March 1993, Volume 31, Issue 1
- 75-95 Whither Solidarity? Transitions in Swedish Public-Sector Pay Policy
by Lois Recascino Wise - 97-114 Union Exclusion and the Decollectivization of Industrial Relations in Contemporary Britain
by Paul Smith & Gary Morton - 115-134 Co-operation or Control? Capital Restructuring and Labour Relations on the Docks
by Peter Turnbull & Syd Weston - 135-149 Annual Review Article 1992
by Sheila Rothwell
December 1992, Volume 30, Issue 4
- 483-494 The Single European Market and Industrial Relations: An Introduction
by Howard F. Gospel - 495-513 The Social Charter: Whatever Next?
by John T. Addison & W. Stanley Siebert - 515-527 Integration Theory and European Labour Markets
by John Grahl & Paul League - 529-545 European Integration and Transnational Management-Union Relations in the Enterprise
by Paul Marginson - 547-566 Behind the European Works Councils Directive: The European Commission's Legislative Strategy
by Mark Hall - 567-586 Corporatism and the European Labour Market after 1992
by Andrew Henley & Euclid Tsakalotos - 587-604 Incomes Policy for Europe? or Will Pay Bargaining Destroy the Single European Market?
by David Marsden - 605-621 Pay, Gender and the Social Dimension to Europe
by Jill Rubery - 623-638 Low Pay and Wage Regulation in the European Community
by Stephen Bazen & Gilbert Benhayoun
September 1992, Volume 30, Issue 3
- 361-404 Industrial Conflict: Themes and Issues in Recent Research
by P. K. Edwards - 405-423 Use of Joint Consultation Committees by Large Japanese Firms
by Motohiro Morishima - 425-443 Redundancy and Early Retirement: The Interaction of Public and Private Policy in Britain, Germany and the USA
by Bernard Casey - 445-458 Recent Trends in British Trade Union Density: How Much of a Compositional Effect?
by Francis Green
June 1992, Volume 30, Issue 2
- 177-212 Why Should Human Resource Managers Pay High Wages?
by Lloyd Ulman - 213-236 Australian Experiments in Wage Policy
by Keith Hancock & J. E. Isaac - 237-252 From Bermondsey to Canary Wharf: The Social Context of Change in Industrial Relations, 1880–2000
by Nick Bosanquet - 253-285 Economists and Data
by D. P. O'Brien - 287-324 Trade Union Membership in Britain, 1980–1987: Unemployment and Restructuring
by Jeremy Waddington - 325-328 New Technology in the Provincial Newspaper Sector: A Comment
by Paul Smith & Gary Morton - 329-331 New Technology in the Provincial Newspaper Sector: Reply
by Mike Noon
March 1992, Volume 30, Issue 1
- 1-43 Convergence in International Unionism, etc. The Case of Canada and the USA
by Leo Troy - 45-60 Union Influence on Local Union Leaders' Perceptions of Job Insecurity: An Empirical Test
by Nancy Brown Johnson & Philip Bobko & Linda S. Hartenian - 61-81 The ‘Skill-oriented’ Strategies of German Trade Unions: Their Impact on Efficiency and Equality Objectives
by Birgit Mahnkopf - 83-105 The Swedish Model: Relevant for Other European Countries?
by Lei Delsen & Tom Veen - 107-125 Annual Review Article 1991
by P. B. Beaumont - 127-143 Third among Equals: An Analysis of the 1989 Ambulance Dispute
by Allan Kerr & Sanjit Sachdev - 145-154 Unnecessary Conflict: NHS Management's View of the 1989–90 Ambulance Dispute
by Duncan Nichol
December 1991, Volume 29, Issue 4
- 541-568 Why Quality Circles Failed but Total Quality Management Might Succeed
by Stephen Hill - 569-592 Labour Intensification, Work Injuries and the Measurement of Percentage Utilization of Labour (PUL)
by Theo Nichols - 593-601 Workers Are Working Harder: Effort and Shop-floor Relations in the 1980s
by P. K. Edwards & Colin Whitston - 603-611 Changes in Union Status, Increased Competition and Wage Growth in the 1980s
by Paul Gregg & Stephen Machin
September 1991, Volume 29, Issue 3
- 361-376 Changes in Wage-setting Arrangements and Trade Union Presence in the 1980s
by Paul Gregg & Anthony Yates - 377-390 Determinants of Union Recognition and Employee Involvement: Evidence from London Docklands
by Simon Milner & Edward Richards - 391-409 Privatization, Regulation and Industrial Relations
by Anthony Ferner & Trevor Colling - 411-426 Integration and Dealignment in Public Enterprise Industrial Relations: A Study of British Rail
by Andrew Pendleton - 427-445 Taiwan: An Exploration of Labour Relations in Transition
by Archie Kleingartner & Hsueh-yu (Shara) Peng - 447-462 Does Technological Change Affect Union Wage Bargaining Power?
by Gordon Betcherman - 463-483 Juridical Perceptions of the Relevance of Accounting Data in Wage Fixation
by Frank Clarke & Russell Craig - 485-490 Institutional Aspects of Youth Employment and Training Policy: A Comment on Marsden and Ryan
by Mari Sako - 491-495 Institutional Aspects of Youth Employment and Training Policy in Britain: A Comment
by Paul G. Chapman - 497-505 Institutional Aspects of Youth Employment and Training Policy: Reply
by David Marsden & Paul Ryan - 507-512 A Revolution in the Study of Work?
by Michael I. Reed
June 1991, Volume 29, Issue 2
- 149-175 Personnel Management: The End of Orthodoxy?
by David E. Guest - 177-204 The Determinants of Participatory Management
by Robert Drago & Mark Wooden - 205-222 Recent Developments in the German Apprenticeship System
by Bernard Casey - 223-236 YTS and the Labour Market
by I. G. Begg & A. P. Blake & B. M. Deakin - 237-257 Why Did Devlin Fail? Casualism and Conflict on the Docks
by Peter Turnbull & David Sapsford - 259-276 Strategy and Circumstance: The Success of the NUJ's New Technology Policy
by Mike Noon - 277-293 A Theory of Trade Union Membership Retention
by Paul Lewis & Liam Murphy - 295-304 Sex Discrimination in Job-Related Training
by Francis Green - 305-311 The Impact of Trade Unions on the Diffusion of Technology: The Case of NC Machine Tools
by Erol Taymaz - 329-336 Root Metaphor in Industrial Relations: A Reply to Tom Keenoy
by Stephen Dunn
March 1991, Volume 29, Issue 1
- 1-13 Changes in Working Practices in British Manufacturing Industry in the 1980s: A Study of Employee Concessions Made During Wage Negotiations
by Peter N. Ingram - 15-24 Trade Unions and Productivity: The German Evidence
by Claus Schnabel - 25-48 ‘Them and Us’: Social Psychology and ‘The New Industrial Relations’
by John Kelly & Caroline Kelly - 49-58 Trade Union Recognition and Employment Contraction. Britain, 1980–1984
by P. B. Beaumont & R. I. D. Harris - 59-73 Determinants of Trade Union Membership in Australia
by Stephen Deery & Helen Cieri - 75-96 Company or Trade Union: Which Wins Workers' Allegiance? A Study of Commitment in the UK Electronics Industry
by David E. Guest & Philip Dewe - 97-112 Annual Review Article 1990
by Michael Terry - 113-121 Unions and Investment in British Manufacturing Industry
by Kevin Denny & Stephen Nickell - 123-127 Union Presence and Corporate Productivity Practices: Evidence from Singapore
by Foo Check-Teck
November 1990, Volume 28, Issue 3
- 293-312 Have British Workers Been Working Harder in Thatcher's Britain? A Re-Consideration of the Concept of Effort
by David E. Guest - 313-327 The Financial Status and Performance of British Trade Unions, 1950–1988
by Paul Willman - 329-349 British Coal Mining Strikes 1893–1940: Dimensions, Distribution and Persistence
by Roy Church & Quentin Outram & David N. Smith - 351-369 Institutional Aspects of Youth Employment and Training Policy in Britain
by David Marsden & Paul Ryan - 371-385 The Effect of Unions on Productivity Growth, Investment and Employment: A Report on some Recent Work
by Sushil Wadhwani - 387-395 Trade Union Services for the Unemployed: The Unemployed Workers' Centres
by Keith Forrester & Kevin Ward - 397-409 Bargaining Levels and Relative Earnings in Northern Ireland in 1987
by Richard I. D. Harris
July 1990, Volume 28, Issue 2
- 141-164 The Impact of Industrial Relations Legislation on British Union Density
by Richard Freeman & Jeffrey Pelletier - 165-177 Explanations of the Decline in Trade Union Density In Britain: an Appraisal
by Richard Disney - 179-196 Union and Management Perceptions of Managerial Prerogatives: Some Insight into the Future of Co-operative Bargaining in the USA
by Martin M. Perline & David J. Poynter - 197-213 Quit Rates and the Impact of Participation, Profit-Sharing and Unionization: Empirical Evidence from UK Engineering Firms
by Nicholas Wilson & John R. Cable & Michael J. Peel - 215-226 On the Employment Effects of Introducing a National Minimum Wage in the UK
by Stephen Bazen - 227-247 Skating on Thin Ice? David Metcalf on Trade Unions and Productivity
by Peter Nolan & Paul Marginson - 249-266 Union Presence and Labour Productivity in British Manufacturing Industry. A Reply to Nolan and Marginson
by David Metcalf - 267-270 An Index Measure of British Trade Union Density
by Rachel Bailey & John Kelly - 271-276 Piecework and Industrial Relations Problems in ‘Other Manufacturing’ in Northern Ireland
by Brian Tipping
March 1990, Volume 28, Issue 1
- 1-31 Root Metaphor in the Old and New Industrial Relations
by Stephen Dunn - 32-56 Strike-free Deals and Pendulum Arbitration
by Roy Lewis - 57-65 Public Opinion, Trade Unions and Mrs Thatcher
by David Marsh - 66-68 Trade Union Popularity, 1954–1988: A Reply to Marsh
by P. K. Edwards & George Sayers Bain - 69-83 Reasonableness and Section 4 of the Employment Act 1980
by Kenneth Miller - 84-104 An Industrial Relations Approach to the Free Rider Problem: Young People and Trade Union Membership in the UK
by Christina Cregan & Stewart Johnston - 105-111 Employment Segregation: Can We Measure It and What Does the Measure Mean?
by Zafiris Tzannatos - 113-128 Annual Review Article 1989
by Ian Beardwell