April 2014, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 494-508 An Agency Theory of the Division of Managerial Labor
by David Gaddis Ross - 509-528 Firms, Markets, and the State: Institutional Change and Manufacturing Sector Profitability Variances in India
by Sumit K. Majumdar & Arnab Bhattacharjee - 529-551 When Do Spinouts Enhance Parent Firm Performance? Evidence from the U.S. Automobile Industry, 1890–1986
by Ioannis Ioannou - 552-571 Group Polarization in Board Decisions About CEO Compensation
by David H. Zhu - 572-590 Ambition Is Nothing Without Focus: Compensating for Negative Transfer of Experience in R&D
by Anindya Ghosh & Xavier Martin & Johannes M. Pennings & Filippo Carlo Wezel - 591-608 Under Construction: How Commensuration and Management Fashion Affect Corporate Reputation Rankings
by Y. Sekou Bermiss & Edward J. Zajac & Brayden G King - 609-632 The Double-Edged Nature of Board Gender Diversity: Diversity, Firm Performance, and the Power of Women Directors as Predictors of Strategic Change
by María del Carmen Triana & Toyah L. Miller & Tiffany M. Trzebiatowski - 633-652 It Depends: Environmental Context and the Effects of Faultlines on Top Management Team Performance
by Danielle Cooper & Pankaj C. Patel & Sherry M. B. Thatcher
February 2014, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-28 Weaving Straw into Gold: Managing Organizational Tensions Between Standardization and Flexibility in Microfinance
by Rodrigo Canales - 29-56 Players and Purists: Networking Strategies and Agency of Service Professionals
by Ben M. Bensaou & Charles Galunic & Claudia Jonczyk-Sédès - 57-72 Status Inertia and Member Replacement in Role-Differentiated Teams
by J. Stuart Bunderson & Gerben S. Van der Vegt & Raymond T. Sparrowe - 73-92 Status and the True Believer: The Impact of Psychological Contracts on Social Status Attributions of Friendship and Influence
by John B. Bingham & James B. Oldroyd & Jeffery A. Thompson & Jeffrey S. Bednar & J. Stuart Bunderson - 93-108 Search on Rugged Landscapes: An Experimental Study
by Stephan Billinger & Nils Stieglitz & Terry R. Schumacher - 109-126 Great, Madama Butterfly Again! How Robust Market Identity Shapes Opera Repertoires
by Michael Jensen & Bo Kyung Kim - 127-148 Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting in China: Symbol or Substance?
by Christopher Marquis & Cuili Qian - 149-170 A Study of Psychological Contract Breach Spillover in Multiple-Agency Relationships in Consulting Professional Service Firms
by Gregory S. Dawson & Elena Karahanna & Ann Buchholtz - 171-184 Out of Sight, Out of Mind? Evidence of Perceptual Factors in the Multiple-Category Discount
by Ming D. Leung & Amanda J. Sharkey - 185-203 Too Close for Comfort? The Effect of Embeddedness and Competitive Overlap on Client Relationship Retention Following an Acquisition
by Michelle Rogan - 204-221 Running for the Exit: Community Cohesion and Bank Panics
by Henrich R. Greve & Ji-Yub (Jay) Kim - 222-244 What Is a Relationship Worth? Repeated Exchange and the Development and Deployment of Relational Capital
by Daniel W. Elfenbein & Todd R. Zenger - 245-261 Temporal Elements in Career Selection Decisions: An Archival Study Investigating Career Decisions in Medicine
by Priti Pradhan Shah & John P. Bechara & Joseph Kolars & Monica Drefahl & Nicholas LaRusso & Douglas Wood & Barbara Spurrier - 262-282 Performance Feedback and Firm Risk Taking: The Moderating Effects of CEO and Outside Director Stock Options
by Elizabeth N. K. Lim & Brian T. McCann - 283-298 Searching for Alliance Partners: Effects of Geographic Distance on the Formation of R&D Collaborations
by Jeffrey J. Reuer & Nandini Lahiri - 299-319 The Structure of Competition: How Competition Between One’s Rivals Influences Imitative Market Entry
by Kai-Yu Hsieh & Freek Vermeulen
December 2013, Volume 24, Issue 6
- 1601-1617 How Paris Gave Rise to Cubism (and Picasso): Ambiguity and Fragmentation in Radical Innovation
by Stoyan V. Sgourev - 1618-1639 A Social Information Processing Perspective of Coworker Influence on a Focal Employee
by Zhijun Chen & Riki Takeuchi & Cass Shum - 1640-1661 On Becoming (Un)Committed: A Taxonomy and Test of Newcomer Onboarding Scenarios
by Omar N. Solinger & Woody van Olffen & Robert A. Roe & Joeri Hofmans - 1662-1682 Weaving Together the Normative and Regulative Roles of Government: How the Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Fund’s Responsible Conduct Is Shaping Firms’ Cross-Border Investments
by Gurneeta Vasudeva - 1683-1700 Learning by Doing and the Locus of Innovative Capability in Biotechnology Research
by Amit Jain - 1701-1716 An Advantage of Newness: Vicarious Learning Despite Limited Absorptive Capacity
by Hart E. Posen & John S. Chen - 1717-1741 One Out of Many? Boundary Negotiation and Identity Formation in Postmerger Integration
by Israel Drori & Amy Wrzesniewski & Shmuel Ellis - 1742-1764 Dared to Care: Organizational Vulnerability, Institutional Logics, and MNCs’ Social Responsiveness in Emerging Markets
by Jianjun Zhang & Xiaowei Rose Luo - 1765-1781 Entrepreneurial Action, Unique Assets, and Appropriation Risk: Firms as a Means of Appropriating Profit from Capability Creation
by Aseem Kaul - 1782-1804 The Impact of Dynamic Capabilities on Resource Access and Development
by Christian Stadler & Constance E. Helfat & Gianmario Verona - 1805-1826 The Persistent Effect of Geographic Distance in Acquisition Target Selection
by Abhirup Chakrabarti & Will Mitchell - 1827-1846 The Costs of Related Diversification: The Impact of the Core Business on the Productivity of Related Segments
by M. V. Shyam Kumar - 1847-1869 Decomposing Uncertainty and Its Effects on Imitation in Firm Exit Decisions
by Vibha Gaba & Ann Terlaak
October 2013, Volume 24, Issue 5
- 1291-1315 Repairing Breaches with Rules: Maintaining Institutions in the Face of Everyday Disruptions
by Emily D. Heaphy - 1316-1336 Discretion Within Constraint: Homophily and Structure in a Formal Organization
by Adam M. Kleinbaum & Toby E. Stuart & Michael L. Tushman - 1337-1357 The Autonomy Paradox: The Implications of Mobile Email Devices for Knowledge Professionals
by Melissa Mazmanian & Wanda J. Orlikowski & JoAnne Yates - 1358-1376 Organizational Learning and the Technology of Foolishness: The Case of Virtual Worlds at IBM
by Mark Dodgson & David M. Gann & Nelson Phillips - 1377-1401 Getting Closer at the Company Party: Integration Experiences, Racial Dissimilarity, and Workplace Relationships
by Tracy L. Dumas & Katherine W. Phillips & Nancy P. Rothbard - 1402-1421 Why Do Racial Slurs Remain Prevalent in the Workplace? Integrating Theory on Intergroup Behavior
by Ashleigh Shelby Rosette & Andrew M. Carton & Lynn Bowes-Sperry & Patricia Faison Hewlin - 1422-1438 Dynamism, Capital Structure, and Performance in a Sub-Saharan Economy: Extending the Institutional Difference Hypothesis
by Joseph Ofori-Dankwa & Scott D. Julian - 1439-1458 Leisure Time Invention
by Lee N. Davis & Jerome D. Davis & Karin Hoisl - 1459-1477 Strategic Ambidexterity in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Implementing Exploration and Exploitation in Product and Market Domains
by Glenn B. Voss & Zannie Giraud Voss - 1478-1494 Can the Survivor Principle Survive Diversification?
by Lasse B. Lien & Peter G. Klein - 1495-1516 “Does This Sound Like a Fair Deal?”: Antecedents and Consequences of Fairness Expectations in the Individual’s Decision to Participate in Firm Innovation
by Nikolaus Franke & Peter Keinz & Katharina Klausberger - 1517-1538 Expressed Humility in Organizations: Implications for Performance, Teams, and Leadership
by Bradley P. Owens & Michael D. Johnson & Terence R. Mitchell - 1539-1557 Learning from Customers: Individual and Organizational Effects in Outsourced Radiological Services
by Jonathan R. Clark & Robert S. Huckman & Bradley R. Staats - 1558-1584 The Role of Organizational Scope and Governance in Strengthening Private Monitoring
by Lamar Pierce & Michael W. Toffel - 1585-1600 PERSPECTIVE —How Does Religion Matter and Why? Religion and the Organizational Sciences
by Suzanne Chan-Serafin & Arthur P. Brief & Jennifer M. George
August 2013, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 965-995 Temporal Work in Strategy Making
by Sarah Kaplan & Wanda J. Orlikowski - 996-1013 Explaining Variation in Organizational Identity Categorization
by Greta Hsu & Kimberly D. Elsbach - 1014-1040 Constructing a Climate Change Logic: An Institutional Perspective on the “Tragedy of the Commons”
by Shahzad (Shaz) Ansari & Frank Wijen & Barbara Gray - 1041-1060 Looking Up and Looking Out: Career Mobility Effects of Demographic Similarity Among Professionals
by Kathleen L. McGinn & Katherine L. Milkman - 1061-1082 What Happened to Long-Term Employment? The Role of Worker Power and Environmental Turbulence in Explaining Declines in Worker Tenure
by Matthew J. Bidwell - 1083-1101 An Efficient Frontier in Organization Design: Organizational Structure as a Determinant of Exploration and Exploitation
by Felipe A. Csaszar - 1102-1119 Corporate Structure and Performance Feedback: Aspirations and Adaptation in M-Form Firms
by Vibha Gaba & John Joseph - 1120-1139 The Structural Context of Team Learning: Effects of Organizational and Team Structure on Internal and External Learning
by Henrik Bresman & Mary Zellmer-Bruhn - 1140-1156 Rationalizing Organizational Change: A Need for Comparative Testing
by Arkadiy V. Sakhartov & Timothy B. Folta - 1157-1173 Guilt by Design: Structuring Organizations to Elicit Guilt as an Affective Reaction to Failure
by Vanessa K. Bohns & Francis J. Flynn - 1174-1194 Egalitarianism, Cultural Distance, and Foreign Direct Investment: A New Approach
by Jordan I. Siegel & Amir N. Licht & Shalom H. Schwartz - 1195-1213 Persistence of Integration in the Face of Specialization: How Firms Navigated the Winds of Disintegration and Shaped the Architecture of the Semiconductor Industry
by Rahul Kapoor - 1214-1236 Why Put All Your Eggs in One Basket? A Competition-Based View of How Technological Uncertainty Affects a Firm’s Technological Specialization
by Puay Khoon Toh & Taekyu Kim - 1237-1256 Dancing with the Enemy? Relational Hazards and the Contingent Value of Repeat Exchanges in M&A Markets
by Jeongsik ”Jay” Lee - 1257-1276 Getting Ahead or Getting Along? The Two-Facet Conceptualization of Conscientiousness and Leadership Emergence
by Sophia V. Marinova & Henry Moon & Dishan Kamdar - 1277-1290 PERSPECTIVE —Relaxing the Taboo on Telling Our Own Stories: Upholding Professional Distance and Personal Involvement
by Michel Anteby
June 2013, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 645-663 The Embeddedness of Networks: Institutions, Structural Holes, and Innovativeness in the Fuel Cell Industry
by Gurneeta Vasudeva & Akbar Zaheer & Exequiel Hernandez - 664-683 Social Influence and Entrepreneurship: The Effect of University Peers on Entrepreneurial Entry
by Aleksandra J. Kacperczyk - 684-696 “Actual” and Perceptual Effects of Category Spanning
by Giacomo Negro & Ming D. Leung - 697-715 Excess May Do Harm: Investigating the Effect of Team External Environment on External Activities in Teams
by Cristina B. Gibson & Rebekah Dibble - 716-736 In the Short Term We Divide, in the Long Term We Unite: Demographic Crisscrossing and the Effects of Faultlines on Subgroup Polarization
by Michael Mäs & Andreas Flache & Károly Takács & Karen A. Jehn - 737-756 Do Women Choose Different Jobs from Men? Mechanisms of Application Segregation in the Market for Managerial Workers
by Roxana Barbulescu & Matthew Bidwell - 757-772 Social Category Diversity Promotes Premeeting Elaboration: The Role of Relationship Focus
by Denise Lewin Loyd & Cynthia S. Wang & Katherine W. Phillips & Robert B. Lount - 773-795 A Question of Legitimacy? A Dynamic Perspective on Multinational Firm Control
by Barbara Brenner & Björn Ambos - 796-812 Selection at the Gate: Difficult Cases, Spillovers, and Organizational Learning
by Mihaela Stan & Freek Vermeulen - 813-830 Value Creation and Knowledge Loss: The Case of Cremonese Stringed Instruments
by Gino Cattani & Roger L. M. Dunbar & Zur Shapira - 831-845 Information Technology, Productivity, and Asset Ownership: Evidence from Taxicab Fleets
by Evan Rawley & Timothy S. Simcoe - 846-864 Financial Slack, Strategy, and Competition in Movie Distribution
by Gabriel Natividad - 865-888 No News Is Bad News: Sensegiving Activities, Media Attention, and Venture Capital Funding of New Technology Organizations
by Antoaneta P. Petkova & Violina P. Rindova & Anil K. Gupta - 889-909 Conflicting Logics? A Multidimensional View of Industrial and Academic Science
by Henry Sauermann & Paula Stephan - 910-925 Burr Under the Saddle: How Media Coverage Influences Strategic Change
by Michael K. Bednar & Steven Boivie & Nicholas R. Prince - 926-947 Top Management’s Attention to Discontinuous Technological Change: Corporate Venture Capital as an Alert Mechanism
by Markku V. J. Maula & Thomas Keil & Shaker A. Zahra - 948-964 PERSPECTIVE—The Myth of Firm Performance
by C. Chet Miller & Nathan T. Washburn & William H. Glick
April 2013, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 319-338 Bringing the Institutional Context Back In: A Cross-National Comparison of Alliance Partner Selection and Knowledge Acquisition
by Gurneeta Vasudeva & Jennifer W. Spencer & Hildy J. Teegen - 339-355 Designing for Complexity: Using Divisions and Hierarchy to Manage Complex Tasks
by Yue Maggie Zhou - 356-377 Seizing Opportunity in Emerging Fields: How Institutional Entrepreneurs Legitimated the Professional Form of Management Consulting
by Robert J. David & Wesley D. Sine & Heather A. Haveman - 378-394 Divergent Reactions to Convergent Strategies: Investor Beliefs and Analyst Reactions During Technological Change
by Mary J. Benner & Ram Ranganathan - 395-413 Hedging Your Bets: Explaining Executives' Market Labeling Strategies in Nanotechnology
by Nina Granqvist & Stine Grodal & Jennifer L. Woolley - 414-431 The Impact of Membership Overlap on Growth: An Ecological Competition View of Online Groups
by Xiaoqing Wang & Brian S. Butler & Yuqing Ren - 432-454 Assembling Jobs: A Model of How Tasks Are Bundled Into and Across Jobs
by Lisa E. Cohen - 455-475 Task Bubbles, Artifacts, Shared Emotion, and Mutual Focus of Attention: A Comparative Study of the Microprocesses of Group Engagement
by Anca Metiu & Nancy P. Rothbard - 476-497 Language Matters: Status Loss and Achieved Status Distinctions in Global Organizations
by Tsedal B. Neeley - 498-512 Dual Signals: How Competition Makes or Breaks Interfirm Social Ties
by Denis Trapido - 513-529 Looking Inside the Dream Team: Probing Into the Contributions of Tacit Knowledge as an Organizational Resource
by Jamal Shamsie & Michael J. Mannor - 530-551 Competition and Cooperation in Corporate Governance: The Effects of Labor Institutions on Blockholder Effectiveness in 23 European Countries
by Marc van Essen & J. (Hans) van Oosterhout & Pursey P. M. A. R. Heugens - 552-570 Growing at Work: Employees' Interpretations of Progressive Self-Change in Organizations
by Scott Sonenshein & Jane E. Dutton & Adam M. Grant & Gretchen M. Spreitzer & Kathleen M. Sutcliffe - 571-590 An Organizational Identity Approach to Strategic Groups
by Vikas Anand & Mahendra Joshi & Anne M. O'Leary-Kelly - 591-613 Filling or Abusing the Institutional Void? Ownership and Management Control of Public Family Businesses in an Emerging Market
by Xiaowei Rose Luo & Chi-Nien Chung - 614-628 Double Victimization in the Workplace: Why Observers Condemn Passive Victims of Sexual Harassment
by Kristina A. Diekmann & Sheli D. Sillito Walker & Adam D. Galinsky & Ann E. Tenbrunsel - 629-644 Extending Construal-Level Theory to Distributed Groups: Understanding the Effects of Virtuality
by Jeanne Wilson & C. Brad Crisp & Mark Mortensen
February 2013, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-21 A Temporal Perspective on Organizational Identity
by Majken Schultz & Tor Hernes - 22-38 Speaking Up vs. Being Heard: The Disagreement Around and Outcomes of Employee Voice
by Ethan R. Burris & James R. Detert & Alexander C. Romney - 39-57 Golfing Alone? Corporations, Elites, and Nonprofit Growth in 100 American Communities
by Christopher Marquis & Gerald F. Davis & Mary Ann Glynn - 58-78 The Coevolution of Industries and Important Features of Their Environments
by Johann Peter Murmann - 79-98 Greener Pastures: Outside Options and Strategic Alliance Withdrawal
by Henrich R. Greve & Hitoshi Mitsuhashi & Joel A. C. Baum - 99-115 The Microevolution of Routines: How Problem Solving and Social Preferences Interact
by Christoph H. Loch & Kishore Sengupta & M. Ghufran Ahmad - 116-132 Dealing with Complexity: Integrated vs. Chunky Search Processes
by Oliver Baumann & Nicolaj Siggelkow - 133-153 Becoming Aware of the Unknown: Decision Making During the Implementation of a Strategic Initiative
by Ronald Klingebiel & Arnoud De Meyer - 154-171 A Field Investigation of Multilevel Cynicism Toward Change
by Katherine A. DeCelles & Paul E. Tesluk & Faye S. Taxman - 172-188 Love, Hate, Ambivalence, or Indifference? A Conceptual Examination of Workplace Crimes and Organizational Identification
by Abhijeet K. Vadera & Michael G. Pratt - 189-209 Family Firm Governance, Strategic Conformity, and Performance: Institutional vs. Strategic Perspectives
by Danny Miller & Isabelle Le Breton-Miller & Richard H. Lester - 210-225 When Does Employee Turnover Matter? Dynamic Member Configurations, Productive Capacity, and Collective Performance
by John P. Hausknecht & Jacob A. Holwerda - 226-245 Athletes, Best Friends, and Social Activists: An Integrative Model Accounting for the Role of Identity in Organizational Identification
by Shelley L. Brickson - 246-261 When Do Firms Divest Foreign Operations?
by Heather Berry - 262-279 Supply Portfolio Concentration in Outsourced Knowledge-Based Services
by Mahka Moeen & Deepak Somaya & Joseph T. Mahoney - 280-300 Escaping the Prior Knowledge Corridor: What Shapes the Number and Variety of Market Opportunities Identified Before Market Entry of Technology Start-ups?
by Marc Gruber & Ian C. MacMillan & James D. Thompson - 301-317 Forming and Exploiting Opportunities: The Implications of Discovery and Creation Processes for Entrepreneurial and Organizational Research
by Sharon A. Alvarez & Jay B. Barney & Philip Anderson
December 2012, Volume 23, Issue 6
- 1523-1545 Rebels with a Cause: Formation, Contestation, and Expansion of the De Novo Category “Modern Architecture,” 1870–1975
by Candace Jones & Massimo Maoret & Felipe G. Massa & Silviya Svejenova - 1546-1570 Making the Cut: Using Status-Based Countertactics to Block Social Movement Implementation and Microinstitutional Change in Surgery
by Katherine C. Kellogg - 1571-1592 Creative Projects: A Less Routine Approach Toward Getting New Things Done
by David Obstfeld - 1593-1621 Power Differentials and Performative Deviation Paths in Practice Transfer: The Case of Evidence-Based Medicine
by Roopa Raman & Anandhi Bharadwaj - 1622-1642 Politics and Firm Boundaries: How Organizational Structure, Group Interests, and Resources Affect Outsourcing
by Matthew J. Bidwell - 1643-1657 Capabilities, Transaction Costs, and Firm Boundaries
by Nicholas S. Argyres & Todd R. Zenger - 1658-1681 Toward a Theory of Extended Contact: The Incentives and Opportunities for Bridging Across Network Communities
by Maxim Sytch & Adam Tatarynowicz & Ranjay Gulati - 1682-1699 When Unconnected Others Connect: Does Degree of Brokerage Persist After the Formation of a Multipartner Alliance?
by Xiaoli Yin & Jianfeng Wu & Wenpin Tsai - 1700-1716 Decay, Shock, and Renewal: Operational Routines and Process Entropy in the Pharmaceutical Industry
by Gopesh Anand & John Gray & Enno Siemsen - 1717-1732 Organizational Learning as Credit Assignment: A Model and Two Experiments
by Christina Fang - 1733-1747 Entrepreneurial Success and Failure: Confidence and Fallible Judgment
by Robin M. Hogarth & Natalia Karelaia - 1748-1766 How Knowledge Transfer Impacts Performance: A Multilevel Model of Benefits and Liabilities
by Sheen S. Levine & Michael J. Prietula - 1767-1780 The Ethical Climate and Context of Organizations: A Comprehensive Model
by Anke Arnaud & Marshall Schminke
October 2012, Volume 23, Issue 5
- 1213-1226 Organizational Economics of Capability and Heterogeneity
by Nicholas S. Argyres & Teppo Felin & Nicolai Foss & Todd Zenger - 1227-1248 What Firms Make vs. What They Know: How Firms' Production and Knowledge Boundaries Affect Competitive Advantage in the Face of Technological Change
by Rahul Kapoor & Ron Adner - 1249-1263 Learning, Imitation, and the Use of Knowledge: A Comparison of Markets, Hierarchies, and Teams
by John C. Butler & Jovan Grahovac - 1264-1281 Institutions, Capabilities, and Contracts: Make or Buy in the Electric Utility Industry
by Kira R. Fabrizio - 1282-1297 Price Formats for Branded Components in Industrial Markets: An Integration of Transaction Cost Economics and the Resource-Based View
by Desmond (Ho-Fu) Lo & Kellilynn M. Frias & Mrinal Ghosh - 1298-1310 How to Get What You Want When You Do Not Know What You Want: A Model of Incentives, Organizational Structure, and Learning
by Luigi Marengo & Corrado Pasquali - 1311-1329 Firm-Specific, Industry-Specific, and Occupational Human Capital and the Sourcing of Knowledge Work
by Kyle J. Mayer & Deepak Somaya & Ian O. Williamson - 1330-1349 Configuration of Value Chain Activities: The Effect of Pre-Entry Capabilities, Transaction Hazards, and Industry Evolution on Decisions to Internalize
by Lihong Qian & Rajshree Agarwal & Glenn Hoetker - 1350-1364 Relational Contracts and Organizational Capabilities
by Robert Gibbons & Rebecca Henderson - 1365-1381 Capabilities: Structure, Agency, and Evolution
by Michael G. Jacobides & Sidney G. Winter - 1382-1397 Knowledge, Communication, and Organizational Capabilities
by Luis Garicano & Yanhui Wu - 1398-1408 Organizing for Innovation in the Digitized World
by Youngjin Yoo & Richard J. Boland & Kalle Lyytinen & Ann Majchrzak - 1409-1427 Let a Thousand Flowers Bloom? An Early Look at Large Numbers of Software App Developers and Patterns of Innovation
by Kevin J. Boudreau - 1428-1447 Digital Innovation and the Division of Innovative Labor: Digital Controls in the Automotive Industry
by Jaegul Lee & Nicholas Berente - 1448-1466 Reconfiguring Boundary Relations: Robotic Innovations in Pharmacy Work
by Michael Barrett & Eivor Oborn & Wanda J. Orlikowski & JoAnne Yates - 1467-1484 Digital Science and Knowledge Boundaries in Complex Innovation
by Deborah Dougherty & Danielle D. Dunne - 1485-1504 The Lure of the Virtual
by Diane E. Bailey & Paul M. Leonardi & Stephen R. Barley - 1505-1522 Accidental Innovation: Supporting Valuable Unpredictability in the Creative Process
by Robert D. Austin & Lee Devin & Erin E. Sullivan
August 2012, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 907-927 Toward a Theory of Coordinating: Creating Coordinating Mechanisms in Practice
by Paula A. Jarzabkowski & Jane K. Lê & Martha S. Feldman - 928-950 The Effect of Going Public on Innovative Productivity and Exploratory Search
by Geraldine A. Wu - 951-970 Transcending Knowledge Differences in Cross-Functional Teams
by Ann Majchrzak & Philip H. B. More & Samer Faraj - 971-987 How Do Product Users Influence Corporate Invention?
by Aaron K. Chatterji & Kira Fabrizio - 988-1007 The Core and Cosmopolitans: A Relational View of Innovation in User Communities
by Linus Dahlander & Lars Frederiksen - 1008-1023 A Behavioral Theory of Market Expansion Based on the Opportunity Prospects Rule
by Ilídio Barreto - 1024-1039 Bridging the Knowledge Gap: The Influence of Strong Ties, Network Cohesion, and Network Range on the Transfer of Knowledge Between Organizational Units
by Marco Tortoriello & Ray Reagans & Bill McEvily - 1040-1054 Contingency Fit, Institutional Fit, and Firm Performance: A Metafit Approach to Organization–Environment Relationships
by Henk W. Volberda & Niels van der Weerdt & Ernst Verwaal & Marten Stienstra & Antonio J. Verdu - 1055-1076 Changing Organizational Designs and Performance Frontiers
by Andrew H. Van de Ven & Ricky Leung & John P. Bechara & Kangyong Sun - 1077-1099 How Golden Parachutes Unfolded: Diffusion and Variation of a Controversial Practice
by Peer C. Fiss & Mark T. Kennedy & Gerald F. Davis - 1100-1113 The Liability of Leading: Battling Aspiration and Survival Goals in the Jeopardy! Tournament of Champions
by Elizabeth Boyle & Zur Shapira - 1114-1134 Asymmetric Effects of Fashions on the Formation and Dissolution of Networks: Board Interlocks with Internet Companies, 1996–2006
by Lori Qingyuan Yue - 1135-1153 Getting Competition Down to a Science: The Effects of Technological Competition on Firms' Scientific Publications
by Francisco Polidoro & Matt Theeke - 1154-1174 Engendering Inequity? How Social Accounts Create vs. Merely Explain Unfavorable Pay Outcomes for Women
by Maura A. Belliveau - 1175-1190 The Choice Between Joint Ventures and Acquisitions: Insights from Signaling Theory
by Jeffrey J. Reuer & Roberto Ragozzino - 1191-1210 Governance in Multilateral R&D Alliances
by Dan Li & Lorraine Eden & Michael A. Hitt & R. Duane Ireland & Robert P. Garrett
June 2012, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 597-611 Before Identity: The Emergence of New Organizational Forms
by C. Marlene Fiol & Elaine Romanelli - 612-629 Understanding the Role of Objects in Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration
by Davide Nicolini & Jeanne Mengis & Jacky Swan - 630-650 Shaping Strategic Action Through the Rhetorical Construction and Exploitation of Ambiguity
by John Sillince & Paula Jarzabkowski & Duncan Shaw - 651-671 From Hand Drawings to Computer Visuals: Confronting Situated and Institutionalized Practices in an Architecture Firm
by Carole Groleau & Christiane Demers & Mireille Lalancette & Marcos Barros - 672-685 Reproducing Knowledge: Inaccurate Replication and Failure in Franchise Organizations
by Sidney G. Winter & Gabriel Szulanski & Dimo Ringov & Robert J. Jensen - 686-703 Beyond the “Mirroring” Hypothesis: Product Modularity and Interorganizational Relations in the Air Conditioning Industry
by Anna Cabigiosu & Arnaldo Camuffo - 704-724 Collaborating for Knowledge Creation and Application: The Case of Nanotechnology Research Programs
by Dovev Lavie & Israel Drori - 725-742 The Division of Gains from Complementarities in Human-Capital-Intensive Activity
by Sendil K. Ethiraj & Pranav Garg - 743-757 Knowing Where You Stand: Physical Isolation, Perceived Respect, and Organizational Identification Among Virtual Employees
by Caroline A. Bartel & Amy Wrzesniewski & Batia M. Wiesenfeld - 758-777 Building Employee Commitment to Change Across Organizational Levels: The Influence of Hierarchical Distance and Direct Managers' Transformational Leadership
by N. Sharon Hill & Myeong-Gu Seo & Jae Hyeung Kang & M. Susan Taylor - 778-800 Not All Identifications Are Created Equal: Exploring Employee Accounts for Workgroup, Organizational, and Professional Identification
by Heather Vough - 801-819 Resisters at Work: Generating Productive Resistance in the Workplace
by David Courpasson & Françoise Dany & Stewart Clegg - 820-834 Let's Work It Out (or We'll See You in Court): Litigation and Private Dispute Resolution in Vertical Exchange Relationships
by Fabrice Lumineau & Joanne E. Oxley - 835-850 Stay or Leave: Director Identities and Voluntary Exit from the Board During Organizational Crisis
by Michael C. Withers & Kevin G. Corley & Amy J. Hillman - 851-868 Family Control and Family Firm Valuation by Family CEOs: The Importance of Intentions for Transgenerational Control
by Thomas M. Zellweger & Franz W. Kellermanns & James J. Chrisman & Jess H. Chua - 869-887 Tribunal Specialization and Institutional Targeting in Patent Enforcement
by Deepak Somaya & Christine A. McDaniel - 888-906 PERSPECTIVE—Organizational Behavior and the Working Poor
by Carrie R. Leana & Vikas Mittal & Emily Stiehl
April 2012, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 299-307 Introduction to the Special Issue: Bringing Status to the Table—Attaining, Maintaining, and Experiencing Status in Organizations and Markets
by Ya-Ru Chen & Randall S. Peterson & Damon J. Phillips & Joel M. Podolny & Cecilia L. Ridgeway - 308-322 The Cost of Status Enhancement: Performance Effects of Individuals' Status Mobility in Task Groups
by Corinne Bendersky & Neha Parikh Shah - 323-340 Status Conflict in Groups
by Corinne Bendersky & Nicholas A. Hays - 341-354 The Organizational Selection of Status Characteristics: Status Evaluations in an Open Source Community
by Alison J. Bianchi & Soong Moon Kang & Daniel Stewart - 355-372 Helping Hand or Competition? The Moderating Influence of Perceived Upward Mobility on the Relationship Between Blended Workgroups and Employee Attitudes and Behaviors
by Elizabeth George & Prithviraj Chattopadhyay & Lida L. Zhang - 373-385 Rating Performance or Contesting Status: Evidence Against the Homophily Explanation for Supervisor Demographic Skew in Performance Ratings
by Jone L. Pearce & Qiumei Jane Xu - 386-401 The Impact of Categorical Status, Numeric Representation, and Work Group Prestige on Preference for Demographically Similar Others: A Value Threat Approach
by Michelle M. Duguid & Denise Lewin Loyd & Pamela S. Tolbert - 402-415 Psyched Up or Psyched Out? The Influence of Coactor Status on Individual Performance
by Francis J. Flynn & Emily T. Amanatullah - 416-433 How Does Status Affect Performance? Status as an Asset vs. Status as a Liability in the PGA and NASCAR
by Matthew S. Bothner & Young-Kyu Kim & Edward Bishop Smith - 434-448 The Genesis and Dynamics of Organizational Networks
by Gautam Ahuja & Giuseppe Soda & Akbar Zaheer - 449-471 The Rise and Fall of Small Worlds: Exploring the Dynamics of Social Structure
by Ranjay Gulati & Maxim Sytch & Adam Tatarynowicz - 472-491 The Missing Link: The Effect of Customers on the Formation of Relationships Among Producers in the Multiplex Triads
by Andrew V. Shipilov & Stan Xiao Li - 492-510 Agency in Action: Entrepreneurs' Networking Style and Initiation of Economic Exchange
by Balagopal Vissa - 511-528 Overcoming Network Overload and Redundancy in Interorganizational Networks: The Roles of Potential and Latent Ties
by Francesca Mariotti & Rick Delbridge - 529-546 Better with Age? Tie Longevity and the Performance Implications of Bridging and Closure
by Joel A. C. Baum & Bill McEvily & Tim J. Rowley