2020, Volume 24, Issue 5
- 380-399 Concentration and Competition in the Domestic Credit Market
by Monique de Abreu Azevedo & Ivan Ricardo Gartner - 400-413 Anthropocene and “Development”: Intertwined Trajectories Since the Beginning of The Great Acceleration
by Marina Dantas de Figueiredo & Fábio Freitas Schilling Marquesan & José Miguel Imas - 414-431 Corporate Governance: A Major Factor in Shareholder Activism in Brazil
by Marta Leite Collares - 432-447 Good Management Practices and Absorptive Capacity: Impacts on Firms’ Productivity
by Rafael Ricardo Jacomossi & Paulo Roberto Feldmann - 448-473 Genesis, Impact, and Identity of the Journal of Contemporary Administration
by Luciano Rossoni & Rodrigo Assunção Rosa - 474-486 Brazilian Secrets Hair Case
by Lucyana Felicia & Clarice Secches Kogut & Renato Dourado Cotta de Mello - 487-506 Palmas to E-Dinheiro! Clapping the Digital Evolution of a Local Social Currency
by Adrian Kemmer Cernev & Eduardo Henrique Diniz
2020, Volume 24, Issue 4
- 283-299 Psychosocial and Organizational Antecedents of Knowledge Sharing in the Workplace
by Valter Moreno & Flávia Cavazotte & Janicélio Dutra - 300-316 Portfolio Management under Multiple Regimes: Strategies that Outperform the Market
by Marcelo Lewin & Carlos Heitor Campani - 317-334 The Power of Psychological Capital: The Strength of Beliefs in Entrepreneurial Behavior
by Luciano Lima & Vânia Nassif & Marcia Maria Garçon - 335-348 Main Hypermarket Meat Purchasing Drivers
by Lierk Sousa & Vânia Roque-Specht & Eduardo Gomes - 349-368 Analysis of Prescribing Variables of Entrepreneurial Intention of Brazilian Immigrants in Portugal
by Eduardo Picanço Cruz & Roberto Falcão & Yan Barbosa & Fábio Paula - 369-375 Lessons that can be Learned from the Rejection of an Article
by Wesley Mendes-Da-Silva
2020, Volume 24, Issue 3
- 201-217 Relationship Capability and Strategic Alliances for Research and Development
by Taísa Preusler & Priscila Costa & Tatiane Crespi & Geciane Porto - 218-231 Managers, Engagement and Political Behaviors: A Nonlinear Relationship
by Romulo Moraes & Aridelmo José Teixeira - 232-244 “The Problem of Embeddedness” in Entrepreneurship Studies: A Theoretical Proposition
by Victor Corrêa & Glaucia Vale & Pedro Lucas Melo & Marina Cruz - 245-258 The Organisational Ties in the Perception of the Management: Commitment, Entrenchment and Consent
by Gean Carlos Tomazzoni & Vânia Costa & Claudia Simone Antonello & Maria Beatriz Rodrigues - 259-274 Blockchain and a Technological Perspective for Public Administration: A Systematic Review
by Luzia Moura & Daniela Francisco Brauner & Raquel Janissek-Muniz - 275-282 The New Section of the Journal of Contemporary Administration: Tutorial Articles
by Henrique Martins & Wesley Mendes-Da-Silva - v:24:y:2020:i:3:1385 List of Reviewers 2019 for the Journal of Contemporary Administration
by Wesley Mendes-Da-Silva
2020, Volume 24, Issue 2
- 119-133 Institutional Pressures, Institutional Work and the Development of Universities’ Entrepreneurial Turn
by Juliana Amarante & João Marcelo Crubellate - 134-150 Sales-based Brand Equity as a Performance Driver in ‘The Country of Soccer
by Marcos Almeida & Ricardo Coelho & Denise Oliveira & Altair Camargo & Pedro Savioli - 151-166 Group Intercultural Competence: Adjusting and Validating Its Concept and Development Process
by Janete Schmidmeier & Adriana Roseli Takahashi & Janaina Maria Bueno - 167-180 Political Cycles and Fiscal Management in Brazilian Municipalities
by Alann Inaldo Bartoluzzio & Luiz Carlos Anjos - 181-196 Building Spaces of Social Interaction from Coworking Relationships and Practices
by Luiza Mesquita & Marlei Pozzebon & Maira Petrini - v:24:y:2020:i:2:1384 My Data, My Life: Individual Goals and Role of the Business Research Community
by Wesley Mendes-Da-Silva
2020, Volume 24, Issue 1
- 1-24 Expansion of Brazilian Federal Universities: Is It Possible to Raise Economic Impacts?
by Marcelo Barbosa & Francis Carlo Petterini & Roberto Ferreira - 25-48 Gift-giving, Love Styles, and Sacrifice: An Analysis Among Romantic Partners
by Marianny Silva & Salomão de Farias & Jairo Gomes & Francisco Melo - 49-76 Work Engagement in the Public Service: A Multicultural Model
by Diego Andrade - 77-99 Opacity, Risk, Performance and Inflows in Hedge Funds
by Flávia Januzzi & Aureliano Bressan & Fernando Moreira - 100-118 Innovation Capabilities in an Inter-Organizational Network in Brazilian Amazon
by Diana Rodrigues & Mário Sobrinho & Ana Maria Vasconcellos - v:24:y:2020:i:1:1376 The importance of Open Science in Business research
by Henrique Martins
2019, Volume 23, Issue 6
- 696-702 Research Perspectives in Corporate Governance of Brazilian Family Firms
by Aureliano Bressan & Eduardo Schiehll & Jairo Procianoy & Luiz Ricardo Castro - 703-720 Conflicts in Boards of Family Firms: A Theoretical Framework for Strategic Decision-Making
by Pedro Karam & Claudio Antonio Machado Filho & Gustavo Abib - 721-738 Gender Diversity in Board of Directors and the Relationship between Performance and Financial Risk in Family Firms
by Lilian Costa & Joelson Sampaio & Eduardo Flores - 739-764 The Employee Is Always Right: Employee Satisfaction and Corporate Performance in Brazil
by Alexandre Silveira - 765-785 Capital Structure and Governance Mechanisms External to the Firm: A Cross-Country Analysis
by Flávia Mendonça & Henrique Martins & Paulo Terra - 786-806 Business Model and Strategy: In Search of Dialog through Value Perspective
by Dimária Meirelles - 807-811 Unlimited Corporate Governance for Limited Companies
by Vinícius Kleinert & Jeferson Lana & Dinorá Floriani - v:23:y:2019:i:6:1369 Nominata de Revisores que atuaram em 2018 na Revista de Administração Contemporânea
by Wesley Mendes-Da-Silva - v:23:y:2019:i:6:1370 Relatório de Gestão da Revista de Administração Contemporânea 2018-2019
by Wesley Mendes-Da-Silva
2019, Volume 23, Issue 5
- 607-618 Technology Perspectives and Innovative Scenarios Applied in the Amazon Region
by Emílio José Montero Arruda Filho & Cristiana Fernandes De Muylder & Airton Cardoso Cançado & Ruby Roy Dholakia & Angela Paladino - 619-635 Innovation and the Diffusion of Technology in Agriculture in Floodplains in the State of Amazonas
by Jonas Fernando Petry & Sabrina Arcanjo Sebastião & Erik Garcia Martins & Paulo Berti de Azevedo Barros - 636-653 Coproduction Between Government and Civil Society to Establish Smart Cities in the State of Pará
by Mauro Margalho Coutinho & Mário Vasconcellos Sobrinho & Sue Anne Collares Maestri de Oliveira & Ana Margarida Santiago - 654-671 Go Global or Stay Local? Understanding How Fiscal Incentives Reshape Supply Networks
by Ricardo Silveira Martins & Janaina Siegler & Armando Souza-Junior & Barbara Flynn & Guilherme Silveira Martins - 672-695 Interorganizational Relationships in the Amazon Biotech Industry Based on Entrepreneurs´ Perceptions
by Rosana Zau Mafra & Dimas José Lasmar & Dalton Chaves Vilela Júnior - v:23:y:2019:i:5:1361 Have We Been Transparent Enough? Challenges in Replicability and Credibility in Business Research
by Wesley Mendes-Da-Silva
2019, Volume 23, Issue 4
- 454-475 Sociomateriality, Power and Connections in the Action Nets in the Handcraft Organization
by Christianne Lobato Silva & Alfredo Rodrigues Silva - 476-498 Agency Costs and Ownership Structure in Oil Industry
by Rafael Pessoa Delgado & Claudio Henrique Barbedo - 499-519 Keep Innovating: Absorptive Capacity and the Performance of Brazilian Information Technology Companies
by Claudio Testoni Cardozo & Oscar Rudy Kronmeyer Filho & Guilherme Luis Vaccaro - 520-542 Are Incentives for Internationalization Appropriate? Perception of Researchers in Information Systems
by Eduardo H. Diniz & Henrique Oliveira & José Eduardo Favaretto & Débora Brólio - 543-563 Fair Value of Biological Assets: An Interdisciplinary Methodological Proposal
by Rafael Todescato Cavalheiro & Régio Marcio Gimenes & Erlaine Binotto & Carlos Ricardo Fietz - 564-586 Teaching-learning Practical Wisdom (Phronesis) in Administration: A Systematic Review
by Maria Clara Ames & Maurício Custódio Serafim - 587-606 Change of Course? The Case of Junckes Distribuidora
by Ana Paula Passos & Grasiele Cabral Pereira & Renan Junckes & Helena Wollinger - v:23:y:2019:i:4:1353 Revisão pelos Pares Aberta e Ciência Aberta na Comunidade de Pesquisa em Negócios
by Wesley Mendes-Da-Silva
2019, Volume 23, Issue 3
- 288-310 Academic Motivation Scale: Validity in Portuguese Public Higher Education
by Marco Ribeiro & Vasco Saraiva & Paulo Pereira & Célia Ribeiro - 311-330 Legitimacy Accounts in the Debate about the Reform of Brazilian Courts of Accounts
by Bruno Luz & Marcos Sousa & Edson Guarido Filho - 331-350 Anchoring Heuristic in Experts Decision: Results Under the Manipulation Test
by Paula Tronco & Mauri Löbler & Leticia Santos & Juliana Nishi - 351-372 The Impacts of Health Care Evaluations on the Well-Being of Low-incomers
by Lilian Tellini & Andre Urdan & Sonia Monken & Flavio Bizarrias & Marcelo Brandão - 373-394 Effects of Qualitative Data Analysis Softwares in the Quality of Researches
by Rômulo Souza Neto & Gabriela Dias & Rafael Silva & Anatália Ramos - 395-415 Formal and Informal Interpersonal Relationships: Interaction of Networks in the Academic Environment
by Sandra Leonardo & Milton Carlos Farina & Taís Andreoli & Ana Paula Lima - 416-435 The Smart Grid in Latin America: Ampla as an Example of Innovation in the Electricity Sector
by Ney Cavalcante & Camila Franco & Victor Almeida & Flavia Freitas & Elaine Tavares - 436-453 A Drop in the Ocean and Several Challenges for the Ocean Drop
by Gustavo Behling & Diulnéia Pereira & Sidnei Marinho - v:23:y:2019:i:3:1345 The Relevance of Title, Abstract and Keywords for Scientific Paper Writing
by Débora Cristina Garcia & Cristiane Gattaz & Nilce Gattaz
2019, Volume 23, Issue 2
- 160-181 Effects of the Fleuriet model and liquidity ratios on tax aggressiveness
by Viviane Chiachio & Antonio Lopo Martinez - 182-206 Sustainable Management at a University in Light of Tensions of Sustainability Theory
by Simone Sehnem & Graciella Martignago & Susana Carla Pereira & Charbel Jabour - 207-227 Efficiency Losses in Healthcare Organizations Caused by Lack of Interpersonal Relationships
by Sérgio Migowski & Iuri Gavronski & Cláudia Libânio & Eliana Migowski & Francisco Duarte - 228-248 Business Models and Blockchain: What Can Change?
by Fernanda Momo & Giovana Schiavi & Ariel Behr & Percival Lucena - 249-267 Organizations Others: Practice Theory and Dussel’s Decolonial Approach Dialogues
by Felipe Couto & Bruno Eduardo Honorato & Everton Silva - 268-287 Are More Financial Sophisticated Executives Overconfidents and Optimists?
by Cassiana Bortoli & Rodrigo Soares - v:23:y:2019:i:2:1320 Contribuições e Limitações de Revisões Narrativas e Revisões Sistemáticas na Área de Negócios
by Wesley Mendes-Da-Silva
2019, Volume 23, Issue 1
- 1-22 Incongruent Humour, Advertising Effectiveness and Women: An Experiment On Facebook
by Luciana Ribeiro & Martin de La Martinière Petroll & Fernanda Scussel & Claudio Damacena - 23-42 Newspaper Consumption in Print and Online: Printed Newspapers is Status and Online is Easiness
by Marilia Assumpção & Solange Alfinito & Breno Giovanni Adaid Castro - 43-66 Where are We Heading? An Analysis of the Corporate Governance Literature
by Fernanda Kreuzberg & Ernesto Fernando Rodrigues Vicente - 67-91 Effects of Budgetary Participation on Asymmetry of Information, Occupational Stress and Managerial Performance
by Vinicius Costa da Silva Zonatto & Aline Weber & Juliana Constâncio Nascimento - 92-110 Climate Strength: Its Role as a Moderator in the Relationship Between Climate and Turnover
by Tatiana Iwai & Adriana Bruscato Bortoluzzo & Lina Eiko Nakata & José Eduardo Teixeira Costa - 111-134 The Effects of Exploration, Exploitation, and Ambidexterity on Software Firm Performance
by Elizandra Severgnini & Edwin Vladimir Cardoza Galdamez & Valter Afonso Vieira - 135-159 I Started a Venture, Now What? Opportunities in the Health Food Sector
by Beatriz Saggioro Massolino & Simone Galina & Erasmo José Gomes - v:23:y:2019:i:1:1309 The Convergence, Communication, and Impact of Business Research
by Wesley Mendes-Da-Silva
2018, Volume 22, Issue 6
- 817-840 Growth of Companies from the Perspective of Small Technology-Based Entrepreneurs
by Hilka Pelizza Vier Machado - 841-858 Totalitarian Organizations: Modus Operandi and Fundamentals
by Francis Kanashiro Meneghetti - 859-884 Motivations and Consequences of Advisor Participation in Mergers and Acquisitions
by Marcelo Daniel Araújo Ermel & Roy Martelanc - 885-902 Innovations in the Federal Government During the Post-new Public Management Era
by Pedro Cavalcante - 903-921 The Smart Contract on Gas Trade: An Exploratory Analysis
by Romulo Benites de Souza Luciano - 922-939 Organizational Creativity Management: Discussion Elements
by Henrique Muzzio & Fernando Gomes Paiva Júnior - 940-965 Budget Dilemma: The quest for Stability in the Context of Retraction
by Camila Henriques de Paula & Wânia Candida Silva & Magnus Luiz Emmendoerfer & Luiz Antonio Abrantes - v:22:y:2018:i:6:1301 Mudanças em 2018 e Expectativas para 2019
by Wesley Mendes-Da-Silva
2018, Volume 22, Issue 5
- 639-660 Dynamic Capabilities and Ambidexterity: How are These Concepts Related?
by Silvio Popadiuk & Aruana Rosa Souza Luz & Caroline Kretschmer - 661-682 Market logic as an efficiency measure of the organization of Olinda’s Carnival
by Suélen Matozo Franco & André Luiz Maranhão de Souza Leão - 683-703 Effectiveness of Crowdsourcing as a Support for Public Safety
by João Moisés Brito Mota & Afonso Carneiro Lima - 704-725 Vertical Integration in Automakers
by Cleiciele Albuquerque Augusto & José Paulo de Souza & Silvio Antonio Ferraz Cario - 726-744 Development Ofan Innovation Adoption Framework in a Low-Income Market
by Vitor Koki da Costa Nogami & Andres Veloso - 745-761 How to Write a Good Teaching Case? Reflections on the Method
by Anete Alberton & Anielson Barbosa da Silva - 762-785 Risk and Possible Solution Associated with Sampling in Co-authorship Network
by Uajara Pessoa Araujo & Fabrício Molica de Mendonça & Rita de Cássia Leal Campos & Lara Figueiredo e Silva - 786-803 Team Nogueira: Invasion of Mixed Martial Arts in the Fitness Universe
by Rafaela Barbosa Ferreira dos Santos & João Guilherme Barbosa de Amorim & Flavia d`Albergaria Freitas & Victor Almeida - 804-816 Challenges in a Big Data Based Advertising Service Development
by Kenyth Alves de Freitas & Luiz Carlos Di Serio - v:22:y:2018:i:5:1291 Reconhecimento da Contribuição do Avaliador Anônimo
by Wesley Mendes-Da-Silva
2018, Volume 22, Issue 4
- 466-486 Parliamentary Elections in Brazil: The Use of Twitter in the Search for Votes
by Marcelo Santos Amaral & José Antonio Gomes de Pinho - 487-509 Effects of Capabilities on the Performance of Public Sector Service Contracts
by Francesco Bonelli & Sandro Cabral - 510-530 Cross Channel Consumer Behavior: A Moderate-Mediation Model in Online/Offline Purchasing
by Sionara Okada & Rafael Porto - 531-551 Reasons and Intentions for Expatriation of Volleyball Players
by Ivan Wallan Tertuliano & Afonso Antonio Machado & Silvia Deutsch & José Maria Montiel & Daniel Bartholomeu - 552-576 Strategic Information Systems Enabling Strategy-as-practice Under Uncertain Environments
by Adilson Carlos Yoshikuni & Alberto Luiz Albertin - 577-599 Historicizing the New Gobal Consumerism From a Perspective of Emerging Worlds
by Alexandre Faria & Marcus Wilcox Hemais - 600-619 Governance in Cooperatives: Application in an Agricultural Cooperative
by Ana Paula Blanke Maciel & Rosane Maria Seibert & Raiziane Cássia Freire da Silva & Berenice Beatriz Rossner Wbatuba & Neusa Maria da Costa Salla - 620-638 Maracatu, Work and Organizing
by Elisabeth Cavalcante dos Santos & Diogo Henrique Helal - 639-649 The Promotion of Transparency and the Impact of Research on Business
by Wesley Mendes-Da-Silva
2018, Volume 22, Issue 3
- 1-3 Editorial: O Aprendizado em Editoração Científica
by Herbert Kimura - 311-335 Survival of Nascent Firms: Effects of Human and Social Capital, Management Practices, and Gender
by Mariana Bertolami & Rinaldo Artes & Pedro João Gonçalves & Marcos Hashimoto & Sergio Giovanetti Lazzarini - 336-354 Technology Companies Analyzed Based on the Multidimensional Work Motivation Scale
by Clarice Lucas da Silva Machado & Patrícia Martins Fagundes Cabral & Guilherme Luís Roehe Vaccaro - 355-379 Investment Funds: Performance using Carhart Model and Data Envelopment Analysis
by Simone Evangelista Fonseca & Anderson Rocha Fernandes & Cristiana Lara Cunha & Robert Aldo Iquiapaza - 380-402 Middle Managers’ Involvement in Strategy: Analyzing the Past and Projecting the Future
by Samir Lótfi Vaz & Sergio Bulgacov - 403-423 The Use of Biomarkers in Marketing Research
by Cristina Maria de Aguiar Pastore & Eliane Cristine Francisco Maffezzolli & José Afonso Mazzon - 424-442 Sustainable Competitive Advantage Needs Green Human Resource Practices: A Framework for Environmental Management
by Lívia Almada & Renata Borges - 443-465 Civil Service Competition for Professors at a Federal University: Proposal for Software Improvements
by Matheus Boni Barbosa & Elvis Silveira-Martins
2018, Volume 22, Issue 2
- 1-1 A Inclusão do ORCID nas Submissões para a RAC
by Herbert Kimura - 163-177 Strategies in Universities: Tensions Between Macro Intentions and Micro Actions
by Victor Meyer Junior & Lucilaine Maria Pascuci & Bernardo Meyer - 178-200 The Determinants of Brazilian Banks' Credit Rating Levels
by Fabiano Guasti Lima & Camila Veneo C. Fonseca & Rodrigo Lanna Franco Silveira & Alexandre Assaf Neto - 201-225 The Roles of Innovation Agents in New Technology-Based Firms
by Sergio Evangelista Silva & Carlos Alberto Gonçalves & Joaquim Ramos Silva & Ana Isabel Ortega Venâncio - 226-248 Effects of Entrepreneurial Characteristics and University Environment on Entrepreneurial Intention
by Gustavo Hermínio Salati Marcondes de Moraes & Edson Sadao Iizuka & Matheus Pedro - 249-270 The Influence of Organizational Culture Mediated by Moral Harassment on Job Satisfaction
by Lindomar Pinto da Silva & Miguel Angel Rivera Castro & Marcos Gilberto Dos-Santos - 271-290 Conflicts under Change Laboratory Mediation: An Expansive Learning
by Maurício Donavan Rodrigues Paniza & Marcio Pascoal Cassandre & Carine Maria Senger - 291-310 Accessibility and Technology in Smart City Construction
by Carlos Augusto Alperstedt Neto & Carlos Roberto de Rolt & Graziela Dias Alperstedt
2018, Volume 22, Issue 1
- 1-3 Editorial
by Herbert Kimura - 4-22 The Moderated-Mediated Effect of Control Systems on Ambidexterity
by Valter da Silva Faia & Juliano Domingues Silva & Valter Afonso Vieira - 23-45 Diversified Company Performance: Evidence from the United States Airline Industry
by Henrique Machado Barros & Adriana Bruscato Bortoluzzo & Lucas Mello de Campos Arruda - 46-69 Foreign and Domestic Franchise Chains in an Emerging Market: A Comparative Analysis
by Victor Ragazzi Isaac & Pedro Lucas Resende Melo & Felipe Mendes Borini - 70-91 Myths on Moral Disengagement: Rhetoric from Samarco in a Corporate Crime
by Cintia Rodrigues de Oliveira Medeiros & Rafael Alcadipani da Silveira & Luciano Batista de Oliveira - 92-114 Capital Structure Adjustment in Brazilian Family Firms
by Eduardo K. Kayo & Eduardo Ottoboni Brunaldi & Dante M. Aldrighi - 115-137 Who Leads Your Opinion? Opinion Leaders’ Influence on Virtual Engagement
by Marcos Inácio Severo de Almeida & Ricardo Limongi França Coelho & Celso Gonçalves Camilo-Junior & Rafaella Martins Feitosa de Godoy - 138-162 Challenges to Participatory Management at the São Brás Museum in Portugal
by Hilda Barbara Maia Cezário & Eduardo Davel & Lorena Sancho Querol & Emanuel Sancho
2017, Volume 21, Issue spe
- 1-1 Editorial
by Herbert Kimura - 1-21 Performance Evaluation in the Minas Government: Analysis of Changes of Indicators and Targets
by Rosimeire Pimentel Gonzaga & Fabio Frezatti & Ivan Beck Ckagnazaroff & Janilson Antônio da Silva Suzart - 22-40 Profitability in Multiple Brazilian Banks and Credit Unions
by Wanderson Rocha Bittencourt & Valéria Gama Fully Bressan & Clayton Peixoto Goulart & Aureliano Angel Bressan & Davi Rogério de Moura Costa & Wagner Moura Lamounier - 41-62 Stock Fund Selection and the Individual Investor
by João Antonio de Mendonça Júnior & Carlos Heitor Campani & Ricardo Pereira Câmara Leal - 63-83 Determinants of the Roles Boards of Directors Have in Brazilian Companies
by Raimundo Marciano de Freitas Neto & Anderson Luiz Rezende Mol - 84-109 Economic Crisis Effect on Asset Choices for Personal Investments
by Israel José dos Santos Felipe & Marcelo Daniel Araújo Ermel & Luis Felipe Pilati Cassius & Wesley Mendes-da-Silva - 110-134 Assessing Linear Models of Value Relevance: Do They Capture What They Should?
by Filipe Coelho de Lima Duarte & Luiz Felipe de Araújo Pontes Girão & Edilson Paulo
2017, Volume 21, Issue 6
- 1-3 Editorial
by Herbert Kimura - 743-763 Plural Forms of Governance at Central Supply Markets
by Susan Yuko Higashi & Mayra Batista Bitencourt Fagundes & Silvia Morales de Queiroz Caleman & Leandro Sauer & Maria Sylvia Saes - 764-787 Organizations and Happiness at Work: An Integrated Perspective
by Gisela Sender & Denise Fleck - 788-810 Customer Engagement with Negative Electronic Word-of-mouth in Mobile Application Stores
by Adrianne Paula Vieira de Andrade & Anatália Saraiva Martins Ramos - 811-831 Academic Education, Research Dissemination and Collaboration: Internationalization in Management Information Systems
by Eduardo H. Diniz & José Eduardo Ricciardi Favaretto & Henrique Pontes Gonçalves de Oliveira & Debora Richter Brólio - 832-850 Ethical Dilemmas Faced by Human Resource Professionals: Exploring Courses of Action
by Beatriz Maria Braga & Edson Keyso de Miranda Kubo & Eduardo Oliva - 851-874 Applicability of Investment and Profitability Effects in Asset Pricing Models
by Márcio André Veras Machado & Robert Faff & Suelle Cariele de Souza e Silva - 875-892 Route of Innovation: A Methodology Proposal for Innovation Management
by Aurora Carneiro Zen & Bernardo Dias Machado & Ana Isabel Jaramillo López & Martiele Cortes Borges & Daniela Callegaro de Menezes
2017, Volume 21, Issue 5
- 1-3 Editorial
by Herbert Kimura - 4-8 Como Escrever um Bom Artigo Tecnológico?
by Gustavo da Silva Motta - 605-626 Personal Use of Technology at Work: Drivers and Effects on Professional Distraction
by Alexandre Cappellozza & Gustavo Hermínio Salati Marcondes de Moraes & Leonardo Mairene Muniz - 627-647 Discursive Disputes on Corruption in Brazil: A Discursive-Critical Analysis on Twitter
by André Luiz de Paiva & André Spuri Garcia & Valderí de Castro Alcântara - 648-665 Court Caseload Management: The Role of Judges and Administrative Assistants
by Adalmir Oliveira Gomes & Tomas Aquino Guimaraes & Luiz Akutsu - 666-684 Socialize to Fit: How Intra-organizational Social Networks Can Influence Person-Organization Fit
by Maria Gabriela de Cássia Miranda & Karla Rocha Liboreiro & Renata Borges - 685-709 Determinant Factors of Organizational Learning for Environmental Innovation: A Multicase Study
by Rafael Ricardo Jacomossi & Jacques Demajorovic - 710-729 Organizational Learning Support Inventory: Development and Validation of Evidence
by Bruno Chaves Correia-Lima & Elisabeth Loiola & Cícero Roberto Pereira & Sônia Maria Guedes Gondim - 730-742 Ethics and Management Education: A Protestant Reference in Management Education
by Éder Júnio de Oliveira & João Paulo Henriques Lopes Silva & Murillo César Barbosa dos Santos & Rodrigo Miranda
2017, Volume 21, Issue 4
- 1-3 Editorial
by Herbert Kimura - 435-457 Intervenors in the Technology Transfer Process in a Public University
by Rodrigo Assunção Rosa & José Roberto Frega - 458-480 The Effect of the Advisors’ Competence in Scientific Publications Their Advisees’ Publication
by Christian Falaster & Manuel Portugal Ferreira & Daniela Modolo Ribeiro de Gouvea - 481-499 Gender Influence in the Decision-Making Process: The Ultimatum Game
by Angela Cristiane Santos Póvoa & Maickel Robert Maffezzolli & Wesley Pech & Wesley Vieira da Silva - 500-523 Potterheads Dispositif: Organization Guided by the Order of the Canon
by Flávia Zimmerle da Nóbrega Costa & André Luiz Maranhão de Souza Leão - 524-544 Capital Dynamics in Favelas (Brazilian Slums): The Bureaucratic Field and the Spatial Capital
by Vanessa Brulon & Alketa Peci - 545-568 Executive Compensation and Performance in the Brazilian Market: Contemporary and Lagged Relationships
by Andson Braga de Aguiar & Renê Coppe Pimentel - 569-584 Technology Assessment: A Methodological Proposal
by Marcella Luiza Santos Mendes & Daniel Reis Armond de Melo - 585-604 Export Matters! The Case of a Brazilian Furniture Manufacturing Association
by Marcelo André Machado & Ivan Lapuente Garrido
2017, Volume 21, Issue 3
- 1-3 Editorial
by Herbert Kimura - 286-307 Rhetorical Strategies of Legitimacy in Management Reports: Responses to Anti-Smoking Motion
by Susana Cipriano Dias Raffaelli & Paulo Mello Garcias & Márcia Maria dos Santos Bortolocci Espejo & Henrique Portulhak - 308-326 Queer Theory and Organizational Studies: Reviewing Identity Concepts
by Eloisio Moulin de Souza - 327-346 Marketization of Tradition: Market Construction Orientated by Tradition
by Marlon Dalmoro & Walter Meucci Nique - 347-372 The Brand as a Moderator and Perceived Value as a Mediator in Repurchase Intention
by Gabriel Sperandio Milan & Deonir De Toni & Vinicius Zanchet de Lima & Luciene Eberle - 373-392 The Challenges of First-time Management: A Study with Young Managers
by Renata Celeste Guberfain do Amaral & Lucia Barbosa de Oliveira - 393-412 Strategy as Social Practice: a Study of Discursive Practices in Strategizing
by Almerinda Tereza Bianca Bez Batti Dias & Carlos Ricardo Rossetto & Sidnei Vieira Marinho - 413-434 Co-production of Health Inspection Service: Certification and Rating of Restaurants
by Luiza Moritz Age & Paula Chies Schommer
2017, Volume 21, Issue 2
- 1-3 Editorial
by Herbert Kimura - 142-162 Contemporary Circus as Organizational Heterotopias: A Multi-sited Ethnography in the Brazilian-Canadian Context
by Josiane Silva de Oliveira & Neusa Rolita Cavedon - 163-183 New Sources, New Versions: Contributions Made by the National Truth Commission Archives
by Alessandra Sá Mello Costa & Marcelo Almeida de Carvalho Silva - 184-202 Tangibility and Intangibility in Identification of Persistent Performance: Evidence from the Brazilian Stock Market
by Ayron Wanderley Medeiros & Anderson Luiz Rezende Mol - 203-226 Retail Mix Differences between Off-line and On-line Stores of the Same Chain
by Mário Duarte dos Santos Machado & Sergio Feliciano Crispim - 227-248 How Strategy Becomes a Social Practice
by Natália Rese & Flávia Harumi Souza Kuabara & Eduardo Guedes Villar & Jane Mendes Ferreira - 249-268 The Mediating Role of Ambidextrous Salespeople in the Relationship between Stress and Performance
by Valter Afonso Vieira & Marco Aurelio Garcia Rosa & Valter da Silva Faia - 269-285 Management of the Cutoff for Granting Consumer Credit
by Hugo Crespi Júnior & Luiz Carlos Jacob Perera & Roberto Borges Kerr
2017, Volume 21, Issue 1
- 0 Editorial
by Herbert Kimura - 1-18 Economic Action and Religion: Churches as Enterprises in Brazil
by Victor Silva Corrêa & Gláucia Maria Vasconcellos Vale - 19-40 Business Games: Approaches to the Phenomenon, Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives
by Valdete de Oliveira Mrtvi & Fernando Kaname Westphal & Rodrigo Bandeira-de-Mello & Paulo Roberto Feldmann - 41-61 A Leader's Role in Strategic People Management: Reflections, Gaps and Opportunities
by Eliane Maria Pires Giavina Bianchi & Alessandra Quishida & Paula Gabriela Foroni - 62-83 An Analysis of Academics and their Scientific Publications in the Field of Management
by Takeyoshi Imasato & Marcelo Scherer Perlin & Denis Borenstein - 84-106 Transnational Governance: Definitions, Approaches and Research Agenda
by Marcus Vinícius Peinado Gomes & Catherine Rojas Merchán - 107-124 Individual, Leadership and Culture: Evidence of Creativity Management
by Henrique Muzzio - 125-141 Proposal for Patent Measurement
by Eunice Adriano & Maria Thereza Pompa Antunes
2016, Volume 20, Issue 6
- 1-3 Editorial
by Herbert Kimura - 651-672 Lending Groups and Different Social Capitals in Developed and Developing Countries
by Diego A. B. Marconatto & Luciano Barin-Cruz & Eugenio Pedrozo - 673-692 The Influence of Power and Individualism-Collectivism on Negotiation Initiation
by Roger Volkema & Ilias Kapoutsis & Ana Bon & José Ricardo Almeida - 693-714 Is the American Accent an Advantage in Employment Decisions in Brazil?
by Bruno Felix von Borell de Araujo & Fabricia Correa & Mark Wolters - 715-732 Geographical Indication Re-signifying Artisanal Production of Curd Cheese in Northeastern Brazil
by Simone de Lira Almeida & Fernando Gomes Paiva Júnior & Carlos Costa & José Roberto Ferreira Guerra - 733-752 The Impact of Evaluation Use on Accounting Programs' Performance: An Exploratory Study
by Sheizi Calheira de Freitas - 753-776 Using Voter-choice Modeling to Plan Final Campaigns in Runoff Elections
by Wagner Antonio Kamakura
2016, Volume 20, Issue 5
- 1-3 Editorial
by Herbert Kimura - 524-545 Perspectives and Challenges in Preparing Successors for Family Businesses
by Sayonara de Fátima Teston & Eliane Salete Filippim - 546-567 Análise Prospectiva da Indústria Bancária no Brasil: Regulação, Concentração e Tecnologia
by Afonso Carneiro Lima - 568-589 Back to the Past: The Individual and its Role in Creativity in Organisations
by Jorge Filipe da Silva Gomes & Ana Filipa Rodrigues & Ana Veloso