2025, Volume 71, Issue 3
- 113-123 Hydraulic sizing of forest road pipe culverts
by Karel Zlatuška & Petr Kupec & Martin Duchan & Alena Tichá & Jan Deutscher - 124-137 Impact of technical water retention on European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) resilience and growth dynamics
by Zdeněk Vacek & Ivana Tomášková & Zdeněk Fuchs & Václav Šimůnek & Stanislav Vacek & Jan Cukor & Lukáš Bílek & Josef Gallo & Karel Zlatuška & Martin Duchan - 138-148 Rainfall variability in the mountain forest catchments of Černá Opava tributaries in the Jeseníky Mountains
by Vít Šrámek & Věra Fadrhonsová & Kateřina Neudertová Hellebrandová - 149-158 Carbon storage and climate mitigation effect in Central European forestry - To be managed, or left unmanaged?
by Michal Synek & Emil Cienciala & Jaroslav Kubišta
2025, Volume 71, Issue 2
- 59-71 Will cultural and regulatory forest services provide enough balance to provisioning services in forest enterprise portfolios in future? Marketing case studies of selected forest enterprises in Slovakia
by Alex Bumbera & Daniel Halaj & Iveta Hajdúchová - 72-85 Analysis of selected functional parameters of saw chains
by Pavel Nevrkla & Luboš Staněk & Jindřich Neruda - 86-98 Dynamic parameters of lowering loads at gradual tree felling
by Tomáš Kotek & Jindřich Neruda - 99-111 Potential for monetisation and utilisation of wood raw material from pioneer tree species stands in the Czech Republic
by Roman Dudík & Petra Palátová & Aleš Kůs & David Homolka & Andreas Nikodemus
2025, Volume 71, Issue 1
- 1-1 List of reviewers 2024
by Editorial Department - 1-9 Phytochemical screening and phytotoxic activity of Pinus ponderosa (Dougl.) Lawson
by Mouna Souihi & Marwa Khammassi & Habiba Kouki & Ismail Amri & Mohsen Hanana & Lamia Hamrouni & Yassine Mabrouk - 1-57 Corrigendum: The importance of coarse woody debris in dynamic phases exposure in the beech (Fagus orientalis L.) stands of Hyrcanian forests
by Vahid Etemad & Mohsen Javanmiri Pour & Zeinab Foolady - 10-22 The effect of acorn scarification on the growth and root system size of Quercus robur L. seedlings grown in nursery containers
by Mariusz Kormanek & Paweł Tylek & Jacek Banach & Zdzisław Kaliniewicz - 23-39 High light availability offsets low naturalness regarding diversity but cannot compensate for reduced ecological value: A case study of near-natural forests and tree plantations in Serbia
by Khanh Vu Ho & Mirjana Ćuk & Andraž Čarni & Dragana Vukov & Miloš Ilić & László Erdös - 40-56 Assessment of ozone impact on forest vegetation using visible foliar injury, AOT40F exposure index and MDA concentration in two meteorologically contrasting years
by Radek Novotný & Leona Vlasáková & Vít Šrámek & Václav Buriánek & Nina Benešová
2024, Volume 70, Issue 12
- 603-609 The sex ratio of spruce bark beetles - Ips typographus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) captured in different types of traps
by Marie Zahradníková & Jaroslav Dostál & Petr Zahradník - 610-618 Cryptostroma corticale and its relationship to other pathogens and pests on Acer pseudoplatanus
by František Lorenc - 619-633 A GLMER-based pedotransfer function expressing the relationship between total organic carbon and bulk density in forest soils
by Václav Zouhar & Aleš Kučera & Karel Drápela - 634-637 The distribution of Castanea sativa and its ability to regenerate in the Czech Republic
by Jaroslav Holuša & Kamil Holý
2024, Volume 70, Issue 11
- 545-559 Soil temperature dynamics in the forest shelterbelt and in the field
by Aneta Kohútová & Jan Štykar - 560-573 Influence of scattered Greek juniper trees on soil properties in semi-arid woodlands in the northwest of Iran
by Younes Rostamikia & Mohammad Matinizadeh & Sohrab Mohtaram Anbaran - 574-592 Impacts of management and changed hydrology on soil microbial communities in a floodplain forest
by Jiří Volánek & Martin Valtera & Ladislav Holík & Martin Kománek & Hana Burdová & Josef Trögl & Diana Polanská Nebeská & Jitka Novotná & Pavel Samec & David Juřička - 593-601 The effect of mechanical site preparation on sandy soil properties in Scots pine plantations
by Ján Židó & Milan Kašiar & Marián Homolák & Erika Gömöryová
2024, Volume 70, Issue 10
- 501-511 Characteristics of the workplace of harvester operators in Poland
by Dominika Gaj-Gielarowiec & Karol Gielarowiec & Grzegorz Szewczyk & Paweł Tylek - 512-528 Mechanical and physical properties of three Eucalyptus spp. clones planted in Thailand
by Trairat Neimsuwan & Kitipong Tangkit & Chakrit Na Takuathung & Nopparat Kaakkurivaara & Ponthep Meunpong & Narinthorn Jumwong & Pattama Sangvisitpirom & Tomi Kaakkurivaara - 529-538 Economic parameters of the natural forest regeneration in changing conditions - A case study
by Stanislav Novotný & Josef Gallo & Vilém Podrázský - 539-544 Stand structural analyses of grey poplar (Populus × canescens) stands focused on the expected volume in Hungary
by Tamás Ábri & Zsolt Keserű & Veronika Honfy & Attila Borovics & Károly Rédei
2024, Volume 70, Issue 9
- 447-457 Using marteloscope in selection forestry - Study case from 'Pokojná hora' (Czech Republic)
by Jan Kadavý & Jana Kneiflová & Michal Kneifl & Barbora Uherková - 458-475 Age-related phenological and anatomical response of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) under severe summer drought conditions
by Dimitrios Tsalagkas & Hanuš Vavrčík & Vladimír Gryc & Kyriaki Giagli - 476-491 Vegetation composition, chemical element flows and their interactions in the forested riparian zone: An example from a small stream in Latvia
by Līga Pentjuša & Toms Artūrs Štāls & Arta Bārdule & Zane Lībiete & Linda Gerra-Inohosa - 492-500 Preliminary results from simultaneous planting of Fagus sylvatica and pioneer species on calamity clearings
by Antonín Martiník & Zdeněk Adamec & David Březina & Jiří Krásenský
2024, Volume 70, Issue 8
- 391-406 The role of the water regime in a reclaimed limestone quarry
by Marcela Burnog & Aleš Kučera - 407-419 Overstorey leaf production and emergence of sassafras saplings in a southwest Missouri oak woodland: An analysis based upon long-term effects of fire
by Sanjeev Sharma & Alexander Wait & Puskar Khanal - 420-435 Candidate natural enemy assemblage for the biological control of Lymantria dispar L. in oak (Quercus spp.) with different levels of pest infestation
by Gloria López-Pantoja & Antonia María Paramio & Sebastiana Malia & Israel Sánchez-Osorio - 436-445 Effect of the body mass index and length of work on the stress of individual body parts of chainsaw operators
by Luboš Staněk & Václav Mergl
2024, Volume 70, Issue 7
- 335-352 Geographical forest zonation: Perspectives, history and use
by Petr Dujka & Antonín Kusbach - 353-367 Research on an effective artificial regeneration method for selected commercially important coniferous tree species on a large sanitation cut site situated in the Javorníky Mts., Western Carpathians
by Martin Belko & Anna Tučeková & Roman Longauer & Valéria Longauerová & Vladimír Mačejovský & Ivan Horvát - 368-380 Change in forest species composition and its projections into the economy of forest owners
by Václav Šebek & Václav Kupčák & Andrea Janáková Sujová - 381-390 Over- and under-bark volume estimation of European larch timber produced by mechanised harvesting in Czechia
by Monika Löwe & Radim Löwe & Martin Jankovský & Pavel Natov & Jiří Dvořák
2024, Volume 70, Issue 6
- 265-280 Integrating indigenous knowledge and culture in sustainable forest management via global environmental policies
by Scholastica Akalibey & Petra Hlaváčková & Jiří Schneider & Jitka Fialová & Samuel Darkwah & Albert Ahenkan - 281-298 Environmental problems and biodiversity conservation through silviculture in Sri Lanka: Current state, struggles and cooperation with Czech foresters - A review
by Channa Suraweera & Josef Gallo & Stanislav Vacek & Martin Baláš - 299-316 Evaluation of the effect of different thinning types on dendrometric parameters and subsequent spontaneous growth in a beech-oak-linden stand
by Kateřina Novosadová & Jiří Kadlec & Petr Sýkora & Martin Kománek & Radek Pokorný - 317-334 Forest carbon and a regional perspective on the effectiveness of financial instruments within the forest bioeconomy
by Michaela Perunová & Jarmila Zimmermannová & Tereza Schovánková
2024, Volume 70, Issue 5
- 209-222 Sensitivity analysis and performance evaluation of neural networks for predicting forest stand volume - A case study: District 2, Kacha, Guilan province, Iran
by Sima Lotfi Asl & Iraj Hassanzad Navroodi & Aman Mohammad Kalteh - 223-234 Tree resources decline in Saudi Arabia: Climate change or pest attack causes?
by Naimah Alanazi - 235-248 Innovations in the methodological approach to quantifying and evaluating the supported effects of forests for recreational and educational ecosystem services
by Zdeněk Odvárka & Jitka Meňházová - 249-263 Overgrazing strongly impedes the natural regeneration of the endemic Boswellia species on Socotra Island
by Salem Hamdiah & Klemen Eler & Kay Van Damme & Fabio Attorre & Dario La Montagna & Michele De Sanctis & Mohammed Shaneyehen & Mohammed Amar & Theodore Danso Marfo & Petr Maděra
2024, Volume 70, Issue 4
- 161-175 Nutrient content in biomass of bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) in different habitats of protected areas of Inner Western Carpathians
by Martin Kubov & Rastislav Janík & Jakub Tomes & Branislav Schieber - 176-184 Old Juniper Troll stand - The oldest shrub population from Scandinavia
by Jiří Lehejček & Matěj Roman & Martin Lexa & Paul Eric Aspholm & Jiří Mašek - 185-201 Effects of slope and tree position on soil properties in a temperate deciduous forest
by Gabriela Tomášová & Tomáš Vichta & Nikola Žižlavská & Jan Deutscher & Ondřej Hemr & Martina Brychtová & Lenka Pavlů & Aleš Bajer - 202-207 Light response curve analysis of juvenile black locust clones: A case study from eastern Hungary
by Tamás Ábri & Dániel Gaganetz & József Csajbók
2024, Volume 70, Issue 3
- 103-121 Chemical forest amelioration: Experience from the Czech Republic and other selected countries - A review
by Martin Baláš & Ivan Kuneš & Vilém Podrázský & Josef Gallo & František Lopot - 122-134 Detecting land use/land cover changes and forest degradation: A case study of the lower Soummam valley, northern Algeria
by Megdouda Smail & Zoubir Boubaker & Mohamed Sbabdji & Habib Mouaissa & Bimare Kombate - 135-143 Use of the threshold segmentation method as an alternative for estimating the volume of forest industry residues
by Carlos Borrego-Núñez & Pablito Marcelo López-Serrano & Pedro Antonio Domínguez-Calleros & Jorge Luis Compeán-Aguirre & Artemio Carrillo-Parra - 144-159 Calculation and operational assessment of tyre contact areas in the tractor-and-trailer unit
by Milan Marušiak & Tomáš Zemánek & Jindřich Neruda & Pavel Nevrkla
2024, Volume 70, Issue 2
- 41-63 Administrative system of afforestation in the Czech Republic: A long journey to a new forest
by Martin Baláš & Josef Gallo & Marcin Czacharowski & Michal Pástor & Jaroslav Jankovič & Igor Štefančík & Ivan Kuneš & Hubert Hasenauer - 64-78 Comparison of growth, structure and production in stands of naturally regenerated Betula pendula and Populus tremula
by Antonín Martiník & Zdeňek Adamec & Matúš Sendecký & Jan Krejza - 79-90 Applying the European Union (EU) assessment initiative of forest sustainability in Africa: A case study of the timber harvesting impact on the environment in Sierra Leone
by Petra Hlaváčková & Sheku Kemoh Mansaray & Samuel Antwi Darkwah & Iva Živělová - 91-101 Water content in soil afforested with a mixture of broadleaves or Scots pine
by Jan Vopravil & Pavel Formánek & Tomáš Khel & Karel Jacko
2024, Volume 70, Issue 1
- 1-13 Genetic diversity and phylogenetic analysis of Robinia pseudoacacia L. populations using ISSR markers, ITS1 and trnL-F intergenic spacer sequences
by Mehmet Emin Uras & Ertugrul Filiz & Ugur Sen & Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit - 14-23 Comparison of the growth of the provenances of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) on research plots in the regions Novohradské hory and Českomoravská vrchovina at the age of 50 years
by Jiří Čáp & Martin Fulín & František Beran & Jaroslav Dostál & Martina Komárková - 24-30 First records of Glyptapanteles liparidis (Braconidae, Microgastrinae) and Gelis areator (Ichneumonidae, Cryptinae) in Slovenia
by Vladimir Žikić & Tanja Bohinc & Christos Athanassiou & Paraskevi Agrafioti & Matilde Eizaguirre & Drago Trajber & Stanislav Trdan - 31-39 Characteristics of powdery mildew [Sawadaea bicornis (Wallr.) Miyabe] influence on the photosynthetic process in Norway maple (Acer platanoides L.) seedlings
by Anna Alexeyeva & Kyrylo Holoborodko & Iryna Ivanko & Olexandr Zhukov & Iryna Loza - v:70:y:2024:i:1:id:jfs-202401-0005 Index of reviewers 2023
by Editorial Office
2023, Volume 69, Issue 12
- 515-524 Development of Douglas fir merchantable stem volume model in the conditions of the Czech Republic
by Radoslav Hlavica & Zdeněk Adamec - 525-538 Thinning effects on growth and occurrence of rotting in aspen stands
by Alina Nasibullina & Marieke van der Maaten-Theunissen & Ernst van der Maaten & Holger Fischer & Sven Wagner - 539-549 Understanding the role of ecotypic factors in the early growth of Pinus sylvestris L
by Jakub Hejtmánek & Jan Stejskal & Daniel Provazník & Jaroslav Čepl - 550-556 Stand structure of a juvenile Paulownia Shan Tong plantation grown in the temperate dry climate zone in Hungary - A case study
by Fruzsina Szabó & Károly Rédei & Tamás Ábri & Elza Kovács & Lajos Juhász
2023, Volume 69, Issue 11
- 463-469 Potential of Morus nigra in Central Europe focused on micropropagation: A short review
by Pavel Švagr & Josef Gallo & Jan Vítámvás & Vilém Podrázský & Martin Baláš - 470-484 Potential of mixed Picea abies (L.) Karst. and Pinus sylvestris L. forests in lowland areas of Central Bohemia
by Pavel Brabec & Jakub Brichta & Zdeněk Vacek & Stanislav Vacek & Václav Šimůnek & Vojtěch Hájek - 485-496 Simulating differences between forwarding short and normal-length timber
by Simon Berg - 497-513 Modelling the tree height-diameter relationship of Macedonian pine (Pinus peuce Gris.) forests in North Macedonia
by Vladimir Tanovski & Bratislav Matović & Mihajlo Risteski & Pande Trajkov
2023, Volume 69, Issue 10
- 415-426 Estimation of Fagus orientalis Lipsky height using nonlinear models in Hyrcanian forests, Iran
by Mohammad Rasoul Nazari Sendi & Iraj Hassanzad Navroodi & Aman Mohammad Kalteh - 427-437 The forest land tax systems in Slovakia and Portugal
by Klára Báliková & Natacha Jesus-Silva & Noémia Bessa Vilela & Michaela Korená Hillayová & Jaroslav Šálka - 438-450 Three scenarios for tree species composition and stand age in new and permanent forest areas: A case study of Latvia
by Zigmārs Rendenieks & Līga Liepa - 451-462 Forest as a source of renewable material to reduce the environmental impact of buildings
by Hana Svobodová & Petra Hlaváčková
2023, Volume 69, Issue 9
- 367-376 Effect of bioengineering treatments on reduction of soil erosion from road cut slope and fill slope
by Aidin Parsakhoo & Seyed Ataollah Hosseini - 377-388 Reducing costs, improving profits: A low-cost culture media for woody plants micropropagation
by Ricardo Castro-Camba & Jesús María Vielba & Purificación Covelo & Nieves Vidal & Conchi Sánchez - 389-400 Impact of protection methods and abiotic factors on Nothofagus pumilio seedlings mortality in Torres del Paine National Park, Chile
by Martin Smola & Josef Cafourek & Antonín Kusbach & Martin Šenfeldr & Josef Střítecký & Petr Maděra - 401-414 Distribution and environmental impact of alien woody species in lowland riparian forest habitats: Case study in the protected areas of Georgia, South Caucasus
by Giorgi Kavtaradze & Lado Basilidze & Jan Pergl & Elizaveta Avoiani & Petr Vahalik & Besarion Aptsiauri & Nani Goginashvili & Margalita Bachilava & Zurab Manvelidze & Nato Kobakhidze
2023, Volume 69, Issue 8
- 325-333 Responses in leaf water status of Quercus castaneifolia C.A.Mey and Carpinus betulus L. exposed to cement dust pollution in Northern Iran
by Jamshid Eslamdoust & Seyed Mohsen Hosseini & Fatemeh Kardel - 334-347 Comparison of nutrient and carbon stocks in the aboveground biomass of mature silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst) stands
by Tomáš Čihák & Monika Vejpustková - 348-359 Sap flow modelling based on global radiation and canopy parameters derived from a digital surface model
by Tomáš Mikita & Zdeněk Patočka & Elizaveta Avoiani - 360-365 First report of Thanasimus femoralis (Zetterstedt, 1828) (Coleoptera: Cleridae) in forest nursery in the Western Black Sea Region of Türkiye
by Nuray Öztürk & Beşir Yüksel
2023, Volume 69, Issue 7
- 277-286 Pathogenicity of the entomopathogenic fungi against Myllocerus fotedari Ahmad, 1974 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) under laboratory conditions in India
by Shaziya Gull & Ahmad Tariq & Abdul Lateef Khanday & Sureshan Pavittu Meethal & Gowhar Rashid - 287-304 Assessment of aboveground biomass and carbon stock of subtropical pine forest of Pakistan
by Nizar Ali & Muhammad Saad & Anwar Ali & Naveed Ahmad & Ishfaq Ahmad Khan & Habib Ullah & Areeba Binte Imran - 305-316 Assessment of the Ellenberg quotient as a practical tool for vertical vegetation zonation
by Petr Dujka & Antonín Kusbach - 317-323 A pilot study of continuous cover forestry in boreal forests: Do remaining trees affect forwarder productivity?
by Jussi Manner & Back Tomas Ersson
2023, Volume 69, Issue 6
- 229-243 Road network designing in a forested watershed using network connectivity indices
by Mohsen Mostafa & Shaban Shataee Jouibary & Majid Lotfalian & Amir Sadoddin - 244-253 The beneficial role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on population rates of aboveground herbivory: Zyginella pulchra (Hemiptera, Cicadellidae) in plane trees
by Hamed Aalipour & Ali Nikbakht & Jahangir Khajehali & Mohammad Taghizadeh - 254-265 Forest cover change detection using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index in the Oued Bouhamdane watershed, Algeria - A case study
by Boubaker Khallef & Rabah Zennir - 266-276 Analysis of the propensity of Italian and German forest owners towards forest certification for ecosystem services
by Emanuela Lombardo
2023, Volume 69, Issue 5
- 179-192 Intensive initial care of silver fir using improving compounds: A way to support diverse forests?
by Channa Suraweera & Martin Baláš & Josef Gallo & Giuseppe D'Andrea & Stanislav Vacek & Jiří Remeš - 193-204 Effect of forest management on the genetic diversity of Abies hidalgensis, a threatened species with restricted distribution
by Elena Rosales-Islas & Pablo Octavio-Aguilar - 205-216 The effect of thinning intensity on sap flow and growth of Norway spruce
by Ina Zavadilová & Justyna Szatniewska & Marko Stojanović & Peter Fleischer & Lukáš Vágner & Marian Pavelka & Peter Petrík - 217-227 Estimation of land cover changes and biomass carbon stock in north-eastern hill forests of Bangladesh
by Tahmina Afroz & Md. Giashuddin Miah & Hasan Muhammad Abdullah & Md. Rafiqul Islam & Md. Mizanur Rahman
2023, Volume 69, Issue 4
- 127-143 Synergism of plant microbe interactions for remediation of potentially toxic elements
by Ranjna Kaundal & Vipin Parkash & Supriti Paul & Meghna Thapa - 144-157 Distribution of genetic variability in mature and progeny populations of Abies alba Mill. from the Polish Western and Eastern Carpathians
by Marcin Zarek & Marta Kempf - 158-171 Evaluation of women's participation and empowerment in community land rehabilitation programs: Lesson drawn from Wera District, Southern Ethiopia
by Tesfanesh Ababu & Gezahegne Siyoum & Deginet Berhanu & Gemedo Furo - 172-177 A pilot study of Continuous Cover Forestry in boreal forests: Decreasing the harvest intensity during selection cutting increases piece size, which in turn increases harvester productivity
by Jussi Manner & Tobias Karlsen & Back Tomas Ersson
2023, Volume 69, Issue 3
- 93-100 Vital rates and their multidecadal trends in the fir-beech old-growth forest of Badínsky prales
by Ladislav Šumichrast & Peter Jaloviar & Matúš Komendák & Samuel Targoš & Stanislav Kucbel - 101-113 The factors limiting the venison market in the Czech Republic and options for limiting their impact on the Forestry
by Martin Němec & Andrea Skřivánková & David Vaca & Jan Novák & Marcel Riedl & Roman Dudík & Vilém Jarský - 114-123 Are they both the same shit? Winter faeces of roe and red deer show no difference in nutritional components
by Stipan Čupić & Miloš Ježek & Francisco Ceacero - 124-126 Use of bioreactors RITA® in the propagation of Pinus patula Schiede ex Schltdl. & Cham
by Arturo Alonso Armas Silva & Lourdes Georgina Iglesias Andreu & Marco Antonio Ramírez Mosqueda
2023, Volume 69, Issue 2
- 41-43 Support for silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) in managed forests
by Jiří Novák & Dušan Kacálek - 44-59 Evaluation of silver fir provenances at 51 years of age in provenance trials in the Předhoří Hrubý Jeseník and Nízký Jeseník Mts. regions, Czech Republic
by Martin Fulín & Jaroslav Dostál & Jiří Čáp & Petr Novotný - 60-66 Nutrition of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) and its comparison with Norway spruce (Picea abies L. H. Karst) from the same forest sites in the Czech Republic
by Radek Novotný - 67-79 The increasing drought sensitivity of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) is evident in the last two decades
by Monika Vejpustková & Tomáš Čihák & Petr Fišer - 80-92 Positive effect of fir-rowan intimate mixture on new forest floor and topsoil following afforestation
by Dušan Kacálek & Jan Bartoš & Ondřej Špulák
2023, Volume 69, Issue 1
- 1-1 List of reviewers 2022
by Editorial Department - 1-10 Provenance affects the growth and mortality of teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) plantations cultivated in central Nicaragua
by Jakub Černý & Peter Haninec & Kateřina Novosadová & Zdeněk Patočka & Pavel Haninec & Petr Maděra - 11-20 Selection of trees for rubbing by the wild boar (Sus scrofa) in the Sidi Boughaba forested Moroccan Ramsar site: Assessment, implications, and perspectives
by Abdellah Ichen & Saâd Hanane & Mohammed Bouaamama & Mohamed Alaoui & Najib Magri & Abdelaziz Benhoussa - 21-32 Acacia canopy structure and carbon stock in Ba Vi, Vietnam
by Bui Manh Hung & Nguyen Thi Bich Phuong & Nguyen Van Quy & Nguyen Van Hop & Le Van Cuong & Yusif Habib - 33-40 Forest fire area detection using Sentinel-2 data: Case of the Beni Salah national forest ‒ Algeria
by Rabah Zennir & Boubaker Khallef
2022, Volume 68, Issue 12
- 485-495 The impact of agricultural land afforestation on air temperatures near the surface
by Jan Vopravil & Pavel Formánek & Darina Heřmanovská & Tomáš Khel & Karel Jacko - 496-508 Afforestation of agricultural land affects soil structural stability and related preconditions to resist drought
by Jiří Holátko & Ondřej Holubík & Tereza Hammerschmiedt & Jan Vopravil & Antonín Kintl & Martin Brtnický - 509-518 Effect of selective logging on the genetic differentiation of Juglans pyriformis Liebm. populations
by Celia Cecilia Acosta-Hernández & Lourdes Georgina Iglesias-Andreu & Mauricio Luna-Rodríguez & Pablo Octavio-Aguilar - 519-528 State and productivity of mixed stands with silver birch and Scots pine in Ukrainian Polissya
by Viktor Tkach & Maksym Rumiantsev & Volodymyr Luk'yanets & Oleksii Kobets & Iryna Obolonyk & Oksana Tarnopilska & Sergiy Musienko & Vira Bondarenko
2022, Volume 68, Issue 11
- 437-451 Households' willingness to pay for forest conservation in Ethiopia: A review
by Diriba Abdeta - 452-458 Estimation of ungulate population density in Kazakhstan: Case study from foothill ecosystems
by Jan Cukor & František Havránek & Sergei Sokolov & Vlastimil Skoták & Lucie Hambálková & Richard Ševčík & Zdeněk Vacek & Daniyar Nurseitov - 459-472 Adaptability responses to drought stress in the oak species Quercus petraea growing on dry sites
by Bayartaa Nyamjav - 473-483 Norway spruce phenotype variability determined by needle anatomy in Bohemian Forest compared to other regions of the Czech Republic
by Karel Matějka & Václav Krpeš
2022, Volume 68, Issue 10
- 377-384 Forest economics within the activities of the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences
by Petra Palátová & Václav Kupčák - 385-394 Analysis of forestry employment within the bioeconomy labour market in the Czech Republic
by Michaela Perunová & Jarmila Zimmermannová - 395-412 The Slovak forest policy arrangement: Post-1989 residues and changes
by Lenka Halušková - 413-422 Comparison of the approach to determination of the rotation period of forest stands in the Czech Republic and in the Slovak Republic
by Michaela Korená Hillayová & Kateřina Holušová & Klára Báliková & Ján Holécy - 423-435 State of the raw wood growing stocks and prediction of further development of cutting in the context of coniferous stands calamity in the Czech Republic
by Dalibor Šafařík & David Březina & Jakub Michal & Petra Hlaváčková
2022, Volume 68, Issue 9
- 329-343 Pinus contorta Douglas ex Loudon and climate change: A literature review of opportunities, challenges, and risks in European forests
by Stanislav Vacek & Zdeněk Vacek & Jan Cukor & Vilém Podrázský & Josef Gallo - 344-356 Radial growth, present status and future prospects of west Himalayan fir (Abies pindrow Royle) growing in the moist temperate forest of Himalayan mountains of Pakistan
by Zahid Rauf & Adam Khan & Samina Siddiqui & Sidra Saleem & Tahir Iqbal & Safdar Ali Shah & Nowsherwan Zarif & Wahiba Iqbal - 357-364 Growth analysis of the lower layer trees in forest stands under conversion in the Starohorské vrchy Mts.: A case study
by Stanislav Kucbel & Jaroslav Vencurik - 365-375 Responses of the germination and phytochemical content of Pinus nigra Arn. subsp. pallasiana (Lamb.) Holmboe. (Anatolian black pine) seeds to salt stress
by M. Denizhan Ulusan
2022, Volume 68, Issue 8
- 287-297 Comparisons of carbon and nitrogen dynamics of litterfall components in adjacent Pinus densiflora and Quercus variabilis stands
by Byeonggil Choi & Gyeongwon Baek & Hyungsub Kim & Yowhan Son & Choonsig Kim - 298-310 Silvicultural options to promote natural regeneration of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Western Ukrainian forests
by Vasyl Lavnyy & Peter Spathelf & Rostyslav Kravchuk & Ruslan Vytseha & Volodymyr Yakhnytskyy - 311-317 Effect of LED lights on the in vitro growth of Pinus pseudostrobus Lindl., plants
by Luis Alberto Marín-Martínez & Lourdes Georgina Iglesias-Andreu - 318-328 Managed vs. unmanaged Fagus orientalis Lipsky forests: Structure and diversity of natural regeneration in northern Iran
by Pejman Parhizkar & Mohammad Hossein Sadeghzadeh Hallaj & Majid Hassani
2022, Volume 68, Issue 7
- 241-252 Spruce forest litter structure, distribution, and water retention along hiking trails in the Ukrainian Carpathians
by Yurii Ivanenko & Ganna Lobchenko & Volodymyr Maliuha & Vasyl Yukhnovskyi - 253-262 Susceptibility of Cydalima perspectalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) larvae to some reduced-risk insecticides in laboratory bioassays
by Fatemeh Moradi Afrapoli & Mahmoud Mohammadi Sharif & Hasan Barimani Varandi & Masoumeh Shayanmehr - 263-276 Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) applied to evaluating the forest management approaches
by Mohsen Mostafa & Nishtman Hatami & Kambiz Espahbodi & Farhad Asadi - 277-286 Evaluation of coppice management relics based on coppice stool value variability in the Drahany Highlands
by Robert Knott & Zdeněk Adamec & Barbora Uherková & Jan Kadavý & Michal Kneifl
2022, Volume 68, Issue 6
- 199-212 City longhorn beetle (Aeolesthes sarta): A review of the species, its distribution, ecology, damage, prevention and control
by Umer Hayat - 213-219 Analyses of periodic annual increment by diameter and volume in differently aged black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) stands: Case study
by Tamás Ábri & Károly Rédei - 220-227 Understanding psychological factors influencing ecosystem conservation behaviours of forest professionals
by Norris Igbinosa Erhabor - 228-240 Spatial relationships of trees in middle taiga post-pyrogenic pine forest stands in the European North-East of Russia
by Ivan N. Kutyavin & Alexei V. Manov
2022, Volume 68, Issue 5
- 163-169 Development of loop mediated isothermal amplification for rapid species detection of Armillaria ostoyae using assimilating probe
by Tomáš Tonka & Dagmar Stehlíková & Lucie Walterová & Vladislav Čurn - 170-181 Ectomycorrhiza-hydrogel additive enhanced growth of Norway spruce seedlings in a nutrient-poor peat substrate
by Ivan Repáč & Zuzana Parobeková & Martin Belko - 182-189 Cut slope stability assessment along forest roads using the limit equilibrium approaches and Slide software
by Mehran Nasiri & Mojtaba Mohammadzade - 190-198 Prediction of flood discharge and flood flow depth using a hydraulic model and flood marks on the trees in ungauged forested watersheds
by Vahid Gholami
2022, Volume 68, Issue 4
- 121-135 Behaviours and attitudes of consumers towards bioplastics: An exploratory study in Italy
by Sandra Notaro & Elisabetta Lovera & Alessandro Paletto - 136-144 Climate resilient traditional agroforestry systems in Silite district, Southern Ethiopia
by Mihert Semere & Abirham Cherinet & Martha Gebreyesus - 145-155 Vegetation dynamics and soil properties following low-intensity wildfire in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) planted forest in Northern Iran
by Mahdiyeh Nezhadgholam-Zardroodi & Hassan Pourbabaei & Mehrdad Ghodskhah-Daryaei & Ali Salehi & Shahram Enayati-Charvadeh & Jamshid Eslamdoust - 156-162 Evaluation of selected growth parameters of Paulownia cotevisa plantation in the Danubian Lowland
by Michal Pástor & Jaroslav Jankovič & Martin Belko & Juraj Modranský
2022, Volume 68, Issue 3
- 83-95 Growth response of seven multipurpose tree species to climatic factors: A case study from northwestern Himalayas, India
by Sucharita Panda & D.R. Bhardwaj & C.L. Thakur & Prashant Sharma & Dhirender Kumar - 96-106 Burned area determination using Sentinel-2 satellite images and the impact of fire on the availability of soil nutrients in Syria
by Rukea Al-hasn & Raed Almuhammad - 107-115 Changes of tree stem biomass in European forests since 1950
by Aleksandr Lebedev & Valery Kuzmichev - 116-119 Contribution of the forest sector to the Uruguayan economy: A first approach with National Accounts
by Virginia Morales Olmos & Ernesto Pienika
2022, Volume 68, Issue 2
- 35-45 Optimization of thermal modification of wood by genetic algorithm and classical mathematical analysis
by Redžo Hasanagić - 46-60 New technological solutions for waterlogged forests by cable yarding
by Artsiom Shoshyn & Pavel Protas & Vladimír Štollmann - 61-71 What does the mandible say about wild boar: Ontogenetic development, sexual dimorphism and habitat preferences
by Klára Košinová & Richard Policht & Ondřej Matějka & Vladimír Hanzal & Miloš Ježek & Tomáš Kušta & Vlastimil Hart - 72-82 Time study of an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) with a forwarding trailer in the Eagle Mountains in the Czech Republic
by Zbyněk Kincl
2022, Volume 68, Issue 1
- 1-7 Assessment of the early growth of agarwood (Aquilaria crassna) seedlings under different sources of nutrients
by Kkiu Arunakumara & Bc Walpola & Chathura Karunatunga - 8-18 Genetic diversity of sessile oak populations in the Czech Republic
by Jakub Dvořák & Jiří Korecký & Zuzana Faltinová & Dagmar Zádrapová - 19-25 Efficacy of synthetic lures for pine bark beetle monitoring
by Miloš Knížek & Jan Liška & Adam Véle - 26-34 The perception of an image of the state forest enterprise by general public in chosen region of the Slovak Republic
by Daniel Halaj & Klára Báliková & Yvonne Brodrechtová
2021, Volume 67, Issue 12
- 545-552 Strength and dimensional stability of cement-bonded wood waste-sand bricks
by Emmanuel Adelusi & Olayiwola Ajala & Reuben Afolabi & Kayode Olaoye - 553-561 Influences of determined and estimated dendrometric variables on the precision of volumetric modelling
by José Antônio Aleixo da Silva & Rinaldo Luiz Caraciolo Ferreira - 562-569 Responses of soil-inhabiting mesostigmatid mites to deforestation and disturbance in oak (Quercus brontii) forests of southwestern Iran
by Ali Bagheri-Kordeshami & Jahangir Khajehali & Farshid Nourbakhsh & Masoud M. Ardestani - 570-581 Impact of different factors degrading cork oak stands in the Mediterranean region: A case study from Algeria
by Salah Eddine Younsi & Yasmine Adjami & Rym Ghanem & Billel Bouchaib & Mohamed Laid Ouakid
2021, Volume 67, Issue 11
- 499-511 Methods for monetary valuation of ecosystem services: A scoping review
by Egor Selivanov & Petra Hlaváčková - 512-521 The impact of agricultural land afforestation on soil water content in Central Bohemia
by Jan Vopravil & Pavel Formánek & Darina Heřmanovská & Tomáš Khel & Karel Jacko - 522-532 Norway maple (Acer platanoides) and pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) demonstrate different patterns of genetic variation within and among populations on the eastern border of distribution ranges
by Artur Akhmetov & Ruslan Ianbaev & Svetlana Boronnikova & Yulai Yanbaev & Aygul Gabitova & Aleksey Kulagin - 533-543 Comparison of Scots pine growth dynamics in Polissya and Steppe zone of Ukraine
by Viktoriia Lovynska & Andriy Terentiev & Petro Lakyda & Svitlana Sytnyk & Olexander Bala & Yuriy Gritsan
2021, Volume 67, Issue 10
- 449-463 A major tool for afforestation of semi-arid and anthropogenic steppe areas in Turkey: Pinus nigra J.F. Arnold subsp. pallasiana (Lamb.) Holmboe
by Sezgin Ayan & Cengiz Yücedag & Bojan Simovski - 464-476 The mycological study of conifers in Tbilisi and its surroundings
by Irina Danelia & Nino Zaqariashvili & Lia Amiranashvili & Gulnara Badridze & Salome Kvitsiani - 477-488 Factors affecting the radial growth of Juniperus foetidissima Willd. and J. excelsa M. Bieb. in central Anatolia
by Gülzade Kahveci & Münevver Arslan - 489-497 Stand structure and growth of Robinia pseudoacacia 'Jászkiséri' - 'Jászkiséri' black locust
by Tamás Ábri & Zsolt Keserü & János Rásó & Károly Rédei
2021, Volume 67, Issue 9
- 409-419 Finding an imprint of solar and climatic cycles in tree rings of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.)
by Václav Šimůnek & Vojtěch Hájek & Anna Prokůpková & Josef Gallo - 420-426 Identification and genetic diversity of Acer ibericum (Aceraceae) in South Caucasus
by Juraj Paule & Nani Goginashvili & Irina Tvauri & Ladislav Paule & Ekaterine Gabashvili & Mamuka Kotetishvili & Nato Kobakhidze - 427-435 The effect of low-intensive coherent seed irradiation on germinant growth of Scots pine and sugar beet
by Arthur Novikov & Igor Bartenev & Olga Podvigina & Olga Nechaeva & Denis Gavrin & Vladimir Zelikov & Tatyana Novikova & Vladan Ivetić - 436-448 Woodland key habitat contribution to preserve biological diversity in Lithuania: assessing the difference between 2005 and 2017
by Indré Ruškyté & Gediminas Brazaitis & Michael Manton & Žydrunas Preikša
2021, Volume 67, Issue 8
- 367-375 Distribution attributes of natural canopy gaps in the Hyrcanian mixed-oriental beech forests
by Asadollah Mataji & Ali-Asghar Vahedi - 376-384 Soil aggregate stability index and particulate organic matter in response to differently afforested lands in the temperate regions of Iran
by Masoomeh Soleimany & Jamshid Eslamdoust & Moslem Akbarinia & Yahya Kooch - 385-395 The influence of growing medium composition on pine and birch seedling response during the period of simulated spring drought
by Ondřej Špulák & Jana Hacurová - 396-407 Variation in morphological and wood cell traits in coppice stems of Populus nigra L. and Salix alba L
by Seray Özden Keleş
2021, Volume 67, Issue 7
- 307-317 Methodological approaches to the valuation of forest ecosystem services: An overview of recent international research trends
by Caterina Patrizia Di Franco & Gianmarco Lima & Emanuele Schimmenti & Antonio Asciuto - 318-327 Semi-empirical estimation of log taper using stem profile equations
by Andrii Bilous & Viktor Myroniuk & Viktor Svynchuk & Oleksandr Soshenskyi & Oleksandr Lesnik & Yaroslav Kovbasa - 328-337 The study of parent-regeneration relationships for wild cherry (Prunus avium L.) in Hyrcanian forests
by Bahman Kiani & Kiyan Yegandoost - 338-356 Exploring the variability in elastic properties of roots in Alpine tree species
by Alessio Cislaghi - 357-366 Accumulation of heavy metal pollution caused by traffic in forest trees in the park of Kerey and Janibek Khans of the city of Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
by Sezgin Ayan & Dani Sarsekova & Gani Kenesaryuly & Ergin Yilmaz & Orhan Gülseven & Ilknur Şahin
2021, Volume 67, Issue 6
- 247-257 Evaluation of the potential amount of dendromass left in beech stands of the Little Carpathians after intentional felling and its economic assessment
by Michal Daniš & Jindřich Neruda - 258-271 Prevention of erosion in mountain basins: A spatial-based tool to support payments for forest ecosystem services
by Sandro Sacchelli & Costanza Borghi & Gianluca Grilli - 272-284 Forestry violations as a global issue of legal regulation in the field of forest control and supervision: the Krasnodar territory and the Republic of Bashkortostan case study
by Radmir Iksanov & Olga Khalikova & Igor Vladimirov & Ravil Gizzatullin & Regina Baiturina & Vitaliy Kovshov & Aigul Selezneva & Sofya Khasanova - 285-297 Tree-ring climate response of Jeffrey pine in the Cascade Creek Watershed, Northern California
by Raju Bista & Michelle Mohr & David Saldaña & Gabriel Angulo & Parveen K. Chhetri - 298-305 Structure of black walnut (Juglans nigra L.) stands on sandy soils in Hungary
by Tamás Ábri & Zsolt Keserü & Fruzsina Szabó & Károly Rédei
2021, Volume 67, Issue 5
- 195-203 Determination of standards of raw timber natural losses due to shrinkage at long-term dry storage
by Dalibor Šafařík & Petra Hlaváčková & David Březina - 204-211 Possibilities of forest property insurance against the risk of fire in Slovakia
by Michaela Korená Hillayová & Klára Báliková & Blanka Giertliová & Josef Drábek & Ján Holécy - 212-218 Improving the quality of sorting wood chips by scanning and machine vision technology
by Igor Grigorev & Anatoly Shadrin & Sergey Katkov & Vyacheslav Borisov & Varvara Druzyanova & Irina Gnatovskaya & Roman Diev & Natalya Kaznacheeva & Dmitry Levushkin & Dmitriy Akinin - 219-241 Diversity and degradation of the vegetation of mountain belt forests of central Adjara (the Lesser Caucasus), Georgia
by Nana Goginashvili & Natalia Togonidze & Irina Tvauri & Zurab Manvelidze & Nino Memiadze & Stefan Zerbe & Zezva Asanidze - 242-246 Mechanized tree planting in Nordic forestry: simulating a machine concept for continuously advancing site preparation and planting
by Jussi Manner & Back Tomas Ersson
2021, Volume 67, Issue 4
- 155-164 Influence of mycorrhizal preparation on seedling growth and Armillaria infestation
by František Lorenc & Jan Lubojacký & Tomáš Tonka - 165-174 A simulation of the rainfall-runoff process using artificial neural network and HEC-HMS model in forest lands
by Vahid Gholami & Mohammad Reza Khaleghi