October 2018, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 497-500 The Firm Divided: Manager-Shareholder Conflict in the Fight for Control of the Modern Corporation, by Graeme Guthrie. New York: Oxford University Press, 2017. 352 pp. ISBN: 978-0190641184
by Boatright, John R. - 501-505 The Sharing Economy: The End of Employment and the Rise of Crowd-Based Capitalism, by Arun Sundararajan. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2016. 256 pp. ISBN: 978-0262034579
by MacDonald, Chris - 506-508 The Moral Responsibility of Firms, edited by Eric W. Orts and N. Craig Smith. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press, 2017. 256 pp. ISBN: 978-0198738534
by Scharding, Tobey K.
July 2018, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 245-250 Guest Editors’ Introduction: Philosophical Approaches to Leadership Ethics II: Perspectives on the Self and Responsibility to Others
by Ciulla, Joanne B. & Knights, David & Mabey, Chris & Tomkins, Leah - 251-274 Plato on Virtuous Leadership: An Ancient Model for Modern Business
by Bauman, David C. - 275-300 The Leadership Ethics of Machiavelli’s Prince
by Cosans, Christopher E. & Reina, Christopher S. - 301-323 Self Constitution as The Foundation for Leading Ethically: A Foucauldian Possibility
by Ladkin, Donna - 325-354 The Normative Justification of Integrative Stakeholder Engagement: A Habermasian View on Responsible Leadership
by Patzer, Moritz & Voegtlin, Christian & Scherer, Andreas Georg - 355-359 Political Standards: Corporate Interest, Ideology, and Leadership in the Shaping of Accounting Rules for the Market Economy, by Karthik Ramanna. Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press, 2015. 296 pp. ISBN: 978-0226210742
by Gaa, James - 360-363 #republic: Divided Democracy in the Age of Social Media, by Cass R. Sunstein. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2017. 328 pp. ISBN: 978-0691175515
by Martin, Dominic - 364-368 The Wisdom of Finance: Discovering Humanity in the World of Risk and Return, by Mihir A. Desai. Boston/New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2017. 223 pp. ISBN: 978-0544911130
by Sison, Alejo José G.
April 2018, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 119-151 Which Firms Get Punished for Unethical Behavior? Explaining Variation in Stock Market Reactions to Corporate Misconduct
by Carberry, Edward J. & Engelen, Peter-Jan & Van Essen, Marc - 153-173 Contracts and Hierarchies: A Moral Examination of Economic Theories of the Firm
by Lee, Jooho - 175-201 Employee Anonymous Online Dissent: Dynamics and Ethical Challenges for Employees, Targeted Organisations, Online Outlets, and Audiences
by Ravazzani, Silvia & Mazzei, Alessandra - 203-218 Fiduciary Duty, Risk, and Shareholder Desert
by Sollars, Gordon G. & Tuluca, Sorin A. - 219-223 Private Government. How Employers Rule Our Lives (and Why We Don’t Talk about It), by Elizabeth Anderson. Princeton, Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2017. 224 pp. ISBN: 978-0691176512
by Blanc, Sandrine - 224-226 Success and Luck: Good Fortune and the Myth of Meritocracy, by Robert H. Frank. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2016. 208 pp. ISBN: 978-0691167404
by Eastman, Wayne - 227-229 Can Microfinance Work? How to Improve Its Ethical Balance and Effectiveness by Lesley Sherratt. New York: Oxford University Press, 2016. 256 pp. ISBN: 978-0199383191
by Hudon, Marek - 230-233 Deepwater Horizon: A Systems Analysis of the Macondo Disaster, by Earl Boebert and James M. Blossom. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2016. 304 pp. ISBN: 978-0674545236
by Ramanujam, Rangaraj - 237-239 Expression of Concern Regarding Jensen (2002), “Value Maximization, Stakeholder Theory, and the Corporate Objective Function”
by Barry, Bruce
January 2018, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-14 Guest Editors’ Introduction: Philosophical Contributions to Leadership Ethics
by Ciulla, Joanne B. & Knights, David & Mabey, Chris & Tomkins, Leah - 15-29 The Shadow of Sophocles: Tragedy and the Ethics of Leadership
by Amiridis, Kostas - 31-50 Ethical Responsibility - An Arendtian Turn
by Gardiner, Rita A. - 51-69 The Ethics of Affective Leadership: Organizing Good Encounters Without Leaders
by Munro, Iain & Thanem, Torkild - 71-98 Ethical Irony and the Relational Leader: Grappling with the Infinity of Ethics and the Finitude of Practice
by Rhodes, Carl & Badham, Richard - 99-102 The Challenges of Capitalism for Virtue Ethics and the Common Good: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, edited by Kleio Akrivou and Alejo José G. Sison. Cheltanham: Edward Elgar, 2016. 328 pp. ISBN: 978-1784717902
by Gustafson, Andrew - 103-105 Virtue at Work: Ethics for Individuals, Managers, and Organizations, by Geoff Moore. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. 216 pp. ISBN: 978-0198793441
by Hartman, Edwin - 106-109 Ethics in the Conflicts of Modernity: An Essay on Desire, Practical Reasoning, and Narrative, by Alasdair MacIntyre. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016. 332 pp. ISBN: 978-1107176454
by Sinnicks, Matthew - 110-113 Business Ethics: A Kantian Perspective (second edition), by Norman E. Bowie. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2017. 234 pp. ISBN: 978-1316343210
by Werhane, Patricia
October 2017, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 475-512 Ethical Climates in Organizations: A Review and Research Agenda
by Newman, Alexander & Round, Heather & Bhattacharya, Sukanto & Roy, Achinto - 513-540 Collateral Damage From the Show: Emotional Labor and Unethical Behavior
by Hong, Michelle C. & Barnes, Christopher M. & Scott, Brent A. - 541-567 Guest Editors’ Introduction: Gender, Business Ethics, and Corporate Social Responsibility: Assessing and Refocusing a Conversation
by Grosser, Kate & Moon, Jeremy & Nelson, Julie A. - 569-602 Corporate Social Responsibility and Women’s Entrepreneurship: Towards a More Adequate Theory of “Work”
by Johnstone-Louis, Mary - 603-631 Empowering Women Through Corporate Social Responsibility: A Feminist Foucauldian Critique
by McCarthy, Lauren - 633-636 Worldly Philosopher: The Odyssey of Albert O. Hirschman, by Jeremy Adelman. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2013. 740 pp. ISBN: 978-0691155678
by Cohen, Marc A. - 637-640 Ethics and Morality in Consumption: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, edited by Deirdre Shaw, Andreas Chatzidakis, and Michal Carrington. New York: Routledge, 2016. 268 pp. ISBN: 978-1138790230
by López-Rodríguez, Sofía - 641-644 Private Governance: Creating Order in Economic and Social Life, by Edward P. Stringham. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. 296 pp. ISBN: 978-0199365166
by Mena, Sébastien - 645-647 Business and Human Rights: From Principles to Practice, edited by Dorothée Baumann-Pauly and Justine Nolan. New York: Routledge, 2016. 329 pp. ISBN: 978-1138833586
by Santoro, Michael A.
July 2017, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 335-351 No Malibu Surfer Left Behind: Three Tales About Market Coercion
by Melkevik, Åsbjørn - 353-379 Profit and Other Values: Thick Evaluation in Decision Making
by van der Linden, Bastiaan & Freeman, R. Edward - 381-392 Guest Editors’ Introduction: Ethical Management of Intangible Assets in Contemporary Organizations
by Gambetti, Rossella C. & Melewar, T. C. & Martin, Kelly D. - 393-422 The Importance of Ethics in Branding: Mediating Effects of Ethical Branding on Company Reputation and Brand Loyalty
by Syed Alwi, Sharifah Faridah & Muhammad Ali, Sulaiman & Nguyen, Bang - 423-453 The Nature of the Relationship Between Corporate Identity and Corporate Sustainability: Evidence from The Retail Industry
by Simões, Cláudia & Sebastiani, Roberta - 455-458 From Field to Fork: Food Ethics for Everyone, by Paul B. Thompson. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. 329 pp. ISBN: 978-0-19-939168-4
by DesJardins, Joseph - 459-462 Reframing Economic Ethics: The Philosophical Foundations of Humanistic Management, by Claus Dierksmeier. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. 127 pp. ISBN: 978-3-3193-2299-5
by Koehn, Daryl - 463-465 Inventing the Market: Smith, Hegel, and Political Theory, by Lisa Herzog. New York: Oxford University Press, 2016. 208 pp. ISBN: 978-0-1987-8457-9
by Schleeter, Michael - 466-469 The Tyranny of the Ideal: Justice in a Diverse Society, by Gerald Gaus. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2016. 289 pp. ISBN: 978-0-0691-15880-8
by Singer, Abraham
April 2017, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 163-182 The Problem of Unilateralism in Agency Theory: Towards a Bilateral Formulation
by Pouryousefi, Sareh & Frooman, Jeff - 183-211 Talk Ain’t Cheap: Political CSR and the Challenges of Corporate Deliberation
by Sabadoz, Cameron & Singer, Abraham - 213-237 Guest Editors’ Introduction:Corporate Sustainability Management and Environmental Ethics
by Schuler, Douglas & Rasche, Andreas & Etzion, Dror & Newton, Lisa - 239-262 License to Critique: A Communication Perspective on Sustainability Standards
by Christensen, Lars Thøger & Morsing, Mette & Thyssen, Ole - 263-291 Environmental Managers and Institutional Work: Reconciling Tensions of Competing Institutional Logics
by Dahlmann, Frederik & Grosvold, Johanne - 315-318 The Vanishing American Corporation: Navigating the Hazards of a New Economy, by Gerald F. Davis. Oakland, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2016. 222 pp. ISBN: 978-1-62656-279-0
by Boatright, John R. - 319-322 Managing Corporate Impacts: Co-Creating Value, by Jennifer Griffin. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2016. 340 pp. ISBN: 9781316484944
by Hargrave, Timothy J. - 323-326 Inequality: What Can Be Done?, by Anthony B. Atkinson. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2015. 384 pp. ISBN: 978-0-674-50476-9
by Martin, Dominic - 327-330 Free Markets with Solidarity & Sustainability: Facing the Challenge, edited by Martin Schlag and Juan A. Mercado. Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2016. 313 pp. ISBN: 9780813228433
by Sison, Alejo José G.
January 2017, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-37 Corporate Philanthropy and Risk Management: An Investigation of Reinsurance and Charitable Giving in Insurance Firms
by Adams, Mike & Hoejmose, Stefan & Kastrinaki, Zafeira - 39-70 Exploring the Impact of Job Insecurity on Employees’ Unethical Behavior
by Lawrence, Ericka R. & Kacmar, K. Michele - 71-98 Political Stakeholder Theory: The State, Legitimacy, and the Ethics of Microfinance in Emerging Economies
by Olsen, Tricia D. - 99-123 Authenticity, Power, and Pluralism: A Framework for Understanding Stakeholder Evaluations of Corporate Social Responsibility Activities
by Skilton, Paul F. & Purdy, Jill M. - 125-142 Donaldsonian Themes: A Commentary
by Donaldson, Thomas - 143-146 Performance and Progress: Essays on Capitalism, Business, and Society, edited by Subramanian Rangan. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. 472 pp. ISBN: 978-0198744283
by Herzog, Lisa - 147-150 Confronting the Internet’s Dark Side: Moral and Social Responsibility on the Free Highway, by Raphael Cohen-Almagor. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015. 406 pp. ISBN: 978–1107105591
by Martin, Kirsten - 151-154 Creating Value in Nonprofit-Business Collaborations: New Thinking and Practice, by James E. Austin and M. May Seitanidi. San Francisco: John Wiley and Sons, 2014. 320 pp. ISBN: 978-1118531136
by Mongelli, Luca & Rullani, Francesco - 155-158 The Rise of Corporate Religious Liberty, edited by Micah Schwartzman, Chad Flanders, and Zoë Robinson. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. 491 pp. ISBN: 978-019026252-5
by Perry, Joshua E.
October 2016, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 445-464 Professionalism, Agency, and Market Failures
by von Kriegstein, Hasko - 465-478 Guest Editors’ Introduction: Human Dignity and Business
by Pirson, Michael & Goodpaster, Kenneth & Dierksmeier, Claus - 479-502 Hierarchies and Dignity: A Confucian Communitarian Approach
by Kennedy, Jessica A. & Kim, Tae Wan & Strudler, Alan - 503-528 Human Dignity and The Dignity of Work: Insights from Catholic Social Teaching
by Sison, Alejo José G. & Ferrero, Ignacio & Guitián, Gregorio - 529-555 Stakeholder Capability Enhancement as a Path to Promote Human Dignity and Cooperative Advantage
by Westermann-Behaylo, Michelle K. & Van Buren, Harry J. & Berman, Shawn L. - 557-560 The Fallacy of Corporate Moral Agency, by David Rönnegard. Dordrecht: Springer, 2015. 218 pp. ISBN 978-94-017-9756-6
by Hess, Kendy M. - 561-564 Markets without Limits: Moral Virtues and Commercial Interests, by Jason Brennan and Peter Jaworski. New York: Routledge. 2016. 252 pp. ISBN: 978-0415737357
by Layman, Daniel - 565-567 Corporate Social Responsibility? Human Rights in the New Global Economy, edited by Charlotte Walker-Said and John D. Kelly. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015. 392 pp. ISBN: 978-0226244273
by Nolan, Justine - 568-571 The Black Box Society: The Secret Algorithms that Control Money and Information, by Frank Pasquale. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2015. 320 pp. ISBN 978–0674368279
by Rubel, Alan
July 2016, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 277-300 Voice More and Stay Longer: How Ethical Leaders Influence Employee Voice and Exit Intentions
by Lam, Long W. & Loi, Raymond & Chan, Ka Wai & Liu, Yan - 301-315 Guest Editors’ Introduction: Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Developing Country Multinationals
by Doh, Jonathan & Husted, Bryan W. & Yang, Xiaohua - 317-345 Drivers of Global CSR Integration and Local CSR Responsiveness: Evidence from Chinese MNEs
by Miska, Christof & Witt, Michael A. & Stahl, Günter K. - 347-378 Corporate Social Responsibility in Developing Country Multinationals: Identifying Company and Country-Level Influences
by Preuss, Lutz & Barkemeyer, Ralf & Glavas, Ante - 379-406 The Corporate Social Performance of Developing Country Multinationals
by Zyglidopoulos, Stelios & Williamson, Peter & Symeou, Pavlos - 407-421 Are Rawlsian Considerations of Corporate Governance Illiberal? A Reply to Singer
by Blanc, Sandrine - 423-425 Corporate Governance, Employee Voice, and Work Organization: Sustaining High-Road Jobs in the Automotive Supply Industry, by Inge Lippert, Tony Huzzard, Ulrich Jürgens and William Lazonick. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. 304 pp. ISBN: 9-780199681075
by Kornelakis, Andreas - 426-429 Moral Disengagement: How People Do Harm and Live with Themselves, by Albert Bandura. New York: Macmillan, 2016. 544 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4641-6005-9
by Zsolnai, Laszlo - 430-433 Morality, Competition, and the Firm: The Market Failures Approach to Business Ethics, by Joseph Heath. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014. 424 pp. ISBN: 978-0-1999-9048-1
by Monge, Rosemarie - 434-437 The Social Life of Money, by Nigel Dodd. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2014. 456 pp. ISBN: 987-0-6911-4142-8
by Martin, Dominic
April 2016, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 159-180 The ‘Logic of Gift’: Inspiring Behavior in Organizations Beyond the Limits of Duty and Exchange
by Baviera, Tomás & English, William & Guillén, Manuel - 181-199 Moral Salience and the Role of Goodwill in Firm-Stakeholder Trust Repair
by Brown, Jill A. & Buchholtz, Ann K. & Dunn, Paul - 201-225 Cultural Discrepancy and National Corruption: Investigating the Difference between Cultural Values and Practices and Its Relationship to Corrupt Behavior
by Gelbrich, Katja & Stedham, Yvonne & Gäthke, Daniel - 227-256 Stakeholder Judgments of Value
by Lankoski, Leena & Smith, N. Craig & Van Wassenhove, Luk - 257-260 Business Ethics in Islam, by Abbas J. Ali. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014. 256 pp. ISBN 978-1781006726
by Kazmi, Azhar - 261-264 Happiness and Virtue Ethics in Business: The Ultimate Value Proposition by Alejo José G. Sison. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015. 318 pp. ISBN: 9781107044630
by Kim, Tae Wan - 265-268 Corporate Responsibility for Human Rights Impacts: New Expectations and Paradigms, edited by Lara Blecher, Nancy Kaymar Stafford, and Gretchen C. Bellamy. New York: ABA Book Publishing, 2015. 508 pp. ISBN: 978-1-62722-391-1
by Schrempf-Stirling, Judith - 269-272 Virtue and Economy: Essays on Morality and Markets, edited by Andrius Bielskis and Kelvin Knight. Farnham: Ashgate, 2015. 264 pp. ISBN: 978-1472412560
by Sinnicks, Matthew
January 2016, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-22 The Mysterious Ethics of High-Frequency Trading
by Cooper, Ricky & Davis, Michael & Van Vliet, Ben - 23-65 Board Gender Quotas: Exploring Ethical Tensions From A Multi-Theoretical Perspective
by Terjesen, Siri & Sealy, Ruth - 67-94 SMEs and Certified Management Standards: The Effect of Motives and Timing on Implementation and Commitment
by Iatridis, Konstantinos & Kuznetsov, Andrei & Whyman, Philip B. - 95-115 Ethical Leaders and Their Followers: The Transmission of Moral Identity and Moral Attentiveness
by Zhu, Weichun & Treviño, Linda K. & Zheng, Xiaoming - 137-141 Corporate Social Responsibility in a Globalizing World, edited by Kiyonteru Tsutsui and Alwyn Lim. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 512 pp. ISBN: 978–1107098596
by Baumann-Pauly, Dorothée - 142-145 The Managerial Sources of Corporate Social Responsibility: The Spread of Global Standards, by Christian R. Thauer. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014. 352 pp. ISBN: 978-1-107-06653-3
by Gössling, Tobias - 146-149 Marketing and the Common Good: Essays from Notre Dame On Societal Impact by Patrick E. Murphy and John F. Sherry Jr. New York: Routledge, 2014. 328 pp. ISBN: 978-0-415-82883-3
by Gustafson, Andrew - 150-153 Ethics and the Global Financial Crisis: Why Incompetence is Worse Than Greed by Boudweijn de Bruin. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015. 228 pp. ISBN: 978-1-107-02891-3
by Thosar, Satish
October 2015, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 1-1 Guest Editor’s Introduction: Normative Business Ethics in a Global Economy: New Directions on Donaldsonian Themes
by Strudler, Alan - 415-431 Of Corporations, Courts, Personhood, and Morality
by Blair, Margaret M. - 433-460 The Social Contract Model of Corporate Purpose and Responsibility
by Hsieh, Nien-hê - 461-488 Towards an Ethical Wealth of Nations: An Institutional Perspective on the Relation between Ethical Values and National Economic Prosperity
by Jennings, Peter L. & Velasquez, Manuel - 489-516 Can Hypernorms Be Justified? Insights From A Discourse–Ethical Perspective
by Scherer, Andreas Georg - 517-534 Denying Corporate Rights and Punishing Corporate Wrongs
by Sepinwall, Amy J. - 535-558 Inverting Donaldson’s Framework: A Managerial Approach To International Conflicts Of Cultural And Economic Norms
by Stark, Andrew - 559-582 When Ethical Tones at the Top Conflict: Adapting Priority Rules to Reconcile Conflicting Tones
by Warren, Danielle E. & Peytcheva, Marietta & Gaspar, Joseph P. - 583-586 Reason in a Dark Time: Why the Struggle Against Climate Change Failed—And What it Means for Our Future, by Dale Jamieson. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. 288 pp. ISBN: 978-0199337668
by Earl, Dennis - 587-589 Virtue in Business: Conversations with Aristotle, by Edwin M. Hartman. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. 272 pp. ISBN 978-1-107-03075-6
by Moore, Geoff - 590-593 Law, Business and Human Rights: Bridging the Gap, edited by Robert C. Bird, Daniel R. Cahoy and Jamie Darin Prenkert. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Press, 2014. 269 pp. ISBN: 978-1782546610
by Olsen, Tricia D. - 594-597 Corporations and Citizenship, edited by Greg Urban. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014. 392 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8122-4602-5
by Stewart, Oscar Jerome
July 2015, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 287-318 Virtuous Persons and Virtuous Actions in Business Ethics and Organizational Research
by Alzola, Miguel - 319-340 Moral Responsibility, Shared Values, and Corporate Culture
by Dempsey, James - 341-361 Bounded Ethicality and The Principle That “Ought” Implies “Can”
by Kim, Tae Wan & Monge, Rosemarie & Strudler, Alan - 363-391 The Inter-Institutional Interface of Religion and Business
by Peifer, Jared L. - 393-396 Capitalism, Corporations and the Social Contract: A Critique of Stakeholder Theory, by Samuel Mansell. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. 198 pp. ISBN: 9781107015524
by Néron, Pierre-Yves - 397-400 Business Persons: A Legal Theory of the Firm, by Eric W. Orts. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013. 328 pp. ISBN: 978-0-19-9670918
by Hasnas, John - 401-404 The Moral Background: An Inquiry into the History of Business Ethics, by Gabriel Abend. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2014. 399 pp. ISBN: 978-0-691-15944-7
by Goodpaster, Kenneth E. - 405-409 Capital Failure: Rebuilding Trust in Financial Services, ed. Nicholas Morris and David Vines. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. 329 pp. ISBN: 978-0-19-871222-0
by Cohen, Marc A.
April 2015, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 163-189 Engaging Ethically: A Discourse Ethics Perspective on Social Shareholder Engagement
by Goodman, Jennifer & Arenas, Daniel - 191-212 The Ethics of Sweatshops and the Limits of Choice
by Kates, Michael - 213-241 Holding Others in Contempt: the Moderating Role of Power in the Relationship Between Leaders’ Contempt and their Behavior Vis-à-vis Employees
by Sanders, Stacey & Wisse, Barbara M. & Van Yperen, Nico W. - 243-265 Imprudence and Immorality: A Kantian Approach to the Ethics of Financial Risk
by Scharding, Tobey K. - 267-270 Ten Virtues of Outstanding Leaders: Leadership and Character, by Al Gini and Ronald M. Green. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013. 209 pp. ISBN: 978-0470672310
by Padgett, Barry L. - 271-274 The Heart of Human Rights, by Allen Buchanan. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013. 336 pp. ISBN: 978-0199325382
by Posner, Michael - 275-278 An Uncertain Glory: India and its Contradictions, by Jean Drèze and Amartya Sen. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2013. 448 pp. ISBN: 978-0691160795
by Sethi, S. Prakash - 279-282 Business Ethics in the 21st Century, by Norman E. Bowie. Dordrecht: Springer, 2013. 235 pp. ISBN: 978-9400762220
by Silver, David
January 2015, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-28 Agonistic Pluralism and Stakeholder Engagement
by Dawkins, Cedric - 29-64 Rawls on Markets and Corporate Governance
by Norman, Wayne - 65-92 There Is No Rawlsian Theory of Corporate Governance
by Singer, Abraham - 93-124 Rethinking the Very Idea of Egalitarian Markets and Corporations: Why Relationships Might Matter More than Distribution
by Néron, Pierre-Yves - 125-141 Corporate Social Responsibility Practice from 1800–1914: Past Initiatives and Current Debates
by Husted, Bryan W. - 143-146 Corporate Governance in the Common-Law World: The Political Foundations of Shareholder Power, by Christopher Bruner. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. 318pp. ISBN: 978-1-1070-1329-2
by Anand, Anita & Muir, William - 147-150 Obstacles to Ethical Decision-Making: Mental Models, Milgram and the Problem of Obedience, edited by Patricia Werhane, Laura Pincus Hartman, Crina Archer, Elaine E. Englehardt, and Michael S. Pritchard. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. 260pp. ISBN: 978–1107000032
by Moore, Celia - 151-154 Exploring Capitalist Fiction: Business through Literature and Film, by Edward W. Younkins. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2014. 331 pp. ISBN: 978-0-7391-8426-4
by Michaelson, Christopher - 155-158 Natural Corporate Management: From the Big Bang to Wall Street, by William C. Frederick. Sheffield, UK: Greenleaf Publishing Limited, 2012. 272 pp. ISBN: 978-1-9060-9380-8
by Velasquez, Manuel
October 2014, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 509-531 Consumption Practices: A Virtue Ethics Approach
by Garcia-Ruiz, Pablo & Rodriguez-Lluesma, Carlos - 533-563 Participation versus Consent: Should Corporations Be Run according to Democratic Principles?1
by Hielscher, Stefan & Beckmann, Markus & Pies, Ingo - 565-594 Confucian Ethics and Labor Rights
by Kim, Tae Wan - 595-616 When Does Ethical Leadership Affect Workplace Incivility? The Moderating Role of Follower Personality
by Taylor, Shannon G. & Pattie, Marshall W. - 617-620 Wall Street Values: Business Ethics and the Global Financial Crisis , by Michael A. Santoro and Ronald J. Strauss (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013). Hardcover, 232 pp.; ISBN: 9781107017351
by Enderle, Georges - 621-623 Embedding CSR into Corporate Culture: Challenging the Executive Mind, by Diane Swanson. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. ISBN: 978-1-137-30007-2
by Frederick, William C. - 624-627 Regulating Code: Good Governance and Better Regulation in the Information Age, by Ian Brown and Christopher Marsden. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2013. ISBN: 978-0262018821
by Martin, Kirsten - 627-630 On Global Justice, by Mathias Risse. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2012. ISBN: 978-0691142692
by Wettstein, Florian
July 2014, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 315-342 Guest Editors’ Introduction Individual and Organizational Reintegration after Ethical or Legal Transgressions: Challenges and Opportunities
by Goodstein, Jerry & Butterfield, Kenneth D. & Pfarrer, Michael D. & Wicks, Andrew C. - 343-370 A Responsive Approach to Organizational Misconduct: Rehabilitation, Reintegration, and the Reduction of Reoffense
by Bertels, Stephanie & Cody, Michael & Pek, Simon - 371-410 Organizational Reintegration and Trust Repair after an Integrity Violation: A Case Study
by Gillespie, Nicole & Dietz, Graham & Lockey, Steve - 411-441 Back into the Fold: The Influence of Offender Amends and Victim Forgiveness on Peer Reintegration
by Gromet, Dena M. & Okimoto, Tyler G. - 443-473 Bridging Diverging Perspectives and Repairing Damaged Relationships in the Aftermath of Workplace Transgressions
by Okimoto, Tyler G. & Wenzel, Michael - 475-478 Kantian Business Ethics: Critical Perspectives, edited by Denis G. Arnold and Jared D. Harris. Northhampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2012. 196pp. Index. ISBN: 978-1-78100-495-1
by Dubbink, Wim - 478-482 Corporate Responsibility: The American Experience, by Archie Carroll, Kenneth Lipartito, James Post, Patricia Werhane, and executive editor Kenneth Goodpaster. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. ISBN: 978-1-107-02094-8 (hardback), 978-1-107-60525-1 (paperback)
by Duska, Ronald - 482-485 Wall Street Research: Past, Present, and Future, by Boris Groysberg and Paul M. Healy. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2013. Hardcover, 200pp. $39.95, ISBN: 9780804785310; e-book $39.95, ISBN: 9780804787123
by Kolb, Robert W. - 485-488 Living With the Dragon: Thinking and Acting Ethically in a World of Unintended ConsequencesDaryl Koehn (New York: Routledge, 2010) ISBN: 978-0415874977
by MacDonald, Chris
April 2014, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 165-202 The Effects of Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility on Employee Attitudes
by Glavas, Ante & Kelley, Ken - 203-227 Decent Termination: A Moral Case for Severance Pay
by Kim, Tae Wan - 229-249 Practices, Governance, and Politics: Applying MacIntyre’s Ethics to Business
by Sinnicks, Matthew - 251-276 Global Business Norms and Islamic Views of Women’s Employment
by Syed, Jawad & Van Buren, Harry J. - 277-279 Addendum to “Relationships between Authentic Leadership, Moral Courage, and Ethical and Pro-Social Behaviors”
by Hannah, Sean T. & Avolio, Bruce J. & Walumbwa, Fred O. - 281-283 The Darwin Economy: Liberty, Competition, and the Common Good, by Robert H. Frank. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2012. ISBN: 978-0691156682
by O’Hare, Michael - 283-287 The Economist’s Oath: On the Need for and Content of Professional Economic Ethics, by George F. DeMartino. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011
by Pouryousefi, Sareh - 287-291 Trouble in the Middle: American Chinese Business Relations Culture, Conflicts and Ethics, by Steven P. Feldman. London: Routledge Publications, 2013. ISBN: 978-0415884488
by Sethi, S. Prakash - 291-294 Management and the Gospel: Luke’s Radical Message for the First and Twenty-First Centuries, by Bruno Dyck. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2013. Hardcover, 320 pp., $110.00. ISBN-10: 1137280883; ISBN-13: 978-1-137-28088-6
by Stansbury, Jason
January 2014, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-30 A Stakeholder–Human Capital Perspective on the Link between Social Performance and Executive Compensation
by Madsen, Peter M. & Bingham, John B. - 31-53 Compensation Ethics and Organizational Commitment
by Moriarty, Jeffrey - 55-83 Global Labor Justice and the Limits of Economic Analysis
by Preiss, Joshua - 85-117 Is Formal Ethics Training Merely Cosmetic? A Study of Ethics Training and Ethical Organizational Culture
by Warren, Danielle E. & Gaspar, Joseph P. & Laufer, William S. - 119-134 Why Business Ethics Needs Rhetoric: An Aristotelian Perspective
by Duska, Ronald F. - 135-138 The Rise of Global Corporate Social Responsibility: Mining and the Spread of Global Norms, by Hevina S. Dashwood. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. ISBN: 978-1107015531
by Bishop, John Douglas - 139-141 Reforming Capitalism: The Scientific Worldview and Business, by Rogene Buchholz. London: Routledge, 2012. ISBN: 978-0415517386
by Carrascoso, Carlo - 142-143 Management Ethics: Placing Ethics at the Core of Good Management, by Domènec Melé. London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2012. ISBN: 978-0230246300
by Freeman, R. Edward - 144-147 Too Much is Not Enough: Incentives in Executive Compensation, by Robert W. Kolb. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012; xi + 216pp.; ISBN: 978-0-19-982958-3
by Heath, Eugene
October 2013, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 497-525 Corporate Institutions in a Weakened Welfare State: A Rawlsian Perspective
by Blanc, Sandrine & Al-Amoudi, Ismael - 527-560 Ideology as Rationalization and as Self-Righteousness: Psychology and Law as Paths to Critical Business Ethics
by Eastman, Wayne - 561-589 The Ethical Crisis in Microfinance: Issues, Findings, and Implications
by Hudon, Marek & Sandberg, Joakim - 591-616 Who and What Really Matters to the Firm: Moving Stakeholder Salience beyond Managerial Perceptions
by Tashman, Pete & Raelin, Jonathan - 617-619 King Car and the Ethics of Automobile Proponents’ Strategies in China and India, by Martin Calkins. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2011. 164 pp. Index. ISBN: 978-1617612718
by Miller, Lantz Fleming - 620-621 Organization, Society and Politics: An Aristotelian Perspective, by Kevin Morrell. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, ISBN: 978-0-230-30446-8
by Moore, Geoff - 622-624 The Myth of the Ethical Consumer - The Myth of the Ethical Consumer, by T. M. Devinney, P. Auger, and G. M. Eckhardt Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. Paperback, 258 pp., ISBN: 978-0-5217-4755-4
by Schrempf-Stirling, Judith - 625-628 Multinationals and Corporate Social Responsibility: Limitations and Opportunities in International Law, by J. A. Zerk. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006. Paperback, 368 pp., ISBN: 978-0-5211-7520-3
by Schrempf-Stirling, Judith - 628-632 Corporate Social Responsibility: An Ethical Approach, by Mark S. Schwartz. Peterborough, Ont.: Broadview Press, 2011, 176 pp. ISBN: 978-155-111-2947
by Windsor, Duane
July 2013, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 349-379 Stakeholder Happiness Enhancement: A Neo-Utilitarian Objective for the Modern Corporation
by Jones, Thomas M. & Felps, Will - 381-406 The Poor as Suppliers of Intellectual Property: A Social Network Approach to Sustainable Poverty Alleviation
by Shivarajan, Sridevi & Srinivasan, Aravind - 407-442 Managing Social-Business Tensions: A Review and Research Agenda for Social Enterprise
by Smith, Wendy K. & Gonin, Michael & Besharov, Marya L. - 443-475 The Great Escape: The Unaddressed Ethical Issue of Investor Responsibility for Corporate Malfeasance
by Wesley II, Curtis L. & Ndofor, Hermann Achidi - 477-480 Public Capitalism: The Political Authority of Corporate Executives, by Christopher McMahon (Haney Foundation Series) (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013). Hardcover, 208 pp., $39.95; ISBN-10: 0812244443; ISBN-13: 978-0812244441
by Boatright, John - 480-483 Tax Cheating: Illegal—But Is It Immoral?, by Donald Morris (Albany: State University of New York Press, 2012). Paperback, 296 pp., $24.95. ISBN-10: 143844270X; ISBN-13: 978-1438442709
by Mullin, Richard P. - 483-486 Behavioral Business Ethics: Shaping an Emerging Field, edited by David De Cremer and Ann E. Tenbrunsel (New York: Routledge, 2012). Hardcover, 280 pp., $72. ISBN-10: 041587324X; ISBN-13: 978-0415873246
by Reynolds, Scott J. - 486-489 The Shareholder Value Myth: How Putting Shareholders First Harms Investors, Corporations, and the Public, by Lynn A. Stout (San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., 2012). Paperback, 120 pp., $16.95. ISBN: 978-1-6050-9813-5
by Schrempf-Stirling, Judith - 489-492 Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do?, by Michael Sandel (Penguin, 2010). Paperback, 244 pp. ISBN: 978-0-141-04133-9 - What Money Can’t Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets, by Michael Sandel (Penguin, 2012). Paperback, 308 pp. ISBN: 978-1-846-14472-1
by Wempe, Ben
April 2013, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 171-205 The Origins of Business Ethics in American Universities, 1902–1936
by Abend, Gabriel - 207-238 Shareholder Wealth Maximization and Social Welfare: A Utilitarian Critique
by Jones, Thomas M. & Felps, Will - 239-268 Why Saying “I’m Sorry” Isn’t Good Enough: The Ethics of Corporate Apologies
by Koehn, Daryl - 269-296 The Influence of Ethical Leadership and Regulatory Focus on Employee Outcomes
by Neubert, Mitchell J. & Wu, Cindy & Roberts, James A. - 297-329 Positive Economics and the Normativistic Fallacy: Bridging the Two Sides of CSR
by Schreck, Philipp & Aaken, Dominik van & Donaldson, Thomas - 331-334 International Management Ethics: A Critical, Cross-Cultural Perspective, by Terence Jackson (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011). ISBN: 9780521618656
by Claeyé, Frederik - 335-337 Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Business Ethics, by Walton Padelford. Mountain Home, Ark.: BorderStone Press, 2011. 223 pages
by Waibel, Paul R. - 337-344 Human Rights and the Ethics of Globalization, by Daniel E. Lee and Elizabeth J. Lee. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010. Paperback, xvi + 264 pages. ISBN: 978-0521519335
by Yan, Lili & Fort, Timothy