April 2012, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 547-563 Not All Bridging Ties Are Equal: Network Imprinting and Firm Growth in the Nashville Legal Industry, 1933–1978
by Bill McEvily & Jonathan Jaffee & Marco Tortoriello - 564-581 The Coevolution of Network Ties and Perceptions of Team Psychological Safety
by Mathis Schulte & N. Andrew Cohen & Katherine J. Klein - 582-595 A Model of Instrumental Networks: The Roles of Socialized Charismatic Leadership and Group Behavior
by Paul Varella & Mansour Javidan & David A. Waldman
February 2012, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-23 Explaining Employee Engagement with Strategic Change Implementation: A Meaning-Making Approach
by Scott Sonenshein & Utpal Dholakia - 24-46 A Balancing Act: How Organizations Pursue Consistency in Routine Functioning in the Face of Ongoing Change
by Scott F. Turner & Violina Rindova - 47-66 Wall Street vs. Main Street: Firm Strategies for Defending Legitimacy and Their Impact on Different Stakeholders
by Anna Lamin & Srilata Zaheer - 67-82 Status Differences in the Cognitive Activation of Social Networks
by Edward Bishop Smith & Tanya Menon & Leigh Thompson - 83-97 Evaluative Schemas and the Mediating Role of Critics
by Greta Hsu & Peter W. Roberts & Anand Swaminathan - 98-117 How Managers Use Multiple Media: Discrepant Events, Power, and Timing in Redundant Communication
by Paul M. Leonardi & Tsedal B. Neeley & Elizabeth M. Gerber - 118-137 Sensemaking Under Pressure: The Influence of Professional Roles and Social Accountability on the Creation of Sense
by Joep P. Cornelissen - 138-154 Impact of Growth Opportunities and Competition on Firm-Level Capability Development Trade-offs
by Hazhir Rahmandad - 155-176 Setting Your Own Standards: Internal Corporate Governance Codes as a Response to Institutional Pressure
by Ilya Okhmatovskiy & Robert J. David - 177-193 Regions Matter: How Localized Social Capital Affects Innovation and External Knowledge Acquisition
by Keld Laursen & Francesca Masciarelli & Andrea Prencipe - 194-206 Risks of Corporate Entrepreneurship: Autonomy and Agency Issues
by Katsuhiko (Katsu) Shimizu - 207-224 Achieving Demand-Side Synergy from Strategic Diversification: How Combining Mundane Assets Can Leverage Consumer Utilities
by Guangliang Ye & Richard L. Priem & Abdullah A. Alshwer - 225-243 CEO Replacement in Turnaround Situations: Executive (Mis)Fit and Its Performance Implications
by Guoli Chen & Donald C. Hambrick - 244-266 PERSPECTIVE—The Sociological Ambivalence of Bureaucracy: From Weber via Gouldner to Marx
by Paul S. Adler - 267-285 PERSPECTIVE—Toward a Behavioral Theory of Strategy
by Giovanni Gavetti - 286-287 Comment on “Toward a Behavioral Theory of Strategy”
by Adam Brandenburger & Natalya Vinokurova - 288-297 Purpose and Progress in the Theory of Strategy: Comments on Gavetti
by Sidney G. Winter - 298-298 Statement from the Editor Regarding “Status Conflict in Groups”
by Daniel A. Levinthal
December 2011, Volume 22, Issue 6
- 1369-1383 The (N)Ever-Changing World: Stability and Change in Organizational Routines
by Brian T. Pentland & Thorvald Hærem & Derek Hillison - 1384-1398 Playing Offense vs. Defense: The Effects of Team Strategic Orientation on Team Process in Competitive Environments
by Anita Williams Woolley - 1399-1417 Modeling a Paradigm Shift: From Producer Innovation to User and Open Collaborative Innovation
by Carliss Baldwin & Eric von Hippel - 1418-1434 The Prince and the Pauper: Search and Brokerage in the Initiation of Status-Heterophilous Ties
by Andrew V. Shipilov & Stan Xiao Li & Henrich R. Greve - 1435-1448 Status Inconsistency and Product Valuation in the California Wine Market
by Wei Zhao & Xueguang Zhou - 1449-1463 Category Reinterpretation and Defection: Modernism and Tradition in Italian Winemaking
by Giacomo Negro & Michael T. Hannan & Hayagreeva Rao - 1464-1480 Network Exchange Patterns in Online Communities
by Samer Faraj & Steven L. Johnson - 1481-1499 Including the “I” in Virtuality and Modern Job Design: Extending the Job Characteristics Model to Include the Moderating Effect of Individual Experiences of Electronic Dependence and Copresence
by Cristina B. Gibson & Jennifer L. Gibbs & Taryn L. Stanko & Paul Tesluk & Susan G. Cohen - 1500-1516 From Old Competence Destruction to New Competence Access: Evidence from the Comparison of Two Discontinuities in Anticancer Drug Discovery
by M. Lourdes Sosa - 1517-1538 Balance Within and Across Domains: The Performance Implications of Exploration and Exploitation in Alliances
by Dovev Lavie & Jingoo Kang & Lori Rosenkopf - 1539-1559 Institutional Multiplicity in Practice: A Tale of Two High-Tech Conferences in Israel
by Tammar B. Zilber - 1560-1578 Dynamic Resource Capabilities: Managing Workforce Knowledge with a Technology Upgrade
by Cheryl Gaimon & Gülru F. Özkan & Karen Napoleon - 1579-1599 Text Me! New Consumer Practices and Change in Organizational Fields
by Shahzad (Shaz) Ansari & Nelson Phillips - 1600-1612 Behind the Iron Cage: An Institutional Perspective on ISO 9000 Adoption and CEO Compensation
by Andy C. L. Yeung & Chris K. Y. Lo & T. C. E. Cheng - 1613-1630 The Dynamics of the Performance--Risk Relationship Within a Performance Period: The Moderating Role of Deadline Proximity
by David W. Lehman & Jungpil Hahn & Rangaraj Ramanujam & Bradley J. Alge - 1631-1652 PERSPECTIVE ---Explaining Influence Rents: The Case for an Institutions-Based View of Strategy
by Gautam Ahuja & Sai Yayavaram - 1653-1654 CROSSROADS ---The Atlantic Divide: American and European Approaches to Strategy Research
by Zur Shapira - 1655-1662 Torn Between Admiration and Distrust: European Strategy Research and the American Challenge
by Joseph Lampel - 1663-1679 European and North American Approaches to Organizations and Strategy Research: An Atlantic Divide? Not
by Joel A. C. Baum
October 2011, Volume 22, Issue 5
- 1121-1122 Introduction to the Special Issue
by Linda Argote - 1123-1137 Organizational Learning: From Experience to Knowledge
by Linda Argote & Ella Miron-Spektor - 1138-1143 Using Organizational Economics to Study Organizational Capability Development and Strategy
by Nicholas Argyres - 1144-1156 Identity in Organizations: Exploring Cross-Level Dynamics
by Blake E. Ashforth & Kristie M. Rogers & Kevin G. Corley - 1157-1167 Making Organizational Theory Work: Institutions, Occupations, and Negotiated Orders
by Beth A. Bechky - 1168-1181 On Network Theory
by Stephen P. Borgatti & Daniel S. Halgin - 1182-1194 Power, Status, and Learning in Organizations
by J. Stuart Bunderson & Ray E. Reagans - 1195-1202 Computational Modeling for What-Is, What-Might-Be, and What-Should-Be Studies---And Triangulation
by Richard M. Burton & Børge Obel - 1203-1213 Social Entrepreneurship: A Critique and Future Directions
by M. Tina Dacin & Peter A. Dacin & Paul Tracey - 1214-1223 Organizing Ecologies of Complex Innovation
by Deborah Dougherty & Danielle D. Dunne - 1224-1239 Knowledge Collaboration in Online Communities
by Samer Faraj & Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa & Ann Majchrzak - 1240-1253 Theorizing Practice and Practicing Theory
by Martha S. Feldman & Wanda J. Orlikowski - 1254-1265 Transactive Memory Systems: Current Issues and Future Research Directions
by Kyle Lewis & Benjamin Herndon - 1266-1276 Reorganizing the Boundaries of Trust: From Discrete Alternatives to Hybrid Forms
by Bill McEvily - 1277-1285 Effective Matrices, Decision Frames, and Cooperation in Volunteer Dilemmas: A Theoretical Perspective on Academic Peer Review
by Gregory B. Northcraft & Ann E. Tenbrunsel - 1286-1296 Attention to Attention
by William Ocasio - 1297-1311 Advancing the Conceptualization and Operationalization of Novelty in Organizational Research
by Lori Rosenkopf & Patia McGrath - 1312-1321 “I've Got a Theory Paper---Do You?”: Conceptual, Empirical, and Theoretical Contributions to Knowledge in the Organizational Sciences
by Zur Shapira - 1322-1331 Organizations as Fonts of Entrepreneurship
by Jesper B. Sørensen & Magali A. Fassiotto - 1332-1344 Studying Choice and Change: The Intersection of Institutional Theory and Entrepreneurship Research
by Pamela S. Tolbert & Robert J. David & Wesley D. Sine - 1345-1358 Corporate Governance and Stakeholder Opportunism
by Axel v. Werder - 1359-1367 PERSPECTIVE---Collective Intelligence in the Organization of Science
by Anita Williams Woolley & Erica Fuchs
August 2011, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 817-834 The Enabling Role of Social Position in Diverging from the Institutional Status Quo: Evidence from the UK National Health Service
by Julie Battilana - 835-849 Close Encounters: Analyzing How Social Similarity and Propinquity Contribute to Strong Network Connections
by Ray Reagans - 850-868 Governance Form and Organizational Adaptation: Lessons from the Savings and Loan Industry in the 1980s
by James H. Moore & Matthew S. Kraatz - 869-886 Misperceiving the Beliefs of Others: How Pluralistic Ignorance Contributes to the Persistence of Positive Security Analyst Reactions to the Adoption of Stock Repurchase Plans
by David H. Zhu & James D. Westphal - 887-906 E-mail as a Source and Symbol of Stress
by Stephen R. Barley & Debra E. Meyerson & Stine Grodal - 907-922 Deliberate Learning to Improve Performance in Dynamic Service Settings: Evidence from Hospital Intensive Care Units
by Ingrid M. Nembhard & Anita L. Tucker - 923-939 Dormant Ties: The Value Of Reconnecting
by Daniel Z. Levin & Jorge Walter & J. Keith Murnighan - 940-960 Contacts and Contracts: Cross-Level Network Dynamics in the Development of an Aircraft Material
by Hans Berends & Elco van Burg & Erik M. van Raaij - 961-979 Progressing to the Center: Coordinating Project Work
by Linus Dahlander & Siobhan O'Mahony - 980-999 Linking Customer Interaction and Innovation: The Mediating Role of New Organizational Practices
by Nicolai J. Foss & Keld Laursen & Torben Pedersen - 1000-1025 Organizing for Product Development Across Technological Environments: Performance Trade-offs and Priorities
by Laura B. Cardinal & Scott F. Turner & Michael J. Fern & Richard M. Burton - 1026-1039 New Product Exploration Under Environmental Turbulence
by Erwin Danneels & Rajesh Sethi - 1040-1060 What Influences How Higher-Status People Respond to Lower-Status Others? Effects of Procedural Fairness, Outcome Favorability, and Concerns About Status
by Steven L. Blader & Ya-Ru Chen - 1061-1086 Avoiding Bad Press: Interpersonal Influence in Relations Between CEOs and Journalists and the Consequences for Press Reporting About Firms and Their Leadership
by James D. Westphal & David L. Deephouse - 1087-1104 Foundations of Organizational Trust: What Matters to Different Stakeholders?
by Michael Pirson & Deepak Malhotra - 1105-1120 PERSPECTIVE---Researchers Should Make Thoughtful Assessments Instead of Null-Hypothesis Significance Tests
by Andreas Schwab & Eric Abrahamson & William H. Starbuck & Fiona Fidler
June 2011, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 541-553 The Ratings Game: Asymmetry in Classification
by David M. Waguespack & Olav Sorenson - 554-572 Identity Realization and Organizational Forms: Differentiation and Consolidation of Identities Among Arizona's Charter Schools
by Brayden G King & Elisabeth S. Clemens & Melissa Fry - 573-586 Rational Decision Making as Performative Praxis: Explaining Rationality's Éternel Retour
by Laure Cabantous & Jean-Pascal Gond - 587-601 Dealing with Unusual Experiences: A Narrative Perspective on Organizational Learning
by Raghu Garud & Roger L. M. Dunbar & Caroline A. Bartel - 602-620 Practice as the Site of Knowing: Insights from the Field of Telemedicine
by Davide Nicolini - 621-640 When Employees Do Bad Things for Good Reasons: Examining Unethical Pro-Organizational Behaviors
by Elizabeth E. Umphress & John B. Bingham - 641-658 Location, Decentralization, and Knowledge Sources for Innovation
by Aija Leiponen & Constance E. Helfat - 659-674 Real Options and Investment Mode: Evidence from Corporate Venture Capital and Acquisition
by Tony W. Tong & Yong Li - 675-687 What I Like About You: A Multilevel Study of Shareholder Discontent with Director Monitoring
by Amy J. Hillman & Christine Shropshire & S. Trevis Certo & Dan R. Dalton & Catherine M. Dalton - 688-703 More Than Adopters: Competing Influences in the Interlocking Directorate
by Brian L. Connelly & Jonathan L. Johnson & Laszlo Tihanyi & Alan E. Ellstrand - 704-721 Stewardship or Agency? A Social Embeddedness Reconciliation of Conduct and Performance in Public Family Businesses
by Isabelle Le Breton-Miller & Danny Miller & Richard H. Lester - 722-737 Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth: How High-Status Individuals Decrease Group Effectiveness
by Boris Groysberg & Jeffrey T. Polzer & Hillary Anger Elfenbein - 738-753 Getting Even or Being at Odds? Cohesion in Even- and Odd-Sized Small Groups
by Tanya Menon & Katherine W. Phillips - 754-771 Relational Outcomes of Multicommunicating: Integrating Incivility and Social Exchange Perspectives
by Ann-Frances Cameron & Jane Webster - 772-787 Understanding the Role of Worker Interdependence in Team Selection
by William P. Millhiser & Corinne A. Coen & Daniel Solow - 788-803 Does Diversity Climate Lead to Customer Satisfaction? It Depends on the Service Climate and Business Unit Demography
by Patrick F. McKay & Derek R. Avery & Hui Liao & Mark A. Morris - 804-815 PERSPECTIVE---Organizational Cognitive Neuroscience
by Carl Senior & Nick Lee & Michael Butler
April 2011, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 287-298 The Cultural Construction of Organizational Life: Introduction to the Special Issue
by Klaus Weber & M. Tina Dacin - 299-319 The Cultural Category of Cooperation: A Cultural Consensus Model Analysis for China and the United States
by Joshua Keller & Jeffrey Loewenstein - 320-346 Strategy and PowerPoint: An Inquiry into the Epistemic Culture and Machinery of Strategy Making
by Sarah Kaplan - 347-369 Innovation Blindness: Culture, Frames, and Cross-Boundary Problem Construction in the Development of New Technology Concepts
by Paul M. Leonardi - 370-390 On the Narrative Construction of Multinational Corporations: An Antenarrative Analysis of Legitimation and Resistance in a Cross-Border Merger
by Eero Vaara & Janne Tienari - 391-412 Clean Climbing, Carabiners, and Cultural Cultivation: Developing an Open-Systems Perspective of Culture
by Spencer H. Harrison & Kevin G. Corley - 413-431 A Cultural Quest: A Study of Organizational Use of New Cultural Resources in Strategy Formation
by Violina Rindova & Elena Dalpiaz & Davide Ravasi - 432-448 Creating Economic Value Through Social Values: Introducing a Culturally Informed Resource-Based View
by Cara C. Maurer & Pratima Bansal & Mary M. Crossan - 449-463 Legitimating Nascent Collective Identities: Coordinating Cultural Entrepreneurship
by Tyler Wry & Michael Lounsbury & Mary Ann Glynn - 464-481 The Limits of Media Effects: Field Positions and Cultural Change in a Mutual Fund Market
by Stefan Jonsson & Helena Buhr - 482-502 Hot Lights and Cold Steel: Cultural and Political Toolkits for Practice Change in Surgery
by Katherine C. Kellogg - 503-521 Organizational Aesthetics: Caught Between Identity Regulation and Culture Jamming
by Varda Wasserman & Michal Frenkel - 522-539 Liminality as Cultural Process for Cultural Change
by Jennifer Howard-Grenville & Karen Golden-Biddle & Jennifer Irwin & Jina Mao
February 2011, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-21 Where Do Creative Interactions Come From? The Role of Tie Content and Social Networks
by Manuel E. Sosa - 22-41 Managing Organizational Change: Negotiating Meaning and Power-Resistance Relations
by Robyn Thomas & Leisa D. Sargent & Cynthia Hardy - 42-59 Getting a Bonus: Social Networks, Performance, and Reward Among Commercial Bankers
by Mark S. Mizruchi & Linda Brewster Stearns & Anne Fleischer - 60-80 Bridging Institutional Entrepreneurship and the Creation of New Organizational Forms: A Multilevel Model
by Paul Tracey & Nelson Phillips & Owen Jarvis - 81-98 Microfoundations of Internal and External Absorptive Capacity Routines
by Arie Y. Lewin & Silvia Massini & Carine Peeters - 99-117 Investing in Capabilities: The Dynamics of Resource Allocation
by Corinne A. Coen & Catherine A. Maritan - 118-140 Dynamic Managerial Capabilities and the Multibusiness Team: The Role of Episodic Teams in Executive Leadership Groups
by Jeffrey A. Martin - 141-157 Firm Size and Industry Structure Under Human Capital Intensity: Insights from the Evolution of the Global Advertising Industry
by Andrew von Nordenflycht - 158-172 The Effect of Strategic Alliance Knowledge Complementarity on New Product Innovativeness in China
by Eric (Er) Fang - 173-189 Collective Learning in Global Diffusion: Spreading Quality Standards in a Developing Country Cluster
by Paola Perez-Aleman - 190-209 Taking Sides: The Interactive Influences of Institutional Mechanisms on the Adoption of Same-Sex Partner Health Benefits by Fortune 500 Corporations, 1990--2003
by You-Ta Chuang & Robin Church & Ron Ophir - 210-224 Reactions to Territorial Infringement
by Graham Brown & Sandra L. Robinson - 225-244 Escalating Indecision: Between Reification and Strategic Ambiguity
by Jean-Louis Denis & Geneviève Dompierre & Ann Langley & Linda Rouleau - 245-261 Suboptimal Assessment of Interunit Task Interdependence: Modes of Integration and Information Processing for Coordination Performance
by J. Daniel Sherman & Robert T. Keller - 262-285 Teaching-Learning Ecologies: Mapping the Environment to Structure Through Action
by Diane E. Bailey & Stephen R. Barley
December 2010, Volume 21, Issue 6
- 1125-1140 How Do New Ventures Evolve? An Inductive Study of Archetype Changes in Science-Based Ventures
by Tina C. Ambos & Julian Birkinshaw - 1141-1158 Relationship Duration and Returns to Brokerage in the Staffing Sector
by Matthew Bidwell & Isabel Fernandez-Mateo - 1159-1175 Women's and Men's Career Referents: How Gender Composition and Comparison Level Shape Career Expectations
by Donald E. Gibson & Barbara S. Lawrence - 1176-1194 Robin Hood Under the Hood: Wealth-Based Discrimination in Illicit Customer Help
by Francesca Gino & Lamar Pierce - 1195-1212 Experience Spillovers Across Corporate Development Activities
by Maurizio Zollo & Jeffrey J. Reuer - 1213-1232 Alliance Activity as a Dynamic Capability in the Face of a Discontinuous Technological Change
by Jaideep Anand & Raffaele Oriani & Roberto S. Vassolo - 1233-1250 Organizational Learning and Interfirm Control: The Effects of Partner Search and Prior Exchange Experiences
by Henri C. Dekker & Alexandra Van den Abbeele - 1251-1262 CROSSROADS---Organizing for Fluidity? Dilemmas of New Organizational Forms
by Georg Schreyögg & Jörg Sydow - 1263-1273 CROSSROADS---Microfoundations of Performance: Balancing Efficiency and Flexibility in Dynamic Environments
by Kathleen M. Eisenhardt & Nathan R. Furr & Christopher B. Bingham
October 2010, Volume 21, Issue 5
- 955-972 When Truces Collapse: A Longitudinal Study of Price-Adjustment Routines
by Mark J. Zbaracki & Mark Bergen - 973-994 When Callings Are Calling: Crafting Work and Leisure in Pursuit of Unanswered Occupational Callings
by Justin M. Berg & Adam M. Grant & Victoria Johnson - 995-1015 The Trap of Continual Ownership Change in International Equity Joint Ventures
by Chris Changwha Chung & Paul W. Beamish - 1016-1033 Marginality and Problem-Solving Effectiveness in Broadcast Search
by Lars Bo Jeppesen & Karim R. Lakhani - 1034-1053 The Dynamics of Interorganizational Careers
by Matthew Bidwell & Forrest Briscoe - 1054-1071 Not-Sold-Here: How Attitudes Influence External Knowledge Exploitation
by Ulrich Lichtenthaler & Holger Ernst & Martin Hoegl - 1072-1091 Prior Alliances with Targets and Acquisition Performance in Knowledge-Intensive Industries
by Akbar Zaheer & Exequiel Hernandez & Sanjay Banerjee - 1092-1107 The Role of Analogy in the Institutionalization of Sustainability Reporting
by Dror Etzion & Fabrizio Ferraro - 1108-1120 Too Good to Be True? The Unintended Signaling Effects of Educational Prestige on External Expectations of Team Performance
by Stephen J. Sauer & Melissa C. Thomas-Hunt & Patrick A. Morris
August 2010, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 803-803 From the Editor
by Daniel A. Levinthal - 804-822 Heterogeneity, Brokerage, and Innovative Performance: Endogenous Formation of Collaborative Inventor Networks
by Jeongsik “Jay” Lee - 823-841 Event Attention, Environmental Sensemaking, and Change in Institutional Logics: An Inductive Analysis of the Effects of Public Attention to Clinton's Health Care Reform Initiative
by Amit Nigam & William Ocasio - 842-853 Innovation, Modularity, and Vertical Deintegration: Evidence from the Early U.S. Auto Industry
by Nicholas Argyres & Lyda Bigelow - 854-872 Responding to Rivals and Complements: How Market Concentration Shapes Generational Product Innovation Strategy
by Scott F. Turner & Will Mitchell & Richard A. Bettis - 873-891 To Share or Not to Share? Professional Norms, Reference Groups, and Information Withholding Among Life Scientists
by Martine R. Haas & Sangchan Park - 892-912 Does Ownership Affect the Variability of the Production Process? Evidence from International Courier Services
by Chihmao Hsieh & Sérgio Giovanetti Lazzarini & Jackson A. Nickerson & Marcio Laurini - 913-930 Is the Resource-Based View a Practical Organizational Theory?
by Richard J. Arend & Moren Lévesque - 931-951 PERSPECTIVE---Absorbing the Concept of Absorptive Capacity: How to Realize Its Potential in the Organization Field
by Henk W. Volberda & Nicolai J. Foss & Marjorie A. Lyles
June 2010, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 593-608 Fostering Team Innovation: Why Is It Important to Combine Opposing Action Strategies?
by Diether Gebert & Sabine Boerner & Eric Kearney - 609-624 Structure and Learning in Self-Managed Teams: Why “Bureaucratic” Teams Can Be Better Learners
by J. Stuart Bunderson & Peter Boumgarden - 625-642 Balancing Exploration and Exploitation Through Structural Design: The Isolation of Subgroups and Organizational Learning
by Christina Fang & Jeho Lee & Melissa A. Schilling - 643-660 Unlocking Knowledge Transfer Potential: Knowledge Demonstrability and Superordinate Social Identity
by Aimée A. Kane - 661-676 How Much to Copy? Determinants of Effective Imitation Breadth
by Felipe A. Csaszar & Nicolaj Siggelkow - 677-695 Social Capital for Hire? Mobility of Technical Professionals and Firm Influence in Wireless Standards Committees
by Gina Dokko & Lori Rosenkopf - 696-712 Business Group Affiliation and Firm Search Behavior in India: Responsiveness and Focus of Attention
by Balagopal Vissa & Henrich R. Greve & Wei-Ru Chen - 713-730 Minding the Gaps: Understanding Technology Interdependence and Coordination in Knowledge Work
by Diane E. Bailey & Paul M. Leonardi & Jan Chong - 731-744 The Interactive Effects of Mood and Trait Negative Affect in Group Decision Making
by Daan van Knippenberg & Hanneke J. M. Kooij-de Bode & Wendy P. van Ginkel - 745-764 Structural Logic of Intraorganizational Networks
by Olaf N. Rank & Garry L. Robins & Philippa E. Pattison - 765-780 Establishing the Value of Flexibility Created by Training: Applying Real Options Methodology to a Single HR Practice
by Aleš Berk & Robert Kaše - 781-797 Perspective---Open to Negotiation: Phenomenological Assumptions and Knowledge Dissemination
by Corinne Bendersky & Kathleen L. McGinn
April 2010, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 311-330 Institutional Change as an Interactive Process: The Case of the Modernization of the French Cancer Centers
by Patrick Castel & Erhard Friedberg - 331-346 Certifications and Reputation: Determining the Standard of Desirability Amidst Uncertainty
by Scott D. Graffin & Andrew J. Ward - 347-361 Power Asymmetry and Learning in Teams: The Moderating Role of Performance Feedback
by Gerben S. Van der Vegt & Simon B. de Jong & J. Stuart Bunderson & Eric Molleman - 362-379 Problems Deciding: How the Structure of Make-or-Buy Decisions Leads to Transaction Misalignment
by Matthew Bidwell - 380-396 Why Do Firms Divest?
by Heather Berry - 397-412 The Successful Intelligence of High-Growth Entrepreneurs: Links to New Venture Growth
by J. Robert Baum & Barbara J. Bird - 413-431 Cognitive Processes of Opportunity Recognition: The Role of Structural Alignment
by Denis A. Grégoire & Pamela S. Barr & Dean A. Shepherd - 432-450 Competition and Beyond: Problems and Attention Allocation in the Organizational Rulemaking Process
by Bilian Ni Sullivan - 451-468 Faraway, Yet So Close: Organizations in Demographic Flux
by Johannes M. Pennings & Filippo Carlo Wezel - 469-489 Investigating the Antecedents of Team-Based Clan Control: Adding Social Capital as a Predictor
by Laurie J. Kirsch & Dong-Gil Ko & Mark H. Haney - 490-506 A Relational Model of How High-Performance Work Systems Work
by Jody Hoffer Gittell & Rob Seidner & Julian Wimbush - 507-520 Technology, Organization, and Structure---A Morphogenetic Approach
by Alistair Mutch - 521-539 The Multiplicity of Institutional Logics and the Heterogeneity of Organizational Responses
by Royston Greenwood & Amalia Magán Díaz & Stan Xiao Li & José Céspedes Lorente - 540-553 A General Framework for Estimating Multidimensional Contingency Fit
by Simon C. Parker & Arjen van Witteloostuijn - 554-572 Different Roles, Different Strokes: Organizing Virtual Customer Environments to Promote Two Types of Customer Contributions
by Satish Nambisan & Robert A. Baron - 573-586 Organizational Attributes and the Distribution of Rewards in a Region: Managerial Firms vs. Knowledge Clusters
by Alfonso Gambardella & Marco S. Giarratana
February 2010, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-2 From the Editor
by Linda Argote & Jennifer Kukawa - 3-22 A Recursive Perspective on Discursive Legitimation and Organizational Action in Mergers and Acquisitions
by Eero Vaara & Philippe Monin - 23-41 The Next Generation: Technology Adoption and Integration Through Internal Competition in New Product Development
by Alva Taylor - 42-62 Securities Analysts and Incumbent Response to Radical Technological Change: Evidence from Digital Photography and Internet Telephony
by Mary J. Benner - 63-80 Intraorganizational Networks, Interorganizational Networks, and the Impact of Central Inventors: A Longitudinal Study of Pharmaceutical Firms
by Srikanth Paruchuri - 81-96 External Learning Activities and Team Performance: A Multimethod Field Study
by Henrik Bresman - 97-114 Different Truths in Different Worlds
by Kent D. Miller & Shu-Jou Lin - 115-131 Go (Con)figure: Subgroups, Imbalance, and Isolates in Geographically Dispersed Teams
by Michael Boyer O'Leary & Mark Mortensen - 132-149 Getting There: Exploring the Role of Expectations and Preproduction Delays in Processes of Organizational Founding
by Alessandro Lomi & Erik R. Larsen & Filippo Carlo Wezel - 150-167 Entrepreneurial Optimism in the Market for Technological Inventions
by Gary Dushnitsky - 168-185 Young and No Money? Never Mind: The Material Impact of Social Resources on New Venture Growth
by Mukti Khaire - 186-201 Repeated Interactions and Contractual Detail: Identifying the Learning Effect
by Bart S. Vanneste & Phanish Puranam - 202-215 Discovering Valuable Growth Opportunities: An Analysis of Equity Alliances with IPO Firms
by Jeffrey J. Reuer & Tony W. Tong - 216-231 The Effects of Competition on Referral Alliances of Professional Service Firms
by Inwoo Nam & Thomas S. Gruca & Roger Tracy - 232-248 Differential Gains Between Partners in Joint Ventures: Role of Resource Appropriation and Private Benefits
by M. V. Shyam Kumar - 249-270 Speaking Up to Higher-Ups: How Supervisors and Skip-Level Leaders Influence Employee Voice
by James R. Detert & Linda K. Treviño - 271-289 Are Technology-Intensive Industries More Dynamically Competitive? No and Yes
by Paul M. Vaaler & Gerry McNamara - 290-305 Perspective---Finding the Organization in Organizational Theory: A Meta-Theory of the Organization as a Social Actor
by Brayden G. King & Teppo Felin & David A. Whetten
December 2009, Volume 20, Issue 6
- 941-957 A Dialogical Approach to the Creation of New Knowledge in Organizations
by Haridimos Tsoukas - 958-978 Organizational Learning from Extreme Performance Experience: The Impact of Success and Recovery Experience
by June-Young Kim & Ji-Yub (Jay) Kim & Anne S. Miner