2016, Volume XIX, Issue 2
- 3-11 Competitive Potential of Trade Organization: Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of Formation and Realization
by Nadezhda A. Serebryakova & Sergey V. Semenenko & Natalya V. Grishchenko & Tamara Y. Ulchenko - 12-20 Concessional Lending as a Perspective Tool of Development of Agribusiness
by L.V. Popova & D.A. Korobeynikov & O.M. Korobeynikova & S.J. Shaldokhina & D.O. Zabaznova - 21-33 Development of Methodological Approach to Enterprise’s Financial Strategy Based on Comprehensive Evaluation of Its Strategic Potential
by N.N. Kosinova & M.S. Tolstel & S.P. Sazonov & K.D. Vaysbeyn - 34-45 Environment Quality Management in Green Cities
by Lyudmila N. Medvedeva & Konstantin Y. Kozenko & Olga P. Komarova - 46-54 Formation of Concept of Provision of Economic Security of Organization: Personnel Aspect
by Viktoria V. Grigoryeva & Ekaterina V. Gorkovenko & Irina V. Platonova & Elena P. Borshevskaya & Elena I. Makrinova - 55-63 Formation of the System of Business Processes at Machine Building Enterprises
by Ekaterina P. Garina & Viktor P. Kuznetsov & Anastasia O. Egorova & Aleksandr P. Garin & Sergey N. Yashin - 64-70 Formation of the System of Management of Supporting University on the Basis of Strengthening of Communication Component
by Besarion C. Meskhi & Mikhail A. Izotov & Yuliya S. Knyazeva & Tatyana V. Simonyan - 71-78 Human Capital as a Key Factor of Economic Growth in Crisis
by A.V. Sultanova & O.S. Chechina - 79-85 Imperative of State in the Process of Establishment of Innovational Economy in the Globalizing World
by E.S. Akopova & N.V. Przhedetskaya - 86-99 Internal and External Factors of Food Security Policy in Russia
by Nikolai G. Kuznetsov & Vladimir V. Kuznetsov & Irina Y. Soldatova - 100-112 Methodological Aspects of Prioritization of Financial Tools for Stimulation of Innovative Activities
by I.D. Anikina & A.V. Gukova & Ð .Ð . Golodova & Ð .Ð . Chekalkina - 113-124 Methodological Provision of Active Management of Economic Risk in Agrarian Business
by Marina V. Korshikova & Irina P. Belikova & Tatyana I. Sakhnyuk & Pavel A. Sakhnyuk & Inna G. Svistunova - 125-134 Methodology of Formation and Realization of Competitive Strategy of Machine Building Enterprises
by Anastasia O. Egorova & Natalia S. Andryashina & Viktor P. Kuznetsov - 135-143 Model of Creation and Management of the Process of Technological Projects Development
by Besarion C. Meskhi & Mikhail A. Izotov & Yulia S. Knyazeva & V. Simonyan - 144-150 New Forms of Coal Industry Management
by Olga A. Tkacheva & Anna F. Batashova & Irina B. Zhukova & Anna A. Smakhtina & Raisa I. Naumenko - 153-160 Organizational and Methodological Approaches to Development of Accounting Policy for Formation of Integrated Accounting of Interrelated Agricultural Companies
by N. N. Balashova & V. A. Melikhov & M.A. Ovchinnikov & E.M. Egorova & E.V. Tokareva - 161-170 Peculiarities of Formation of Socially Oriented Strategy of Economic Growth of National Economy
by Olesya A. Stroeva & Nadezhda V. Mironenko & Innara R. Lyapina & Elena V. Petrukhina - 171-178 Perspectives of Development of Agriculture in Crisis by the Example of Present-Day Russia
by Y. Kozenko & Z. Kozenko & A. Bobicheva & K. Kozenko & M. Filin - 179-188 Institutional Tool of Financial Policy: Contractual Policy
by Nadezhda N. Makarova & Ekaterina I. Zubko & Larisa I. Bestuzheva & Ivan A. Chusov & Viktoria V. Surkova - 189-204 Russian Nanotechnology Industry Development: The Impact of External Political and Economic Sanctions
by Oleg Inshakov & Elena Inshakova - 205-217 Solving the Problem of Credit Defaults in Retail Sector
by Viktor M. Zaernyuk & Zinaida M. Nazarova & Vadim A. Kosyanov & Nadezhda N. Filimonova & Olga V. Vershinina - 218-227 Structural and Logical Model of Contemporary Global Economic System
by Elena Popkova & Oksana Chechina & Aleksandra Sultanova - 228-238 Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of Provision of Well-Balanced Development of Forest Sector of Economy under the Conditions of Climatic Changes and Increase of Anthropogenic Stress
by Artem V. Konstantinov & Oleg I. Vasilyev & Tatiana S. Koroleva & Elizaveta A. Shunkina - 239-250 Zoning of Territory on the Basis of Modeling of Efficiency of Forest Resources Use in Russian Regions’ Economy
by I.S. Zinovyeva & E.A. Kolesnichenko & A.V. Yakovlev - 251-257 Advancing Success in Behavior and Activities as One of Conditions for Development of Self-Esteem with Children
by Olga V. Dybina - 258-267 Investment Attractiveness of Small Innovational Business under the Conditions of Globalization and Integration
by Anna N. Ermakova & Svetlana S. Vaytsekhovskaya & Viktoria B. Malitskaya & Natalya Ð . Prodanova - 268-275 Management of Small Innovational Enterprise under the Conditions of Global Competition: Possibilities and Threats
by Svetlana V. Bogdanova & Irina V. Kozel & Lilia V. Ermolina & Tatiana N. Litvinova - 276-284 State Stimulation of Development of Small Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries
by Olga N. Kusakina & Natalia V. Bannikova & Svetlana S. Morkovina & Tatiana N. Litvinova - 284-293 Business Administration as a Basis for Development of Global Entrepreneurship
by N.Y. Ermakova & Olga V. Fokina & Ekaterina S. Tyufiakova & Irina S. Rogacheva & Yulia Tyurina - 294-301 Role of Business Administration in the Process of Formation of Post-Industrial Economy
by Natalia N. Telnova & Svyatoslav Serikov & Nelli A. Savelyeva & Tatiana Litvinova & Alexander Tenishchev - 302-309 Systemic Approach to Business Administration of Innovation-Oriented Enterprise
by Olga S. Mysova & Galina P. Dovlatyan & Irina P. Belikova & Tatiana N. Kostyuchenko & Maria Troyanskaya - 310-319 Institutional Tool of Financial Policy: Contractual Policy
by Nadezhda N. Makarova & Ekaterina I. Zubko & Larisa I. Bestuzheva & Ivan A. Chusov & Viktoria V. Surkova
2016, Volume XIX, Issue 1
- 3-17 Online Sports Betting in Greece: An Empirical Investigation
by Ioannis Papanastasiou & Vasileios Fourlas - 18-31 Audit Delay and Its Implication for Fraudulent Financial Reporting: A Study of Companies Listed in the Indonesian Stock Exchange
by Tulus Suryanto - 32-43 An Evaluation of Policies for Fiscal and External Sustainability during the Recent Greek Economic Crisis
by Panagiotis Chronis & George A. Zombanakis - 44-58 Ocean Shipping: By Far the Best Growth Model for Greece
by George C. Bitros - 59-70 The Financial System of the EU and the Capital Markets Union
by Florin Teodor Boldeanu & Ileana Tache - 71-83 Analysis of the Impact of Taxation of Business Entities on the Innovative Development of the Country
by Andrey Nechaev & Oksana Antipina - 84-92 SMEs Export Activities in the Czech Republic and Export Risk Insuring
by Pavla Breckova - 93-128 Structural Aspects of the European Union Economy
by Liliana Duguleana & Constantin Duguleana - 129-148 The Impact of the Eurozone Crisis on European Banks Stocks Contagion or Interdependence?
by Jean-Pierre Allegret & Helene Raymond & Houda Rharrabti - 149-164 Gauging the Impact of Country-Specific Values on the Acceptability of Global Management Accounting Principles
by David R. Borker - 165-178 The Foreign Exchange Exposure of Domestic Companies in Eurozone: Case of the Baltic States
by Ramona Rupeika-Apoga & Roberts Nedovis - 179-188 Innovational Mechanism of Implementation of Cluster Initiatives in Business
by Evgeny V. Frank & Oksana V. Mashevskaya & Lilia V. Ermolina - 189-200 Model of Innovation-Oriented State Economic Policy
by Vera I. Menshchikova & Aleksey V. Sayapin
2015, Volume XVIII, Issue 4
- 5-34 A Novel Graph Decomposition Approach to the Automatic Processing of Poorly Formalized Data: Innovative Ideas – A Management Case Study
by N.V. Patrikeeva & V.N. Babeshko & E.A. Kamenev & V.E. Podolskiy - 35-46 Development Regularities of Technical Systems as a Means of Scientific, Methodological and Information Support of Idea and Innovation Management
by A.I. Bashmakov & V.V. Popov & D.N. Zhedyaevskii & D.N. Chikichev & E.A. Voyakin - 47-56 Generic Heurorithm of Innovation Management from Generating Ideas to Commercialization
by A.I. Bashmakov & V.V. Popov & D.N. Zhedyaevskii & D.N. Chikichev & E.A. Voyakin - 57-74 The Issues of Covering Science and Technical Policy of Modern Russia in the Strategic Planning Documents
by E.V. Dmitrishina & D.A. Uskov - 75-82 The Concept of the Triad of Branches of State Power and Issues of its Modernisation
by Abdrasulov E.B. & Shalabaev S.R. & Mugauova A.I. - 83-92 Place and Function of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan within a System of Division of Powers
by Abdrasulov E.B. & Shalabaev S.R. & Mugauova A.I. - 93-102 Interpretation of the Constitution and of Law-Transforming Principles within Activity of Courts and the Agency of Constitutional Control in the Republic of Kazakhstan
by Abdrasulov E.B. & Shalabaev S.R. & Mugauova A.I. - 105-112 Improvement of Organizational Forms of Interaction of the Court and the Public Prosecution Office as a Condition of Effective Solution of General Tasks of the Court and the Public Prosecution Office
by Onlanbekova G.M. & Abdrasulov E.B. - 113-120 1994 Treaty as the Basis for the 2011 Agreement on Free Trade Area
by B. Amandossuly & S.Z. Aidarbaeyv & K.N. Shakirov & A.A. Alexeyev - 121-128 Principles of Interaction of Judicial Power and Prosecution Agencies as Reflection of Objective Regularities of Their Business Cooperation
by G.M. Onlanbekova & E.B. Abdrasulov - 129-140 The Problem of Determining the Place of International Civil Process in the Legal System of the Republic of Kazakhstan
by Tumenbaev S.A. & Erdzhanov T.K. & Bayzhanov M.M. & Darkenbaev A.I. & Serim G.U. - 141-146 Recommendations on Reforming the Current Legislation on the Import and Export of Research Materials
by A. E. Voinov & I. B. Khlebnikov & Sh. A. Dzhabrailov - 147-166 Consumer Rights Protection in International and Municipal Law: Problems and Perspectives
by S.B. Zharkenova & L.Sh. Kulmakhanova - 171-177 Experience of Universities in Practice-Oriented Training Personnel for High-Tech Enterprises
by Y.M. Borovin & E.V. Krylova & A.D. Shlyapin - 177-182 On Some Approaches to Evaluation of Well-formedness of Noncognitive Skills
by T.V. Krupa & A.A. Lebedev & M.I. Kovalenko & K.V. Anistratenko - 183-188 Theoretical Approaches to Evaluation of Meta-Subject ‘Noncognitive Skills’
by T.V. Krupa & A.A. Lebedev & M.I. Kovalenko & K.V. Anistratenko - 189-196 "Giants against Gods" (Regarding the plastic nature of sculpture and theater by the example of the exhibition and installation of the Pergamon altar in the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts)
by T. Portnova - 197-210 Some Aspects ?f Cognitive and Ideographic Characteristics ?s ? Means ?f Professional Terminological System Description
by Samigullina L.Z. - 211-218 Periodicity of Professional Pedagogical Education within Bachelor’s and Master’s Programmes in Natural Sciences
by Kartavykh M.A. & Ageeva E.L. & Filatova O.M. & Veryaskina M.A. & Ruban E.M. - 219-222 The Integration of Financial and Economic Disciplines in the Educational Process of Vocational Education
by Kuryleva O.I & Vinnikova I.S. & Gurtovaya N.S. & Kuznetsova E.A. & Ogorodova M.V. & Lavrent'eva L.V. - 223-230 Design of Professional Career by Future Experts in the Sphere of Art and Culture
by Medvedeva T.Y & Kazantseva G.A. & Mineeva O.A. & Karpukova A.A. & Daricheva M.V. - 231-242 The Use of Narrative as a Speech Behaviour Model
by E.A. Chelnokova & S.N. Kaznacheeva & I.B. Bicheva & T.V. Perova & Zh.V. Smirnova & N.F. Agayev - 247-260 Reduction in Budgetary Expenditure on Social Services as one of the Russian Economy Stabilization Plan Direction
by Elena Ivanova Danilina & Oksana Sergeevna Gaifutdinova & Nikolay Kuznetsof - 261-274 Current Trends of Investment Climate in the Republic of Kazakhstan
by Samal Tursynbekovna Omarova - 275-292 Niels Bohr’s Principle of Complementarities in Political Economy
by Vladilen Sergeevich Afanasyev & Yulia Mihayilovna Medvedeva & Rafael Envarovich Abdulov - 293-306 Development of the State Support for Agriculture in Krasnoyarsk Region
by Natalia Ivanovna Pyzhikova & Alexey Vladimirovich Ovsyanko & Lidiya Aleksandrovna Ovsyanko & Elizaveta Ivanovka Kavalenko & Elena Yurievna Vlasova - 307-320 Social Priorities of Internal Banking Assortment (Products) Policy
by Yury Rusanov & Yury Aleksandrovich Rovensky & Tatiana Belyanchikova & Natalya Nikolaevna Natocheeva & Anna Aleksandrovna Sysoeva
2015, Volume XVIII, Issue 3
- 7-20 Anatomy of the “Economic Miracleâ€
by A.Y. Arkhipov & B.H. Yerznkyan & E.M. Martishin - 21-30 Cluster Initiatives as a Competitiveness Factor of Modern Enterprises
by Elena Ryzhkova & Nikolai Prosvirkin - 31-40 Cluster Policy in Agrarian Sphere in Implementation of Concept of Economic Growth
by Larisa Popova & Svetlana Popova & Tatiana Dugina & Dmitry Korobeynikov & Olga Korobeynikova - 31-40 Cluster Policy in Agrarian Sphere in Implementation of Concept of Economic Growth
by Larisa Popova & Svetlana Popova & Tatiana Dugina & Dmitry Korobeynikov & Olga Korobeynikova - 41-50 Concept – Strategy “Green Cities†on the Basis of Medium Industrially Developed Cities of Russia and CIS Countries
by Lyudmila B. Medvedeva & Olga P. Komarova & Konstantin Y. Kozenko - 51-62 Development of Factoring Market in Russia
by Olesya Stroeva & Natalya Sukhorukova & Aleksandr Tsvyrko & Tatyana Ivashchenko - 63-76 Effectiveness of Management of Innovative Activities in Regional Socio-Economic Systems
by Olesya Stroeva & Innara R. Lyapina & Elena E. Konobeeva & Oksana E. Konobeeva - 77-90 Efficiency of Public Administration and Economic Growth in Russia: Empirical Analysis
by Alla Kalinina & Elena Petrova & Marina Buyanova - 91-102 Factors of Functioning and Development of Tourist Clusters at Regional Level
by Guzel Faizova & Natalya Kozhevnikova & Guzel Kashipova & Guzel Zinurova & Elena Egorova - 103-114 Historical Evolution of Economic Category “State Financial Reservesâ€
by Margarita Irizepova - 115-128 Methodical Approaches to Measuring Sustainable Development of Industrial Enterprises
by Tatiana Alferova & Elena Shilova & Elena Tretiakova - 129-136 Methods of State’s Reaction to Risks of State Finances Management
by Margarita Irizepova - 137-148 Modernization of Institutional Environment of Entrepreneurship in Russia for Development of Innovation Initiative in Small Business Structures
by Tatiana Epifanova & Nikolay Romanenko & Tatiana Mosienko & Tatyana Skvortsova & Alexandr Kupchinskiy - 149-166 Peculiarities of National Systems of Global Agricultural Credit Cooperation and Their Adaptation to Russian Conditions
by Yuri Kozenko & Konstantin Kozenko & Svetlana Zemlyanitsyna - 167-176 Perspectives of Growth of Economic Security by Clustering of Small Innovation Enterprises
by Tatiana Litvinova & Elena Bakitko & Larisa Popova & Elena Ioda & Leila Suleimanova & Maria Chirkina - 177-186 Problems and Perspectives of Formation of Agricultural Clusters for Increasing Food Security of Developing Countries
by Elena Popkova & Tatiana Litvinova & Nelli Saveleva & V. Sarakhmanova & Tatiana Popova & Sergei Mayer - 187-196 Problems and Perspectives of Implementation of Cluster Initiatives in Business in Developing Countries
by Elena Popkova & Alexander Natsubidze & Elena Kukina & Viktor Urodovskikh & Elena Ioda & Nadezhda Neustrova - 197-210 Provision of Economic Security by Creating Innovation Network of Transnational Cluster Initiatives
by Elena Popkova & Irina Morozova & Tatiana Litvinova & Anastasia Khisamova & Valeriy Moskovtsev & Julia Ioda & Irina Moiseeva - 211-222 Role of State in Formation and Development of Tourist Cluster
by Lyudmila Chernikova & Guzel Faizova & Natalya Kozhevnikova & Venera Aglieva & Ernst Safargaliev - 223-238 Socio – Economic Role of Service – Sector Small Business in Sustainable Development of the Russian Economy
by Lyudmila Rudenko & Natalia Zaitseva & Anna Larionova & Alex Chudnovskiy & Marina Vinogradova - 239-262 Strategy of Systemic Development of Entrepreneurial Infrastructure of Regional Economy
by Elena Sibirskaya & Elvira Yarnykh & Nina Eldyaeva & Tatyana Dubrova & Ludmilla Oveshnikova - 263-270 System of Control of Effectiveness of Enterprise Cooperation in Industrial Cluster
by Kirill Gerasimov & Nikolai Prosvirkin - 271-286 Development of National Production through Integration of Machine Building Enterprises into Industrial Park Structures
by E. Garina & S. Kuznetsova & E. Semakhin & S. Semenov & A. Sevryukova - 287-298 Role of Agricultural Clusters in Provision of Food Security
by Oksana Borisova & Ludmila Abramova & Liliya Zageeva & Elena Popkova & Irina Morozova & Tatyana Litvinova - 299-306 Solving Enterprise Management Problem with Cluster Technologies and ERP – Systems (in the Context of Capital CSE System)
by Anna Kolchanova & Polina Kolchanova - 307-315 Strategic Management of Sustainable Development of Agro – Industrial Complex with Economic Integration
by A. Ovchinnikov & Z. Kozenko & M. Bichkov & V. Kabanov & A.Karpova
2015, Volume XVIII, Issue 2
- 3-28 Strategic Management Process and the Importance of Structured Formality, Financial and Non-Financial Information
by Nikolaos G. Theriou - 29-44 The Coastal Shipping Network in Greek Insular Space: Reorganising it Towards a “Hub and Spoke†System Using Matrices of Flows and Connectivity Matrices
by Athanasios Papadaskalopoulos & Manolis Christofakis & Peter Nijkamp - 45-78 An Approach to the Analysis of Strategic Development Trend in the Electricity Production Regarding the Energy Sector Framework: The Ukrainian and Spanish Cases
by Viktoria Sihua & Anxo Calvo-Silvosa & Ilya Starodumov - 79-96 Investigating Social Protection Convergence in the EU-15: A Panel Data Analysis
by Athanasios Athanasenas & Xanthippi Chapsa & Athanasios Michailidis - 97-106 Financial Integration and Financial Development: Does Financial Integration Matter?
by Besnik Fetai - 107-116 Transaction Costs under Globalization: The Example of Russian Economy
by Tcvetkov Maksim & Tcvetkova Irina & Chkalova Olga - 107-116 Transaction Costs under Globalization: The Example of Russian Economy
by Tcvetkov Maksim & Tcvetkova Irina & Chkalova Olga - 117-134 Influence of Globalization on the Regional Capital Markets and Consequences; Evidence from Warsaw Stock Exchange
by Sofya Glavina
2015, Volume XVIII, Issue 1
- 3-24 Cultural and Socio-Economic Restrictions for the Adoption of the IESBA Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants in the European Countries
by Itsaso Barrainkua & Marcela Espinosa-Pike - 25-42 Money, Inflation and the Arab Spring in Bahrain
by Michael S. Miller & Seth Epstein - 43-54 Peculiarities of Implementation of the Results of Actors’ Solving of Political Tasks
by Tatyana Traverse - 55-66 Factoring Services in the Czech Republic
by Vladislav Pavlat & Otakar Schlossberger - 67-80 The Role of the Servant Leadership on the Relation between Ethical Climate Perception and Innovative Work
by Mustafa Kemal Topcu & Ali Gursoy & Poyraz Gurson - 81-96 Utilization of Customer Satisfaction Measurement in Czech Tourism
by Tomas Sadilek - 97-109 Government Control over Innovative Ventures in the West European Countries
by Elena Nikolaevna Zakharova & Anzaur Aslanbekovich Kerashev & Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Mokrushin & Ruslan Aslancherievich Tkhagapso & Marine Zaurovna Abesalashvili
2014, Volume XVII, Issue 4
- 3-18 Strategy of Sustainable Development in Investment Portfolio Case
by Alfredas Lukasevicius & Indre Lapinskaite - 19-34 Is Co-Branding a Double-Edged Sword for Brand Partners?
by Chia-Lin Lee - 35-54 Property Assets Fair Value Accounting Under Uncertainty
by Anastasios Tsamis & Konstantinos Liapis - 55-66 Clustering Stock Exchange data by Using Evolutionary Algorithms for Portfolio Management
by Malek Khojasteh Nejad - 67-92 The Conflict and Challenge of Integrating the “Others†in Europe
by Sheetal Sharma - 93-110 The Effect of Sector Loss on the Internal Structure of Regional Economies
by Erasmia Valma - 111-131 How is Moral Hazard Related to Financing R&D and Innovations?
by Ozgur Arslan-Ayaydin & Darold Barnum & Mehmet Baha Karan & Atilla Hakan Ozdemir
2014, Volume XVII, Issue 3
- 3-16 Looking for Synergy with Momentum in Main Asset Classes
by Lukas Macijauskas & Dimitrios I. Maditinos - 17-36 Public Private Partnership Contracts Financing by Covered Bonds
by Evgenios Tassopoulos & Sotirios Theodoropoulos - 37-58 The Effectiveness of the Federal Funds Rate as the U.S. Monetary Policy Tool Before, During and After the Great Recession
by Michael S. Miller & Jin W. Choi - 59-78 Modern Financial Tools that Can be Used by Municipalities: An Empirical Investigation from Greece
by Christos L. Pallis & Petros L. Pallis - 79-90 On the Dynamic Linkages between CO2 Emissions, Energy Consumption and Growth in Greece
by C. Katrakilidis & I. Kyritsis & V. Patsika - 91-102 Is There a Heteroscedasticity due to Gender in the Adult Learning? A View from Europe
by Marco Biagetti & Sergio Scichittano - 103-124 The Impact of Financial Structure on the Performance of European Listed Firms
by Hani El-Chaarani
2014, Volume XVII, Issue 2
- 3-19 Financial Analysis of the Greek Private Health Sector over the Last Decade (2002-2012)
by George Loukopoulos & Theodoros Roupas - 20-31 Bad Government as a Reason of Recent Financial Crisis in Europe
by Maryam Jafary Galooyek & Zaleha Mohd Noor & Ehsan Rajabi - 32-40 Residual Value and its Importance in Concession Agreements for Infrastructure Problems
by Evgenios Tassopoulos & Sotirios Theodoropoulos - 41-57 Internet Financial Reporting Quality and Corporate Characteristics: The Case of Construction Companies Listed in Greek and Cypriot Stock Exchange
by Michail Bekiaris & Chrysoula Psimada & Tasos Sergios - 58-80 Corporate Governance and its Effect on Firm Value and Stock Returns of Listed Companies on the Athens Stock Exchange
by Kanellos Toudas & Athanasios Bellas - 81-108 Helsinki Corridors: Ways of European Expansion and Development
by Ion Stancu & Mihai Vărzaru & Adriana Lăzărescu - 109-123 An Investigation of Cointegration and Casualty Relationships between the PIIGS’ Stock Markets
by Apostolos G. Christopoulos & Spyros Papathanasiou & Petros Kalantonis & Andreas Chouliaras & Savvas Katsikides
2014, Volume XVII, Issue 1
- 3-18 Predictive Ability of Three Different Estimates of “Cay†to Excess Stock Returns – A Comparative Study for South Africa and USA
by Noha Emara - 19-38 Measurement of Efficiency in Greek Banking Industries in The Light of the Financial Crisis
by Georgios D. Papagiannis - 39-68 Estimating the Relationship Between Rate of Time Preferences And Socio-Economic Factors In Russia
by Tatiana Kossova & Elena Kossova & Maria Sheluntcova - 69-84 Panel Data Estimation Techniques and Mark Up Ratios
by Michael L. Polemis - 85-100 The Impact of Longevity on Health Care Systems
by Jan Mertl - 101-118 Estimation of Interregional Trade Coefficients and Multipliers in the Context of An Interregional Model
by Erasmia Valma - 119-138 The Effect of Freight Transport Time Changes on The Performance of Manufacturing Companies
by Evangelos Sambracos & Irene Ramfou
2013, Volume XVI, Issue 4
- 3-14 Leaders Management and Personnel Controlling in SMEs
by Pavla BÅ™eÄ ková & Karel HavlÃÄ ek - 15-28 Quality Management as a Part of CRM
by Karel HavlÃÄ ek & Pavla BÅ™eÄ ková & Vicky Zampeta - 29-42 Sales Management and Sales Communication of SMEs
by Karel HavlÃÄ ek & OndÅ™ej Roubal - 43-56 New Trends of Management of European SMEs:The M-C Model
by Karel HavlÃÄ ek & Otakar Schlossberger - 57-70 Innovation Management and Controlling in SMEs
by Karel HavlÃÄ ek & Eleftherios Thalassinos & Liliana Berezkinova - 71-78 Export Potential of SMEs and Euro Adoption in the Czech Republic
by MojmÃr HelÃsek - 79-96 Financial Management in SMEs
by Irena Jindrichovska - 97-112 Management of Receivables in SMEs in the Czech Republic
by Dana KubÃÄ ková & Jiřà SouÄ ek - 113-126 Marketing and Marketing Communication in SMEs
by Dušan Pavlů
2013, Volume XVI, Issue 3
- 3-18 Impact of Global Economic Crisis on the European Welfare States
by Vlad Dumitrache & Ileana Tache - 19-46 Drivers of Value In The Beer Market: Comparing an Imported And A National Brand
by Cristina Calvo-Porral & Paulino Montes-Solla - 46-70 Financial Sustainability of Pension Systems in the European Union
by Yılmaz Bayar - 71-92 The Determinants of New Orders of Non-Defence Capital Goods and Its Relationship to Business Fixed Investment Expenditures: 1992 to 2010
by Douglas Mair & Evangelos Charos & Hossein Kazemi & Anthony J. Laramy - 93-116 Toward a Common Tax Regime for the European Union Countries
by Konstantinos Liapis & Antonios Rovolis & Christos Galanos - 117-132 European Training Path for 21 st Century School Leaders
by Simona Franzoni & Francesca Gennari - 133-160 Ten Million New Turkish Voters in 2011: Where they Come From? How They Voted? What It Means For The Future?
by Ali T. Akarca
2013, Volume XVI, Issue 2
- 3-24 Recent Evidence on the Taxpayers’ Reporting Decision in Greece: A Quantile Regression Approach
by Eleni A. Kaditi & Elisavet I. Nitsi - 25-33 Financial Development and Economic Growth: A Revised Empirical Study for Ireland
by Antonios Adamopoulos - 34-58 Financial Sector and Business Cycles Determinants in the EMU: An Empirical Approach (1996-2011)
by Dionysios K. Solomos & Dimitrios N. Koumparoulis - 59-67 Predicting the Production of Total Industry in Greece with Chaos Theory and Neural Networks
by Mike P. Hanias & Lykourgos Magafas - 68-81 Taxation as a Determinant of Economic Growth in South-Eastern Europe: The Case of Bulgaria and Croatia
by Ioanna Glykou & Vasileios Siokorelis - 82-97 Brewing the Recipe for Beer Brand Equity
by Cristina Calvo Porral & Normand Bourgault & Domingo Calvo Dopico - 98-119 The Determinants of Capital Structure in Emerging Capital Markets: Evidence from Serbia
by Dejan Malinić & Ksenija DenÄ ić-Mihajlov & Ema Ljubenović
2013, Volume XVI, Issue 1
- 3-19 A Financial Econometric Analysis of the Determinants of Interest Rate Risk in the US
by Augustine Arize & Andreas Christofi & Ioannis Kallianiotis & John Malindretos & Moschos Soulis - 20-28 Regional Business Competitiveness: Medium and Low-Technology Production Systems in Northern Greece
by Theodosios Palaskas & Maria Tsampra & Chrysostomos Stoforos - 29-40 The Specific Legal Nature of the Transaction in Islamic Banking Law
by Tamara Milenkovic-Kerkovic & Mirjana Jemovic - 41-66 The Clusters of Economic Similarities between EU Countries: A View Under Recent Financial and Debt Crisis
by Konstantinos Liapis & Antonios Rovolis & Christos Galanos & Eleftherios Thalassinos - 67-74 Agro Tourism as Public Good in Rural Areas: A Case Study
by Agnieszka Brelik - 75-92 Impact of Global Recession on Selected OECD Countries: A Panel Data Analysis
by Engin Erdogan & Meliha Ener & Feyza Arica & Murat Guven - 93-102 The Implications of the Accounting Harmonization Process on EU Countries: Α Case Study of Greece and Romania
by Elena Hlaciuc & Ionel Bostan & Veronica Grosu & Marian Socoliuc & Anisoara Niculina Apetri - 103-117 University - Business Cooperation Current Situation in Slovakia and Europe
by Zuzana MelicherÃková
2012, Volume XV, Issue 4
- 3-30 The Problem of Determining the Energy Mix: from the Portfolio Theory to the Reality of Energy Planning in the Spanish Case
by Fernando de Llano Paz & Anxo Calvo Silvosa & MartÃn Portos GarcÃa - 31-46 The Impact of Fuel and CO2 Prices on Electricity Power Plans
by Paula Fereira & Isabel Soares & Madalena Araujo - 47-64 Some Economic Aspects of Energy Security
by Xavier Labandeira & Baltazar Manzano - 65-108 Application of a Structural Model to the Spanish Electricity Wholesale Market
by VÃtor Marques & Isabel Soares & Adelino Fortunato - 109-132 Are we Following the Right Path? Assessment of the Portuguese Electricity Generation on Atmospheric Emissions
by Monica Meireles & Isabel Soares & Oscar Olfonso - 133-144 The Impact of Renewable Energy Sources on Economic Growth and CO2 Emissions - a SVAR approach
by Susana Silva & Isabel Soares & Carlos Pinho - 145-156 What’s Happening to the European Electricity Market?
by Isabel Soares & Andres Faina & Jose Lopez & Laura Varela-Candamio - 157-194 Unbundling in the Telecommunications and the Electricity Sectors: How Far should it Go?
by Isabel Soares & Paula Sarmento
2012, Volume XV, Issue 3
- 3-32 Responses of Monetary Authorities in Emerging Economies to International Financial Crises: What Do We Really know?
by Jean Pierre Allegret - 33-48 Portfolio Diversification in Extreme Environments: Are There Benefits from Adding Commodity Future Indices?
by Bala Batavia & Nandakumar Parameswar & Cheick Wagué - 49-80 The FDI Behaviour of polish Companies: Equity Based Entry Modes and their Impact on Performance
by Yolanda Gibb & Małgorzata Szałucka - 81-88 Recessions, Budget Deficits and Austerity: A Comment on the USA and European Economies
by Alex J. Kondonassis - 89-108 Toward a Common Tax Regime for the European Union Countries
by Konstantinos Liapis & Antonis Rovolis & Christos Galanos - 109-134 Urban Geographical Economics and per Capita GDP Growth in Romania
by Jesús López-RodrÃguez & Cosmin Bolea-Gabriel - 135-144 Education Government Regulations Come Always after Big Crises: Are Bankers Next to Split Following the Auditors?
by Theodore Pelagidis & Yanni Moutafidis - 145-160 Using Behavioral Economics to Analyze Credit Policies in the Banking Industry
by David Peón & Anxo Calvo - 161-184 Determinants of Tourism for “Sun and Sea’ Cyprus
by Haritini Tsangari
2012, Volume XV, Issue 2
- 3-22 Internet valuations: The case of Terra-Lycos
by Pablo Fernandez - 23-32 Time Series Prediction with Neural Networks for the Athens Stock Exchange Indicator
by M. Hanias & P. Curtis & E. Thalassinos - 33-46 Technical Progress as a Solution for Romania and Greece to Face the Global Crisis’ Problems and the Bad Forecasts
by Romeo Ionescu - 47-56 Who Responds More to Monetary Policy? Conventional Banks or Participation Banks
by Fatih Macit - 57-80 Impact of European Integration Process in Spain
by Almudena Martinez-Campillo & Mª del Pilar Sierra-Fernández - 81-104 Urban Advantages and Disadvantages in Southeastern Europe: An Appreciation of Industrial Firms by Using Exploratory Factor Analysis
by Theodore Metaxas - 105-116 Education System, Labour Market and Education System Graduates Employment in Romania
by Adina Popovici (Barbulescu) - 117-136 Discretionary Fiscal Policy in the EMU Context: An Empirical Approach (1981-2010) & the Recent Reform in European Governance
by Dionysios K. Solomos & Dimitrios N. Koumparoulis - 137-146 The Evaluation of the USD Currency and the Oil Prices: A Var Analysis
by Eleftherios J. Thalassinos & Evagelos D. Politis