcement and illegal migration
by Pia Orrenius - 1-85 Immigrants and entrepreneurship
by Magnus Lofstrom & Chunbei Wang - 1-93 Impact of privatization on employment and earnings
by John S. Earle & Solomiya Shpak - 1-95 The importance and challenges of measuring work hours
by Jay Stewart & Harley Frazis - 105-105 Women in crime
by Nadia Campaniello - 109-109 University study abroad and graduates’ employability
by Giorgio Di Pietro - 111-111 Sexual orientation and labor market outcomes
by Nick Drydakis - 115-115 Market competition and executive pay
by Priscila Ferreira - 128-128 Is unconditional basic income a viable alternative to other social welfare measures?
by Ugo Colombino - 149-149 Happiness as a guide to labor market policy
by Jo Ritzen - 159-159 Can immigrants ever earn as much as native workers?
by Kathryn H. Anderson & Zhen Huang - 176-176 Intergenerational income persistence
by Jo Blanden - 361-361 The labor market in the US, 2000–2018
by Daniel S. Hamermesh - 379-379 The labor market in Germany, 2000–2018
by Hilmar Schneider - 385-385 The labor market in Japan, 2000–2018
by Daiji Kawaguchi & Hiroaki Mori - 404-404 The Danish labor market, 2000–2018
by Torben M. Andersen - 449-449 Improvement in European labor force participation
by Daniel Gros - 454-454 Measuring individual risk preferences
by Catherine C. Eckel - 456-456 Bosses matter: The effects of managers on workers’ performance
by Kathryn L. Shaw - 457-457 Enforcement of labor regulations in developing countries
by Lucas Ronconi - 458-458 Does accession to the EU affect firms’ productivity?
by Jens Hӧlscher & Peter Howard-Jones - 459-459 Why do STEM immigrants do better in one country than another?
by Garnett Picot & Feng Hou - 460-460 Do school inputs crowd out parents’ investments in their children?
by Birgitta Rabe - 461-461 Retirement plan type and worker mobility
by Colleen Flaherty Manchester