December 1995, Volume 43, Issue 4
- 637-642 The Impact of Technology on Agricultural Extension in the Information Age
by Les Lyster & Len Bauer - 643-645 What We Learned From the Grassroots Experience
by John Duvenaud - 647-648 Report on Education and Training Workshop
by Brian Davey - 649-650 Report of the Marketing Services Workshop
by Catherine Scovil
November 1995, Volume 43, Issue 3
- 335-353 NORTH AMERICAN MALTING BARLEY TRADE Differences in Quality and Marketing Costs
by William W. Wilson & D. Demcey Johnson - 355-366 Price Asymmetry in the International Wheat Market
by Samarendu Mohanty & E. Wesley F. Peterson & Nancy Cottrell Kruse - 367-385 Comparison of Costs of Wheat Production in Saskatchewan and the U.S. Northern Plains
by Dargan Glaze & Richard Schoney - 387-402 An Economic Analysis of Groundwater Contamination from Agricultural Nitrate Emissions in Southern Ontario
by Cesareo Giraldez & Glenn Fox - 403-420 An Empirical Analysis of the Relative Efficiency of Policy Instruments to Reduce Nitrate Water Pollution in the U.S. Southern High Plains
by JunJie Wu & Mark L. Teague & Harry P. Mapp & Daniel J. Bernardo - 421-434 Supply Management and Productivity Growth in Alberta Dairy
by Timothy J. Richards - 435-442 Comparaison de la rentabilité des systèmes conventionnels et biologiques en production laitière au Québec
by Daniel Burgoyne & Raymond Levallois & Jean-Philippe Perrier & Doris Pellerin & Et Nicolas Paillat - 443-461 Les producteurs brésiliens et l'instabilité des prix : Différences de comportement entre le Nord et le Sud
by Claudio Araujo - 463-474 Neural Networks for Forecasting: An Introduction
by Nowrouz Kohzadi & Milton S. Boyd & Iebeling Kaastra & Bahman S. Kermanshahi & David Scuse - 475-484 Testing for Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics in Cattle Prices
by Nowrouz Kohzadi & Milton S. Boyd - 485-499 Selection of Nonnested Demand Models
by Richard D. Green & Zuhair A. Hassan & S. R. Johnson - 501-518 Firm-level Intermediate Demand for Pacific Whiting Products: A Multi-attribute, Multi-sector Analysis
by Gilbert Sylvia & Sherry L. Larkin
July 1995, Volume 43, Issue 2
- 191-202 Interprovincial Reallocation of Market Sharing Quota for Industrial Milk
by Ann C. Ewasechko & Theodore M. Horbulyk - 203-208 Quotas, Alternative Technologies and Immiserization
by David A. Hennessy - 209-223 Analyse de la libéralisation des échanges de quotas entre le Québec et l'Ontario dans le secteur laitier
by R. Lambert & R. Romain & B. Basillais et C. Roy - 225-236 Single Desk Selling by the Canadian Wheat Board: Does It Have an Impact?
by J. Stephen Clark - 237-258 The Sharing of Risks and Returns in Prairie Special Crops: A Transaction Cost Approach
by I. T. Weleschuk & William A. Kerr - 259-270 The Impact of Price Stabilizing Policies on the Risk Efficient Crop/Fallow Decisions of Wheat Farmers in the Brown Soil Zone of Saskatchewan
by R. A. Schoney - 271-284 Dynamic Relationships in the Market for Ocean Grain Freighting Services
by Jane L. Hsu & Barry K. Goodwin - 285-304 Total Response Measures in Systems of Nonlinear Equations: An Application to a Model of the U.S. Dairy Sector
by Matthew T. Halt & Satheesh V. Aradhyula - 305-314 Ontario Beef Producers'Attitudes about Artificial Insemination
by Wayne H. Howard & John Cranfield
March 1995, Volume 43, Issue 1
- 15-21 Sustaining Our Relevance: Issues and Challenges for Farm Management Research
by Scott R. Jeffrey & Leonard Bauer - 23-35 Risk Preferences of Dairy and Hog Producer in Quebec
by Kisan Gunjal & Benoit Legault - 37-55 Efficacitè technique et coûts de production dans les secteurs laitiers du Québec et de l'Ontario
by Robert Romain & Rémy Lambert - 57-71 A Comparative Evaluation of Yield Risk Reductions with Alternative Crop Insurance Programs in Manitoba
by Yongsheng Ye & Martin H. Yeh - 73-85 Factors Influencing Productivity Enhancing and Environmental Husbandry on Rented Land
by W. Vuuren & B. Larue & E. H. Ketchabaw - 87-104 The Impact of Government Programs and Land Characteristics on Cropping Patterns
by Junjie Wu & B. Wade Brorsen - 105-118 An Economic Analysis of Targeting Soil Conservation Measures with Respect to Off-site Water Quality
by Glenn Fox & Gloria Umali & Trevor Dickinson - 119-131 The Economic Value of Lottery-rationed Recreational Hunting
by Peter C. Boxall - 133-148 Climatic Change and Canada's Boreal Forest: Socio-economic Issues and Implications for Land Use
by G. Cornelis Kooten - 149-164 Product Differentiation and Representative Agent Import Demand Systems: A Reconsideration and Reconciliation
by George C. Davis - 165-177 Impacts of the U.S.-Canadian Potash Dispute on the Costs of U.S. Crop Production
by Harry Vroomen & Patrick N. Canning - 519-528 Agricultural and Resource Economics: Challenges for the 21st Century
by Terry S. Veeman
December 1994, Volume 42, Issue 4
- 433-444 La sécurité du revenu via la garantie du coût de production: l'expérience du Québec
by Robert Romain - 445-450 Agriculture Canada's Response to Policy Research Needs
by John Sprigs - 451-461 The implications of GATT and NAFTA on the Future of supply management programs in Canadian agriculture
by B. Larue - 463-472 The Impact of the FTA and NAFTA on the Canadian Fruit and Vegetable Sector
by E.W. Goddard - 473-483 Implications of NAFTA and GATT for the Canadian Red Meat Sector
by Michele Veeman - 485-492 Farm Business Management and Agricultural Policy in Canada
by Brian Davey - 493-496 Technology in Farm Business Management
by J. Wilson Loree - 497-500 Social and Land Use Ethics Surrounding Land Trusts
by P.J. Brassard - 501-509 Transactions Costs and New Institutions: Will CBLTs Have a Role in the Saskatchewan Land Market?
by Richard Gray - 511-524 The Structure of Ownership and Prosperity
by Glenn Fox - 525-531 The Economics of Vertical Integration
by Donald G. McFetridge - 533-540 Assessing Vertical Strategic Alliances by Agribusiness
by Thomas L. Sporleder - 541-547 The Changing Structure of the U. S. Food System
by Alan Barkema - 549-560 Measuring and Assessing Vertical Ties in the Agro-food System
by Dennis R. Henderson - 561-564 Expérience des groupes de concertation sectoriels au Québec
by Yvan Rouleau - 565-575 Case Studies of Market Coordination in the Poultry Industries
by Randall E. Westgren - 577-582 Creating Vertical Strategic Alliances: Theory and Cases from Canada's Agri-Food Sector
by Erna Duren & Wayne Howard & Helen McKay - 583-584 Les pratiques d'affaires dans le secteur agro-alimentaire: Discussion
by Rémy Lambert - 585-586 Session V: Summary and Look Ahead Wrap-Up Panel
by Martin Rice
November 1994, Volume 42, Issue 3
- 231-251 The Wheat War of 1994
by Julian M. Alston & Richard Gray & Daniel A. Sumner - 253-260 Dispute Settlement Mechanisms in Canada-U.S. Trade: The Continuing Challenge for Canadian Agriculture
by Erna Duren & Karl Meilke - 261-271 Welfare Impacts of the Canada-U.S. Softwood Lumber Trade Dispute: Beggar Thy Consumer Trade Policy
by Giridhar Myneni & Jeffrey H. Dorfman & Glenn C. W. Ames - 273-290 Quantitative Assessment of U.S. Wheat Performance for Quality Characteristics
by Daniel Pick & Alan Webb & Erin Dusch & Karl Gudmunds - 291-299 Testing for Dynamic Misspecification of Input Demand Functions: An Application to Canadian Agriculture
by Utpal Vasavada & Geert Thijssen - 301-310 Agricultural Producer Price Expectations
by Travis Sulewski & John Sprigs & R. A. Schoney - 311-326 Forging Strategic Alliances in Canada's Agrifood Sector: Framework for Analysis and Action
by Erna Duren & Helen McKay - 327-341 An Evaluation of the Ontario Farm Business Management Association Program
by Wayne H. Howard & Glen C. Filson - 343-354 Comparaison de la rentabilité des enterprises céréalières biologiques et en transition par rapport aux entreprises conventionnelles au Québec
by Nicolas Paillat & M. Doris Pellerin & Jean Philippe Perrier & Raymond Levallois - 355-366 Levels Versions of the Rotterdam Demand Model and Incorporation of Demographic, Stock and Other Nonprice, Nonincome variables
by Mark G. Brown - 367-380 Consumer Demand for New Reduced-fat Foods: An Analysis of Cheese Expenditures
by Brian W. Gould & Jorge Cornick & Thomas Cox - 381-396 Generic Advertising; and the Structural Heterogeneity Hypothesis
by Henry W. Kinnucan & Meenakshi Venkateswaran - 397-412 A Microeconometric Analysis of the U.S. Meat Demand
by X. M. Gao & Thomas Spreen - 413-419 The Economics of a Single North American Barley Market: A Reply
by Colin A. Carter
July 1994, Volume 42, Issue 2
- 125-148 Supply Management: The Past and Future
by Andrew Schmitz & Troy G. Schmitz - 149-158 The Social Welfare Loss from Egg and Poultry Marketing Boards, Revisited
by Roger Beck & Colin Hoskins & Glen Mumey - 159-176 Evolving Dynamic Relationships Between the Money Supply and Food-Based Prices in Canada and the United States
by Bruno Larue & Ronald A. Babula - 177-189 Liability Versus Property Rule Protection for Surface Entitlements
by Elizabeth A. Wilman - 191-207 Fertilizer Demand in China's Reforming Economy
by Qiaolun Ye & Scott Rozelle
December 1993, Volume 41, Issue 4
- 381-381 New Challenges for Agricultural Economists in a Rapidly Changing World Chairman's Opening Remarks
by Don McClatchy - 383-386 Reforming Agricultural Economists and What They Do
by Bruce L. Gardner - 387-394 Problems and Challenges in Reforming International Agricultural Economics
by Douglas D. Hedley - 395-396 Brief Thoughts on the Comparative Advantage of Agricultural Economics
by James P. Houck - 397-398 Precis of Remarks by Robert L. Thompson (President, Winrock International)
by Don McClatchy - 399-400 Summary of Discussion and Retrospective Comments
by Don McClatchy - 401-410 Wetlands Preservation on the Canadian Prairies: The Problem of the Public Duck
by Richard M. Porter & G. Cornelis Kooten - 411-418 An Economic Analysis of Wildlife Habitat Preservation in Alberta
by W.E. Phillips & T.J. Haney & W.L. Adamowicz - 419-427 The Local Economic Impacts of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan in Saskatchewan
by J.S. Taylor & R.S. Gray & K.A. Rosaasen - 429-435 Economics of Agricultural Encroachment on Wildlife Habitat in Southwest Manitoba
by Rea M. Josephson - 437-440 Economics of Wetlands Preservation
by Philip R. Wandschneider - 441-451 Land Set Aside: Is It Food Security?1
by Richard Gray & Brian Paddock - 453-458 Diversification by the Prairie Pools: Motives, and Implications for Rules of Governance
by James Vercammen - 459-473 Competitiveness in the Canadian Food Industry
by Garth Coffin & Bruno Larue & Marc Banik & Randall Westgren - 475-489 Economics of Structural Change in Agriculture
by Ellen Goddard & Alfons Weersink & Kevin Chen & Calum G. Turvey - 491-501 Off-farm Labour Supply with Productivity Increases, Peak Period Production and Farm Structure Impacts
by M. Rose Olfert
November 1993, Volume 41, Issue 3
- 243-255 The Economics of a Single North American Barley Market
by Colin A. Carter - 257-270 A Continental Barley Market: Where Are the Gains?
by Richard Gray & Alvin Ulrich & Andrew Schmitz - 271-281 First, Let's Assume We Have a Can Opener: An Analysis of the Economics of a Single North American Barley Market
by Harvey G. Brooks - 283-287 A Comment on the Continental Barley Market Debate1
by Michele Veeman - 289-309 The Political Economv of Svstematic Government Intervention in Agriculture
by Rakhal Sarker & Karl Meilke & Michael Hoy - 311-328 The Effects of Tariff Removals on the North American Lumber Trade
by Roy Boyd & Khosrow Doroodian & Saquib Abdul-Latif - 329-347 Optimal Producer Investment in Generic Advertising: The Case of Fluid Milk in Ontario and Quebec
by E. W. Goddard & M. L. McCutcheon - 349-356 Back to Market: Polish Family Farming in the 1990s
by Zbigniew Kowalski - 357-361 Measurement of Farm Risk: Alberta Crop Production: Comment
by Robert O. Burton Jr. & Kendall S. Claassen - 363-364 Measurement of Farm Risk: Alberta Crop Production: Reply
by Glen Mumey
July 1993, Volume 41, Issue 2
- 139-153 Dynamics and Long-run Structure in U.S. Meat Demand
by T. Kesavan & Zuhair A. Hassan & Helen H. Jensen & Stanley R. Johnson - 155-168 Are Subsidies Capitalized into Land Values? Some Time Series Evidence from Saskatchewan
by J. Stephen Clark & K. K. Klein & Shelley J. Thompson - 169-176 Relative Technical Efficiency: Data Envelopment Analysis and Quebec's Dairy Farms
by L. Martin Cloutier & Robin Rowley - 177-195 Ultrafiltration in the Ontario Dairy Industry
by Wayne H. Howard & Remy Lambert - 197-208 Price Behavior of Canadian Farmland
by M. M. Veeman & X. Y. Dong & T. S. Veeman - 209-221 The Transactional Framework of Sharecropping: Further Implications
by Tek-Ann Chew
March 1993, Volume 41, Issue 1
- 1-11 Participatory Stabilization and the Firm's Response to Price Uncertainty
by Theodore M. Horbulyk - 13-26 Acreage Response to Government Stabilization Programs in Ontario
by Mike Massow & Alfons Weersink - 27-43 Ozone and Wheat Farming in Alberta: A Micro-study of the Effects of Environmental Change
by Denise Young & Stacey Aidun - 45-59 An Economic Analysis of Localized Pollution: Rendering Emissions in a Residential Setting
by J. M. Bowker & H. F. MacDonald - 61-69 An Evaluation of Farm Financial Benchmarks and Loan Success/Failure: The Case of the Agricultural Credit Corporation of Saskatchewan
by Edward Knopf & Richard Schoney - 71-80 Longevity and Genetic Improvement Issues in Replacing Dairy Cows
by Leonard Bauer & Glen Mumey & Wayne Lohr - 81-95 Nonf arm Labor Market Participation of Farm Women
by M. Rose Olfert & Julia S. Taylor & Jack C. Stabler - 97-110 A Maximum Likelihood Cointegration Analysis of Canadian Lumber Exports
by Rakhal Sarker - 111-125 Import Demands for Norwegian Farmed Atlantic Salmon and Wild Pacific Salmon in North America, Japan and the EC
by Mark L. Herrmann & Ron C. Mittelhammer & Biing-Hwan Lin
December 1992, Volume 40, Issue 4
- 527-531 Farm Managers' Review
by J. Wilson Loree & Gerald Bashforth - 533-545 Gross Revenue Insurance Plan/Net Income Stabilization Account vs. Western Grain Stabilization Program—An Ex-Post Economic Evaluation for a Representative Prairie Grain and Oilseed Farm (1987–1990)
by Joseph King & Shankar Narayanan - 547-560 Evaluating Publicly Funded Research in Canadian Agriculture: A Profit Function Approach
by Richared Carew & Peter Chen & Valerie Stevens - 561-570 Impact of Payment Options on Prairie Agriculture
by Theodore M. Horbulyk & William A. Kerr & K. K. Klein - 571-590 Implications for the Quebec Hog Sector of Producer Payment of the Crow Benefit in the Prairies
by Garth Coffin & Bruno Larue & Luc Tanguay & Edjigayehu Seyoum & Robert Romain - 591-604 The Family Farm in the Next Decade:The Positive Role of Part-time Farming
by R.M.A Loyns & M. Kraut - 605-622 Rural Jobs:Trends and Opportunities
by Ray D. Bollman & A. M. Fulle & Philip Ehrensaft - 623-632 Positive Aspects of Rural Transition
by Jack C. Stabler & M. Rose Olfert - 633-641 Financial Characteristics of Canadian and American Farms, 1989
by Julie Grimard & Charles H. Barnard - 643-651 Comparing Canadian and U.S. Agricultural Financial Reporting Standards
by Douglas Barney & Michael J. McEvoy - 653-662 Efficiency in Milk Production: A Canada-U.S. Comparison
by Scott R. Jeffrey - 663-676 Canola Production Potential in the High Prairies and Midwest United States
by R. A. Schoney
November 1992, Volume 40, Issue 3
- 347-350 Agricultural Economics “At the Crossroads”: A view from Outside
by Louise M. Arthur - 351-368 Farm Level Models: A Review of Developments, Concepts and Applications in Canada
by K. K. Klein & S. Narayanan - 369-384 Optimal Flex Cropping and Storage of Spring Wheat under a Progressive Income Tax
by C. Robert Taylor & F. S. Novak - 385-402 Les avantages comparatifs dans I'agriculture canadienne et le partage interprovincial des quotas laitiers
by D.-M. Gouin et Y. Proulx - 403-426 An Economic Analysis of Alternative Farm Revenue Insurance Policies
by Calm G. Turvey - 427-442 The Relationship between Techinical Efficiency and Firm Size Revisited
by N. G. Kalaitzandonakes & Shunxiang Wu & Jian-chan Ma - 443-458 Nonfarm, Employment as a Response to Underemployment in Agriculture
by M. Rose Olfert - 459-474 Welfare Calculations in a Distributed Lag Model: Beans in Colombia
by Willem Janssen - 475-484 The Bias Due to Omitting Income When Estimating Demand Functions
by Richard Green & Zuhair A. Hassan & S. R. Johnson. - 485-498 Restricted Estimation of Crop and Summerfallow Acreage Response in Saskatchewan
by J. Stephen Clark & K. K. Klein - 499-502 Optimal Hedging under Alternative Capital Structures and Risk Aversion: Comment
by Victor Gaspar & Claver Gatete & James Vercammen - 503-504 Optimal Hedging under Alternative Capital Structures and Risk Aversion: Reply
by Calum G. Turvey
July 1992, Volume 40, Issue 2
- 183-198 Contingent Claim Pricing Models Implied by Agricultural Stabilization and Insurance Policies
by Calum G. Turvey - 199-217 Economic Comparison of Alternative Tillage Systems under Risk
by Alfons Weersink & Michael Walker & Clarence Swanton & Jim Shaw - 219-234 The Effects of Alternative Methods of Crow Benefit Payment on Economic Rents of Farm Input Suppliers in Western Canada
by Ghulam Sarwar & Glenn Fox - 235-251 Off-farm Labor Decisions by Ontario Swine Producers
by Alfons Weersink - 253-269 Cost Structure, Interfactor Substitution and Complementarity, and Efficiency in the Canadian Agricultural Sector
by Andreas A. Andrikopoulos & James A. Brox - 271-294 Television Advertising and Beef Demand: An Econometric Analysis of “Split-Cable” Household Panel Scanner Data
by Helen H. Jensen & John R. Schroeter - 295-310 Macroeconomic Impacts of an Agro-Ethanol Industry in Canada
by Paul J. Thomassin & John C. Henning & Laurie Baker - 311-328 Market Structure, Quality and World Wheat Market
by Bruno Larue & Harvey E. Lapan
March 1992, Volume 40, Issue 1
- 1-24 Optimal Producer and Social Payoff from Generic Advertising: The Case of the Canadian Supply-managed Egg Sector
by Mary Lou McCutcheon & Ellen Goddard - 25-35 Adjustments for Set-aside Acres in Agricultural Trade Agreements: An Example from the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement
by Carol Bray & Tim Josling & Jay Cherlow - 37-54 The Capitalization of Wheat Subsidies into Agricultural Land Values
by Barry K. Goodwin & François Ortalo-Magné - 55-70 Gibrat's Law and Farm Growth in Canada
by J. Stephen Clark & Murray Fulton & Derrick J. Brown - 71-91 Measurement of Farm Risk: Alberta Crop Production
by Glen Mumey & Bob Burden & Ann Boyda - 93-107 Dynamics of Structural Change in the Ontario Hog Industry
by Mike Massow & Alfons Weersink & Calum G. Turvey - 109-127 Determinants of Empty Returns by U.S. Refrigerated Trucks: Conjoint Analysis Approach
by Barry E. Prentice & Dave Benell - 129-139 A Test of the Applicability of Strategic Management to Farm Management
by Kenneth F. Harling - 141-146 Is Wheat a Homogeneous Product?: A Comment
by Fredoun Z. Ahmadi-Esfahani & Roland G. Stanmore - 147-150 Is Wheat a Homogeneous Product?: Reply
by Bruno Larue - 151-158 Financing New Farm Entrants: The Long-term Leasing Option: A Comment
by Calum G. Turvey - 159-164 Financing New Farm Entrants: The Long-term Leasing Option: Reply
by Laurie Baker & Paul J. Thomassin
December 1991, Volume 39, Issue 4
- 533-533 Message from the Science Council
by Janet E. Halliwell - 535-535 Introduction
by Michele Veeman - 541-551 Global Perspectives on Sustainable Development: Implications for Agriculture
by Joseph H. Hulse - 553-565 Sustainable Agriculture in North America: Issues and Challenges
by Pierre Crosson - 567-580 Constraints on Sustainable Growth in Agricultural Production: Into the 21st Century1
by Vernon W. Ruttan - 581-586 “Grappling with the Challenges of Sustainability: The Den Bosch Declaration”
by Charles Benbrook - 587-590 Sustainable Agriculture: An Economist's Reaction
by Terrence S. Veeman - 591-591 Environment Impacts of Agriculture Policy: Abstract
by Hartley Furtan - 593-605 Trade Policy Implications of Sustainable Agriculture
by Utpal Vasavada - 607-608 Resource Accounting: Issues and Problems Related to Agriculture: Abstract
by Kirk Hamilton - 609-618 Valuation of Environmental Amenities1
by W. L. Adamowicz - 619-625 Defining and Measuring Economic Threshold Levels
by Alfons Weersink & William Deen & Susan Weaver - 627-635 Economic Measures of Sustainability
by Richard Gray - 637-645 Sustain ability: Three Methodological Suggestions for Agricultural Economics
by Richard B. Norgaard - 647-653 Agriculture and the Environment: Economic Dimensions of Sustainable Agriculture1
by Glenn Fox - 655-663 Improving Policy Instruments for Sustainable Agriculture
by G. C. Kooten - 665-666 Improving Policy Instruments for Sustainability– Rapporteur's Report
by Gary V. Johnson - 667-676 The Sustainability of Selected Prairie Crop Rotations
by M.L. Lerohl - 677-685 Economic Costs of Environmental Quality Constraints
by Calum G. Turvey & Alfons J. Weersink - 687-688 Farm Production Management Issues: Rapporteur's Report
by Ron Mitchell - 689-698 Old Paradigms Revisited and New Directions
by Paul J. Thomassin & John C. Henning & Laurie Baker - 699-700 New Paradigms and Directions for Sustainability
by Ray Bollman - 701-702 Synthesis and Synopsis of Sustainability
by Daryl F. Kraft - 703-713 International Trade: Current Issues and Problems
by Joseph J. Richter - 715-715 Agricultural Training– Meeting the Needs of the 1990's
by Ken Ash - 717-721 Agriculture Training– Meeting the Needs of the 1990's
by Anne Forbes - 723-724 Participative Training
by Cathie Lowry - 725-726 Presentation–Competitiveness Task Force
by Bill MacKenzie - 727-738 Assessing the Competitiveness of Canada's Agrifood Industry
by Ema Duren & Larry Martin & Randall Westgren - 739-740 Competitiveness in Canadian Agriculture
by G.B. Parlby - 741-741 Competitiveness–Opportunities In Agriculture
by David Coburn - 743-753 Import Demand for Barley in the USSR
by Maxine Sudol & Terrence S. Veeman - 755-756 Structural versus Nonstructural Vector Autoregression Models of Agricultural Prices and Exports
by Wiktor Adamowicz & Glen Armstrong & Gabriel Lee - 757-766 Integration of EFTA Countries with the EC: How Compatible is Agriculture?
by Lars Brink - 767-768 A Preliminary Analysis of Welfare Costs from Wheat Export Subsidies
by Nolita Clyde & M. D. Faminow & M.S. Boyd - 769-778 Factors Related to Futures Market Disequilibrium
by Milton S. Boyd & B. Wade Brorsen - 779-780 Remote Sensing–Information for Assessing Crop Conditions and Estimating Crop Yields
by Michael Trant - 781-791 Policy Implications of a Water Quality-constrained Dynamic Model of Nitrogen Fertilizer Use
by C. S. Kim & John E. Hostetler