- 356 On Voting Rules Satisfying False-Name-Proofness and Participation
by Agustín Bonifacio & Federico Fioravanti - 355 Argentina: The Honor Student—By Merit and By Mistake. A Natural Experiment on "Information Effects"
by Oscar Meneses & Lorenzo Menna & Martín Tobal - 354 Exporter Survival with Uncertainty and Experimentation
by Sebastián Fanelli & Juan Carlos Hallak & Yin Yongkun - 353 External Debt Dynamics in an Endogenous Growth Model
by Damián Pierri & Fernando García-Belenguer - 352 Diversity and Empowerment in Organizations
by Daniel Habermacher & Nicolás Riquelme - 351 The Transmission of Supply Shocks to Inflation: the Case of Argentina (2004-2022)
by Lucas Ordóñez - 350 Global Multidimensional Poverty Prediction using World Development Indicators
by Rodrigo García Arancibia & Ignacio Girela & Daniela Agostina Gonzalez - 349 Devaluaciones fiscales en un contexto de restricciones financieras
by Diego Piccardo - 348 Resource windfalls, Public Expenditures, and Local Economies
by Antonella Bancalari & Juan Pablo Rud
- 347 Recurrent Anticipated Liquidity Shocks and Household Expenditure
by Hector Cardozo & Damian Pierri - 346 International Trade Finance and Learning Dynamics
by David Kohn & Emiliano Luttini & Michal Szkup & Shengxing Zhang - 345 The Transition to Renewables: Dampening the Impact of Fossil Fuel Price Shocks on Local Inflation
by Magdalena Cornejo & Michelle Hallack & Matias David - 344 A Level-Agnostic Representation of Economic Agents
by Fernando Tohmé - 343 Discrepancias entre Intenciones y Resultados de las Políticas de Energía Hidroeléctrica en Mendoza (1884-1958). Una Aplicación del Marco de Análisis y Desarrollo Institucional
by Verónica Farreras & Laura Ortega - 342 Do Professional Athletes Choke When They Don’t Have Time to Stop and (Over) Think?
by Agustín Indaco & Ira Teqja - 341 Multi-Plant Firms, Variable Capacity Utilization, and the Aggregate Hours Elasticity
by Domenico Ferraro & Damián Pierri - 340 Pronóstico de Infl ación de Corto Plazo en Argentina con Modelos Random Forest
by Federico Forte - 339 Expert Classification Aggregation
by Federico Fioravanti - 338 Hidden Debt Revelations
by Sebastián Horn & David Mihaly & Philipp Nickol & César Sosa-Padilla - 337 From Russia with War: The Russia-Ukraine Conflict and NATO Resurgence?
by Agustín Casas & Federico Curci - 336 Unemployment in a Commodity-Rich Economy: How Relevant Is Dutch Disease?
by Mariano Kulish & James Morley & Yamout Nadine & Zanetti Francesco - 335 El Pensamiento Económico de Jorge Schvarzer: Notas sobre sus Formulaciones Críticas durante la Última Dictadura (1975-1983)
by Ignacio Andrés Rossi - 334 Corruption and Renegotiation in Procurement
by Leandro Arozamena & Juan José Ganuza & Federico Weinschelbaum - 333 Lattice Operations for the Stable Set in Substitutable Matching Markets via re-equilibration Dynamics
by Agustín Bonifacio & Noelia Juarez & Paola Manasero - 332 A Multiregional and Multisectoral Analysis of Trade Flow and Economic Linkages in the Argentinean Economic Regions
by Pedro Elosegui & Gabriel Michelena & Marcos Herrera Gómez - 331 Structural Presumptions for Non-Horizontal Mergers in the 2023 Merger Guidelines: A Primer and a Path Forwar
by Javier Donna & Pedro Pereira - 330 Digital Labor Platforms, Domestic Work and Formalization: Evidence from Argentina
by Ariela Micha & Martín Trombetta & Francisca Pereyra - 329 Voting with Partial Orders: The Plurality and Anti-Plurality Classes
by Federico Fioravanti & Ulle Endriss - 328 Counting Steps for Re-Stabilization in a Labor Matching Market
by Agustín Bonifacio & Nadia Guiñazú & Noelia Juarez & Pablo Neme & Jorge Oviedo - 327 Banks or Fintechs? A Roadmap for Regulation
by Francisco Jesús Guerrero López & Paula Margaretic & Lucía Quesada & Federico Sturzenegger - 326 Unravelling the Determinants of Banking Efficiency in Argentina: a two-stage Analysis of the Argentine Banking Sector
by Facundo Costa de Arguibel & Juan Antonio Dip & Gerardo Stvass - 325 When Did Argentina Lose its Mojo? A Short Note on Economic Divergence
by Sebastián Katz & Eduardo Levy Yeyati - 324 El Aporte de Raúl Prebisch durante el Gobierno de Alfonsín (1984): Controversias en torno a la Macroeconomía y la Reactivación Económica
by Ignacio Rossi - 323 Talk to Fed: a Big Dive into FOMC Transcripts
by Daniel Aromí & Daniel Heymann - 322 Strict Dollarization and Economic Performace Revisited
by Johnny Thornton & Chrysovalantis Vasilakis - 321 International Reserve Management under Rollover Crises
by Mauricio Barbosa-Alves & Javier Bianchi & César Sosa-Padilla - 320 Do Human Proctors and Anxiety Affect Exam Scores in Open-book Online Exams? A Field Experiment
by Ignacio Sarmiento Barbieri & Eric Chiang & José Vázquez - 319 Seemingly Irrelevant Factors and Willingness to Block Polluting Investments
by Nicolás Ajzenman & Lenin Balza & Hernán D. Bejarano & Camilo de los Rios & Nicolás Gómez-Parra - 318 Crecimiento Económico: el Rol de la Apertura Comercial y los Términos de Intercambio para Distintos Grupos de Países
by Mauro Romero Stefani & Mara Leticia Rojas & María María Ibáñez Martín - 317 Differences in On-the-Job Learning across Firms
by Jaime Arellano-Bover & Fernando Saltiel - 316 The Baking of Preferences throughout the High School
by Antonio Alfonso & Pablo Brañas-Garza & Diego Jorrat & Benjamín Prissé & María José Vázquez-De Francisco - 315 Exchange Rate Regime and Sectorial Profi tability in a Small Open Economy: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of Argentina (2016-2022)
by Ariel Dvoskin & Germán Feldman & Gabriel Montes-Rojas - 314 Differential Crowding Out Effects of Government Loans and Bonds: Evidence from an Emerging Market Economy
by Isha Agarwal & David Jaume & Everardo Tellez de la Vega & Martin Tobal - 313 A Theory of Labor Markets with Inefficient Turnover
by Andrés Blanco & Andrés Drenik & Christian Moser & Emilio Zaratiegui - 312 Fuzzy Classification Aggregation
by Federico Fioravanti - 311 The Asymmetric Effects of Commodity Price Shocks in Emerging Economies
by Andrea Gazzani & Vicente Herrera & Alejandro Vicondoa - 310 Modelling Monetary and Fiscal Policy to Achieve Climate Goals
by Yener Altunbas & Xiaoxi Qu & John Thornton - 309 Delegation with Endogenous States
by Dino Gerardi & Lucas Maestri & Ignacio Monzón - 308 The Fiscal Arithmetic of a Slowdown in Trend Growth
by Mariano Kulish & Nadine Yamout - 307 The added value of using the ODD Protocol for agent-based modeling in Economics: go for it!
by Emiliano Alvarez & Volker Grimm - 306 ¿Cuánto impacta la viticultura sobre la calidad de los recursos hídricos? Un análisis de la Huella Hídrica Gris asociada al uso de pesticidas en una microrregión vitivinícola de Mendoza, Argentina
by Verónica Farreras & Belén Lana & Oscar Astorga - 305 Cuota Alimentaria y Pobreza Infantil en la Argentina
by Carla Arévalo & Jorge Paz - 304 Indices Regionales. Aspectos Analíticos
by Alberto José Figueras & Ariel Rubio - 303 Extreme Dry Spells and Larger Storms in the U.S. Midwest Raise Crop Prices
by Magdalena Cornejo & Nicolás Merener & Ezequiel Merovich - 302 Tilting the playing field. Do Double Simultaneous Voting System and Apparentment Lists contribute to subnational party hegemony?
by José J. Bercoff & Osvaldo Meloni & Juan Manuel Tabuenca - 301 Indexación y Financiamiento Inflacionario: el Caso de la Movilidad Jubilatoria
by Mauro Falcone - 300 Are professional forecasters inattentive to public discussions? The case of inflation in Argentina
by J. Daniel Aromí & Martín Llada - 299 Visitors Out! The Absence of Away Team Supporters as a Source of Home Advantage in Football
by Federico Fioravanti & Fernando Delbianco & Fernando Tohmé - 298 Equilibrium Existence in a discrete-time Endogenous Growth Model with Physical and Human Capital
by Luis A. Alcalá - 297 The Intensive Margin of Altruism: Impact of Covid-19 on Charitable Giving in England and Wales
by Esteban Jaimovich
- 296 Sovereign Debt Tolerance with Potentially Permanent Costs of Default
by Marcos Chamon & Francisco Roldán - 295 Redistributive Politics under Ambiguity
by Javier D. Donna - 294 Dinámica Electoral, Instituciones Políticas y Desempeño Institucional: las Provincias Argentinas en el Largo Plazo
by María Florencia Araóz - 293 Obvious Strategy-proofness with Respect to a Partition
by Pablo R. Arribillaga & Jordi Massó & Alejandro Neme - 292 Is Debt Always Harmful for Economic Growth? Evidence from Developing Countries
by Mara Leticia Rojas & María María Ibáñez Martín & Carlos Dabús - 291 Desigualdad de Logros Educativos en Argentina: Desafíos Post Pandemia
by María Sol Alzú & Bárbara Navajas & Cecilia Adrogué - 290 Sovereign Spreads and the Political Leaning of Nations
by Johnny Cotoc & Alok Johri & César Sosa-Padilla - 289 Not a Sip: Effects of Zero Tolerance Laws on Road Traffic Fatalities
by Andrés Ramasco - 288 Business Cycles and Police Hires
by Fernando Saltiel & Cody Tuttle - 287 Household Perceived Sources of Business Cycle Fluctuations: a Tale of Supply and Demand
by Clodomiro Ferreira & Stefano Pica - 286 Parental Love Is Not Blind: Identifying Selection into Early School Start
by Ainoa Aparicio Fenoll & Nadia Campaniello & Ignacio Monzón - 285 Housing Tenure, Consumption and Household Debt: Life-Cycle Dynamics During a Housing Bust in Spain
by Clodomiro Ferreira & Julio Gálvez & Myroslav Pidkuyko - 284 Not Obviously Manipulable Allotment Rules
by Pablo R. Arribillaga & Agustin G. Bonifacio - 283 Turismo y Desarrollo Económico: una Exploración Empírica
by Juan Gabriel Brida & Pablo Juan Cárdenas-García & Verónica Segarra - 282 Impactos de Bienestar de los Aranceles y las Licencias no Automáticas a las Importaciones. Evidencia para Argentina durante el período 2002-2012
by Pedro Esteban Moncarz - 281 Climate Change and Political Participation: Evidence from India
by Amrit Amirapu & Irma Clots-Figueras & Juan Pablo Rud - 280 Gravity Approach to the Impact of Crises on MERCOSUR Trade
by Germán González & Victoria Giordano - 279 Regresiones SUR Espaciales. Análisis Espacio-temporal del Empleo Sectorial en Argentina
by Pablo Fernández & Marcos Herrera Gómez - 278 Strategic Management of the Agro-Industrial Network of first Transformation in La Pampa, Argentina
by Santiago Ferro Moreno & Santiago Agustin Pérez - 277 Raise your Voice! Activism and Peer Effects in Online Social Networks
by Alejandra Agustina Martínez - 276 El último Plan Económico del Primer Ciclo del Gobierno de Raúl Alfonsín (1983-1985): Tensiones, Contradicciones e Inestabilidad Permanente
by Ignacio Rossi - 275 Permanent and Transitory Monetary Shocks around the World
by Javier Garcia Cicco & Patricio Goldstein & Federico Sturzenegger - 274 Dynamic Arrangements in Economic Theory: Level-Agnostic Representation
by Fernando Tohmé - 273 A Measure of our Uncertainty: Households’ Inflation Expectation and Information Shocks
by Ignacio Galará - 272 Juries and Information Aggregation in Dynamic Environments
by Esteban Colla-De-Robertis - 271 Latin American Natural Rates of Interest
by Luciano Campos - 270 Efficiency Performance of Latin American vis-à-vis North American Countries between 1980 and 2019
by Mario Seffino & German Gonzalez - 269 What is a relevant control?: An algorithmic proposal
by Fernando Delbianco & Fernando Tohmé - 268 Does Income Inequality Affect Capital Flows? Evidence from Emerging Markets and Developing Economies
by Jorge Carrera & Gabriel Montes-Rojas & Mariquena Solla & Fernando Toledo - 267 When a Strike Strikes Twice: Massive Student Mobilizations and Teenage Pregnancy in Chile
by Pablo A. Celhay & Emilio Depetris-Chauvin & Cristina Riquelme - 266 Argentinian Retail Coffee Market: Effects of Instability on Pricing
by Leandro Meller & Juan M.C. Larrosa & Juan I. Uriarte & Gonzalo R. Ramírez Muñoz de Toro - 265 Sovereign Debt Management
by Eduardo Levy Yeyati - 264 Tendencias en el Consumo de Alcohol y Peso Corporal en Argentina
by M. Inés Lara & Monserrat Serio - 263 Detecting Collusion on Highway Procurement
by Maria Florencia Gabrielli - 262 Dutch Disease, Unemployment and Structural Change
by Mariano Kulish & James Morley & Nadine Yamout & Francesco Zanetti - 261 Trade, Income and Heterogeneous Labor Supply
by Nicolás Depetris-Chauvin & Agustin Velasquez - 260 Causality by Vote: Aggregating Evidence on Causal Relations in Economic Growth Processes
by Manuel de Mier & Fernando Delbianco & Fernando Tohmé & Luisina Patrizio & Facundo Rodriguez & Mauro Romero Stéfani - 259 Simulations in Models with Heterogeneous Agents, Incomplete Markets and Aggregate Uncertainty
by Damián Pierri - 258 Mujeres y ¿desarrollo? Características, Obstáculos, Beneficios y Paradojas de la Participación de las Mujeres en el Mundo de la Producción
by Carina Borrastero & María Celeste Gómez & Ana Viganó & Lucila Irazoqui & Delfina Pons Guisiano - 257 Obvious Manipulations in Matching with and without Contracts
by Pablo R. Arribillaga & Eliana Pepa Risma - 256 Financial de-dollarization in Argentina. When the wind always blows from the East
by Eduardo A. Corso & Máximo Sangiácomo - 255 Nash Implementation in a many-to-one Matching Market
by Noelia Juarez & Paola B. Manasero & Oviedo Jorge - 254 Trade-off between Manipulability and Dictatorial Power: a Proof of the Gibbard–Satterthwaite Theorem
by Agustin G. Bonifacio - 253 How Large is the Sovereign Greenium?
by Sakai Ando & Chenxu Fu & Francisco Roch & Ursula Wiriadinata - 252 Econometrics of first Price Auctions: a Survey of the Theoretical and Applied Literature
by Maria Florencia Gabrielli - 251 Estructura de Propiedad, Origen de Capital y Eficiencia Bancaria: Evidencia para A
by Facundo Costa de Arguibel & Carolina Wittig & Juan Antonio Dip - 250 International Spillovers of ECB Interest Rates Monetary Policy & Information Effects
by Santiago Camara - 249 Gender Identification and Stake Size Effects in the Impunity Game
by Anabel Doñate-Buendía & Hernán Bejarano & Aurora García-Gallego - 248 Is Collusion-proof Procurement Expensive?
by Gaurab Aryal & Maria Florencia Gabrielli - 247 Individualized Conformal
by Fernando Delbianco & Fernando Tohmé - 246 Predictive Power of Composite Socioeconomic Indices in Regression and Classification: Principal Components and Partial Least Squares
by Stefanía D’Iorio & Liliana Forzani & Rodrigo García Arancibia & Ignacio Girela - 245 Preferencias parentales de género a lo largo de tres siglos: Evidencia para Argentina
by Fernando Antonio Ignacio González - 244 Are the Effects of Uncertainty Shocks Big or Small?
by Piergiorgio Alessandri & Andrea Gazzani & Alejandro Vicondoa - 243 Trade Disruptions Along the Global Supply Chain
by Alejandro G. Graziano & Yuan Tian - 242 Split Incentives in Emerging Countries
by Hector H. Sandoval & Pedro I. Hancevic - 241 The distributional implications of short-term income mobility: evidence for Latin America
by Martín Trombetta - 240 Rational Bubbles: Too Many to be True?
by Martin Sola - 239 Being at the Core: Firm product Specialisation
by Filippo Bontadini & Mercedes Campi & Marcos Dueñas - 238 Índice de Calidad Institucional y Desarrollo Económico: Análisis de Clústeres y el Caso de Argentin
by Mauro David Reyes Pontet - 237 Risk Aversion and Changes in Regime
by Tomas E. Caravello & John Driffill & Turalay Kenc & Martin Sola - 236 Metodología para la estimación de la necesidad sanitaria. Aplicación en una localidad intermedia de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
by María Florencia Arnaudo & Fernando Delbianco - 235 Discrimination in the Formation of Academic Networks: A Field Experiment on #EconTwitter
by Nicolás Ajzenman & Bruno Ferman & Sant’Anna Pedro C. - 234 A Note on Quasi-Maximum-Likelihood Estimation in Hidden Markov Models with Covariate-Dependent Transition Probabilities
by Demian Pouzo & Zacharias Psaradakis & Martin Sola - 233 Graphical Representation of Multidimensional Poverty: Insights for Index Construction and Policy Making
by Rodrigo García Arancibia & Ignacio Girela - 232 Big Data, Algorithms, AI, Ethics, and the Economy: An Aristotelian Perspective
by Ricardo F. Crespo - 231 Rooting for the Same Team: On the Interplay between Political and Social Identities in the Formation of Social Ties
by Nicolás Ajzenman & Bruno Ferman & Pedro C. Sant’Anna - 230 The Transmission of US Monetary Policy Shocks The Role of Investment & Financial Heterogeneity
by Santiago Camara & Sebastian Ramirez Venegas - 229 Policy-advising Competition and Endogenous Lobbies
by Manuel Foerster & Daniel Habermacher - 228 Evaluación del Efecto del PAMI en la Cobertura en Salud de los Adultos Mayores en Argentina
by Juan Marcelo Virdis & Fernando Delbianco & María Eugenia Elorza - 227 International Sanctions and Dollar Dominance
by Javier Bianchi & César Sosa-Padilla - 226 An Analysis of the Effect of Fiscal Expenditure on the Income Distribution of Chilean Households
by Nicolás Garrido & Jeffrey Morales - 225 Rivals’ Exit and Vertical Merger Evaluation
by Javier D. Donna & Pedro Pereira - 224 Adapting to Climate Risk? Local Population Dynamics in the United States
by Agustín Indaco & Francesc Ortega - 223 Variable Population Manipulations of Reallocation Rules in Economies with Single-Peaked Preferences
by Agustin G. Bonifacio - 222 Solar Panel Adoption in SMEs in Emerging Countries
by Pedro I. Hancevic & Hector H. Sandoval - 221 Quality, Vertical Integration and Adaptability
by Nicolás Depetris-Chauvin & Marta Fernández Olmos & Juan Carlos Hallak & José Santiago Mosquera - 220 Demand Price Elasticity and Taxes on the Consumption of Sugar Sweetened Beverages in Argentina
by Daniel Maceira & Alfredo Palacios & Natalia Espinola & Raúl Mejía - 219 The Green Metamorphosis of a small Open Economy
by Florencia S. Airaudo & Evi Pappa & Hernán D. Seoane - 218 Protección Financiera de los Adultos Mayores: una Evaluación de los Determinantes del Gasto Catastrófico en Salud en Argentina
by Juan Marcelo Virdis & María Eugenia Elorza & Fernando Delbianco - 217 Unconditional Quantile Partial Effects via Conditional Quantile Regression
by Javier Alejo & Antonio F. Galvao & Julián Martinez-Iriarte & Gabriel Montes-Rojas - 216 Wages and Productivity in Argentinian Manufacturing. A Structuralist and Distributional firm-level Analysis
by María Celeste Gómez & Maria Enrica Virgillito - 215 Circular Networks as Efficient Nash Equilibria: two Approaches
by Juan Larrosa & Fernando Tohmé - 214 The Adventure of Running Experiments with Teenagers
by Antonio Alfonso-Costillo & Pablo Brañas-Garza & Diego Jorrat & Pablo Lomas & Benjamin Prissé & Mónica Vasco - 213 El Estrés y Ansiedad por COVID-19. Los Sentimientos de los Estudiantes Reflejados en la Opinión de una Encuesta Realizada en Pandemia
by Juan Antonio Dip - 212 Sequentially Exporting Products across Countries
by Facundo Albornoz & Héctor F. Calvo Pardo & Gregory Corcos & Emanuel Ornelas - 211 Tendencias en la Economía del Espacio y Potencial Argentino
by Paulo Pascuini & Andrés López - 210 Community Matters: Heterogeneous Impacts of a Sanitation Intervention
by Laura Abramovsky & Britta Augsburg & Melanie Lührmann & Francisco Oteiza & Juan Pablo Rud - 209 Las Agtech en Argentina: Desarrollo Reciente, Situación Actual y Perspectivas
by Jeremías Lachman & Andres López & Gabriel Tinghitella & Sebastián Gómez-Roca - 208 Salud y Vulnerabilidad en el Adulto Mayor. Aproximaciones Conceptuales
by Gisela González & Emiliano Gutiérrez & María Florencia Arnaudo
- 207 Optimal Bailouts in Banking and Sovereign Crises
by Sewon Hur & Cesar Sosa-Padilla & Zeynep Yom - 206 An Ergodic Theory of Sovereign Default
by Damián Pierri & Hernán D. Seoane - 205 Sentiment, Mispricing and Excess Volatility in Presence of Institutional Investors
by Hervé Roche & Juan Sotes-Paladino - 204 Programa Mais Médicos y Capital Humano en Argentina: ¿Fuga de Cerebros en el Sector Salud?
by Fernando Antonio Ignacio González & Lara Sofía Cantero & Pablo Ariel Szyszko & Joel Herman Bys - 203 Updating the Social Norm: the Case of Hate Crime after the Brexit Referendum
by Facundo Albornoz & Jake Bradley & Silvia Sonderegger - 202 How Much are Students Aware of Environmental Issues? Is this Awareness Related to their Socioeconomic Status? A Look from PISA 2006 and 2015
by Cecilia Adrogué & Eugenia Orlicki - 201 The Effect of a Free Trade Agreement with the United States on Member Countries’ per capita GDP: A Synthetic Control Analysis
by Esteban Colla-De-Robertis & Rafael Garduño Rivera - 200 Bond Risk Premia, Priced Regime Shifts, and Macroeconomic Fundamentals
by Constantino Hevia & Ivan Petrella & Martin Sola - 199 Favoritismo Regional en Argentina
by Fernando Antonio Ignacio González & Lara Sofia Cantero & Pablo Ariel Szyszko - 198 Let’s Stay Together: the Effects of Repeated Student-Teacher Matches on Academic Achievement
by Facundo Albornoz & David Contreras & Richard Upward - 197 An Integrated Epidemiological and Economic Model of COVID-19 NPIs in Argentina
by Adolfo Rubinstein & Eduardo Levy Yeyati - 196 The Effect of Ambiguity in Strategic Environments: an Experiment
by Pablo Brañas-Garza & Antonio Cabrales & Maria Paz Espinosa & Diego Jorrat - 195 Índice de Inclusión Financiera: una Medición Multidimensional y Global
by Facundo Pastor - 194 El Rol de la Lectura y los Libros en la Función de Producción Educativa en Argentina
by Monserrat Serio - 193 Coo-petencia Oligopólica y Rentismo Digital en el Mercado Tecnológico Global
by Carina Borrasterp & Ignacio Juncos - 192 Patent Length and Breadth as Policy Instruments: A Systematic Review of Recent Contributions to the Theory of Optimal Patent Design
by Leandro M. Meller - 191 Obvious Manipulations of tops-only Voting Rules
by R. Pablo Arribillaga & Agustin Bonifacio - 190 Dos Siglos de Industria en la Argentina, Una Revisión Historiográfica
by Marcelo Rougier - 189 Checks and Balances and Nation Building: The Spanish Constitutional Court and Catalonia
by Agustin Casas & Federico Curci & Antoni-Italo De Moragas - 188 Pobreza en la Argentina. Privaciones Múltiples y Asimetrías Regionales
by Carla Arévalo & Jorge A. Paz - 187 Economics and National Cultures
by Ricardo F. Crespo - 186 State-owned Enterprises: In Search for a New Consensus
by Eduardo Levy Yeyati & Juan Javier Negri Malbran - 185 When are devaluations more contractionary? A Quantile VAR estimation for Argentina
by Gabriel Montes-Rojas & Nicolás Bertholet - 184 Job Displacement Costs of Phasing out Coal
by Juan-Pablo Rud & Michael Simmons & Gerhard Toews & Fernando Aragon - 183 Looking Inside the Ballot Box: Gender Gaps in Argentine Presidential Elections
by José J. Bercoff & Osvaldo Meloni - 182 Classifying Exchange Rate Regimes: 20 Years Later
by Eduardo Levy-Yeyati & Federico Sturzenegger - 181 False-name-proof and Strategy-proof Voting Rules under Separable Preferences
by Federico Fioravanti & Massó Jordi - 180 Home Advantage and Crowd Attendance: Evidence from Rugby during the Covid 19 Pandemic
by Fernando Delbianco & Federico Fioravanti & Fernando Tohmé - 179 Medición de Incertidumbre Económica en Redes Sociales en Base a Modelos de Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural
by J. Daniel Aromí - 178 Political Alignment and Inter-Jurisdictional Cooperation: Evidence from Crime in Mexico
by Emilio Depetris-Chauvin & Ruben Durante & Emilio Gutierrez - 177 Properties of Aggregation Operators Relevant for Ethical Decision Making in Artificial Intelligence
by Federico Fioravanti & Iyad Rahwan & Fernando Tohmé - 176 The Heterogeneous Impact of Inflation on Households’ Balance Sheets
by Miguel Cardoso & Clodomiro Ferreira & José Miguel Leiva & Galo Nuño & Álvaro Ortiz & Tomasa Rodrigo - 175 (Lack of) Competition, Coordination, and Information Sharing in the Pork Industry: United States, 2009-2020
by Javier D. Donna & Anita N. Walsh - 174 Trust and Saving in Financial Institutions by the Poor
by Sebastian Galiani & Peter Gertler & Camila Navajas Ahumada - 173 Sostenibilidad Ambiental y Calidad Institucional: Interacciones
by Mauro David Reyes Pontet & María M. Ibáñez Martín & Silvia London - 172 Coordinación de los Sistemas Agroalimentarios en Argentina y Capacidad de Desarrollar la Competitividad a Medida
by Andrea González & Juan Carlos Hallak & Gabriel Scattolo & Andres Tacsir - 171 Heterogeneidad Estructural como Restricción al Desarrollo Productivo y las Mejoras Salariales Sustentables en la Industria Argentina. Un Análisis en Perspectiva Histórica
by Carina Borrastero & Ana Viganó & María Celeste Gómez - 170 A Structural Measure of the Shadow Federal Funds Rate
by Callum Jones & Mariano Kulish & James Morley - 169 Information Aggregation in Multidimensional Cheap Talk
by Daniel Habermacher - 168 Transparency and Adverse Selection: Evidence from an Electronic Platform for Annuities
by Eduardo Fajnzylber & Maria F. Gabrielli & Manuel Willington - 167 Sovereign Debt
by Leonardo Martinez & Francisco Roch & Francisco Roldan & Jeromin Zettelmeyer - 166 Regret-Free Truth-Telling Voting Rules
by R. Pablo Arribillaga & Agustín G. Bonifacio & Marcelo A. Fernandez - 165 Priors and the Slope of the Phillips Curve
by Callum Jones & Mariano Kulish & Juan Pablo Nicolini - 164 Victimización y Percepción de Inseguridad en el NOA
by Victor Daniel Iajya & Andrés Esteban Ramasco - 163 Leaning-against-the-wind Intervention and the “Carry-Trade” View of the Cost of Reserves
by Eduardo Levy Yeyati & Juna Francisco Gómez - 162 Two Illustrations of the Quantity Theory of Money Reloaded
by Han Gao & Mariano Kulish & Juan Pablo Nicolini - 161 Making a Maradona: Meat Consumption and Soccer Prowess
by Martín A. Rossi & Christian A. Ruzzier - 160 The Global Distributive Impact of the US Inflation Shock
by Gautam Nair & Federico Sturzenegger - 159 Is There a Stable Relationship between Unemployment and Future Inflation?
by Terry Fitzgerald & Callum Jones & Mariano Kulish & Juan Pablo Nicolini - 158 Search, Transport Costs, and Labor Markets in South Africa
by Kishan Shah & Federico Sturzenegger