- 2007/18 Models of Political Cycles: The Czech Experience / Modely politického cyklu a jejich testování na podmínkách ČR [available in Czech only]
by Radka Štiková - 2007/17 Budgetary Rules and Budget Process: Theory, Empirics, and the Case of the Czech Republic / Rozpočtová pravidla a rozpočtový proces: teorie, empirie a realita České republiky [available in Czech only]
by Martin Gregor - 2007/16 Modeling Electronic FX Brokerage as a Fast Order-Driven Marketunder Heterogeneous Private Values and Information
by Alexis Derviz - 2007/15 Cyclical Bias in Government Spending: Evidence from New EU Member Countries
by Jan Zápal - 2007/14 The EU Budget Dispute - A Blessing in Disguise?
by Ondřej Schneider - 2007/13 Women Labor Market: Gender Pay Gap and Its Determinants / Trh práce žen: Gender pay gap a jeho determinanty [available in Czech only]
by Martina Mysíková - 2007/12 Minimum Wage: Development and Economic Consequences in the Czech Republic / Minimální mzda: vývoj a ekonomické souvislosti v České republice [available in Czech only]
by Kamila Fialová - 2007/11 Credit Risk in the Czech Economy
by Petr Jakubík - 2007/10 Does Education Matter in Patience Formation? Evidence from Ugandan Villages
by Michal Bauer & Julie Chytilová - 2007/09 Goodwin's Predator-Prey Model with Endogenous Technological Progress
by Miloslav Vošvrda & Jan Kodera - 2007/08 Foreign Banks, Foreign Lending and Cross-Border Contagion: Evidence from the BIS Data
by Adam Geršl - 2007/07 The Instrumental Weighted Variables. Part III. Asymptotic Representation
by Jan Ámos Víšek - 2007/06 The Instrumental Weighted Variables. Part II. Square root of n-consistency
by Jan Ámos Víšek - 2007/05 The Instrumental Weighted Variables. Part I. Consistency
by Jan Ámos Víšek - 2007/04 Dochází k reálné diferenciaci ekonomických vysokoškolských vzdělávacích institucí na výzkumně zaměřené a výukově zaměřené? / Is There a Real Differentiation of Economic Educational Institutions on Research Oriented and Teaching Oriented? [available in Czech only]
by František Turnovec - 2007/03 The Pros and Cons of Banking Socialism
by Martin Gregor - 2007/02 Dependence Structure and Portfolio Diversification on Central European Stock Markets
by Filip Žikeš - 2007/01 Estimating Time-Varying Policy Neutral Rate in Real Time
by Roman Horváth
- 2006/32 People of the Road: the Role of Ethnic Origin in Migration Decisions. A Study of Slovak Roma Asylum-Seekers in the Czech Republic in 1998-2006
by Wadim Strielkowski - 2006/31 Correcting Predictive ModelCorrecting Models of Chaotic Reality
by Petr Kadeřábek - 2006/30 Publication Portfolio of the Czech Economists and Problems of Rankings
by František Turnovec - 2006/29 Strategic Referring in Labor Market Social Networks
by Natálie Reichlová & Petr Švarc - 2006/28 Credibility of Exchange Rate Policies in Selected EU New Members: Evidence from High Frequency Data
by Jarko Fidrmuc & Roman Horváth - 2006/27 The determinants of corporate debt maturity structure: evidence from Czech firms
by Pavel Körner - 2006/26 Pojištení vkladu: soucasný stav, srovnání a perspektiva v kontextu EU / Credit Insurance: EU context [available in Czech only]
by Jiří Hlavácek - 2006/25 Optimal Deterministic Debt Contracts
by Karel Janda - 2006/24 Lender and Borrower as Principal and Agent
by Karel Janda - 2006/23 Effects of Education on Determinants of High Desired Fertility: Evidence from Ugandan Villages
by Michal Bauer & Julie Chytilová & Pavel Streblov - 2006/22 "Morální hazard" a "nepříznivý výběr" při maximalizaci pravděpodobnosti ekonomického přežití / Moral hazard and adverse selection when survival probability is maximized [available in Czech only]
by Jiří Hlaváček & Michal Hlaváček - 2006/21 Wavelet Applications to Heterogeneous Agents Model
by Lukáš Vácha & Miloslav Vošvrda - 2006/20 Command Economy after the Shocks of Opening up: The Factors of Adjustment and Specialisation in the Czech Trade
by Vladimír Benáček & Jiří Podpiera & Ladislav Prokop - 2006/19 The Price Impact of Stock Trades: Evidence from the Prague Stock Exchange
by Vít Bubák & Filip Žikeš - 2006/18 Opomíjená heterogenita lidí aneb Proč Afrika dlouhodobě neroste / On forgotten heterogeneity and absence of long-term growth in Africa [available in Czech only]
by Michal Bauer & Julie Chytilová - 2006/17 Three heuristics of search for a low price when initial information about the market is obsolete
by Michal Skořepa - 2006/16 Reform Redux: Measurement, Determinants and Reversals
by Nauro F. Campos & Roman Horváth - 2006/15 Státní podpora českého zemědělského úvěru v období před vstupem do Evropské unie / Government Support of the Czech Agricultural Credit in the Period Before the Accession to the European Union [available in Czech only]
by Karel Janda & Martin Čajka - 2006/14 Poptávková funkce na trhu s pojištěním: porovnání maximalizace paretovské pravděpodobnosti přežití s teorií EUT von-Neumanna a Morgensterna a s prospektovou teorií Kahnemana a Tverského / Demand for Insurance: Comparison of von Neumann-Morgenstern's and Kahneman-Tverovsky's Approaches [available in Czech only]
by Jiří Hlaváček & Michal Hlaváček - 2006/13 What Are Their Words Worth? Political Plans And Economic Pains Of Fiscal Consolidations In New EU Member States
by Ondřej Schneider & Jan Zápal - 2006/12 Systémy s mnoha rozhodujícími se jedinci v teoriích F. A. Hayeka a H. A. Simona / Multi-agent systems in F.A Hayek's and H.A. Simon's work [available in Czech only]
by Julie Chytilová & Natálie Reichlová - 2006/11 Does Credit Risk Vary with Economic Cycles? The Case of Finland
by Petr Jakubík - 2006/10 Neo-Keynesian and Neo-Classical Macroeconomic Models: Stability and Lyapunov Exponents
by Jan Kodera & Karel Sladký & Miloslav Vošvrda - 2006/09 Ètyøi mechanismy pøíjmové diferenciace / Four political economic mechanisms of income differentiation [available in Czech only]
by Ludìk Rychetník - 2006/08 Political Pressure on Central Banks: The Case of the Czech National Bank
by Adam Geršl - 2006/07 Zpochybnění deskriptivnosti teorie očekávaného užitku / Expected utility theory reconsidered [available in Czech only]
by Michal Skořepa - 2006/06 Meziregionální migrace obyvatelstva v České republice: Role likviditních omezení [available in Czech only]
by Roman Horváth - 2006/05 Relation between Cyclically Adjusted Budget Balance and Growth Accounting Method of Deriving ‘Net Fiscal Effort’
by Jan Zápal - 2006/04 Development of formal and informal institutions in the Czech Republic and other new EU Member States before the EU entry: did the EU pressure have impact?
by Adam Geršl - 2006/03 Czech Bankruptcy Procedures: Ex-post Efficiency View
by Ondøej Knot & Ondøej Vychodil - 2006/02 Pension reform in the Czech Republic: Not a Lost Case?
by Ondřej Schneider - 2006/01 Globální, americké, panevropské a národní rankingy ekonomických pracovišť / A Survey of Rankings of Economic Departments: Global, American, European and National [available in Czech only]
by Martin Gregor
- 100 Koordinace hospodářské politiky zemí EU a její meze / The Coordination of Economic Policies of the EU Countries and its Limits [available in Czech only]
by Luděk Urban - 99 Convergence of Consumption Structure
by Tomáš Cahlík & Tomáš Honzák & Jana Honzáková & Marcel Jiřina & Natálie Reichlová - 98 Political Economy of Public Deficit: Perspectives for Constitutional Reform
by Adam Geršl - 97 Can the Theory of Motivation Explain Migration Decisions?
by Natálie Reichlová - 96 Financial Accelerator Effects in the Balance Sheets of Czech Firms
by Roman Horváth - 95 Systém vysokých škol s procedurální racionalitou agentů / University System with Procedural Rationality of Agents [available in Czech only]
by Tomáš Cahlík & Jana Marková - 94 Ekonomie štěstí: proč méně může být více / Economics and Happiness: Why Less Can Be More [available in Czech only]
by Lubomír Mlčoch - 93 Production, Capital Stock and Price Dynamics in a Simple Model of Closed Economy
by Jan Kodera & Miroslav Vošvrda - 92 ADR/GDR Potential in Central Europe
by Kateřina Tsolov - 91 Heterogeneous Agents Model with the Worst Out Algorithm
by Lukáš Vácha & Miloslav Vošvrda - 90 Nabídková funkce ve vysokoškolském vzdělávání / Supply of university education [available in Czech only]
by Jiří Hlaváček - 89 Slovenská rekodifikace insolvenčního práva: několik lekcí pro Českou republiku (a jedna sázka na divokou kartu) / Slovakia's New Bankuptcy Law and Lessons for the Czech Republic [available in Czech only]
by Tomáš Richter - 88 Committed to Deficit: The Reverse Side of Fiscal Governance
by Martin Gregor - 87 Hodnocení pracoviš výzkumu a vývoje / Evaluation of R&D Institutions [available in Czech only]
by Tomáš Cahlík & Hana Pessrová - 86 The Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of the Budget Cost of the Czech Supporting and Guarantee Agricultural and Forestry Fund
by Karel Janda - 85 Cross-border Risk Transmission by a Multinational Bank
by Alexis Derviz - 84 Srovnání vývoje českých a slovenských institucí v oblasti zemědělských financí / Czech and Slovak Agriculture Financial Institutions [available in Czech only]
by Karel Janda & Martin Čajka - 83 Rizika a výzvy měnové strategie k převzetí eura / Risks and Challenges of Monetary Strategy for Euro Adoption [available in Czech only]
by Oldřich Dědek - 82 The Comparative Statics of the Effects of Credit Guarantees and Subsidies in the Competitive Lending Market
by Karel Janda - 81 Centralization Trade-off with Non-Uniform Taxes
by Peter Tuchyòa & Martin Gregor - 80 Trading Intensity and Intraday Volatility on the Prague Stock Exchange: Evidence from an Autoregressive Conditional Duration Model
by Vít Bubák & Filip Žikeš - 79 A Fiscal Rule That Has Teeth: A Suggestion for a "Fiscal Sustainability Council" Underpinned by the Financial Markets
by Petr Hedbávný & Ondřej Schneider & Jan Zápal - 78 Exchange Rate Variability, Pressures and Optimum Currency Area Criteria: Implications for the Central and Eastern European Countries
by Roman Horváth - 77 Market Prices as Indicators of Political Events Evidence from the Experimental Market on the Czech Republic Parliamentary Election in 2002
by Tomáš Cahlík & Adam Geršl & Michal Hlaváček & Michael Berlemann - 76 Fiscal Policy in New EU Member States: Go East, Prudent Man!
by Ondřej Schneider & Jan Zápal - 75 Real Equilibrium Exchange Rate Estimates: To What Extent Are They Applicable for Setting the Central Parity?
by Roman Horváth - 74 Ready to Go? EU Enlargement and Migration Potential: Lessons from the Czech Republic in the Context of the Irish Migration Experience
by Wadim Strielkowski & Cathal O'Donoghue - 73 Judging the Sustainability of Czech Public Finances
by Jan Zápal - 72 Tolerable Intolerance: An Evolutionary Model
by Martin Gregor - 71 Theory of the Firm under Uncertainty: Financing, Attitude to Risk and Output Behavior
by Michal Bauer - 70 Arithmetic of Property Rights: A Leontief-type Model of Ownership Structures
by František Turnovec - 69 New Measure of Voting Power
by František Turnovec
- 68 : Who Pays Taxes and Who Gets Benefits in the Czech Republic
by Ondřej Schneider - 67 Distributive Impact of Czech Social Security and Tax Systems in Early 2000`s
by Ondřej Schneider & Tomáš Jelínek - 66 Rozložení daňového břemene mezi české domácnosti – nepřímé daně
by Gabriela Hrubá - 65 Rozložení daňového břemene mezi české domácnosti – přímé daně [available in Czech only]
by Gabriela Hrubá - 64 Would Fast Sailing towards the Euro Be Smooth? What Fundamental Real Exchange Rates Tells Us about Acceding Economies
by Kateřina Šmídková & Aleš Bulíř - 63 Models of Economically Rational Donators: Altruism Can Be Cruel
by Jiří Hlaváček & Michal Hlaváček - 62 What Drives the Optimal Bankruptcy Law Design?
by Ondøej Vychodil & Ondøej Knot - 61 Bankruptcy Procedures with Ex Post Moral Hazard
by Karel Janda - 60 Response of Regulatory Bodies to Financial Crises: role of auditors and international comparison
by Irena Jindřichovská - 59 Dilemata českého dozoru finančních trhů [available in Czech only]
by Jiří Havel - 58 České centrální bankovnictví po vstupu České republiky do Evropské unie (právně institucionální pohled) / Czech Central Banking after the Czech Admission to the EU [available in Czech only]
by Ilona Bažantová - 57 Privatizace, regulace a deregulace utilit v EU a ČR: očekávání a fakta [available in Czech only]
by Michal Mejstřík - 56 Governing Fiscal Commons in the Enlarged EU
by Martin Gregor - 55 Does the Enlarged European Union Need a Better Fiscal Pact?
by Petr Hedbávný & Ondřej Schneider & Jan Zápal - 54 Měnové plánování v reálném socialismu / Monetary Planning in Real Socialism [available in Czech only]
by Karel Půlpán - 53 Česká ekonomická věda na mezinárodním akademickém trhu: měření vědeckého kapitálu vysokoškolských a dalších výzkumných pracovišť [available in Czech only]
by František Turnovec - 52 Informační efektivnost burzovních trhů ve střední Evropě / Market Efficiency of Capital Market in Central Europe [available in Czech only]
by Karel Diviš & Petr Teply - 51 Human Capital Mobility II
by Tomáš Cahlík & Soňa Pokutová & Ctirad Slavík - 50 External Financing and FDI in Central, Baltic and South-Eastern Europe in 2002-2003
by Vladimír Benáček - 49 Current Account Developments in Central, Baltic and South-Eastern Europe in the Pre-enlargement Period of 2002-2003
by Vladimír Benáček - 48 Power Indices: Shapley-Shubik OR Penrose-Banzhaf?
by František Turnovec & Jacek W. Mercik & Mariusz Mazurkiewicz - 47 Economic Research in the Czech Republic: Entering International Academic Market
by František Turnovec - 46 Privatizace bez kapitálu / Privatization without Capital [available in Czech only]
by Karel Kouba & Ondøej Vychodil & Jitka Roberts - 45 Models of Economically Rational Donator
by Michal Hlaváček & Jiří Hlaváček