June 2015, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 141-162 Labour Market Policies in Times of Crisis: A Reaction Function Approach for the Period 1985–2010
by Christine Erhel & Charlotte Levionnois - 163-193 Youth Training Programs and Their Impact on Career and Spell Duration of Professional Soccer Players
by Mihailo Radoman & Marcel C. Voia - 194-223 Employer Changes and Wage Changes: Estimation with Measurement Error in a Binary Variable
by Adele Bergin
March 2015, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-14 Testing the Validity of the Sibling Sex Ratio Instrument
by Martin Huber - 15-31 Gender Unemployment Dynamics: Evidence from Ten Advanced Economies
by Franciscos Koutentakis - 32-51 Gender Differences in Lifelong Learning: An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Marriage and Children
by Peter Huber & Ulrike Huemer - 52-78 Employers' Efforts to Deter Shirking in Teams: Evidence from Job Vacancies
by Vera Brenčič - 79-99 A Level Playing Field: An Optimal Weighting Scheme of Dismissal Protection Characteristics
by Michael Kind
December 2014, Volume 28, Issue 4
- 359-375 Optimal Capital Taxation, Labour Unions, and the Hold-Up Problem
by Tapio Palokangas - 376-398 Vacation Leave, Work Hours, and Wages: New Evidence from Linked Employer–Employee Data
by Ali Fakih - 399-429 Unemployment Duration of Spouses: Evidence From France
by Stefania Marcassa - 430-448 Unemployment Insurance and Entrepreneurship
by Knut Røed & Jens Fredrik Skogstrøm - 449-465 The Effects of the Specialist Schools Education Policy on School and Post-School Outcomes in England
by Steve Bradley & Giuseppe Migali
September 2014, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 251-268 Better Safe than Sorry? The Effects of Income Risk and Unemployment Risk on Wages
by Wolfgang Nagl - 269-287 Looks and Labor: Do Attractive People Work More?
by Markus Gehrsitz - 288-308 Residual Wage Inequality and Immigration in the USA and the UK
by Cinzia Rienzo - 309-337 Is There Still a Wage Penalty for Being Overeducated But Well-matched in Skills? A Panel Data Analysis of a Swiss Graduate Cohort
by Marco Pecoraro - 338-357 Minimum Wages as a Barrier to Entry: Evidence from Germany
by Ronald Bachmann & Thomas K. Bauer & Hanna Frings
June 2014, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 141-162 Job Quality and Employment of Older People in Europe
by Mario Schnalzenberger & Nicole Schneeweis & Rudolf Winter-Ebmer & Martina Zweimüller - 163-189 Does Formal Education for Older Workers Increase Earnings? — Evidence Based on Rich Data and Long-term Follow-up
by Anders Stenberg & Xavier Luna & Olle Westerlund - 190-208 How Do Policies Affect the Exit Rate out of Unemployment? Disentangling Job Creation from Labour Market Frictions
by Fabrice Murtin & Alain Serres - 209-232 Transitions in the Labour Market: Discouragement Effect and Individual Characteristics
by Maurizio Baussola & Chiara Mussida - 233-249 Individual Preferences and Job Characteristics: An Analysis of Cooperative Credit Banks
by Annamaria Nese & Roberta Troisi
March 2014, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-39 The Intra-household Division of Labor: An Empirical Analysis of Spousal Influences on Individual Time Allocation
by Julia Bredtmann - 40-63 Sickness Absence, Sick Leave Pay, and Pay Schemes
by Harald Dale-Olsen - 64-86 The Implications of Temporary Jobs on the Distribution of Wages in Italy: An Unconditional IVQTE Approach
by Giulio Bosio - 87-111 A New Look at the Public Wage Premium in Italy: The Role of Schooling Endogeneity
by Paolo Ghinetti - 112-140 Internet-Based Employer Search and Vacancy Duration: Evidence from Finland
by Henna Nivalainen
December 2013, Volume 27, Issue 4
- 351-370 The Role of Profit Sharing in Dual Labour Markets with Flexible Outsourcing
by Jan König & Erkki Koskela - 371-398 Temporary Contracts, Employment Protection, and Collective Bargaining
by Makoto Masui - 399-420 Immigration, Growth, and Unemployment: Panel VAR Evidence from OECD Countries
by Ekrame Boubtane & Dramane Coulibaly & Christophe Rault - 421-442 A Causality Analysis of Economic Growth and Union Density in European Countries
by Magali Jaoul-Grammare & Isabelle Terraz - 443-461 Returns to Foreign Language Skills of Immigrants in Spain
by Ingo E. Isphording
September 2013, Volume 27, Issue 3
- 249-271 Who Chooses Which Private Education? Theory and International Evidence
by Giuseppe Bertola & Daniele Checchi - 272-287 Unionization and Labour-market Discrimination: A Closer Look at Non-unionized Workers
by Julien Picault - 288-309 Collective Agreement Status and Survivability: Change and Persistence in the German Model
by John T. Addison & Paulino Teixeira & Alex Bryson & André Pahnke - 310-330 Low-wage Jobs — Springboard to High-paid Ones?
by Andreas Knabe & Alexander Plum - 331-349 Does Rent-sharing Profit Female and Male Workers? Evidence from Israeli Matched Employer–Employee Data
by Guy Navon & Ilan Tojerow
June 2013, Volume 27, Issue 2
- 115-139 Residential Location, Job Location, and Wages: Theory and Empirics
by Rune Vejlin - 140-163 Can the Augmented Solow Model with Migration Explain the Italian Internal Brain Drain?
by Romano Piras - 164-191 The Union Effect on Wages in Chile: A Two-Stage Approach Using Panel Data
by Oscar Landerretche & Nicolás Lillo & Esteban Puentes - 192-197 A Note on Measuring the Depth of Minimum Wage Violation
by Haroon Bhorat & Ravi Kanbur & Natasha Mayet - 198-224 Measuring Job Satisfaction with CUB Models
by Romina Gambacorta & Maria Iannario - 225-248 Credential Effects and the Returns to Education in China
by Lin Xiu & Morley Gunderson
March 2013, Volume 27, Issue 1
- 1-17 Unionization Structures in International Oligopoly
by Beatrice Pagel & Christian Wey - 18-37 International and National R & D Networks in Unionized Oligopoly
by Dusanee Kesavayuth & Vasileios Zikos - 38-57 Managerial Delegation under Alternative Unionization Structures
by Luciano Fanti & Nicola Meccheri - 58-79 Gender Differences in the Earnings Mobility of Migrants
by Regina Flake - 80-92 Effects of Regional Labour Markets on Migration Flows, by Education Level
by Fredrik Carlsen & Kåre Johansen & Lasse Sigbjørn Stambøl - 93-113 New Evidence on the Impact of Legal Status on Immigrant Labor Market Performance: The S panish Case
by Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes & Miguel A. Malo & Fernando Muñoz-Bullón
December 2012, Volume 26, Issue 4
- 419-435 Vacancy Referrals, Job Search, and the Duration of Unemployment: A Randomized Experiment
by Per Engström & Patrik Hesselius & Bertil Holmlund - 436-454 Heterogeneous Firm Responses to Rising Teenage Wages
by Dean R. Hyslop & David C. Maré & Steven Stillman & Jason Timmins - 455-471 The Effects of Personality Traits on Wages: A Matching Approach
by Robert Girtz - 472-491 Kind of Black: The Musicians' Labour Market in Italy
by Alessandro Balestrino - 492-513 Foreign Direct Investment, Trade, and Skilled Labour Demand in E astern E urope
by Giovanni S. F. Bruno & Rosario Crinò & Anna M. Falzoni - 514-541 Wage and Productivity Differentials in Japan: The Role of Labor Market Mechanisms
by Yannick Kalantzis & Ryo Kambayashi & Sébastien Lechevalier
September 2012, Volume 26, Issue 3
- 287-312 The Effect of Early Cognitive Ability on Earnings Over the Life-Cycle
by Torberg Falch & Sofia Sandgren Massih - 313-340 Earning While Learning: When and How Student Employment is Beneficial
by Regula Geel & Uschi Backes-Gellner - 341-355 What Drives the Demand for Temporary Agency Workers?
by Elke J. Jahn & Jan Bentzen - 356-368 Non-linear Effects of Comparison Income in Quit Decisions: Status versus Signal!
by Christian Pfeifer & Stefan Schneck - 369-391 Product Market Regulation and Labor Market Performance around the World
by Horst Feldmann - 392-417 An Assessment of the Italian 2007 Complementary Social Security Reform: A Simulation Approach
by Lorenzo Corsini & Pier Mario Pacini & Luca Spataro
June 2012, Volume 26, Issue 2
- 137-155 Unemployment and Retirement in a Model with Age-specific Heterogeneity
by Mathieu Lefèbvre - 156-173 Risk Aversion, Collective Bargaining, and Wages in Germany
by Laszlo Goerke & Markus Pannenberg - 174-207 Firm Size and Employment Dynamics: Estimations of Labor Demand Elasticities Using a Fractional Panel Probit Model
by Arnd Kölling - 208-224 The Determinants and Some Consequences of Unemployed Workers' Wage Demands
by Stefan Eriksson & Jonas Lagerström - 225-234 Crime and the Decline of Unions
by Robert Baumann & Bryan Engelhardt - 235-265 Income Pooling between Australian Young Adults and Their Parents
by Robert V. Breunig & Rebecca J. McKibbin - 266-286 Weather-related Employment Subsidies as a Remedy for Seasonal Unemployment? Evidence from Germany
by Melanie Arntz & Ralf A. Wilke
March 2012, Volume 26, Issue 1
- 1-30 Informal Referrals, Employment, and Wages: Seeking Causal Relationships
by Ana Maria Diaz - 31-45 Estimating the Return to College in Britain Using Regression and Propensity Score Matching
by Wen Fan - 46-65 The Access of the Young Graduates in Sciences into R&D Profession: A Switching Model Treatment for the French Case
by Claire Bonnard - 66-89 Employability of Young Italian Men after a Jobless Period, 1989–98
by Bruno Contini & Ambra Poggi - 90-107 How the Risk of Displacement for Older Workers Has Changed
by Natalia A. Zhivan & Mauricio Soto & Steven A. Sass & Alicia H. Munnell - 108-123 Occupational and Locational Substitution: Measuring the Effect of Occupational and Regional Mobility
by Alisher Aldashev - 124-136 Conditional Cash Transfer Programs, Credit Constraints, and Migration
by Manuela Angelucci
December 2011, Volume 25, Issue 4
- 397-420 Inefficient Job Destructions and Training with Hold‐up
by Arnaud Chéron & Bénédicte Rouland - 421-446 Job Stability Trends, Lay‐offs, and Transitions to Unemployment in West Germany
by Annette Bergmann & Antje Mertens - 447-467 Do Interactions between Unemployment Insurance and Sickness Insurance Affect Transitions to Employment?
by Caroline Hall - 468-484 The Firm as a Means of Concealing Information
by Shiqiang Li - 485-507 Worker and Firm Heterogeneity in Wage Growth: An AKM Approach
by Kenneth Lykke Sørensen & Rune Vejlin - 508-527 The Threat Effect of Mandatory Programmes in Finland
by Juha Tuomala - 528-543 Social Network and Wage: Evidence from Cameroon
by Urbain Thierry Yogo
September 2011, Volume 25, Issue 3
- 287-307 Economic Fluctuations and Retirement of Older Employees
by Daniel Hallberg - 308-329 Employment Protection and Temporary Work Agencies
by Florian Baumann & Mario Mechtel & Nikolai Stähler - 330-349 Firm‐level Evidence on Gender Wage Discrimination in the Belgian Private Economy
by Vincent Vandenberghe - 350-369 Time Preference and Time Use: Do Smokers Exercise Less?
by Younghwan Song - 370-385 Downward Nominal Wage Rigidity and Gender
by Sten Anspal & Janno Järve - 386-396 Union Bargaining in Economies with Constant Returns to Scale
by Daniel Cardona & Fernando Sánchez‐Losada
June 2011, Volume 25, Issue 2
- 155-166 Testing for Statistical Discrimination: The Case of Immigrant Physicians in Israel
by Erez Siniver - 167-181 An Activation Program as a Stick to Job Finding
by Brian Krogh Graversen & Jan C. van Ours - 182-197 Paying More than Necessary? The Wage Cushion in Germany
by Sven Jung & Claus Schnabel - 198-227 The Female Immigrant Labour Supply: The Effect of an In‐work Benefit
by Lina Andersson - 228-251 Beauty and the Labor Market: Accounting for the Additional Effects of Personality and Grooming
by Philip K. Robins & Jenny F. Homer & Michael T. French - 252-267 Will the Dismantlement of Early Retirement Schemes Increase Older Unemployment? A Competing‐risk Analysis for Belgium
by Marjan Maes - 268-285 Wage Inequality of US Truck Drivers
by Kristen Monaco & Steffen Habermalz
March 2011, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 1-23 Job Satisfaction, Work Environment, and Rewards: Motivational Theory Revisited
by Lea Sell & Bryan Cleal - 24-44 The Role of Task Adhesion in Limiting Specialization along the Medical Care Continuum
by Guy David & Lorens A. Helmchen - 45-62 Adoption and Termination of Employee Involvement Programs
by Wei Chi & Richard B. Freeman & Morris M. Kleiner - 63-88 Reservation Wages: Explaining Some Puzzling Regional Patterns
by Paolo Sestito & Eliana Viviano - 89-96 Does Uncertainty of Firing Costs Reduce Hirings?
by Arnaud Chéron & Aymen Esselmi & Simon Petitrenaud - 97-125 A Retrospective Analysis of Employment Duration: Evidence from the Second Half of the Twentieth Century
by Luke Ignaczak & Marcel Voia - 126-151 Do Tax–Benefit Systems Cause High Replacement Rates? A Decompositional Analysis Using EUROMOD
by Cathal O'Donoghue
December 2010, Volume 24, Issue s1
- 1-2 Introduction in Honour of Maria Concetta Chiuri
by Daniela Del Boca - 3-24 Household Membership Decisions of Adult Children: Exploring European Diversity
by Maria Concetta Chiuri & Daniela Del Boca - 25-45 Effects of Structural Constraints and Costs on Choices
by Peter Simmons - 46-75 The Effect of Availability of School and Distance to School on Children's Time Allocation in Ghana
by Daniela Vuri - 76-92 Children's Schooling and Parental Migration: Empirical Evidence on the ‘Left‐behind’ Generation in Albania
by Gianna Claudia Giannelli & Lucia Mangiavacchi - 93-113 Return Decisions of Undocumented Migrants: Do Network Effects Help the High‐skilled Overstay?
by Nicola D. Coniglio & Giuseppe De Arcangelis & Laura Serlenga - 114-140 Temporary Extra Jobs for Immigrants: Merging Lane to Employment or Dead‐End Road in Welfare?
by Stephan L. Thomsen & Thomas Walter - 141-167 Tax–Benefit‐revealed Redistributive Preferences Over Time: Ireland 1987–2005
by Olivier Bargain & Claire Keane
December 2010, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 359-390 Breadth versus Depth: The Timing of Specialization in Higher Education
by Ofer Malamud - 391-406 Do Teacher Strikes Harm Educational Attainment of Students?
by Michèle Belot & Dinand Webbink - 407-440 The Interaction between Income Support Programs
by Stephen Whelan - 441-455 Firing Restrictions, Government Growth, Immigration, and the NAIRU: Evidence from Fifteen OECD Countries
by Dimitris Hatzinikolaou & Pantelis Kammas - 456-473 Public Sector Wage Premium in Canada: Evidence from Labour Force Survey
by Raaj Tiagi - 474-500 Turnover and Excess Worker Reallocation. The Veneto Labour Market between 1982 and 1996
by Giuseppe Tattara & Marco Valentini - 501-530 Hazard Analysis of Unemployment Duration by Gender in a Developing Country: The Case of Turkey
by Aysit Tansel & H. Mehmet Taşçı
September 2010, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 221-237 Effort Observability, Incentive Systems, and Organizational Forms
by Maria De Paola & Vincenzo Scoppa - 238-262 Economic Growth and Welfare in a Neoclassical Overlapping Generations Growth Model with Minimum Wages and Consumption Taxes
by Luciano Fanti & Luca Gori - 263-278 Experimental Evidence of Discrimination in the Hiring of First‐ and Second‐generation Immigrants
by Magnus Carlsson - 279-294 Active Labour Market Programmes, Job Search and Job Finding in Denmark
by Anna Amilon - 295-310 Does Immigration Raise Blue and White Collar Wages of Natives? The Case of Italy
by Stefano Staffolani & Enzo Valentini - 311-332 Stuck between Surplus and Shortage: Demand for Skills in Russian Industry
by Vladimir Gimpelson & Rostislav Kapeliushnikov & Anna Lukiyanova - 333-356 The Effect of Having More Children on Women's Labour Force Participation in Korea: An Analysis Using Instrument Variables
by Kigon Nam
June 2010, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 107-127 The Role of Career Choice in Understanding Job Mobility
by Ronni Pavan - 128-138 Minimum Wages and Trainers' Dilemma
by Kyota Eguchi - 139-162 Dropping the Books and Working Off the Books
by Rita Cappariello & Roberta Zizza - 163-177 Labour Policy and Determinants of Employment and Wages in a Developing Economy with Labour Shortage
by Ibrahim Mohamed Abdalla & Mohammed A. Al‐Waqfi & Nasri Harb & Rafiq H. Hijazi & Taoufik Zoubeidi - 178-200 Temporary/Permanent Workers' Wage Gap: A Brand‐new Form of Wage Inequality?
by Leandro Elia - 201-220 Personality and Labour Market Income: Evidence from Longitudinal Data
by Jutta Viinikainen & Katja Kokko & Lea Pulkkinen & Jaakko Pehkonen
March 2010, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-25 The Effect of Legislated Minimum Wage Increases on Employment and Hours: A Dynamic Analysis
by Dale L. Belman & Paul Wolfson - 26-34 Welfare Effects of Local versus Central Wage Bargaining
by Marcus Dittrich - 35-54 Is Part‐time Employment Here to Stay? Working Hours of Dutch Women over Successive Generations
by Nicole Bosch & Anja Deelen & Rob Euwals - 55-73 Is There a Motherhood Wage Penalty in the Finnish Private Sector?
by Sami Napari - 74-92 Effect of a Family Policy Reform on Immigrants' Labour Supply and Earnings
by Ghazala Naz - 93-105 Informal Caregiving and Women's Work Choices: Lessons from the Netherlands
by Flavia Coda Moscarola
March 2009, Volume 23, Issue s1
- 1-4 Training and Job Insecurity — Introduction
by Antje Mertens & Wiemer Salverda & Thomas Zwick - 5-35 Low‐wage Employment and the Role of Education and On‐the‐job Training
by Maite Blázquez Cuesta & Wiemer Salverda - 37-59 Training and Low‐pay Mobility: The Case of the UK and the Netherlands
by Dimitris Pavlopoulos & Ruud Muffels & Jeroen K. Vermunt - 61-83 Why Do Part‐time Workers Invest Less in Human Capital than Full‐timers?
by Annemarie Nelen & Andries De Grip - 85-109 The Effect of Early Retirement Incentives on the Training Participation of Older Workers
by Didier Fouarge & Trudie Schils - 111-137 PISA and the Transition into the Labour Market
by Kathrin Bertschy & M. Alejandra Cattaneo & Stefan C. Wolter - 139-175 Training, Job Satisfaction, and Workplace Performance in Britain: Evidence from WERS 2004
by Melanie K. Jones & Richard J. Jones & Paul L. Latreille & Peter J. Sloane - 177-196 Workers' Perceptions of Job Insecurity: Do Job Security Guarantees Work?
by Alex Bryson & Lorenzo Cappellari & Claudio Lucifora - 197-221 Changing Returns to Education During a Boom? The Case of Ireland
by Seamus McGuinness & Frances McGinnity & Philip J. O'Connell
December 2009, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 559-588 Early Labour Market Returns to College Subject
by Paolo Buonanno & Dario Pozzoli - 589-607 Are More Competent Workers More Satisfied?
by Andries De Grip & Inge Sieben & Fred Stevens - 609-651 Inter‐temporal and Inter‐industry Effects of Population Ageing: A General Equilibrium Assessment for Canada
by Nabil Annabi & Maxime Fougère & Simon Harvey - 653-676 Do Parental Transfers Reduce Youths' Incentives to Work?
by Tao Gong - 677-696 Employment‐protecting Labour Market Institutions and Inward Foreign Direct Investments
by Minas Vlassis - 697-718 Technology Import and Industrial Employment: Evidence from Developing Countries
by Arup Mitra
September 2009, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 397-419 The Rationality of Under‐employing the Best‐performing Soccer Players
by Pedro Garcia‐del‐Barrio & Francesc Pujol - 421-457 Field of Study and University Graduates' Early Employment Outcomes in Italy during 1995–2004
by Gabriele Ballarino & Massimiliano Bratti - 459-479 An Empirical Analysis of Strike Durations in Ghana from 1980 to 2004
by Anthony Y. Baah & Barry Reilly - 481-506 Matching Inefficiencies, Regional Disparities, and Unemployment
by Sanna‐Mari Hynninen & Aki Kangasharju & Jaakko Pehkonen - 507-533 Long‐term Effects of Cash for Childcare on Mothers' Labour Supply
by Marit Rønsen - 535-558 Time Preferences and Job Search: Evidence from France
by Bassem Ben Halima & Mohamed Ali Ben Halima
June 2009, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 209-235 Endogenous Contracts in Unionized Oligopoly
by Dusanee Kesavayuth & Vasileios Zikos - 237-256 Effects of Changes in the Unemployment Insurance Eligibility Requirements on Job Duration — Swedish Evidence
by Pathric Hägglund - 257-282 Analysing the Gender Wage Gap (GWG) Using Personnel Records
by Christian Pfeifer & Tatjana Sohr - 283-317 The Structure of Wages by Firm Size: A Comparison of Canada and the USA
by Stéphanie Lluis - 319-347 Analysing Wage Differences between the USA and Germany Using Proportional Hazards Models
by Andreas Behr & Ulrich Pötter - 349-369 The Employment Effect of the Disability Discrimination Act: Evidence from the Health Survey for England
by Melanie K. Jones - 371-395 Population Ageing and the Labour Market: Evidence from Italy
by Irene Mosca
March 2009, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-35 Tax Structure and Female Labour Supply: Evidence from Ireland
by Tim Callan & Arthur Van Soest & John R. Walsh - 37-66 The Effect of a Longer Eligibility to a Labour Market Programme for Dismissed Workers
by Adriano Paggiaro & Enrico Rettore & Ugo Trivellato - 67-96 Sibling Sex Composition and Educational Outcomes: A Review of Theory and Evidence for the UK
by Vikesh Amin - 97-130 Immigration Policy, Equilibrium Unemployment, and Underinvestment in Human Capital
by Christian Lumpe & Benjamin Weigert - 131-169 The Transition to Work for Italian University Graduates
by Dario Pozzoli - 171-194 Work Absence — A Signalling Factor for Temporary Workers?
by Anna Amilon & Mårten Wallette - 195-207 Foreign Participation and Hiring Patterns after Privatization
by Alberto Chong & Virgilio Galdo
June 2008, Volume 22, Issue s1
- 1-5 The Evolution of Labour Market Inequalities –– Introduction
by Lorenzo Cappellari & Stefano Staffolani - 7-26 An Appraisal of Economic Research on Changes in Wage Inequality
by Stephen Machin - 27-51 Wage Inequality, Employment Structure and Skill‐biased Change in Italy
by Paolo Naticchioni & Andrea Ricci & Emiliano Rustichelli - 53-88 Does the Expansion of Higher Education Increase the Equality of Educational Opportunities? Evidence from Italy
by Massimiliano Bratti & Daniele Checchi & Guido De Blasio - 89-114 Leaving Home and the Chances of Being Poor: The Case of Young People in Southern European Countries
by Lavinia Parisi - 115-146 Low‐wage Employment and Mobility in Spain
by Maite Blázquez Cuesta - 147-174 Temporary Contracts and Transitions to Stable Jobs in Italy
by Matteo Picchio
December 2008, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 569-591 Real Wage Cyclicality in Italy
by Fei Peng & W. Stanley Siebert - 593-627 Wage Dispersion and Equilibrium Search Models: Some Evidence from Italy
by Giovanni Sulis - 629-659 Gender Differences in Formal On‐the‐Job Training: Incidence, Duration, and Intensity
by Patrick Lee O'Halloran - 661-678 Trade Unions, Wage Bargaining Coordination, and Foreign Direct Investment
by Roxana Radulescu & Martin Robson - 679-695 Legislative Pay and Legislator Quality
by Franklin G. Mixon Jr & Sean P. Salter - 697-733 The Early‐career Gender Wage Gap among University Graduates in the Finnish Private Sector
by Sami Napari
September 2008, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 383-410 Macroeconomic Conditions and the Distribution of Income in Spain
by Lídia Farré & Francis Vella - 411-445 Employment Behaviour of Marginal Workers: The Roles of Preferences and Opportunities
by Morten Nordberg - 447-468 Single Mothers, Welfare, and Incentives to Work
by Libertad González - 469-493 Local Banks Efficiency and Employment
by Patrizia Ordine & Giuseppe Rose - 495-507 A Note on Immigrant Representation in Temporary Agency Work and Self‐employment in Sweden
by Pernilla Andersson Joona & Eskil Wadensjö - 509-546 Unions, Firing Costs, and Unemployment
by Leonor Modesto - 547-567 The Role of Community in Migration Dynamics
by Sergio Vergalli
June 2008, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 219-245 Regression–Discontinuity Analysis: A Survey of Recent Developments in Economics
by Wilbert Van Der Klaauw - 247-270 Worker Heterogeneity, New Monopsony, and Training
by Alison L. Booth & Gylfi Zoega - 271-289 Unemployment and Employment Protection in a Unionized Economy with Search Frictions
by Nikolai Stähler - 291-314 Why Do Women's Wages Increase So Slowly Throughout Their Career? A Dynamic Model of Statistical Discrimination
by Nathalie Havet & Catherine Sofer - 315-343 The Role of Firm Size and Performance Pay in Determining Employee Job Satisfaction Brief: Firm Size, Performance Pay, and Job Satisfaction
by Benjamin Artz - 345-368 The Labour Market in Macedonia: A Labour Demand Analysis
by Maja Micevska