2016, Volume 12, Issue 4
- 468-488 A study on empathetic listening in internalisation of emotional intelligence among engineers: Srimad Bhagavad Gita in context
by Nikhil Kewalkrishna Mehta - 489-507 Determining store attribute salience on store choice behaviour in an emerging market - the case of Indian grocery market
by Shashank Mehra & Moonis Shakeel - 508-533 Local versus global brand preferences amongst urban Indian chocolate consumers: an empirical study
by Deepak Chawla & Neena Sondhi
2016, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 273-292 A corporate social responsibility initiative on primary education: the Engineers India Limited case study
by Ruhee Singh & Sweta S. Malla - 293-317 The need for regulatory intervention in corporate social responsibility in India: evidence from corporate social disclosures
by Upali Arijita Biswas & Suresh Garg & Archana Singh - 318-341 Impact of musical fits and image of different malls on consumer purchase behaviour
by R.K. Srivastava - 342-360 Youth shoppers - study of psychographics, motives and shopping behaviour
by Suman Yadav & Sadaf Siraj - 361-375 Gaming dependency among Indian adolescents: a phenomenological study
by Anjali Malik & Rajeev Kumra & Smitha Girija - 376-385 Challenge in traditional service delivery for diabetes management: mobile health, a technology driven system, is the alternative?
by Mahmud Akhter Shareef & Vinod Kumar & Yogesh K. Dwivedi & Uma Kumar & Bhasker Mukerji - 386-406 A quick scan audit of the 'socio-technical' system in a leather accessories manufacturing SME
by Anita Kumar
2016, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 141-154 Mis-selling of ULIPs - causes and regulatory approach towards unethical practices of mis-selling of ULIPs
by Amarjeet Kaur & Anand Bansal - 155-178 Lokasamgraha: philosophical foundations of workplace spirituality and organisational citizenship behaviours
by Shibani Belwalkar & Veena Vohra - 179-203 Study on corporate governance mechanisms
by Rakesh K. Mishra & Sheeba Kapil - 204-223 Relation between human resource development climate and organisational commitment: empirical study in Indian banking sector
by Shweta Mittal & Vishal Gupta & Manoj Motiani - 224-236 Evaluation of information retrieval: precision and recall
by Monika Arora & Uma Kanjilal & Dinesh Varshney - 237-254 A tri-component model of parental attitude: acceptance of child's role in family decision making
by Neena Sondhi & Rituparna Basu - 255-272 An empirical study to assess the impact of various relationship dimensions on supplier relationship in Indian scenario
by Manish Gupta & Akhilesh Kumar Choudhary
2016, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 1-27 Dilemma of work-life balance in dual-career couples - a study from the Indian perspective
by G. Delina & R. Prabhakara Raya - 28-49 Evaluating combination of individual pre-purchase internet information channels using hybrid fuzzy MCDM technique: demographics as moderators
by Gaurav Khatwani & Gopal Das - 50-71 Impact of changing consumer lifestyles and website quality on online satisfaction and loyalty - an emerging market framework
by Shweta Pandey & Deepak Chawla - 72-91 Effectiveness drivers for Indian information technology managers: an empirical study
by Yogesh N. Naik & Monika Bisht - 92-127 Analysing customer responses to migrate strategies in making retailing and CRM effective
by Gaurav Gupta & Himanshu Aggarwal - 128-140 Collaborative and open innovation: supply chain planning as an effective source
by Rajeev Mukundan & Sam Thomas
2015, Volume 11, Issue 4
- 405-421 Developing and validating critical success factors of TQM implementation in MSMEs of Punjab in India
by Vishal Kumar Manhas & Parmarth Gupta & Himanshu Gupta - 422-439 An empirical investigation of effective science learning through simple experiments
by S. Chamundeswari & Deepa Franky - 440-456 Determinants of dividend policy: a study of the Indian banking sector
by Sangeeta D. Misra - 457-472 Supplier selection using artificial neural network and genetic algorithm
by Nitesh Asthana & Manish Gupta - 473-495 The impact of leaders' spirituality at work and their reputation on teams' spiritual climate
by Ashish Pandey & Debaprasad Chattopadhyay & Sucheta Bose - 496-516 Metamorphosis of Indian electoral campaigns: Modi's social media experiment
by Kawaljeet Kaur Kapoor & Yogesh K. Dwivedi - 517-537 Musical environment and its effect on restaurant patrons' behaviour in emerging market
by R.K. Srivastava
2015, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 275-288 Consumer online purchase behaviour: perception versus expectation
by Mahmud Akhter Shareef & Vinod Kumar & Uma Kumar & Yogesh K. Dwivedi - 289-307 A dynamic analysis of variety seeking behaviour with reference to Indian continent
by Jayanthi Thanigan & G. Rajendran & Priya Sethuraman - 308-322 Socio-cultural impact of film celebrities on teenagers: an empirical study
by Amit Jain & Pushp Lata & Amita Raj Goyal & Swati Khandelwal & Garima Jain - 323-343 Analysis of employee training needs in information technology industry
by Neetima Agarwal & Neerja Pande & Vandana Ahuja - 344-355 Surge in bilateral economic relationship: India-Malaysia trade
by Ratna Vadra - 356-387 Management education in India: a fit case for reengineering
by Abinash Panda - 388-403 Building retailer loyalty: an empirical study
by Gopal Das
2015, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 137-154 Mentoring social entrepreneurs in India: attributes and functions
by S. Raghu Raman & C. Vijayalakshmi - 155-183 IRCTC mobile ticketing adoption in an Indian context
by Kawaljeet Kaur Kapoor & Yogesh K. Dwivedi & Michael D. Williams - 184-202 Impact of social, intellectual and personal competencies on managerial performance: an empirical investigation
by Sambedna Jena & Chandan Kumar Sahoo & Santosh Kumar Tripathy - 203-218 Shopper's attitude and demographics influence on store patronage - a comparison of formal vs. informal food retail stores in India
by Prashanth Mishra & G. Sridhar & Tinu Jain - 219-244 Factors prompting impulse buying behaviour - study among shoppers in India
by Sanjeev Prashar & Chandan Parsad & T. Sai Vijay - 245-274 Perceived attitudes towards sudden wealth: an exploratory study
by Shalini Kalra Sahi & Vinay Kumar Dutta
2015, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 1-22 Impulse buying behaviour: an emerging market perspective
by Sheetal Mittal & Neena Sondhi & Deepak Chawla - 23-42 Customer oriented service culture and its impact on customer loyalty in organised retail context
by Tejas R. Shah & Amit Jain - 43-58 Evaluation of movie piracy using an integrated approach of interpretive structural modelling and MICMAC analysis
by Pradeep Kumar Gupta & Bhama Venkataramani - 59-78 Assessing the impact of collaborative practices on the performance of automotive SMEs: an exploratory study
by Nitin S. Bhalkikar & Milind M. Akarte - 79-111 A review of career women in the new economy: research directions in the Indian context
by Shailja Agarwal - 112-127 Customer complaining behaviour and its consequences in the credit card industry: an empirical investigation in the developing Indian economy
by Shivendra Kumar Pandey - 128-136 Effectiveness of social media marketing: special reference to Kerala tourism
by C. Pradeep Kumar & R. Sakthivel & Hareesh N. Ramanathan
2015, Volume 10, Issue 4
- 391-408 A cultural paradox in organisations in India
by Richa Awasthy & Rajen K. Gupta - 409-432 Identifying training problems of travel agency employees across India using structured equation modelling
by Anu Singh Lather & Shalini Garg & Sona Vikas - 433-449 Organisational commitment of B-school teachers in India: an empirical study
by Feza Tabassum Azmi & Gunjan Mohan Sharma - 450-459 Prospective FDI opportunities for India and BRICS
by Ratna Vadra - 460-475 HR service dimensions of quality of work life factors: IT enabled services perspectives in India
by Tripti Singh & Shefali Nandan & Ginni Chawla - 476-493 Sub-national competitiveness analysis and simulation studies for 35 states and union territories of India
by Khee Giap Tan & Kartik Rao - 494-520 A model of mobile commerce practices in the State of Punjab: an empirical investigation
by Kanwalvir Singh & Himanshu Aggarwal
2015, Volume 10, Issue 3
- 253-266 Role of middle managers in strategic decisions - a triad perspective
by Meeta Dasgupta - 267-290 An extended DeLone and McLean's information system model for examining success of online public grievance redressal system in Indian context
by Nripendra P. Rana & Yogesh K. Dwivedi & Michael D. Williams & Niall C. Piercy - 291-305 Role of socio-cultural factors in the entrepreneurial success of the Jain community
by Malay R. Patel & Patturaja Selvaraj - 306-317 Exploring the nexus between futures contracts and spot returns in the Indian commodity market
by P. Lakshmi & S. Visalakshmi & S. Padmavathy - 318-334 Workers occupational stress problem in selected industry
by Nilufa Yeasmin & Anjuman Ara & Shamima Nasrin Khan & Md. Mosharraf Hossain - 335-350 Readiness of young Indian consumer for mass customised products: an exploratory study
by Saloni Mehra & P.A. Ratna & Vandana Sonwaney - 351-366 Socio-economic status of Bodo people: a case study of the Udalguri District, Assam
by Sri Sastri Ram Kachari & Shrabanti Maity - 367-389 Conceptualising the role of innovation-attributes for examining consumer adoption of entertainment-related innovations
by Kawaljeet Kaur Kapoor & Yogesh K. Dwivedi & Michael D. Williams
2015, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 123-135 Augmented reality usage in business and socio-political scenario
by Madhavan Sriram & Susmi Routray & Praveen Choudhary - 136-156 Managing people in the world's largest commercial employer: an exploratory study on Indian Railways
by Vijay Pereira - 157-177 Pattern of manufacturing strategy implementation and implications on manufacturing levers and manufacturing outputs and business performance
by Pradip P. Patil & B.E. Narkhede & Milind M. Akarte - 178-192 Teaching and developing leadership in business schools: a multilevel evaluative approach in Indian context
by Koustab Ghosh - 193-211 Determinants of bank profitability in India
by Sangeeta D. Misra - 212-229 Investigating distribution practices of Banarasi silk industry: an empirical study
by Alok Kumar Rai & Medha Srivastava - 230-251 Psychological ownership: scale development and validation in the Indian context
by Amit Shukla & Shailendra Singh
2015, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 1-15 Management control in a spiritually-charged organisation
by Suresh Kalagnanam & Rosemary Venne - 16-41 Descriptive analysis of present quality management practices of Indian micro, small and medium enterprises
by Moloy Ghoshal - 42-59 Revisiting emotional intelligence: from the realms of ancient Indian wisdom
by Nikhil K. Mehta - 60-83 A study on the pertinent problems faced by the metal and iron casting foundry units in India
by Avik Roy & Gopalkrishna Chakrabarti & Arnab Das - 84-109 Information system implementation failures in Indian telecommunication companies
by Bikram Pal Kaur & Himanshu Aggarwal - 110-121 Exploring the impact of need to evaluate on advertisements: a study of small city Indian consumers
by Varisha Rehman & Anurika Vaish
2014, Volume 9, Issue 4
- 389-408 The compatible modelling of teaching business communication in Indian B-schools: a framework
by Sanjay Shrivastava - 409-433 Improving performance of labourers in the construction projects of UAE: a multi cultural perspective
by Asadullah Khan - 434-448 Effect of organisational culture on high attrition in Indian business process outsourcing sector
by Sulakshna Dwivedi & Sanjay Kaushik & Luxmi Malodia - 449-467 Mediating role of organisation commitment in the relationship between job satisfaction and organisational citizenship behaviour: a study of Indian IT professionals
by Bindu Chhabra & R.P. Mohanty - 468-486 Liberalisation of the Indian retail sector - an examination of macro level HR implications and challenges
by Vijay Pereira & Rajan Kalakoti - 487-509 The mediating effects of work engagement: testing causality between personal resource, job resource and work related outcomes
by Pushpendra Priyadarshi & Reeta Raina
2014, Volume 9, Issue 3
- 267-282 Earnings management through overproduction and subsequent performance: an empirical study in Pakistan
by Naila Tabassum & Ahmad Kaleem & Mian Sajid Nazir - 283-300 Evaluation of corporate social performance of Indian public sector: a non-parametric approach
by Pratigya Kwatra & Gokulnanda Patel - 301-315 Money attitudes as predictors of materialism and compulsive buying, and gender demographics, in the 'new India'
by Jitendra Kumar Mishra & Miriam Tatzel & B.K. Arun & Naseem Abidi - 316-339 Attitude of Indian consumers towards luxury brand purchase: an application of 'attitude scale to luxury items'
by Shamindra Nath Sanyal & Saroj Kumar Datta & Asok Kumar Banerjee - 340-352 Racial disparity in SNAP? No: a geospatial study for Iowa
by Sugam Sharma - 353-370 Rational expectation hypothesis: empirical evidence from government debt market in India
by Kakali Kanjilal - 371-387 Microenterprise success of home-based garment makers in Bangalore, India
by T.S. Devaraja & Ananda Wickramasinghe
2014, Volume 9, Issue 2
- 131-150 Human resource opportunities in knowledge process outsourcing companies in India: expectations from and returns for prospective contenders
by Disha Sachdeva & Raj Kumar Mittal & Raj Bir Solanki - 151-163 From local to global HRM: interviews with HR heads in emerging Indian multinationals
by Mohan Thite - 164-180 An analytical approach to supplier selection problem
by Seema & Darshan Kumar - 181-204 Institutional effectiveness in higher education: a comparative analysis of students' perceived responses in Indian context
by Koustab Ghosh - 205-228 The effects of entrepreneurial orientations of small-medium enterprises in Tamil Nadu-Southern India
by K.V.R. Rajandran - 229-247 An evaluation of impact of technology upgradations on manufacturing performance
by Inderpreet Singh Ahuja - 248-266 The role of psychological ownership in linkage between organisational justice and citizenship behaviour: evidence from India
by Amit Shukla & Shailendra Singh
2014, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 1-16 The managerial communication conundrum: exploring the effect of level and function in a corporate public sector organisation
by Chandra M. Chakravartula & Partha P. Sengupta - 17-36 Corporate social responsibility in Indian sugar industry: managers' reflections
by Abhishek Nirjar & Raj K. Kovid & Kavita Singh - 37-54 The role of work engagement in the pursuit of organisational effectiveness
by Aakanksha Kataria & Pooja Garg & Renu Rastogi - 55-73 Exploring the right conduct of a manager: insights from Indian management
by Neetu Jain - 74-88 Assessment of demographic and socio-economic factors on ailments and disability among elderly
by Pallavi Banjare & S.S. Mahapatra & Bikash Ranjan Debata & J.P. Pradhan - 89-100 Balanced scorecard on top performing Indian firms
by Sanjay Dhir & Amita Mital & Swati Chaurasia - 101-115 Elucidating the relationship between learning and performance orientation on academic performance in the business education landscape of India
by Sumi Jha & Som Sekhar Bhattacharyya - 116-129 The problem of routine work: Western and Eastern perspectives
by Scott R. Herriott
2014, Volume 8, Issue 4
- 425-441 The transformation of value and evolution of customer experience: an exploration of the typologies, facets and significance
by Anushree Tandon & Vibhuti Tripathi & Ashish Gupta - 442-458 Rethinking organisational goals in the context of Indian ethos
by Lakshmaiah Botla & Harigopal Kondur - 459-472 An exploratory study on the morphology and measurement of spirituality: development of a scale
by Himanshu Rai - 473-494 The interbank mobile payment acceptance in an Indian context
by Kawaljeet Kaur Kapoor & Yogesh K. Dwivedi & Michael D. Williams - 495-518 Mediating role of emotion in personalised relationship formation: study of patient-physician relationship
by Praveen Kumar & Ashok Pratap Arora & Rajen Gupta - 519-542 Dimensions of shopping preferences by women in India and the USA - a cross country study
by Jacqueline Williams & Justin Paul - 543-554 Customer delight and mood states: an empirical analysis in Indian retail context
by Pankaj Chamola & Prakash Tiwari
2014, Volume 8, Issue 3
- 275-299 Maintenance planning and control of blast furnace section: a case study of SAIL Bhilai
by Rupinder Singh & K. Navneet - 300-328 Exploring diffusion of innovation adoption attributes: a cross-disciplinary literature analysis
by Kawaljeet Kaur Kapoor & Yogesh K. Dwivedi & Michael D. Williams - 329-344 The effect of content credibility on consumer-based brand equity: the case of Indian television channels
by Madhupa Bakshi & Bilal Mustafa Khan & Prashant Mishra - 345-360 Adoption of M-commerce: examining factors affecting intention and behaviour of Indian consumers
by Yogesh K. Dwivedi & Kuttimani Tamilmani & Michael D. Williams & Banita Lal - 361-386 International business negotiations: do cultural differences matter? The case of India and Israel: research report
by Gideon Snir - 387-412 Influence of socio-demographic factors in doctor-patient communication in India
by Payal Mehra - 413-423 Modelling and forecasting of day-ahead electricity price in Indian energy exchange - evidence from MSARIMA-EGARCH model
by Sajal Ghosh & Kakali Kanjilal
2014, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 139-158 A review and weight analysis of the predictors and linkages in electronic government adoption research
by Nripendra P. Rana & Yogesh K. Dwivedi & Michael D. Williams - 159-181 An Indian practitioner's view on cloud-based business opportunities
by Puneet Mehrotra & Reema Khurana & Pankaj Khurana - 182-197 Adoption of information and communication technology towards growth of small and medium enterprises: a case study of Indian enterprises
by Prabhudatt Dwivedi & G.P. Sahu - 198-215 Spiritual evolution level and its relationship with type A behaviour, self-monitoring behaviour and optimism
by Rajesh Ratnakar & Shreekumar K. Nair & Omer Bin Sayeed - 216-236 Impact of entrepreneurial skills on the firm's performance: evidence from manufacturing SMEs in India
by Balkrishna E. Narkhede & Rupendra S. Nehete & Rakesh D. Raut & Subhash K. Mahajan - 237-252 Real options perspectives on business firm human resource factor sourcing and poverty alleviation
by Som Sekhar Bhattacharyya - 253-273 Competency-based engineering education
by V. Kovaichelvan
2014, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 1-34 Global service quality of business-to-consumer electronic-commerce
by Mahmud Akhter Shareef & Vinod Kumar & Yogesh K. Dwivedi & Uma Kumar - 35-53 A cluster analysis approach to grouping Indian women professionals
by Neena Sondhi & Deepak Chawla - 54-68 Effect of gender, age and work experience on emotional intelligence in Indian perspective
by Priti Suman Mishra - 69-106 HRM competencies of women entrepreneurs in network marketing: a study on the influencing factors and their relationships on success
by Sitalakshmi Venkatraman & Raveendranath Ravi Nayak - 107-123 The influence of CEO attributes on strategic orientation towards R%D and strategic fit in Indian public sector units
by Rajashekar G. Mench & Virupaxi Bagodi & Venkatesh A. Raikar - 124-137 Government revenues of Orissa: an analysis
by Tushar Kanti Das
2013, Volume 7, Issue 4
- 461-527 An analysis of electronic government research from the perspective of developing countries
by Mohammad Alryalat & Yogesh K. Dwivedi & Michael D. Williams - 528-551 Adoption of information technology tools in micro, small and medium enterprises of India
by Brijesh Singh & Rakesh Narain & R.C. Yadav - 552-571 Working capital management and corporate performance: evidence from a study of Indian firms
by Pankaj K. Agarwal & Sunil Kumar Varma - 572-588 Evolution of India's government debt market: challenges and opportunities
by Kakali Kanjilal - 589-604 Impact of relational collectivism on impulse buying for others
by Monica Khanna & Manisha Karandikar
2013, Volume 7, Issue 3
- 283-306 Strategic leadership for corporate sustainable development at Tata Steel
by Vidhu Shekhar Jha & Suneel Arora - 307-323 Business ethics in SMEs: an empirical study of selected units of Haryana
by Tejinder Sharma & Manisha Dudeja - 324-335 Environment management system variable verification - a qualitative pilot study
by Archana Rathore & N.V. Muralidhar Rao - 336-347 New England Indic restaurants business and culture: an exploratory empirical study
by Nora Ganim Barnes & Bal Ram Singh & Satyanarayana Parayitam - 348-358 Understanding Indian supply chain management practices
by Daewoo Park & Ravi Chinta & Rashmi Assudani & Mina Lee & Margaret Cunningham - 359-383 Organisational role stress: level of stress, major stressor and its differences
by Rajnish Ratna & Saniya Chawla & Rohit Mittal - 384-398 What do Indian customers want in a cell phone? Strategies for network providers and handset manufacturers
by Chaitanya Vyas - 399-412 Consumer behaviour, customer satisfaction vis-a-vis brand performance: an empirical study of dairy food supply chain in India
by Pramod Kumar Mishra & B. Raja Shekhar - 413-429 Relationship among social capital, innovation and performance: a preliminary investigation in India
by Harsha Desai & Kiran Desai - 430-440 Opportunities and challenges of corporate governance reforms in India: a study on Infosys Technologies
by K.K. Patra - 441-451 Contemporaneous HR practices in Indian banking scenario: a review
by Prachi Bhatt - 452-460 An empirical study on awareness about Islamic economics in India
by Moid U. Ahmad & Athar Mahmood
2013, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 133-151 An empirical study of quality of work life among employees of public and private sectors and entrepreneurs in Indian perspectives
by Vinita Sinha & K.S. Subramanian - 152-170 A methodology for evaluation of e-electricity service quality using neural networks
by Pravudatta Mishra & S. Satapathy & S.K. Patel - 171-191 Impact of organisational sociotechnical system on managerial retention: a structural equation modelling approach
by Koustab Ghosh & Sangeeta Sahney - 192-212 UNESCAP's characteristics of good governance from the philosophy of Bhagavad-Gita and its contemporary relevance in the Indian context
by Biswajit Satpathy & Balakrishnan Muniapan & Mohan Dass - 213-225 Broader social implication of the strategies of business corporations
by Anindya J. Mishra & Sujata Kar - 226-239 A case study of Indian manufacturing organisation for utilisation of advanced manufacturing technologies
by Harwinder Singh & J.S. Khamba - 240-260 An empirical assessment of retail service quality in India
by Rema Gopalan & Sreekumar - 261-277 Exporter's perceptions to obstacles faced in the EU: evidence from Indian textiles and leather goods firms
by Sangeeta Khorana & Kwok Tong Soo
2013, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-23 A study on third-party logistics in India
by R. Rajesh & S. Pugazhendhi & K. Ganesh - 24-52 Adoption of advance manufacturing technologies in micro, small and medium enterprises of India
by Brijesh Singh & Rakesh Narain & R.C. Yadav - 53-71 Factors influencing user adoption of Web 2.0 applications
by Yogesh K. Dwivedi & Boumediene Ramdani & Michael D. Williams & Amit Mitra & Janet Williams & Suraj Niranjan - 72-89 Changing perspectives of corporate governance in India
by D. Kavitha & R. Nandagopal - 90-108 FDI in multi-brand retail: an empirical study of consumers in NCR region (India)
by Harvinder Singh & Kartik Dave - 109-132 Maintenance planning and control of hand tools unit in India: a case study
by Rupinder Singh & S. Arvinderjit
2013, Volume 6, Issue 4
- 391-409 Accruing innovation in software firms through employees' commitment
by Abhishek Nirjar - 410-429 Personality and its impact on global virtual team performance
by Kavita Kapur & Ravi Paul & Rajen K. Gupta - 430-457 Mediator analysis of psychological empowerment: reverse causality with strategic HRM dimensions and firm performance
by Jyotsna Bhatnagar - 458-476 Factors contributing to successful ERP implementation in locally-owned and multinational firms in India
by Yogesh K. Dwivedi & Boumediene Ramdani & Michael D. Williams & Amit Mitra & Raghav Sukumar & Janet Williams - 477-490 Efficiency in Indian electricity distribution through technological innovation
by Meeta Dasgupta & Atmanand - 491-506 Readiness of new recruits on contemporary trends in workplace communication
by Shailja Agarwal & Jaya Chitranshi - 507-520 Applying the Hindu four stage life cycle model to human resource management
by Scott Walsworth & Suresh Kalagnanam
2013, Volume 6, Issue 3
- 257-273 Loan recovery strategies adopted by banks in India: experiences of the defaulters
by Rajib Lochan Dhar - 274-299 Developing a scale for measuring ability-based emotional intelligence in Indian context
by Vishal Gupta & Shailendra Singh - 300-313 Effect of emotional intelligence on work stress - a study of Indian managers
by Bindu Chhabra & R.P. Mohanty - 314-329 Factors affecting tourists' intention to purchase: a study of Indian domestic tourists
by Neeraj Pandey & Vibhava Srivastava - 330-350 Testing the pecking order theory of capital structure - focus on Indian growth firms 1991-2009
by Sachin Choudhry & D.S. Meenakshi Sundaram - 351-361 Service failures and recovery: the cultural perspective
by Anupam Krishna & G.S. Dangayach & Rakesh Jain - 362-381 Understanding followers' duty orientation from Indian management wisdom
by Neetu Jain - 382-390 Workplace spirituality and managerial effectiveness among Indian managers
by Santosh Kumar Sharma & Renu Rastogi & Pooja Garg
2013, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 127-149 Meaning, values and attitudes regarding money - an insight into the minds of very senior executives and leading entrepreneurs of India
by Vinay Kumar Dutta & Shalini Kalra Sahi - 150-161 Analysis of software industry in India: local factors and global impacts
by Nattavud Pimpa - 162-184 Execution of rapid prototyping technology - an Indian manufacturing industry's perspective
by Rajesh Kumar & Rupinder Singh & I.P.S. Ahuja - 185-206 Filling the vacancy: strategies used by the business schools in India
by Rajib Lochan Dhar - 207-226 An empirical study on the influence of clearance sales shopping characteristics on store satisfaction and loyalty
by M. Hemalatha & A.G.V. Narayanan & P. Sridevi & G.S.D.S. Jayakumar - 227-247 A methodology to measure the service quality of online shopping of electronic goods in India
by S. Satapathy & S.K. Patel & A. Biswas & P.D. Mishra - 248-256 European vs. Indian ITES employees: a comparison of their work attitude and behaviour
by Anil Anand Pathak & Sharadindu Pandey
2013, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 5-21 Measuring the level of employee engagement: a study from Indian automobile sector
by Alok Kumar Goel & Namita Gupta & Renu Rastogi - 22-32 A study of the effect of HR practices on organisational effectiveness
by Manosi Chaudhuri & Shiva Kakkar & Sudhanshu Shekhar - 33-46 Poor corporate governance leads to loss of identity - the Bank of Rajasthan Ltd
by Svetlana Tatuskar - 47-55 Rural innovation and entrepreneurship at Magarpatta City
by Smita Shukla & Kavita Laghate - 56-68 Consumer perception and buyer behaviour for purchase of residential apartments in NCR
by Mansi Misra & Gagan Katiyar & A.K. Dey - 69-78 HUL's tidy advertising strategy - a case study of Indian laundry segment
by H.M. Jha 'Bidyarthi' & Mayur A. Dande & Pavan M. Kuchar & Satya Mohan Mishra - 79-89 Destination branding
by Poonam Sharma - 90-101 Integrating information repositories for knowledge discovery: a B-school perspective
by Malathi Sriram & M.V. Sunil - 102-114 Supportability scenario-based contract alternatives for operating life of a mechanical system
by Mohammad Asjad & Makarand S. Kulkarni & O.P. Gandhi - 115-125 A staged framework towards citizen-centric knowledge portal in developing countries
by Vinay Kumar Ahlawat & Jayanthi Ranjan
2012, Volume 5, Issue 6
- 613-626 Creating value: a balanced perspective
by Meeta Dasgupta - 627-643 Market segmentation of clearance sales outshoppers using cluster and classification tree-based approach
by M. Hemalatha