- 156 Políticas de Gestión de los Recursos Hídricos. Un Enfoque Hidrológico y Económico en el Oasis Norte de Mendoza
by Verónica Farreras & Carolina Lauro & Emilce Vaccarino & Laura Abraham - 155 The Lattice of Envy-Free Many-to-Many Matchings with Contracts
by Agustín G. Bonifacio & Nadia Guiñazú & Noelia Juarez & Pablo Neme & Jorge Oviedo - 154 Labour Transitions that Lead to Platform Work: Towards Increased Formality? Evidence from Argentina
by Sonia Filipetto & Ariela Micha & Francisca Pereyra & Cecilia Poggi & Martín Trombetta - 153 Granular Linkages, Supplier Cost Shocks & Export Performance
by Santiago Camara - 152 Racial Discrimination and Housing Outcomes in the United States Rental Marke
by Peter Christensen & Ignacio Sarmiento-Barbieri & Christopher Timmins - 151 On Wars, Sanctions and Sovereign Default
by Javier Bianchi & Cesar Sosa-Padilla - 150 Incentivizing Brokers in Clientelist Parties
by Agustin Casas & Daniel M. Kselman - 149 El Uso y Acceso a Internet, Redes Sociales y Gobierno Electrónico en Bahía Blanca. Resultados Preliminares deRelevamiento Online
by Lucía Andrea Díaz & Emiliano Gutiérrez - 148 Thermal Stress and Financial Distress: Extreme Temperatures and Firms’ Loan Defaults in Mexico
by Sandra Aguilar-Gomez & Emilio Gutierrez & David Heres & David Jaume & Martin Tobal - 147 Numerical Fiscal Rules for Economic Unions: the Role of Sovereign Spreads
by Juan Carlos Hatchondo & Leonardo Martinez & Francisco Roch - 146 A Graph-based Similarity Function for CBDT: Acquiring and Using New Information
by Federico Contiggiani & Fernando Delbianco & Fernando Tohmé - 145 Latin American Falls, Rebounds and Tail
by Luciano Campos & Danilo Leiva-León & Steven Zapata - 144 Determinantes de los Niveles de Integración Regional en las Dos Últimas Décadas
by Pedro Moncarz & Manuel Flores & Sebastián Villano & Marcel Vaillant - 143 Fiscal Policy and the Slowdown in Trend Growth in an Open Economy
by Alexander Beames & Mariano Kulish & Nadine Yamout - 142 Authority and Specialization under Informational Interdependence
by Daniel Habermacher - 141 Robust Optimal Macroprudential Policy
by Federico Bennett & Giselle Montamat & Francisco Roch - 140 Turismo Sostenible: un Modelo de Crecimiento con Recursos Naturales
by Silvia London & Mara Leticia Rojas & Karen Natal Candidas - 139 Sovereign Cocos
by Juan Carlos Hatchondo & Leonardo Martinez & Yasin Kürsat Önder & Francisco Roch - 138 Core and Stability Notions in Many-to-one Matching Markets with Indifferences
by Agustín G. Bonifacio & Noelia Juarez & Pablo Neme & Jorge Oviedo - 137 Lab vs online experiments: no differences
by Benjamin Prissé & Diego Jorrat - 136 A Balance-Sheet Model of Fiscal Policy in Namibia
by Federico Sturzenegger & Nicolás Der Meguerditchian - 135 Notas sobre la Demografía del COVID-19 en Argentina
by Jorge A. Paz - 134 Impacto de los Programas de Transferencias de Ingresos en la Calidad de la Vivienda Familiar: Evidencia para el Plan de Inclusión Social, Argentina
by Alfredo Palacios - 133 Carrot and Stick: A Role for Benchmark-Adjusted Compensation in Active Fund Management
by Juan Sotes-Paladino & Fernando Zapatero - 132 Parents’ knowledge and predictions about the age of menarche: Experimental evidence from Honduras
by Michela Accerenzi & Pablo Brañas-Garza & Diego Jorrat - 131 Identification and Estimation of Unconditional Policy Effects of an Endogenous Binary Treatment: an Unconditional MTE Approach
by Julian Martinez-Iriarte & YiXiao Sun - 130 Assessing Misallocation in Agriculture: Plots versus Farms
by Fernando M. Aragón & Diego Restuccia & Juan Pablo Rud - 129 Network Structure and Fragmentation of the Argentinean Interbank Markets
by Pedro Elosegui & Federico Forte & Gabriel Montes-Rojas - 127 Location-Scale and Compensated Effects in Unconditional Quantile Regressions
by Julián Martínez-Iriarte & Gabriel Montes-Rojas & Yixiao Sun - 126 Constrained Efficient Borrowing with Sovereign Default Risk
by Juan Carlos Hatchondo & Leonardo Martinez & Francisco Roch - 125 The Dark Side of Transparency: Mission Variety and Industry Equilibrium in Decentralized Public Good Provision
by Gani Aldashev & Esteban Jaimovich & Thierry Verdier - 124 Does an Increase in the Cost of Imported Inputs Hurt Exports? Evidence from Firms' Network of Foreign Suppliers
by Santiago Camara - 123 Imitative Pricing: the Importance of Neighborhood Effects in Physicians’ Consultation Prices
by Benjamin Montmartin & Marcos Herrera-Gómez - 122 The Perils of Friendly Oversight
by Dino Gerardi & Edoardo Grillo & Ignacio Monzón - 121 Preference Restrictions for Simple and Strategy-Proof Rules: Local and Weakly Single-Peaked Domains
by Agustín Bonifacio & Jordi Massó & Pablo Neme - 120 A New Labor Conflict Index for Argentina: Preliminary Findings
by Darío Judzik & Eduardo Levy Yeyati & Martín Montané - 119 Behavioral Insights in Infrastructure Sectors: A Survey
by George Joseph & Sophie Ayling & Pepita Miquel-Florensa & Hernán D. Bejarano & Alejandra Quevedo Cardona - 118 Collusion and Artificial Intelligence: A Computational Experiment with Sequential Pricing Algorithms under Stochastic Costs
by Gonzalo Ballestero - 117 When Do More Police Induce More Crime?
by Casilda Lasso de la Vega & Oscar Volij & Federico Weinschelbaum - 116 Short of Capital: Stock Market Implications of Short Sellers’ Losses
by Antonio Gargano & Juan Sotes-Paladino & Patrick Verwijmeren - 115 Alternative Monetary-Policy Instruments and Limited Credibility: An Exploration
by Javier García-Cicco - 114 Impuesto Progresivo al Ingreso y Crecimiento: Abordaje desde la Complejidad
by Emiliano Álvarez & Marcelo Álvez & Juan Gabriel Brida - 113 Financial Frictions and International Trade: A Review
by David Kohn & Fernando Leibovici & Michal Szkup - 112 Covid-19 in Unequal Societies
by Constantino Hevia & Manuel Macera & Pablo Andrés Neumeyer - 111 Bargaining over a Divisible Good in the Market for Lemons
by Dino Gerardi & Lucas Maestri & Ignacio Monzón - 110 Stable Decompositions of Coalition Formation Games
by Agustín G. Bonifacio & Elena Inarra & Pablo Neme - 109 Exposure or Income? The Unequal Effects of Pollution on Daily Labor Supply
by Bridget Hoffmann & Juan Pablo Rud - 108 Out of Sync: Dispersed Short Selling and the Correction of Mispricing
by Antonio Gargano & Juan Sotes-Paladino & Patrick Verwijmeren - 107 A TNT Model for Chile: Explaining the ERPT
by Mariana García-Schmidt & Javier García-Cicco - 106 The Unexpected Effects of Daylightsaving time: Traffic Accidents in Mexican Municipalities
by Hugo Salas Rodríguez & Pedro I. Hancevic - 105 Technological Change, Campaign Spending and Polarization
by Pau Balart & Agustín Casas & Orestis Troumpounis
- 104 ¿Quién Tracciona la Estrategia Sectorial para la Inserción Internacional? Desafíos de Coordinación post-COVID en Cadenas Agroindustriales de América Latina
by Andrea González & Juan Carlos Hallak & Andrés Tacsir - 103 Inter-Provincial Trade in Argentina: Financial Flows and Centralism
by Pedro Elosegui & Marcos Herrera-Gómez & Jorge Colina - 101 Variabilidad Espacial en los Determinantes de la Fecundidad de Argentina (2001-2010). Un Enfoque por Regresiones Geográficamente Ponderadas
by Marcos Herrera-Gomez & Juan Carlos Cid - 100 ¿Discontinuidades o Continuidades Políticas? Explorando sus Efectos sobre el Desempeño Económico: El Caso de la Intervención Federal en Santiago del Estero
by Fernando Antonio Ignacio González & María Emma Santos & Juan Cruz Fernández - 99 Cycles to Compute the Full Set of Many-to-many Stable Matchings
by Agustín G. Bonifacio & Noelia Juarez & Pablo Neme & Jorge Oviedo - 98 Estudio Exploratorio sobre la Informalidad en las Jurisdicciones Provinciales
by Valeria J. Blanco & A. Daniela Cristina & Iván Iturralde & Alberto J. Figueras - 97 The Trend-cycle Connection
by Florencia S. Airaudo & Hernán D. Seoane - 96 When the Rich Do (Not) Trust the (Newly) Rich: Experimental Evidence on the Effects of Positive Random Shocks in the Trust Game
by Hernán Bejarano & Joris Gillet & Ismael Rodriguez-Lara - 95 Cooperation and Retaliation in Legislative Bargaining
by Agustín Casas & Martín Gonzalez-Eiras - 94 The Effect of Amazon Deforestationon Global Climate Variables
by Hildegart Ahumada & Magdalena Cornejo - 93 Motherhood and flexible jobs
by Inés Berniell & Lucila Berniell & Dolores de la Mata & María Edo & Mariana Marchionni - 92 Monetary Policy, External Finance and Investment
by James Cloyne & Clodomiro Ferreira & Maren Froemel & Paolo Surico - 91 Common and Idiosyncratic Components of Latin American Business Cycles Connectedness
by Luciano Campos & Jesús Ruiz Andújar - 90 ¿Una Enfermedad Holandesa “Fiscal? El Caso de Transferencias entre Jurisdicciones: La Experiencia Argentina hasta 2008
by Alberto José Figueras & Iván Iturralde & Marcelo Capello - 89 Real Exchange Rates and Primary Commodity Prices: Mussa Meets Backus-Smith
by Joao Ayres & Constantino Hevia & Juan Pablo Nicolini - 88 Markov Chains, Eigenvalues and the Stabilityof Economic Growth Processes
by Fernando Delbianco & Andrés Fioriti & Fernando Tohmé - 87 Export Survival with Uncertainty and Experimentation
by Sebastián Fanelli & Juan Carlos Hallak - 86 Desempeño educativo de los estudiantes en Argentina: Una mirada a la desigualdad de oportunidades del sistema educativo a partir de su medición y descomposición
by Monserrat Serio - 85 Latin American Beer Production and Import Demand for Regional Malt and Malted Barley
by Rodrigo García Arancibia & Mariano Coronel & Jimena Vicentin Masaro - 84 An Analysis of the Effects of Government Spending on the Income Distribution of Chilean Households
by Nicolás Garrido & Jeffrey Morales - 83 Renegotiation and Discrimination in Symmetric Procurement Auctions
by Leandro Arozamena & Juan José Ganuza & Federico Weinschelbaum - 82 Radiografía del Trabajo Argentino
by Eduardo Levy Yeyati & Federico Favata & Martín Montané & Daniel Schteingart - 81 Relational links for insertion in non-mass global value chains: opportunities for middle-income countries
by Juan Carlos Hallak & Andrea González - 80 Communication of Credit Rating Agencies and Financial Markets
by Lorenzo Menna & Martín Tobal - 79 Does It Matter How Central Banks Accumulate Reserves? Evidence from Sovereign Spreads
by César Sosa-Padilla & Federico Sturzenegger - 78 SARS-CoV-2 spread, detection, and dynamics in a megacity in Latin America
by Rachid Laajaj & Camilo De Los Rios & Ignacio Sarmiento-Barbieri & Danilo Aristizabal & Eduardo Behrentz & Raquel Bernal - 77 Measuring the welfare of intermediaries in vertical markets
by Javier Donna & Pedro Pereira & Tiago Pires & Andre Trindade - 76 Credibility dynamics and inflation expectations
by Rumen Kostadinov & Francisco Roldán - 75 Inside the white box: Unpacking the determinants of quality and vertical specialization
by Esteban Jaimovich & Boryana Madzharova & Vincenzo Merella - 74 Measuring long-run price elasticities in urban travel demand
by Javier Donna - 73 How do subnational governments react to shocks to revenue sources? Evidence from Argentina
by Martin Besfamille & Diego Jorrat & Osmel Manzano & Pablo Sanguinetti - 72 Do women ask for lower salaries? The supply side of the gender pay gap
by Martín González Rozada & Eduardo Levy Yeyati - 71 Crime concentration and hot spot dynamics in Latin America
by Laura Jaitman & Nicolás Ajzenman - 70 A historical perspective on prudential regulation, currency mismatches and exchange rates in Latin America and the Caribbean
by Martín Tobal & Renato Yslas - 69 Direct-to-Consumer sales by manufacturers and bargaining
by Javier Donna & Pedro Pereira & Andre Trindade & Renan Yoshida - 68 Pandemic divergence: A short note on COVID-19 and global income inequality
by Eduardo Levy Yeyati & Federico Filippini - 67 To pay or not to pay: Measuring riskpreferences in lab and field
by Pablo Brañas-Garza & Lorenzo Estepa Mohedano & Diego Jorrat & Victor Orozco & Ericka Rascón Ramírez - 66 Sovereign debt standstills
by Juan Carlos Hatchondo & Leonardo Martínez & César Sosa-Padilla - 65 Diversification, economies of scope, and exports growth of Chinese firms
by Mercedes Campi & Marco Dueñas & Le Li & Huabin Wu - 64 The lattice of worker-quasi-stable matchings
by Agustín Bonifacio & Nadia Guiñazú & Noelia Juarez & Pablo Neme & Jorge Oviedo - 63 Salience and accountability: School infrastructure and last-minute electoral punishment
by Nicolás Ajzenman & Ruben Durante - 62 Common trends in producers’ expectations, the nonlinear linkage with Uruguayan GDP and its implications in economic growth forecasting
by Bibiana Lanzilotta & Juan Gabriel Brida & Lucía Rosich - 61 The real effects of financial uncertainty shocks: A daily identification approach
by Piergiorgio Alessandri & Andrea Gazzani & Alejandro Vicondoa - 60 The illiquidity of water markets: Efficient institutions for water allocation in southeastern Spain
by Javier Donna & José Antonio Espín-Sánchez(Yale - 59 Exposure to the Covid-19 pandemic and generosity
by Pablo Brañas-Garza & Diego Jorrat & Antonio Alfonso-Costillo & Antonio Espín & Teresa García & Kovárík Jaromír - 58 The aggregate-demand doom loop: Precautionary motives and the welfare costs of sovereign risk
by Francisco Roldán - 57 How ETFs amplify the global financial cycle in emerging markets
by Nathan Converse & Eduardo Levy Yeyati & Tomas Williams - 56 Labor contracts, gift-exchange and reference wages: Your gift need not be mine
by Hernán Bejarano & Brice Corgnet & Joaquín Gómez-Miñambres - 55 A balance-sheet approach to fiscal sustainability
by Eduardo Levi Yeyati & Federico Sturzenegger - 54 Paid and hypothetical time preferences are the same: Lab, field and online evidence
by Pablo Brañas-Garza & Diego Jorrat & Antonio Espín & Angel Sánchez - 53 Immigration, crime, and crime (Mis)perceptions
by Nicolás Ajzenman & Patricio Domínguez & Raimundo Undurraga - 52 Sensitivity analysis in unconditional quantile effects
by Julián Martínez-Iriarte - 51 Optimal bailouts in banking and sovereign crises
by Sewon Hur & César Sosa-Padilla & Zeynep Yom - 50 Trust and trustworthiness after negative random shocks
by Hernán Bejarano & Joris Gillet & Ismael Rodríguez-Lara - 49 All sequential allotment rules are obviously strategy-proof
by Pablo Arribillaga & Jordi Massó & Alejandro Neme - 48 The cost of holding foreign exchange reserves
by Eduardo Levi Yeyati & Juan Francisco Gómez - 47 Uncertainty Premia, Sovereign Default Risk, and State-Contingent Debt
by Francisco Roch & Francisco Roldán - 46 A first-stage representation for instrumental variables quantile
by Javier Alejo & Antonio Galvao & Gabriel Montes-Rojas - 45 Altruism or money? Reducing teacher sorting using behavioral strategies in Peru
by Nicolás Ajzenman & Eleonora Bertoni & Gregory Elacqua & Luana Marotta & Carolina Méndez Vargas - 44 Are small farms really more productive than large farms?
by Fernando Aragón & Diego Restuccia & Juan Pablo Rud - 43 What works for active labor market policies?
by Eduardo Levi Yeyati & Martín Montané & Luca Sartorio - 42 Impacto de los efectos espaciales en la convergencia regional. Análisis departamental para la Argentina
by Mauricio Talassino & Marcos Herrera Gómez - 41 RIF regression via sensitivity curves
by Javier Alejo & Gabriel Montes-Rojas & Walter Sosa Escudero - 40 More than words: Leader’s speech and risky behavior during a pandemic
by Nicolás Ajzenman & Tiago Cavalcanti & Daniel Da Mata - 39 Specificity of human capital: An occupation space based on job-to-job transitions
by Eduardo Levy Yeyati & Martín Montané - 38 Financial dollarization and de-dollarization in the new milennium
by Eduardo Levi Yeyati - 37 Miopes y pesimistas: ¿Cómo forman sus expectativas de inflación los argentinos? Revisión empírica de un modelo teórico agregado de expectativas con sesgos de información. Estudio del caso argentino
by Ignacio Galará - 36 Measuring vulnerability to multidimensional poverty in Latin America
by Mauricio Gallardo & María Emma Santos & Pablo Villatoro & Vicky Pizarro - 35 Lockdown fatigue: The diminishing effects of quarantines on the spread of COVID-19
by Patricio Goldstein & Eduardo Levy Yeyati & Luca Sartorio - 34 The impact of overeducation on wages of recent economic sciences graduates
by Mariana De Santis & María Cecilia Gáname & Pedro Esteban Moncarz
- 33 Reserve Accumulation, Macroeconomic Stabilization, and Sovereign Risk
by Javier Bianchi & César Sosa Padilla - 32 Desastres naturales y crecimiento económico: evidencia para distritos de Argentina
by F.A. Ignacio González & M. Emma Santos & Silvia London - 31 Interest Rate Uncertainty and Sovereign Default Risk
by Alok Johri & Shahed Khan & César Sosa-Padilla - 30 Changes in mobility and socioeconomic conditions in Bogotá city during the COVID-19 outbreak
by Marcos Deuñas & Mercedes Campi & Luis Olmos - 29 Auctioning Annuities
by Gaurab Aryal & Eduardo Fajnzylber & Maria F. Gabrielli & Manuel Willington - 28 La economía argentina ayer y hoy: hechos estilizados y des-estilizados
by Mara Leticia Rojas - 27 Provability: from evidence to knowledge
by Esteban Peralta & Fernando Tohmé - 26 Agent Based Models and Simulation in Social Sciences: A bibliometric review
by Emiliano Alvarez & Gabriel Brida & Silvia London - 25 La comunicación gubernamentalen tiempos de pandemia. Análisis del caso de Bahía Blanca
by Lucía Díaz & Emiliano Gutiérrez - 24 The empirical dimension of overborrowing
by Damián Pierri & Gabriel Montes Rojas & Pablo Mira-Llambi - 23 Non-convergence to stability in coalition formation games
by Agustín G. Bonifacio & Elena Inarra & Pablo Neme - 22 Efectos de largo plazo de una gran pandemia: el caso de la pandemia de influenza 1918en Argentina
by Fernando Antonio Ignacio González & Juan Antonio Dip & Silvia London - 21 Una propuesta de medición de daño del delito y su impacto sobre los precios de Airbnb en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires
by Alejandro Norton & Marcos Herrera-Gomez - 20 Theft in equilibrium
by Federico Weinschelbaum - 19 On the set of many-to-one strongly stable fractional matchings
by Pablo Neme & Jorge Oviedo - 18 Lattice structure of the random stable set in many-to-many matching markets
by Noelia Juárez & Pablo Neme & Jorge Oviedo - 17 Marriage market with indifferences: A linear programming approach
by Noelia Juárez & Pablo Neme & Jorge Oviedo - 16 Export Survival and Foreign Financing
by Laura D’Amato & Máximo Sangiácomo & Martín Tobal - 15 Take me out: De facto limits on strict lockdowns in developing countries
by Eduardo Levi Yeyati & Luca Sartorio - 14 Economía. Ética y Corrupción
by Alberto José Figueras - 13 Rara Avis: Latin American populism in the 21st century
by Luciano Campos & Agustín Casas - 12 Compositionality in Game Theory: an Operadic View
by Fernando Tohmé - 11 Portfolio Selection in Quantile Decision Models
by Luciano De Castro & Antonio F. Galvao & Gabriel Montes Rojas & José Olmo - 10 Introducción al estudio de la segregación ocupacional por género en la Argentina
by Jorge Paz - 9 A Note on Hibernation in a Lockdown
by Federico Sturzenegger - 8 Missing data in the structural gravity: estimation bias of preferential trade agreements due to the omission of internal trade
by Marcel Vaillant & Manuel Flores & Pedro Esteban Moncarz - 7 How should Central Banks accumulate reserves?
by Federico Sturzenegger - 6 Individually Rational Rules for the Division Problem when the Number of Units to be Allotted is Endogenous
by Gustavo Bergantiños & Jordi Massó & Alejandro Neme - 5 Assessment of collusion damages in first price auctions
by María Florencia Gabrielli & Manuel Willington - 4 Order-k Rationality
by Salvador Barberà & Geoffroy De Cleppel & Alejandro Neme & Kareen Rozeen - 3 Caracterización económica de la cadena del durazno para Industria en Mendoza: Análisis de transmisión de Precios
by M.Florencia Gabrielli & Gustavo Maradona & Monserrat Serio - 2 Feeding the Leviathan: political competition and soft budget constraints. Evidence from Argentine subnational districts
by Osvaldo Meloni - 1 Mensajes colusivos en subastas con costos de entrada
by M.Florencia Gabrielli & Roberto Latorre