2013, Volume 17, Issue 3
- 350-367 Characteristics and performance of knowledge networks in the biotechnology sector
by Diego de Queiroz Machado & Ana Silvia Rocha Ipiranga - 368-396 Environmental sustainability: a meta-analysis of production in brazilian management journals
by Maria Tereza Saraiva de Souza & Henrique César Melo Ribeiro - 397-397 Casos de ensino em administração pública: Brasil - Portugal
by Magnus Luiz Emmendoerfer
2013, Volume 17, Issue 2
- 1-2 Editorial
by Herbert Kimura - 132-153 Brand effect on omission neglect: an experimental research
by Evandro Luiz Lopes & Dirceu da Silva & José Mauro da Costa Hernandez - 154-175 Brand relationship quality and the implications for loyalty
by Eliane Cristine Francisco-Maffezzolli & Elder Semprebom & Paulo Henrique Muller Prado & Clara Márcia Ribeiro - 176-197 Teaching cases in Brazil: a bibliometric analysis and guidelines for authors
by Marina Faria & Klebler Fossati Figueiredo - 198-217 Post-structuralism and critical management studies: the desire for emancipation and the constitution of the subject
by Eloisio Moulin de Souza & Susane Petinelli Souza & Alfredo Rodrigues Leite da Silva - 218-238 Overqualification at work and its influence on attitudes and behaviors
by Cristiano Oliveira Maciel & Camila Camargo - 239-262 Effects of internationalization on the performance of multinational companies from developing economies
by Alisson Maxwell Ferreira de Andrade & Simone Vasconcelos Ribeiro Galina
2013, Volume 17, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by Herbert Kimura - 1-17 A new conceptual model for business ecosystem visualization and analysis
by Luiz Felipe Hupsel Vaz & Antonio Roberto Ramos Nogueira & Marco Aurélio de Souza Rodrigues & Paula Castro Pires de Souza Chimenti - 18-41 Support instittutions, services and performance in a Southern Brazil tourism cluster
by Valmir Emil Hoffmann & Lucila Maria de Souza Campos - 42-63 Managing Intellectual Property assets: a study on Braskem S.A. practices
by Elisabeth Loiola & Tatiane Mascarenhas - 64-82 Academic performance and Prospect Theory: an empirical study of decision behavior
by Henrique Fonseca Genelhu Soares & Claudio Henrique da Silveira Barbedo - 83-105 Evidence of how independent Brazilian auditors interpret four Brazilian accounting pronouncements
by Neirilaine Silva de Almeida & Sirlei Lemes - 106-125 Informal coordination elements in a police special operations unit
by Marco Tulio Zanini & Carmen Pires Migueles & Marcio Colmerauer & Juliana Mansur - 126-130 Franquias Brasileiras: estratégia, empreendedorismo, inovação e internacionalização
by Diego Bonaldo Coelho - 126-130 Clínicas do Trabalho: novas perspectivas para compreensão do Trabalho na Atualidade
by Edvalter Becker Holz - 131-131 Trabalho e desgaste mental: o Direito de ser Dono de Si Mesmo
by Magnus Luiz Emmendoerfer
2012, Volume 16, Issue 6
- 763-764 Editorial
by Herbert Kimura - 765-805 The evolution of brazilian graduate business administration programs
by Claudia Brito Silva Cirani & Heloísa Helena Marques da Silva & Milton de Abreu Campanario - 806-826 Political connections and performance: a study of firms listed on the BM&FBovespa
by Sílvio Parodi Oliveira Camilo & Rosilene Marcon & Rodrigo Bandeira-de-Mello - 827-844 Rationalities in a process of organizational professionalization
by Henrique Muzzio - 827-865 Communities of practice as facilitators of collaborative efforts in turbulent environments: a critical approach
by Patricia Gazzoli - 845-865 Productivity and efficiency dynamics in education spending in municipalities of the brazilian state of Goiás
by Carlos Rosano-Peña & Pedro Henrique Melo Albuquerque & Cecílio Elias Daher - 866-888 Accelerated internationalization of technology-based firms: the case of Brazilian Born-Globals
by Fernanda Ferreira Ribeiro & Moacir Miranda Oliveira Jr. & Felipe Mendes Borini - 889-889 Desenvolvimento Territorial Sustentável no Brasil: subsídios para uma Política de Fomento
by Magnus Luiz Emmendoerfer
2012, Volume 16, Issue 5
- 644-645 Editorial
by Herbert Kimura - 646-663 Antecedents of the adoption of cloud computing: effects of infrastructure, investment and size
by Otavio Prospero Sanchez & Alexandre Cappellozza - 664-683 The impact of online complaints on consumer loyalty: an experimental study
by Tatiane Nunes Viana de Almeida & Anatália Saraiva Martins Ramos - 684-704 The ethnomethodology as a theoretical-methodological way for research in organizational learning from the perspective of practice based studies
by Marcelo de Souza Bispo & Arilda Schmidt Godoy - 705-722 Competence-based management in labor relations: what do the unionists think?
by Marcus Vinicius Gonçalves da Cruz & Amyra Moyzes Sarsur & Wilson Aparecido Costa de Amorim - 723-743 Nomination positions: reflections based on the public entrepreneur in Brazil's member state
by Josiel Lopes Valadares & Magnus Luiz Emmendoerfer - 744-764 Work well-being: relationships with leadership styles and support for ascension, promotion and salaries
by Liliane Lima Sant'anna & Tatiane Paschoal & Eliana Elisabete Moreira Gosendo
2012, Volume 16, Issue 4
- 1-2 Editorial
by Herbert Kimura - 493-517 Multi-criteria modeling applied to regulatory issues of privatized port areas
by Ivan Ricardo Gartner & Carlos Henrique Rocha & Sérgio Ronaldo Granemann - 518-543 Working capital management: a comparative study between the practices of Brazilian and UK firms
by Claudinê Jordão de Carvalho & Rafael Felipe Schiozer - 544-565 The influence price presentation has on customer evaluations
by Valter Afonso Vieira & Celso Augusto de Matos - 566-585 Human resource management policies, confidence and well-being: a study in a multinational company
by Priscila Horta & Gisela Demo & Patricia Roure - 586-607 Organizational configurations of high performance Brazilian companies listed on the BM&FBOVESPA securities, commodities, and futures exchange
by Maria Cristina do Amaral Gurgel & Flávio Carvalho de Vasconcelos - 608-627 Effects of the Dow Jones index, commodities and exchange rate on Ibovespa: an analysis of contagion effects
by Pedro Raffy Vartanian - 628-642 Dona Flor: to disintermediate or to be disintermediated!
by Aline Stange & Carolina de Arantes Montagna & Victor Manoel Cunha de Almeida - 643-645 Lições de liderança: sabedoria para futuros líderes
by Mauro M. Laruccia
2012, Volume 16, Issue 3
- 1-2 Editorial
by Herbert Kimura - 342-359 Collective student discourse about business games in the management learning process
by Gustavo da Silva Motta & Daniel Reis Armond de Melo & Roberto Brazileiro Paixão - 360-380 Competitive advantage and performance: a value creation approach
by Renata Peregrino de Brito & Luiz Artur Ledur Brito - 381-396 Managers' personality characteristics and quality of life in Rio Grande do Sul
by Simoni Missel D'Amico & Janine Kieling Monteiro - 397-417 The decision making process as described by individuals and represented in dcision support systems
by Eliete dos Reis & Mauri Leodir Löbler - 418-437 Making sense of technological frames: a study of social interpretations of information technology in the organizational context
by Clarissa Carneiro Mussi & Ronaldo Zwicker - 438-458 The effect of the degree of internationalization on the international competences and financial performance of Brazilian SMEs
by Dinorá Elite Floriani & Maria Tereza Fleury - 459-478 Scientific research on marketing in Brazil: a review of the first decade of the 21th century
by Cláudio Hoffmann Sampaio & Marcelo Gattermann Perin & Fernando Bins Luce & Mirela Jeffman dos Santos & Fernando de Oliveira Santini & Marta Olivia Rovedder de Oliveira & Geanderson de Souza Lenz - 479-483 Brazilian scientific research in marketing: quo vadis?
by Angela da Rocha & Jorge Brantes Ferreira - 484-488 We know the lesson, but we haven't yet learned it: commentary about Brazilian scientific research in marketing
by Francisco Giovanni David Vieira - 489-492 What do we need to learn?
by Cláudio Hoffmann Sampaio & Marcelo Gattermann Perin & Fernando Bins Luce & Mirela Jeffman dos Santos & Fernando de Oliveira Santini & Marta Olivia Rovedder de Oliveira & Geanderson de Souza Lenz
2012, Volume 16, Issue 2
- 1-3 Editorial
by Herbert Kimura - 179-199 How did you choose?: the role motivational focus has in the innovativeness
by Danielle Mantovani & Jose Carlos Korelo & Paulo Henrique Muller Prado - 200-216 Meanings of work and instrumental and substantive rationality: interfaces between management and psychology
by Sílvia Patricia Cavalheiro de Andrade & Suzana da Rosa Tolfo & Eloise Helena Livramento Dellagnelo - 217-236 Gender relations and subjectivity: a study from social phenomenolog
by Fernanda Maria Felicio Macedo & Diego Luiz Teixeira Boava & Monica Carvalho Alves Cappelle & Maria de Lourdes Souza Oliveira - 237-252 Relative efficiency of national policy for elective, medium-complexity surgical procedures
by Marcel de Moraes Pedroso & Paulo Carlos Du Pin Calmon & Ludmila Ferreira Bandeira & Rogéria Aparecida Valter de Lucena - 253-270 Work well-being: a study of its relations with social climate, coping and demographics variables
by Fábio Rocha Sobrinho & Juliana Barreiros Porto - 271-289 McMorals, iPolitics, Wireless citizenship: thoughts for CSR teaching and research in Brazil
by Maria Priscilla Kreitlon - 290-307 Value and competitive advantage: searching for definitions, relationships, and repercussions
by Nobuiuki Costa Ito & Paulo Hayashi Junior & Fernando Antonio Prado Gimenez & Jaime Evaldo Fensterseifer - 308-326 Executive MBA programs: what do students perceive as value for their practices?
by Ana Claudia Souza Vazquez & Roberto Lima Ruas - 327-338 All because of Flavinha: the case of the Dog Tour of Nathuna Travel and Tourism
by Jurandir Peinado & Cláudia Herrero Martins Menegassi & Bruno Henrique Rocha Fernandes - 339-341 Brandsense: segredos sensoriais por trás das coisas que compramos
by Liciane Roling
2012, Volume 16, Issue 1
- 1-2 Editorial
by Rogério H. Quintella - 01-22 Brazilian companies investment decisions concerning long-term assets: How do they adhere to the theoretical model?
by Fábio Frezatti & Diógenes de Souza Bido & Ana Paula Capuano da Cruz & Marcelo Francini Girão Barroso & Maria José de Camargo Machado - 23-38 Building social capital for internationalization
by Suzana Braga Rodrigues & John Child - 39-58 The evolution of knowledge in the buyer-supplier relationship
by Sérgio Fernando Loureiro Rezende & Walmir Marques de Andrade Lima & Ângela França Versiani - 59-78 Factors that influence the university-industry technology transfer process: the case of PUCRS
by Lisiane Closs & Gabriela Ferreira & Cláudio Sampaio & Marcelo Perin - 79-97 Identifying the socially constructed (Enacted) conditions of strategic practices in highly institutionalized environments
by Cristiano de Oliveira Maciel & Alex Sandro Quadros Weymer & Paulo Otávio Mussi Augusto - 98-117 Social representations of kinship relations: a case study in a family business group
by Carolina Lescura & Mozar José de Brito & Alex Fernando Borges & Mônica Carvalho Alves Cappelle - 118-136 Learning orientation, market orientation and organizational performance: empirical evidences
by Eduardo Botti Abbade & Roselaine Ruviaro Zanini & Adriano Mendonça Souza - 137-156 The influence of organizational values on bank branch performance
by Wagner Fabiano de Melo & Silvia Marcia Russi de Domenico - 157-171 Kenner flipflops
by Fernanda Chagas Borelli & Marcus Wilcox Hemais & Pedro Ivo Rogedo Costa Dias - 172-174 Sustainability strategies: When does it pay to be green?
by Mauro M. Laruccia - 175-177 Marketing: em busca do óbvio
by Maria Virginia Cantagallo - 178-178 Casos de ensino: cooperativismo e associativismo
by Magnus Luiz Emmendoerfer
2011, Volume 15, Issue 6
- 1-2 Editorial
by Rogério H. Quintella - 973-992 Commitment and entrenchment in a career: a study of their influences on the institutional effort of higher education teachers
by Diva Ester Okazaki Rowe & Antonio Virgílio Bittencourt Bastos & Ana Paula Moreno Pinho - 993-1015 Workers removed for mental and behavioral disorders: the return to the workplace and its impact on the personal and working life of some bank employees
by Marilene Olivier & Cristiani Storch Perez & Simone da Costa Fernandes Behr - 1016-1039 A 'Pas de Deux' of strategy with art: the practices of the Corpo de Balé Ballet group
by Ernani Viana Saraiva & Alexandre de Pádua Carrieri & Ana Rosa Camillo Aguiar & Valéria da Glória Pereira Brito - 1040-1058 The public administration of Quebec: in search of a cultural change
by Lindomar Pinto da Silva & Élvia Fadul - 1059-1077 Quantitative relationships between market orientation, organizational performance and external perception of success or failure in technological research institutions affiliated to ABIPTI
by Newton Amaral Paim & José Edson Lara & Juliana Maria Magalhães Christino - 1078-1099 Analysis of decisions on the use of technology: a study in the mobile telephone sector grounded in the axioms of behavioral economics
by Alexandre Cappellozza & Otavio Prospero Sanchez - 1100-1119 Transportation management oriented for customers: service level desired and perceived
by Ricardo Silveira Martins & Wescley Silva Xavier & Osmar Vieira de Souza Filho & Guilherme Silveira Martins - 1120-1136 Why do managers postpone investments in information technology?a case study
by Rodrigo Fernandes Malaquias & Alberto Luiz Albertin - 1137-1151 Apprenticeship teaching: a studying in the Post Graduation programs of the Federal University of Lavras
by Nathália de Fátima Joaquim & João Paulo de Brito Nascimento & Ana Alice Vilas Boas & Fernanda Tavares Silva - 1152-1160 Preparing teachers: how far does Post-Graduation aid this mission?
by Antonio Virgílio Bittencourt Bastos & Emmanuel Zaguri Tourinho & Oswaldo Hajime Yamamoto & Paulo Rogério Meira Menandro - 1161-1167 Is knowledge production in learning and technology the role of post-Graduate Programs when it comes to training scientists in the country?
by Silvio Paulo Botomé & José Carlos Zanelli - 1168-1173 Developing teaching or research abilities: what do Graduate Management Programs emphasize?
by Nathália de Fátima Joaquim & Ana Alice Vilas Boas - 1174-1188 Bom Jesus Agroindustrial Cooperative: growth strategies
by Claudia Monica Ritossa & Sergio Bulgacov & Jane Mendes Ferreira - 1189-1190 Aprendizagem de resultados: uma abordagem prática para aumentar a efetividade da educação corporativa
by Marta Correa Machado - 1191-1193 Organizational and technological implications of cognitive machines: designing future information management systems
by Gustavo Abib & Marcia May Gomel - 1194-1194 Políticas públicas: conceitos, esquemas de análise, casos práticos
by Érica Beranger Silva Soares - 1195-1195 Dano moral e sua valoração
by Nayara Dias Ferraz
2011, Volume 15, Issue 5
- 1-2 Editorial
by Rogério H. Quintella - 794-814 Experiential learning and public reflection: implications for scientific research teaching and masters development in management education
by Beatriz Quiroz Villardi & Sylvia Constant Vergara - 815-833 Resilience and organizational socialization among brazilian and norwegian civil servants
by Virgínia Donizete de Carvalho & Livia de Oliveira Borges & Arne Vikan & Odin Hjemdal - 834-854 Boundaryless careers in the personal management of professional transition: a study of former employees of a privatized institution
by Elza Fátima Rosa Veloso & Joel Souza Dutra - 855-876 Between formal and informal strategic planning: an exploratory case study on the practice of strategy in organizations
by Caio Motta Luiz de Souza - 877-896 Empirical generalization concerning word-of-mouth marketing using meta-analysis
by Celso Augusto de Matos - 897-917 Immaterial bank work, leisure and the experience of personal contemporary quandaries
by Letícia Weber & Carmem Ligia Iochins Grisci - 918-930 Is it possible to outperform Ibovespa through technical analysis in the futures market?
by Diego Paraiso Garcia Guimarães & Gustavo Silva Araújo & Claudio Henrique da Silveira Barbedo - 931-954 Estimating the Brazilian market premium
by Walter Gonçalves Junior & Ricardo Ratner Rochman & William Eid Junior & Luciana Ribeiro Chalela - 955-968 Growth strategy in the brazilian market for college preparation courses: the case of Sistema Elite de Ensino
by Oscar Camilo Silva Evangelista & Cristiane Pizzutti dos Santos - 969-971 A Linguagem das Coisas
by Mery Blanck - 972-972 Casos para Ensino em Administração
by Magnus Luiz Emmendoerfer
2011, Volume 15, Issue 4
- 1-2 Editorial
by Rogério H. Quintella - 561-579 Extension of corporate services brands: the effect of perceived similarity extension and perceived quality brand
by José Mauro da Costa Hernandez & Tassia de Moraes Menck & Diego Martins G. Lopez & Luiz Fernando T. Mocellin - 580-607 The concept of performance on organizational studies and strategy: a multi-dimensional model of analysis
by Queila Regina Souza Matitz & Sergio Bulgacov - 608-630 The relation between trust and transaction costs in interorganizational relationships
by Carlos Henrique Mascarenhas de Andrade & Sérgio Fernando Loureiro Rezende & Márcio Antônio Salvato & Patrícia Bernardes - 631-649 Gender, embeddedness and entrepreneurship: gentle sex, strong ties?
by Gláucia Maria Vasconcellos Vale & Ana Carolina Ferreira Serafim & Armindo dos Santos de Sousa Teodósio - 650-669 Human Resource Management: a meta-analysis of its effects on organizational performance
by Agostinha Mafalda Barra de Oliveira & Alexandre José de Oliveira - 670-688 The perception and the action strategies of coffee researchers in their collaborative network
by Uajará Pessoa Araújo & Luiz Marcelo Antonialli & Fábio Muller Guerrini & Renato Ferreira de Oliveira - 689-711 Proposing a scale for measuring hope and its relationship with behavioral intention
by Valter Afonso Vieira - 712-730 The role of analysts as gatekeepers: enhancing transparency and curbing earnings management in Brazil
by Antonio Lopo Martinez - 731-747 Content analysis as a qualitative data analysis technique in the field of administration: potentials and challenges
by Anelise Rebelato Mozzato & Denize Grzybovski - 748-760 Content analysis: question the answers to your ‘question’!
by Henrique M. R. de Freitas - 761-765 Content analysis as a qualitative data analysis technique in the field of administration: potentials and challenges
by Sylvia Constant Vergara - 766-775 Content analysis: broadening and probing reflection on the analysis technique of qualitative data in the field of management
by Anelise Rebelato Mozzato & Denize Grzybovski - 776-789 The WebBusiness case: to sell or not to sell, that is the question
by Ilan Avrichir & Victor Manoel Cunha de Almeida & Tales Andreassi - 790-792 Pensamento estratégico: origens, princípios e perspectivas
by Rosane Calgaro Festinalli & Jucélia Appio Tibola & Liliane Canopf - 793-793 Sustentabilidade e geração de valor: a transição para o Século XXI
by Claudia Abramczuk
2011, Volume 15, Issue 3
- 1-2 Editorial
by Rogério H Quintella - 366-391 The effects of participating in virtual brand communities on consumer behavior: proposition and test of a theoretical framework
by Stefânia Ordovás de Almeida & José Afonso Mazzon & Utpal Dholakia & Hugo Fridolino Müller Neto - 392-412 Cognition of the competitive environment: a study of mental constructs used by small business owners
by Simone Cristina Ramos & Jane Mendes Ferreira & Fernando Antonio Prado Gimenez - 413-432 An ability-based view of the organization: strategic and contingent contexts
by Farley Simon Nobre & Andrew M Tobias & David S Walker - 433-453 Commitment, satisfaction and cooperation at work: evidences of the primacy of the moral aspects and reciprocity norms over behavior
by Cristiano de Oliveira Maciel & Camila Camargo - 454-475 The formation of manufacturing strategy in small and medium sized brazilian companies
by Carlos Alberto Corrêa & Henrique Luiz Corrêa - 476-497 The relationship of communication and construction management as a process of transformation conversations/texts
by Ricardo Rocha de Oliveira & Antônio Edésio Jungles - 498-512 Social networks and sales performance
by Danny Pimentel Claro & Sílvio Abrahão Laban Neto - 513-537 The Law of fiscal responsibility impact on financial administration: financial freedom of very small municipalities of the Paraná state
by Willson Gerigk & Ademir Clemente - 538-556 Amendopar
by Renata Cesar Torres & Rebecca Arkader & João Luiz Kupperman Garcia & Edson Montebeller - 557-559 Diversidade sexual e trabalho
by Kary Emanuelle Reis Coimbra - 560-560 A psicologia do líder
by Adriane M. M Mendes - 560-560 Endomarketing inteligente: a empresa pensada de dentro para fora
by Murilo Martins Andrade
2011, Volume 15, Issue 2
- 1-2 Editorial
by Rogério H Quintella - 179-197 The historical dimension of the discourses concerning the entrepreneur and entrepreneurship
by Alessandra Mello da Costa & Denise Franca Barros & José Luis Felicio Carvalho - 198-208 The representation of multiple paradigmatic dimensions in the study of administration: an essay on the limits of exclusionary paradigmatic defenses
by Luiz Antonio de Lima - 209-227 Between the observer and the samba school's member: non-humans and transformations during a field study
by César Tureta & Rafael Alcadipani - 228-248 Maturity structure of brazilian company debt: an empirical study
by Wilson Toshiro Nakamura & Michele Nascimento Jucá & Douglas Dias Bastos - 249-260 Intellectual capital: perceptions of productivity a and investment
by Aristides Isidoro Ferreira & Luís Fructuoso Martinez - 261-282 Barriers to the accomplishment of a subsidiary's strategic role: how location and corporate networks influence subsidiary performance
by Omar Salgado - 283-303 The use of foreign currency derivatives and the market value of brazilian companies listed at the Bovespa stock exchange
by Danilo Guedine Serafini & Hsia Hua Sheng - 304-319 Construction and validation of a taxonomy of TD&E events
by Ronaldo Pilati & Lísian Camila Vasconcelos & Jairo E Borges-Andrade - 320-332 What is a theoretical essay?
by Francis Kanashiro Meneghetti - 333-337 What is a essay?
by Kazue Saito Monteiro de Barros - 338-342 What is a theoretical essay? Response to Francis Kanashiro Meneghetti
by Carlos Osmar Bertero - 343-348 What is a theoretical wssay? Response to prof. Kazue Saito Monteiro de Barros and prof. Carlos Osmar Bertero
by Francis Kanashiro Meneghetti - 349-359 Look at the mountains carefully...: the geographical expansion of the furniture business in encruzilhada
by Liliane de Oliveira Guimarães & Dilson Campos de Oliveira & Camila Cristina de Paula Pereira & Sérgio Fernando Loureiro Rezende - 360-362 Os Irmãos Karamabloch: ascensão e queda de um império familiar
by Roberto Gonzalez Duarte - 363-365 Experimental Designs Using ANOVA
by Valter Afonso Vieira
2011, Volume 15, Issue 1
- 1-3 Editorial
by Rogério H Quintella - 1-24 The management of product development in the construction material industry
by Daniela Dutra da Costa & Paulo Tromboni de Souza Nascimento - 25-46 Interorganizational relationships and results: a study in a network of horizontal cooperation of the central region of Paraná
by Marcos de Castro & Sergio Bulgacov & Valmir Emil Hoffmann - 47-66 Social networks in the scientific production of postgraduate programs of accounting sciences in Brazil
by Sabrina do Nascimento & Ilse Maria Beuren - 67-83 Horizontal inter-organizational networks as a complex co-evolutionary adaptive system: the case study of a supermarket network
by Aline Lourenço de Oliveira & Daniel Carvalho de Rezende & Cleber Castro de Carvalho - 84-102 Rethinking strategic networks
by Alexandre Faria - 103-125 Geographical location as an organizational resource: use of computational techniques to subsidize location decision making in the banking industry
by Ana Maria dos Santos Carnasciali & Luciene Stamato Delazari - 126-137 CEOs and board composition: can the lack of identification be a reason for glass ceilings in Brazil?
by Regina Madalozzo - 138-157 Game theory and microsociology: avenues of collaboration
by Charles Kirschbaum & Tatiana Iwai - 158-172 Cordilheira de Santana
by Astor Eugênio Hexsel & Roberto Costa Fachin & Eduardo Wilk & Deonir de Toni & Rosana Thomé - 173-175 Gestão de Idéias para Inovação Contínua
by Ligia Fiedler - 176-177 Inovação estratégias e comunidades de conhecimento
by Edimeri Frá - 178-178 Inovação tecnológica: como garantir a modernidade do negócio / Gestão da inovação: conceitos, métricas e experiências de empresas no brasil
by Karl Stoeckl & Eden Lopes Feldman
2010, Volume 14, Issue spe
- 1-3 Editorial
by Valéria Silva da Fonseca - 11-32 Structuring of organizational structure: the case of a family-type organization
by Clóvis L. Machado-da-Silva & Valéria Silva da Fonseca - 33-49 Organizational competitiveness: an attempt of analytical reconstruction
by Clóvis L. Machado-da-Silva & Valéria Silva da Fonseca - 51-75 Conversation between approaches of strategy in organizations: strategic choice, cognition and institution
by Valéria S. da Fonseca & Clóvis L. Machado-da-Silva - 77-107 Unlocking the institutionalization process: insights for an institutionalizing approach
by Clóvis L. Machado-da-Silva & Valéria Silva da Fonseca & João Marcelo Crubellate - 109-147 Organizational fields and the structuration perspective: analytical possibilities
by Clóvis L. Machado-da-Silva & Edson R. Guarido Filho & Luciano Rossoni - 149-172 Organizational institutionalism in the academic field in Brazil: social dynamics and networks
by Edson Ronaldo Guarido Filho & Clóvis L. Machado-da-Silva & Sandro Aparecido Gonçalves - 173-198 Organizational institutionalism and corporate governance
by Luciano Rossoni & Clóvis L. Machado-da-Silva
2010, Volume 14, Issue 6
- 1-2 Editorial
by Rogério H Quintella - 990-1010 Subjetive uncertainty in the strategic decision process: a measurement proposal
by Marta Fabiano Sambiase Lombardi & Eliane Pereira Zamith Brito - 1011-1030 Links between career and academic performance: comparing teachers at private and public higher education establishments in Brazil
by Diva Ester Okazaki Rowe & Antonio Virgílio Bittencourt Bastos - 1031-1053 Human resource management policies and practices for repatriation processes of Brazilian executives
by Mariana Barbosa Lima & Beatriz Maria Braga - 1054-1072 Happiness at work: relations with organizational support and social support
by Tatiane Paschoal & Cláudio V Torres & Juliana Barreiros Porto - 1073-1093 Organizational architectures for R&D in Brazilian electrical companies
by Jaelton Avelar Fernandino & Janete Lara de Oliveira - 1094-1112 Entrepreneurship, competitiveness and economic growth: empirical evidence
by Raimundo Eduardo Silveira Fontenele - 1113-1133 Management accounting research in Brazil: analyses and reflections on theory, methodology and paradigms
by Artur Roberto do Nascimento & Emanuel Junqueira & Gilberto de Andrade Martins - 1134-1157 Empirical evidence of the influence of family, media, school and peers in the separation of materials for recycling
by Carolina Fabris & Pedro José Steiner Neto & Ana Maria Machado Toaldo - 1158-1170 Ivia: internationalization and growth
by Angela da Rocha & Renato Cotta de Mello & Anne-Marie Delaunay Maculan & Henrique Fernandes Pacheco - 1171-1173 Comunicação e inovação: reflexões contemporâneas
by Péricles Fontanella - 1174-1176 Responsabilidade social empresarial e empresa sustentável: da teoria à prática
by Raquel da Silva Pereira - 1177-1177 Desigualdades sociais, redes de sociabilidade e participação política
by Magnus Luiz Emmendoerfer - 1177-1177 Inovação em serviços intensivos em conhecimento
by Maria Isabel da Silva Teles
2010, Volume 14, Issue 5
- 778-779 Editorial
by Rogério H Quintella - 780-797 The old story (re)told: reflections about Management genesis
by Fabio Vizeu - 798-817 Participation of foreign companies and consortia in brazilian oil and gas bidding
by Antonio Rufino da Costa & Fernando Dias Lopes - 818-835 Organizational learning processes in the development of competences in higher education institutions for the offer of higher technological courses [CSTS]
by Adriana Roseli Wünsch Takahashi & André Luiz Fischer - 836-853 Corporate social programs and social capital: a proposal for qualification
by Janaina Macke & Rosinha Machado Carrion & Eliete Kunrath Dilly - 854-870 Concerning convergence and the methodological practice of interpretive interactionism in academic marketing research
by João Felipe Rammelt Sauerbronn & Eduardo André Teixeira Ayrosa - 871-889 Tangibility and intangibility in determining the persistent performance of Brazilian firms
by Francisval de Melo Carvalho & Eduardo Kazuo Kayo & Diógenes Manoel Leiva Martin - 890-906 Humor and sexual orientation discrimination in organizational context
by Hélio Arthur Reis Irigaray & Luiz Alex Silva Saraiva & Alexandre de Pádua Carrieri - 907-924 Evolution of the quality of the practical of corporate governance: a study of nonlisted the Brazilian companies in stock exchange
by Moisés Araújo Almeida & Joséte Florencio dos Santos & Lúcio Flávio Vieira de Medeiros Ferreira & Fernando José Vieira Torres