- 2019/38 Impact of Terrorist Incidents on Tourism in Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia: A Dynamic Heterogeneous Panel Approache
by Ugur Gok & Ikechukwu Nwaka - 2019/37 Partisan Fiscal Policy: Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe
by Ondrej Schneider - 2019/36 Performance Comparison of European Cooperative and Commercial Banks in a Low Interest Rate Environment
by Petr Teply & Matej Kuc - 2019/35 Remittances and Economic Growth: A Meta-Analysis
by Alina Cazachevici & Tomas Havranek & Roman Horvath - 2019/34 Decomposition Analysis of Air Pollutants During the Transition and Post-Transition Periods in the Czech Republic
by Milan Scasny & Beng Wah Ang & Lukas Recka - 2019/33 Tax Treaties Worldwide: Estimating Elasticities and Revenue Foregone
by Petr Jansky & Jan Laznicka - 2019/32 Heterogeneity of Returns to Business R&D: What Does Make a Difference?
by Petr Pleticha - 2019/31 Multinational Corporations and Tax Havens: Evidence from Country-by-Country Reporting
by Javier Garcia-Bernardo & Petr Jansky & Thomas Torslov - 2019/30 Czech BEERs with PEERs: Tackling the Uncertainty
by Jaromir Baxa & Pavel Jancovic - 2019/29 Quantifying Endogeneity of Cryptocurrency Markets
by Michael Mark & Jan Sila & Thomas A. Weber - 2019/27 The Impact of the Brexit Vote on UK Financial Markets: A Synthetic Control Method Approach
by Matej Opatrny - 2019/26 Death to the Cobb-Douglas Production Function
by Sebastian Gechert & Tomas Havranek & Zuzana Irsova & Dominika Kolcunova - 2019/25 Mortgage-Related Bank Penalties and Systemic Risk Among U.S. Banks
by Vaclav Broz & Evzen Kocenda - 2019/24 Family Size and Subjective Well-being in Europe: Do More Children Make Us (Un)Happy?
by Barbara Pertold-Gebicka & Dominika Spolcova - 2019/23 Does Income Increase the Well–Being of Employees?: Evidence from Europe
by Dominika Spolcova & Barbara Pertold-Gebicka - 2019/22 Financial Crime Spillovers. Does One Gain to Be Avenged?
by Laure de Batz - 2019/21 Parental Leave Length and Mothers’ Careers: What Can Be Inferred from Occupational Allocation?
by Barbara Pertold-Gebicka - 2019/20 Predatory Publications in Scopus: Evidence on Cross-Country Differences
by Vit Machacek & Martin Srholec - 2019/19 Estimating the Armington Elasticity: The Importance of Data Choice and Publication Bias
by Josef Bajzik & Tomas Havranek & Zuzana Irsova & Jiri Schwarz - 2019/18 Modeling UK Mortgage Demand Using Online Searches
by Jaroslav Pavlicek & Ladislav Kristoufek - 2019/17 Consumer Preferences for Sustainable and Healthy Lifestyle: Five-Country Discrete Choice Experiments
by Milan Scasny & Iva Zverinova & Vojtech Maca - 2019/16 Nature-Based, Structural, or Soft Measures of Adaptation? Preferences for Climate Change Adaptation Measures to Limit Damages from Droughts
by Milan Scasny & Iva Zverinova & Alistair Hunt - 2019/15 Sectoral Impacts of International Labour Migration and Population Ageing in the Czech Republic
by Martin Stepanek - 2019/14 Minimum Wage Increase and Firm Profitability: Evidence from Poland
by Mykola Babiak & Olena Chorna - 2019/13 Estimation of Price and Income Elasticity of Residential Water Demand in the Czech Republic over Three Decades
by Milan Ščasný & Šarlota Smutná - 2019/12 Does Central Bank Communication Signal Future Monetary Policy? The Case of the ECB
by Hamza Bennani & Nicolas Fanta & Pavel Gertler & Roman Horvath - 2019/11 Realized Moments and Bond Pricing
by Barbora Malinska - 2019/10 Tail Risks, Asset Prices, and Investment Horizons
by Jozef Baruník & Matěj Nevrla - 2019/9 The Elusive Effects of Residential Energy Efficiency Improvements: Evidence from Ukraine
by Anna Alberini & Olha Khymych & Milan Scasny - 2019/8 Estimating Energy Price Elasticities When Salience is High: Residential Natural Gas Demand in Ukraine
by Anna Alberini & Olha Khymych & Milan Scasny - 2019/7 Renewable Energy Financial Modelling: A China Case Study
by Karel Janda & Binyi Zhang - 2019/6 The Czech Exchange Rate Floor: Depreciation without Inflation?
by Jaromír Baxa & Tomáš Šestořád - 2019/5 The Effect of Higher Capital Requirements on Bank Lending: The Capital Surplus Matters
by Dominika Kolcunová & Simona Malovaná - 2019/4 Does Daylight Saving Time Save Electricity? Evidence from Slovakia
by Peter Kudela & Tomas Havranek & Dominik Herman & Zuzana Irsova - 2019/3 Bank-Sourced Transition Matrices: Are Banks' Internal Credit Risk Estimates Markovian?
by Barbora Máková - 2019/2 Key Determinants of Net Interest Margin of EU Banks in the Zero Lower Bound of Interest Rates
by Petr Hanzlík & Petr Teplý - 2019/1 Duopolistic Competition On a Plane
by Davit Maskharashvilia
- 2018/40 Individual Discount Rates: A Meta-Analysis of the Experimental Evidence
by Jindrich Matousek - 2018/39 Contagious Defaults in Inter-bank Networks
by Mohammad Ali Elminejad - 2018/38 European Banks and Tax Havens: Evidence from Country-by-Country Reporting
by Petr Jansky - 2018/37 Should Monetary Policy Lean against the Wind? An Evidence from a DSGE Model with Occasionally Binding Constraint
by Jan Zacek - 2018/35 Finance and Wealth Inequality
by Iftekhar Hasan & Roman Horvath & Jan Mares - 2018/34 Structural Analysis of Influences on Workplace Productivity Loss
by Martin Stepanek & Kaveh Jahanshahi - 2018/33 Residual Shape Risk on Czech Natural Gas Market
by Karel Janda & Jakub Kourilek - 2018/32 The Relationship Between Fuel, Biofuel and Food Prices: Methods and Outcomes
by Karel Janda & Ladislav Kristoufek - 2018/31 The Impact of Agricultural Subsidies on Farm Production: A Synthetic Control Method Approach
by Matej Opatrny - 2018/30 Time-Frequency Response Analysis of Monetary Policy Transmission
by Lubos Hanus & Lukas Vacha - 2018/29 Electives Shopping, Grading Competition, and Grading Norms
by Martin Gregor - 2018/28 The Bank Lending Survey
by Eva Hromadkova & Oldrich Koza & Petr Polak & Nikol Polakova - 2018/27 Measurement of Volatility Spillovers and Asymmetric Connectedness on Commodity and Equity Markets
by Tereza Palanska - 2018/26 Entrepreneurship in the Information Age: An Empirical Analysis of the European Regions
by Petr Pleticha - 2018/25 Central Bank Capital as an Instrument of Monetary Policy
by Mojmir Hampl & Tomas Havranek - 2018/24 How Do Regional Price Levels Affect Income Inequality? Household-Level Evidence from 21 Countries
by Petr Jansky & Marek Sedivy - 2018/23 Is Panama Really Your Tax Haven? Secrecy Jurisdictions and the Countries They Harm
by Petr Jansky & Markus Meinzer & Miroslav Palansky - 2018/22 Estimating the Effective Lower Bound for the Czech National Bank’s Policy Rate
by Dominika Kolcunova & Tomas Havranek - 2018/21 Cost Efficiency of European Cooperative Banks
by Matej Kuc - 2018/20 The Predicting Power of Soft Information on Defaults in the Chinese P2P Lending Market
by Yao Wang & Zdenek Drabek & Zhengwei Wang - 2018/19 Estimating the Revenue Costs of Tax Treaties in Developing Countries
by Petr Jansky & Marek Sedivy - 2018/18 Underlying Motivations For Rule-Violation Among Juvenile Delinquents: A Lab-in-the-Field Experiment
by Lubomir Cingl & Vaclav Korbel - 2018/17 Volatility Term Structure Modeling Using Nelson-Siegel Model
by Barbora Malinska - 2018/16 Modelling Electric Vehicles as an Abatement Technology in a Hybrid CGE Model
by Stefan Schmelzer & Michael Miess & Vedunka Kopecna & Milan Scasny - 2018/15 Does the Source of Fundamental Data Matter?
by Onrej Tobek & Martin Hronec - 2018/14 Earnings Stability and Peer Selection for Indirect Valuation
by Karel Janda - 2018/13 The Value of Political Connections in the Post-Transition Period: Evidence from the Czech Republic
by Miroslav Palansky - 2018/12 Foreign Capital and Domestic Productivity in the Czech Republic
by Mojmir Hampl & Tomas Havranek - 2018/12 Tax Haven Investors and Corporate Profitability - Evidence of Profit Shifting by German-Based Affiliates of Multinational Firms
by Sarah Godar - 2018/11 Extent of Irrationality of the Consumer: Combining the Critical Cost Eciency and Houtman Maks Indices
by Matej Opatrny - 2018/10 Financial Impact of Regulatory Sanctions on French Listed Companies
by Laure de Batz - 2018/09 Estimating the Value of Crop Diversity Conservation Services Provided by the Czech National Programme for Agrobiodiversity
by Nicholas Tyack & Milan Scasny - 2018/08 A General Equilibrium Model of Optimal Alcohol Taxation in the Czech Republic
by Karel Janda & Zuzana Lajksnerova & Jakub Mikolasek - 2018/07 Are the Crude Oil Markets Really Becoming More Efficient over Time? Some New Evidence
by Ladislav Kristoufek - 2018/06 Devaluation with Exchange rate Floor in a Small Open Economy
by David Svacina - 2018/05 Impact of German Energiewende on Transmission Lines in the Central European Region
by Jan Malek & Lukas Recka & Karel Janda - 2018/04 Why Did EU Banks Change Their Business Models in Last Years and What Was the Impact of Net Fee and Commission Income on Their Performance?
by Karolina Vozkova - 2018/03 Does Monetary Policy Influence Banks' Perception of Risks?
by Simona Malovana & Dominika Kolcunova & Vaclav Broz - 2018/02 Photovoltaics and the Slovak Electricity Market
by Karel Janda & Michaela Koscova - 2018/01 Smoking Czechs: Modeling Tobacco Consumption and Taxation
by Karel Janda & Martin Strobl
- 2017/29 Do Cryptocurrencies and Traditional Asset Classes Influence Each Other?
by Josef Kurka - 2017/28 Banks’ Capital Surplus and the Impact of Additional Capital Requirements
by Simona Malovana - 2017/27 Exchange Rate Co-movements, Hedging and Volatility Spillovers in New EU Forex Markets
by Evzen Kocenda & Michala Moravcova - 2017/26 Food versus Fuel: An Updated and Expanded Evidence
by Ondrej Filip & Karel Janda & Ladislav Kristoufek & David Zilberman - 2017/25 Estimating the Scale of Profit Shifting and Tax Revenue Losses Related to Foreign Direct Investment
by Petr Jansky & Miroslav Palansky - 2017/24 Dynamics and Factors of Inflation Convergence in the European Union
by Vaclav Broz & Evzen Kocenda - 2017/23 Does Unemployment Insurance Affect Productivity?
by Michal Soltes - 2017/22 International Spillovers of (Un)Conventional Monetary Policy: The Effect of the ECB and US Fed on Non-Euro EU Countries
by Jan Hajek & Roman Horvath - 2017/21 Selectivity Problem in Demand Analysis: Single Equation Approach
by Sarlota Smutna & Milan Scasny - 2017/20 Measurement of Common Risk Factors: A Panel Quantile Regression Model for Returns
by Frantisek Cech & Jozef Barunik - 2017/19 Common Cycles in Volatility and Cross Section of Stock Returns
by Jozef Barunik & Lucie Kraicova - 2017/18 A Bayesian Approach to Backtest Overfitting
by Jiri Witzany - 2017/17 Central Eastern and South Eastern European Markets Macro-Fundamental Analysis
by Oliver Polyak & Jitka Postulkova - 2017/16 Tuition Fees and University Enrollment: A Meta-Analysis
by Tomas Havranek & Zuzana Irsova & Olesia Zeynalova - 2017/15 Pension Reforms and Adverse Demographics: The Case of the Czech Republic
by Martin Stepanek - 2017/14 Firm Size and Stock Returns: A Meta-Analysis
by Anton Astakhov & Tomas Havranek & Jiri Novak - 2017/13 Criminals on the Field: A Study of College Football
by Radek Janhuba & Kristyna Cechova - 2017/12 Should Inflation Measures Used by Central Banks Incorporate House Prices? The Czech Approach
by Mojmir Hampl & Tomas Havranek - 2017/11 Systemic Risk in the European Financial and Energy Sector: Dynamic Factor Copula Approach
by Matej Nevrla - 2017/10 Health Status as a Determinant for Pre-Retirement Savings
by Jana Votapkova & Pavlina Zilova - 2017/09 Foreign Direct Investments, Institutional Framework and Economic Growth
by Arshat Hayat - 2017/08 Interest Rates Modeling and Forecasting: Do Macroeconomic Factors Matter?
by Adam Kucera - 2017/07 Prices of Biofuels and Related Commodities: An Example of Combined Economics and Graph Theory Approach
by Ondrej Filip & Karel Janda & Ladislav Kristoufek - 2017/06 The Influence of Renewable Energy Sources on the Czech Electricity Transmission System
by Karel Janda & Jan Malek & Lukas Recka - 2017/05 Influence of Renewable Energy Sources on Electricity Transmission Networks in Central Europe
by Karel Janda & Jan Malek & Lukas Recka - 2017/04 Do Teaching Practices Impact Socio-emotional Skills?
by Vaclav Korbel & Michal Paulus - 2017/03 Updating the Long Term Rate in Time: A Possible Approach
by Diana Zigraiova & Petr Jakubik - 2017/02 Measuring the Income Elasticity of Water Demand: The Importance of Publication and Endogeneity Biases
by Tomas Havranek & Zuzana Irsova & Tomas Vlach - 2017/01 The Merit Order Effect of Czech Photovoltaic Plants
by Petra Lunackova & Karel Janda & Jan Prusa
- 2016/26 Cluster Approach to Institutional Distance: Middlemen Hypothesis Application
by Michal Paulus & Eva Michalikova - 2016/25 Financial Variables in a Policy Rule: Does It Bring Macroeconomic Benefits?
by Jan Zacek - 2016/24 Does Daylight Saving Save Energy? A Meta-Analysis
by Tomas Havranek & Zuzana Irsova & Dominik Herman - 2016/23 OECD Anti-Bribery Policy and Structural Differences Inside the EU
by Michal Paulus & Eva Michalikova - 2016/22 The Euro’s Trade Effect: A Meta-Analysis
by Petr Polak - 2016/21 Estimating the Costs of International Corporate Tax Avoidance: The Case of the Czech Republic
by Petr Jansky - 2016/20 Intraday Effect of News on Emerging European Forex Markets: An Event Study Analysis
by Evzen Kocenda & Michala Moravcova - 2016/19 Monetary Policy and Macroprudential Policy: Rivals or Teammates?
by Simona Malovana & Jan Frait - 2016/18 Do EU Funds Crowd Out Other Public Expenditures? Evidence on the Additionality Principle from the Detailed Czech Municipalities’ Data
by Petr Jansky & Tomas Krehlik & Jiri Skuhrovec - 2016/17 Quantifying the Effects of the CNB's Exchange Rate Commitment: A Synthetic Control Method Approach
by Matej Opatrny - 2016/16 Foods, Fuels or Finances: Which Prices Matter for Biofuels?
by Ondrej Filip & Karel Janda & Ladislav Kristoufek & David Zilberman - 2016/15 Do Consumers Really Follow a Rule of Thumb? Three Thousand Estimates from 130 Studies Say “Probably Not”
by Tomas Havranek & Anna Sokolova - 2016/14 Prospect Theory in the Heterogeneous Agent Model
by Jan Polach & Jiri Kukacka - 2016/13 Public Employment Effects over the Business Cycle: the Czech Case
by Vedunka Kopecna - 2016/12 Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on European Insurers: Evidence from Equity Markets
by Petr Jakubik & Dimitrios Zafeiris - 2016/11 Real Exchange Rate Misalignment in the Euro Area: Is the Current Development Helpful?
by Jan Hajek - 2016/10 Risk Management of Demand Deposits in a Low Interest Rate Environment
by Hana Dzmuranova - 2016/09 What are the biggest obstacles to growth of SMEs in developing countries? - A picture emerging from an enterprise survey
by Flora Wang - 2016/08 Patents: A Means to Innovation or Strategic Ends?
by Jiri Schwarz & Martin Stepanek - 2016/07 Simulated ML Estimation of Financial Agent-Based Models
by Jiri Kukacka & Jozef Barunik - 2016/06 Life Expectancy and its Determinants in the Czech Republic
by Vojtech Korbelius & Michal Paulus & Tomas Troch - 2016/05 Determinants of Generic Substitution in the Czech Republic
by Jana Votapkova & Pavlina Zilova - 2016/04 Equity Premium and Monetary Policy in a Model with Limited Asset Market Participation
by Roman Horvath & Lorant Kaszab - 2016/03 Natural Resources and Economic Growth: A Meta-Analysis
by Tomas Havranek & Roman Horvath & Ayaz Zeynalov - 2016/02 NManagement Board Composition of Banking Institutions and Bank Risk-Taking: The Case of the Czech Republic
by Diana Zigraiova - 2016/01 zIndex – Benchmarking Municipalities in Public Procurement
by Jiri Skuhrovec & Jan Soudek
- 2015/29 Productivity Spillovers from Foreign Direct Investment: The Case of Ethiopia
by Abeba Nigussie Turi - 2015/28 Electoral Cycles in Public Expenditures: Evidence from Czech Local Governments
by Lenka Stastna - 2015/27 Banking Crises in Emerging Economies: Can Credit Variables Work as Early Warnings?
by Martina Jasova - 2015/26 The Impact of the Tobin Tax in a Heterogeneous Agent Model of the Foreign Exchange Market
by Jiri Kukacka & Filip Stanek - 2015/25 Forecasting the Term Structure of Crude Oil Futures Prices with Neural Networks
by Jozef Barunik & Barbora Malinska - 2015/24 Bank Efficiency and Interest Rate Pass-Through: Evidence from Czech Loan Products
by Tomas Havranek & Zuzana Irsova & Jitka Lesanovska - 2015/23 Dynamic Elasticities of Tax Revenue: Evidence from the Czech Republic
by Tomas Havranek & Zuzana Irsova & Jiri Schwarz - 2015/22 Earnings Management to Avoid Delisting from a Stock Market
by Ales Cornanic & Jiri Novak - 2015/21 The impact of German macroeconomic data announcements on the Czech financial market
by Michala Moravcova - 2015/20 Collusion in Multiobject Auctions: An Experimental Evidence
by Jindrich Matousek & Lubomir Cingl - 2015/19 Business cycle synchronization of the Visegrad Four and the European Union
by Lubos Hanus & Lukas Vacha - 2015/18 A Comparison of Financial Performance of Czech Credit Unions and European Cooperative Banks
by Matej Kuc & Petr Teply - 2015/17 The Role of Covered Bonds in Explaining House Price Dynamics in Spain
by Hana Hejlova - 2015/16 The Effect of Conflict History on Cooperation Within and Between Groups: Evidence from a Laboratory Experiment
by Goone Beekman & Stephen Cheung & Ian Levely - 2015/15 Habit Formation in Consumption: A Meta-Analysis
by Tomas Havranek & Marek Rusnak & Anna Sokolova - 2015/14 Publication Bias in Measuring Climate Sensitivity
by Dominika Reckova & Zuzana Irsova - 2015/13 Foreign Exchange Interventions at the Zero Lower Bound in the Czech Economy: A DSGE Approach
by Simona Malovana - 2015/12 The Impact of Macroeconomic News on Polish and Czech Government Bond Markets
by Vojtech Pistora & Vaclav Hausenblas - 2015/11 GARCH Models, Tail Indexes and Error Distributions: An Empirical Investigation
by Frantisek Turnovec - 2015/10 Social, Demographic and Behavioral Determinants of Alcohol Consumption
by Jakub Mikolasek - 2015/09 GARCH Models, Tail Indexes and Error Distributions: An Empirical Investigation
by Roman Horváth & Boril Sopov - 2015/08 Exchange Rate Pass-Through in an Emerging Market: The Case of the Czech Republic
by Jan Hajek & Roman Horváth - 2015/07 Bank Competition and Financial Stability: Much Ado About Nothing?
by Tomas Havranek & Diana Zigraiova - 2015/06 Youth Labour Flows and Exits from Unemployment in Great Recession
by Vladislav Flek & Martin Hala & Martina Myslikova - 2015/05 Limited Liability, Asset Price Bubbles and the Credit Cycle. The Role of Monetary Policy
by Jakub Mateju - 2015/04 Determinants of banking fee income in the EU banking industry - does market concentration matter?
by Karolina Ruzickova & Petr Teply - 2015/03 Do Borders Really Slash Trade? A Meta-Analysis
by Tomas Havranek & Zuzana Irsova - 2015/02 Rockets and Feathers Meet Joseph: Reinvestigating the Oil-gasoline Asymmetry on the International Markets
by Ladislav Kristoufek & Petra Lunackova - 2015/01 Credit Valuation Adjustment Modelling During a Global Low Interest Rate Environment
by Petr Macek & Petr Teply
- 2014/38 Price elasticity of household water demand in the Czech Republic
by Jana Hortová & Ladislav Kristoufek - 2014/37 On Estimation of Gravity Equation: A Cluster Analysis
by Bozena Bobkova - 2014/36 FDI and Economic Growth: The Role of Natural Resources
by Arshad Hayat - 2014/35 Central Banks Voting Records, Financial Crisis and Future Monetary Policy
by Roman Horvath & Júlia Jonasova - 2014/34 Range-based Volatility Estimation and Forecasting
by Daniel Bencik - 2014/33 Estimation of Long Memory in Volatility Using Wavelets
by Jozef Baruník & Lucie Kraicová - 2014/32 Gravity model analysis: robust evidence from the Czech Republic and corruption matching
by Michal Paulus & Eva Michalíková - 2014/31 Efficiency of Hospitals in the Czech Republic: Conditional Efficiency Approach
by Lenka Štastná & Jana Votapkova - 2014/30 Coupling high-frequency data with nonlinear models in multiple-step-ahead forecasting of energy markets' volatility
by Jozef Barunik & Tomáš Krehlik - 2014/29 Selective Reporting and the Social Cost of Carbon
by Tomáš Havránek & Zuzana Iršová & Karel Janda & David Zilberman - 2014/28 The productivity paradox: A Meta-analysis
by Petr Polák - 2014/27 Current Accounts in the Eurozone Countries: The Role of Euro, Fiscal Policies and Financial Developments
by Jaromír Baxa & Tomáš Olesnanik - 2014/26 What are the Key Determinants of Nonperforming Loans in CESEE?
by Petr Jakubík & Thomas Reininger - 2014/25 Impact of Changes in Excise Duties on Households in the Czech Republic
by Petr Janský - 2014/24 The Natural Resource Curse and Institutions in Post-Soviet Countries
by Roman Horváth & Ayaz Zeynalov - 2014/23 On the modelling and forecasting multivariate realized volatility: Generalized Heterogeneous Autoregressive (GHAR) model
by Jozef Baruník & Frantisek Cech - 2014/22 Access fees for competing lobbies
by Martin Gregor - 2014/21 Family matters: Concurrent capital buffers in a banking group
by Michal Skorepa - 2014/20 Trusting Former Rebels: An Experimental Approach to Understanding Reintegration after Civil War
by Michal Bauer & Nathan Fiala & Ian Levely - 2014/19 German International Trade: Interpreting Export Flows According to the Gravity Model
by Michal Paulus & Eva Michalikova & Vladimir Benacek - 2014/18 Deflation and Economic Growth in Long-Term Perspective
by Pavel Ryska - 2014/17 Receiver's access fee for a single sender
by Martin Gregor - 2014/16 Interest Rate Swap Credit Valuation Adjustment
by Jakub Cerny & Jiri Witzany - 2014/15 Determinants of Austrian International Trade: Analysis Based on the Gravity Model
by Lucie Davidova & Vladimir Benacek - 2014/15 Has the Relationship Between Market and Model CDS Price Changed during the EMU Debt Crisis?
by Petra Buzková - 2014/14 Bayesian default probability models
by Petra Andrlíková - 2014/13 Evidence for a ladder of investment in Central and Eastern European countries
by Goran Serdarevic & Matt Hunt & Tom Ovington & Clive Kenny - 2014/12 Bankruptcy, Investment, and Financial Constraints: Evidence from a Post-Transition Economy
by Martin Pospisil & Jiri Schwarz - 2014/11 Is Barrier version of Merton model more realistic? Evidence from Europe
by Petra Andrlíková - 2014/10 Ailing Mothers, Healthy Daughters? Contagion in the Central European Banking Sector
by Tomas Fiala & Tomas Havranek - 2014/09 Risk management of savings accounts
by Hana Dzmuranova & Petr Teply - 2014/08 Inflation Differentials among Czech Households
by Pavel Hait & Petr Jansky - 2014/07 Consumer Demand System Estimation and Value Added Tax Reforms in the Czech Republic
by Petr Jansky - 2014/06 Individual and Group Cheating Behavior: A Field Experiment with Adolescents
by Julie Chytilova & Vaclav Korbel - 2014/04 The Impact of Euro Adoption on Export Performance: Comparison of the Czech Republic and Slovakia
by Oliver Polyak - 2014/03 The impact of exchange rate volatility on trade: Evidence for the Czech Republic
by Oxana Babecka Kucharcukova - 2014/02 The Perspectives for Genetically Modified Cellulosic Ethanol in the Czech Republic
by Pavla Blahova & Karel Janda & Ladislav Kristoufek