- jfbr169 Development of Integrated Zakat, Infaq and Shadaqoh Information System: Evidence in Amil Zakat Institutions
by Sri Dewi Anggadini - jfbr168 Anomalies of Banking Intermediation and Profit Growth (Study on the 10 Largest Banks in Indonesia)
by Herry Achmad Buchory - jfbr167 Determinants of Islamic Bank Profitability: Evidence from Indonesia
by Puji Sucia Sukmaningrum
- gjbssr550 Entrepreneurial Behavior and Intentions among Bumiputera's Students
by Norasmah Othman - gjbssr549 Enhancing the Performance of Village-Owned Enterprises: The Role of Transformational Leadership and Organizational Capabilities
by Ria Nelly Sari - gjbssr548 The Readiness of Small and Medium Enterprises for the Industrial Revolution 4.0
by Shan Shan Teh - gjbssr547 The Effect of Inquiry-Based Science Comics on Primary Learners' Scientific Literacy Skills
by Muhammad Randy Fananta - gjbssr546 Assessing the Adoption of Learning Management Systems in Higher Education
by WJAJM Lasanthika - gjbssr545 Halal Food Purchase Behavior of Students from Three School Levels Using Theory of Planned Behavior Approach
by Megawati Simanjuntak - gjbssr544 Social Responsibility of Higher Education Institutions: A New Insight into Stakeholders
by Hedy D. Rumambi - gjbssr543 Exploring Chinese Students' Push and Pull Motivations in Influencing Life Satisfaction and General Well-being in Thailand
by Cheng-Yi - gjbssr542 Identifying Aspects toward EWOM Credibility and Source of Trustworthiness
by Yeshika Alversia - gjbssr541 Access to Information of Disabled People on the Web: A Dispute between Accessibility and Digital Rights Management
by Oranuch Sawetrattanasatian - gjbssr540 Intermediary Effect of Intention of ICT adoption on the Relationship of Attitudes toward Adoption and Adoption of VLE among the Malay Language Teachers
by Chew Fong Peng - gjbssr539 Construction and Validation of the Learning Management System Success Scale in the Higher Education Setting
by Subburaj Alagarsamy - gjbssr538 Public Sector Integrity Violations
by Afzal Izzaz Zahari - gjbssr537 Self-Concept and Social Adjustment of First-Year Students
by Rifa Hidayah - gjbssr536 Challenges Faced by Malaysian Parents in Caregiving of a Child with Disabilities
by Norliza Saiful Bahry - gjbssr535 The Construction of Entrepreneurial Accounting: Evidence from Indonesia
by Hanif Hanif - gjbssr534 Enhancing the Resilience of Junior High School Students to Bullying
by Asrowi - gjbssr533 Sustaining the Implementation of Dual-Language Programme (DLP) in Malaysian Secondary Schools
by Ashairi Suliman - gjbssr532 Lawyers as Meddlers in the Mediation Process - A Malaysian Perspective
by Wong Hua Siong - gjbssr531 Psychological Resilience Predicted by Personality Traits, Locus of Control and Self-Regulation of Young Entrepreneurs in Pekanbaru
by Syarifah Farradinna - gjbssr530 Combating Malaysia's Involvement in Worldwide Organ Trafficking by Tapping into the Potential of Bioprinting
by Marina Abdul Majid - gjbssr529 Multi-dimensional Individual Work Performance: Predictors and Mediators
by Rostiana - gjbssr528 When Women are the Criminals: Governing Violent Extremism in Malaysia via 'Hard' and 'Soft' Modalities
by Zaiton Hamin - gjbssr527 Optimal Route in International Transportation of Thailand � Guangxi (China)
by Nathathai Krebs - gjbssr526 Negotiating for Justice: Judge's Perception of the Plea-Bargaining Process in Malaysia
by Zaiton Hamin - gjbssr525 Teaching Romanian Business Law through the Medium of English
by Cristina Cojocaru - gjbssr524 Determinants of Personal Financial Literacy among Young Adults in Malaysian Accounting Firms
by Kwee Kim Peong - gjbssr523 Analysis of Business Development on Organic Products at Muslim SMEs (MSMEs) in Malang, Indonesia
by Sri Muljaningsih - jmmr230 Factors Affecting Students' Subjective Well-being: The Relationship between Religion, Cultural Intelligence, Personality Traits and Subjective Well-being (SWB)
by Chou I-Wen - jmmr229 The Role of Customer-Centric, Cross-Functional Integration in Data Governance
by Milomir Vojvodic - jmmr228 Ambidextrous Leadership in Manufacture Industry in Indonesia
by Elfindah Princes - jmmr227 Increasing Employee's Job Satisfaction Through the Implementation of Transformational Leadership and Work Stress Level Management
by Bachruddin Saleh Luturlean - jmmr226 Effects of Tourists' Trust on Behaviour Intention in the Thai Tourism Market: Mediating Effects of Perceived Authenticity
by Angela Ya-Ping - jmmr225 The Influence of Online Review on Consumers' Purchase Intention
by Yeshika Alversia - jmmr224 How to Manage Customer Satisfaction through Brand Association and Perceived Value Strategy
by Vonny Susanti - jmmr223 The Influence of User Generated Content and Purchase Intention on Beauty Products
by Firda Nosita - jmmr222 The Impact of Market Orientation and Dynamic Marketing Capability on the Marketing Performance of 'Make-To- Order' SMEs
by Yosef Budi Susanto - jmmr221 The Effect of Product, Service, and Customer Satisfaction on Word-of-Mouth Behavior
by Setyani Dwi Lestari - jmmr220 Consumer Attitude and Reaction towards Personalised Pricing in the E-Commerce Sector
by Vijay Victor - jmmr219 Viral Advertisement: Conceptualisation of Factors Affecting Viral Behaviour
by Nor Azimah Kamaruddin - jmmr218 Scientific Knowledge in Management and its Praxeology
by Andres Fernando Zapata-Ramirez - jmmr217 How Commitment, Satisfaction, and Cost Fluctuations Influence Customer Loyalty
by Andreas Samudro - jmmr216 Human Capital and Social Capital as Moderators of Start-up Support and Start-up Success
by Daisy Mui Hung Kee - jmmr215 The Relationship between Leadership Style and Employee Outcomes: The Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment
by Ilzar Daud - jmmr214 Psychosocial Safety Climate and Burnout: The Mediating Role of Challenge and Hindrance Demands
by Kok Ban Teoh - jmmr213 Work Engagement: The Impact of Psychological Capital and Organizational Justice and Its Influence on Turnover Intention
by Kiky D.H. Saraswati - jmmr212 The Moderating Effect of Transfer Climate on the Joint Relationship between Trainees' Personality and Transfer Training
by Yip Foon Yee - jmmr211 Relationship Management of Cafe Customers around Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta - Indonesia
by Edi Wibowo - jmmr210 Understanding What Drives Consumers to Use Gourmet Apps: Applying a Relationship Quality Perspective
by Pei-Chu, Hung - jmmr209 Spirituality and Entrepreneurs: Analysis of Entrepreneurial Motivation
by Ni Putu Nursiani - jmmr208 The Effectiveness of Leadership Training from Generation Me Perspectives
by Ihil S.Baron - jmmr207 Model for Strengthening Employee Performance
by Tjiptogoro Dinarjo Soehari - jmmr206 A Framework for Brand Rejuvenation: Private Universities in Malaysia
by Khan Nasreen - jmmr205 Planned Behaviour Theory: An Examination of the Intention to Return among Indonesian Hotel Resort Tourists
by Igus Rahmat Ginanjar - jmmr204 The Effect of Productivity and Innovation on the Competitiveness of Batik SMEs in West Java Indonesia
by Yana Hendayana - jmmr203 Mixed-Strategies of Marketing in BBTF: Seller Persuasion Towards Prospective Buyers
by Gede Ginaya - jmmr202 Entrepreneurial Quality of Tionghoa Ethnicity and Malay Ethnicity: Are There Any Differences?
by Sulistiowati - jber183 Developing the Business Performance of the Digital Creative Industry: Corporate Entrepreneurship Approach
by Rofi Rofaida - afr183 The Influence of Growth, Asset Tangibility, Cost Of Debt, Profitability and Business Risk on Debt Capital: Evidence from the Textile and Garment Industry in the Indonesian Stock Market
by Erika Jimena Arilyn - jber182 Business Development of Coffee Farmers Group Using Triple Layered Business Model Canvas
by Chairul Furqon - afr182 Do Financial Ratios and Financial Characteristics Affect Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure?
by Silvy Christina - jber181 Sigma Convergence and VECM Approach in Explaining the Relationship among Macro Variables in Indonesia
by Sri Kurniawati - afr181 Fraudulent Financial Reporting: A Fraud Pentagon Analysis
by Raisya Zenita - jber180 Financial Inclusion and Achievements of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in ASEAN
by Ahmad Ma'ruf - afr180 The Relationship among Media Exposure, Taxes Aggressiveness, and Corporate Governance on CSR Disclosure
by Agustin Palupi - jber179 The SWOT Analysis for Chrysanthemum Farmers Business Development Strategies for Fresh Chrysanthemum Farmers
by Helmiatin - afr179 The Effectiveness of Accounting Information System towards Financial Statement Quality with the Organizational Commitment as the Moderating Variable
by Saribulan Tambunan - jber178 Strengthening of Micro Business Innovation
by Tjiptogoro Dinarjo Sohari - afr178 The Effect of Motivation on the Interest of Accounting Students to Follow Accounting Professional Education
by Noorina Hartati - jber177 Manufacturing Sector and Economic Growth: A Panel Study of Selected African Countries
by Clement Moyo - afr177 Voluntary Disclosure and Earning Responses Coefficient and with Corporate Social Responsibility as Intervening Variable
by Arna Suryani - jber176 Country of Origin as a Constraint to Internationalization
by Raquel Meneses - afr176 Implementation of Village Financial System Applications: Empirical Evidence from Indonesia
by Sri Rahayu - jber175 Impact of Crude Oil Price Changes on Household Consumption Expenditure in Oman (1990 -2016)
by Abubakar El-Sidig A.A Mahdi - afr175 Integrating Capital Structure, Financial and Non-Financial Performance: Distress Prediction of SMEs
by Farida Titik Kristanti - jber174 Age of Firms and the Value of Analyst Recommendation
by Hassanudin Mohd Thas Thaker - afr174 Earnings Management and Fraudulent Financial Reporting
by Rosita Suryaningsih - jber173 Factors Affecting the Intention of Millennial Workers in Indonesia to Leave
by Nurul Komari - afr173 Company Characteristics, Corporate Governance, Audit Quality Impact on Earnings Management
by Friska Firnanti - jber172 Surplus Dutch Colonial Big Profits in Indonesia 1878-1942
by Sumardi - afr172 Ownership Structure and Earnings Management
by Nico Alexander - jber171 An ARDL Approach on Crude Oil Price and Macroeconomic Variables
by Seuk Wai, Phoong - afr171 The Substitution Role of Audit Committee Effectiveness and Audit Quality in Explaining Audit Report Lag
by Husaini - jber170 Dynamic Perspective of Trade Balance: Evidence from Southeast Asia before the Global Financial Crisis of 2008
by Putu Mahardika Adi Saputra - afr170 The Effect of Corporate Governance on Financial Performance in Non-Financial LQ-45 Firms Listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange from 2012 to 2017
by Erika Jimena Arilyn - jber169 The Nature of Excessive Behavior (ISRAF) in the Islamic Economic Framework
by Zein Muttaqin - afr169 The Influence of Dividend Policy and Income Tax on Income Smoothing
by Friska Firnanti - jber168 Business Strategy as a Mediation of Management Capabilities and Entrepreneurial Orientation in Business Performance
by Giriati - afr168 The Determinants of Islamic Social Reporting Disclosure in Indonesia
by Puji Sucia Sukmaningrum - jber167 Configuration of Organizational Capability to Enhancing Service Performance and Impact on Sustainable Local Enterprise Water Services
by Nur Afifah - afr167 The Effect of Corporate Tax Planning On Firm Value
by Silvy Christina - jber166 What Drives the Institutionalization of Performance Measurement Systems in Indonesian Local Government?
by Mirna Amirya - jfbr166 The Effect of Ownership Structure, Cash Holding and Tax Avoidance on Income Smoothing
by Nico Alexander - jber165 The Role of Islamic Crowdfunding Mechanisms in Business and Business Development
by Achsania Hendratmi - jfbr165 Bankruptcy Risk among Indonesian Stock Exchange Listed Companies
by Zuliani Dalimunthe - jber164 Causality of Economic Growth and Openness in ASEAN-5
by Yarlina Yacoub - jfbr164 Flypaper Effect in Indonesia: The Case of Kalimantan
by Yarlina Yacoub - jfbr163 Firm Size as Moderator to Capital Structure-Its Determinants Relations
by Maya Sari - jfbr162 Financial and Human Capital of Microentrepreneurs and Financing by Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) in Cameroon
by Serge MESSOMO ELLE - jfbr161 Political Patronage on Capital Structure in Indonesia
by Muhammad Istan - jfbr160 A Theoretical Review on Corporate Tax Avoidance: Shareholder Approach versus Stakeholder Approach
by Nirmala Devi Mohanadas - jfbr159 Vietnamese Commercial Banks and Corporate Governance
by E. Bace - jfbr158 The Effect of Related Party Transactions through Opportunistic Behaviour Management to Increase Firm Value
by Arna Suryani - jfbr157 How Impactful is Telecom Efficiency to Company Stock Value?
by Riko Hendrawan - jfbr156 An Awareness Model for an Islamic Pre-Need Funeral Plan
by Maheran Katan - jfbr155 Effect of Stock Price Information on Timing of Share Repurchases
by Chong-Meng - jfbr154 Commitment in WAQF Development through Cross-Sector Collaboration between Islamic Financial Institutions and State Islamic Religious Councils: Innovative Strategy of Value-Based Intermediation for Sustainability
by Siti Sara Binti Ibrahim - jfbr153 Building Persistent Financial Performance
by Sri Mulyantini - jfbr152 Bankruptcy Prediction Model of Banks in Indonesia Based on Capital Adequacy Ratio
by Lis Sintha - jfbr151 Firm Value, Firm Size and Income Smoothing
by Yulius Kurnia Susanto
- gjbssr522 Telecommunication Sector Reform in Southeast Asia: A New Rationality
by Riko Hendrawan - gjbssr521 The Effect of Emotional Branding on Word-Of-Mouth: Evidence from Indonesia
by Vita Briliana - gjbssr520 Does The Stock of Indonesian Provider Tower Industry Have a Fair Value?
by Saptono - gjbssr519 Managing Non-Governmental Organizations to Create Values in the Disruption Era
by Laila Refiana Said - gjbssr518 Conceptualizing ASEAN Tourism Brand: Towards A Coopetition Framework
by Varintra Sirisuthikul - gjbssr517 A New Analysis of Population History in Sabah and Sarawak
by Hashom Mohd Hakim - gjbssr516 The Roles of Institutional Frameworks in Enforcing Food Safety in Malaysia
by Angelina Anne Fernandez - gjbssr515 A Study of Recreation Flow Experience and Spiritual Health in Road Running Participants
by Chi-Yueh Hsu. Chun-Yu Chien - gjbssr514 The Design and Development of a Framework for Enhancing Internship Programs in Malaysia: A Model for Accounting Students
by Mavis Chow Poh Ling - gjbssr513 Motivations and Communication Effectiveness of Solar Energy Adoption among Malaysian Household Consumers
by Siti Haslina Md Harizan - gjbssr512 Reinterpreting the Arbitration Legislation for Online Awards in Indonesia
by Rina Shahriyani Shahrullah - gjbssr511 Household Disaster Management in Disaster Prone II of Mt. Slamet
by Diah Setyawati Dewanti - gjbssr510 Women Teacherpreneurship: Development and Dissemination of Entrepreneurship Modules for Teacher Education Programs in Punjab
by Afifa Khanam - gjbssr509 Using the Patent Analysis to Examine the Future Development Trend of the Life Cycle of Taiwan's Fitness Equipment and Bicycle Industries
by Yi-Liang Yeh - gjbssr508 Criminal Policy on Hidden Defects in Marriage in Indonesia
by Anny Retnowati - gjbssr507 A Comparative Study of Subjective Well-Being Among Working Mothers in Indonesia and China
by Resnia Novitasari - gjbssr506 Effectiveness of Differentiated Instruction Training to Enhance Teachers' Sense of Efficacy in Inclusive Schools
by Mira Aliza Rachmawati - gjbssr505 Entrepreneurial Intentions of University Students in Bandung, Indonesia
by Christian Wibisono - gjbssr504 The Impact of Psychological Capital and Psychological Empowerment on Employee's Affective Commitment to Change
by Wustari L. Mangundjaya - gjbssr503 Social Capital, Migration, and Social Integration
by Mai Le Thi - jmmr201 Control Systems and Strategy: A Literature Review
by Ana Filipa Roque - jmmr200 Behavior Analysis Matrix for Women Soap Opera Viewers: A Structural Analysis
by Dr. K. M. Ashifa - jmmr199 Educational Portals and Employee Performance in the Sultanate of Oman
by Mohamed Osman Shereif Mahdi Abaker - jmmr198 Influence of Celebrity Credibility on Consumer Product Evaluation and Attitude Formation � A Conceptual Framework
by Raksha Deshbhag - jmmr197 The Challenges of Recruitment and Selection Systems in Indonesia
by Ihil S. Baron - jmmr196 The Mediating Role of Actual Self-Congruity on the Relationship between Religion and Store Loyalty: A Case of Mauritius
by Jackaria Nazneen Carrim - jmmr195 An Empirical Study on TQM Practices and its Influence on Employee Satisfaction and Performance in Technical Institutions: Teachers' Perspectives
by Ch. V. V. S. N. V. Prasad - jmmr194 The Attractiveness of Schools of Management: The Case of Indonesia
by Kamaludin - jmmr193 The Gender Role in Local Governmental Institution (A Study of Malang Local Governmental Institution, East Java)
by Trisnawati - jmmr192 Trust in Leadership and Affective Commitment as a Mediator between Servant Leadership Behavior and Extra-Role Behavior of Teachers
by Titik Rosnani - jmmr191 Strategic Leadership Style and Commitment to Service Quality on Services Innovation in Local Enterprise Water Services
by Nur Afifah - jmmr190 A Multiple Measure of Organizational Performances and its Effect on Distinctive Marketing Competencies: An Empirical Study of India and the Maldives
by Divya Keerthika - jmmr189 Store Brand Familiarity as a Moderating Variable on the Effect of Personal Involvement on Store Brand Buying Intention
by Muhartini Salim - jmmr188 The Study on Blue Ocean Strategy in Guiding and Counselling of Senior High School in Indonesia
by Jarkawi - jmmr187 Marketing Strategies of Services and Purchasing Incentives in Asia
by Firend Al. R. - jmmr186 New Productivity Concept Based on Local Wisdom: Lessons from Indonesia
by Hanif Hanif - jmmr185 Local Culture, Internal Marketing and Employee Satisfaction in Improving Financial Performance: A Case Study of Microfinance Institutions in Bali
by I Putu Astawa - jmmr184 Work Load Analysis on State-Owned Companies in The Health Sector in Bandung-Indonesia
by Gianti Gunawan - jmmr183 Knowledge Management in a Higher Education Institutions
by Ali Maskur - jmmr182 The Effect of Compensation on the Performance of Police Hospital Employees in Bandung, Indonesia
by Astadi Pangarso - jmmr181 A Study on the Willingness to Develop Sports Tourism in Taiwan
by Wen-Hua Yang - jmmr180 Gender-based Susceptibility to Interpersonal Influences in Buying Fashion Products in Surabaya, Indonesia
by Evi Thelia Sari - jmmr179 Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance of Accounting Students Undertaking Internships
by Arif Lukman Santoso - jmmr178 Entrepreneurial Personality in Predicting Self-Regulation on Small and Medium Business Entrepreneurs in Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
by Syarifah Farradinna - jmmr177 Developing a Service Quality Model for Private Higher Education Institutions in Lebanon
by Farah Khattab - jmmr176 Tourism Policy for Encouraging the Development of SMEs in Belitong, Indonesia
by Wahyuddin Latunreng - jmmr175 The Influence of Brand Extension Smartphone Samsung Galaxy Variable towards Brand Equity of Mother Brand of Samsung
by Sudaryanto - jmmr174 The Effect of Advertising Strategies for the Sale of Message Soap on the Decision Purchase in East Java
by Nanik Hariyana - afr166 Capital Policy on Firm's Profitability: A Case of the Thai Agro and Food Industry
by Sareeya WICHITSATHIAN - afr165 Gender-Diversity, Financial Performance and Cash Holding in Family Firms
by Salehudin Eka Saputra Alrasidi, ST - afr164 Information Asymmetry in the Post-IFRS Adoption Period: Evidence from Developing Countries
by Juniarti - jber163 The Contribution of Tourist Attraction, Accessibility and Amenities in Creating Tourist Loyalty in Indonesia
by Tri Palupi Robustin - afr163 Analysis of Voluntary Disclosure Before and After the Establishment of the Integrated Reporting Framework
by Nahariah Jaffar - jber162 Economic Analysis of Sea Shellfish as a Basic Material for Making Shellfish Souvenirs
by Nanik Hariyana - afr162 The Accounting Conservatism of the Adoption of IFRS in Indonesia
by Juniarti - jber161 Granger Causality Between Local Government Expenditure and Economic Growth in Indonesia
by Sri Kurniawati - afr161 Restoration of Budget Control: How It Should Be? A Case Study of the Local Government of Indonesia
by Ratna Ayu Damayanti - jber160 Factors Affecting the Decisions of West Kalimantan Society to Use Hospital in Sarawak Malaysia
by Juniwati - afr160 Accrual Basis Landscape: The Absence of Political Will in Preventing Dysfunctional Behaviour in Indonesia
by Syarifuddin - jber159 Contemporary Frontier Transformation for Inclusive Growth: The Dual Role of "Smart" Competitiveness Factors
by Kritsada Patluang - afr159 The Influence of Islamic Governance on Minimizing Non-Compliance with Sharia
by Tettet Fitrijanti - jber158 Labor Demand and the Elasticity of Job Opportunity: Evidence from Indonesia
by Jamaliah - afr158 Transformation of Accountability Values in Local Cultures: An Acculturative Ethnography Study on Catholic Churches in Tana Toraja
by Fransiskus Randa - jber157 Industry and Financial Crises in Fragile and Zombie Firms: Does Leverage Matter?
by Santi Novita - afr157 An Analysis of the Implementation of PSAK 69 at PT Perkebunan Nusantara V (Persero)
by Yefni - jber156 The Strategic Role of Management of Human Resources to Prevent Corruption
by Tjiptogoro Dinarjo Soehari - afr156 Opportunistic Behavior, External Monitoring Mechanisms, Corporate Governance, and Earnings Management
by Agustina Chandra - jber155 Awareness of Tourism Products and Tourist Satisfaction: A Case of Indonesia
by Tri Palupi Robustin - afr155 Earnings Management, Effective Tax Rate (Etr) And Book-Tax Gap (Btg)
by Jasrial - jber154 Model of Strengthening the Entrepreneurship Character through Entrepreneurship Commitment
by Iffah Budiningsih - afr154 Corporate Governance, State Ownership and Firm Performance: An Empirical Study of State-Owned Enterprises in Indonesia
by Chermian Eforis - jber153 Optimal Fiscal Policy � Factors for the Formation of the Optimal Economic and Social Models
by George Abuselidze - afr153 Internal and External Determinants of Audit Delay: Evidence from Indonesian Manufacturing Companies
by Patricia Diana - jber152 An Analysis of the Management of Supply Chain Risk: A Study of the Islamic Fashion Industry in Bandung, Indonesia
by Katlea Fitriani - afr152 Bankruptcy Prediction: SMEs Case Study in Pontianak, Indonesia
by Umiaty Hamzani - jber151 The Effect of Exchange Rates on Trade Balance: An Empirical Study of Morocco
by Hicham Sadok - afr151 The Influence of Good University Governance on Human Capital
by Noorina Hartati - jfbr150 Three-Factor and Five-Factor Models: Implementation of Fama and French Model on Market Overreaction Conditions
by Ferikawita M. Sembiring - jfbr149 Assessing Banking Profit Efficiency Using Stochastic Frontier Analysis
by Riko Hendrawan - jfbr148 Equity Analysis in Buying Company Shares on the Philippine Stock Exchange
by Prince T. Medina - jfbr147 Non-linear Effect of Debt on the Economic Performance of Trans-Pacific Partnership Countries
by Chong Choy Yoke - jfbr146 Conceptual Framework for the Determinants of Mutual Fund Performance in Malaysia
by Hafinaz Hasniyanti Hassan - jfbr145 Auditor Retention: Auditor and Auditee Factors
by Majidah - jfbr144 The Effect of Integrating Reporting on Earnings Quality: A Study of Family Firms in Indonesia
by Shanti - jfbr143 Internet Financial Reporting Of Public Institutions and E-Government as a Medium of Good Governance in Indonesia
by Grace T. Pontoh