June 2016, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 782-800 Inertia in Routines: A Hidden Source of Organizational Variation
by Sangyoon Yi & Thorbjørn Knudsen & Markus C. Becker
April 2016, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 233-248 Dynamic Capabilities and Their Characteristic Qualities: Insights from a Lab Experiment
by Jutta Wollersheim & Koen H. Heimeriks - 249-264 Integrative Capabilities, Vertical Integration, and Innovation Over Successive Technology Lifecycles
by Constance E. Helfat & Miguel A. Campo-Rembado - 265-285 How to Share “A Really Good Secret”: Managing Sharing/Secrecy Tensions Around Scientific Knowledge Disclosure
by Andrew J. Nelson - 286-303 Motivational Spillovers from Awards: Crowding Out in a Multitasking Environment
by Timothy Gubler & Ian Larkin & Lamar Pierce - 304-322 Overcoming Stickiness: How the Timing of Knowledge Transfer Methods Affects Transfer Difficulty
by Gabriel Szulanski & Dimo Ringov & Robert J. Jensen - 323-335 How Initial Representations Shape Coupled Learning Processes
by Phanish Puranam & Murali Swamy - 336-353 Venture Capital, CEOs’ Sources of Power, and Innovation Novelty at Different Life Stages of a New Venture
by Haemin Dennis Park & Daniel Tzabbar - 354-372 Earnings Pressure and Long-Term Corporate Governance: Can Long-Term-Oriented Investors and Managers Reduce the Quarterly Earnings Obsession?
by Yu Zhang & Javier Gimeno - 373-390 Hierarchy and Its Discontents: Status Disagreement Leads to Withdrawal of Contribution and Lower Group Performance
by Gavin J. Kilduff & Robb Willer & Cameron Anderson - 391-410 Shots Fired! Switching Between Practices in Police Work
by Jan-Kees Schakel & Paul C. van Fenema & Samer Faraj - 411-427 The Limits of Reflected Glory: The Beneficial and Harmful Effects of Product Name Similarity in the U.S. Network TV Program Industry, 1944–2003
by Olga M. Khessina & Samira Reis - 428-445 Inside the “Hybrid” Iron Cage: Political Origins of Hybridization
by Tai-Young Kim & Dongyoub Shin & Young-Chul Jeong - 446-461 Does Institutional Change in Universities Influence High-Tech Entrepreneurship? Evidence from China’s Project 985
by Charles Eesley & Jian Bai Li & Delin Yang - 462-482 Bridging Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Organizational Research: Applications of Synthetic Control Methodology in the U.S. Automobile Industry
by Adam R. Fremeth & Guy L. F. Holburn & Brian K. Richter - 483-504 Scrutiny, Norms, and Selective Disclosure: A Global Study of Greenwashing
by Christopher Marquis & Michael W. Toffel & Yanhua Zhou
February 2016, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-1 From the Editor
by Zur Shapira - 2-17 A Comparative Analysis of Patent Assertion Entities in Markets for Intellectual Property Rights
by H. Kevin Steensma & Mukund Chari & Ralph Heidl - 18-35 User-Industry Spinouts: Downstream Industry Knowledge as a Source of New Firm Entry and Survival
by Pamela Adams & Roberto Fontana & Franco Malerba - 36-52 Changing Rules, Changing Practices: The Direct and Indirect Effects of Tight Coupling in Figure Skating
by Stacy E. Lom - 53-71 Radical Repertoires: The Incidence and Impact of Corporate-Sponsored Social Activism
by Mary-Hunter McDonnell - 72-89 Learning by Hiring: The Effects of Scientists’ Inbound Mobility on Research Performance in Academia
by Kremena Slavova & Andrea Fosfuri & Julio O. De Castro - 90-105 An Intraorganizational Ecology of Individual Attainment
by Christopher C. Liu & Sameer B. Srivastava & Toby E. Stuart - 106-122 The Travails of Identity Change: Competitor Claims and Distinctiveness of British Political Parties, 1970–1992
by Soorjith Illickal Karthikeyan & Stefan Jonsson & Filippo Carlo Wezel - 123-140 When the Bases of Social Hierarchy Collide: Power Without Status Drives Interpersonal Conflict
by Eric M. Anicich & Nathanael J. Fast & Nir Halevy & Adam D. Galinsky - 141-156 The Pursuit of Information Sharing: Expressing Task Conflicts as Debates vs. Disagreements Increases Perceived Receptivity to Dissenting Opinions in Groups
by Ming-Hong Tsai & Corinne Bendersky - 157-172 Toward Organizational Pluralism: Institutional Intrapreneurship in Integrative Medicine
by Kathryn L. Heinze & Klaus Weber - 173-188 Sincerity in Corporate Philanthropy, Stakeholder Perceptions and Firm Value
by Ilya R. P. Cuypers & Ping-Sheng Koh & Heli Wang - 189-206 Dormancy as a Strategic Response to Detrimental Public Policy
by Rajiv Krishnan Kozhikode - 207-221 CROSSROADS—Identifying Viable “Need–Solution Pairs”: Problem Solving Without Problem Formulation
by Eric von Hippel & Georg von Krogh - 222-231 CROSSROADS—Strategy, Problems, and a Theory for the Firm
by Teppo Felin & Todd R. Zenger
December 2015, Volume 26, Issue 6
- 1553-1573 What Difference Does a Robot Make? The Material Enactment of Distributed Coordination
by Matt Beane & Wanda J. Orlikowski - 1574-1592 Newsmaking and Sensemaking: Navigating Temporal Transitions Between Planned and Unexpected Events
by Gerardo Patriotta & Daniel A. Gruber - 1593-1611 Knowledge Sharing in Online Communities: Learning to Cross Geographic and Hierarchical Boundaries
by Elina H. Hwang & Param Vir Singh & Linda Argote - 1612-1628 Anticipatory Work: How the Need to Represent Knowledge Across Boundaries Shapes Work Practices Within Them
by William C. Barley - 1629-1645 Shifts and Ladders: Comparing the Role of Internal and External Mobility in Managerial Careers
by Matthew Bidwell & Ethan Mollick - 1646-1664 Tipping Points: The Gender Segregating and Desegregating Effects of Network Recruitment
by Brian Rubineau & Roberto M. Fernandez - 1665-1681 The Lives and Deaths of Jobs: Technical Interdependence and Survival in a Job Structure
by Sharique Hasan & John-Paul Ferguson & Rembrand Koning - 1682-1701 Organizational Oscillation Between Learning and Forgetting: The Dual Role of Serious Errors
by Pamela R. Haunschild & Francisco Polidoro & David Chandler - 1702-1720 Corporate Social Initiatives and Employee Retention
by Christiane Bode & Jasjit Singh & Michelle Rogan - 1721-1733 Competitive Threats, Constraint, and Contagion in the Multiunit Firm
by Gabriel Natividad & Olav Sorenson - 1734-1751 The Categorical Imperative and Structural Reproduction: Dynamics of Technological Entry in the Semiconductor Industry
by Gianluca Carnabuci & Elisa Operti & Balázs Kovács - 1752-1768 Assimilation or Contrast? Status Inequality, Judgment of Product Quality, and Product Choices in Markets
by Zhi Huang & Marvin Washington - 1769-1786 Organizational Responses to Public and Private Politics: An Analysis of Climate Change Activists and U.S. Oil and Gas Firms
by Shon R. Hiatt & Jake B. Grandy & Brandon H. Lee - 1787-1804 PERSPECTIVE—Pragmatism in Organization Studies: Meeting the Challenges of a Dynamic and Complex World
by Moshe Farjoun & Christopher Ansell & Arjen Boin
October 2015, Volume 26, Issue 5
- 1263-1283 A Model of Collective Interpretation
by Giovanni Gavetti & Massimo Warglien - 1284-1300 Following Doctors’ Orders: Organizational Change as a Response to Human Capital Bargaining Power
by Jill A. Brown & Peter T. Gianiodis & Michael D. Santoro - 1301-1315 Not All Fairness Is Created Equal: Fairness Perceptions of Group vs. Individual Decision Makers
by Maryam Kouchaki & Isaac H. Smith & Ekaterina Netchaeva - 1316-1331 Choosing the Company You Keep: Racial Relational Demography Outside and Inside of Work
by Steffanie L. Wilk & Erin E. Makarius - 1332-1350 Risky Business: The Decline of Defined Benefit Pensions and Firms’ Shifting of Risk
by J. Adam Cobb - 1351-1364 Biased Perceptions of Racially Diverse Teams and Their Consequences for Resource Support
by Robert B. Lount & Oliver J. Sheldon & Floor Rink & Katherine W. Phillips - 1365-1380 Intraorganizational Network Dynamics in Times of Ambiguity
by Sameer B. Srivastava - 1381-1399 Coming with Baggage: Past Rejections and the Evolution of Market Relationships
by Isabel Fernandez-Mateo & Marko Coh - 1400-1414 Forgotten Third Parties: Analyzing the Contingent Association Between Unshared Third Parties, Knowledge Overlap, and Knowledge Transfer Relationships with Outsiders
by Ray Reagans & Param Vir Singh & Ramayya Krishnan - 1415-1431 The Persistence of Lenient Market Categories
by Elizabeth G. Pontikes & William P. Barnett - 1432-1446 Facts and Figuring: An Experimental Investigation of Network Structure and Performance in Information and Solution Spaces
by Jesse Shore & Ethan Bernstein & David Lazer - 1447-1465 Reconnection Choices: Selecting the Most Valuable (vs. Most Preferred) Dormant Ties
by Jorge Walter & Daniel Z. Levin & J. Keith Murnighan - 1466-1484 Oppositional Product Names, Organizational Identities, and Product Appeal
by J. Cameron Verhaal & Olga M. Khessina & Stanislav D. Dobrev - 1485-1501 International Search Behavior of Business Group Affiliated Firms: Scope of Institutional Changes and Intragroup Heterogeneity
by Sathyajit R. Gubbi & Preet S. Aulakh & Sougata Ray - 1502-1519 Why Are Firms Rigid? A General Framework and Empirical Tests
by Rui J. P. de Figueiredo & Evan Rawley & Christopher I. Rider - 1520-1535 Change Escalation Processes and Complex Adaptive Systems: From Incremental Reconfigurations to Discontinuous Restructuring
by Stéphane J. G. Girod & Richard Whittington - 1536-1551 Alliance Experience and Governance Flexibility
by Jongkuk Lee & Glenn Hoetker & William Qualls
August 2015, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 941-959 Transactive Memory Systems and Firm Performance: An Upper Echelons Perspective
by Ciaran Heavey & Zeki Simsek - 960-979 Senior Managers’ Sensemaking and Responses to Strategic Change
by Julia Balogun & Jean M. Bartunek & Boram Do - 980-996 The Paradox of Corrupt Networks: An Analysis of Organizational Crime at Enron
by Brandy L. Aven - 997-1017 Embracing, Passing, Revealing, and the Ideal Worker Image: How People Navigate Expected and Experienced Professional Identities
by Erin Reid - 1018-1039 Distrust in the Balance: The Emergence and Development of Intergroup Distrust in a Court of Law
by Katinka Bijlsma-Frankema & Sim B. Sitkin & Antoinette Weibel - 1040-1058 The Strength of Many Kinds of Ties: Unpacking the Role of Social Contacts Across Stages of the Job Search Process
by Roxana Barbulescu - 1059-1078 Can Informal Communication Networks Disrupt Coordination in New Product Development Projects?
by Manuel E. Sosa & Martin Gargiulo & Craig Rowles - 1079-1100 Driving Performance via Exploration in Changing Environments: Evidence from Formula One Racing
by Alessandro Marino & Paolo Aversa & Luiz Mesquita & Jaideep Anand - 1101-1118 Adding by Subtracting: The Relationship Between Performance Feedback and Resource Reconfiguration Through Divestitures
by Elena Vidal & Will Mitchell - 1119-1139 How Is Ambidexterity Initiated? The Emergent Charter Definition Process
by Alexander Zimmermann & Sebastian Raisch & Julian Birkinshaw - 1140-1161 Perspective—The Flaring of Intellectual Outliers: An Organizational Interpretation of the Generation of Novelty in the RAND Corporation
by Mie Augier & James G. March & Andrew W. Marshall - 1162-1176 The Integration of Psychological and Network Perspectives in Organizational Scholarship
by Tiziana Casciaro & Sigal G. Barsade & Amy C. Edmondson & Cristina B. Gibson & David Krackhardt & Giuseppe (Joe) Labianca - 1177-1191 Translating Intentions to Behavior: The Interaction of Network Structure and Behavioral Intentions in Understanding Employee Turnover
by James M. Vardaman & Shannon G. Taylor & David G. Allen & Maria B. Gondo & John M. Amis - 1192-1209 Interpersonal Perceptions and the Emergence of Leadership Structures in Groups: A Network Perspective
by D. Scott DeRue & Jennifer D. Nahrgang & Susan J. Ashford - 1210-1225 The Leader-in-Social-Network Schema: Perceptions of Network Structure Affect Gendered Attributions of Charisma
by Raina A. Brands & Jochen I. Menges & Martin Kilduff - 1226-1242 An Altercentric Perspective on the Origins of Brokerage in Social Networks: How Perceived Empathy Moderates the Self-Monitoring Effect
by Adam M. Kleinbaum & Alexander H. Jordan & Pino G. Audia - 1243-1260 Integrating Personality and Social Networks: A Meta-Analysis of Personality, Network Position, and Work Outcomes in Organizations
by Ruolian Fang & Blaine Landis & Zhen Zhang & Marc H. Anderson & Jason D. Shaw & Martin Kilduff
June 2015, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 633-649 Organizational Failure and Intraprofessional Status Loss
by Christopher I. Rider & Giacomo Negro - 650-667 Preentry Contacts and the Generation of Nascent Networks in Organizations
by Adina D. Sterling - 668-686 Technology Shocks, Technological Collaboration, and Innovation Outcomes
by Melissa A. Schilling - 687-704 Delegation Within Hierarchies: How Information Processing and Knowledge Characteristics Influence the Allocation of Formal and Real Decision Authority
by Magdalena Dobrajska & Stephan Billinger & Samina Karim - 705-723 Greenwash vs. Brownwash: Exaggeration and Undue Modesty in Corporate Sustainability Disclosure
by Eun-Hee Kim & Thomas P. Lyon - 724-742 Categorical Stigma and Firm Disengagement: Nuclear Power Generation in the United States, 1970–2000
by Alessandro Piazza & Fabrizio Perretti - 743-755 Three Facets of Organizational Adaptation: Selection, Variety, and Plasticity
by Daniel A. Levinthal & Alessandro Marino - 756-773 Age-Related Structural Inertia: A Distance-Based Approach
by Gaël Le Mens & Michael T. Hannan & László Pólos - 774-793 Is Negative Attention Better Than No Attention? The Comparative Effects of Ostracism and Harassment at Work
by Jane O'Reilly & Sandra L. Robinson & Jennifer L. Berdahl & Sara Banki - 794-810 Internal Labor Markets, Firm-Specific Human Capital, and Heterogeneity Antecedents of Employee Idiosyncratic Deal Requests
by Jeong-Yeon Lee & Daniel G. Bachrach & Denise M. Rousseau - 811-829 Bridging the Social Chasm in Geographically Distributed R&D Teams: The Moderating Effects of Relational Strength and Status Asymmetry on the Novelty of Team Innovation
by Daniel Tzabbar & Alex Vestal - 830-846 Institutional Logics and Interorganizational Learning in Technological Arenas: Evidence from Standard-Setting Organizations in the Mobile Handset Industry
by Gurneeta Vasudeva & Elizabeth A. Alexander & Stephen L. Jones - 847-866 Filtering Institutional Logics: Community Logic Variation and Differential Responses to the Institutional Complexity of Toxic Waste
by Min-Dong Paul Lee & Michael Lounsbury - 867-888 What Is a “Fair” Price? Ethics as Sensemaking
by Juliane Reinecke & Shaz Ansari - 889-907 Kingpins, Bottlenecks, and Value Dynamics Along a Sector
by Michael G. Jacobides & C. Jennifer Tae - 908-922 Will a Second Mouse Get the Cheese? Learning from Early Entrants’ Failures in a Foreign Market
by Jing Yu Yang & Jiatao Li & Andrew Delios - 923-940 Perspective—Chance Explanations in the Management Sciences
by Jerker Denrell & Christina Fang & Chengwei Liu
April 2015, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 311-333 Accounting for the Gap: A Firm Study Manipulating Organizational Accountability and Transparency in Pay Decisions
by Emilio J. Castilla - 334-355 Is It Me or Her? How Gender Composition Evokes Interpersonally Sensitive Behavior on Collaborative Cross-Boundary Projects
by Michele Williams & Evan Polman - 356-372 Labor Market Advantages of Organizational Status: A Study of Lateral Partner Hiring by Large U.S. Law Firms
by Christopher I. Rider & David Tan - 373-389 Affective Primacy in Intraorganizational Task Networks
by Tiziana Casciaro & Miguel Sousa Lobo - 390-404 Triggering Faultline Effects in Teams: The Importance of Bridging Friendship Ties and Breaching Animosity Ties
by Hong Ren & Barbara Gray & David A. Harrison - 405-422 Team Scaffolds: How Mesolevel Structures Enable Role-Based Coordination in Temporary Groups
by Melissa A. Valentine & Amy C. Edmondson - 423-438 Being a Catalyst of Innovation: The Role of Knowledge Diversity and Network Closure
by Marco Tortoriello & Bill McEvily & David Krackhardt - 439-455 Structural Recombination and Innovation: Unlocking Intraorganizational Knowledge Synergy Through Structural Change
by Samina Karim & Aseem Kaul - 456-474 Using What You Know: Patented Knowledge in Incumbent Firms and Employee Entrepreneurship
by Alfonso Gambardella & Martin Ganco & Florence Honoré - 475-493 Intergenerational Hybrids: Spillbacks, Spillforwards, and Adapting to Technology Discontinuities
by Nathan R. Furr & Daniel C. Snow - 494-510 Withholding the Ace: The Individual- and Unit-Level Performance Effects of Self-Reported and Perceived Knowledge Hoarding
by Joel M. Evans & Michael G. Hendron & James B. Oldroyd - 511-530 Alliance Experience, IT-Enabled Knowledge Integration, and Ex Ante Value Gains
by Yu Liu & T. Ravichandran - 531-549 Short on Time: Intertemporal Tensions in Business Sustainability
by Natalie Slawinski & Pratima Bansal - 550-570 Organizational Obsolescence, Drifting Tastes, and Age Dependence in Organizational Life Chances
by Gaël Le Mens & Michael T. Hannan & László Pólos - 571-583 Relative Comparison and Category Membership: The Case of Equity Analysts
by Anne Bowers - 584-600 Category Signaling and Reputation
by Giacomo Negro & Michael T. Hannan & Magali Fassiotto - 601-621 Moving from an Exception to a Rule: Analyzing Mechanisms in Emergence-Based Institutionalization
by Jeannette A. Colyvas & Spiro Maroulis - 622-631 PERSPECTIVE—Shrouded in Structure: Challenges and Opportunities for a Friction-Based View of Network Research
by Anindya Ghosh & Lori Rosenkopf
February 2015, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-21 The Real Oscar Curse: The Negative Consequences of Positive Status Shifts
by Michael Jensen & Heeyon Kim - 22-36 Alliance Partners and Firm Capability: Evidence from the Motion Picture Industry
by Ramin Vandaie & Akbar Zaheer - 37-51 Redundant Heterogeneity and Group Performance
by Edward Bishop Smith & Yuan Hou - 52-77 An Inductively Generated Typology and Process Model of Workplace Courage
by Pauline Schilpzand & David R. Hekman & Terence R. Mitchell - 78-98 Social Comparisons and Deception Across Workplace Hierarchies: Field and Experimental Evidence
by Benjamin Edelman & Ian Larkin - 99-118 Mood at the Midpoint: Affect and Change in Exploratory Search Over Time in Teams That Face a Deadline
by Andrew P. Knight - 119-139 Approval in Nanotechnology Patents: Micro and Macro Factors That Affect Reactions to Category Blending
by Jade Yu-Chieh Lo & Mark Thomas Kennedy - 140-157 The Dimensions of Experiential Learning in the Management of Activity Load
by Francesco Castellaneta & Maurizio Zollo - 158-179 The Structure of Political Institutions and Effectiveness of Corporate Political Lobbying
by Seong-Jin Choi & Nan Jia & Jiangyong Lu - 180-197 Great Vessels Take a Long Time to Mature: Early Success Traps and Competences in Exploitation and Exploration
by Mooweon Rhee & Tohyun Kim - 198-217 The Influence of Ethnic Community Knowledge on Indian Inventor Innovativeness
by Paul Almeida & Anupama Phene & Sali Li - 218-238 Organizational Constraints to Adaptation: Intrafirm Asymmetry in the Locus of Coordination
by Vikas A. Aggarwal & Brian Wu - 239-255 Resource Dependence Dynamics: Partner Reactions to Mergers
by Michelle Rogan & Henrich R. Greve - 256-276 Built to Last or Meant to End: Intertemporal Choice in Strategic Alliance Portfolios
by Rene M. Bakker & Joris Knoben - 277-292 Supervising Across Borders: The Case of Multinational Hierarchies
by Yue Maggie Zhou - 293-309 Davids Against Goliath? Collective Identities and the Market Success of Peripheral Organizations During Resource Partitioning
by Min Liu & Filippo Carlo Wezel
December 2014, Volume 25, Issue 6
- 1579-1608 Justification and Interlaced Knowledge at ATLAS, CERN
by Philipp Tuertscher & Raghu Garud & Arun Kumaraswamy - 1609-1632 The Coevolution of Industries, Social Movements, and Institutions: Wind Power in the United States
by Desirée F. Pacheco & Jeffrey G. York & Timothy J. Hargrave - 1633-1661 The Erosion of Expert Control Through Censure Episodes
by Ruthanne Huising - 1662-1683 Deciding Who Will Rule: Examining the Influence of Outside Noncore Directors on Executive Entrenchment
by Eugene Kang & Mark Kroll - 1684-1702 Knowing Your Place: Social Performance Feedback in Good Times and Bad Times
by Thomas P. Moliterno & Nikolaus Beck & Christine M. Beckman & Mark Meyer - 1703-1721 Stronger Than the Sum of Its Parts? The Performance Implications of Peer Control Combinations in Teams
by Bart A. De Jong & Katinka M. Bijlsma-Frankema & Laura B. Cardinal - 1722-1743 Organizational Susceptibility to Institutional Complexity: Critical Events Driving the Adoption and Implementation of the Ethics and Compliance Officer Position
by David Chandler - 1744-1763 An Organizational Perspective on Patenting and Open Innovation
by Ajay Bhaskarabhatla & Deepak Hegde - 1764-1784 The Rejuvenation of Inventors Through Corporate Spinouts
by Bruno Cirillo & Stefano Brusoni & Giovanni Valentini - 1785-1806 How Emerging Organizations Take Form: The Role of Imprinting and Values in Organizational Bricolage
by Markus Perkmann & André Spicer - 1807-1822 Forgiveness in Vertical Relationships: Incentive and Termination Effects
by Bart S. Vanneste & Douglas H. Frank - 1823-1839 Pragmatism, Practice, and the Boundaries of Organization
by Josh Whitford & Francesco Zirpoli - 1840-1859 Who I Am and How I Contract: The Effect of Contractors’ Roles on the Evolution of Contract Structure in University–Industry Research Agreements
by Janet E. L. Bercovitz & Beverly B. Tyler - 1860-1877 A Network Perspective on Individual-Level Ambidexterity in Organizations
by Michelle Rogan & Marie Louise Mors
October 2014, Volume 25, Issue 5
- 1287-1305 Going Underground: Bootlegging and Individual Innovative Performance
by Paola Criscuolo & Ammon Salter & Anne L. J. Ter Wal - 1306-1324 The Semiformal Organization
by Susan Biancani & Daniel A. McFarland & Linus Dahlander - 1325-1350 The Replication Dilemma Unravelled: How Organizations Enact Multiple Goals in Routine Transfer
by Luciana D’Adderio - 1351-1371 Divisive Faultlines and the Unplanned Dissolutions of Multipartner Alliances
by Ralph A. Heidl & H. Kevin Steensma & Corey Phelps - 1372-1390 Identity Orientation, Social Exchange, and Information Technology Use in Interorganizational Collaborations
by Uri Gal & Tina Blegind Jensen & Kalle Lyytinen - 1391-1413 The Role of Writing in Distributed Collaboration
by Anne-Laure Fayard & Anca Metiu - 1414-1433 Open Collaboration for Innovation: Principles and Performance
by Sheen S. Levine & Michael J. Prietula - 1434-1452 A Social Composition View of Team Creativity: The Role of Member Nationality-Heterogeneous Ties Outside of the Team
by Jill E. Perry-Smith & Christina E. Shalley - 1453-1478 Ambivalence in Organizations: A Multilevel Approach
by Blake E. Ashforth & Kristie M. Rogers & Michael G. Pratt & Camille Pradies - 1479-1492 Entrepreneurial Storytelling, Future Expectations, and the Paradox of Legitimacy
by Raghu Garud & Henri A. Schildt & Theresa K. Lant - 1493-1510 Paying It Forward vs. Rewarding Reputation: Mechanisms of Generalized Reciprocity
by Wayne E. Baker & Nathaniel Bulkley - 1511-1529 Understanding Executive Job Search
by Peter Cappelli & Monika Hamori - 1530-1548 Just Like a Woman? Effects of Gender-Biased Perceptions of Friendship Network Brokerage on Attributions and Performance
by Raina A. Brands & Martin Kilduff - 1549-1571 The Deterrence Effects of Vicarious Punishments on Corporate Financial Fraud
by Daphne W. Yiu & Yuehua Xu & William P. Wan
August 2014, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 969-990 Competitive Behavior and Nonfinancial Objectives: Entry, Exit, and Pricing Decisions in Closely Held Firms
by Brian T. McCann & Govert Vroom - 991-1008 The Impact of Stakeholder Power on Corporate Reputation: A Cross-Country Corporate Governance Perspective
by Abrahim Soleimani & William D. Schneper & William Newburry - 1009-1025 Trade-offs in a Tempest: Stakeholder Influence on Hurricane Evacuation Decisions
by Karen Chinander Dye & J. P. Eggers & Zur Shapira - 1026-1055 Perceptions of Organizational Politics: A Need Satisfaction Paradigm
by Christopher C. Rosen & D. Lance Ferris & Douglas J. Brown & Yuanyi Chen & Ming Yan - 1056-1081 An Embedded Model of Cultural Adaptation in Global Teams
by Catherine Durnell Cramton & Pamela J. Hinds - 1082-1110 The Mutual Constitution of Persons and Organizations: An Ontological Perspective on Organizational Change
by Alexandra Michel - 1111-1133 Cognitive Control Capabilities, Routinization Propensity, and Decision-Making Performance
by Daniella Laureiro-Martinez - 1134-1153 Knowledge Brokering and Organizational Innovation: Founder Imprinting Effects
by David H. Hsu & Kwanghui Lim - 1154-1171 The Emotion-Evoked Collective Corruption Model: The Role of Emotion in the Spread of Corruption Within Organizations
by Kristin Smith-Crowe & Danielle E. Warren - 1172-1194 An Image of Who We Might Become: Vision Communication, Possible Selves, and Vision Pursuit
by Daan Stam & Robert G. Lord & Daan van Knippenberg & Barbara Wisse - 1195-1215 Technology Ecosystem Governance
by Jonathan Wareham & Paul B. Fox & Josep Lluís Cano Giner - 1216-1233 Contact and Group Structure: A Natural Experiment of Interracial College Roommate Groups
by Arjun Chakravarti & Tanya Menon & Christopher Winship - 1234-1252 Temporary, Emergent Interorganizational Collaboration in Unexpected Circumstances: A Study of the Columbia Space Shuttle Response Effort
by Tammy E. Beck & Donde Ashmos Plowman - 1253-1271 The Firm as a Coordination System: Evidence from Software Services Offshoring
by Kannan Srikanth & Phanish Puranam - 1272-1286 Oppositional Identities and Resource Partitioning: Distillery Ownership in Scotch Whisky, 1826–2009
by David G. McKendrick & Michael T. Hannan
June 2014, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 653-669 Paradigm-Changing vs. Paradigm-Deepening Innovation: How Firm Scope Influences Firm Technological Response to Shocks
by Gautam Ahuja & Curba Morris Lampert & Vivek Tandon - 670-690 Rising from Failure and Learning from Success: The Role of Past Experience in Radical Initiative Taking
by Dirk Deichmann & Jan van den Ende - 691-712 Managing the Repertoire: Stories, Metaphors, Prototypes, and Concept Coherence in Product Innovation
by Victor P. Seidel & Siobhán O’Mahony - 713-731 If These Walls Could Talk: The Mutual Construction of Organizational Space and Legitimacy
by François-Xavier de Vaujany & Emmanuelle Vaast - 732-756 Learning to Carry the Cat by the Tail: Firm Experience, Disasters, and Multinational Subsidiary Entry and Expansion
by Jennifer M. Oetzel & Chang Hoon Oh - 757-775 Do Experience Effects Vary Across Governance Modes? Evidence from New Product Introduction in the Global Aircraft Industry, 1948–2000
by Louis Mulotte - 776-793 Turnover at the Top: Executive Team Departures and Firm Performance
by Jake G. Messersmith & Jeong-Yeon Lee & James P. Guthrie & Yong-Yeon Ji - 794-814 Situated Coworker Familiarity: How Site Visits Transform Relationships Among Distributed Workers
by Pamela J. Hinds & Catherine Durnell Cramton - 815-832 Legacy Divestitures: Motives and Implications
by Emilie R. Feldman - 833-849 Learning to Be Edison: Inventors, Organizations, and Breakthrough Inventions
by Raffaele Conti & Alfonso Gambardella & Myriam Mariani - 850-867 Corporate Structure, Indirect Bankruptcy Costs, and the Advantage of De Novo Firms: The Case of Gene Therapy Research
by M. Lourdes Sosa - 868-891 What Happens When Evaluation Goes Online? Exploring Apparatuses of Valuation in the Travel Sector
by Wanda J. Orlikowski & Susan V. Scott - 892-908 Intergroup Competition as a Double-Edged Sword: How Sex Composition Regulates the Effects of Competition on Group Creativity
by Markus Baer & Abhijeet K. Vadera & Roger T. A. J. Leenders & Greg R. Oldham - 909-931 Constructing the Team: The Antecedents and Effects of Membership Model Divergence
by Mark Mortensen - 932-950 The Liminality of Trajectory Shifts in Institutional Entrepreneurship
by Ola Henfridsson & Youngjin Yoo - 951-967 Social Network Ties, Transactive Memory, and Performance in Groups
by Jeong-Yeon Lee & Daniel G. Bachrach & Kyle Lewis
April 2014, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 321-338 Drift and Adjustment in Organizational Rule Compliance: Explaining the “Regulatory Pendulum” in Financial Markets
by Ignacio J. Martinez-Moyano & David P. McCaffrey & Rogelio Oliva - 339-355 Autonomy or Control? Organizational Architecture and Corporate Attention to Stakeholders
by Donal Crilly & Pamela Sloan - 356-376 A Dynamic Model of Individual and Collective Learning Amid Disruption
by Edward G. Anderson & Kyle Lewis - 377-400 Making the Most of the Revolving Door: The Impact of Outward Personnel Mobility Networks on Organizational Creativity
by Frédéric C. Godart & Andrew V. Shipilov & Kim Claes - 401-419 Be Careful What You Wish For: The Effects of Issue Interpretation on Social Choices in Professional Networks
by E. N. Bridwell-Mitchell & Theresa K. Lant - 420-437 Diffusion as Classification
by Dror Etzion - 438-457 The Focused Organization of Advice Relations: A Study in Boundary Crossing
by Alessandro Lomi & Dean Lusher & Philippa E. Pattison & Garry Robins - 458-478 Authenticity and Consumer Value Ratings: Empirical Tests from the Restaurant Domain
by Balázs Kovács & Glenn R. Carroll & David W. Lehman - 479-493 Memory and Organizational Evolvability in a Neutral Landscape
by Amit Jain & Bruce Kogut