1996, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 161-178 Evidence of Racial Discrimination in Different Dimensions of Owner‐Occupied Housing Search
by Canopy Roychoudhury & Allen C. Goodman - 179-194 The Dynamic Impact of Unseasonable Weather on Construction Activity
by N. Edward Coulson & Christian Richard - 195-218 The Role of Principal‐Agent Conflicts in the 1980s Thrift Crisis
by Rebel A. Cole & Robert A. Eisenbeis - 219-245 Explaining Intermetropolitan Variation in Housing Prices, Rents and Land Prices
by Michael J. Potepan - 247-256 The Bootstrap Efficient Frontier for Mixed‐Asset Portfolios
by Youguo Liang & F.C. Neil Myer & James R. Webb - 257-272 Determinants of Industrial Property Value
by Larry J. Lockwood & Ronald C. Rutherford
March 1996, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-22 Credit Restrictions and the Market for Commercial Real Estate Loans
by Brent W. Ambrose & John Benjamin & Peter Chinloy - 23-41 Throwing Good Money After Bad? Cash Infusions and Distressed Real Estate
by Bradford Cornell & Francis A. Longstaff & Eduardo S. Schwartz - 43-54 The Borrower's Choice of Fixed and Adjustable Rate Mortgages in the Presence of Nominal and Real Shocks
by László Szerb - 55-73 Bank Regulatory Agreements and Real Estate Lending
by Joe Peek & Eric S. Rosengren - 75-95 The Substitutability of Real Estate Assets
by Diery Seck - 97-112 Matching of Buyers and Sellers by Brokers: A Comparison of Alternative Commission Structures
by Abdullah Yavas - 113-131 Risk and Return to Housing, Tenure Choice and the Value of Housing in an Asset Pricing Context
by Richard Meyer & Kenneth Wieand
December 1995, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 395-400 Introduction: Deregulation and Reform of Housing and Housing Finance Markets: Recent Lessons from Western and Central Europe
by David Dale‐Johnson & Stuart A. Gabriel - 401-420 Privatized Default Risk and Real Estate Recessions: The U.K. Mortgage Market
by Peter Chinloy - 421-439 Regional Economic Stability and Mortgage Default Risk in the Netherlands
by Piet M.A. Eichholtz - 441-474 Home Ownership Finance in Austria and Germany
by Edwin Deutsch & Horst Tomann - 475-495 Finnish Homes—Through Passages or Traps?
by Seppo Laakso & Heikki A. Loikkanen - 497-527 The Effect of Housing Market Disequilibrium on the Supply of Labor: Evidence from Poland, 1989–1990
by J.M. Pogodzinski
September 1995, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 239-269 Imperfect Information and Investor Inferences From Housing Price Dynamics
by John M. Clapp & Walter Dolde & Dogan Tirtiroglu - 271-310 Clustering Methods for Real Estate Portfolios
by William N. Goetzmann & Susan M. Wachter - 311-345 ARM Wrestling: Valuing Adjustable Rate Mortgages Indexed to the Eleventh District Cost of Funds
by Richard Stanton & Nancy Wallace - 347-368 The Strategic Role of Listing Price in Marketing Real Estate: Theory and Evidence
by Abdullah Yavas & Shiawee Yang - 369-383 Renegotiation of Listing Contracts, Seller Opportunism and Efficiency: An Economic Analysis
by Thomas J. Miceli - 385-394 Captive Financing Arrangements and Information Asymmetry: The Case of REITs
by Peihwang Wei & Cheng‐Ho Hsieh & C. F. Sirmans
June 1995, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 101-116 U.S. Office Market Values During the Past Decade: How Distorted Have Appraisals Been?
by Patric H. Hendershott & Edward J. Kane - 117-159 Gains From Diversifying Into Real Estate: Three Decades of Portfolio Returns Based on the Dynamic Investment Model
by Robert R. Grauer & Nils H. Hakansson - 161-185 The Housing Market and Real Estate Brokers
by Suryamani Mantrala & Edward Zabel - 187-205 A Varying Parameters Approach to Constructing House Price Indexes
by J. R. Knight & Jonathan Dombrow & C. F. Sirmans - 207-238 Tax Rules and the Sale and Leaseback of Corporate Real Estate
by Jaime R. Alvayay & Ronald C. Rutherford & William S. Smith
March 1995, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-20 An Arbitrage‐Free Estimate of Prepayment Option Prices in Fixed‐Rate GNMA Mortgage‐Backed Securities
by Ehud I. Ronn & Peter D. Rubinstein & Fung‐Shine Pan - 21-44 Price Discovery in American and British Property Markets
by Richard Barkham & David Geltner - 45-63 Real Estate Investment Trusts, Small Stocks and Bid‐ask Spreads
by Edward F. Nelling & James M. Mahoney & Terry L. Hildebrand & Michael A. Goldstein - 65-83 Optimal Interest Rate‐Discount Points Combination: Strategy for Mortgage Contract Terms
by Roger E. Cannaday & T. L. Tyler Yang - 85-100 Market Microstructure and Real Estate Returns
by Ko Wang & John Erickson & George Gau & Su Han Chan
December 1994, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 553-581 Excess Returns, Inflation and the Efficiency of the Housing Market
by Dean H. Gatzlaff - 583-602 Contigent Price Contracts and the Efficiency of Housing Markets
by Stephen Day Cauley - 603-629 Urban Land Development and its Prices: The Effects of Conversion Costs with Redevelopment
by Tae H. Park & Suk Heun Yoon - 631-646 Industrial Real Estate Mortgage Default Experience of the New York State Job Development Authority Second Loan Program: A Preliminary Investigation
by Robert A. Simons - 647-654 Optimal Comparable Weighting and Selection: A Comment
by Richard K. Green - 655-663 A Further Discussion of Optimal Comparable Selection and Weighting, and a Response to Green
by George W. Gau & Tsong‐Yue Lai & Ko Wang
September 1994, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 1-1 Editor's Note: Journal Survey Results
by Dennis R. Capozza - 453-477 Alternative Mortgage Instruments, Qualification Constraints and the Demand for Housing: An Empirical Analysis
by Richard A. Phillips & James H. VanderHoff - 479-496 Temporary Buydowns and Affordability
by Jack M. Guttentag & Allan J. Redstone - 497-513 Economies of Scope and Density in the Market for Real Estate Brokerage Services
by Leonard V. Zumpano & Harold W. Elder - 515-526 Stock Price and Management Changes: The Case of REITs
by Willard Mclntosh & Ronald C. Rogers & C. F. Sirmans & Youguo Liang - 527-538 Zoning Policy Changes and the Urban Fringe Land Market
by James A. Thorson - 539-551 Waiting to Default: The Value of Delay
by James B. Kau & Taewon Kim
June 1994, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 197-203 Editors' Introduction
by Dennis R. Capozza & Isaac F. Megbolugbe - 205-233 An Empirical Analysis of the Housing Decisions of Older Homeowners
by Peter G. VanderHart - 235-255 Reverse Mortgages and the Liquidity of Housing Wealth
by Christopher J. Mayer & Katerina V. Simons - 257-299 Potential Beneficiaries from Reverse Mortgage Products for Elderly Homeowners: An Analysis of American Housing Survey Data
by Sally R. Merrill & Meryl Finkel & Nandinee K. Kutty - 301-346 Preliminary Evaluation of the HECM Reverse Mortgage Program
by Bradford Case & Ann B. Schnare - 347-366 Risk and the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage
by Edward J. Szymanoski - 367-386 Reverse Mortgages: Contracting and Crossover Risk
by Peter Chinloy & Isaac F. Megbolugbe - 387-408 Reverse Mortgages and Interest Rate Risk
by Thomas P. Boehm & Michael C. Ehrhardt - 409-431 Reverse Mortgages and Prepayment Risk
by Linda S. Klein & C.F. Sirmans - 433-450 Reverse Mortgages and Borrower Maintenance Risk
by Thomas J. Miceli & C.F. Sirmans
March 1994, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-3 Editor's Introduction
by Dennis R. Capozza - 5-32 The 1989–92 Credit Crunch for Real Estate: A Retrospective
by James T. Fergus & John L. Goodman - 33-58 Bank Real Estate Lending and the New England Capital Crunch
by Joe Peek & Eric S. Rosengren - 59-94 Bank Capital and the Credit Crunch: The Roles of Risk‐Weighted and Unweighted Capital Regulations
by Diana Hancock & James A. Wilcox - 95-116 Thrift Asset‐Class Returns and the Efficient Diversification of Thrift Institution Portfolios
by Rebel A. Cole & Joseph A. McKenzie - 117-133 A Model of the Asset Disposition Decision of the RTC
by Michael Lea & Kenneth J. Thygerson - 135-147 Failed Bank Resolution and the Collateral Crunch: The Advantages of Adopting Transferable Puts
by Eric S. Rosengren & Katerina Simons - 149-167 Contract Design for Problem Asset Disposition
by Larry Benveniste & Dennis R. Capozza & Roger Kormendi & William Wilhelm - 169-193 A Comparison of Nonparametric Methods to Measure Efficiency in the Savings and Loan Industry
by Richard F. Garbaccio & Benjamin E. Hermalin & Nancy E. Wallace
December 1993, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 353-371 Loan Loss Severity and Optimal Mortgage Default
by Vassilis Lekkas & John M. Quigley & Robert Van Order - 373-404 Pricing Mortgage‐Backed Securities: Integrating Optimal Call and Empirical Models of Prepayment
by Wayne R. Archer & David C. Ling - 405-430 Equity and Nonequity Determinants of FHA Single‐Family Mortgage Foreclosures in the 1980s
by Patric H. Hendershott & William R. Schultz - 431-449 Mortgage Prepayment and Default Decisions: A Poisson Regression Approach
by Eduardo S. Schwartz & Walter N. Torous - 451-480 Commercial Mortgage Defaults: Proportional Hazards Estimation Using Individual Loan Histories
by Kerry D. Vandell & Walter Barnes & David Hartzell & Dennis Kraft & William Wendt - 481-510 Mortgage Refinancing with Asymmetric Information
by T.L. Tyler Yang & Brian A. Maris - 511-538 The Integration of Mortgage Markets and Capital Markets
by Paul R. Goebel & Christopher K. Ma
September 1993, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 207-210 Editor's Introduction
by Kerry D. Vandell - 211-246 Handing Over the Keys: A Perspective on Mortgage Default Research
by Kerry D. Vandell - 247-263 Transaction Costs, Suboptimal Termination and Default Probabilities
by James B. Kau & Donald C. Keenan & Taewon Kim - 265-291 Commercial Mortgage Pricing with Unobservable Borrower Default Costs
by Timothy J. Riddiough & Howard E. Thompson - 293-311 Explaining Refinancing Decisions Using Microdata
by Amy Dickinson & Andrea J. Heuson - 313-332 Elective Mortgage Prepayment: Termination and Curtailment
by Peter Chinloy - 333-345 Why Do We Have ARMs?
by Jan K. Brueckner
June 1993, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 107-130 An Investigation of the Change in Real Estate Investment Trust Betas
by Terence Khoo & David Hartzell & Martin Hoesli - 131-140 Incentive Problems and General Partner Compensation in Limited Partnership Real Estate Investments
by James R. Hamill - 141-166 Temporal Aggregation in Real Estate Return Indices
by David Geltner - 167-184 The Impact of Natural Hazards on Housing Values: The Loma Prieta Earthquake
by James C. Murdoch & Harinder Singh & Mark Thayer - 185-201 Dividend Policies and Dividend Announcement Effects for Real Estate Investment Trusts
by Ko Wang & John Erickson & George W. Gau
March 1993, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-25 Inflation Risk, Payment Tilt, and the Design of Partially Indexed Affordable Mortgages
by William H. Scott & Arthur L. Houston & A. Quang Do - 27-46 Lender Forbearance: Evidence from Mortgage Delinquency Patterns
by Thomas M. Springer & Neil G. Waller - 47-67 Mortgage‐Backed Futures and Options
by David C. Ling - 69-82 Owner Tenancy as Credible Commitment under Uncertainty
by John L. Glascock & C. F. Sirmans & Geoffrey K. Turnbull - 83-106 Leasing as a Lottery: Implications for Rational Building Surges and Increasing Vacancies
by Joseph Gyourko & Richard Voith
December 1992, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 501-517 The Value of Building Codes
by Peter F. Colwell & Abdullah Yavaş - 519-532 The Welfare Effects of Non‐Price Competition Among Real Estate Brokers
by Thomas J. Miceli - 533-548 A Simple Search and Bargaining Model of Real Estate Markets
by Abdullah Yavaş - 549-571 Institutional Portfolios: Diversification through Farmland Investment
by David A. Lins & Bruce J. Sherrick & Aravind Venigalla - 573-582 Seasonal Variation in Cost‐of‐Funds at Thrift Institutions
by Frank E. Nothaft & George H. K. Wang
September 1992, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 359-391 Self‐Selection in the Fixed‐Rate Mortgage Market
by T. L. Tyler Yang - 393-426 An Empirical Investigation of the Contingent‐Claims Approach to Pricing Residential Mortgage Debt
by S. Michael Giliberto & David C. Ling - 427-456 Biased Prediction of Housing Values
by J. R. Knight & R. Carter Hill & C. F. Sirmans - 457-485 What Does the Stock Market Tell Us About Real Estate Returns?
by Joseph Gyourko & Donald B. Keim - 487-500 Sell‐Offs of U.S. Real Estate: The Effect of Domestic versus Foreign Buyers on Shareholder Wealth
by F. C. Neil Myer & Ling T. He & James R. Webb
June 1992, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 155-160 Research on Office Markets
by Henry O. Pollakowski - 161-180 Integrating Research on Markets for Space and Capital†
by Jeffrey D. Fisher - 181-198 The Markets for Real Estate Assets and Space: A Conceptual Framework
by Denise DiPasquale & William C. Wheaton - 199-209 Towards a Real Estate Land use Modeling Paradigm
by Yoon Dokko & Robert H. Edelstein - 211-227 Current Issues in the Analysis of Commercial Real Estate
by Jeffrey D. Fisher & R. Brian Webb - 229-258 Intrametropolitan Location and Office Market Dynamics
by John Clapp & Henry O. Pollakowski & Lloyd Lynford - 259-272 Security Deposits, Adverse Selection and Office Leases
by John D. Benjamin & James D. Shilling & C. F. Sirmans - 273-287 Office Rent Determinants in the Chicago Area
by Edwin S. Mills - 289-302 Influence of Rent Differentials on the Choice between Office Rent Contracts with and without Relocation Provisions
by John D. Benjamin & J. Sa‐Aadu & James D. Shilling - 302-324 Did Office Market Size Matter in the 1980s? A Time‐Series Cross‐Sectional Analysis of Metropolitan Area Office Markets
by Henry O. Pollakowski & Susan M. Wachter & Lloyd Lynford - 325-357 Transactions‐Driven Commercial Real Estate Returns: The Panacea to Asset Allocation Models?
by R. Brian Webb & Mike Miles & David Guilkey
March 1992, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-24 Appraisal‐Based Real Estate Returns under Alternative Market Regimes
by Carmelo Giaccotto & John Clapp - 25-54 The Fractal Structure of Real Estate Investment Trust Returns: The Search for Evidence of Market Segmentation and Nonlinear Dependency
by Brent W. Ambrose & Esther Ancel & Mark D. Griffiths - 55-88 Predicting Commercial Mortgage Foreclosure Experience
by Kerry D. Vandell - 89-106 The Principal‐Agent Relationship in Real Estate Brokerage Services
by Michael A. Arnold - 107-123 Optimal Comparable Selection and Weighting in Real Property Valuation: An Extension
by George W. Gau & Tsong‐Yue Lai & Ko Wang - 125-139 Real Estate Values, Federal Income Taxation, and the Importance of Local Market Conditions
by David C. Ling - 141-154 The Price Effects of Cash versus Mortgage Transactions
by Paul K. Asabere & Forrest E. Huffman & Seyed Mehdiany
December 1991, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 473-494 Modelling Mortgage Terminations in Turbulent Times
by Richard L. Cooperstein & F. Stevens Redburn & Harry G. Meyers - 495-515 Recoveries on Distressed Real Estate and The Relative Efficiency of Public versus Private Management
by Timothy Curry & Joseph Blalock & Rebel Cole - 516-531 Risk and the User Cost of Housing Services
by Peter Chinloy - 532-547 A Price Dispersion Equilibrium in a Spatially Differentiated Housing Market with Search Costs
by Colin Read - 548-566 The Multiple Listing Service, Commission Splits, and Broker Effort
by Thomas J. Miceli - 567-582 The Gains from Corporate Selloffs: The Case of Real Estate Assets
by John L. Glascock & Wallace N. Davidson & C. F. Sirmans - 583-600 Corporate Headquarters Relocation: Evidence from the Capital Markets
by Kasim L. Alli & Gabriel G. Ramirez & Kenneth Yung
September 1991, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 259-269 House Price Indexes: Issues and Results
by Donald R. Haurin & Patric H. Hendershott - 270-285 Housing Price Indices Based on All Transactions Compared to Repeat Subsamples
by John M. Clapp & Carmelo Giaccotto & Dogan Tirtiroglu - 286-307 On Choosing Among House Price Index Methodologies
by Bradford Case & Henry O. Pollakowski & Susan M. Wachter - 308-332 Nonparametric Estimation of Dynamic Hedonic Price Models and the Construction of Residential Housing Price Indices
by Richard Meese & Nancy Wallace - 333-352 New Evidence on Home Prices from Freddie Mac Repeat Sales
by Jesse M. Abraham & William S. Schauman - 353-382 The Measurement and Determinants of Single‐Family House Prices
by Joe Peek & James A. Wilcox - 383-396 User Cost and the Demand for Housing Attributes
by H. Leroy Gill & Donald R. Haurin - 396-416 House Prices and Regional Real Estate Cycles: Market Adjustments in Houston
by Barton A. Smith & William P. Tesarek - 417-425 Rates of Return on Housing of Low‐and Moderate‐Income Owners
by Henry O. Pollakowski & Michael A. Stegman & William Rohe - 426-450 Geographical Cost of Living Differences: An Update
by Walter W. McMahon - 451-472 Local House Price Indexes: 1982–1991
by Donald R. Haurin & Patric H. Hendershott & Dongwook Kim
June 1991, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 117-137 Transportation, Sorting and House Values
by Richard Voith - 138-153 Maintenance, Housing Quality, and Vacancies under Imperfect Information
by Colin Read - 154-160 Zoning and Industrial Land Values: The Case of Philadelphia
by Paul K. Asabere & Forrest E. Huffman - 161-183 Windfall Gains on the Swedish Housing Market: The Effects of Queueing for a Cooperative Dwelling
by Tommy Berger & Bengt Turner - 184-212 A Comparison of the Recent Performance of Publicly Traded Real Property Portfolios and Common Stock
by John D. Martin & Douglas O. Cook - 213-239 Optimal Comparable Selection and Weighting in Real Property Valuation
by Kerry D. Vandell - 240-258 Strategies and Performance in the Thrift Industry: 1979–1987
by Patricia M. Rudolph & Sharon Topping
March 1991, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-24 Optimal Price and Selling Effort from the Perspectives of the Broker and Seller
by David Geltner & Brian D. Kluger & Norman G. Miller - 25-40 Mortgage Credit Availability, Housing Starts and the Integration of Mortgage and Capital Markets: New Evidence Using Linear Feedback
by Mary G. McGarvey & Mark Meador - 41-51 Testing the Monocentric Urban Model: Evidence Based on Wasteful Commuting
by Lawrence Thurston & Anthony M. J. Yezer - 52-69 Determinants of the Rate of Return for Nonresidential Real Estate: Inflation Expectations and Market Adjustment Lags
by Yoon Dokko & Robert H. Edelstein & Marshall Pomer & E. Scott Urdang - 70-91 An Empirical Analysis of Hedonic Regression and Grid‐Adjustment Techniques in Real Estate Appraisal
by Han‐Bin Kang & Alan K. Reichert - 92-101 Stock Market Response to Voluntary Liquidations and Reorganizations of Real Estate Corporations
by Fayez A. Elayan & Brian A. Maris - 102-112 A Further Examination of Appraisal Data and the Potential Bias in Real Estate Return Indexes: Comment and Clarification
by David Geltner - 113-116 A Further Examination of Appraisal Data and the Potential Bias in Real Estate Return Indexes: Reply
by George W. Gau & Ko Wang
December 1990, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 369-375 Research on Real Estate Investment
by Patric H. Hendershott & Donald R. Haurin - 377-402 Return Risk and Cash Flow Risk with Long‐term Riskless Leases in Commercial Real Estate
by David Geltner - 403-430 A Different Look at Commercial Real Estate Returns
by Mike Miles & Rebel Cole & David Guilkey - 431-452 Risk and Return on Real Estate: Evidence from Equity REITs
by K. C. Chan & Patric H. Hendershott & Anthony B. Sanders - 453-478 The Impact of Market Imperfections on Real Estate Returns and Optimal Investor Portfolios
by Crocker H. Liu & Terry V. Grissom & David J. Hartzell - 479-500 REIT Advisor Performance
by John S. Howe & James D. Shilling - 501-521 Capital Structure Decisions in Real Estate Investment
by George W. Gau & Ko Wang - 522-529 Empirical Evidence on Shareholder Value and the Sale‐Leaseback of Corporate Real Estate
by Ronald C. Rutherford - 530-547 An Investment Model of the Demand and Supply For Industrial Real Estate
by William C. Wheaton & Raymond G. Torto
September 1990, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 237-252 Efficiency in the Mortgage Market: The Borrower's Perspective
by John M. Quigley & Robert Van Order - 253-273 Forecasting Prices and Excess Returns in the Housing Market
by Karl E. Case & Robert J. Shiller - 274-293 A Methodology for Constructing Vacant Land Price Indices
by John M. Clapp - 294-301 Atypicality and the Natural Vacancy Rate Hypothesis
by G. Donald Jud & James Frew - 302-312 Retail Leasing: The Determinants of Shopping Center Rents
by John D. Benjamin & Glenn W. Boyle & C. F. Sirmans - 313-322 Mortgage Pricing: Some Provisional Empirical Results
by Michael O'Keefe & Robert Van Order - 323-334 The Relationship between Median and Constant Quality House Prices: Implications for Setting FHA Loan Limits
by Patric H. Hendershott & Thomas G. Thibodeau - 335-368 Commuting and Congestion: A Simulation Model of a Decentralized Metropolitan Area
by Michelle J. White
June 1990, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 125-144 Mortgage Choice†
by James R. Follain - 145-159 Measuring Residential Real Estate Liquidity
by Brian D. Kluger & Norman G. Miller - 160-183 Residential Immobility of the Elderly: An Empirical Investigation
by James D. Reschovsky - 184-201 Agency Costs in Apartment Property Management Contracts
by Sidney B. Rosenberg & John B. Corgel - 202-206 A Note on Mortgage Risk: Default vs. Loss Rates
by Terrence M. Clauretie - 207-226 Mean Reversions in GNMA Returns
by Christopher K. Ma
March 1990, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-21 Modeling and Computing Transactions Costs for Purchasers of Housing Services
by Allen C. Goodman - 22-39 Capital Structure and the Cost of Capital for Untaxed Firms: The Case of REITs
by Brian A. Marts & Fayez A. Elayan - 40-48 A Further Examination of Appraisal Data and the Potential Bias in Real Estate Return Indexes
by George W. Gau & Ko Wang - 49-75 The Composition of the Market Portfolio and Real Estate Investment Performance
by Crocker H. Liu & David J. Hartzell & Terry V. Grissom & Wylie Greig - 76-90 Workouts, Deep Pockets, and Fire Sales: An Analysis of Distressed Real Estate
by John H. Crockett - 91-104 A Lattice Approach to Pricing Fixed‐Rate Mortgages with Default and Prepayment Options
by Wai K. Leung & C. F. Sirmans - 105-119 An Analysis of Office Market Rents: Some Empirical Evidence
by John L. Glascock & Shirin Jahanian & C. F. Sirmans
December 1989, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 389-402 The Impacts of Borrowing Constraints on Homeownership
by Peter Linneman & Susan Wachter - 403-421 Housing Rental Contracts and Adverse Selection with an Application to the Rent‐Own Decision
by Thomas J. Miceli - 422-438 Non‐Uniform Percentage Brokerage Commissions and Real Estate Market Performance
by James E. Larsen & Won J. Park - 439-449 Income and Appraised Values: A Reexamination of the FRC Returns Data
by William C. Wheaton & Raymond G. Torto - 450-462 The Insolvent Thrifts of 1982: Where Are They Now?
by Patricia M. Rudolph - 463-481 Estimating Real Estate's Systematic Risk from Aggregate Level Appraisal‐Based Returns
by David Geltner
September 1989, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 267-277 The Optimal Duration of Real Estate Listing Contracts
by Thomas J. Miceli - 278-299 Optimal Mortgage Refinancing with Stochastic Interest Rates
by Andrew H. Chen & David C. Ling - 300-313 The Impact of Unseasonable Weather on Housing Starts
by Mark T. Cammarota - 314-337 Tax Reform and Organizational Forms for Holding Investment Real Estate: Corporation vs. Partnership
by George H. Lentz & Jeffrey D. Fisher - 338-352 Bias in Appraisal‐Based Returns
by David Geltner - 353-362 The Effect of Historic District Designation on Single‐Family Home Prices
by Deborah Ann Ford - 363-379 The Demand for Federal Home Loan. Bank Advances by Thrift Institutions: Some Recent Evidence
by Elizabeth Mays & Edward J. DeMarco
June 1989, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 137-141 Interactions Between Finance and Urban Development
by James R. Follain & Edwin S. Mills - 142-158 On the use of the Financial Option Price Model to Value and Explain Vacant Urban Land
by David Geltner - 159-160 On the use of the Financial Option Price Model to Value and Explain Vacant Urban Land
by William C. Wheaton