- 2014/01 Systemic Event Prediction by Early Warning System
by Diana Zigraiova & Petr Jakubik
- 2013/18 Explaining the Strength and the Efficiency of Monetary Policy Transmission: A Panel of Impulse Responses from a Time-Varying Parameter Model
by Jakub Mateju - 2013/17 Risk Preferences under Acute Stress
by Lubomir Cingl & Jana Cahlikova - 2013/16 Non-linear price transmission between biofuels, fuels and food commodities
by Ladislav Kristoufek & Karel Janda & David Zilberman - 2013/15 Publication Bias in Measuring Intertemporal Substitution
by Tomas Havranek - 2013/14 Structural Reforms and Growth in Transition: A Meta-Analysis
by Jan Babecky & Tomas Havranek - 2013/13 How to Measure Financial (In)Stability in Emerging Europe?
by Petr Jakubik & Tomas Slacik - 2013/12 Multi-Level Analysis of Dynamic Portfolio Formations: Central European Countries
by Michael Princ - 2013/11 Cross-Country Heterogeneity in Intertemporal Substitution
by Tomas Havranek & Roman Horvath & Zuzana Irsova & Marek Rusnak - 2013/10 The Performance of Export Credit Agencies in Post-Communist Central European Countries
by Karel Janda & Eva Michalikova & Lucia Psenakova - 2013/09 The Economic Valuation of Variance Forecasts: An Artificial Option Market Approach
by Radovan Parrák - 2013/08 Bank Efficiency during the Current Economic Crisis: An International Comparison
by Adrian Babin - 2013/07 Signaling by Underpricing the Initial Public Offerings of Primary Listings in an Emerging Market
by Ales Cornanic & Jiri Novak - 2013/06 Electoral competition for the 2+1 electoral rule and the close alternatives
by Martin Gregor - 2013/05 Public Procurement of Homogeneous Goods: the Czech Republic Case Study
by Jan SOudek & Jiri Skuhrovec - 2013/04 Financial Development and Economic Growth: A Meta-Analysis
by Petra Valickova & Tomas Havranek & Roman Horvath - 2013/03 Estimating Default and Recovery Rate Correlations
by Jiri Witzany - 2013/02 Income Elasticity of Gasoline Demand: A Meta-Analysis
by Tomas Havranek & Ondrej Kokes - 2013/01 A Note on the Vasicek’s Model with the Logistic Distribution
by Jiri Witzany
- 2012/32 Smoking - Impact on the State Budget and its Fair Taxation
by Pavel Hait - 2012/31 Ekonomicke dopady podpory vyroby energie z fotovoltaických clanku v Ceske republice
by Zdenek Hruby & Stepan Krska - 2012/30 The Effect of the Abolition of User Charges on the Demand for Ambulatory Doctor Visits
by Pavlina Zilova & Jana Votapkova - 2012/29 Does Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) Really Evaluate Regulatory Impact? The Case of the Czech Republic
by Karel Jara & Jiri Schwarz - 2012/28 Measures to tame credit growth: are they effective?
by Adam Gerls & Martina Jasova - 2012/27 Transmission Lags of Monetary Policy: A Meta-Analysis
by Tomas Havranek & Marek Rusnak - 2012/26 Social Preferences and Environmental quality: Evidence from School Children in Sierra Leone
by Giovanna d’Adda & Ian Levely - 2012/25 Central Bank Transparency and Financial Stability: Measurement, Determinants and Effects
by Roman Horvath & Dan Vaško - 2012/24 Political Risk, Institutions and Foreign Direct Investment: How Do They Relate in Various European Countries?
by Vladimír Benácek & Helena Lenihan & Bernadette Andreosso-O’Callaghan & Eva Michalíková & Denis Kan - 2012/23 Time-varying Betas of the Banking Sector
by Tomáš Adam & Sona Benecká & Ivo Jánský - 2012/22 The Influence of Housing Price Developments on Household Consumption: Empirical Analysis for the Czech Republic
by Sylvie Dvoráková & Jakub Seidler - 2012/21 Coordination Incentives in Cross-Border Macroprudential Regulation
by Alexis Derviz & Jakub Seidler - 2012/20 Banking, Debt, and Currency Crises: Early Warning Indicators for Developed Countries
by Jan Babecký & Tomáš Havránek & Jakub Mateju & Marek Rusnák & Katerina Šmídková & Borek Vašícek - 2012/19 Migration and remittances in the CEECs: a case study of Ukrainian labour migrants in the Czech Republic
by Ondøej Glazar & PhDr. Wadim Strielkowski. & Blanka Weyskrabova - 2012/18 Economic Loss in Czech Photovoltaic Power Plants
by Jan Prùša & Andrea Klimešová & Karel Janda - 2012/17 Debt Contracts and Stochastic Default Barrier
by Martin Dózsa & Jakub Seidler - 2012/16 Modeling positive inter-jurisdictional public spending spillovers
by Martin Gregor - 2012/15 Correlations between biofuels and related commodities: A taxonomy perspective
by Ladislav Krištoufek & Karel Janda & David Zilberman - 2012/14 Model of Hypothecated tax on Information goods
by Oksana Melikhova - 2012/13 A Relative Efficiency Measure Based on Stock Market Index Data
by Kristýna Ivanková - 2012/12 Credit Support for Export: Econometric Evidence from the Czech Republic
by Karel Janda & Eva Michalíková & Jiøí Skuhrovec - 2012/11 Evaluating Changes in the Monetary Transmission Mechanism in the Czech Republic
by Roman Horváth & Michal Franta & Marek Rusnák - 2012/10 Parental Background and Other-Regarding Preferences in Children
by Michal Bauer & Julie Chytilová & Barbara Pertold-Gebicka - 2012/09 Does Trust Promote Growth?
by Roman Horváth - 2012/08 Quota Manipulation and Fair Voting Rules in Committees
by František Turnovec - 2012/07 Unemployment Dynamics in Central Europe: A Labor Flow Approach
by Vladislav Flek & Martina Mysíková - 2012/06 International banking standards in emerging markets: testing the adaptation thesis in the European Union
by Zdenìk Kudrna & Juraj Medzihorsky - 2012/05 Dissent Voting Behavior of Central Bankers: What Do We Really Know?
by Roman Horváth & Kateøina Šmídková & Jan Zápal & Marek Rusnák - 2012/04 Bank Stress Tests as an Information Device for Emerging Markets: The Case of Russia
by Zuzana Fungáèová & Petr Jakubík - 2012/3 Credit Growth and Countercyclical Capital Buffers: Empirical Evidence from Central and Eastern European Countries
by Adam Geršl & Jakub Seidler - 2012/2 Measuring Intermediate Outcomes of Liberia’s DDRR Program
by Ian Levely - 2012/1 Does herd behavior arise more easily under time pressure? Experimental approach
by Lubomir Cingl
- 2011/38 The Unnoticed Difference between Antitrust and Competition Policy
by Petra Luňáčková - 2011/37 Central Banks’ Voting Records and Future Policy
by Roman Horváth & Kateøina Šmídková & Jan Zápal - 2011/36 Early Warning Indicators of Crisis Incidence: Evidence from a Panel of 40 Developed Countries
by Jan Babecký & Tomáš Havránek & Jakub Matìjù & Marek Rusnák & Kateøina Šmídková & Boøek Vašíèek - 2011/35 Estimating Correlated Jumps and Stochastic Volatilities
by Jiří Witzany - 2011/34 How to Stir Up FDI Spillovers: Evidence from a Large Meta-Analysis
by Tomáš Havránek & Zuzana Iršová - 2011/33 Modeling the Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts of Biofuels
by Karel Janda & Ladislav Kristoufek & David Zilberman - 2011/32 Corporate lobbying: A review of the recent literature
by Martin Gregor - 2011/31 Volební systémy pro volby do Poslanecké snìmovny Parlamentu ÈR založené na matematickém programování
by Pavel Doležel - 2011/30 Impact of Institutions on Cross-Border Price Dispersion
by Jiøí Schwarz - 2011/29 Political Pressure on the National Bank of Slovakia
by Peter Kukuk & Adam Gersl - 2011/28 Efficiency Wages in Heterogenous Labour Markets
by Pavel Ryska & Jan Prùša - 2011/27 Value at Risk forecasting with the ARMA-GARCH family of models in times of increased volatility
by Milan Rippel & Ivo Jánský - 2011/26 The Extreme Value Theory as a Tool to Measure Market Risk
by Krenar Avdulaj - 2011/25 Currency Union and Investment Flows: Estimating the Euro Effect on FDI
by Marián Dinga & Vilma Dingová - 2011/24 How to Solve the Price Puzzle? A Meta-Analysis
by Marek Rusnák & Tomáš Havránek & Roman Horváth - 2011/23 A convergence-sensitive optimum-currency-area index
by Michal Skořepa - 2011/22 Comovement of Central European stock markets using wavelet coherence: Evidence from high-frequency data
by Jozef Barunik & Lukas Vacha & Ladislav Krištoufek - 2011/21 Political Legislation Cycle in the Czech Republic
by Josef Brechler & Adam Gersl - 2011/20 Household Balance Sheets and Economic Crisis
by Petr Jakubík - 2011/19 Research & Development and Long-Term Economic Growth: A Bayesian Model Averaging Analysis
by Roman Horváth - 2011/18 Credit Guarantees and Subsidies when Lender has a Market Power
by Karel Janda - 2011/17 Equity Home Bias Among Czech Investors: Experimental Approach
by Karel Báta - 2011/16 Fiscal developments and financial stress: a threshold VAR analysis
by António Afonso & Jaromír Baxa & Michal Slavík - 2011/15 Pricing of Gas Swing Options using Monte Carlo Methods
by Andrea Klimešová & Tomáš Václavík - 2011/14 Local Government Efficiency: Evidence from the Czech Municipalities
by Lenka Š astná & Martin Gregor - 2011/13 The Decentralization Tradeoff for Complementary Spillovers
by Martin Gregor & Lenka Š astná - 2011/12 Reflections on the reconciliation problem
by Ondøej Lopušník - 2011/11 Personal Earnings Inequality in the Czech Republic
by Martina Mysíková - 2011/10 Demand for Gasoline Is More Price-Inelastic than Commonly Thought
by Tomáš Havránek & Zuzana Iršová & Karel Janda - 2011/09 Financial performance of the Czech private pension scheme: Its current position and the comparison with other CEE countries
by Jan Hlaváč - 2011/08 Modelling Long-Term Electricity Contracts at EEX
by Robert Flasza & Milan Rippel & Jan Šolc - 2011/07 The Term Structure of Interest Rates in Small Open Economy DSGE Model
by Aleš Maršál - 2011/06 The Factors of Growth of Small Family Businesses: A Robust Estimation of the Behavioral Consistency in the Panel Data Models
by Vladimír Benáček & Eva Michalíková - 2011/05 Dopady změn parametrů pojištění vkladů v roce 2008
by veronika Holá & Petr Jakubík - 2011/04 Income Inequalities within Couples in the Czech Republic and European Countries
by Martina Mysíková - 2011/03 The Golden Rule of Public Finance and the Productivity of Public Capital
by Terezie Lokajickova - 2011/02 Efficiency of Hospitals in the Czech Republic
by Jana Procházková & Lenka Šťastná - 2011/01 How Are Inflation Targets Set?
by Roman Horváth & Jakub Matějů
- 2010/30 Could the Stability and Growth Pact Be Substituted by the Financial Markets?
by Terezie Lokajickova - 2010/29 Labor Institutions and their Impact on Shadow Economies in Europe
by Kamila Fialová - 2010/28 Economic Factors in the Choice of Profession and School in the Case of Secondary Education in Prague
by Vladimír Benáček - 2010/27 Mean-Variance & Mean-VaR Portfolio Selection: A Simulation Based Comparison in the Czech Crisis Environment
by Radovan Parrák & Jakub Seidler - 2010/26 How Does Monetary Policy Change? Evidence on Inflation Targeting Countries
by Jaromír Baxa & Roman Horváth & Bořek Vašíček - 2010/25 Solidarita mezi generacemi v systémech veřejného zdravotnictví v Evropě
by Kateřina Pavloková - 2010/24 Global Financial Crisis and the Puzzling Exchange Rate Path in CEE Countries
by Jesús Crespo Cuaresma & Adam Gersl & Tomáš Slačík - 2010/23 Modeling a Distribution of Mortgage Credit Losses
by Petr Gapko & Martin Šmíd - 2010/22 Relationship Lending, Firms’ Behaviour and Credit Risk: Evidence from the Czech Republic
by Adam Gersl & Petr Jakubík - 2010/21 Isobars and the Efficient Market Hypothesis
by Kristýna Ivanková - 2010/20 Industry Concentration Dynamics and Structural Changes: The Case of Aerospace & Defence
by Štefan Lyócsa & Svatopluk Svoboda & Tomáš Výrost - 2010/19 Panel Data Evidence on Productivity Spillovers from Foreign Direct Investment: Firm-Level Measures of Backward and Forward Linkages
by Pavel Vacek - 2010/18 Productivity Gains From Exporting: Do Export Destinations Matter?
by Pavel Vacek - 2010/17 Yield Curve Dynamics: Regional Common Factor Model
by Boril Šopov & Jakub Seidler - 2010/16 Which Foreigners Are Worth Wooing? A Meta-Analysis of Vertical Spillovers from FDI
by Tomáš Havránek & Zuzana Iršová - 2010/15 Economic Volatility and Institutional Reforms in Macroeconomic Policymaking: The Case of Fiscal Policy
by Adam Gersl & Jan Zápal - 2010/14 Adverse Feedback Loop in the Bank-Based Financial Systems
by Adam Gersl & Petr Jakubík - 2010/13 Bank Efficiency in Transitional Countries: Sensitivity to Stochastic Frontier Design
by Zuzana Iršová - 2010/12 Conservative Stress Testing: The Role of Regular Verification
by Adam Gersl & Jakub Seidler - 2010/11 Measuring transparency in public spending: Case of Czech Public e-Procurement Information System
by Jana Chvalkovská & Jiří Skuhrovec - 2010/09 Relationship between Czech and European developed stock markets: DCC MVGARCH analysis
by Michael Princ - 2010/08 Cost of Equity Estimation Techniques Used by Valuation Experts
by Petra Kolouchová & Jirí Novák - 2010/07 Equity Home Bias in the Czech Republic
by Karel Báťa - 2010/06 Improving Service Performance in Banking using Quality Adjusted Data Envelopment Analysis
by Juraj Kopecsni - 2010/06 Monte Carlo-Based Tail Exponent Estimator
by Jozef Barunik & Lukas Vacha - 2010/05 Různá pojetí endogenity peněz v postkeynesovské ekonomii: Reinterpretace do obecnější teorie
by Ondřej Lopušník - 2010/04 Tail Behavior of the Central European Stock Markets during the Financial Crisis
by Jozef Barunik & Lukas Vacha & Miloslav Vosvrda - 2010/03 Long-range dependence in returns and volatility of Central European Stock Indices
by Ladislav Kristoufek - 2010/02 Survival Analysis in LGD Modeling
by Jiří Witzany & Michal Rychnovský & Pavel Charamza - 2010/01 Main Flaws of The Collateralized Debt Obligation‘s: Valuation Before And During The 2008/2009 Global Turmoil
by Petra Benešová & Petr Teply
- 2009/32 Investing into Microfinance Investment Funds
by Karel Janda & Barbora Svárovská - 2009/31 The Estimation of Complete Almost Ideal Demand System from Czech Household Budget Survey Data
by Karel Janda & Jakub Mikolášek & Martin Netuka - 2009/30 Vyplácí se podporovat exportní úvěry?
by Karel Janda & Eva Michalíková & Věra Potácelová - 2009/29 Empirical Risk Factors in Realized Stock Returns
by Jiri Novak & Dalibor Petr - 2009/28 Efficiency of EU Merger Control in the 1990-2008 Period
by Goran Serdarevic & Petr Teply - 2009/27 Diffusion Processes on Complex Networks
by Natalie Svarcova & Petr Svarc - 2009/26 Classical and modified rescaled range analysis: Sampling properties under heavy tails
by Ladislav Kristoufek - 2009/24 OCA cubed: Mundell in 3D
by Michaela Krčílková & Jan Zápal - 2009/23 Wavelet Analysis of Central European Stock Market Behaviour During the Crisis
by Jozef Barunik & Lukas Vacha - 2009/22 Ethical vs. Non-Ethical – Is There a Difference? Analyzing Performance of Ethical and Non-Ethical Investment Funds
by Linnéa Lundberg & Jiri Novak & Maria Vikman - 2009/21 Estimating LGD Correlation
by Jiří Witzany - 2009/20 Rose Effect and the Euro: The Magic is Gone
by Tomáš Havránek - 2009/19 How much of Federalism in the European Union
by František Turnovec - 2009/18 Mobile criminals, immobile crime: the efficiency of decentralized crime deterrence
by Martin Gregor & Lenka Šťastná - 2009/17 Determinants of FDI in Czech Manufacturing Industries between 2000-2006
by Eva Ryšavá & Elisa Galeotti - 2009/16 Option Pricing: The empirical tests of the Black-Scholes pricing formula and the feed-forward networks
by Michaela Vlasáková Baruníková - 2009/15 Turkey and the European Union: possible incidence of the EU accession on migration flows
by Ondřej Glazar & Wadim Strielkowski - 2009/14 The Optimal State Aid Control: No Control
by Martin Gregor & Dalibor Roháč - 2009/13 Efficiency of Fairness in Voting Systems
by František Turnovec - 2009/12 Spatial Interdependence of Local Public Expenditures: Selected Evidence from the Czech Republic
by Lenka Šťastná - 2009/11 Interest Margins Determinants of Czech Banks
by Roman Horváth - 2009/10 Do children make women more patient? Experimental evidence from Indian villages
by Michal Bauer & Julie Chytilová - 2009/09 Loss, Default, and Loss Given Default Modeling
by Jiří Witzany - 2009/08 Reforming Pensions in Europe: Economic Fundamentals and Political Factors
by Ondřej Schneider - 2009/07 Subsidy Competition for FDI: Fierce or Weak?
by Tomáš Havránek - 2009/06 Minimum Wage: Labour Market Consequences in the Czech Republic
by Kamila Fialová & Martina Mysíková - 2009/05 Time to death and health expenditure of the Czech health care system
by Kateřina Pavloková - 2009/04 Labor Market Participation: The Impact of Social Benefits in the Czech Republic
by Kamila Fialová & Martina Mysíková - 2009/03 The Most Efficient Czech SME Sectors: An Application of Robust Data Envelopment Analysis
by Jan Průša - 2009/03 A General Framework to Evaluate Economic Efficiency with an Application to British SME
by Jan Průša - 2009/02 Improving Risk Adjustment in the Czech Republic
by Radovan Chalupka - 2009/01 Fairness and Squareness: Fair Decision Making Rules in the EU Council?
by František Turnovec
- 2008/34 Switching to the Inflation Targeting Regime: Does it necessary for the case of Egypt?
by Ibrahim L. Awad - 2008/33 Wage Differentiation and Unemployment in the Districts of the Czech Republic
by Kamila Fialová - 2008/32 Productivity of Czech Small and Medium Entreprises: Lagging Behind Their Potential
by Jan Průša - 2008/31 Firms formation and growth in the model with heterogeneous agents and monitoring
by Peter Marko & Petr Svarc - 2008/30 Evoluční dynamika vězňova dilematu: Vliv topologie interakcí a imitace na vývoj kooperativního chování
by Václav Hausenblas & Petr Svarc - 2008/29 Microeconomic models of externality market, generalized Coase theorem/Mikroekonomické modely trhu s externalitami, zobecněný Coaseho teorém (available in czech only)
by Jiří Hlaváček & Michal Hlaváček - 2008/28 Behavioral Foundations of Microcredit: Experimental and Survey Evidence From Rural India
by Michal Bauer & Julie Chytilová & Jonathan Morduch - 2008/27 Modelling Bank Loan LGD of Corporate and SME Segments: A Case Study
by Radovan Chalupka & Juraj Kopecsni - 2008/26 Implied Market Loss Given Default: structural-model approach
by Jakub Seidler - 2008/25 Inflation Persistence: Is It Similar in the New EU Member States and the Euro Area Members?
by Michal Franta & Branislav Saxa & Katerina Smidkova - 2008/24 Inflation Differentials in EU New Member States: An Empirical Evidence
by Roman Horváth & Kamila Koprnická - 2008/23 Price Setting and Market Structure: An Empirical Analysis of Micro Data
by Fabricio Coricelli & Roman Horváth - 2008/22 Voting in the European Union - Central Europe’s lost voice
by Ondřej Schneider - 2008/21 How Important Are Foreign Shocks in Small Open Economy? The Case of Slovakia
by Roman Horváth & Marek Rusnák - 2008/20 Do domestic firms benefit from geographic proximity with FDI? Evidence from the privatization of the Czech glass industry
by Elisa Gaelotti - 2008/19 The Prediction of Corporate Bankruptcy and Czech Economy’s Financial Stability through Logit Analysis
by Petr Jakubík & Petr Teply - 2008/18 Value-at-Risk on Central and Eastern European Stock Markets: An Empirical Investigation Using GARCH Models
by Vít Bubák - 2008/17 Operational Risk Management and Implications for Bank’s Economic Capital – a Case Study
by Radovan Chalupka & Petr Teply - 2008/16 The Strategic Euro Laggards
by Martin Gregor - 2008/15 Operational Risk - Scenario Analysis
by Milan Rippel & Petr Teply - 2008/14 A Model of Human Capital, Time Discounting and Economic Growth
by Michal Bauer & Julie Chytilová - 2008/13 Analytical description reciprocity in social interactions/Možnosti analytického uchopení reciprocity v sociálních interakcích [available in czech only]
by Pavel Štika - 2008/12 Which Government Interventions Are Good in Alleviating Credit Market Failures?
by Karel Janda - 2008/11 Stress Testing of Probability of Default of Individuals
by Petr Kadeřábek & Aleš Slabý & Josef Vodička - 2008/10 Volatility extraction using the Kalman filter
by Alexandr Kuchynka - 2008/09 Policy Risk in Action: Pension Reforms and Social Security Wealth in Hungary, Czech Republic, and Slovakia
by Libor Dušek & Juraj Kopecsni - 2008/08 Intra-Industry Spillovers from Inward FDI: A Meta-Regression Analysis
by Tomáš Havránek & Zuzana Iršová - 2008/07 Technology adoption and herding behavior in complex social networks
by Natalie Svarcova & Petr Svarc - 2008/06 Duality of Power in the European Parliament
by František Turnovec - 2008/05 Použití (mikro)ekonomické metodologie při tvorbě a interpretaci soukromého práva/(Micro)Economic Methodology and its Contributions to the Formulation and Interpretation of Rules of Private Law (available in Czech only)
by Tomáš Richter - 2008/04 Valuation of Convexity Related Derivatives
by Jiří Witzany - 2008/03 Performance and financing of the corporate sector: the role of foreign direct investment
by Adam Geršl - 2008/02 Stress testing of the Czech banking sector
by Petr Jakubík & Jaroslav Heřmánek - 2008/01 Determinants of corporate financing decisions: a survey evidence from Czech firms
by Irena Jindřichovská & Pavel Körner
- 2007/31 The Supply of Foreign Direct Investment Incentives: Subsidy Competition in an Oligopolistic Framework / Nabídka pobídek pro zahraniční investory: Soutěž o FDI v rámci oligopolu [available in Czech only]
by Tomáš Havránek - 2007/30 Towards Measurement of Political Pressure on Central Banks in the Emerging Market Economies: The Case of the Central Bank of Egypt
by Ibrahim L. Awad - 2007/29 Execution, bankruptcy and their macroeconomic determinants / Exekuce, bankroty a jejich makroekonomické determinanty [available in Czech only]
by Petr Jakubík - 2007/28 The Impact of Social and Tax Policies on Families with Children: Comparative Study of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia
by Natálie Švarcová & Petr Švarc - 2007/27 Labour Market Institutions and Their Contribution to Labour Market Performance in the New EU Member Countries
by Ondřej Schneider & Kamila Fialová - 2007/26 The Effects of Monetary Policy in the Czech Republic: An Empirical Study
by Magdalena Morgese Borys & Roman Horváth - 2007/25 On the importance of clean accounting measures for the tests of stock market efficiency
by Mattias Hamberg & Jiri Novak - 2007/24 European Social Models and Growth: Where are the Eastern European countries heading?
by Julie Chytilová & Michal Mejstøík - 2007/23 Regulation of Bank Capital and Behavior of Banks: Assessing the US and the EU-15 Region Banks in the 2000-2005 Period
by Petr Teply & Milan Matejašák - 2007/22 Measuring and Explaining Inflation Persistence: Disaggregate Evidence on the Czech Republic
by Ian Babetskii & Fabrizio Coricelli & Roman Horváth - 2007/21 Markets vs. Politics, Correcting Erroneous Beliefs Differently
by Martin Gregor - 2007/20 Instituce státní úvěrové podpory v České republice [available in Czech only]
by Karel Janda - 2007/19 Inefficient centralization of imperfect complements
by Martin Gregor & Lenka Gregorová