2018, Issue 5
- 112-126 Russia «in the mirror» of OECD and world economy
by Valeriy Vladislavovich Smirnov & Alena Vladimirovna Mulendeeva - 127-134 Application problem of «unilateral sanctions» in modern international law
by Ekaterina Mihajlovna Ivanova
2018, Issue 4
- 7-24 Intellectual dimension of international trade
by Andrey Nikolaevich Spartak - 25-38 Export of Russian food products to the Asia-Pacific countries: aspects of non-tariff regulation
by Mikhail Anatol'evich Golubkov - 39-50 Education services exports of Russia
by Mikhail Yur’evich Kuzmenkov & Antonina Davidovna Levashenko - 51-67 Integration in Latin America as a factor for foreign trade promotion
by Galina Mikhailovna Kostyunina & Olga Anatolyevna Kozlova - 68-75 Foreign trade of China with African countries
by Aleksandr Nikolaevich Zakharov & Nikita Andreevich Rusak - 76-82 “Non-market” dumping: new antidumping regulation of the European Union
by Anton Arkadievich Naku - 83-94 Economic rationale for government export promotion policy
by Evgeniy Vladimirovich Gorovoy - 95-104 Convergence mechanisms for national electric power complexes within the Eurasian Economic Union
by Artur Arturovich Gibadullin - 105-118 Intellectual Property System in China
by Nikita Sergeyevich Pyzhikov - 119-132 Bilateral agreements in terms of tax information exchange: differentiation by content and subject matter
by Maria Sergeevna Pekarskaya
2018, Issue 3
- 7-23 Outlines of structural transformations in international trade
by Andrey Nikolaevich Spartak - 24-32 Foreign trade of Russia: the nature of rises and falls
by Vladimir Petrovich Obolenskiy - 33-45 State support of exporters
by Galina Aleksandrovna Orlova & Aleksander Nikolayevich Zelenuk & Yuri Anatolievich Savinov & Evgenija Vadimovna Taranovskaja - 46-56 International trade in fuel and energy products: current state and prospects
by Aleksandr Sergeevich Ivanov & Igor’ Evgen’evich Matveev - 57-74 Foreign trade relations of Russia under unstable economic environment
by Yurij Yur'evich Ponomarev & Aleksej Igorevich Rej & Dar'ja Maksimovna Radchenko - 75-81 Foreign trade challenges for Russia’s agricultural sector
by Vladimir Aleksandrovich Morozov - 82-91 Regulation of the global fish trade
by Ilya Igorevich Pozdnyakov - 92-102 Risk management in transfer pricing
by Nadezhda Mixajlovna Yarceva - 103-113 Effective participation of Russia in the WTO
by Anelija Igorevna Zajnagutdinova - 114-128 Economic problems of Saudi Arabia
by Ljudmila Nikolaevna Rudenko
2018, Issue 2
- 7-24 Long-term trends and new developments in international trade
by Andrey Nikolaevich Spartak & Aleksey Evgen’evich Likhachev - 25-35 Modern contents and forms of transport services export
by Konstantin Vladimirovich Kholopov & Ol'ga Vladimirovna Sokolova - 36-52 Japan’ policy regarding regional trade agreements and influence on Japan-Russia trade
by Galina Mikhailovna Kostyunina & Vladimir Ivanovich Baronov - 53-61 Problems of terminology in customs practice
by Elena Isljamovna Andreeva & Andrej Evgen'evich Epov - 62-73 Preparation foreign trade negotiations: features of Eastern etiquette
by Tatyana Ivanovna Rubtsova & Yuri Anatolievich Savinov - 74-84 Food products export from Russia
by Nikita Jur'evich Mukhin & Tat’jana Pavlovna Basilashvili & Natalya Yurievna Buligina & Anna Vasil’evna Skurova - 85-94 Foreign trade of Russia under deterioration of economic environment
by Irina Anatol'evna Kvashnina - 95-104 The role of international intra-industry trade in deepening integration in the Eurasian Economic Union
by Egor Vadimovich Pak - 105-117 Influence of shale oil and gas exports on the global coal market growth
by Ekaterina Vladimirovna Dagilis - 118-134 American companies’ àctivity in Russia
by Aleksandr Tengizovich Gasparishvili & Elena Mihajlovna Romanova
2018, Issue 1
- 7-16 International trade in consulting services
by Aleksandr Nikolaevich Zakharov & Mariam Oganesovna Mirzoyan - 17-26 International trade of energy resources on the eve of 2018
by Aleksandr Sergeevich Ivanov & Igor’ Evgen’evich Matveev - 27-36 Integration of Uzbekistan into the international division of labor
by Ulugbek Saidkarimovich Ziyadullaev (Uzbekistan) - 37-45 Foreign trade problems of Serbia with the EU and EAEU
by Marija Andreevna Maksakova - 46-55 Current state of Russia’s transport and freight forwarding services exports
by Andrej Moiseevich Golubchik - 56-65 Preparation for conducting business negotiations
by Tatyana Ivanovna Rubtsova & Yuri Anatolievich Savinov - 66-77 Improving the quality of exported goods in international trade
by Sardor Jerkin ugli Azam - 78-90 Foreign economic policy in retrospective: advancement towards the open economy
by Vladimir Petrovich Obolenskiy - 91-98 The system of customs law and structure of the Ñustoms code of the Eurasian economic union
by Sergey Vasilievich Khalipov - 99-105 Looking at the development of a country’s international specialization through the lens of money
by Aleksej Igorevich Rej - 106-113 Current state of the global arms market in 2016
by Alena Sergeevna Stasevich - 114-125 New activity of the electronic trading companies
by Joseph Ruvimovich Gililov
2017, Issue 12
- 3-12 Uzbekistan: building a «digital economy»
by Bahodir Junusovich Hodiev - 13-25 The operation of priority development areas and the free port of Vladivostok in Primorye (End of the article, see 8/2017)
by Marina Valentinovna Niyazova & Viktor Evgenievich Varàvenko - 26-42 Corporate management in Russia: Using the experience of Japan and China
by Elena Mihajlovna Romanova - 43-53 Financial Technologies in the International Trade in Insurance Services
by Irina Andreevna Bondarenko & Andrej Aleksandrovich Bondarenko - 54-67 Liberalization of trading in insurance services between the US and the EU
by Olga Anatolyevna Kozlova & Denis Andreevich Strokatov - 68-83 Foreign trade activity of Bangladesh amid globalization of the world economy
by Vjacheslav Evgen’evich Zakharov - 84-104 Development of the mutual imports of the EAEU member states
by Svetlana Georgievna Zalivako & Tat’jana Georgievna Kuchic - 105-112 Sectoral structure improvement in an economy with raw material exports specialization
by Elena Vjacheslavovna Perepelkina - 113-122 Intellectual capital as a factor of foreign trade strategy of a company
by Anna Viktorovna Komarova & Alina Innoketyevna Krupina - 123-134 State regulation of capital outflow from the country
by Artem Alexandrovich Gorenko
2017, Issue 11
- 3-16 Prospects and limitations of Russia’s participation in regional and global value chains
by Galina Vladimirovna Balandina & Andrey Nikolaevich Spartak - 17-25 Foreign trade integration and harmonization of national interests
by Bakhtiyor Anvarovich Islamov & Doniyor Bakhtiyorovich Islamov - 26-31 Changes in the currency legislation to affect foreign trade participants
by Olga Vladimirovna Leonova - 32-38 The energy security strategy of China – foreign trade aspect (End of the article, see 10/2017)
by Aleksandr Nikolaevich Zakharov & Nikita Andreevich Rusak - 39-51 Investment climate inEgypt
by Ljudmila Nikolaevna Rudenko - 52-61 Instruments of innovative development for small business in foreign countries
by Victor Ivanovich Korolev - 62-75 Foreign trade aspects of economic development of Northeast Asia
by Lada Viktorovna Progunova - 76-92 Trends in export specialization of the Republic of South Africa at the beginning of the XXI century
by Zoya Sergeevna Podoba & Maria Mikhailovna Smirnova - 93-100 A single window of opportunity for Russian exporters
by Maria Georgievna Girich & Alexandra Alexandrovna Koval - 101-109 Improving the supply of oil cargo through the «Space 1520»
by Olga Vyacheslavovna Gorchakova - 110-124 Development of the market of services of investment consultations
by Mariam Oganesovna Mirzoyan - 125-133 Development of export based on international cooperation with foreign firms in the food processing industry
by Nikita Jur'evich Mukhin
2017, Issue 10
- 3-22 Russia’s export potential on the world market for innovations
by Andrey Nikolaevich Spartak & Aleksey Evgen’evich Likhachev - 23-28 The energy security strategy of China – foreign trade aspect
by Aleksandr Nikolaevich Zakharov & Nikita Andreevich Rusak - 29-43 International technology transfer: main trends and Russia’s position
by Vladimir Alekseevich Likhachev - 44-55 Trade in services: a promising segment of international trade
by Vyacheslav Pavlovich Shuyskiy - 56-68 Models of tax and other payments collection in cross-border electronic commerce
by Il'ya Pavlovich Kabanov - 69-93 Principles of marketing in the development of Russian food products exports
by Yuri Anatolievich Savinov & Nikita Jur'evich Mukhin - 94-107 The role of foreign trade in the development of Russia’s fish goods market
by Maria Andreevna Nikolaeva & Yuriy Nikolayevich Kleshhevskiy & Olga Aleksandrovna Ryazanova - 108-111 Social entrepreneurship: synthesis of humanitarian and economic approaches (End of the article, see 9/2017)
by Olga Yurievna Angelova & Olga Rostislavovna Chepyuk & Nadezhda Gennad'yevna Bryandinskaya - 112-124 Transport services for oil exports
by Olga Vyacheslavovna Gorchakova - 125-133 Boosting EAEU’s competiveness through OECD standards
by Antonina Davidovna Levashenko & Maria Andreevna Logvinova
2017, Issue 9
- 3-26 Globalization: no alternative
by Sergey Ivanovich Dolgov & Yuri Anatolievich Savinov - 27-33 The problem of reindustrialization of the world economy (End of the article, see 8/2017)
by Aleksandr Nikolaevich Zakharov - 34-44 Foreign trade of Russia under falling world prices and the “War of sanctions”
by Vladimir Petrovich Obolenskiy - 45-58 Import Price Rigidity and Currency of Invoice in Russia
by Yurij Andreevich Pleskachev & Yurij Yur'evich Ponomarev - 59-72 Economic Aspects of Russian Military-Technical Cooperation with Asian and Middle East Countries
by Nikolaj Sergeevich Revenko - 73-84 Development foreign economic activities of the Ural Federal District from the context of geo-economic priorities
by Yulia Georgievna Lavrikova & Elena Leonidovna Andreeva & Anatoly Grigorievich Tarasov & Andrey Olegovich Sobolev - 85-93 Reputational assets of an international company as a means of increasing its competitiveness in the Russian market
by Anna Viktorovna Komarova & Maria Georgievna Rudenko - 94-104 The Northern Sea Route as a strategic initiative of the Eurasian Economic Union
by Yulia Viktorovna Zvorykina & Yuri Yurievich Kofner & Sergey Igorevich Pakulov - 105-114 Social entrepreneurship: synthesis of humanitarian and economic approaches
by Olga Yurievna Angelova & Olga Rostislavovna Chepyuk & Nadezhda Gennad'yevna Bryandinskaya - 115-128 EU anti-dumping investigations: method of adjustments
by Elena Alekseevna Belova - 129-131 Russian TNC’s divestments: trends and directions (End of the article, see 8/2017)
by Tashauna Andren Braun (Jamaica) & Boyan Pantich (Serbia) & Vladislav Yurievich Baranovskiy
2017, Issue 8
- 3-14 The problem of reindustrialization of the world economy
by Aleksandr Nikolaevich Zakharov - 15-23 The operation of priority development areas and the free port of Vladivostok in Primorye
by Marina Valentinovna Niyazova & Viktor Evgenievich Varàvenko - 24-43 Development of international cooperation in the oil and gas field equipment and services market
by Yuri Anatolievich Savinov & Alexander Vladislavovich Khvalevich & Anna Vasil’evna Skurova - 44-64 Current state and directions in the development of Russian-South African trade and economic relations
by Tatyana Sergeevna Jurkova & Konstantin Petrovitch Fedorenko - 65-79 New cryptocurrencies in the world economy
by Aleksander Nikolayevich Zelenuk & Galina Aleksandrovna Orlova & Evgenija Vadimovna Taranovskaja - 80-91 Low-cost airlines as a vector of global air transport dynamic development
by Andrey Alexandrovich Maltsev & Anastasia Vyacheslavovna Matveeva - 92-106 Corporate culture as a means of developing the organization’s potential
by Anna Vadimovna Badulina & Viktor Petrovich Medvedev - 107-120 Possibilities of applying the practice of Abkhazia and Northern Cyprus in export promotion of Crimean enterprises
by Olga Arkadievna Dronova - 121-133 Russian TNC’s divestments: trends and directions
by Tashauna Andren Braun (Jamaica) & Boyan Pantich (Serbia) & Vladislav Yurievich Baranovskiy
2017, Issue 7
- 3-14 Specific of Polish foreign trade cooperation (End of the article, see 6/2017)
by Aleksandr Nikolaevich Zakharov & Andzhey Arturovich Habarta - 15-30 Formation of national economic security system at interaction with the international capital market
by Ulugbek Saidkarimovich Ziyadullaev (The Republic of Uzbekistan) - 31-42 Introduction of «single window» system in international trade in BRICS countries
by Elena Borisovna Rogatnykh - 43-56 Russia and the USA in the international economic relations during second decade of the 21st century
by Viktor Borisovich Supyan - 57-65 Comparative analysis of electric power complexes of the European Union and Russia
by Artur Arturovich Gibadullin - 66-78 Competitiveness of the nuclear power complex in South Korea
by Yulia Valentinovna Chernyakhovskaya & Olga Victorovna Kretsu - 79-94 Interests of business in foreign and external economic policies of foreign countries (End of the article, see 6/2017)
by Leonid Vladimirovich Sabel'nikov - 95-107 International Credit Policy of Russia
by Boris Aronovich Kheyfets - 108-121 Project of the Economic belt of the Silk way as instrument of development of economy of China
by Nikolay Dmitrievich Brilliantov - 122-133 Regional features of foreign economic activity in modern conditions
by Ekaterina Sergeevna Valyaeva
2017, Issue 6
- 3-14 Two years of the Eurasian economic union: main achievements and development prospects
by Sergey Stepanovich Shuhno - 15-24 Specific of Polish foreign trade cooperation
by Aleksandr Nikolaevich Zakharov & Andzhey Arturovich Habarta - 25-35 Current economic problems of Egypt
by Ljudmila Nikolaevna Rudenko - 36-46 Innovations in Finland’s forest cluster
by Irina Viktorovna Melman - 47-57 Interests of business in foreign and external economic policies of foreign countries
by Leonid Vladimirovich Sabel'nikov - 58-74 Economic effects of Western sanctions and Russia’s reciprocal sanctions
by Ol'ga Vladimirovna Morozenkova - 75-83 Methods of payment when importing goods from China
by Tat’jana Pavlovna Basilashvili & Joseph Ruvimovich Gililov & Yuri Anatolievich Savinov & Evgenija Vadimovna Taranovskaja - 84-88 Development prospects of Islamic private equity funds in Russia (End of the article, see 5/2017)
by Aydar Ayratovich Aupov & Ainur Fanilovich Tukhvatullin - 89-97 The changes in global flows of foreign direct investment in modern reality
by Irina Anatol'evna Kvashnina - 98-118 Financial centres of Asia: learning lessons from the crisis
by Stanislav Vasilievich Nozdrev - 119-129 Modern factors and trends in the development of international air passenger and freight markets and the role of Russia in air services markets
by Konstantin Vladimirovich Kholopov & Ol'ga Vladimirovna Sokolova - 130-133 Modification to the Format of the Final Examination in the English Language in 2017 (Bachelor’s Course)
by Natalia Vladimirovna Chizhevskaya
2017, Issue 5
- 3-18 Prospects for Russia’s export expansion and its state support
by Andrey Nikolaevich Spartak - 19-26 Foreign trade agenda: overcoming recession
by Vladimir Petrovich Obolenskiy - 27-37 WTO and mega-regional trade agreements
by Vladislav Stepanovich Zagashvili - 38-53 The practice of free economic zones in Thailand
by Galina Mikhailovna Kostyunina - 54-65 Development prospects of Islamic private equity funds in Russia
by Aydar Ayratovich Aupov & Ainur Fanilovich Tukhvatullin - 66-76 The possibility of creating an investment trust in Crimea
by Elena Borisovna Zav’ylova & Evgenija Vadimovna Taranovskaja & Olga Arkadievna Dronova - 77-87 Climate challenges of the oil industry (End of the article, see 4/2017)
by Ol’ga Leonidovna Garanina - 88-102 Discussion about development of market economy
by Yakov Semenovich Yadgarov & Viktor Aleksandrovich Sidîrov & Valentina Vasil’evna Iljinova - 103-111 Problems of classification and customs regulation of machines and mechanisms imports
by Elena Isljamovna Andreeva - 112-119 Recent trends in the world economy
by Alexander Ivanovich Belchuk - 120-133 Development of economic cooperation between Russia and Slovakia
by Andrey Alexandrovich Telushkin
2017, Issue 4
- 3-13 Perestroyka in Russian exports
by Andrey Nikolaevich Spartak - 14-24 The global energy problem in the world economy (End of the article, see 3/2017)
by Aleksandr Nikolaevich Zakharov - 25-32 Prospects of Russia’s shelf projects in the Arctic Region
by Yuri Anatolievich Savinov & Sofia Andreevna Ganjinova - 33-40 Tourism in the Economic Regions` Development (Case of Spain)
by Veronika Vladimirovna Vyazovskaya - 41-54 Digital marketing for exporting chocolate to China
by Olga Dmitrievna Andreeva & Joseph Ruvimovich Gililov - 55-70 Import substitution efficiency indicators
by Anton Alekseevich Losev & Vladimir Igorevich Soloviev & Andrey Marsovich Sunchalin - 71-78 WTO Dispute Settlement Body Panel found Russia’s ban on the importation of EU pigs and pork to be inconsistent with SPS Agreement
by Sergej Ivanovich Nikitin - 79-86 Procurement policy of foreign trade organizations
by Maria Andreevna Nikolaeva & Lyudmila Vladimirovna Dukanich & Diana Grigorievna Bulgar - 87-96 Climate challenges of the oil industry
by Ol’ga Leonidovna Garanina - 97-106 Some aspects of the possibility of application of electronic bills of lading in petrotraders’ practice
by Andrej Moiseevich Golubchik & Pavel Borisovich Katyuha - 107-113 Customs facilities under the law of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Russian Federation legislation
by Sergey Vasilievich Khalipov - 114-124 The analysis of Russia’s railway transport system supporting foreign economic activities and exports of transport services
by Olga Vyacheslavovna Gorchakova
2017, Issue 3
- 3-10 The global energy problem in the world economy
by Aleksandr Nikolaevich Zakharov - 11-33 Energy track of EAEU - SREB conjugation
by Igor’ Evgen’evich Matveev - 34-40 The current position of Russia in the global R&D market (End of the article, see 2/2017)
by Galina Vladimirovna Kuznetsova - 41-51 International practice of using the Internet-technologies in the hospitality industry
by Valeriy Viktorovich Ivanov & Nikolay Alexandrovich Moiseenko - 52-73 Public-private partnership in the formation of export potential of the Republic of Crimea
by Elena Borisovna Zav’ylova & Olga Arkadievna Dronova - 74-81 Effects of US presidential elections on the movement of speculative capital
by Aleksander Nikolayevich Zelenuk - 82-87 Factoring transactions in world economy (End of the article, see 2/2017)
by Galina Aleksandrovna Orlova & Evgenija Vadimovna Taranovskaja - 88-99 The development of international railway transit of Russia and Latvia in the context of freight transportation from the Central Asia and China
by Konstantin Vladimirovich Kholopov & Darja Panova (Latvia) - 100-108 Localization of advertising under economic globalization: psychological aspect
by Svetlana Mikhailovna Balakireva - 109-125 Business cards: ins and outs of business exchange
by Tatyana Ivanovna Rubtsova & Yuri Anatolievich Savinov - 126-132 Peculiarities of Teaching a Foreign Language to Advanced Students
by Elena Yurievna Semenova
2017, Issue 2
- 3-14 The organic food market development in the BRICS countries
by Mikhail Anatol'evich Golubkov - 15-23 Russia’s R & D sector: current state and role in global innovation markets
by Galina Vladimirovna Kuznetsova - 24-42 Intermediary activities in international trade
by Yuri Anatolievich Savinov & Dmitriy Vasilevich Ryibets - 43-54 Organizational forms of international trade in raw materials
by Larisa Viktorovna Krivokochenko - 55-70 International trade ties of the Sverdlovsk region and their prospects in terms of new vectors of non-raw export development
by Elena Leonidovna Andreeva & Andrey Olegovich Sobolev & Artem Vitalievich Ratner - 71-83 World prices and reforms of the global financial system
by Vladimir Petrovich Obolenskiy - 84-93 Factoring transactions in world economy
by Galina Aleksandrovna Orlova & Evgenija Vadimovna Taranovskaja - 94-102 International road transport market in Russia 2016 and 2017 prospects
by Konstantin Vladimirovich Kholopov & Alexey Igorevich Zaboev - 103-110 Use of Authentic Video in Teaching Legal English Discourse
by Kira Alekseevna Burmistrova & Lada Vladimirovna Stupnikova - 111-118 Project management tools and the activities of Russia’s trade representative offices abroad
by Anna Viktorovna Komarova - 119-124 Empathy as the key to successful business correspondence
by Olga Mikhailovna Stepanova - 125-133 Marketing information influence on modeling company’s competitiveness
by Anna Olegovna Kucher
2017, Issue 1
- 3-16 25 years of CIS and new economic opportunities for cooperation (End of the article, see 12/2016)
by Nabi Saidkarimovich Ziyadullaev & Saidakmal Nabievich Ziyadullaev - 17-31 The world energy market under geopolitical realities on the eve of 2017
by Aleksandr Sergeevich Ivanov & Igor’ Evgen’evich Matveev - 32-47 International trade in machines and equipment: dynamics and structure
by Yuri Anatolievich Savinov & Anna Vladimirovna Abramova - 48-55 Role of trade financing in export support
by Evgenija Vadimovna Taranovskaja - 56-62 Financial challenges of the banking sector due to the anti-Russian sanctions
by Olga Vladimirovna Leonova - 63-72 Illegal capital outflow from Russia
by Artem Alexandrovich Gorenko - 73-84 GVCs: Participation of EAEU countries
by Tatiana Aleksandrovna Flegontova - 85-100 The Goal of Retaliation within the WTO
by Olga Sergeevna Boklan - 101-114 Possibilities of using the Russian regions’ experiences for export growth of the Republic of Crimea
by Olga Arkadievna Dronova - 115-133 Ways to increase transportation services exports efficiency on the Trans-Siberian container route
by Pavel Evgenevich Rarovskiy
2016, Issue 12
- 3-7 25 years of CIS and new economic opportunities for cooperation
by Nabi Saidkarimovich Ziyadullaev & Saidakmal Nabievich Ziyadullaev - 8-17 Issues of Vietnam’s SMEs after joining the WTO
by Irina Nikolaevna Platonova & Pham Tran Hai Nga - 18-30 Åconomic modernization results in the Arab countries
by Ljudmila Nikolaevna Rudenko - 31-42 Intra-regional Agricultural Trade Liberalization Commitments under the Trans-Pacific Partnership
by Vera Andreevna Maltseva - 43-59 Special Economic Zones of the Russian Far East: recent trends in customs regulation
by Marina Valentinovna Niyazova - 60-70 Customs tariffs effects on the EAEU members’ trade
by Elena Alexandrovna Vakorina & Dmitry Valerievich Vakorin - 71-89 Crude oil and petroleum export duties contribution to Russia’s federal budget revenues
by Konstantin Petrovich Fedorenko - 90-103 Russia in global financial system
by Igor Alekseevich Balyuk - 104-114 International tendering
by Aleksander Ivanovich Belchuk & Vladimir Arsenievich Burenin & Valeriy Alekseevich Oreshkin & Leonid Vladimirovich Sabelnikov & Alexander Vladislavovich Khvalnevich - 115-123 The importance of knowledge management in company policies
by Natalia Yurievna Bulygina & Aleksandr Alekseevich Nikitenko & Maria Alexandrovna Pokrovskaya & Anna Vasilyevna Skurova
2016, Issue 11
- 3-17 Using foreign sources for tech re-equipment of Russia’s economy
by Vladimir Petrovich Obolenskiy & Irina Anatolyevna Kvashnina & Vyacheslav Pavlovich Shuyskiy - 18-32 Possibilities of regional export specialization of the Republic of Crimea
by Elena Borisovna Zavyalova & Olga Arkadyevna Dronova - 33-41 Development of Russia’s life-insurance market under global economic recession
by Irina Andreevna Bondarenko & Andrey Alexandrovich Bondarenko - 42-55 Western Balkans on the way to the European Union: problems and prospects
by Maria Andreevna Maksakova - 56-69 Trans-Pacific partnership: new positions in the international economic agreements
by Vyacheslav Vyacheslavovich Sokolov - 70-77 Company’s issues in entering international markets
by Victor Ivanovich Korolev - 78-92 International cooperation in government procurement
by Olga Vladimirovna Ponomareva - 93-109 The structure and dynamics of Russia’s exports for 1914 - 2014: features and development trends
by Maria Yurievna Ginzburg & Nadezhda Gennadievna Bryandinskaya & Polina Eduardovna Zamkovaya & Elena Anatolievna Kuritsyna - 110-118 Non-standard aspects of Incoterms® application and ways for further international trade customs unification
by Konstantin Vladimirovich Kholopov & Andrej Moiseevich Golubchik - 119-121 Russia and countries of the Western Balkans: assessment of economic cooperation
by Roman Otmarovich Raynkhardt - 122-133 European Union innovation activities
by Maria Anatolyevna Kamenskikh
2016, Issue 10
- 3-21 The basis of the analysis of global trends in the world energy
by Marina Demyanovna Simonova & Vyacheslav Evgenievich Zakharov - 22-33 Possible Ways to Use Spanish Experience in Regional Policy for Russia (End of the article, see 9/2016)
by Aleksandr Nikolaevich Zakharov & Kristina Semyonovna Seredinskaya - 34-49 Integration challenges in the Post-Soviet space within the EAEU
by Irina Yurievna Tkachenko & Yulia Valerievna Sharykina