- hal-00424495 La confiance : un mode de coordination dont l'utilisation dépend de ses conditions de production
by Vincent Mangematin - hal-00424293 How long is co-operation in genomics sustainable?
by P.-B. Joly & Vincent Mangematin - halshs-00144018 Introduction : Connecting People and information for Innovation : contribution to the management of technology
by David Birchall & Jean-Jacques Chanaron - halshs-00144017 Le management de l'innovation dans les PME, une comparaison de trois régions en France, Grande-Bretagne et Portugal
by David Birchall & Jean-Jacques Chanaron - halshs-00144015 Trust: Firm and Society. Essays in Honour of DR Roger Delay Termoz, F. Bidault and alii's Book Review
by Jean-Jacques Chanaron - halshs-00143994 Automobiles: a static technology, a ""wait-and-see"" industry ?
by Jean-Jacques Chanaron
- halshs-02926226 Servuction, modes opératoires, coopération et technologies
by Annie Munos - hal-00424311 The Simultaneous Shaping of Organization and Technology Within Co-operative Agreements
by Vincent Mangematin
- hal-00422575 Profile of public laboratories, industrial partnerships and organisation of R & D: the dynamics of industrial relationships in a large research organisation
by P.-B. Joly & Vincent Mangematin
- hal-00422545 Technological competition, strategies of the firms and the choice of the first users: the case of road guidance technologies
by Vincent Mangematin & Michel Callon
- hal-02016001 L'extension des marques et des enseignes : Cadre conceptuel et problématique managériale
by S. Dimitriadis