November 2020, Volume 31, Issue 6
- 1579-1600 Imprinting Beyond the Founding Phase: How Sedimented Imprints Develop over Time
by Lien De Cuyper & Bart Clarysse & Nelson Phillips - 1601-1620 Personnel Mobility and Organizational Performance: The Effects of Specialist vs. Generalist Experience and Organizational Work Structure
by Erin Fahrenkopf & Jerry Guo & Linda Argote
July 2020, Volume 31, Issue 4
- 1037-1051 After the Storm Has Passed: Translating Crisis Experience into Useful Knowledge
by Gwendolyn K. Lee & Joseph Lampel & Zur Shapira
January 2020, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 1-22 Committed Diversification: Why Authenticity Insulates Against Penalties for Diversification
by Oliver Hahl & Jaekyung Ha - 23-46 The Construction of Authenticity in the Creative Process: Lessons from Choreographers of Contemporary Dance
by Tamar Sagiv & Tal Simons & Israel Drori - 47-66 Why Do Firms Suffer Differently from Input Stigmatization? The Costs of Removing Stigmatized Inputs
by Luis Diestre & Juan Santaló - 67-84 Can Busy Organizations Learn to Get Better? Distinguishing Between the Competing Effects of Constrained Capacity on the Organizational Learning Process
by Vinit M. Desai - 85-102 Hold Your Horses : Temporal Multiplexity and Conflict Moderation in the Palio di Siena (1743–2010)
by Elisa Operti & Shemuel Y. Lampronti & Stoyan V. Sgourev - 103-118 Getting to Know You: Motivating Cross-Understanding for Improved Team and Individual Performance
by Niranjan S. Janardhanan & Kyle Lewis & Rhonda K. Reger & Cynthia K. Stevens - 119-140 Balancing Professional Prototypes Increases the Valuation of Women in Male-Dominated Professions
by Felix Danbold & Corinne Bendersky - 141-164 On the Emergence of Collective Psychological Ownership in New Creative Teams
by Steven M. Gray & Andrew P. Knight & Markus Baer - 165-181 Managing Autonomy in Industrial Research and Development: A Project-Level Investigation
by Alfonso Gambardella & Pooyan Khashabi & Claudio Panico - 182-199 Practice Implementation Within a Multidivisional Firm: The Role of Institutional Pressures and Value Consistency
by Anne Jacqueminet
November 2019, Volume 30, Issue 6
- 1125-1145 Explaining Heterogeneity in the Organization of Scientific Work
by Hazhir Rahmandad & Keyvan Vakili - 1146-1164 The Role of Third-Party Rankings in Status Dynamics: How Does the Stability of Rankings Induce Status Changes?
by Anne Bowers & Matteo Prato - 1165-1188 After the Fall: How Perceived Self-Control Protects the Legitimacy of Higher-Ranking Employees After Status Loss
by Jennifer Carson Marr & Nathan Pettit & Stefan Thau - 1189-1206 Which Side Are You On? The Divergent Effects of Protest Participation on Organizations Affiliated with Identity Groups
by Giacomo Negro & Susan Olzak - 1207-1231 Reluctant Disclosure and Transparency: Evidence from Environmental Disclosures
by Kira R. Fabrizio & Eun-Hee Kim - 1232-1251 Platform Strategy: Managing Ecosystem Value Through Selective Promotion of Complements
by Joost Rietveld & Melissa A. Schilling & Cristiano Bellavitis - 1252-1269 Head, Heart, or Hands: How Do Employees Respond to a Radical Global Language Change over Time?
by B. Sebastian Reiche & Tsedal B. Neeley - 1270-1288 Women Don’t Mean Business? Gender Penalty in Board Composition
by Isabelle Solal & Kaisa Snellman - 1289-1318 Pivoting Isn’t Enough? Managing Strategic Reorientation in New Ventures
by Rory McDonald & Cheng Gao - 1319-1348 Hybrid Ambidexterity: How the Environment Shapes Incumbents’ Use of Structural and Contextual Approaches
by Jan Ossenbrink & Joern Hoppmann & Volker H. Hoffmann - 1349-1367 The Double-Edged Sword of Jurisdictional Entrenchment: Explaining Human Resources Professionals’ Failed Strategic Repositioning
by Kurt Sandholtz & Daisy Chung & Isaac Waisberg - 1368-1393 Discontinuities in the Value of Relational Capital: The Effects on Employee Entrepreneurship and Mobility
by Heejung Byun & Joseph Raffiee & Martin Ganco
September 2019, Volume 30, Issue 5
- 869-884 The Cost of Status: When Social and Economic Interests Collide
by Curt B. Moore & G. Tyge Payne & Igor Filatotchev & Edward J. Zajac - 885-911 Product Categories as Judgment Devices: The Moral Awakening of the Investment Industry
by Diane-Laure Arjaliès & Rodolphe Durand - 912-936 Connected, but Qualified? Social Affiliations, Human Capital, and Service Professional Performance
by Timothy Gubler - 937-960 How Organizations Claim Authenticity: The Coproduction of Illusions in Underground Restaurants
by Daphne Demetry - 961-980 Mobility Constraint Externalities
by Evan Starr & Justin Frake & Rajshree Agarwal - 981-999 Safeguarding from the Sharks: Board Representation in Minority Equity Partnerships
by Shivaram V. Devarakonda & Jeffrey J. Reuer - 1000-1029 Outside Insiders: Understanding the Role of Contracting in the Careers of Managerial Workers
by Tracy Anderson & Matthew Bidwell - 1030-1053 Knowledge Sources and Operational Problems: Less Now, More Later
by Luca Berchicci & Nilanjana Dutt & Will Mitchell - 1054-1075 Moving off the Map: How Knowledge of Organizational Operations Empowers and Alienates
by Ruthanne Huising - 1076-1096 Product Adaptation During New Industry Emergence: The Role of Start-Up Team Preentry Experience
by Nathan R. Furr - 1097-1123 Trajectory Dynamics in Innovation: Developing and Transforming a Mobile Money Service Across Time and Place
by Eivor Oborn & Michael Barrett & Wanda Orlikowski & Anna Kim
July 2019, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 647-667 Safe or Profitable? The Pursuit of Conflicting Goals
by Vibha Gaba & Henrich R. Greve - 668-693 The Dynamics of Learning and Competition in Schumpeterian Environments
by Gianluigi Giustiziero & Aseem Kaul & Brian Wu - 694-714 Employee Learning from Failure: A Team-as-Resource Perspective
by Hendrik Wilhelm & Andreas W. Richter & Thorsten Semrau - 715-734 Transferring Tacit Know-How: Do Opportunism Safeguards Matter for Firm Boundary Decisions?
by Alex Eapen & Rekha Krishnan - 735-760 Leveraging Minority Identities at Work: An Individual-Level Framework of the Identity Mobilization Process
by Sandra E. Cha & Laura Morgan Roberts - 761-780 One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: How Negative External Evaluations Can Shorten Organizational Time Horizons
by Mark DesJardine & Pratima Bansal - 781-802 To Whom Are You True? Audience Perceptions of Authenticity in Nascent Crowdfunding Ventures
by Nevena Radoynovska & Brayden G. King - 803-830 On the Relationship Between Firms and Their Legal Environment: The Role of Cultural Consonance
by Simona Giorgi & Massimo Maoret & Edward J. Zajac - 831-846 The Private Scope in Public–Private Collaborations: An Institutional and Capability-Based Perspective
by Bertrand V. Quelin & Sandro Cabral & Sergio Lazzarini & Ilze Kivleniece - 847-867 Coupling Labor Codes of Conduct and Supplier Labor Practices: The Role of Internal Structural Conditions
by Yanhua Bird & Jodi L. Short & Michael W. Toffel
May 2019, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 447-466 Why Managers Do Not Seek Voice from Employees: The Importance of Managers’ Personal Control and Long-Term Orientation
by Elad N. Sherf & Subrahmaniam Tangirala & Vijaya Venkataramani - 467-488 Learning-by-Moving: Can Reconfiguring Spatial Proximity Between Organizational Members Promote Individual-level Exploration?
by Sunkee Lee - 489-508 Thinking Broad and Deep: Why Some Directors Exert an Outsized Influence on Strategic Change
by Razvan Lungeanu & Edward J. Zajac - 509-527 When Developers Disagree: Divergent Advice as a Potential Catalyst for Protégé Growth
by Elana Feldman & William Kahn - 528-551 Learning by Seconding: Evidence from National Science Foundation Rotators
by Christos Kolympiris & Sebastian Hoenen & Peter G. Klein - 552-572 Get Noticed and Die Trying: Signals, Sacrifice, and the Production of Face Time in Distributed Work
by Ioana C. Cristea & Paul M. Leonardi - 573-599 An Integrative Perspective of Organizational Responses: Routines, Heuristics, and Improvisations in a Mount Everest Expedition
by Fernando F. Suarez & Juan S. Montes - 600-616 Gender Differences in Pay Levels: An Examination of the Compensation of University Presidents
by Dane P. Blevins & Steve Sauerwald & Jenny M. Hoobler & Christopher J. Robertson - 617-641 Generativity Tension and Value Creation in Platform Ecosystems
by Carmelo Cennamo & Juan Santaló - 642-646 Special Issue of Organization Science: Emerging Technologies and Organizing
by Diane Bailey & Samer Faraj & Pamela Hinds & Georg von Krogh & Paul Leonardi
March 2019, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 337-360 Falling Not Far from the Tree: Entrepreneurs and Organizational Heritage
by Maryann P. Feldman & Serden Ozcan & Toke Reichstein - 361-382 External Learning Strategies and Technological Search Output: Spinout Strategy and Corporate Invention Quality
by Bruno Cirillo - 383-404 Pursuing the New While Sustaining the Current: Incumbent Strategies and Firm Value During the Nascent Period of Industry Change
by John Eklund & Rahul Kapoor - 405-425 A Recombination-Based Internationalization Model: Evidence from Narayana Health’s Journey from India to the Cayman Islands
by Budhaditya Gupta & Tarun Khanna - 426-445 When Collaboration Bridges Institutions: The Impact of University–Industry Collaboration on Academic Productivity
by Michaël Bikard & Keyvan Vakili & Florenta Teodoridis
December 2018, Volume 29, Issue 6
- 989-1009 The Impact of Learning and Overconfidence on Entrepreneurial Entry and Exit
by John S. Chen & David C. Croson & Daniel W. Elfenbein & Hart E. Posen - 1010-1032 Learning from Mixed Signals in Online Innovation Communities
by Christoph Riedl & Victor P. Seidel - 1033-1055 Here’s an Opportunity: Knowledge Sharing Among Competitors as a Response to Buy-in Uncertainty
by Tristan L. Botelho - 1056-1073 Slack Time and Innovation
by Ajay Agrawal & Christian Catalini & Avi Goldfarb & Hong Luo - 1074-1092 Paradise of Novelty—Or Loss of Human Capital? Exploring New Fields and Inventive Output
by Sam Arts & Lee Fleming - 1093-1111 Future-Time Framing: The Effect of Language on Corporate Future Orientation
by Hao Liang & Christopher Marquis & Luc Renneboog & Sunny Li Sun - 1112-1129 Marshallian Forces and Governance Externalities: Location Effects on Contractual Safeguards in Research and Development Alliances
by Shivaram V. Devarakonda & Brian T. McCann & Jeffrey J. Reuer
October 2018, Volume 29, Issue 5
- 755-774 Starstruck: How Hiring High-Status Employees Affects Incumbents’ Performance
by Matteo Prato & Fabrizio Ferraro - 775-795 How Do Firms Appropriate Value from Employees with Transferable Skills? A Study of the Appropriation Puzzle in Actively Managed Mutual Funds
by Victoria Sevcenko & Sendil Ethiraj - 796-817 Signal Incongruence and Its Consequences: A Study of Media Disapproval and CEO Overcompensation
by JP Vergne & Georg Wernicke & Steffen Brenner - 818-836 Made in Academia: The Effect of Institutional Origin on Inventors’ Attention to Science
by Michaël Bikard - 837-854 Fit for the Task: Complementarity, Asymmetry, and Partner Selection in Alliances
by Marco Furlotti & Giuseppe Soda - 855-872 The Influence of Multiple Knowledge Networks on Innovation in Foreign Operations
by Heather Berry - 873-889 Multiple Organization Goals with Feedback from Shared Technological Task Environments
by Songcui Hu & Richard A. Bettis - 890-911 Organizational Module Design and Architectural Inertia: Evidence from Structural Recombination of Business Divisions
by Daniel Albert - 912-930 Homophily and Individual Performance
by Gokhan Ertug & Martin Gargiulo & Charles Galunic & Tengjian Zou - 931-947 Does More Certification Always Benefit a Venture?
by Lauren Lanahan & Daniel Armanios - 948-968 The Paradox of Responsive Authoritarianism: How Civic Activism Spurs Environmental Penalties in China
by Christopher Marquis & Yanhua Bird - 969-986 Learning to Trust: From Relational Exchange to Generalized Trust in China
by Victor Nee & Håkan J. Holm & Sonja Opper
August 2018, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 547-568 Social Media and the Development of Shared Cognition: The Roles of Network Expansion, Content Integration, and Triggered Recalling
by Paul M. Leonardi - 569-587 Learning by Contributing: Gaining Competitive Advantage Through Contribution to Crowdsourced Public Goods
by Frank Nagle - 588-611 Optimal Distinctiveness in the Console Video Game Industry: An Exemplar-Based Model of Proto-Category Evolution
by Eric Yanfei Zhao & P. Devereaux Jennings & Masakazu Ishihara & Michael Lounsbury - 612-632 A Sociopolitical Perspective on Employee Innovativeness and Job Performance: The Role of Political Skill and Network Structure
by Travis J. Grosser & David Obstfeld & Emily W. Choi & Meredith Woehler & Virginie Lopez-Kidwell & Giuseppe (Joe) Labianca & Stephen P. Borgatti - 633-652 Manu Militari : The Institutional Contingencies of Stakeholder Relationships on Entrepreneurial Performance
by Shon R. Hiatt & W. Chad Carlos & Wesley D. Sine - 653-677 Research in management and related fields largely assumes that host-country state (“state”) ownership in investment projects raises risk for private coinvestors. We question that assumption in theorizing that minority state ownership may actually decrease investment risk in host countries where policy stability is low. Noncontrolling but still substantial state ownership signals to private coinvestors that states will maintain initial investment project terms yet limit interference in project management under those same initial terms. Analyses of 1,373 investment projects announced in 95 host countries from 1990 to 2012 support this proposition: (1) low policy stability in the host country increases investment risk, measured as the percentage of equity comprising all project capital funding on the announcement date, but (2) minority state ownership diminishes the risk-increasing impact of low policy stability, and (3) the risk-diminishing effect is greatest when policy stability is low and the state holds from 21% to 40% of investment project equity. Where permitted, private investors can use state ownership as a risk-reducing strategy in response to low policy stability. Our study highlights where these “minority rules” hold and state ownership signals credible assurance to private coinvestors in less stable policy environments
by Barclay E. James & Paul M. Vaaler - 678-701 Meta-Organization Formation and Sustainability in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Mike Valente & Christine Oliver - 702-721 Perspective—The Deep Historical Roots of Organization and Strategy: Traumatic Shocks, Culture, and Institutions
by Leonardo M. Klüppel & Lamar Pierce & Jason A. Snyder - 722-738 An Analysis of Organizational Structure in Process Variation
by Dingyu Zhang & Nadia Bhuiyan & Linghua Kong - 739-753 No Firm Is an Island: The Role of Population-Level Actors in Organizational Learning from Failure
by Peter M. Madsen & Vinit Desai
June 2018, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 357-379 “Making” Your Numbers: Engendering Organizational Control Through a Ritual of Quantification
by Melissa Mazmanian & Christine M. Beckman - 380-397 Tasks Interrupted: How Anticipating Time Pressure on Resumption of an Interrupted Task Causes Attention Residue and Low Performance on Interrupting Tasks and How a “Ready-to-Resume” Plan Mitigates the Effects
by Sophie Leroy & Theresa M. Glomb - 398-417 The Price of Financial Precarity: Organizational Costs of Employees’ Financial Concerns
by Jirs Meuris & Carrie Leana - 418-431 Mandates of Dishonesty: The Psychological and Social Costs of Mandated Attitude Expression
by Marko Pitesa & Zen Goh - 432-448 When the General Meets the Particular: The Practices and Challenges of Interorganizational Knowledge Reuse
by Isaac Waisberg & Andrew Nelson - 449-470 Dynamic Balancing of Exploration and Exploitation: The Contingent Benefits of Ambidexterity
by Johannes Luger & Sebastian Raisch & Markus Schimmer - 471-488 What Do They Know? The Antecedents of Information Accuracy Differentials in Interorganizational Networks
by Joris Knoben & Leon A. G. Oerlemans & Annefleur R. Krijkamp & Keith G. Provan - 489-506 Taking Stock of the Ability to Change: The Effect of Prior Experience
by Megan Lawrence - 507-528 Taking Trade-offs Seriously: Examining the Contextually Contingent Relationship Between Social Outreach Intensity and Financial Sustainability in Global Microfinance
by Tyler Wry & Eric Yanfei Zhao - 529-546 Extending Signaling Theory to Rhetorical Signals: Evidence from Crowdfunding
by Norbert Steigenberger & Hendrik Wilhelm
April 2018, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 191-206 The Effects of Communication Networks and Turnover on Transactive Memory and Group Performance
by Linda Argote & Brandy L. Aven & Jonathan Kush - 207-224 When Two Bosses Are Better Than One: Nearly Decomposable Systems and Organizational Adaptation
by Daniel A. Levinthal & Maciej Workiewicz - 225-246 Noise as Signal in Learning from Rare Events
by David Maslach & Oana Branzei & Claus Rerup & Mark J. Zbaracki - 247-263 A Self-Fulfilling Cycle of Coercive Surveillance: Workers’ Invisibility Practices and Managerial Justification
by Michel Anteby & Curtis K. Chan - 264-283 Relational Embeddedness and Firm Growth: Comparing Spousal and Sibling Entrepreneurs
by Miriam Bird & Thomas Zellweger - 284-303 Value Creation Through Employer Loans: Evidence of Informal Lending to Employees at Small, Labor-Intensive Firms
by Richard A. Hunt & Mathew L. A. Hayward - 304-322 Demand Heterogeneity in Platform Markets: Implications for Complementors
by Joost Rietveld & J. P. Eggers - 323-340 Perspective—Discovery Within Validation Logic: Deliberately Surfacing, Complementing, and Substituting Abductive Reasoning in Hypothetico-Deductive Inquiry
by Kristin Behfar & Gerardo A. Okhuysen - 341-355 Perspective—Rethinking Teams: From Bounded Membership to Dynamic Participation
by Mark Mortensen & Martine R. Haas
February 2018, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-16 Gender Bias, Social Impact Framing, and Evaluation of Entrepreneurial Ventures
by Matthew Lee & Laura Huang - 17-38 Vertical and Horizontal Wage Dispersion and Mobility Outcomes: Evidence from the Swedish Microdata
by Aleksandra Kacperczyk & Chanchal Balachandran - 100-117 Goal Relatedness and Learning: Evidence from Hospitals
by Jonathan R. Clark & Venkat Kuppuswamy & Bradley R. Staats - 118-133 Emergent Leadership Structures in Informal Groups: A Dynamic, Cognitively Informed Network Model
by Gianluca Carnabuci & Cécile Emery & David Brinberg - 134-153 Entrepreneurial Finance and the Effects of Restrictions on Government R&D Subsidies
by Annamaria Conti - 154-171 Differential Firm Commitment to Industries Supported by Social Movement Organizations
by Rodolphe Durand & Panayiotis (Panikos) Georgallis - 172-190 Co-Opt or Coexist? A Study of Medical Cannabis Dispensaries’ Identity-Based Responses to Recreational-Use Legalization in Colorado and Washington
by Greta Hsu & Özgecan Koçak & Balázs Kovács
August 2017, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 597-617 Promoted Up But Also Out? The Unintended Consequences of Increasing Women’s Representation in Managerial Roles in Engineering
by M. Teresa Cardador - 618-635 Make Them Feel: How the Disclosure of Pregnancy to a Supervisor Leads to Changes in Perceived Supervisor Support
by Laura Little & Amanda Hinojosa & John Lynch - 636-652 Gender and Negative Network Ties: Exploring Difficult Work Relationships Within and Across Gender
by Jennifer Merluzzi - 653-669 The Influence of Hierarchy on Idea Generation and Selection in the Innovation Process
by Dongil D. Keum & Kelly E. See - 670-689 The Effects of Corporate Venture Capital, Founder Incumbency, and Their Interaction on Entrepreneurial Firms’ R&D Investment Strategies
by Yongwook Paik & Heejin Woo - 690-710 Practice Transfer in Organizations: The Role of Governance Mode for Internal and External Fit
by Johann Fortwengel - 711-728 Drawing Snow White and Animating Buzz Lightyear: Technological Toolkit Characteristics and Creativity in Cross-Disciplinary Teams
by Pier Vittorio Mannucci - 729-743 Cognition, Technology, and Organizational Limits: Lessons from the Air France 447 Disaster
by Nick Oliver & Thomas Calvard & Kristina Potočnik - 744-759 A Sociocognitive View of Repeated Interfirm Exchanges: How the Coevolution of Trust and Learning Impacts Subsequent Contracts
by Libby Weber
June 2017, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 379-394 The Relationship Between CEO Media Appearances and Compensation
by Jingoo Kang & Andy Y. Han Kim - 395-410 Stretch Goals and the Distribution of Organizational Performance
by Michael Shayne Gary & Miles M. Yang & Philip W. Yetton & John D. Sterman - 411-428 Near Misses in the Breakthrough Discovery Process
by Sen Chai - 429-446 Growing Apart: The Changing Firm-Size Wage Premium and Its Inequality Consequences
by J. Adam Cobb & Ken-Hou Lin - 447-470 Market Mediators and the Trade-offs of Legitimacy-Seeking Behaviors in a Nascent Category
by Brandon H. Lee & Shon R. Hiatt & Michael Lounsbury - 471-494 Do Investors Care About Director Tenure? Insights from Executive Cognition and Social Capital Theories
by Jill A. Brown & Anne Anderson & Jesus M. Salas & Andrew J. Ward - 495-513 Multiple Identity Configurations: The Benefits of Focused Enhancement for Prosocial Behavior
by Lakshmi Ramarajan & Ida E. Berger & Itay Greenspan - 514-530 Evading the Boomerang Effect: Using the Grant-Back Clause to Further Generative Appropriability from Technology Licensing Deals
by Keld Laursen & Solon Moreira & Toke Reichstein & Maria Isabella Leone - 531-551 Sustaining Superior Performance in Business Ecosystems: Evidence from Application Software Developers in the iOS and Android Smartphone Ecosystems
by Rahul Kapoor & Shiva Agarwal - 552-573 Capital Market Development and Firm Restructuring During an Economic Shock
by Kulwant Singh & Ishtiaq P. Mahmood & Siddharth Natarajan - 574-595 Partner Selection in R&D Collaborations: Effects of Affiliations with Venture Capitalists
by Jeffrey J. Reuer & Ramakrishna Devarakonda
April 2017, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 177-192 When She Brings Home the Job Status: Wives’ Job Status, Status Leakage, and Marital Instability
by Alyson Byrne & Julian Barling - 193-210 It Is Not My Place! Psychological Standing and Men’s Voice and Participation in Gender-Parity Initiatives
by Elad N. Sherf & Subrahmaniam Tangirala & Katy Connealy Weber - 211-227 Sink or Swim: The Role of Workplace Context in Shaping Career Advancement and Human-Capital Development
by Shinjinee Chattopadhyay & Prithwiraj Choudhury - 228-243 Adverse Effects of CEO Family-to-Work Conflict on Firm Performance
by Christopher S. Reina & Suzanne J. Peterson & Zhen Zhang - 244-261 When the Boss Is Away: Manager–Worker Separation and Worker Performance in a Multisite Software Maintenance Organization
by Rocio Bonet & Fabrizio Salvador - 262-282 The Decline of Social Entrenchment: Social Network Cohesion and Board Responsiveness to Shareholder Activism
by Richard A. Benton - 283-300 Structural Disruption, Relational Experimentation, and Performance in Professional Hockey Teams: A Network Perspective on Member Change
by H. Colleen Stuart - 301-319 Multilevel Organizational Adaptation: Scale Invariance in the Scottish Healthcare System
by Brice Dattée & James Barlow - 320-338 Measuring Exaptation and Its Impact on Innovation, Search, and Problem Solving
by Pierpaolo Andriani & Ayfer Ali & Mariano Mastrogiorgio - 339-354 Innovation Outcomes in a Distributed Organization: Intrafirm Mobility and Access to Resources
by Prithwiraj Choudhury - 355-377 Institutional Regime Shift in Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation Strategies of Firms in China
by Kenneth Guang-Lih Huang & Xuesong Geng & Heli Wang
February 2017, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-18 Organization Design, Proximity, and Productivity Responses to Upward Social Comparison
by Tomasz Obloj & Todd Zenger - 19-38 How Performance Incentives Shape Individual Exploration and Exploitation: Evidence from Microdata
by Sunkee Lee & Philipp Meyer-Doyle - 39-55 Pay Harmony? Social Comparison and Performance Compensation in Multibusiness Firms
by Claudine Gartenberg & Julie Wulf - 56-73 Examining Alliance Portfolios Beyond the Dyads: The Relevance of Redundancy and Nonuniformity Across and Between Partners
by Manuela N. Hoehn-Weiss & Samina Karim & Chi-Hyon Lee - 74-92 Mutual and Exclusive: Dyadic Sources of Trust in Interorganizational Exchange
by Bill McEvily & Akbar Zaheer & Darcy K. Fudge Kamal - 93-112 Failure Is an Option: Institutional Change, Entrepreneurial Risk, and New Firm Growth
by Robert N. Eberhart & Charles E. Eesley & Kathleen M. Eisenhardt - 113-132 Far from the Tree? Do Private Entrepreneurs Agglomerate Around Public Sector Incumbents During Economic Transition?
by David Tan & Justin Tan - 133-151 Risky Recombinations: Institutional Gatekeeping in the Innovation Process
by John-Paul Ferguson & Gianluca Carnabuci - 152-176 Agreeing on What? Creating Joint Accounts of Strategic Change
by Paul Spee & Paula Jarzabkowski
October 2016, Volume 27, Issue 5
- 1065-1083 Organizational Structure and Performance Feedback: Centralization, Aspirations, and Termination Decisions
by John Joseph & Ronald Klingebiel & Alex James Wilson - 1084-1107 Occupational Survival Through Field-Level Task Integration: Systems Men, Production Planners, and the Computer, 1940s–1990s
by Steven J. Kahl & Brayden G. King & Greg Liegel - 1108-1124 Knowledge Utilization, Coordination, and Team Performance
by Ray Reagans & Ella Miron-Spektor & Linda Argote - 1125-1141 Perspective—A New Look at Conflict Management in Work Groups
by Andrew M. Carton & Basima A. Tewfik - 1142-1160 A Laughing Matter: Patterns of Laughter and the Effectiveness of Working Dyads
by Lu Wang & Lorna Doucet & Mary Waller & Karin Sanders & Sybil Phillips - 1161-1182 How Do Plural-Sourcing Firms Make and Buy? The Impact of Supplier Portfolio Design
by Mari Sako & George Chondrakis & Paul M. Vaaler - 1183-1201 Capital Structure and Innovation Trajectory: The Role of Debt in Balancing Exploration and Exploitation
by Byungchul Choi & M. V. Shyam Kumar & Fabio Zambuto - 1202-1218 A Behavioral Understanding of Investment Horizon and Firm Performance
by David Souder & Greg Reilly & Philip Bromiley & Scott Mitchell - 1219-1236 A Multilevel Analysis of the Performance Implications of Excess Control in Business Groups
by Kuo-Pin Yang & Gavin M. Schwarz - 1237-1257 Growing New Corporate Businesses: From Initiation to Graduation
by Sebastian Raisch & Michael L. Tushman - 1258-1274 Content as Community Regulator: The Recursive Relationship Between Consumption and Contribution in Open Collaboration Communities
by Gerald C. Kane & Sam Ransbotham - 1275-1289 Social Business Hybrids: Demand Externalities, Competitive Advantage, and Growth Through Diversification
by Andrea Fosfuri & Marco S. Giarratana & Esther Roca - 1290-1306 Institutional Barriers to Growth: Entrepreneurship, Human Capital and Institutional Change
by Charles Eesley - 1307-1324 Do Political Connections Buffer Firms from or Bind Firms to the Government? A Study of Corporate Charitable Donations of Chinese Firms
by Jianjun Zhang & Christopher Marquis & Kunyuan Qiao - 1325-1341 Institutional Equivalence: How Industry and Community Peers Influence Corporate Philanthropy
by Christopher Marquis & András Tilcsik
August 2016, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 801-824 Educational Mismatch, Work Outcomes, and Entry Into Entrepreneurship
by Briana Sell Stenard & Henry Sauermann - 825-845 Third-World “Sloggers” or Elite Global Professionals? Using Organizational Toolkits to Redefine Work Identity in Information Technology Offshore Outsourcing
by Sharon Koppman & Elisa Mattarelli & Amar Gupta - 846-872 With Whom Do Technology Sponsors Partner During Technology Battles? Social Networking Strategies for Unproven (and Proven) Technologies
by Susan K. Cohen & Sean T. Hsu & Kristina B. Dahlin - 873-892 New Blood as an Elixir of Youth: Effects of Human Capital Tenure on the Explorative Capability of Aging Firms
by F. Ted Tschang & Gokhan Ertug - 893-910 Revisiting the Small-Firm Effect on Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Firm Dissolutions
by Aleksandra Kacperczyk & Matt Marx - 911-928 Organizational Adaptation in Offshoring: The Relative Performance of Home- and Host-Based Learning Strategies
by Christian Geisler Asmussen & Marcus M. Larsen & Torben Pedersen - 929-953 Turning Back the Clock in Baseball: The Increased Prominence of Extrinsic Rewards and Demand for Authenticity
by Oliver Hahl - 954-971 Charting the Territory: Recombination as a Source of Uncertainty for Potential Entrants
by Martina Montauti & Filippo Carlo Wezel - 972-988 The Rise of Finance and Firm Employment Dynamics
by Ken-Hou Lin - 989-1009 Spreading the Word: The Microfoundations of Institutional Persuasion and Conversion
by Paul Tracey - 1010-1028 Social Responsibility Messages and Worker Wage Requirements: Field Experimental Evidence from Online Labor Marketplaces
by Vanessa C. Burbano - 1029-1048 Making Snowflakes Like Stocks: Stretching, Bending, and Positioning to Make Financial Market Analogies Work in Online Advertising
by Vern L. Glaser & Peer C. Fiss & Mark Thomas Kennedy - 1049-1064 The Moderating Role of Submarket Dynamics on the Product Customization–Firm Survival Relationship
by Ajay Bhaskarabhatla
June 2016, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 505-513 Beyond Routines as Things: Introduction to the Special Issue on Routine Dynamics
by Martha S. Feldman & Brian T. Pentland & Luciana D’Adderio & Nathalie Lazaric - 514-534 Coordinating Flexible Performance During Everyday Work: An Ethnomethodological Study of Handoff Routines
by Curtis LeBaron & Marlys K. Christianson & Lyndon Garrett & Roy Ilan - 535-550 Rethinking Stability and Change in the Study of Organizational Routines: Difference and Repetition in a Newspaper-Printing Factory
by Jeremy Aroles & Christine McLean - 551-572 Routines as Shock Absorbers During Organizational Transformation: Integration, Control, and NASA’s Enterprise Information System
by Nicholas Berente & Kalle Lyytinen & Youngjin Yoo & John Leslie King - 573-593 Cultural Molding, Shielding, and Shoring at Oilco: The Role of Culture in the Integration of Routines
by Stephanie Bertels & Jennifer Howard-Grenville & Simon Pek - 594-613 The Interplay of Reflective and Experimental Spaces in Interrupting and Reorienting Routine Dynamics
by Silke Bucher & Ann Langley - 614-632 Always Playable: Recombining Routines for Creative Efficiency at Ubisoft Montreal’s Video Game Studio
by Patrick S. Cohendet & Laurent O. Simon - 633-658 Unravelling the Motor of Patterning Work: Toward an Understanding of the Microlevel Dynamics of Standardization and Flexibility
by Anja Danner-Schröder & Daniel Geiger - 659-677 Generating Novelty Through Interdependent Routines: A Process Model of Routine Work
by Fleur Deken & Paul R. Carlile & Hans Berends & Kristina Lauche - 678-697 Talking About Routines: The Role of Reflective Talk in Routine Change
by Katharina Dittrich & Stéphane Guérard & David Seidl - 698-721 The Dynamics of Interrelated Routines: Introducing the Cluster Level
by Waldemar Kremser & Georg Schreyögg - 722-738 Unpacking the Dynamics of Ecologies of Routines: Mediators and Their Generative Effects in Routine Interactions
by Kathrin Sele & Simon Grand - 739-758 Routines and Creativity: From Dualism to Duality
by Scott Sonenshein - 759-781 The Influence of Routine Interdependence and Skillful Accomplishment on the Coordination of Standardizing and Customizing
by Paul Spee & Paula Jarzabkowski & Michael Smets