June 2008, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 369-381 Are Workers' Enterprises Entry Policies Conventional?
by Michele Moretto & Gianpaolo Rossini
March 2008, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-22 Wage Cuts as Investment in Future Wage Growth
by Helen Connolly & Peter Gottschalk - 23-71 A Migration Study of Mother's Work, Welfare Participation, and Child Development
by Haiyong Liu - 73-106 Unemployment, Splitting up, and Spousal Income Replacement
by William Nilsson - 107-125 Are There Differences in the Health– Socio‐economic Status Relationship over the Life Cycle? Evidence from Germany
by Keith A. Bender & Steffen Habermalz - 127-166 Temporary Workers in Italy: Who Are They and Where They End Up
by Gianna Barbieri & Paolo Sestito - 167-183 A Note on Job Tenure and Collective Contracts
by Knut Gerlach & Gesine Stephan - 185-218 Why Has Occupational Sex Segregation in Turkey Increased since 1975?
by Judith Rich & Serap Palaz
December 2007, Volume 21, Issue 4‐5
- 595-610 Pension Benefits, Labour Market Institutions, and Unemployment
by Antonis Adam - 611-636 Hidden Unemployment in Disability Insurance
by Pierre Koning & Daniel Van Vuuren - 637-666 The Cost of Flexibility at the Margin. Comparing the Wage Penalty for Fixed‐term Contracts in Germany and Spain using Quantile Regression
by Antje Mertens & Vanessa Gash & Frances McGinnity - 667-687 Labour Market in Motion: Analysing Regional Flows in a Multi‐accounting System
by Anette Haas & Thomas Rothe - 689-712 Dynamic Efficiency of Supervisory Board Codetermination in Germany
by Simon Renaud - 713-733 Do Satisfactory Working Conditions Contribute to Explaining Earning Differentials in Italy? A Panel Data Approach
by Ambra Poggi - 735-761 Shadow Employment and Labor Productivity Dynamics
by Maurizio Bovi - 763-787 Regional Earnings Inequality in Great Britain: Evidence from Fixed‐effects Regressions
by Heather Dickey - 789-808 Immigrants in a Booming Economy: Analysing Their Earnings and Welfare Dependence
by Alan Barrett & Yvonne McCarthy - 809-835 Employer Size‐wage Effects in Australia
by C. Jeffrey Waddoups - 837-869 What Underpins Occupational Success? Race, Access, and Reward in Professional and Managerial Jobs in Australia
by Vani K. Borooah & John Mangan - 871-890 The Effect of Family Background on Occupational Choice
by Ichiro Tsukahara
September 2007, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 389-418 Reorganization of Firms and Job Stability: A Theoretical Approach
by Eva Moreno‐Galbis - 419-441 An Empirical Analysis of the Decision to Train Apprentices
by Samuel Muehlemann & Juerg Schweri & Rainer Winkelmann & Stefan C. Wolter - 443-471 From Welfare to Work: Evaluating a Tax and Benefit Reform Targeted at Single Mothers in Sweden
by Lennart Flood & Roger Wahlberg & Elina Pylkkänen - 473-502 PhD Graduates with Post‐doctoral Qualification in the Private Sector: Does It Pay Off?
by Isabelle Recotillet - 503-540 A Stock–Flow Matching Approach to Evaluation of Public Training Programme in a High Unemployment Environment
by Jekaterina Dmitrijeva & Mihails Hazans - 541-562 Measuring Unemployment in Developing Countries: The Case of Indonesia
by Daniel Suryadarma & Asep Suryahadi & Sudarno Sumarto - 563-593 The Gender Wage Gap in the Turkish Labor Market
by Ipek Ilkkaracan & Raziye Selim
June 2007, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 189-207 Intra‐household Allocation of Time to Household Production Activities: Evidence from Swedish Household Data
by Sven‐Olov Daunfeldt & Jörgen Hellström - 209-236 Social Capital and Wages: An Econometric Evaluation of Social Networking's Effects
by Eric Delattre & Mareva Sabatier - 237-263 Firm Size or Firm Age? The Effect on Wages Using Matched Employer–Employee Data
by Fredrik Heyman - 265-301 The Impact of Technological and Organizational Changes on Labor Flows. Evidence on French Establishments
by Philippe Askenazy & Eva Moreno Galbis - 303-332 The Transition from Temporary to Permanent Employment: Evidence from Tuscany
by Lorenzo Corsini & Marco Guerrazzi - 333-359 Exploring Job Satisfaction in Private and Public Employment: Empirical Evidence from Greece
by Michael Demoussis & Nicholas Giannakopoulos - 361-388 The Public–Private Job Satisfaction Differential in Italy
by Paolo Ghinetti
March 2007, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 1-41 The Educated Russian's Curse: Returns to Education in the Russian Federation during the 1990s
by Sofia Cheidvasser & Hugo Benítez‐Silva - 43-55 Preference Change and Increasing Wage Inequality
by Sara Connolly & Shaun Hargreaves Heap - 57-84 Matching Efficiency and Labour Market Reform in Italy: A Macroeconometric Assessment
by Sergio Destefanis & Raquel Fonseca - 85-120 Do Benefit Hikes Damage Job Finding? Evidence from Swedish Unemployment Insurance Reforms
by Helge Bennmarker & Kenneth Carling & Bertil Holmlund - 121-134 Entrepreneurship and Intergenerational Links in Switzerland
by Jean‐Marc Falter - 135-156 Unions’ and Firms’ Attitudes Towards Research Joint Ventures: When Will the Incentives Be Aligned?
by Constantine Manasakis & Vasileios Zikos - 157-188 The Burden of Labour Costs in Mexico
by Gabriel Montes Rojas & Mauricio Santamaría
December 2006, Volume 20, Issue 4
- 581-599 Modes of Entrance by Gender and Wage Differential in the French Labour Market
by Stéphane Moulin - 601-624 Crime and Labour Market Opportunities in Italy (1993–2002)
by Paolo Buonanno - 625-650 Wage Commitment, Signalling, and Entry Deterrence or Accommodation
by Rupayan Pal & Bibhas Saha - 651-672 Earnings‐related Severance Pay
by Laszlo Goerke - 673-698 Strike Outcomes and Wage Settlements in Spain
by Sergi Jiménez‐Martin - 699-720 Modelling Labour Demand Dynamics beyond the Frictionless Environment
by Konstantinos Drakos & Christos Kallandranis - 721-739 The Gender Wage Gap and Poverty in Colombia
by Diego F. Angel‐Urdinola & Quentin Wodon
September 2006, Volume 20, Issue 3
- 395-431 Worker Turnover, Capital Dispersion, and Matching
by Harald Dale‐Olsen - 433-451 Financing Unemployment Benefits: Dismissal versus Employment Taxes
by Florian Baumann & Nikolai Stähler - 453-474 The Determinants of Contract Length in Temporary Help Employment
by Tommaso Nannicini - 475-504 Do Temporary Contracts Increase Work Accidents? A Microeconometric Comparison between Italy and Spain
by Virginia Hernanz & Luis Toharia - 505-532 Do We Need Computer Skills to Use a Computer? Evidence from Britain
by Lex Borghans & Bas ter Weel - 533-557 Explaining the Growth of Part‐time Employment: Factors of Supply and Demand
by Rob Euwals & Maurice Hogerbrugge - 559-579 The Quality of Industrial Relations and Labour Market Performance
by Horst Feldmann
June 2006, Volume 20, Issue 2
- 201-236 Measuring Pension‐benefit Expectations Probabilistically
by Jeff Dominitz & Charles F. Manski - 237-254 How Many Labour Force States? An Analysis Based on the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS)
by Elisabetta Marzano - 255-284 Reasons for Wage Rigidity in Germany
by Wolfgang Franz & Friedhelm Pfeiffer - 285-323 Immigrants' Relative Earnings in Sweden — A Cohort Analysis
by Mats Hammarstedt & Ghazi Shukur - 325-348 Computer Use and Employment Status of Older Workers — An Analysis Based on Individual Data
by Katrin Schleife - 349-382 Evaluating the Dynamic Effects of Active Labour Policies in Italy
by Carlo Altavilla & Floro E. Caroleo - 383-391 How Incentives Increase Inequality
by Maya Bacache‐Beauvallet
March 2006, Volume 20, Issue 1
- 1-36 Assessing the ‘Choosiness’ of Job‐seekers. An Exploratory Approach and Evidence for Italy
by Ugo Trivellato & Anna Giraldo - 37-62 University Quality and Labour Market Outcomes in Italy
by Giorgio Di Pietro & Andrea Cutillo - 63-90 Evaluating the Introduction of a National Minimum Wage: Evidence from a New Survey of Firms in Ireland
by Donal O'Neill & Brian Nolan & James Williams - 91-124 UK Wage Inequality: An Industry and Regional Perspective
by Karl Taylor - 125-138 Crowding Effects and Work Ethics
by Sverre Grepperud & Pål Andreas Pedersen - 139-157 Diploma Effects by Gender in the Spanish Labour Market
by Empar Pons - 159-198 Gender Differences in Transitions from Unemployment: Micro Evidence from Finland
by Virve Ollikainen
December 2005, Volume 19, Issue s1
- 1-4 Editorial Foreword
by Daniela Del Boca - 5-49 New Mothers’ Employment and Public Policy in the UK, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Japan
by Eiko Kenjoh - 51-77 Fertility and Employment in Italy, France, and the UK
by Daniela Del Boca & Silvia Pasqua & Chiara Pronzato - 79-121 New Mothers’ Labour Force Participation in Italy: The Role of Job Characteristics
by Massimiliano Bratti & Emilia Del Bono & Daniela Vuri - 123-148 Employment Transitions after Motherhood in Spain
by Maria Gutiérrez‐Domènech - 149-170 Cost of Childcare and Female Employment in the UK
by Tarja K. Viitanen - 171-209 Supply and Price of Childcare and Female Labour Force Participation in the Netherlands
by Cecile Wetzels - 211-241 Women's Labor Supply, Marriage, and Welfare Dependency
by Shoshana Grossbard
December 2005, Volume 19, Issue 4
- 621-654 Higher Education Levels, Firms’ Outside Options and the Wage Structure
by Åsa Rosén & Etienne Wasmer - 655-671 Imperfect Information and Training Quality
by Wendy Smits - 673-703 Physicians’ Labour Supply: The Wage Impact on Hours and Practice Combinations
by Erik Magnus Sæther - 705-719 Schooling and Labor Market Impacts of a Natural Policy Experiment
by Harry Patrinos & Chris Sakellariou - 721-748 The Dark, and Independent, Side of the Italian Labour Market
by Maurizio Bovi - 749-765 Matching across Space: Evidence from Finland
by Sanna‐Mari Hynninen - 767-800 Combining Administrative and Survey Data to Derive Small‐area Estimates Using Loglinear Modelling
by Chungui Qiao
September 2005, Volume 19, Issue 3
- 425-467 Impact of Multiple Labour Market Programmes on Multiple Outcomes: The Case of Norwegian Youth Programmes
by Inés Hardoy - 469-489 Up in the Skies? The Relationship between Body Height and Earnings in Germany
by Guido Heineck - 491-515 ‘Birds of a Feather Flock Together’: The Impact of Choice of Spouse on Family Labor Income Inequality
by Iulie Aslaksen & Tom Wennemo & Rolf Aaberge - 517-529 A Comprehensive Profile of the Working Poor
by David Gleicher & Lonnie K. Stevans - 531-562 Education, Mobility and Employers’ Monopsony Power: A Search‐theoretic Analysis
by Bruno Decreuse & Pierre Granier - 563-593 Empirical Estimates of the NAIRU
by Jakob B. Madsen - 595-620 The Impact of Growth, Labour Cost and Working Time on Employment: Lessons from the French Experience
by Yannick L’Horty & Christophe Rault
June 2005, Volume 19, Issue 2
- 177-190 Discrimination and Resistance to Low‐skilled Immigration
by Alexander Kemnitz - 191-236 Redistribution Through Education and Other Mechanisms Under Capital‐Market Imperfections and Uncertainty: A Welfare Effect Analysis
by Ben Mimoun Mohamed - 237-271 The Determinants of Child Labour: The Role of Primary Product Specialization
by Leonardo Becchetti & Giovanni Trovato - 273-301 Economic Integration, International Capital Movements, and Labour Standards
by Morten Skak - 303-341 Disability and Labour Supply during Economic Transition: Evidence from Bulgaria
by François‐Charles Wolff - 343-372 Institutions and Service Employment: A Panel Study for OECD Countries
by Julián Messina - 373-398 Have Industrial Relations in the UK Really Improved?
by Stephen Drinkwater & Peter Ingram - 399-423 Explaining the Desire for Local Bargaining: Evidence from a Finnish Survey of Employers and Employees
by Anni Heikkilä & Hannu Piekkola
March 2005, Volume 19, Issue 1
- 1-34 The Impact of Worker and Establishment‐level Characteristics on Male–Female Wage Differentials: Evidence from Danish Matched Employee–Employer Data
by Nabanita Datta Gupta & Donna S. Rothstein - 35-54 A Noisy Screening Model of Education
by Pedro Landeras & J. M. Pérez de Villarreal - 55-80 Employment with Alternative Incentive Schemes when Effort is Not Verifiable
by Nicola Meccheri - 81-89 Measurement Error and Incentive Pay
by Eero Lauri Oskari Lehto - 91-121 Decentralizing Wage Bargaining in Germany — A Way to Increase Employment?
by Wolfgang Ochel - 123-146 Comprehensive Education for the Unemployed — Evaluating the Effects on Unemployment of the Adult Education Initiative in Sweden
by Anders Stenberg - 147-173 The Effects of Group Incentives in an Indian Firm: Evidence from Payroll Data
by Debashish Bhattacherjee
December 2004, Volume 18, Issue 4
- 515-561 Size, Skill and Sorting
by Dale Belman & David I. Levine - 563-589 Subjective Measures of Employment Opportunities and Interregional Migration
by Fredrik Carlsen & Kåre Johansen - 591-614 Stepping Stones to Permanent Employment in the Public Service
by Gene Tunny & John Mangan - 615-631 Basic Wages and Firm Characteristics: Rent Sharing in French Manufacturing
by Fathi Fakhfakh & Felix FitzRoy - 633-660 Unequal Opportunities for Young People with Immigrant Backgrounds in the Swedish Labour Market
by Alireza Behtoui - 661-674 Setting Incentives: Temporary Performance Premiums versus Promotion Tournaments
by Volker Meier - 675-697 The Male–Female Wage Gap and the Firm Effect: The Case of Young Italian Workers
by Saveria Capellari & Laura Chies & Susanna Zaccarin - 699-725 Temporary Agency Workers in Italy: Alternative Techniques of Classification
by Giuseppe Porro & Andrea Vezzulli & Stefano Maria Iacus
September 2004, Volume 18, Issue 3
- 329-362 Changes in Union Membership Over Time: A Panel Analysis for West Germany
by Martin Beck & Bernd Fitzenberger - 363-378 Why is the Return to Training So High?
by Pål Schøne - 379-414 The Impact of Youth Unemployment Policy: A Shift of Workers into the Skilled Labour Force
by Trine Filges & Birthe Larsen - 415-442 Occupational Attainment and Earnings: The Case of the Disabled
by Peter Skogman Thoursie - 443-463 Discriminatory Barriers and the Gender Wage Gap in France
by Stéphane Moulin - 465-502 The Employment–Hours Trade‐off: Theory and an Application to the Portuguese Case
by Ana Paula Martins - 503-514 Beyond Regional Institutions: Widening Unemployment Differentials in Italy
by Michele Limosani
June 2004, Volume 18, Issue 2
- 177-189 Contract Length as Risk Management When Labor is not Homogeneous
by Joel G. Maxcy - 191-205 Union–Firm Bargaining, Productivity Improvement and Endogenous Growth
by Tapio Palokangas - 207-232 Do the Falling Earnings of Immigrants Apply to Self‐employed Immigrants?
by Marc Frenette - 233-263 Early Career Mobility and Earnings Profiles of German Apprentices: Theory and Empirical Evidence
by Spiros Bougheas & Yannis Georgellis - 265-291 Urban Versus Rural Return to Human Capital in Portugal: A Cookbook Recipe for Applying Assignment Models
by C. N. Teulings & J. A. C. Vieira - 293-316 Temporary Employment, Working Conditions and Expected Exits from Firms
by Carlos García‐Serrano - 317-327 The Impact on Inequality of Raising the Minimum Wage: Gap‐narrowing and Reranking Effects
by Diego F. Angel‐Urdinola & Quentin Wodon
March 2004, Volume 18, Issue 1
- 1-28 Union Activism, Workers’ Satisfaction and Organizational Change
by Lorenzo Cappellari & Claudio Lucifora & Giulio Piccirilli - 29-52 Employment Protection and the Incidence of Unemployment: A Theoretical Framework
by Anita Guelfi - 53-73 Risk Aversion and the Efficiency Wage Contract
by Ouassila Chouikhi & Shyama V. Ramani - 75-103 Firm‐level Consequences of Large Minimum‐wage Increases in the Czech and Slovak Republics
by Tor Eriksson & Mariola Pytlikova - 105-129 Sources of Job and Worker Flows: Evidence from a Panel of Regions
by Petri Böckerman & Kari Hämäläinen & Mika Maliranta - 131-161 Is the Swiss Labor Market Segmented? An Analysis Using Alternative Approaches
by Alfonso Sousa‐Poza - 161-173 Preliminary Evidence on Wage Setting in Greek Manufacturing
by P. Kapopoulos & P. Papadimitriou
August 2003, Volume 17, Issue s1
- 5-44 Labor Market Effects of Population Aging
by Axel Börsch‐Supan - 45-78 Differential Mortality and the Design of the Italian System of Public Pensions
by Graziella Caselli & Franco Peracchi & Elisabetta Barbi & Rosa Maria Lipsi - 79-114 Social Security Wealth and Retirement Decisions in Italy
by Agar Brugiavini & Franco Peracchi - 115-137 A Simple Intertemporal Model of Retirement Estimated On Italian Cross‐Section Data
by Ugo Colombino - 139-173 Microsimulating the Evolution of Italian Pension Benefits: the Role of Retirement Choices and Lowest Pensions Indexing
by Carlo Bianchi & Marzia Romanelli & Pietro A. Vagliasindi - 175-207 Early Retirement in Italy: Recent Trends
by Luca Inglese - 209-240 Demographic Trends and Pension System in Italy: an Assessment of 1990s Reforms
by Emanuele Baldacci & Donatella Tuzi
December 2003, Volume 17, Issue 4
- 459-487 Do Foreigners Cushion Native Jobs? The Case of European Regions in the 1990s
by Massimiliano Tani - 489-518 Age, Cohort, and the Slump in Job Satisfaction among West German Workers
by Hendrik Jürges - 519-542 Revisiting the Impact of Union Structures on Wages: Integrating Different Dimensions of Centralization
by Nicole Gürtzgen - 543-569 Attitudes, Expectations and Sharing
by Sarah Brown & John G. Sessions - 571-597 Sectoral Queuing in a Transitional Economy: The Case of Nicaragua in the 1990s
by Michael J. Pisani & José A. Pagán - 599-622 On Labor Policies Affecting Investment in General Human Capital
by Yasuhiro Sato & Hiroaki Sugiura - 623-648 Employment of Older People in the European Union
by David Morris & Tony Mallier
September 2003, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 317-335 Educational Inequality
by Yoshiaki Azuma & Herschel I. Grossman - 337-360 Does Future PC Use Determine Our Wages Today? — Evidence from German Panel Data
by Silke Anger & Johannes Schwarze - 361-382 The Structure of Wages in the Netherlands, 1986–98
by Bas Ter Weel - 383-389 Unemployment Insurance and the Timing of Layoffs and Recalls
by Štěpán Jurajda - 391-412 Explaining Labour Turnover: Empirical Evidence from UK Establishments
by Christopher Martin - 413-437 Regional Labour Market Matching Functions and Efficiency Analysis
by Pekka Ilmakunnas & Hanna Pesola - 439-458 Are Married Women in Turkey More Likely to Become Added or Discouraged Workers?
by Cem Başlevent & Özlem Onaran
June 2003, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 153-201 Inequality in Incomes and Access to Education: A Cross‐country Analysis (1960–95)
by Daniele Checchi - 203-228 Early Retirement and Economic Incentives: Evidence from a Quasi‐natural Experiment
by Knut Røed & Fredrik Haugen - 229-246 Self‐financing Unemployment Insurance and Bargaining Structure
by Helge Sanner - 247-270 Labour‐market Institutions and Macroeconomic Shocks
by Yu‐Fu Chen & Dennis Snower & Gylfi Zoega - 271-283 The Unemployed Individual's Marginal Willingness to Pay for the Remaining Entitlement Period
by Jos Van Ommeren - 285-298 Unions and the Welfare Impact of Foreign Direct Investment — A Wisdom Extension
by Jacques Bughin & Stefano Vannini - 299-314 On the Use of Incentive Pay in Chinese State‐owned Enterprises: The Role of Hierarchy
by Frank Bodmer
March 2003, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-23 Knocking on Academia's Doors: An Inquiry into the Early Careers of Doctors in Life Sciences
by S. Robin & E. Cahuzac - 25-45 A Great Place to Start: The Role of Military Service on Human Capital Formation
by John J. Hisnanick - 47-62 Severance Payments and Firm–specific Human Capital
by Jens Suedekum & Peter Ruehmann - 63-91 Why Do People from Southern Italy Seek Jobs in the Public Sector?
by Laura Pagani - 93-102 Labor Mobility, Job Preferences, and Income Distribution
by Alvaro Montenegro - 103-126 Total Board Compensation, Governance and Performance of Spanish Listed Companies
by Rafel Crespí–Cladera & Carles Gispert - 127-152 Labour Market Segmentation in Central Europe during the First Years of Transition
by Ariane Pailhé
September 2002, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 423-452 Occupational Upgrading and the Business Cycle
by Paul J. Devereux - 453-468 A Duration‐sensitive Measure of the Unemployment Rate: Theory and Application
by Vani K. Borooah - 469-489 Unemployment and Earnings Assimilation of Immigrants
by Pål Longva & Oddbjørn Raaum - 491-512 Employer Wage Differentials in Germany: A Comparative Note
by Gesine Stephan - 513-535 Returns to Education during the Reform of State‐owned Enterprises in Hunan, People’s Republic of China
by Xiaoyu Huang & José Vaz Caldas & João Rebelo - 537-555 Trade and Factor Market Reforms in China
by Masayuki Doi & Piyush Tiwari & Tetsu Kawakami - 557-568 Determination of Average Working Time in Finland
by Petri Böckerman & Jaakko Kiander - 569-608 Advantage through Training in Poland? A Microeconometric Evaluation of the Employment Effects of Training and Job Subsidy Programmes
by Patrick A. Puhani
June 2002, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 201-233 The Dynamics of Occupational Choice: Theory and Evidence
by André Drost - 235-266 Assessing the Effects of the ‘Mobility Lists’ Programme by Flexible Duration Models
by Adriano Paggiaro & Ugo Trivellato - 267-286 Regional Labour Market Adjustment: Are Positive and Negative Shocks Different?
by Sari Pekkala & Aki Kangasharju - 287-310 Firm‐sponsored Apprenticeship Training in Germany: Empirical Evidence from Establishment Data
by Michael Beckmann - 311-345 Rehires and Unemployment Duration in the Swedish Labour Market — New Evidence of Temporary Layoffs
by Fredrik Jansson - 347-381 The Distribution of the German Public–Private Wage Gap
by Hendrik Jürges - 383-402 Overeducated Workers as an Insurance Device
by Guido Bulmahn & Matthias Kräkel - 403-422 ‘Investment’ in Union Membership: A Managerial Approach
by Tomas Sjögren
March 2002, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-37 The Efffect of Work Interruptions on Women’s Wages
by Charles L. Baum - 37-64 Permanent Disadvantage or Gradual Integration: Explaining the Immigrant–Native Earnings Gap in Sweden
by Carl le Grand & Ryszard Szulkin - 65-88 Employment Adjustment at the Firm Level. A Theoretical Model and an Empirical Investigation for West German Manufacturing Firms
by Werner Smolny - 89-102 A Dynamic Model for the Cross‐sectional Distribution of Unemployment Rates
by Fariba Hashemi - 103-133 Unemployment May Be Lower if Unions Bargain over Wages and Employment
by Hartmut Egger - 135-156 Labour Market Institutions and the Gender Wage Gap in Britain and Australia, 1973–90
by Michael P. Kidd & Michael Shannon - 157-175 Profit Sharing in Portugal: Why Higher Productivity?
by Luis Moura Ramos - 177-200 An Econometric Analysis of Strike Activity in the Brazilian Industrial Sector
by Paulo Picchetti
September 2001, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 343-369 Decentralized Public Sector Wage Determination: Wage Curve and Wage Comparison for Norwegian Teachers in the Pre‐WW2 Period
by Torberg Falch - 371-391 The Gender Earnings Gap for US Physicians: Has Equality been Achieved?
by David J. Bashaw & John S. Heywood - 393-414 Comparisons in Gender Wage Differentials and Discrimination between Germany and the United Kingdom
by Mick Brookes & Timothy Hinks & Duncan Watson - 415-443 A New Look at Gender Effects in Participation and Occupation Choice
by Didier Soopramanien & Geraint Johnes