September 2001, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 445-456 Trade Union Preferences in Double Dividend Models
by Torsten Sløk - 457-486 International Migration Dynamics: The Role of Experience and Social Networks
by Corinne Deléchat - 487-499 Macroeconomic Determinants of Equilibrium Unemployment Insurance
by Francisco G. Carneiro & João Ricardo Faria - 501-529 The Impact of Income and Employment Status on Leaving Home: Evidence from the Italian ECHP Sample
by Arnstein Aassve & Francesco C. Billari & Fausta Ongaro
June 2001, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 191-219 Technology, Employment and Wages
by John T. Addison & Paulino Teixeira - 221-236 Union Membership and the Union Wage Gap in the UK
by G. Reza Arabsheibani & Alan Marin - 237-255 Sibling Rivalry in Educational Attainment: The German Case
by Thomas Bauer & Ira Gang - 257-277 National Culture and Industrial Relations and Pay Structures
by Boyd Black - 279-294 Labour Flows as Determinants of the Wage–Price Spiral: An Empirical Analysis for The Netherlands
by Lourens Broersma & Frank A. G. Den Butter - 295-316 Technology Effects on Wages in Finnish Manufacturing
by Seppo Laaksonen & Jari Vainiomäki - 317-341 Collective Wage Agreements and Firms’ Employment Policies
by Ulrich Kaiser & Friedhelm Pfeiffer
March 2001, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-31 Skill Complementarities and Migration Decisions
by Mariassunta Giannetti - 33-56 Descrepancies between Supply and Demand and Adjustment Processes in the Labour Market
by Myra Wieling & Lex Borghans - 57-80 Market Volatility and the Structure of US Earnings
by Elisabetta Magnani - 81-109 Intergenerational Transfers, and Public Pensions in a Non Altuistic Setting: a Public Choice Model
by Furio Camillo Rosati - 111-132 Wage Differentials between Ethnic Groups in Switzerland
by Augustin De Coulon - 133-167 Women’s Employment Status and Hours Employed in Urban Brazil: Does Husbands’ Presence Matter?
by Rachel Connelly & Deborah S. DeGraff & Deborah Levison - 169-189 The Measurement of Employment Inequality Between Population Sub‐Groups: Theory and Application
by Vani K. Boorah
December 2000, Volume 14, Issue 4
- 547-590 Technological Innovation and Employment Reallocation
by Nathalie Greenan & Dominique Guellec - 591-607 A Cross-country Comparison of Attitudes Towards Mothers Working and their Actual Labor Market Experience
by James W. Albrecht & Per-Anders Edin & Susan B. Vroman - 609-622 Identifying Demand and Supply of Part-time Jobs Using Personnel Data. An Application to Italy
by Ugo Colombino & Maria Laura Di Tommaso - 623-643 Can the Level of Employment be Explained by GDP Growth in Transition Countries? (Theory versus the Quality of Data)
by Catherine Saget - 645-655 Wage Dynamics and Unemployment in Germany: Evidence from Regional Panel Data
by Markus Pannenberg & Johannes Schwarze - 657-673 The Wages of Sin? Illegal Drug Use and the Labour Market
by Ziggy MacDonald & Stephen Pudney
September 2000, Volume 14, Issue 3
- 351-372 Work Attitudes, Work Conditions and Hours Constraints: An Explorative, Cross‐national Analysis
by Alfonso Sousa‐Poza & Fred Henneberger - 373-392 Efficient Labour Contracts: Impediments and How to Circumvent Them
by Peter Winker - 393-416 Delegation and Wage Determination in Trade Unions
by Laszlo Goerke & Carsten Hefeker - 417-440 Accounting for Strikes: Evidence from UK Manufacturing in the 1980s
by Daphne Nicolitsas - 441-472 Trade and Labour Markets: Vertical and Regional Differentiation in Italy
by Giuseppe Celi & Maria Luigia Segnana - 473-502 Job Satisfaction, Comparison Earnings, and Gender
by P. J. Sloane & H. Williams - 503-522 Labour Participation of Higher Education Students
by Jean‐Luc Demeulemeester & Denis Rochat - 523-546 Trends in Danish Income Distribution
by Peder J. Pedersen & Nina Smith
June 2000, Volume 14, Issue 2
- 185-212 Job Flows and Plant Size Dynamics: Traditional Measures and Alternative Econometric Techniques
by Pietro Garibaldi - 213-244 Efficiency Wage, Fixed Employment Costs, and Dual Labour Markets
by Giuseppe Pisauro - 245-268 Is Wage Leadership an Instrument to Coordinate Unions’ Wage Policy?The Case of Imperfect Product Markets
by Thomas Grandner - 269-290 A Simple Model of Severance Pay Determination: The Case of Individual Dismissals in Spain
by Miguel Á. Malo - 291-310 The Effect of Trade on Employment and Wages in Italian Industry
by Mariano Bella & Beniamino Quintieri - 311-330 The Gender Wage Gap: A Study of Paid Work in Cyprus
by Louis Christofides & Panos Pashardes - 331-350 Post‐Migratory Employment Prospects: Evidence from Finland
by Hannu Tervo
March 2000, Volume 14, Issue 1
- 1-3 Editorial Foreword
by Daniela Del Boca & Paola Tanda - 5-34 Human Capital, Wages and Family Interactions
by Stefania Rossetti & Paola Tanda - 35-52 Employment Decisions of Married Women: Evidence and Explanations
by Daniela Del Boca & Marilena Locatelli & Silvia Pasqua - 53-77 Unemployment Determinants for Women in Spain
by Nieves Lázaro & Marı´a Luisa Moltó & Rosario Sánchez - 79-95 The Cost of Children When Children are a Choice
by Ugo Colombino - 97-118 Quality and Demand of Child Care and Female Labour Supply in Italy
by Maria Chiuri - 119-144 Poverty Dynamics: Analysis of Household Incomes in Italy
by Tindara Addabbo - 145-160 Separation and Divorce: Effect on Family Structures and Life Conditions
by Alessandra De Rose - 161-183 Italian Families Under Economic Stress: The Impact of Social Policies
by Chiara Saraceno
September 1999, Volume 13, Issue 3
- 587-602 Causes and Economic Effects of Migration Flows – an Overview
by Maria Rosaria Carillo & Beniamino Quintieri & Concetto Paolo Vinci - 603-621 Do Immigrants Compete with Natives?
by Andrea Gavosto & Alessandra Venturini & Claudia Villosio - 623-645 Social Increasing Returns and the Effects of Immigration on the Host Country Economy
by Maria Carillo & Concetto Vinci - 647-673 Human Capital Accumulation, Social Mobility and Migrations
by Alberto Pozzolo - 675-709 Determinants of Foreign Workers’ Wages in Two Italian Regions with High Illegal Immigration
by Emanuele Baldacci & Luca Inglese & Salvatore Strozza - 711-736 Employment Illusion, Variable Costs of Migration and Labour Mobility
by Luigi Bosco - 737-760 Regional Disparities and Labour Mobility: the Euro‐11 versus the USA
by Chiara Bentivogli & Patrizio Pagano
June 1999, Volume 13, Issue 2
- 385-411 It’s Not What You Pay it’s the Way that You Pay it and that’s What Gets Results: Jockeys’ Pay and Performance
by Sue Fernie & David Metcalf - 413-432 Wage Flexibility for Skilled and Unskilled Workers: New Evidence on the Norwegian Wage Curve
by Kåre Johansen - 433-443 Economics of Education and Work Incentives
by Gerasimos Soldatos - 445-480 The Inadequacy of Mainstream Theories ofTrade Union Behaviour
by Steve Fleetwood - 481-507 Measuring the Cost of the Fear of Unemployment: An Information Approach
by Derek Leslie & David Blackaby - 509-547 Growth, Trade and Factor Endowment: A Survey
by Pasquale Lucio Scandizzo - 549-585 Gross Worker Flows: How Does the Spanish Evidence Fit the Stylized Facts?
by P. Antoln
March 1999, Volume 13, Issue 1
- 41-89 The Management of Redundancies in Europe: The Case of Great Britain
by Simon Deakin & Frank Wilkinson - 91-121 The Management of Redundancies in Europe: The Case of Denmark
by Bruno Amoroso & Martin Jarvad - 123-182 The Management of Redundancies in Europe: The Case of the Netherlands
by Lei Delsen & Antoine Jacobs* - 183-235 The Management of Redundancies in Europe: The Case of Germany
by Heiner Heseler & Ulrich Mückenberger* - 237-267 The Management of Redundancies in Europe: The Case of Spain
by Luis Toharia & Antonio Ojeda - 269-325 The Management of Redundancies in Europe: The Case of France
by Guy Caire & Nicole Kerschen - 327-383 The Management of Redundancies in Europe: The Case of Italy
by Umberto Carabelli & Anna Ceci & Silvia Ciucciovino & Leonello Tronti
September 1998, Volume 12, Issue 3
- 427-449 How Much Does Hiring and Firing Cost? Survey Evidence from a Sample of Italian Firms
by Alessandra Del Boca & Paola Rota - 451-471 Is Imperfect Competition in the Product Market Relevant for Labour Markets?
by Christoph Weiss - 473-487 The Quality of Skill Acquisition in Young Workers' First Job
by Francis Green & Scott M. Montgomery - 489-513 Benchmarking Labour Market Performances and Policies
by Leonello Tronti - 515-539 Labour Surplus, Worker Rights and Productivity Growth: A Comparative Analysis of Asia and Latin America
by Gregory DeFreitas & Adriana Marshall - 542-569 Is the Pendulum Swinging Back? Patterns of Skill Change in the Machine‐Tool Industry
by Luc Sels & Geert Van Hootegem - 571-593 Unemployment Flows in Finland, 1969–95: A Time Series Analysis
by Tor Eriksson & Jaakko Pehkonen - 595-600 The Effects of Gain Sharing on the Basic Wage: The Case of IMPROSHARE
by Roger T. Kaufman
July 1998, Volume 12, Issue 2
- 170-170 Editorial Foreword
by Carlo Pietrobelli - 171-187 The Multiple Linkages between Technological Change, Growth and the Economy. A Review of a Research Programme
by Carlo Pietrobelli - 189-219 Unemployment and Endogenous Growth
by Anton B. T. M. Van Schaik & Henri L. F. De Groot - 221-238 The Skilled Wage Premium and the Growth of Small Firms in UK Manufacturing
by Jonathan Haskel - 239-253 The Dynamics of International Competitiveness: First Results from an Analysis at the Industry Level
by Paolo Guerrieri Paleotti & Paola Maggiolini & Gennaro Zezza - 255-278 The Diffusion of Unleaded Petrol: An Anglo‐Italian Comparison
by Giuliana Battisti & Paul Stoneman - 279-303 Uncovering Some Causal Relationships Between Productivity Growth and the Structure of Economic Fluctuations: A Tentative Survey
by Philippe Aghion & Gilles Saint‐Paul - 305-352 Human Capital, Trade Openness and Growth in Argentina in the 20th Century
by Marie‐Ange Véganzonès & Carlos Winograd - 353-362 Bargains Rejected? Developing Country Trade Policy on Used Equipment
by Giorgio Barba Navaretti & Isidro Soloaga & Wendy Takacs - 363-388 Internal Migration in Sweden: The Effects of Mobility Grants and Regional Labour Market Conditions
by Olle Westerlund - 389-424 Technical Progress, Life of Capital and Employment
by Leonello Tronti & Paola Tanda
March 1998, Volume 12, Issue 1
- 2-2 Editorial Foreword
by Enzo Bartocci - 3-13 Pension Systems in the European Context — Introductory Remarks
by Enzo Bartocci - 15-44 An Overview of Welfare Reform in Italy
by Edwin Morley‐Fletcher - 45-66 Pension Reform and Economic Policy Constraints in Italy
by Felice Roberto Pizzuti - 67-100 The 1995 Pension Reform: Equity, Sustainability and Indexation
by Sandro Gronchi & Rocco Aprile - 101-117 Pensions, Growth and Concern about the Young
by Luca Beltrametti & Luigi Bonatti - 119-143 Demographics, Public Spending and Social Programs
by Antonio Golini - 143-168 Recent Developments of Pension Schemes in Germany: Present and Future Tasks in Conflict
by Winfried Schmähl - 169-189 The Politics of Voluntary and Mandatory Pensions in the Nordic Countries
by Einar Overbye - 191-209 Pension Rights and Wages
by Jan Selén & Ann‐Charlotte Ståhlberg
November 1997, Volume 11, Issue 3
- 409-435 Remitting Behaviour of “Temporary” and “Permanent” Migrants: The Case of Greeks in Germany and Australia
by Nicholas P. Glytsos - 437-448 The Effects of Macroeconomic Aggregates on Employment Levels in Greece: A Causal Analysis
by Michael Chletsos & Christos Kollias - 449-468 Women's Labour Force Participation and Part Time Work in Spain
by Nieves Lázaro & Maria‐Luisa Moltó & Rosario Sánchez - 469-495 Breach Penalties in Labour Contracts: Advance Notice and Severance Pay
by Cristina Pita - 497-516 Labour Market and Decentralized Decision‐making: An Institutional Approach
by Adalgiso Amendola & Floro Ernesto Caroleo & Maria Rosaria Garofalo - 517-539 Public Financing of Education and Research in a Model of Endogenous Growth
by Alessandra Pelloni - 541-559 Choice or Chance? A Duration Analysis of Unemployment Using Information from “Restart” Interviews
by Paul Warren - 561-577 The Wage Gap in Manufacturing in Germany: Size and Determinants
by Wolfgang Meyer - 579-598 Institutions, Incentives and Trade Union Membership
by Jaakko Pehkonen & Hannu Tanninen - 599-623 Employers' Recruitment Behaviour: An Empirical Analysis of the Role of Personnel Management Attitudes
by Giovanni Russo & Cees Gorter & Peter Nijkamp & Piet Rietveld
June 1997, Volume 11, Issue 2
- 225-248 The British Docks: A Test of Alternative Models of Wage and Employment Determination
by Andrea Gavosto - 249-264 Delegation, Union Leaders and Capital Allocation
by John Douglas F. Skåtun - 265-301 Determinants of Union Membership: A Review
by Nicola‐Maria Riley - 303-327 Unemployment in a Bankruptcy Constrained Model
by Lourens Broersma - 329-349 Unemployment, Vacancies and Unfair Dismissals
by Sarah Brown & Bernd Frick & John Sessions - 351-372 Does the Public Sector Lead the Wage Evolution in the French Economy?
by Dominique Redor - 373-390 Wage Inflation and Unemployment in Britain and America 1892–1991
by Thomas Hyclak & Geraint Johnes - 391-406 Tasks and Types: An Application of Mechanism Design to Self‐Selection in Labour Markets
by Giuseppe Porro
April 1997, Volume 11, Issue 1
- 3-22 The Changing Informal Labour Market in Brazil: Cyclicality versus Excessive Intervention
by Francisco Carneiro - 23-51 Is Arbitration Habit Forming? The Narcotic Effect of Arbitration Use
by Frederic Champlin & Mario Bognanno & Paul Schumann - 53-82 Differential Analysis of Unemployment Duration with Emphasis on Long‐Term Unemployment
by Jean‐Yves Bienvenue & Lucette Carter & Olivier Favereau & Jacques Zighera - 83-112 The Role of Survey Data in Microsimulation Models for Social Policy Analysis
by Alberto Martini & Ugo Trivellato - 113-139 The Determinants of Blue CollarWage Rates: An Analysis of a DataSet Incorporating Observed Job Characteristics
by Michael Smith & Anthony Masi & Paula Lemay - 141-175 Uncertainty, Flexibility Gap and Labour Demand in the Italian Economy
by Marcello Signorelli - 177-199 Testing for the Price‐ and Wage‐Setting Model in Belgium Using Multivariate Cointegration Tests
by Alain Hecq & Benoît Mahy - 201-221 Taxes and Quantity Constraints in a Model of Male Labour Supply in Sweden
by Thomas Aronsson & Niklas Karlsson